why is cheever looking for a poppet? what is the significance of the one they find


Answer 1

Cheever is looking for a poppet because Abigail Williams was stabbed in the stomach with a needle and accused Elizabeth Proctor of doing so. The poppet, a child's toy, is discovered by Ezekiel Cheever and used as proof that witchcraft was used by Elizabeth Proctor to harm people through voodoo magic.

Related Questions

most of the time, the ___ struggles against the main character in the story


Answer: Antagonist

Explanation: when someone is struggling or having a hard time with the main character it tells us they are the bad guy . the antagonist is trying to hurt or cause conflict with the main character .


: one that contends with or opposes another : adversary, opponent. political antagonists. : an agent of physiological antagonism: such as. : a muscle that contracts with and limits the action of an agonist with which it is paired.

What are 7 types of education?


There are seven different categories of education: formal education, informal education, non-formal education, preschool, elementary school, secondary education, and post-secondary education.

About Education

Education is a planned activity with certain goals in mind, such as information transmission or the development of skills and character. These objectives could include the growth of comprehension, reason, compassion, and honesty. For the purpose of separating education from indoctrination, several studies highlight the need of critical thinking. While some theories insist that education must lead to a student's progress, others favour a definition of the word that is value-neutral. In a somewhat different sense, education can also refer to the mental states & dispositions that educated individuals possess, rather than the practise itself. The original purpose of education was to pass on cultural legacy to future generations.

To know more about education:



When reeds are dead and a straw to thatch the marshes,
And feathered pampas-grass rides into the wind
Like aged warriors westward, tragic, thinned
Of half their tribe, and over the flattened rushes,
Stripped of its secret, open, stark and bleak,
Blackens afar the half-forgotten creek,—
Then leans on me the weight of the year, and crushes
My heart. I know that Beauty must ail and die,
And will be born again,—but ah, to see
Beauty stiffened, staring up at the sky!
Oh, Autumn! Autumn!—What is the Spring to me?

What is the central idea of this poem?

I’m quite confuse .. any help?



Maybe it's the idea of the beauty of Autumn?


What are Category 3 animals?


The Category 3 animal-by-products are low-risk animals.

Animal-by-product is categorized into 3 sections. They are parts of animals or their organs or products from the animals which are not intended for human consumption. It includes blood, feather, wool, catering waste, fallen stock, etc.

Category 3 animals are those animals that are named as safe for humans but not intended for consumption by slaughterhouses. They are fit and do not pose any threat or cause diseases. It includes shells of certain shellfish, skins, and hides of animals, eggs, and egg-shells from the hatchery, products made from animals, and processed animal proteins (milk, gelatin, collagen).

It also includes products of animal origin, or foodstuffs containing products of animal origin that are no longer intended for human consumption for commercial reasons or due to manufacturing or packaging defects or other defects that do not pose a risk to public or animal health.


To learn more about Animal-by-products,



what are the key differences between replication of the leading and lagging strands?


A lagging strand replicates intermittently, creating brief fragments, whereas a leading strand repeats constantly. This is the main distinction between lagging and leading strands.

The leading strand is indeed a single DNA strand which replicates in the 3' to 5' orientation during DNA replication. Each complementary base at one time, DNA is continually added to a leading strand.

The lagging strand is just a single DNA strand which replicates in the 5′ - 3′ direction during DNA replication. The lagging strand receives DNA in irregular pieces known as "okazaki fragments."

One DNA strand, known as the leading strand, is constantly reproduced within each fork in the same direction as the fork's motion, whereas the other (lagging) strand gets copied inside the opposite direction using brief Okazaki fragments.

To know more about DNA replication:



How would you describe BTS in one word?


The Lodestar is BTS. Although the fundamental definition of a lodestar is anything that provides light and directs you, this description of it as something that aids a ship through night and bad weather is frequently used.

BigHit Entertainment's Bts is a K-pop boy band. In English, they are now known as Beyond the Scene, yet their Korean moniker is Bulletproof Boyscouts. They have seven members—three rappers and four singers—and made their debut on June 12th, 2013. the BTS ARMY in western media, which is also the name of BTS's official fan group. Adorable Representative M.C. for Youth is referred to as A.R.M.Y. The acronym ARMY also stands for a military, and since BTS (the armour) and ARMY (the military) are synonymous, they are constantly together.

To learn more about fundamental please click on below link



Date of infamy central idea


This "Day of Infamy Statement" was given by President Franklin Roosevelt on the very day following the Japanese assault on Pearl Harbor. Congress swiftly proclaimed war, and The Us joined World War II.

What is Date of infamy?

Additionally, it symbolizes the turning point, the precise time when the United States went from being an isolated country to being a giant and the world's most powerful nation. Its message of fortitude and tenacity in the wake of a terrible onslaught is still applicable today.

He made an effort to highlight the historical value of what happened at Pearl Harbor while also subtly asking American individuals to recall the assault and mark its anniversary of it.

Learn more about Date of infamy, here:



Do you consider massive open online course helpful to people?


Yes, I consider massive open online course helpful to people.

Massive open online course (MOOC ) or an open online course is an online course aimed at unlimited participation and open access via the Web. In addition to traditional course materials, such as filmed lectures, readings, and problem sets, many MOOCs provide interactive courses with user forums or social media discussions to support community interactions among students, professors, and teaching assistants (TAs), as well as immediate feedback to quick quizzes and assignments. MOOCs are a widely researched development in distance education, first introduced in 2008, that emerged as a popular mode of learning in 2012, a year called the "Year of the MOOC".

To know more about Massive open online course visit:



How do you write a theme example?


Answer: When you write a theme statement, start by listing some of the topics of the text; for example, alienation, prejudice, ambition, freedom, love, loyalty, passion, etc.). The topic can also be a longer phrase, such as the relationship between love and hate. Can the meaning of a work be love?


Passage 1 is adapted from "Ancient DNA Tells Story of Giant Eagle Evolution," © 2005 by Public Library of Science. Passage 2 is adapted from Tim Heupink, et al. "Dodos and Spotted Green Pigeons are Descendants of an Island Hopping Bird," © 2014 by BioMed Central.
question: In Passage 2, the description of a barcode mainly serves to _____
a trivialize the complexity of a particular research practice.
b use a familiar concept to communicate an idea.
c question the novelty of a scientific phenomenon.
d inject a note of levity into an otherwise serious argument.


In Passage 2, the description of a barcode mainly serves to use a familiar concept to communicate an idea.

Whats in Passage 2 claim ?In essence, Passage 2 makes the claim that the spotted green pigeon is a descendant of an island-hopping bird, and the rest of the article supports this claim.The researchers found that a green pigeon had distinctive DNA patterns that distinguished it apart from other pigeon species because the DNA in the bird's feather was broken and could only be analysed in sections.These DNA segments under investigation are known as "mini barcodes."The researchers chose the more popular concept of barcodes as an example to illustrate their idea and explain their discovery since they thought that the target readership for this article would not be entirely aware with the concept and functions of DNA.

To learn more about spotted green pigeon refer :



The internalization of rules and standards of behavior is most closely associated with the development of


The internalization of rules and standards of behavior is most closely associated with the development of Conscience

Conscience is a cognitive process that draws on one's moral philosophy or value system to elicit emotion and rational correlations. Due to associations based on immediate sensory observations and reflexive responses, such as in sympathetic central nervous system responses, conscience differs from evoked emotion or thought. Conscience, as it is commonly understood, is what causes regret when a person does anything that goes against their moral principles. Religious perspectives on conscience typically relate it to a morality that exists in all people, to a good universe, and/or to the deity.

To know more about Conscience, refer to this link:



complete each of the following statements by dragging the word or phrase into the proper position. then, rearrange the statements into the correct order of appearance in the male duct system starting with the creation of sperm.


The male duct system is responsible for producing sperm  from the testicles.

How to rearrange the statements into the correct order ?Rearranging a group of lines that are presented in the question's confusing order is what the term "sentence rearrangement" alludes to. Candidates must put the sentences in the proper order before responding to questions about them. The candidates must carefully analyse the statements in order to respond to the question because the theme, topic, or area from which the jumbled phrases may be selected is unspecified.The inquiries may be of many kinds:The statements are in the proper order.The right way to phrase any one sentencefinding the passage's opening sentenceto determine the passage's final sentence, and so forthA candidate will get more adept at deciphering the complex problems the more they practise.

To learn more about rearrange refer to:



How do you identify an infinitive phrase?


The word to is added to a verb to form an infinitive, which can be employed as a noun, adjective, or adverb. An infinitive plus a modifier, an object,  and/or an actor makes up an infinitive phrase (s).

The infinitive ('to' + the simple form of the verb) is the key component to look for when determining the infinitive phrase in a sentence. Unless the infinitive phrase is found at the beginning of the sentence, the infinitive phrase begins with to and finishes at the end of the sentence. The word to is typically used before an infinitive, which is a fundamental form of a verb that can be used as a noun, adjective, or adverb. Sentences with an infinitive express actions. TO + VERB combine to make an infinitive, as in as in eating, walking, running, dressing, shouting, and other activities.

Lucretia's New Year's resolution is to travel the entire country of Italy. The only reason Kyle would stay up all night is to finish a new book.

Walking in the evening is a healthy habit to develop.

Katherine wants to keep up her healthy way of living.

To learn more about  infinitive please click on below link



this type of question is worded in a way that sways the respondent toward one side of an argument.


A question that is worded in such a way as to sway the response in favor of one side of the argument is called a leading question.

Leading survey questions are those that persuade or guide respondents toward the intended response. Survey questions are frequently phrased in a certain manner to elicit replies that support the surveyor's ideas, even if this may eventually bias or mislead the survey findings.The quickest way to identify one is to identify the prejudices that a leading question presupposes. After doing so, you have the choice to respond in one of the following ways: Obviously disagree with the bias. For instance, in response to the inquiry, "How much did you like this event?" say, "I did not like the occasion."

Thus the correct answer is Leading question.

To learn more about Leading question, refer:  brainly.com/question/2976377


How does premarital sex affect relationships?


Premarital sex can result in premarital fertility, as per research, and marriages between women who have children from past relationships tend to be less satisfying.

Hypothesis that having several partners raises knowledge of spousal options is on  speculative side. Pregnancy & spread of STDs like HIV/AIDS are only two of the many negative effects of early sexual engagement. Teenagers nowadays are more prone than ever to have premarital sex since puberty tends to start younger & the average age of marriage is rising.

Sex before marriage aids in recognising sexual issues, which may aid in working on them or seeking assistance. One excellent method for decompressing is having sex. Premarital sex is frequently found to be helpful in reducing the stress brought on by relationship conflicts.

To know more about Premarital sex:



Book Two, Chapter 1
1. What does Winston fear will be on the dark-haired girl's slip of paper and what does
it actually say?



At work one morning, Winston walks toward the men's room and notices the dark-haired girl with her arm in a sling. She falls, and when Winston helps her up, she passes him a note that reads “I love you.” Winston tries desperately to figure out the note's meaning.


What is the category game called?


The category is a word game where players try to list the words that belong to a similar category.

In the word game "Categories," participants try to compile a list of words that all fall under the same general category and begin with the same letter. Each player begins by selecting a list of categories, such as "town" or "actor," and writing those lists on a separate piece of paper. The players are then given a predetermined amount of time to create something for each category that begins with the letter that has been randomly selected.

Players exchange sheets and score each other's attempts when the timer expires. A unique entry among the group is worth two points, whereas a shared entry with another participant only receives one point. The winner is the one with the highest total. A different letter is picked for each round after that.

To know more about the Game, refer to this link:



encouraging the outbreak of the spanish-american war is the most famous example of what type of journalism?


The Spanish-American War began due to the outbreak of negative press, described as Yellow journalism.

What is yellow journalism?

Yellow journalism refers to news articles that are more concerned with attracting readers' attention than they are with reporting news accurately.

This method of newspaper reporting prioritized sensationalism above accuracy. It was one among many elements during its heyday in the late 19th century that influenced the United States and Spain to go to war in Cuba and the Philippines, which led to the United States taking possession of foreign soil.


To learn more about Yellow journalism from the given link



Which tatement would the character grendel mot likely agree with, baed on hi outlook on life


Life is made up of random events which consist of accidental consequences.

Life is the property that distinguishes matter with and without biological processes, such as signaling and self-sustaining processes,  and is defined by its capacity for growth, response to stimuli, metabolism, energy conversion, and reproduction. Life is called the ups and downs of life. Without them, life is an endless war that can always be won.

"Things are beautiful when you love them." "What you do makes a difference and you have to decide how you want to make the difference."    "The most important thing is to enjoy life. To be happy. That's all." beauty secret: there is no beauty without happiness.

Learn more about life here:-https://brainly.com/question/24793479


I need help writing this journal entry. It’s a test grade.

Your response should be at least 500 words.

If you could add one thing to the world, what would it be and why?


If you could change one thing about the United State of America, what would it be and why?


If you woke up tomorrow with one skill (something that you can learn (e.g. flying isn't a skill)), what would it be and why?


Answer: I think you should do the last one and write about something like fishing or something that you have always wanted to learn how to do, but you have never had the time to learn how to do that hobby. And trust me 5oo isn't as much as you think so don't worry.


What Amendment allows selective incorporation making some Bill of Rights applicable to the states?


the Fourteenth (14th) Amendment allows selective incorporation making some Bill of Rights applicable to the states

Is the First Amendment selective incorporation?

Rights Granted to States via Selective Incorporation

Those that do apply to states include: The First Amendment guarantees religious, speech, press, and assembly freedoms. The right to keep and bear arms is guaranteed by the Second Amendment. Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable search and seizure.

How has the Bill of Rights been incorporated into states selectively?

By incorporation through the Fourteenth Amendment in 1868 and the Fifteenth Amendment in 1870, various portions of the Bill of Rights have gradually been held to be applicable to state and local governments.

To learn more about Bill of Rights visit:



Please help, will make brainliest if you’re right or give an explanation


Answer IS A


3. The mystery of space.
A. sentence
B. fragment





Read the excerpt from "digging." the cold smell of potato mould, the squelch and slap of soggy peat, the curt cuts of an edge through living roots awaken in my head. but i’ve no spade to follow men like them. which words in the excerpt are linked by alliteration? a. cold, curt, cuts b. potato, mould, follow c. peat, edge, living
d. edge, head, them


In the given excerpt from “Digging”, the words linked by alliteration are cold, curt, cuts. (Option A).

Alliteration refers to the noticeable repetition of initial consonant sounds of nearby words in a phrase. It is the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the start of adjacent words or words in close proximity. Close proximity means that words that can be but don't have to be consecutive and can be closely related. It is generally used as a literary device. Typical examples of alliteration are "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers" and “Sally sells seashells by the sea shore”. Hence, in the given excerpt from “Digging”, cold, curt, cuts are words which are linked by the alliteration.

Learn more about Alliteration:




cold, curt, cuts


edge 2023

Write a brief summary of A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley, Act 1

Pls PLS answer fast I beg you guys



The novella starts off with Ebezner Scrooge, a miser who is annoyed by holiday revelers and looking forward to a quiet night at home. Marley, who has been dead for seven years, had only one friend (associate) —Scrooge, who was also his business partner. In act one, we see a miserly man whom Scrooge first sees as an apparition on a door knocker at his house. Furthermore, the omniscient narrator informs us that Jacob Marley is dead. It is also Christmas Eve once more, and the chilly streets of London are smothered in an icy fog.


I know this because I skimmed the book and then reread it again. I learned that no matter how harsh or cold-hearted someone might seem on the outside, everyone has burdens that they carry with them and that affect them deeply. But also the pursuit of money will not make a person happy. Scrooge devotes his life to amassing wealth, but in doing so misses out on the joys of family and friendship (ex. Marley).

Explain what Chaucer was trying to say about society during the middle ages? Discuss the portrayals of at least 2 pilgrims to support your answer.


Chaucer describes ordinary life as well as social development and religious variety in his society in The Canterbury Tales.

What is Chaucer's view of society ?

Time and tide do not wait for men (Chaucer). Geoffrey Chaucer (1340–1400) was a guy of imagination, with a mind for creative problem-solving and a love for poetry. Chaucer studied at St. Paul's Cathedral School, where he was greatly influenced by the works of poets like Virgil and Ovid (Britannica). Chaucer portrays society as corrupt and morally degenerating in his work The Canterbury Tales. The experiences in Chaucer's life, including his time as a prisoner of war (Biography.com), affected his perception of the world and the people in it as being dishonest and evil.

He exemplifies the woman's self-promotional pride and arrogance, portraying her as the "prize" and "treasure" that all the guys compete for. In today's world, people are told things like "you are perfect" and "everyone is a winner." These proverbs may have an alluring ring to them, but they have the potential to lure people's minds in the wrong path over time. These statements are slowly corrupted by the human mind.

To learn more about Geoffrey Chaucer's checkout the link below :



What's another way to say someone has a big heart?


Answer: unstinting, openhanded, benevolent, bountiful.


What's the most common collision in a work zone?


Rear-end collisions are the crash type that occur in work zones the most frequently (running into the back of a vehicle that is slowing down or stopped).

The summer and fall are the most common seasons for fatal work zone collisions. The rear-end collision caused by tailgating is the most frequent accident in a highway maintenance zone. Speeding and distracted driving are the other two main causes of accidents in work zones.A rear-give up collision (frequently known as sincerely rear-give up or withinside the UK a shunt) happens whilst a car crashes into the only in the front of it. Common elements contributing to rear-give up collisions consist of driving force inattention or distraction, tailgating, panic stops, and decreased traction because of moist climate or worn pavement. Rear-give up rail collisions arise whilst a educate runs into the give up of a previous educate.

Thus this is the most common collision in a work zone.

Refer here to learn more about collision: https://brainly.com/question/24915434


What is mean by mutually?


It refers to an experience shared by two or more individuals or groups.

When we work together with another individual, we both contribute to the project.

Example: The project will be mutually advantageous to both parties.

The adverb "mutually" can be used to talk about a shared action or connection. We both feel a sense of rivalry if we have a mutually competitive relationship with our best buddy.

And when a choice is advantageous to everyone in town, it benefits everyone equally. The Latin word 'mutuus', which meaning "reciprocal, or done in trade," serves as the word's root.

This term also refers to an insurance technique whereby the policyholders are the members of the insuring firm, specifically one of, related to, or taking the form of a plan whereby the members of an organisation share in the revenues and expenses.

To know more about insurance, visit:



How do you identify a linear table?


A table of values is linear if the rate of change is constant.

If the average rate of change between every pair of points in a data table is constant, the table is said to be linear. Calculate the average rate of change between each subsequent pair of points in a data table to determine whether the data is linear.A graph that is not vertical and is a straight line is linear. A linear equation is one that has the form y = mx + b. A table of values is linear if the rate of change is constant. A linear function changes at a constant rate. Unlike a nonlinear function. The rate of change of a function between two points.Therefore, the technique to identify linear functions is to ask if the change in y will always have the same value for any given change in x. Is y always going to change by 3, for instance, for each one-step change in x? Will there always be five? You are working with a linear function if the value is constant.

Thus this is how you can identify a linear table.

Refer here to learn more about linear table: https://brainly.com/question/29634955


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