why is reproductive isolation insufficient to define a species?

A. This definition overlooks artificial preproduction, such as in zoos
B. Reproductive isolation doesn't take outgroups into account
C. This definition excludes organisms that reproduce asexually
D. Reproductive isolation can be accomplished in a variety of ways


Answer 1
I haven’t had bio in a while, but I believe that it’s C) since the definition of species is very complicated
Answer 2

The correct option is (c) This definition excludes organisms that reproduce asexually.

Asexual reproduction is also possible in bacteria, yeast, fungi, plants, and other organisms. Most frequently, yeast proliferate by budding. Plants and fungi both use spores for asexual reproduction. Additionally, plants are capable of reproducing asexually by vegetative propagation.Numerous eukaryotic creatures, such as plants, animals, and fungus, are also capable of asexual reproduction. Parthenogenesis, the most prevalent type of asexual reproduction in vertebrates, is frequently employed as an alternative to sexual reproduction when sexual reproduction isn't an option.

What are the 4 types of asexual reproduction?

Asexual reproduction includes fission, budding, fragmentation, and parthenogenesis, while sexual reproduction is achieved through the combination of reproductive cells from two individuals.

Learn more about reproductive isolation brainly.com/question/3089401


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The concept of induced fit refers to the fact that a. Substrate binding may induce a conformational change in the enzyme, which them brings catalytic groups into proper orientation. b. When enzymes bind substrates, the substrates are bought into proximity to make a chemical reaction favorable. c. When a substrate binds to an enzyme, the enzyme induces a loss of water from the substrate. d. When a substrate binds to an enzyme, free energy is released due to non-covalent interactions.



Option A, Substrate binding may induce a conformational change in the enzyme, which them brings catalytic groups into proper orientation.


Induced fit concept refers to introduction of continuous change of enzyme conformation on substrate binding. This change in the shape of enzyme either inhibit or enhance the activity of enzyme. This makes the enzyme catalytic and hence lower the activation energy thereby increasing rate of reaction.

Motor proteins provide for molecular motion in cells by interacting with which of the following cellular structures?
components of the cytoskeleton
membrane proteins of the inner nuclear envelope
free ribosomes and ribosomes attached to the ER
cellulose fibers in the cell wall



microtubules more chromosome motor protein required energy in the form of ATP ATP hydrolysis result in a conformational change that allows the protein to mobile of microtubule actor

how is the prairie ecosystem similar to the native plant ecosystem?


Answer: Prairies are ecosystems considered part of the temperate grasslands, savannas, and shrublands biome by ecologists, based on similar temperate climates, moderate rainfall, and a composition of grasses, herbs, and shrubs, rather than trees,

Native plants are plants indigenous to a given area in geologic time. This includes plants that have developed, occur naturally, or existed for many years

so in conclusion there is a large difference between them

What information is necessary to understand how a virus produces the proteins it requires?

A. Whether the virus is in the lytic or lysogenic cycle
B. Whether the genome is made of RNA or DNA, whether the genome is double -stranded or single-stranded, and the sense of the genome
C. Whether the virus has a protein capsid
D. Whether the virus is helical, icosahedral, enveloped, or complex



A is the answer i had same answer

The information is necessary to understand how a virus produces the proteins it requires is " whether the virus is in the lytic or lysogenic cycle".

What is virus ?

A virus would be an infectious submicroscopic creature that only reproduces inside of live cells. All living things, including plants, animals, even microbes like bacteria or archaea, are susceptible to virus infection.

What is lysogenic cycle?

The bacteriophage nucleic acid is integrated into the genome of the bacterial host during lysogeny or a spherical replicon forms in the bacterial cytoplasm.

Therefore, the information is necessary to understand how a virus produces the proteins it requires is " Whether the virus is in the lytic or lysogenic cycle".

To know more about virus and lysogenic cycle



Please Help!!!
How many ATP can be obtained from the complete beta-oxidation and metabolism of one 16-carbon fatty acid molecule?​



read ex


129 ATP

To enter or leave a cell substance must be through
a - microtubules
b - Golgi apparatus
c - the plasma membrane
d - the nucleus​



d - the nucleus

I hope it helps......

c - the plasma membrane

The plasma membrane is barrier between the outside and the inside of the cell

What is the phenotype of the sons in generation III? How do you know? .


The phenotype of children in the third generation depends on the dominant or recessive parents traits of family in the past.

red-green color blindness is an x-linked recessive disorder. if the mother is RGCB and the father has normal vision, what are the changes for daughters and sons to hae the trait



The correct answer would be -

RGCB daughter - 0%

RGCB sons - 100%


Red-green color blindness is a sex-linked recessive disease that means it will only express in absence of the normal allele that is present on X-chromosomes. As it is known that males have only one X-chromosomes therefore, the chances are more in males to be affected in presence of the recessive gene. In this given case women s RGCB and man has normal vision. The genotype of women would be both recessive alleles XcXc and genotype of man would be XY.

The gametes would be - Xc, Xc and X, Y

then the cross:

       Xc     Xc

X     XXc    XXc

Y    XcY      XcY

so the offspring would be -

Carrier female =  XXc (50% chance in total and 100% in daughters)

RGCB daughters = 0%

RGCB male =  XcY (100% in sons and 50% of total children)

The hormone insulin is secreted by the pancreas. Which activity is MOST likely to
trigger an increase in the levels of insulin circulating in the blood?
O A. driving
B. eating
O C. jogging
OD. sleeping




Hope this helps! <3

Explain what causes a muscle to go into rigor mortis. Your answer should include the circumstances which cause it, as well as why those circumstances cause the effect (what is happening in the muscle at a molecular level which causes the stiffness). ​



Rigor mortis develops as the body's energy source (adenosine triphosphate [ATP]) is depleted. Muscle fibers require ATP for relaxation; once depleted, actin and myosin proteins remain complexed, resulting in stiffening of the muscles..

Thanks my answer and vote it 5 star and Mark it in brainliest answers please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please

Which best represents a balanced equation



option C is correct answer of this question

hope it helps

it is balanced equation

The example of a balanced chemical equation is 2H₂ + O₂ → 2H₂O. Thus, the correct option is C.

What is a balanced equation?

A chemical equation is the symbolic representation of the chemical reaction in the form of symbols and chemical formulas such as H₂O. Chemical equation are generally are unbalanced however, these reactions can be balanced.

Balancing a chemical equation refers to balancing the stoichiometric coefficients on both the reactants and products side of the reaction which is because the chemical equation must obey the law of conservation of mass of the atoms.

2H₂ + O₂ → 2H₂O

This reaction has 4 H and 2 O atoms.

Therefore, the correct option is C.

Learn more about Balanced equation here:



Transcribe this piece of DNA into RNA - ATTG

ASAP PLEASE ! I’m giving 20 pts






The Awnser is AUG


Swimmers ear is a fungal infection that occurs where ?



Ear canal


A balance is best used to measure a sample’s _______.


it’s C because of the mass of the measure of the balance

answer: c. mass
explanation: took the test

Which term indicates that a single gene has two or more alleles present in a population?

A. Genotype
B. Point mutation
C. Polymorphism
D. Pleiotrophy


Urm I think the answer is C

Genetic polymorphism is the existence of multiple alleles of a single gene.

What are genes?

Genes are regions of DNA which code for a particular protein or any other gene product.

Genes can exists as a single copy or as multiple copies.

Alleles are alternate forms of a particular gene.

A single gene that has two or more alleles present in a population is known as genetic polymorphism.

Therefore, multiple alleles of a single gene is known as genetic polymorphism.

Learn more about genes at: https://brainly.com/question/1480756



Look at the picture and answer the question(s) that follow.

Which of these strata are MOST likely the oldest?
-J and E
-A and F
-D and E


I think it's J and E
J and E are the oldest

Explain how the genetic disease called Sickle Cell Anemia is more prevalent in African- Americans compared to other races because of the Malaria Disease.




This is because sickle cell disease is common in malaria dorminated area because their traits confers resistance to malaria. The red blood cells, which contain abnormal hemoglobin become sickle in shape after it has been affected by malaria parasite. Therefore, most American that have African ancestry are at high risk of

the disease because the African ancestry are carriers if this gene and are inherited by the Americans.

how is spark formed, and why might a spark start an explosion?


Answer:When the applied electric field exceeds the dielectric breakdown strength of the intervening medium, a spark is generated. In a mechanism known as dielectric breakdown, the exponentially increasing electrons and ions allow regions of the air in the gap to become electrically conductive.

An electrostatic spark causes the blast. The sudden rise in temperature that occurs as the mixture ignites causes a massive increase in gas pressure. The ensuing increase in pressure could collapse the chamber with a noisy explosion if the burning vapour were to be trapped.


write a paragraph to describe what happens to a population with each type of natural selection. Pleasseee I rlly need to turn this in to bring up my grade.


populations a number of other organizations in the same group of species will live in a particular geographic up area and capital in interbreeding. that’s the detention of it but it does happen it be wrong




tall pea plants and short pea plants


well there are two generic genes

one will take one and the other

Describe the ecosystem that you live in. What other living creatures do you share it with? 5-8 sentences.



i live in Terrestrial ecosystems ( land-based) &,  i shared it with frogs,fishes,birds,snakes,insects,turtles....


An igneous rock has a coarse texture and is dark in color. How else can this rock be accurately described?

small crystals
cooled quickly
produced from magma
formed at Earth’s surface



C. produced from magma.

D. formed at Earth’s surface


Earth crust refers to the outermost layer or thin shell which makes up the earth such as sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous rocks.

The Earth crust is typically made up of two (2) main types;

1. Oceanic crust: this crust has a thickness ranging from 5 km to 10 km and comprises of denser rocks such as diabase, gabbro and basalt.

2. Continental crust: this crust has a thickness ranging from 30 km to 60 km and comprises of minerals such as quartz, silicate, feldspar, aluminum and less dense rocks such as granite

An igneous rock has a coarse texture and is dark in color. Also, an igneous rock can be accurately described as being produced from magma and formed at Earth’s surface.


Produced from magma


I got it right on the test hope this helps


How does gene regulation relate to organism complexity?



Organisms that are more complex, such as eukaryotes, have cells that are specialized for specific functions. Gene regulation needs to be more complex to produce these specialized cells for complex organisms.

Hope this helps!

More complex organisms such as eukaryotes have cells that are specialized for specific functions where gene regulation needs to be more complex for complex organisms to produce these specialized cells.

What is Gene regulation?

The process of turning genes on and off, defined as gene regulation which is an important part of normal development. For example, genes turn on and off in different patterns during development to make a brain cell look and function differently than a liver cell or a muscle cell.

Gene expression is controlled at two levels which is transcription which is controlled by limiting the amount of mRNA that can be produced from a particular gene and the second control is through post-transcriptional events which allow the translation of mRNA into protein.

Thus, more complex organisms such as eukaryotes have cells that are specialized for specific functions where gene regulation needs to be more complex for complex organisms to produce these specialized cells.

Learn more about Gene expression, here:



The normal real behavior of a person or an animal can be
understood by naturalistic observation.
Select one:



The normal real behavior of a person or an animal can be

understood by naturalistic observation.

Should people try to save wild populations of the Asian elephant? (Complete sentences says my teacher :/ )


Yes, people should try to save Asian elephants. They are hunted and killed for their tusks. These parts of their body are used for medicinal reasons. Many people “save” elephants by trimming off their tusks, making it so that killing the animal would be meaningless.

(Hope this is what you wanted, I learned this in a documentary forever ago.)

Short explanation: Elephants are in danger due to poachers, they hunt them for their tusks.

Don’t know how much you needed but here you go

Because it's most resistant to deterioration, which type of molecule is most often found in molecular fossils?

A. RNA molecules
B. Protein molecules
C. DNA molecules
D. Lipid molecules



Of the four main groups of organic molecules, Lipids are the most resistant to decay. They are also highly insoluble in water. All cells produce this type of organic compound to be used in their membranes and in energy storage. These type of organic molecules are found in kerogens

Please Help! What change do we get in membrane potential as a result of acetylcholine binding to nicotinic receptors on skeletal muscle cells?

Depolarization or Hyperpolarization​


Binding of acetylcholine to nicotine cells acetylcholine receptors triggers a rapid increase in permeability of the membrane to both Na+ and K+ ions, leading to DEPOLARIZATION.

Which type of law is used to discipline members of the armed services?


Answer: D

Explanation: because they are in the military and that’s the only law I would recommend if someone needed discipline in the military

a) january
b) june
c) april
d) october





FUN FACT: my b-day is april 11th

What reproductive cells produce new fungi?Question 5 options: spores seeds hyphae buds


Answer spores

Spores are formed by the fungi and released to create new fungi. This is the powdery substance released by puffballs. Spores are haploid reproductive cells found in some bacteria, plants, algae, fungi, and protozoa. Theoretically, spores can reproduce asexually to produce countless offspring.

Hope this helpsssss
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