Why should a person who has been submerged in cold water and is pulseless, not
breathing, and cold not be pronounced dead at the scene?


Answer 1
since the water is cold, oxygen is diverted to the heart and brain. rewarding and resuscitation have to be performed before the hypothermic patient is pronounced dead.

Related Questions

Where should you hide during an earthquake?



Sturdy Desks and Tables. The safest place to perform the 'duck, cover, and hold' action is under a sturdy desk or table.


hope it helps <33

the lowest point of ur house !

What sport would be the funniest to add a mandatory amount of alcohol to?


I think rugby or American football, or dance as a dancer i think it would be funny
Dance would probably be the funniest to watch

Blood enters the heart from the arteries. True False


this is true
youre welcome !!




Blood enters the heart through two veins called inferior and superior vena cava, arties carries the blood.

why is breastfeeding considered optimal over using baby formula?

A) it’s more natural

B) it passes on antibodies

C) it stimulates t-cell production earlier

D) it shows the rate of immunosenescene


B because it’s wayyyy better for the baby and baby formula is expensive and has other things in it that may not be at nutritious for the baby


the answer is B it passes antibodies


I took the anatomy and physiology and got it right

i need help badly plz


i would personally say a
she’s a current student n a job is a long term goal in the future once she graduates




Building a resume and getting an internship arent long-term goals, because they're steps to achieving said long term goal. so a good long term goal would be a good job lime option A presents, and A is also relevant to what she is going to school for.

What mental illness is Leo suffering from based on the case study



Explanation: it’s often seen in soldiers returning from war after witnessing traumatic events.

Answer: Bipolar Depression and PTSD


Cooling hot food in an ice bath to 70 degrees within two hours and then refrigerating it _____.

is actually pointless, but was once considered a good way to enhance flavor

should never be done because it damages the flavor

is the proper way to cool hot food

would promote bacterial growth, likely resulting in food-borne illness





.what is one of the changes in society that happened because of the women's movement

2.what are two problems that migrant workers did in the United states?​



1)women gained more rights

2)brought more immigrants causing a language barrier and taking jobs from american citizens


what is a good example of a tactic that can help you when you're being pressured to do something you don't want to do?


Answer: Stand up straight, look the person in the eyes, say you don't want to very firmly, and even turn around and walk away.

punch them in the face and run away

Select the correct answer.
A teen gave up smoking to improve her lifestyle. What is another way to state what she did?

She changed her environment.
She made a personal choice.
She continued a habit.
She established a priority.





the teen is making a better life for herself , it does not affect any other person so it's not A .She quit a habit which crosses out C and it's not a priority since she decided to quit just now so it's not D

B. She made a personal choice

4. What is the Average adult coagulation time is?



The average time range for blood to clot is about 10 to 13 seconds. A number higher than that range means it takes blood longer than usual to clot. A number lower than that range means blood clots more quickly than normal.



Normal: 2-8 minutes

Am I a good person? And am I popular






no your not


tbh ur not

Why is it beat to have a resting heart rate below 70 beata per minute?



Your resting heart rate, when considered in the context of other markers, such as blood pressure and cholesterol, can help identify potential health problems as well as gauge your current heart health.“In certain cases, a lower resting heart rate can mean a higher degree of physical fitness, which is associated with reduced rates of cardiac events like heart attacks,” says Dr. Jason Wasfy, director of quality and analytics at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital Heart Center. “However, a high resting heart rate could be a sign of an increased risk of cardiac risk in some situations, as the more beats your heart has to take eventually takes a toll on its overall function.”In fact, research has found that a resting heart rate near the top of the 60 to 100 range can increase your risk for cardiovascular disease and even early death.

Electrical _____ regulate the contractions of the heart. currents pacemakers stimuli impulses





it pumps blood to your heart!

99. Which of the following is the prime mover used in a pull-up?



The answer is Latissimus Dorsi


Hoped it helped

The pulmonary artery carries oxygenated blood from the right side of the heart to the
True or


False it carries to the left
B. False because it goes to the left

The document between the insurer and the insured detailing the terms
and conditions of the insurance contract is called the blank
A. Claim
B. Coverage
C. Term
D. Insurance Policy



Option d) Insurance policy is the answer

D would be your answer hope this helped

16. Name six tips for successful losing and maintaining weight loss?



1. drink at lease 100 oz of water daily

2. lift weights for 30 minutes daily along with 15 minutes of cardio this will increase ypu metabolic rate

3. research a proper diet that will work with you body, I do protein load and watch my calories, carbs, and sugars

4. be consistent, if you do not stick to it every day you will confuse your body and it will just gain weight

5. eat 4 - 6 times a day(small meals, this will keep you metabolism running.

6. be kind to yourself, be confident on the outside even if you don't feel that way on the inside

drinking water, eating healthy, working out and start fit, being consistent, that’s all I have

Hi guys please help ????):::



going for a run





running because when you run your heart rate goes faster

hope this helps<3

pls brainliest<3

What is the legal BAC for teens in the state of California?



Underage drivers (motorists who are under the age of 21) who operate a vehicle while “under the influence” or with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of . 08% or higher can be charged with a “standard” DUI and generally face the same penalties as drivers who are at least 21 years old.

I need help please?????!! Anyone ))):



A) carbohydrates


Along with proteins and fats, carbohydrates are one of three main nutrients found in foods and drinks. Your body breaks down carbohydrates into glucose. Glucose, or blood sugar, is the main source of energy for your body's cells, tissues, and organs.

Hope it may help you!!!!!

Throwing a ball is an example of which core ability?



Throwing, for example, baseball pitching, is one of the most intensely studied athletic motions. Although the focus has been more on the shoulder, the entire ...


Throwing is a whole body activity that commences with drive from the large leg muscles and rotation of the hips, and progresses through segmental rotation of trunk and shoulder girdle.

What is core muscles ?

The major muscles of your core include your transverse abdominis, multifidus, internal and external obliques, erector spinae, diaphragm, pelvic floor muscles, and (of course) your abs, the rectus abdominis.

Which muscles are involved in throwing a ball?

The deltoids are the muscles of your shoulder, which play a crucial role in rotating your arm also muscles like Triceps, Latissimus Dorsi, Abdominals and Quadriceps are involved in throwing a ball.

To learn more about core muscles here



The ventricles pump blood into the _____ when the heart contracts. veins arteries lungs aorta





I think, good luck!


The answer is Arteries!

Which of the following would happen in the absence of the lymph system?
*Without the lymph system, the blood would not clot.
*Without the lymph system, debris would build up in the blood system.
*Without the lymph system, the body could not develop anti-Rh antibodies.
*Without the lymph system, fluid would collect in the interstitial spaces and create serious problems.



Answer d. fluid would collect

4. Without the lymph system, fluid would collect in the interstitial spaces and create serious problems.

What were the cities and years of the Olympic games which had terrorist disturbances



The correct answer is B. Munich 1972, Atlanta 1996.


The Olympic Games are the largest international sporting event in the world, in which athletes representing almost all existing countries (about 200 countries) compete, over several days of a multidisciplinary event organized every four years. It is one of the most televised and famous sporting events of contemporary times.

In particular, in the Olympics in Munich 1972 and Atlanta 1996 there were terrorist acts; In first, terrorists of Palestinian origin, motivated by the political and territorial situation that confronts them against the Israelis, assassinated two athletes of this nationality, later they killed nine Israeli hostages after a failed negotiation for the release of Palestinian prisoners. Second, there was a terrorist attack in which a bomb located in the Centennial Olympic Park exploded, the result of which was two people killed and hundreds injured. According to the above, the correct answer is B. Munich 1972, Atlanta 1996.

Where does mRNA attach to the ribosome? please use your own words


Answer: The genes in DNA encode protein molecules, which are the "workhorses" of the cell, carrying out all the functions necessary for life. Expressing a gene means manufacturing its corresponding protein, and this multilayered process has two major steps. In the first step, the information in DNA is transferred to a messenger RNA (mRNA) molecule by way of a process called transcription.

Hope this helps have a awesome night/day❤️✨


Which word is the best synonym for stress?



I would say anxiety because stress causes it and makes you start worrying about everything



What are three health risks of stress in the community?


stress can lead to headaches, passing out, or even people lashing out.

After traveling through the pulmonary artery and lungs, oxygenated blood now returns
to the heart and into the
A. left atrium
B.left ventricle
C.right atrium
D.right ventricle



left atrium


When the right ventricle contracts, blood is forced through the pulmonary semilunar valve into the pulmonary artery. Then it travels to the lungs. In the lungs, the blood receives oxygen then leaves through the pulmonary veins. It returns to the heart and enters the left atrium.

Which of the following is NOT an example of an environmental health problem?
A family history of heart disease
No access to clean, drinkable water
An increase is asthma due to pollution
People losing sleep due to loud airplanes flying overhead at night



A family history of heart disease


Because its for an environment and a heart disease can be cause by just your mom having it! not anything around you!

NOT an example of an environmental health problem, A family history of heart disease.

What is environmental health?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Environmental Health is all those aspects of human health, including quality of life, that are determined by

PhysicalChemicalBiologicalSocial and Psychological factors in the environment.

A family history of heart disease is a Hereditary disease?

Hereditary diseases are those that are transmitted from parents to children, from generation to generation, through genes or as a result of chromosomal changes.

With this information, we can say that heart disease transmitted by the family is a hereditary disease and not an environmental health.

Learn more about environmental health in https://brainly.com/question/3153999

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