Why was Buddhism able to spread throughout China during the 7th century? Plzzzz hellp


Answer 1


Silk Road and Han Dynasty.


It spread throught the silk roads and being the han dynasty ruler.

Related Questions

What is one way that Gaozu achieved stability within the Tang dynasty?
O He avoided large expenses.
He conquered threatening enemies.
O He invested in massive religious projects.
O He converted the entire region to Confucianism.



the answer should be C



itza b truzt meeeee


hava gret daye


What has happened to India’s natural forests between 2000 and 2019? Explain.



Explanation: Between 2000 and 2019, there has been lots of logging in the forest making there natural resource (wood) run out over time


a wildfire


a dum camper decided to put a match on one of the trees and got hair spray to make it burn faster he is a self arsinist

What impact did the tang and Song Dynasties have on government


strengthened the central government
lowered taxes and took some lands from wealthy to give to peasants
revived civil service -> intelligent and capable governing class --> moderately wealthy families shared in China's government
crushing taxes during fall

What did Africa export besides slaves during triangular trade?


Answer: Money and sugar



Question 6 (5 points)
Read the passage and answer the question.

To show his admiration for Charlemagne, the pope crowned him the new Roman emperor on Christmas Day, 800 C.E. After the death of Charlemagne in 814 C.E., the Carolingian empire began to decline. A group of nobles tried to unify Germany; however, most of the appointed kings lacked power because the nobles did not want to give up their independence. One exception was Otto I. Otto sent troops into Italy to protect the pope from the Magyars. To reward him for his assistance, the pope crowned Otto emperor of the Romans in 962 C.E., thus joining the affairs of the German kingdom with those of Italy and the papacy. Otto’s coronation as emperor not only marked the German kings as successors to the empire of Charlemagne, but also as the successors of Ancient Rome.

Based on this passage, which statement do these events best describe?

The unification of Germany
The formation of the Holy Roman Empire
The decline of the Carolingian Empire
The death of Charlemagne
Question 7 (5 points)
Which statement best describes the role of the early church and the monasteries in the spread of Christianity after the fall of the Western Roman Empire?

Abbots, who were the leaders of the monasteries, served as advisors to kings and ruled the lands near their monasteries
Some monks left the monasteries to preach the church's message, while those who stayed educated people, cared for the sick, and preserved knowledge by copying ancient texts
A priest named Patrick traveled to Ireland to set up churches and monasteries and pass on Roman learning to the people of Europe
Monasteries began to play a role in European politics
Question 8 (5 points)
Read the statement and answer the question.

Most of Europe lies within a few hundred miles of an ocean or sea. This encouraged trade, which helped Europe’s early economy grow. The expansion of trade brought about the growth of towns and cities. Many towns were located on land that was owned by a lord. Other towns grew around religious centers or areas where people could easily come together, such as crossroads, rivers, or ports.

Based on this passage, which conclusion can be made?

Manor villages later became bigger towns
The growth of towns and cities was influenced by geography
Lords controlled the towns and cities
Trade made cities and towns wealthy
Question 9 (5 points)
Which statement best describes the relationship between Charlemagne and the papacy in the early Middle Ages?

Their authority overlapped and they often needed each other's help to maintain power
They acted independently of one another
They refused to help one another when their power was threatened
They regularly fought over power
Question 10 (5 points)
What act ensured that freemen accused of crimes had a right to a trial by a jury of their peers?

Assize of Clarendon
Habeas corpus
common law
Question 11 (5 points)
Which statement best describes why 1066 is one of the most important dates in English history?

1066 was the year the Anglo-Saxons drove the Vikings from England
1066 was the year the Angles and the Saxons took over much of the country from the Celts and set up small kingdoms
1066 was the year William the Conqueror claimed victory at the Battle of Hastings and was crowned King William I
1066 was the year the Magna Carta was signed
Question 12 (5 points)
Select three economic and/or social effects of the Black Death.

Labor shortages
Decline in trade
People turned away from the Church
Lasting effects on population growth
People stopped using money
Question 13 (5 points)
Read the passage and answer the question.

There are diverse sciences because things can be known in various ways. For example, the astronomer and the natural philosopher both demonstrate the same conclusion, such as that the world is round; yet the astronomer does so through mathematics, while the natural philosopher does so in a way that takes matter into account. Thus there is no reason why those things treated by the philosophical disciplines through natural reason should not also be treated by another science insofar as they are known by the light of divine revelation. Thus the theology which pertains to sacred doctrine differs from that theology which is a part of philosophy.

Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, c. 1267

Choose the statement which best summarizes Aquinas' claim.

Religion and science should be kept separate
Religion and science do not have to be in conflict with one another
One should use philosophy to understand religion
There are different types of theology that can explain the natural world



a d c b


Why is the Thapathali Treaty called so?​



The treaty between Nepal and Tibet in the Thapathali Durbar signed on Chaitra 3, 1912 BS in order to end the war between Nepal and Tibet is known as Thapathali Treaty. This treaty was in favor of Nepal. According to this treaty, Nepal would get Rs. 10,000 from the government of Tibet.


Answer: The treaty between Nepal and Tibet in the Thapathali Durbar signed on Chaitra 3, 1912 BS in order to end the war between Nepal and Tibet is known as Thapathali Treaty. This treaty was in favor of Nepal. According to this treaty, Nepal would get Rs. 10,000 from the government of Tibet.


Some countries like China have instituted population control measures. Do you think countries should try to limit their population growth? Why or why not? Are there consequences with limiting growth?


Answer: Population growth is very vital for countries despite having a population is still a strength on its own for major countries. But it has a lot for disadvantages when there is no proper plan on how to manage this population.


Population growth is very vital for countries despite having a population is still a strength on its own for major countries. But it has a lot for disadvantages when there is no proper plan on how to manage this population.

Countries should try limiting population growth in order to avoid poverty from looming all over the state, when you have excess population without much jobs or opportunities, it creates room for poverty to cripple the economy and lead to death of citizen from hunger.

They are really no consequences of limiting growth as much as there is more than not limiting growth, the only disadvantage is that it limits the individuals choice in having more children

why should marriages and subsequent pregnancies not happened before the correct legal age of girls ?

please answer fast I will mark as brainlist​



Because marriage, pregnancy, and childbirth are difficult experiences that can be very traumatic for young girls, who are likely to be at an age in which they do not have the capacity to assimilate all the consequences of marrying or having children. Besides, young girls are more likely to be coerced into marriage, or abused, meaning that their legal rights would be violated in these situations.

what were native Americans pushed to do
A cut their hair
B Abandon their language
C Go to school
D Farm and not hunt
E Abandon their rituals​


The answer is E and your welcome

What is the consequence for those who “dare to quote the old songs and records?”


I don’t know lol :) pills and potions we’re over dosing I’m angry but I still love you


What were Huey Long’s criticisms of the New Deal? Check all that apply.

It did not do enough to support common citizens.
It did not do enough to reform voting practices.
It did not do enough to end government corruption.
It did not do enough to help the banking system.
It did not do enough to end poverty.




It's A. and E.

A- It did not do enough to support common citizens.

E It did not do enough to end poverty.

in this way of life, communities of people move from one place to another, rather than settling permanently in one location





or Nomads

Choose the correct answer:
1. Waves occur due to
a) rotationof the earth
c) wind
b) tides
d) difference in temperature


The answer to your question is C


Read the passage.

As the leader of this army, I warn you King of England, if you do not surrender and return what you have taken, I will drive your men out of France. God has given her such great power that she cannot be harmed.

–Letter to the king of England,
Joan of Arc, 1429

What is the evidence of Joan of Arc’s bias in the passage?

-She uses exaggerated language to describe her power.
-She states directly that she wants to remove the English from France.
-She gives the king of England a chance to remove his forces from France.
-She identifies herself as the leader of the army fighting against the king of England.






The answer is A


I did the quiz and got it right......         GIVE BRAINLIST?

The Transcontinental Railroad

The transcontinental railroad was built by the Central Pacific and Union Pacific Railroad Companies. Construction began in 1863. The two companies started on opposite ends of the country and built toward each other for seven years. During that time, both companies overcame many struggles. There were weather delays, and holes had to be cut through mountains. When finished, the railroad was 1,912 miles long and connected the country from coast to coast. Transporting passengers and goods was faster, easier, and less expensive by train.

Use the passage to answer the question.

Which conclusion does this text support?

A. Building the railroad was a difficult process.
B. People preferred riding in wagons to riding by train.
C. The railroad workers enjoyed building the railroad.
D. Building the railroad was an easy process.

u get 100 points if u r correct


A. Building the railroad was a difficult process

The passage’s main idea is centralized on the hardships of constructing the railroad. For example, the “weather delays” and the holes that “had to be cut through the mountain”. It also directly states: “both companies overcame many struggles”. Therefore, Answer Choice A is correct.

-please make me brainliest :)
It’s A all the other ones don’t plug in !

What is a municipality? Check all that apply.
levee district


Answer: City and Towm


It's BCD( city,town,village)

A: parish

B: city

C: town

D: village

E: levee district


I did the quiz :P

Describe the establishment of the East Indian Company.



The East India Company was an English company formed for the exploitation of trade with East and Southeast Asia and India. Incorporated by royal charter on December 31, 1600, it was started as a monopolistic trading body so that England could participate in the East Indian spice trade.



The East India Company was an English company formed for the exploitation of trade with East and Southeast Asia and India. Incorporated by royal charter on December 31, 1600, it was started as a monopolistic trading body so that England could participate in the East Indian spice trade.  

In what areas of the country should this material be marketed?



It depends on the what is being marketed.


If it's a place where people live, then it would make sense to market a store or a restaurant.

Because resources are limited and demands are unlimited, societies and individuals must make choices about what to produce and what to consume. This economic concept is..





Scarcity as it is widely known connote an event or situation in which unlimited wants is more than the the limited resources available to meet the demands or fulfill those wants. It is also known to be the common economic problem of having unlimited wants, but limited resources to meet those wants.

Resources needed by man most importantly are little or limited in their supply. Human wants are those things that humans needs and they are unlimited in nature. Due to the scarcity of Resources are scarce, humans have tomake choices and drop out some of their wants to be able to fulfill the much needed one.

The United States did NOT want Japan to follow in the footsteps of China and Vietnam and set up a _________ government.





At the heart of Communist ideology is the idea that wealth should be distributed equally among all people. In theory, the redistribution of wealth would reduce large gaps between the rich and the poor. The Soviets used the state-run command economy to reduce the economic gap. However, this method failed to provide a stable economy and, along with huge military spending, was the major cause of the collapse of the Soviet Union. But in capitalist economies the gap between rich and poor still exists, and in some places the gap is widening. Should capitalist countries try to narrow the income gap? Why or why not? What kinds of policies do you think would work? What are some of the effects of poverty? Can you see evidence of the income gap in your community?



Communism is wrong no matter what


My parents having escape Vietnam way back in the 90s understand the dangers of communism and socialism my dad even got shot escaping


Communism won't work because it is in human nature to have greed therefore there will be an abuse of power. America has plenty of opportunities already proof being my parents coming over here with no English made a good living for us and our family. It just takes hard work and will power

help ASAP ill mark brainliest



Answers B and C are correct (the middle two)


It did accelerate the growth of new territories, and it was financed by the government.

Hope this helps :)


this is for an economics class pls help if u can

3. Explain why equity is a tricky concept..


ome people have different desires for certain things they might feel a certain way about it or is doing it for a specific purpose. 3 Explain why equity is a tricky concept. equity is a tricky concept because different people have different opinions of fairness

Anyone know??????????????


Answer: Trenton
I had this question before
Washington wins his first major battle in Trenton.

please help me ASAP! I'll mark brainliest if correct :)


Answer:C because he talks about freedom and how it will succeed





Lincoln wrote that while America's prosperity was dependent upon the union of the states, "the primary cause" was the principle of "Liberty to all." He believed this central ideal of free government embraced all human beings, and concluded that the American revolution would not have succeeded if its goal

Describe the makeup of a Marine Expeditionary Unit.



The Marine Expeditionary Unit is a Marine Air-Ground Task Force with a strength of about 2,200 personnel.


The MEU consists of four major parts: a command element, a ground combat element, an aviation combat element, and a logistics element.

what are examples of county court?


a court in some states with civil and criminal jurisdiction for a given county.

why do you think japan would help the west?

japan joined the war on the side of england, france, russia, and america



Because they offered them a lot of germany's small islands and colonies in the pacific.


What is the difference between the natural resources on the continental islands and the Pacific islands?



An island is a body of land surrounded by water.Continents are also surrounded by water, but because they are so big, they are not consideredislands. ... Other islands are huge. Greenland, for example, covers an area of about 2,166,000 square kilometers (836,000 square miles).

Which type of document usually describes the basic structure, functions, and powers of a government?



The constitution


Constitution is commonly known as the ultimate or supreme law of used in governing a particular land (Country).

The constitution ensure that there is Separation of Powers between the different branches of government to make sure that non enroach on the power of the other and importantly that no one person, branch or group becomes too powerful. It also has the Checks and Balances as it is the principle that state that the three branches of government which are legislative, Executive, and Judicial arms or branch of government should have some power each other that is the ability to check or limit the power of the other branches of government.

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