Why is the Syrian Civil War happening


Answer 1


Although many complicated motives led to the Syrian civil war, one event, known as the Arab Spring, stands out as perhaps the most significant trigger for the conflict. In early 2011, a series of political and economic protests in Egypt and Tunisia broke out.

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If an S wave were to go from a solid to a liquid - what would happen to its velocity?


If the S wave travels after traveling through the solid object then its speed tend to slow down after it reaches the liquid objects. As the S wave is a secondary wave and is known to have to take a different path when it reaches the liquid region.

Hence the S waves don't flow easily through this layer. Thus they are unable to travel through.

Learn more about the from a solid to a liquid - what would.


Which of the following resources are in high demand due to large human populations?

A) oil
B) trees
C) water
D) all of the above


Answer is D ,this is because people need oil for cooking or for car it all depends on what type of oil it is.

Trees are used for shading when it is too hot,and the produce healthy fruits.

Water is a liquid we cannot survive without so we need it too

The following resources are in high demand due to large human populations is all of the above. Thus the correct option is D.

What are resources?

Resources are referred to as things or physical substances which are essential for the survival of mankind. This resource helps in sustain by providing food, water, shelter, and so on.

Trees are important. The largest plants in the world, provide humans with oxygen, store nitrogen, maintain the soil, and support a variety of species around the globe.

Millions of American jobs are supported by the oil and gas sector, which also lowers consumer energy bills and maintains our energy security and helps to fulfill oil requirements.

Water is essential to all life for survival. Without fresh water, people cannot sustain for longer than five to seven days. It is used for drinking purposes.

Therefore, option D is appropriate.

Learn more about resources, here:



Which type of countries would have a lower agricultural population density
a) Those with more farmers per unit of arable land
b) Those with less advanced farming techniques
O c) More developed countries
d) Less developed countries



your answer for this question is A

what is political ideology​



In social studies, a political ideology is a certain set of ethical ideals, principles, doctrines, myths or symbols of a social movement, institution, class or large group that explains how society should work and offers some political and cultural blueprint for a certain social order.


In social studies, a political ideology is a certain set of ethical ideals, principles, doctrines, myths or symbols of a social movement, institution, class or large group that explains how society should work and offers some political and cultural blueprint for a certain social order.


how many atoms are in 2.5 moles of carbon.



4.52*10^23 atoms in 2.5 moles of carbon.


multiply 2.50 mol CO2 by 3 atoms/1 mol CO2 before multiplying by 6.022*10^23 atoms/1mol atoms.

In 2.5 moles of Carbon (C) there are 12.53‬^23 atoms. This is arrived at by utilizing Avogadro's number.

What is a mole?

Mole is short for molecules. Molecules are a combination of atoms.

What is the calculation for the solution above?

To derive the number of atoms in 2.5 molecules of carbon, we need to divide it's weight in grams with the atom mass units.

To get the atomic mass units (amu) we need to check the periodic table.

Once the division is done, the result must be multiplied by Avogadro's number which is stated as 6.02 x 10^23.

Thus, the formula is given as:

amu = grams/mole; or

u = g/mole

Since the Molar Mass of Carbon is 12.01g/mol

The number of atoms will be

2.5/12.01 X  6.02 x 10^23.

= 0.20815986677768526228143213988343‬ x 6.02 x 10^23.

=  1.2531223980016652789342214820983‬ x 10^23.

= 12.531223980016652789342214820983‬^23.

≈ 12.53‬^23.

It is to be noted that the molar mass of carbon is derived from the Periodic Table.

Learn more about mole at:

what do they have in common?





it’s not d, i’d say it’s (a)- they are all rapid processes because they’re all natural disasters that happen pretty quickly.

what is the relationship between thermocline and hydrothermal vent? need more info



Hydrothermal vents provide both a thermocline and a chemocline; the areas closer to the vent are both hotter and more chemically rich



Hydrothermal vents provide both a thermocline and a chemocline.

The areas closer to the vent are both hotter and more chemically rich, while areas further from the vent are cooler and less chemically rich.

I hope it helps...

Lori estimates that the circumference of the circle will be 15 centimeters. Do you agree or disagree?
Explain why.


Which of the following is true for a circle that has an area of approximately 113 square feet?

The diameter is 6 feet and the circumference is 38 square feet.
The radius is 6 feet and the circumference is 38 square feet.
The diameter is 6 feet and the circumference is 38 feet.
The radius is 6 feet and the circumference is 38 feet.

Please see the attachment below.
I need help with 2 questions.



15.) there are 44.181 mil. main lines and 256.117 mil mobiles,

256117 : 344181 (ration form) or there are about 6 times more the number of mobile.


How does the heliocentric model work ?​



Heliocentrism is the astronomical model in which the Earth and planets revolve around the Sun at the center of the Solar System. Historically, heliocentrism was opposed to geocentrism, which placed the Earth at the center.

a cosmological model in which the Sun is assumed to lie at or near a central point (e.g., of the solar system or of the universe) while the Earth and other bodies revolve around it.

At diverging plate boundaries, tectonic plate is ...
A neither created nor removed.
B removed from Earth's surface.
C created at Earth's surface.


a, neither created nor removed
a neither crated nor removed

What is chain survey



Chain surveying is the type of surveying in which only linear measurements are made in the field. The main principle of chain surveying or chain triangulation is to provide a framework consist of a number of well-conditioned triangles or nearly equilateral triangles. It is used to find the area of the field.


Which of two Earth's spheres are involved when a volcano is erupting?
atmosphere and hydrosphere
geosphere and cyrosphere
geosphere and atmosphere
O geosphere and biosphere
I will give brainleast



Geosphere and Biosphere


The geosphere is the Earth itself, while the biosphere is all life within the atmosphere.

What the other guy/ girl said

Distinctions between environmental possibilism, environmental determinism and environmental probabilism ​


Answer and Explanation:

Environmental possibility is a thought that states that nature provides a means of modifying the human race, but it is not the main factor in the evolution of society, being a mere supplier of resources. In this teaching, the human being is the main causative agent of evolution.

Geographical determinism is thought where nature is placed as the main modifying agent of society. This is because it is nature that promotes physical and psychic changes in human beings.

Environmental probabilism is the thought that allows human beings, to see the environment as the place that presents probabilities of occurrences of various events, which can be determined through the observation of environmental characteristics.

Which of these climate types could be located highest in latitude, in either hemisphere?



Explanation: Taiga and Tundra are highest in latitude due to having the least amount of sunlight.

2. What is a fault on which the two blocks slide past one another"
A. Reverse Fault
B. Strike-Slip Fault
C. Normal Fault
D. Fault
3. What is the overlying block of a fault having an inclined fault
A. Reverse Wall
B. hanging wall
C.foot wall
D. Normal Wall
4. What government agency is tasked to determine the magnitude
of an earthquake in the Philippines?



2) Option B) Strike-Slip Fault

3) Option C) Foot Wall

4) Option D) PHIVOLCS

I think these are ur answers

Which of these statements best describes tides?
a water level lower than the average water level
a water level higher than the average water level
changes in water level that happen when Earth, the sun, and the moon
form a straight line
the periodic rise and fall of water levels in the oceans and other large
bodies of water


the periodic rise and fall of water levels in the oceans and other large

bodies of water.

14 points+brainliest if correct

India has at least __________________ different ethnic groups.



C, 2000

Happy to help; have a great day! :)

Which shape population pyramid would indicate a high population boom?
a) Wider Middle
b) Triangle shape
c) Box Shape
d) Upside-down triangle shape



Hi!! The correct answer to this question would be B.

I hope this helps!~~ <3

is soil moisture depletion a method of measuring evapotranspiration​



Yes,the soil moisture depletion method is usually employed to determine the consumptive use of irrigative field crops grown on the fairly uniform soil when the depth to the groundwater is such that it will not influence the soil moisture fluctuation within the root zone.

Identify each example as a type of weathering, erosion, or deposition.
a) Rocks scrape against other rocks to make them smoother
b) Oxygen corrodes iron in rocks to cause rusting
c) Wind blows sand across the desert
d) Ocean currents drop sediments along a beach
e) Water enters a crack and freezes, so the ice expands and makes the crack bigger
f) Carbon dioxide and water form a weak acid which reacts with certain minerals


The answer to that would be a

what is the continent with the letters coeaian​


Oceania is the correct answer
Oceania, thats the answer

Name the THREE procesess responsible for the loss of Sun heat in atmosphere​



The THREE processes responsible for the loss of Sun heat in atmosphere​ is described below in details.


Gases which are also known as greenhouse gases like water vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), and methane (CH4) consume sun ray's energy, reducing or blocking the loss of heat back to the cosmos. In this way, greenhouse gases act like a cover, presenting Earth hotter than it would differently be. This method of the warming earth's surface is generally recognized as the “greenhouse effect.”

The earth gets most of its energy is the form of heat from the sun and is thus an important factor that determines the insolation available to the planet. The GHG and others like water vapor and dust absorbed the energy and also reflect back some into space. The main process is the evaporation, convection, and release of thermal energy.

The process that leads to the loss of energy from the sun.

As the heat is available in the form of short wave radiation the energy released from the sun is in the form of long-wave terrestrial radiation.Hence the process of evaporation, convection that movement of winds. The loss of heat takes place by the release of thermal energy at night when the earth cools down.

Find out more information about the  3 processes responsible.


__________ is the force of air molecules pushing on a surface.

A. Temperature

B. Air pressure

C. Humidity

D. Cloudiness



The correct answer is B. Air pressure

i have a 6 in the tens place and 7 in the ones place.i am greater than 200 but less than 400.what number i am?​


Answer: 267 and 367


The numbers that have a 6 in their tens place and a 7 in their ones place which are also greater than 200 but less than 400 are 267 and 367.

For 267, we can see that we have 6 in the tens place and 7 in the ones place. Likewise, for 367, we can see that we have 6 in the tens place and 7 in the ones place as well.

What impacts does plastic have on the environment and how can we help?



Millions of animals are killed by plastics every year, from birds to fish to other marine organisms. Nearly 700 species, including endangered ones, are known to have been affected by plastics. Nearly every species of seabird eats plastics. Most of the deaths to animals are caused by entanglement or starvation.



Plastic pollutes our oceans and destroys animals habits. This is a massive problem as sea animals eat plastic thinking its food, they eat it and think they're full up however they are still hungry and die of starvation. To help we can stop using plastic and use paper bags instead of plastic bag.

What are the standards of living in Indonesia?



Indonesia has an unusually high life expectancy rate of 71 years. This number was much lower in the past but thanks to government-funded health programs for the poor, 111.6 million people now have access to health care




Answer:In primary succession, newly exposed or newly formed rock is colonized by living things for the first time.


In secondary succession, an area previously occupied by living things is disturbed—disrupted—then recolonized following the disturbance.


primary and secondary


primary is when there was no soil or organism living in the ecosystem while secondary means there were organisms and soil but the ecosystem has been destroyed by wild fires and more

Why did no one believe Wegener's thoery that the continents were once together?








Discribe three new technologies or products that you can use if you want to conserve energy.



Hybird and electric cars, uses fewer fossil fuel resources, and create less pollution. CFL light bulbs last 10 times longer than traditional bulbs, and uses less energy. Energy-efficient appliances like washing machines that reqiure less water and use less power.


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