why is the hyoid bone important in the study of human remains? group of answer choices hyoid bones are common, and thus, an excellent source of ancient dna samples. the unique physical appearance of the human hyoid helps anthropologists understand the origins of speech. the hyoid bone is altered by the presence of certain items in the diet, indicating the origin of agriculture. the hyoid bone is present in fully modern humans, but not in other forms of hominin.


Answer 1


The hyoid bone is important in the study of human remains because it is unique to humans and is involved in the production of speech. The presence or absence of the hyoid bone can help anthropologists determine whether a set of remains is human or from another hominin species, and its shape and structure can provide clues about the origins of speech in humans.

Related Questions

How do you record the sound of the environment?


In many instances, you can record natural sounds. Using your video camera to record background noise is the simplest method. Simply place the camera in a decent location to record the scene's ambient noise, being careful to avoid being too near to anything that sounds notably louder than the rest of the background.

You'll need a digital recorder and a microphone to record animals. A self-contained system, like those in cellphones and voice recorders, is one choice. A hydrophone is an underwater instrument that listens for and captures all ocean noises.

Their application in a natural sound recording is constrained, nevertheless, because they do not react linearly to all frequencies. Condenser mics, which provide a higher-quality signal but need a power source, are the preferred choice for most field recordists. Little condensers are electret microphones.

To learn more about natural sound



suppose human activities that influence the carbon cycle came to a complete stop. use the information provided in the figure to predict the net effect on global carbon cycling.


Carbon cycling would be shifted towards an increase in deposition in sediments and fossil fuels and a decrease in inorganic CO2 levels.

How does the carbon cycle work?

The carbon cycle is a biogeochemical process that allows carbon to be exchanged between the biosphere, pedosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere of the Earth.

Carbon is the primary component of both biological compounds and numerous minerals, including limestone. The ability of the Earth to support life is dependent on three cycles, the carbon cycle being one of them together with the nitrogen cycle and the water cycle.

It explains how carbon is moved throughout the biosphere as it is recycled and used again, as well as the lengthy procedures of carbon sequestration to and release from carbon sinks. Currently, the land and the ocean act as carbon sinks by absorbing roughly one-fourth of yearly anthropogenic carbon emissions.

To know more about carbon cycle  visit:-  




Suppose human activities that influence the carbon cycle came to a complete stop. Use the information provided in the figure to predict the net effect on global carbon cycling.

a) Carbon cycling would be brought into balance so that it moves at equal rates through all compartments.

b) Carbon cycling would be shifted toward an increase in deposition in sediments and fossil fuels and a decrease in inorganic carbon dioxide levels.

c) Carbon cycling would be shifted toward an increase in outgassing of carbon dioxide from ocean waters and a decrease in carbon levels in living plant biomass.

d) Carbon cycling would be shifted toward an increase in dissolution of carbon dioxide into ocean waters and a decrease in carbon levels in living plant biomass.

which hormone suppresses spermatogenesis without affecting testosterone secretion?


Hormone suppresses spermatogenesis without affecting testosterone secretion is Inhibin.

A glycoprotein hormone called inhibin can inhibit the complex process of spermatogenesis without having an impact on the release of testosterone. The Sertoli cells, which are found in the seminiferous tubules directly inside the testicles, secrete inhibin.Hormone produced by the granulosa cells in the ovaries of females that primarily works to prevent the anterior pituitary gland from secreting follicle-stimulating hormone. The interaction between inhibin and follicle-stimulating hormone constitutes a classic negative feedback servomechanism because the primary purpose of follicle-stimulating hormone is to stimulate the creation and function of granulosa cells. Sertoli cells in male testes produce negligible levels of inhibin.

To know more about inhibin check the below link:



What is the name given to the process in which a DNA strand is used as a template for making mRNA?


The process in which a DNA strand is used as a template for making mRNA is Transcription.

The non-physical transfer of genetic material from one bacterial strain to another is known as transformation. During DNA replication, daughter DNA is produced by using an existing DNA strand as a template. By using a DNA strand as a template, RNA polymerase synthesises RNA during transcription. This process occurs in the nucleus. mRNA moves back and forth between the A and P sites of the ribosome during the synthesis of proteins. The process of turning an mRNA sequence into polypeptides on ribosomes is known as translation.

To know more about Transcription check the below link:



a stage of the cell cycle during which the cell membrane pinched in____and_____the cytoplasm divides into two daughter cells after mitosis or meiosis.


Cytokinesis is considered as the physical process of cell division, that divides the cytoplasm of a parental cell into two daughter cells. takes two types of nuclear division called mitosis and meiosis, occur in animal cells.

In general, Mitosis is nuclear cell division that helps to duplicate chromosomes that are segregated and distributed into daughter nuclei. But the cell will divide after the process of mitosis in a process called cytokinesis that helps cytoplasm to separate results in two daughter cells .

Hence, the separation of sister chromatids also marks the beginning of anaphase, at this point chromosomes separated to opposite poles of the spindle, at this place they decondense and form intact nuclei.

To learn more about Cytokinesis , here



the division of the autonomic nervous system that is anatomically known as the thoracolumbar division is the_____division.


The division of the autonomic nervous system that is anatomically known as the thoracolumbar division is the autonomic division.

The autonomic nervous system  is a part of the peripheral nervous system  that regulates involuntary physical processes as well as pulse rate, vital sign, respiration, digestion, and arousal. It contains 3 anatomic divisions are sympathetic, parasympathetic, and enteric.

Thoracolumbar division of the autonomic nervous system that is guilty to initiate bodily stress response (“flight or fight”) Preganglionic neurons. Neurons of the intermediolateral column of the neural structure, found among the amount T1-T12 and L1-L3. Ii is responsible for stimulating fight-or-flight responses in the body.

To learn more about autonomic nervous system here



The transduction of sound waves into action potentials by the human ear takes place ________.





a certain bacterial colony originated from the division of a single bacterial cell. Each cell in this colony will most likely

1. express adaptations unlike those of the other cells
2. replicate different numbers of genes
3. have resistance to different antibiotics
4. synthesize the same proteins and enzymes


Each cell in this colony will most likely,  (4) Synthesize the same proteins and enzymes.

What is an Enzyme?

Enzymes are proteins with catalytic properties that are essential to carry out multiple functions. A group of enzymes that are required for life to exist in the cell carry out metabolic processes and other chemical reactions. The enzymes that react with the substrate, a molecule, during the early step of the metabolic process, are what make it happen. Substrates are transformed into products, which are new, unique molecules, by enzymes.

What is Colony?

Depending on the organism, colonies can develop in a variety of forms. For instance, a bacterial colony is a collection of cells that are all the same (clones). These colonies, which are often descended from a single parent cell, frequently develop and proliferate on the surface of (or within) a solid medium.

Hence, each cell in this colony will most likely,  (4) Synthesize the same proteins and enzymes.

To know more about Enzyme, check out :



What are the sources of energy?


Sources of energy includes two major sources - Renewable and Non-renewable energy sources.

Renewable energy sources are abundant in nature and are long-lasting. These energy supplies can be renewed spontaneously and are environmentally safe. Renewable energy sources include solar energy, geothermal energy, wind energy, biomass, hydropower, and tidal energy.

A non-renewable resource is a natural resource situated under the earth's surface. These types of energy supplies do not refill at the same rate as they are consumed. It takes millions of years to refill them.

Coal, oil, and natural gas are prime examples of nonrenewable resources. Natural gas, coal, petroleum, nuclear energy, and hydrocarbon gas liquids are examples of nonrenewable energy sources.

learn more about energy sources at https://brainly.com/question/26289235


Are there any parts of the human body that get oxygen directly from the air and not from the blood?



The only part of the body that has no blood supply is the cornea in the eye. It takes in oxygen directly from the air.

what is the expected functional consequence of movement of a transposable element within the genome?


Transposable elements cause DNA mutations by jumping genes throughout the genome.

A transposable element, also referred to as a jumping gene, is a DNA nucleic acid sequence that can transfer locations within a genome, occasionally creating or correcting mutations and altering the genetic make-up and genome size of the cell.

A large amount of the genome and the majority of the DNA mass in a eukaryotic cell are made up of transposable elements. Transposons, although being self-serving genetic components, are important to the evolution and operation of the genome. In order to change the DNA of a living organism, transposons are a very useful tool for biologists.

Instead of an RNA intermediary, Class II TEs transpose information via a cut-and-paste mechanism. The transpositions are catalyzed by a number of transposase enzymes. While some transposases only bind to particular target sequences, others attach to any DNA target site.

Hence, transposon travel within gene to produce mutation or undo it.

To know more about DNA enzyme.



The nervous system plays an important role in maintaining homeostasis. List, in order, the basic steps that describe how the nervous system carries out this task.


1. Information gathered via sensory receptors is sent to the central nervous system.2. Information is analyzed to decide the best course of action.3. Effectors, including such muscles or glands, receive a directive.

What function does the nervous system serve in preserving homeostasis?

The nervous system regulates and controls the other bodily systems to keep the body in a state of homeostasis.A receptor is stimulated by a departure from the a normal set point, which causes it to send nerve impulses to the brain's regulatory center.

What are the nervous system's seven components?

The spinal cord, or medulla, its pons, its cerebellum, the midbrain, a diencephalon, as well as the cerebral hemispheres are generally regarded as the seven basic components of the central nervous system, which is defined as that of the brain and spinal cord.

To know more about nervous system visit:



What are the reactants of photosynthesis quiz?


Water and carbon dioxide are mainly found as reactants in photosynthesis. We now understand that plants need carbon dioxide and water to produce their own food.

Plants convert carbon dioxide, water, and sunshine into oxygen and sugar-based energy through a process called photosynthesis.

The reactants in photosynthesis are sunlight, atmospheric carbon dioxide, and water. Reactants are the primary components employed in a chemical reaction, whereas products are the outcomes. Sunlight stimulates light activities in chlorophyll molecules, which are used in photosynthesis.

It is important because photosynthesis is the process through which plants use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen. Animals depend on oxygen for survival, while plants purify the air by eliminating dangerous carbon dioxide.

To learn more about photosynthesis



M protein, hyaluronidase, collagenase, and often a capsule, can be virulence factors for certain pathogenic strains of:


M protein, hyaluronidase, collagenase, and often a capsule, can be virulence factors for certain pathogenic strains of Streptococcus. Streptococcus (GAS), often referred to as Streptococcus pyogenes, is a bacterium that can colonize the anogenital tract, skin, and throat.

What does Streptococcus pyogenes cause?

Streptococcus pyogenes can be spread through shared food or drinks, or through droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes.

What type of infection is Streptococcus pyogenes?

The most common cause of pharyngitis in children and teenagers is streptococcus pyogenes, generally referred to as group A streptococcus (GAS). Clinical and epidemiological evidence should be used by clinicians to assess the possibility of GAS pharyngitis.

To know more about streptococcus visit



According to the flow of renal filtrate, rank these structures of the nephron in order of proximal to distal.a. Glomerular capsule b. Proximal convoluted tubule c. Distal convoluted tubule d. Descending limb of the nephron loop


Sort these nephron structures from proximal to distal in accordance with the direction of renal filtrate flow.

Gornicular capsule

Convoluted tubule near the end.

nephron loop's descending limb.

nephron loop's ascending limb.

proximal convoluted tubule.

receiving duct.

What is nephron?

Nephron, a functional component of the kidney, is the organ responsible for producing urine as waste and extra chemicals are eliminated from the circulation. Each human kidney has roughly 1,000,000 nephrons. The kidneys (pronephros) of early vertebrate embryos, amphibian larvae, and primordial fish have the most basic nephrons. Only somewhat more advanced in structure are the nephrons present in the kidneys (mesonephros) of frogs, most fish, and more advanced vertebrates during late embryonic development. The adult kidneys, or metanephros, of land vertebrates like reptiles, birds, and mammals have the most developed nephrons.

Read more about nephron:



carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that causes climate change. how does the destruction of forests contribute to this problem?


Destruction of forests contributes towards climate change because trees have the ability to restore the carbon dioxide (greenhouse gas) in the environment into oxygen by performing the photosynthesis process. No trees will results in abundance of carbon dioxide in the environment.

Greenhouse gases are the ones that can absorb and emit the radiant energy thereby increasing the temperature of the earth. The example of these gases is: carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, water vapor, etc.

Photosynthesis is the process of synthesizing food by the plant by using the inorganic raw materials like sunlight energy, water and carbon dioxide in order to produce sugars and the by-product oxygen.

To know more about photosynthesis, here



Will mark as BRAINLIEST


Johnny Focus on healthy carbohydrates (potatoes, whole grains such as whole grain bread, pasta, rice, quinoa, fruits and vegetables) and lean proteins. Limit the amount of fats you eat. Avoid high-fiber foods the day before if you know your stomach is sensitive.

which of the following is not a feature of apoptosis? group of answer choices condensation of chromatin on the margin of the nuclear envelope. flipping of phosphatidylserine to the inner leaflet of the plasma membrane. all of the answers are a features of apoptotic cells. blebbing of the plasma membrane. absence of cell lysis.


Apoptosis, which is a type of controlled cell death, does not cause the cell to enlarge.

Which of the following is not a trait of an animal cell that has gone into apoptosis?

Which of the following is not a trait of an animal cell that has gone into apoptosis? Explanation: The mitochondria in apoptotic cells either shrink or maintain their original size. In contrast, the ER might be enlarged. The remaining possibilities are accurate apoptotic events.

What three traits distinguish apoptosis?

The characteristic morphological characteristics of apoptosis include cell shrinkage, fragmentation into membrane-bound apoptotic particles, and fast phagocytosis by neighboring cells.

To know more about apoptosis visit:-



In which compound does the bond between the atoms have the least ionic character.


The bonding compound between atoms that has the least ionic character is HI.

HI because the degree of iconicity can be determined by the difference in electronegativity, which is 0.5 for HI. Also, hydrogen iodide is composed of hydrogen halides and diatomic molecules, both of which are nonmetals. HF 1.9, HCL 0.9, and HBR 0.7 So the bond between the atoms that have the smallest ionic is HI, which is 0.5.

Ionic bonds are bonds that occur due to the handover of electrons to form positive ions and negative ions whose electron configuration is the same as that of noble gases.

This question has multiple choices:

a) HF

b) HCI

c) HBr

d) HI

Learn more about Ionic bonds at https://brainly.com/question/29511774


The part of a bacterial cloning vector that contains many restriction enzyme recognition sequences is called a?


The part of a bacterial cloning vector that contains many restriction enzyme recognition sequences is called a Origin of replication.

In bacteria, the DNA replication machinery is assembled in a specific location at the single origin of DNA replication. The replisome is found at one end of the rod-shaped bacterium Caulobacter, but it is found in the middle of the cell E. coli.

Topoisomerase II, also known as DNA gyrase, relaxes the supercoiled chromosome to allow bacterial DNA replication to begin. The DNA strands are then separated by an enzyme called helicase, which breaks the hydrogen bonds between the nitrogenous base pairs. The majority of bacteria reproduce through binary fission. The bacterium, which is a single cell, divides into two identical daughter cells during this process. When the bacterium's DNA divides into two, binary fission occurs (replicates).

To learn more about DNA replication in bacteria, here



brown fat is a type of fat tissue found in hibernating mammals. inside the mitochondria of these fat tissue cells, these mammals have an uncoupling protein embedded in the inner mitochondrial membrane. this uncoupling protein allows hydrogen ions to leak from the intermembrane space back into the mitochondrial matrix. figure 1 shows details of the processes in the inner mitochondrial membrane. Which of the following statements provides reasoning that supports the claim that brown fatty tissue keeps an animal warm?


The claim that supports that brown fat keeps the animal warm is that the uncoupling protein will keep the proton gradient down so it will produce heat without producing ATP. So the correct option is B.

How does brown fat generate heat?

Brown fat is a type of adipose tissue that will exist in many mammals that will give thermogenesis as its main function when exposed to cold temperatures. Brown fat will be quite vascularized and will have much more mitochondria than white fat, this is because brown fat will metabolize more calories in order to generate heat.

Thermogenin is an uncoupling protein located in the mitochondria of brown fat that will have the function of generating heat, it will do so by returning the protons expelled to the intermembrane space to the mitochondrial matrix, thus dissipating heat.

Therefore, we can confirm that the correct option is B. The uncoupling protein in this tissue reduces the proton gradient across the membrane and thus produces heat to warm the animal without ATP production.

To learn more about brown fat visit: https://brainly.com/question/13765989


Brown fat is a type of fat tissue found in hibernating mammals. Inside the mitochondria of these fat tissue cells, these mammals have an uncoupling protein embedded in the inner mitochondrial membrane. This uncoupling protein allows hydrogen ions to leak from the intermembrane space back into the mitochondrial matrix. Figure 1 shows details of the processes in the inner mitochondrial membrane.Which of the following statements provides reasoning that supports the claim that brown fatty tissue keeps an animal warm?

A. The uncoupling protein in this tissue increases the production of ATP and causes more body heat to be produced to warm the animal.

B. The uncoupling protein in this tissue reduces the proton gradient across the membrane and thus produces heat to warm the animal without ATP production.

C. The uncoupling protein in this tissue causes an increase in the proton gradient, which causes more ATP to be produced that helps to warm the animal.

D. The uncoupling protein in this tissue reduces the production of ATP and creates an increase in the proton gradient that allows more heat energy to be produced to warm the animal..

A mutation that occurs in the gametes of an organism will most likely be transferred to which of the following?a. the siblings of the organismb. the offspring of an organismc. the other organisms living nearbyd. the mating partner of an organism


A mutation that develops in an organism's gametes will most likely be passed on to the organism's siblings. Mutations that are passed on to offspring are referred to as inherited mutations.

What is  genetic diversity?

Only when a mutation affects reproductive cells may it be passed down via the family. Before, during, and after mitosis and meiosis, mutations can take place. A mutation can be passed on to offspring and increase the genetic diversity of the population if it happens in the cells that will undergo meiosis to produce gametes or during the process itself. Each gene is present in two copies in every organism.

Each gamete receives one of the gene copies at random during reproduction. Somatic mutations, as opposed to germ-line mutations, take place in cells from different parts of an organism's body.

To learn more about germ-line from given link



how many gel bands would one expect to see after restriction digestion of dna from a person heterozygous for patterns a and b?


A person with both A and B pattern genes will have four bands on their chromosomes: the two bands linked to the B pattern, plus the two additional bands linked to the A pattern.

This is because a heterozygous person possesses both the A pattern and the B pattern alleles. The DNA would be split into three fragments in order to investigate the A pattern. The B pattern’s DNA would then be examined after being divided into two pieces. One of the two fragments would match the DNA for the A pattern exactly, whereas the other would be different. The heterozygote would then have four unique bands visible in its DNA, which would be split into four separate parts.

To learn more about DNA, refer:-



what do skeletal muscle contractions share in common with smooth muscle contractions? group of answer choices both types of contractions consume very little atp. both types of contractions generate little force or a weak force. both types of contractions do not require calcium ions for a contraction to occur. both types of contractions result from thick and thin filaments sliding past one another.


Thick and thin filaments flowed past one another to produce both types of contractions. Both kinds of contractions can happen without the help of calcium ions.

What are the similarities between the contractions of cardiac and skeletal muscles?

Cardiac muscle is a striated muscle, just like skeletal muscle, and their mechanisms of contraction are mostly comparable. Both require actin and myosin, which are arranged in a highly structured lattice as the foundation of the force-generating mechanism.

Does smooth muscle have the same ability to contract as skeletal muscle?

Skeletal muscles can contract at a variety of rates, in contrast to the extremely sluggish contraction of smooth muscles. The fibers that make up skeletal muscles can contract quickly, slowly, or a combination of both.

To know more about skeletal muscles visit:-



what is a gene pool?group of answer choicesthe collection of genetic information found in a particular population members of a species who share identical genetic information the collection of genetic information found in an entire speciesa randomized approach to determining relatedness of individuals in a population


The gene pool is the collection of genetic information found in particular population members of a species who share identical.

What are genes?

Genes consist of a piece of DNA that determines individual traits through the formation of polypeptides. Genes are between 4 - 8 m (microns) in size.

Genes act as controllers of traits in organisms. Genes play an important role in the process of inheritance. Some inherited traits include skin color, eye shape, hair shape, or certain types of diseases. The process of passing on traits from parents to their children is called heredity.

Some of the properties of the gene are:

Contains genetic information.Each gene has different tasks and functions.At the time of the division of mitosis and meiosis can hold duplication.

Learn more about gene location and gene function here :



Sort the structures and regions of the spine from superior to inferior:







Cervical: 7 vertebrae (C1 = highest; C7 = lowest)

Thoracic: 12 vertebrae (T1 = highest; T12 = lowest)

Lumbar: 5 vertebrae (L1 = highest; L5 = lowest)

Sacral: 5 fused vertebrae (S1 = highest; S5 = lowest)

Coccygeal: 3-4 fused vertebrae (Co1 = highest; Co3 = lowest)

Multicellular organisms ensure that most proteins are produced at appropriate times and in appropriate cell types via the regulation of the that encode these proteins. True or false?


Multicellular organisms control the transcription of the genes producing these proteins to ensure that the majority of proteins are produced when required and in the appropriate cell types.

Why does multicellular eukaryotes need to regulate which genes are expressed at any particular time?

The regulation on gene expression results in energy and physical space conservation. It would be more energy-efficient to turn on the genes just when necessary because activating every gene would need a significant amount of energy from of the organism.

Protein synthesis is governed by what?

After they have been created, the majority of proteins can be altered covalently or by fusing with other molecules, enabling them to also be controlled in response to signals from of the extracellular environment. Protein levels in cells can be controlled by different rates of protein cleavage.

To know more about multicellular organisms visit:-



what is at least one defining feature of an area of association cortex, as opposed to primary sensory or motor cortex?


The various thalamic input sources are one distinguishing feature between primary and association cortical areas.

While the visual association cortex is involved in more complex aspects of an image, such as using the discrepancy in information sent from the right and left eyes to perceive depth, the primary visual cortex is responsible for processing visual information related to basic aspects of an image (such as size and shape).

The majority of the cerebral surface of the human brain is made up of the association cortices, which are mostly in charge of the intricate processing that occurs between the arrival of input in the primary sensory cortices and the production of behavior.

The majority of the cerebral surface of the human brain is made up of the association cortices, which are in charge of the complicated processing that occurs between the arrival of input in the primary sensory.

Learn more about " primary and association cortical areas " to visit here;



The light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis:
a. do not really require light energy to occur.
b. use ATP and NADPH to produce glucose.
c. require the Calvin cycle.
d. take place in the thylakoid membranes of the chloroplast.


It's best to choose option d. The thylakoid membranes of the chloroplast are where the photosynthetic reactions that depend on light take place.

Chemical energy is transformed into light energy by light-dependent processes. In order to make ATP and NADPH, the light-dependent processes of photosynthesis must first collect energy from the sun. The two energy-storing molecules are subsequently put to use in processes that don't require light.

During light-dependent reactions, chlorophyll absorbs solar energy and converts it into chemical energy that is subsequently stored. In light-independent reactions, sugar molecules are assembled from carbon dioxide using the chemical energy generated during light-dependent reactions.

As a result, we can conclude that option d is the best alternative. The light-dependent photosynthetic reactions take place in the chloroplast's thylakoid membranes.

Learn more about photosynthesis here:



During times of relaxation, the division of the autonomic nervous system utilizes discrete and localized innervation, stimulating only one or a few structures at the same time.
a. True
b. False


During times of relaxation, the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system utilizes discrete and localized innervation stimulating only one or a few structures at the same time True.

The parasympathetic portion of the autonomic nervous system balances the sympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system controls the body's fight or flight response, while the parasympathetic nervous system helps control the body's responses during rest.

Activation of the parasympathetic nervous system slows the heart and breathing lowers blood pressure and aids digestion. Our bodies enter a state of relaxation and this relaxation leads to recovery. The more time we spend in the PSNS state, the healthier we are. This part of the autonomic nervous system works in opposition to the sympathetic nervous system.

Learn more about The parasympathetic division here:- https://brainly.com/question/15190731


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