Why is lifelong learning important?


Answer 1


to be very educated


Answer 2


to understand life and the world

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This function of marketing is responsible for identifying and reducing risks associated
with marketing decisions. Choose the answer.
O financing
O promotion
Orisk management


This function of marketing is responsible for identifying and reducing risks associated with marketing decisions is risk management. So risk management is correct option of the given statement.

How does risk management work?

IT risk management refers to the use of risk management techniques to handle IT threats. Procedures, guidelines, and tools for evaluating possible risks and weaknesses in IT infrastructure are part of IT risk management.

What function does risk management play in general?

The process of discovering, evaluating, and managing risks to people, assets, liabilities, and income is known as risk management. The ultimate purpose of risk management is the preservation of the organization's material and human resources to ensure the smooth continuation of its business operations.

To know more about risk management visit:




D. Risk Management


Please help me look for the answer to this question!!!
On July 1, 2019, Sheridan Company purchased new equipment for $80,000. Its estimated useful life was 8 years with a $12,000
salvage value. On December 31, 2022, (before calculating annual depreciation) the company estimated that the equipment's
remaining useful life was 10 years, with a revised salvage value of $5,000
(what is in the red box is incorrect)


The depreciation expense entry on Dec 31, 2019 is

DR Depreciation Expense $4250

CR Accumulated Depreciation $4250

The depreciation expense entry on Dec 31, 2020 is

DR Depreciation Expense $8500

CR Accumulated Depreciation $8500

Revised Annual depreciation to be charged on Dec 31, 2022 is $5375

The depreciation expense entry on Dec 31, 2022 is

DR Depreciation Expense $5375

CR Accumulated Depreciation $5375

Balance Accumulated Depreciation as on Dec 31, 2022 is $26,625

What is Depreciation?

Depreciation is a systematic allocation of cost of an asset over the useful life. Depreciation is charged monthly or annually according to the policy. Depreciation can be calculated using straight line method or reducing method, these two are common methods of you of calculating depreciation.

In the case scenario provided in the question the depreciation was initially charged on eight years while the revised depreciation estimated that the useful life of the asset remaining is 10 years. The asset value is first deducted from the salvage value of the asset then divided by the number of estimated useful life. Revised depreciation can be calculated by taking the original amount of the asset minus accumulated depreciation till date minus salvage value then divide into revised useful remaining life of the asset.

Learn more about depreciation at https://brainly.com/question/27386044


A student paraphrases the ideas of an expert criminologist in her essay on crime and deviance. Should she:


Based on the essay writing technique and standards, when a student paraphrases the ideas of an expert criminologist in her essay on crime and deviance. she should cite the source and reference it.

Paraphrasing ideas in the essay

The act of paraphrasing different ideas when writing an essay as a student is a very common thing. However, when paraphrasing, it is always expected that the writer cites the source and makes a reference to the original person who jas the idea to avoid plagiarizing.

Three methods of paraphrasing are the following:Acknowledging paraphrasingOrganizing paraphrasingAbstracting paraphrasing

Also, to make a proper paraphrasing, one needs to do the following:Ensure to use synonymsAlways use the different word formMake sure to change from active to passive.Always try and change the word order.Make use of a combination of techniques.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that when a student paraphrases the ideas of an expert criminologist in her essay on crime and deviance, she should cite the source and reference it.

Learn more about Paraphrasing here: https://brainly.com/question/24729251


during the __________ era, the prevalent business philosophy turned from an emphasis on production to an emphasis on advertising and selling.


During the Selling Era, the prevalent business philosophy turned from an emphasis on production to an emphasis on advertising and selling.

A business's philosophy is the set of guiding principles it adheres to in order to accomplish its main objective. It encompasses the company's principles and grounds it amidst ups and downs. It ought to fit with the character, purpose, and vision of the brand. It highlights the company's actions, choices, and culture. You want your business philosophy to be inspiring, practical, and applicable to all company endeavours and divisions.

Production is the process of combining different material and immaterial inputs to create something that is intended for consumption. Production is the act of creating a result, a good or service that has value and enhances people's utility.

learn more about business philosophy here



How can events in a process costing system affect financial statements? Provide examples.


The inventory costing asset account, which shows up on the balance sheet, is where the costs associated with units produced or in production are financial recorded.

The cost is transferred to the cost of goods sold account when the goods are eventually sold, where it appears on the income statement. Financial Process costing is a type of costing that's primarily utilized costing in manufacturing, where products are mass-produced constantly using one or more processes. Examples of this include producing chemicals, erasers, or processed foods. Instead of tracking expenses for each individual item, organizations that use process costing follow the flow of costs from department to department.

To learn more about financial, click here.



comment on the ethics exhibited by amy and the possible consequences of her actions. how does the merchandising company account for the suits that amy returns? (what journal entries are required?)


It is extremely unethical on their part of Amy to purchase a suit from the merchandising company and then return it after a week wherein she wears the suit for her event and then returns to the company to get a full payment refund. Ethically, she can only return the suit that she did not like for some reason or it has some other problems (like fitting, etc) however in no circumstances it is ethical to return a suit after using it for one party. This unethical practice can also land Amy in trouble in case the merchandising company discovers her intentions. If they come to know that suit was already used by her during a function and then returned they could certainly sue them for the breach of sale and return of goods contract.

Unethical: “A scholar used plagiarism on their very last written project to get a better grade” This is unethical as it is going towards social norms and the bulk of humans might discover this act unacceptable.' Unethical' defines as something this is morally incorrect, even as something being 'unlawful' way it's far from the law. In an unlawful act, the decision-making element is the law.

For an unethical act, the finding out the agent is the man's personal conscience. An unethical deed can be towards morality however now no longer towards the law. The unethical behavior of the strength agencies is disgraceful. But lately, we've got visible simply what the value of unethical behavior can be.

Learn more about unethical here



“Education for All” is an International organization that provides free education to all individuals regardless of age. They recently started operations in Pakistan, with Mr. Hashim appointed Campus Head. He signed an agreement with a building owner to establish their first-ever campus. Apart from fulfilling his daily legal obligations, he meets and greets all guests, including parents, stakeholders, and the media. He recently chaired a meeting of all the departments on the campus and emphasized making every effort to make the campus one of the best in providing quality education. For this, he generously allotted funds to the R&D department. He also directed the public relations department to use their resources in building a positive image of the organization through media, for which he allocated 1 million rupees. After analyzing and having a thorough understanding of the case, you are required to:

Identify the interpersonal and decisional roles Mr. Hashim performed as the “Campus Head”.

Justify your answers in light of the case with at least one argument for each role.


Mr Hashim, to maintain his organization the best of all, made a good effort by fulfilling not only his legal duties but also meeting every person and spending money to make a positive image of the organization.

What is an organization?

An organization can be understood as a collection of resources that are working together somehow to achieve a common purpose. Usually, an organization refers to a group of people.

There are various forms of organizations of people. There might be a random group of people who spontaneously came together to address a short-term need, such as collecting litter along a certain stretch of road. Sometimes it might be a carefully collected, aligned and integrated group of people who came together for the long term to address a long-term need.

For example, stopping poverty in a certain country.

Learn more about organization, here:




Solution 2


Interpersonal Roles:




Decisional Roles:


Resource Allocator



Mr. Hashim perform figurehead role because of he appointed

campus head and He assigned an agreement with building owner to

established their first ever campus. As a campus head in Figurehead

role you have social, ceremonial and legal responsibilities signing of

legal documents on behalf of the company.


Mr. Hasim Perform Liaison role because of in Liaison he gets

connected between organization and outsider and also maintain

internal and external contacts for information.


Mr. Hashim perform Leader roles This involves building a team,

coaching the members, motivating them, and developing strong

relationship. In this case he chaired meeting of all the departments

on the campus and emphasized making every effort to make the

Opportunities or solving problem and taking action to improve

existing operation.

Resource Allocator:

Mr. Hashim perform resource allocator role to decides were the

organization will expand its efforts and makes choices on the

allocation of resources such as capital fund, time, material, and

manpower etc. This involves allocating funding as well as assigning

staff and other organizational resources.

What is one advantage of a trade school education?

A. Statistically, your lifetime earnings will be higher than a college

B. You will have a greater selection of electives.

C. It is less costly than attending a four-year college.

D. You can postpone getting a job longer.





it is making me type more

Look up examples of different warning labels for things such as food and small appliances. Observe features that stand out about these warnings (colors, shape, pictures, information, and so on). After looking at a few and seeing how they identify dangers or warn against potential hazards, develop your own safety warnings for a product that you use.


Danger, Caution, Notice, Instruction, Fire and Biohazard are a few examples of different warning labels for things such as food and small appliances.

Warning labels are required by law on many dangerous products, such as chemicals and medications. They are also often found on products that are potentially harmful if used incorrectly, such as power tools and electrical appliances. Even some food products now come with warnings, such as those that contain allergens.

It's always important to use caution and common sense when using any product, even if it doesn't have a warning label.

To know more about warning labels, click here.




I will create the following warning labels for my cell phone:

Label 1: An image showing a dripping cell phone with an “x” marked on it

Label shape: Rectangle

Warning: “Do not let water seep into this phone. Water will damage the internal parts of the cell and cause malfunctioning.”

Label 2: An image showing a charger plugged of a cell phone

Label shape: Triangle

Warning: “Charge your cell phone regularly for longer battery life.”

Label 3: An image showing a pair of earphones with an “x” marked on them

Label shape: Square

Warning: “Avoid using earphones or answering phones while crossing roads.”


Edmentum Answer

the journal entry to record depletion includes a a. credit to accumulated depreciation. b. debit to accumulated depletion. c. debit to depletion expense. d. credit to depletion expense.


The journal entry to record depletion includes a debit to Depletion Expense.

The fundamental magazine entry for depreciation is to debit the Depreciation cost account (which seems within the earnings statement) and credit score the accumulated Depreciation account (which seems in the stability sheet as a contra account that reduces the number of constant belongings).

Depletion is a periodic rate to rate for the usage of herbal resources. therefore, it's far used in conditions where an organization has recorded an asset for such objects as oil reserves, coal deposits, or gravel pits.

Learn more about journal entry here: https://brainly.com/question/14279491


When performing a nail form application procedure, how do you know if the form is perfectly positioned?


When the form does not crowd the hyponychium and fits snugly under the free edge.

The hyponychium: what is it?

The skin just below the free edge of your nail is called the hyponychium. It is close to your fingertip, just beyond the distal end of your nail bed.

What lies beneath the nail's free edge?

The epithelium beneath the nail plate, between the free edge and the skin of the fingertip, is the hyponychium, also known as the "quick."The nail bed is protected by this seal.

What is the hyponychium's structure?

The hyponychium is a special structure that prevents the nail plate from physiologically detaching from the nail bed and seals the subungual space. Most of the matrix is covered by the proximal nail fold. Its free end shapes the fingernail skin which seals the nail pocket or parkway.

Learn more about hyponychium here:



An example of statistical inference is


For example, we might be interested in the mean sperm concentration in a population of males with infertility. In this example, the population mean is the population parameter and the sample mean is the point estimate, which is our best guess of the population mean.

Monetarism Which of the following is a position held monetarists?
The economy is unstable; wages and prices are inflexible.
Changes in the velocity of money are unpredictable.
Aggregate demand depends on money velocity but not on the money supply.
The short-run aggregate supply curve slopes upward.

Initially, the economy is in long-term equilibrium. Suppose there is an increase in velocity-that is, there is an increase in the average number dollar is spent to buy goods and services.
Show the long-run effect of this change according to the monetarist view, ceteris paribus, by dragging one or both curves on the graph below.


The short-run aggregate supply curve slopes upward.

What the graph depicts?The aggregate supply curve displays the amount supplied in the market at various price points. While supply is inelastic in the short term, it is elastic over the long term.Money: The same factors that affect the supply and demand of commodities also affect the supply and demand of money. The assumption about the rate at which money is traded in an economy is known as the velocity of money. The frequency with which money is transferred from one person to another. It is the rate of economic spending by both consumers and corporations.Therefore, The short-run aggregate supply curve slopes upward.

To learn more about supply curve, refer to



The stable behavioral and psychological characteristics responsible for a person's identity are known as _______


The stable behavior and psychological characteristics responsible for a person's identity are known as Personality.

Behavior refers to the assortment of behaviors and etiquette that people, living things, systems, and artificial entities exhibit in a given context. These systems may consist of both the inanimate physical world and other systems or species. It is the system's or organism's calculated reaction to different inputs or stimuli, whether internal or external, conscious or unconscious, overt or covert, and voluntary or involuntary.

From the standpoint of behavior informatics, a behavior is made up of an actor, an operation, interactions, and attributes. This can be shown as a vector of behavior.

People's health is greatly influenced by their behavior, and many behavioral patterns are intricately linked to their socioeconomic status.

To learn more about behavior visit here:



Give an example of an industry with monopolistic competition. (Remember that this is an industry structure, and not a specific business within that industry.) Explain the benefits or detractions of this type of competition.


There is monopolistic rivalry in the restaurant, hair salon, home products, and clothing industries. To sell, advertise, and set prices for products like dish soap and hamburgers, numerous competitor enterprises compete.

There is monopolistic rivalry in the restaurant, hair salon, home products, and clothing industries. To sell, advertise, and set prices for products like dish soap and hamburgers, numerous competitor enterprises compete. Not just in product markets, but also in labour markets, competition is essential. An illustration of a monopolistically competitive market is the restaurant sector, which is present nationwide. Most places have a large number of businesses, all of which are unique, and entry is simple.

To learn more about monopolistic, click here.



Lower-level management goals that are inconsistent with company goals are a possible disadvantage of ________


One potential drawback of decentralization is the possibility of lower-level management goals that are at odds with corporate objectives.

The line of command in centralized organizations is evident as it moves up the structure. Decentralized organizations may have a structure, but they provide individual teams the authority to make decisions and carry them out on their own

Compared to centralized organizations, decentralized ones are much more flexible.

New and emerging systems constantly aggregate vast amounts of user data and information on company performance. Centralized management simply can’t respond effectively to such information in a timely manner. Specialized teams with narrow areas of focus are much more agile.

According to William Weldon, former chair and CEO of Johnson & Johnson, “The problem with centralization is if one person makes one mistake, it can cripple the whole organization.” In a decentralized company, he asserts, “you don’t have to worry about making that one big mistake.

To learn more about centralized organizations click here,



What are the examples of fair or unfair practices? in data analytics



Fair practices in data analytics include using data ethically and responsibly, ensuring data accuracy and reliability, and protecting user privacy. Conversely, unfair practices in data analytics include using data for unethical purposes, manipulating data to produce biased results, and using data without the user's consent.


Using data lawfully and professionally, as well as guaranteeing its quality and dependability, are fair practices in data analytics. Using data unethically and altering data to obtain biased results are examples of unfair data analytics practices.

What is data analytics?

Analyzing data collections to identify trends and make judgments about the information they contain is known as data analytics (DA). The study of examining unprocessed data to draw inferences about such information is known as data analytics.

Understanding trends or patterns from the enormous amounts of information being gathered requires the use of data analytics. It aids in performance optimization for enterprises.

Fair practices in data analytics include using data ethically and professionally, as well as ensuring its dependability and quality. Unfair data analytics practices include the use of data unethically and the manipulation of data to produce biased conclusions.

Learn more about data analytics, here:



Stam Company shows the following costs for three jobs worked on in April. Job 306 Job 307 Job 308 Balances on March 31 Direct materials (in March) $ 33,600 $ 41,900 Direct labor (in March) 24,600 20,300 Applied overhead (March) 12,300 10,150 Costs during April Direct materials 139,600 226,900 $ 102,300 Direct labor 94,200 161,500 107,300 Applied overhead ? ? ? Status on April 30 Finished (sold) Finished (unsold) In process Additional Information Raw Materials Inventory has a March 31 balance of $91,500. Raw materials purchases in April are $504,600, and total factory payroll cost in April is $388,300. Actual overhead costs incurred in April are indirect materials, $52,300; indirect labor, $25,300; factory rent, $34,300; factory utilities, $21,300; and factory equipment depreciation, $55,600. Predetermined overhead rate is 50% of direct labor cost. Job 306 is sold for $650,000 cash in April.


Based on the cost of production by Stam Company, the overhead rate which is applied to the jobs are:

Data and Calculations:

                                                       Job 306           Job 307        Job 308

Balances on March 31

Direct materials used (in March)    $33,600         $41,900

Direct labor used (in March)           $24,600        $20,300

Overhead applied (March)              $12,300         $10,150

Costs during April

Direct materials used                     $139,000      $226,900     $102,000

Direct labor used                            $94,200       $161,500       $107,300

Overhead applied                           $55,600       $77,500       $52,500

                             ($94,200 × 50%)  ($161,500 × 50%)  ($107,300 × 50%)

Job 306 - $47,100

Job 307 - $80,750

Job 308 - $53,650

The overhead rate applied for Job 306 in April is:

= Direct labor cost x 50%

= 94,200 x 50%

= $47,100

The overhead applied for Job 307 in April is:

= 161,500 x 50%

= $80,750

The overhead for Job 308 in April is:

= 107,300 x 50%

= $53,650

Hence, based on the cost of production by Stam Company, the overhead rate applied to the jobs are calculated above.

The given question is incomplete, the complete question is-

Stam Company shows the following costs for three jobs worked on in April. Job 306 Job 307 Job 308 Balances on March 31 Direct materials (in March) $ 33,600 $ 41,900 Direct labor (in March) 24,600 20,300 Applied overhead (March) 12,300 10,150 Costs during April Direct materials 139,600 226,900 $ 102,300 Direct labor 94,200 161,500 107,300 Applied overhead ? ? ? Status on April 30 Finished (sold) Finished (unsold) In process Additional Information Raw Materials Inventory has a March 31 balance of $91,500. Raw materials purchases in April are $504,600, and total factory payroll cost in April is $388,300. Actual overhead costs incurred in April are indirect materials, $52,300; indirect labor, $25,300; factory rent, $34,300; factory utilities, $21,300; and factory equipment depreciation, $55,600. Predetermined overhead rate is 50% of direct labor cost. Job 306 is sold for $650,000 cash in April.

Enter debits before credits. Transaction General Journal Debit Credit a. Record entry Clear entry View general journal 4. Prepare a schedule of cost of goods manufactured for the month end April 30. Stam Company Schedule of Cost of Goods Manufactured For Month Ended April 30 Total manufacturing costs Total cost of work in process Cost of goods manufactured.

To learn more about the overhead rate here:



people who purchase goods or services from a business are called





A customer is a person who buys either a good or a service. Customer is more common than shopper, and it is used more in business contexts than shopper is. Shops were lowering prices to attract more customers.

I am pretty sure a customer

What form of nonverbal communication is being used when a person sits at a boardroom table with their belongings neatly stacked close to them?

Question 5 options:







The answer is C. tidiness because the person with their belonging decided to tidy their space to make it look clean and organized when sitting at a boardroom table.


Describe the marketing mix to reach the desired marketing objectives


The marketing mix is the collection of marketing tools that a company employs to achieve its marketing objectives in a specific market. There are various components of the marketing mix, but McCarthy's 'FOUR Ps' are universally accepted. These 4 Ps are ‘Product, Price, Place, Promotion’

Product- A product is defined as "anything of value" that is offered for sale in the market. The concept of product refers not only to the physical product but also to the benefits provided by the product from the consumer's perspective. The concept of product also includes what is offered to the customer in terms of after-sales services, handling complaints, availability of spare parts, and so on

Price- Price is the amount of money which the customers have to pay to obtain the product. It is a very crucial element of marketing mix as customers are highly price sensitive, and level of price affects the level of demand. Marketers have not only to decide about objectives of price setting but to analyze the factors determining the price and fix a price for the firm’s products.

Place- Place, also known as physical distribution, refers to activities that make a company's products available to its target customers. It also includes decisions about which intermediaries to use and how to support them through discounts, promotional campaigns, and so on.

Promotion- Promotion refers to all activities that communicate the availability, features, benefits, and so on of a product to potential customers and persuade them to purchase it. Organizations engage in a variety of promotional activities and spend significant money promoting their products through a variety of tools such as advertising, personal selling, sales promotion techniques, and public relations.

A company's success is determined by how well these elements are combined to provide superior value to customers while meeting sales and profit goals.

For more information on marketing mix visit:



Create a simple symbol to help explain each of the three types of loans that banks commonly
make: commercial loans, consumer loans, and mortgage loans. Write one or two sentences
explaining who would typically take our each type of loan and what the money would be used


Borrowing cards are a type of unsecured revolving credit with higher interest rates. Commercial loans with terms of one to three years. Commercial loans with a longer term are typically secured by real estate or other large assets.

What is commercial loans?

A commercial loan is arranged between a bank and a company and is used to pay for both operating expenses and capital investments. Collateral, such as real estate or machinery, is often required for commercial loans. Financial statements are typically required from businesses to demonstrate their capacity to pay.

Simply enough, "commercial" is another synonym for "business." Therefore, as opposed to a consumer loan, a commercial loan is only a business loan. A business loan might be used, for instance, to purchase both the building and a restaurant.

An mortgage loan used to buy, refinance, or repair a business property is known as a commercial real estate (CRE) loan. Numerous traditional and internet lenders offer CRE loans with slightly variable terms, fees, and eligibility requirements.

Loans that aren't typically managed by the real estate or consumer loan departments are referred to as "commercial loans" in common parlance. Commercial or business loans are typically one of a national bank's most significant assets when it comes to asset distribution.

Learn more about commercial loans, here



In strongly decentralized organizations, even the lowest-level managers can make decisions.

a. True
b. False


Answer: True.

Explanation:In strongly decentralised organisations, even the lowest-level managers can make decisions.

a. Decentralised operations often allow the lower-levels of management to make decisions because they are most familiar with the day-to-day operations.

b. In decentralised organisations, decision-making authority is spread throughout the organisation. Lower-level managers are empowered to make decisions which can increase motivation and job satisfaction.

c. Operations are able to respond quickly to customers and changes in the environmentin a decentralised organisation because there are fewer managers that must beconsulted before a decision is made.

Learn more about decentralised organisation on link below



1. What is the future value of £125, if it were invested today at a compound interest rate
of 4% for a period of 8 years?
A. £91.34
B. £125.00
C. £165.00
D. £171.07
E. £1844.74


Future value would be £171.07 with compound interest

Therefore option d. is correct

To calculate future value of a amount formula given below is used

FV = P( 1 + i)^n

where P is Principal, i is rate of interest and n is number of term

FV = £125 (1 + 0.04)^8

FV = £125 x 1.3685

FV = £171.07

What is compound interest?

Compound interest simply refers to the fact that an investment, loan, or bank account's interest accrues exponentially over time as opposed to linearly over time.

Compound interest, also known as interest on principal and interest, is the practise of adding interest to the principal amount of a loan or deposit.

To know more about compound interest refer



Prioritize the following tech issues:
a. Issues that affect a group of customers
b. Issues preventing revenue
c. Issues that affect all customers.
d. Issues that affect back end customer support, no customer facing impact
e. Issues that affect back end customer support, customer facing impact.
f. Issues that have a probability of resulting in a dispute or consumer affairs complaint.


The Prioritization of the tech issues is using point 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 with point 5 meaning high priority and point one, low priority.

a. Issues that affect a group of customers - 3

b. Issues preventing revenue - 5

c. Issues that affect all customers. -5

d. Issues that affect back end customer support, no customer facing impact -3

e. Issues that affect back end customer support, customer facing impact-3

f. Issues that have a probability of resulting in a dispute or consumer affairs complaint - 2

Prioritization strategy: what is it?

Making lists, choosing which things to perform that day, and completing each activity in order of urgency are all examples of prioritization strategies you can use to fulfill your daily work responsibilities. By putting them into practice, you can get more done in less time and have more time for less important activities.

Therefore, Prioritization typically involves a group procedure in which organizational or concerns are ranked according to their considered priority or significance. Setting priorities for difficulties is a crucial procedure since it helps a company decide which problems to concentrate its limited resources on.

Learn more about Prioritization from


Suppose a person who is developing a card game crowdfunds $40,000 and holds this as cash for future expenses. If this $40,000 comes from donors' checking accounts, by how much will the money supply fall if the reserve ratio is 10 percent?
A. The Money Supply will decrease by $___.
I've tried 4000, 40000, 36000, 44000, 400000, and everything else you can think of. Someone please help answer this!


According to the given details, the money supply will decrease by $400,000

Money supply

Money supply refers all the currency and other liquid instruments in a country's economy on the date measured.


Suppose a person who is developing a card game crowdfunds $40,000 and holds this as cash for future expenses.

Here we need to find the decreasing rate in money supply.

While we looking into the given question, we have identified the following values,

Account balance = $40,000

Reserve ratio = 10%

Now, the decreasing rate is calculated as,

Decrease rate = Account balance[1/reserve ratio]

Now, we have to apply the values on the formula, then we get

Decrease rate  = 40000[1/0.10]

When we simplify it, then we get the decrease rate as,

Decrease rate =  $400,000

Therefore, the money supply will decease by $400,000.

To know more about Money supply here.



Question 4 of 20
How is the equilibrium price found using a supply and demand graph?
A. It is found at the midpoint of the supply curve.
B. It is found at the midpoint of the demand curve.
C. It is found where the supply curve meets the demand curve.
D. It is found at the lowest point of the supply curve.




It is found where the supply curve meets the demand curve

The following information applies to the questions displayed below.]

Clothing Frontiers began operations on January 1 and engages in the following transactions during the year related to stockholders’ equity.

January 1 Issues 600 shares of common stock for $38 per share.
April 1 Issues 100 additional shares of common stock for $42 per share.


The following entries will be made for Clothing Frontiers

Jan 01

DR Cash $22,800

CR Common Stock $600

CR Additional Paid in capital $22,200

Apr 01

DR Cash 4,200

CR Common Stock $100

CR Additional Paid in capital $41,00

What is Journal Entry?

Journal entry is the type of recording transaction that have occurred in a company, these journal entries are also known as the double entry for their nature of having impact on different account. The journal entry is the initial step for the transaction to be recorded. At the end of the month trial balance is maintained and then Income statement and balance sheet are prepared.

The Common stock is credited with the par value of the stock sold while the difference of the cash received for the sale of cash and the par value is credited to the additional paid in capital account.

Learn more about Journal entries at https://brainly.com/question/27011354


Which of the following taxpayers will NOT be eligible for a qualified business income (QBI) deduction for the business activity described?
Alejandro is a sole proprietor. He actively participates in his business and has a net profit of $60,000 this year.
Lindsay owns 10% of the shares of Gestures, Incorporated, an S corporation. She does not perform any services for the company. Her share of ordinary income is $3,000 this year.
Jeff owns 20% of the shares of Woodbury, Incorporated, a C corporation. He occasionally performs services and receives Form W-2 for his earnings.
Gina is a general partner of Business Case, a partnership. She actively participates in the business operation. Her share of ordinary income is $45,000 this year.


The taxpayer that will NOT be eligible for a qualified business income (QBI) deduction for the business activity described is option C: Jeff owns 20% of the shares of Woodbury, Incorporated, a C corporation.

Which business models are acceptable for Qbi?

QBI is the total of all qualified items of income, gain, deduction, and loss from all qualified trades or businesses, including partnership, S corporation, sole proprietorship, and certain trust income.

A partnership, S corporation, or sole proprietorship that generates qualified business income (QBI) may be eligible for the QBI deduction. You are not permitted to deduct any income that you receive from a C corporation.

Therefore, The net amount of qualified items of income, gain, deduction, and loss from any qualified trade or business, including partnerships', S-corporations', sole proprietors', and certain trusts' income, is known as QBI. Hence option C is correct.

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