Why does Wilson think the US needs to help end the war?


Answer 1


Wilson thought that the United States alone could shape an effective peace settlement because he believed that the combatants were politically and morally bankrupt. Wilson felt that American intervention in 1917 would ensure that the United States would play a decisive role and dominate the postwar peace conference.

Answer 2

Answer: because its bad for us

Explanation:it causes harm to the world and on our people

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What does the Brooklyn Bridge symbolize?


The Brooklyn Bridge symbolizes both the connection between American and Italian cultures as well as a route of opportunity to Manhattan.

The bridge, which is quite near the Red Hook neighborhood, serves as a continual reminder of the opportunities and industry found in the United States. Like the book's title suggests, one can survey the entire neighborhood from the bridge and look for more abstract meanings from his vantage point.

Alfieri is a representation of the person perched atop the bridge, possibly himself the bridge, permitting people to pass into Manhattan and contemporary, intellectual American society. Alfieri makes an effort to bridge the gap between Italian cultural norms and American law.

To learn more about Brooklyn Bridge, visit the link below:



What did Japanese Americans experience in the internment camp?



The only furnishings in the uninsulated barracks where interns were housed were cots and coal-burning stoves.

How did Brooklyn get its name?


The old Dutch settlement of Breukelen is where the name Brooklyn comes from. The Holy Roman Emperor Otto I's charter from 953 has the earliest reference to the Dutch town, specifically Broecklede.

Breukelen was one of a number of tiny Dutch settlements along what the colonists termed Langue Eylandt's western shore (Long Island). According to Jelly-Schapiro, "Breukelen was created in 1646 as a ferry landing for farmers."

The name Breukelen, which means "broken land," was taken from a Dutch settlement outside of Amsterdam. Breukelen's surrounding towns were given the name Kings County after King Charles II when the British gained control, and the name of Breukelen was anglicized to Brooklyn.

To learn more about Brooklyn, visit the link below:



PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ASAP!!!!


One place where Woodrow Wilson's belief in the " underdog " is not evident in the Fourteen Points is V. " A free, open - minded and absolutely impartial adjustment of all colonial claims.

What were the Fourteen Points ?

In reaction to the multiple causes of World War I, Woodrow Wilson created a set of moral principles known as The Fourteen Points. On January 8, 1918, he delivered a message to Congress outlining these principles to the entire world.

The Fourteen Points served as a framework for discussions when the war was over and the leaders of the winning nations gathered to draft peace treaties and determine sanctions.

The issue was that Wilson's plan did not take into consideration France's, Britain's, and their allies' claims.

Perhaps it was also demonstrated that Wilson's support for colonies did not extend to the underdog.

Find out more on the Fourteen Points at https://brainly.com/question/25356883


Describe social contract theory.

Don’t Get IT FROM THE WEB !!!



Social contract theory is a philosophical idea that originated during the Enlightenment period. It is the idea that individuals enter into a contract with their society, in which they give up some individual liberty in return for protection and security provided by the government. The social contract is thought to be the basis for the authority of the state and for the obligations of citizens to obey the laws of the society. This theory is often used to explain the origin of government and the obligations of citizens to obey the law. It is also used to justify the existence of certain rights and liberties that are protected by the government.


I did not get it from the web, you can check it.

Is cycling good better than running?


Cycling is good better than running because cycling builds more muscles. Cycling  can help to build muscle mass. Running burns more calories than cycling because it uses more muscles.

Cycling is gentler on the body, and we may be able to do it longer or faster than we can run. It is so because muscles grow when they work against resistance. The pedals on a cycling act as a resistance, that is why we will feel a burning sensation in our quads after a tough session on a bike.

Exercising is not always about building muscle and the most calories burned. It is also important to find something we  enjoy and is accessible for us. If we have a preference between the two, choose accoding to you . Both forms of exercise can benefit our physical and mental health, so select the one that motivates the most.

Learn more about cycling or running click the link here:




Explain the rise and fall of either Greece or Rome. Your essay should focus on origins, periods of expansion, and periods of decline.
Respond to the prompt in a 500–700 word essay. Cite all outside sources using proper MLA formatting.

please no spamming



the thing says it's worth 26 points

What was the main disagreement between northern states and southern states that led to the civil war?


Slavery, Disagreements among states about the eventual fate of bondage were the primary driver of divergence and the conflict that followed. Bondage had been dubious during the outlining of the Constitution but had been left disrupted.

Sweeping sectional contrasts on the issue of bondage, like by and large help/resistance of subjection, monetary practices, strict practices, schooling, social contrasts, and political contrasts kept the North and South at close to consistent resistance to each other on the issue of servitude.

The Northern states, having canceled bondage, looked to forestall its spread, while the Southern states, having developed more reliant upon slave work, attested to the freedoms of Southerners to move their lifestyle into the new domains.

Learn more about civil war:



How did the Roosevelt Corollary affect United States policy in Latin America ?


Foreign policy in Latin America was no exception to Theodore Roosevelt's reputation as a very active and forward-thinking president.

Although his initiatives in Latin America benefited the rapidly expanding United States, they also had a mixed effect on the region. In the early 1900s, President Roosevelt modified previous American policies, such as the Monroe Doctrine of 1823, to have the support of the Navy. The Platt Amendment of 1901 was one such amendment that allowed for American expansionism under President Roosevelt. Cuba immediately established itself as the cornerstone of the United States' new Latin American strategy as a result of this amendment.

To know more about Theodore Roosevelt, refer: brainly.com/question/29359038


the buchanan-pakenham treaty resolved the outstanding border dispute with great britain over the oregon territory by extending the border between british canada and the united states along the 49th parallel all the way to the pacific coast.
a. true
b. false


The mentioned statement in the question is true which is the treaty resolved the outstanding border dispute by extending the border along the 49th parallel all the way to the Pacific coast.

Treaty, what is that?

Nations enter into treaties to form accords. Both bilateral and multilateral agreements between two or more countries are possible. Treaties' binding nature and incorporation into international law are their main benefits.

A treaty is it legal?

In addition to being a part of international law, treaties are legally binding agreements between governments. As a part of "the ultimate Law of the Land," as described in the Constitution, treaties to which the United States is a party also have the force of federal law.

To know more about Treaty visit:



How did WWII begin
and what brought about
US involvement in the


Answer: When Germany invaded Poland, France, and Great Britain decided to declare war on Germany. Pearl Harbor is when the US was officially dragged into WWII I hope this helped!

what term describes the northernmost of the two large continents produced by the breakup of pangaea?


The term describes the northernmost of the two large continents produced by the breakup of Pangaea is Laurasia.

Wegener, on the other hand, proposed that the components of Pangea moved slowly over long geological timescales thousands of kilometers apart. In 1912, Wegener proposed a term for this movement or continental drift, and the term continental drift was born.

The Atlantic did not open evenly. Lifting began in the northern Mid-Atlantic. The first breakup of Pangea has been proposed in the late Ladinia initially spreading across the opening of the Central Atlantic Ocean. They all existed as a single continent called Pangea. Pangea first began to tear apart when the three rifts formed between Africa South America and North America.

Learn more about Pangaea here:- https://brainly.com/question/11694556


Founder of the NAACP
Booker T Washington
WEB DuBois
Marcus Garvey


Answer: W.E.B. Du Bois

Explanation: "Du Bois, a scholar at the historically Black Atlanta University, established himself as a leading thinker on race and the plight of Black Americans. He challenged the position held by Booker T. Washington, another contemporary prominent intellectual, that Southern Blacks should compromise their basic rights in exchange for education and legal justice. He also spoke out against the notion popularized by abolitionist Frederick Douglass that Black Americans should integrate with white society. In an essay published in The Atlantic Monthly in 1897, "Strivings of the Negro People," Du Bois wrote that Black Americans should instead embrace their African heritage even as they worked and lived in the United States."  (NAACP)

NAACP. “W.E.B. Du Bois | NAACP.” Naacp.org, 2022, naacp.org/find-resources/history-explained/civil-rights-leaders/web-du-bois.

God bless, hope this helps.

Read the excerpt from William Jennings Bryan's "Cross of Gold" speech:

There are two ideas of government. There are those who believe that if you just legislate to make the well-to-do prosperous, that their prosperity will leak through on those below. The Democratic idea has been that if you legislate to make the masses prosperous their prosperity will find its way up and through every class that rests upon it.
Which three statements describe Bryan’s positions on the Republican Party and the Democratic Party in the 1896 election?

A.The Republican Party made policies that supported big business.
B.The Democratic Party wanted to create more upward mobility for people.
C. The Republican Party was focused on distributing wealth equally.
D. The Democratic Party understood the economy from the point of view of workers and farmers.
Bryan was adopting some of the ideas of the Republican Party to attract voters for Democrats.


William Jennings Byran writes:

A. The Republican Party promoted pro-business policies.

B. The Democratic Party desired to increase people's opportunities for advancement.

D. The Democratic Party saw the economy through the eyes of workers and farmers.

What was William Jennings Bryan famous for?

William Jennings Bryan was a lawyer, orator, and politician from the United States. He emerged as a major influence in the Democratic Party beginning in 1896, seeking three times as the party's choice for President of the United States.

Jennings, William Bryan was a prominent Democratic Party figure who ran for President multiple times. According to his "Cross of Gold" speech, he believed:

that Republicans only enacted legislation that helped big business and the rich with the assumption that income would flow down to the poorthat the Democratic Party would implement rules for all classes that would help lower-class people to advancesaid the Democratic Party recognized the ordinary people's point of view, such as laborers and farmers, and wanted them to prosper

To learn more about William Jennings Bryan, click



The majority of immigrants that entered the United States during the industrial age came from



northern and western Europe


why would psalm 24 have been incompatible with the rules governing the services of the catholic church until 1963?


Answer:It is an expression of Boulanger's personal devotion.


(q049) bill clinton was the first democrat to win reelection to the presidency since franklin d. roosevelt. group of answer choices true false


He campaigned against the radical republicans and moved towards the center. In 1992, Bill Clinton secured the Democratic nomination for president because he combined social liberalism with elements of conservatism.

Welfare Reform,In 1996, President Clinton signed the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act, which abolished Aid to Families with Dependent Children, better known as welfare. The failed August 1991 coup against Gorbachev sealed the fate of the Soviet Union. When President Clinton promised to "End welfare as we know it," he intended to end welfare forever. During the 1990s, Presidents George Bush and Bill Clinton affirmed the view that the United States should embrace the mission of creating a single global free market.

To learn more about Reconciliation please click on below link.



Which are accurate tatement about Queen Elizabeth I of England and her reign? Chooe Three


The decision by Elizabeth not to wed sparked a lot of debate on a national and international level. At the time, it was generally accepted that only men were equipped to rule and that a woman's place was as a wife.

Beyond this idea, however, there were significant dynastic and diplomatic risks associated with a potential royal union. The Tudor line would terminate if Elizabeth died childless, and her Catholic cousin Mary, Queen of Scots, would succeed to the throne in England. The prospect of a Catholic king was seen by Protestants as a terrifying threat that would be best avoided if Elizabeth delivered a Protestant heir. The queen's choice of husband was crucial for the complex web of affairs, including the issue of succession.

learn more about Elizabeth here:



how did the philosophy of humanism in the renaissance represent a break from the predominant thought of medieval europe?


The philosophy of humanism in the renaissance placed a strong emphasis on education and success in order to help people reach their full potential, which they believed to be determined by God.

The Renaissance's intellectual and educational agenda was humanism. It originated in Italy in the middle of the fourteenth century and expanded to the rest of Europe by the late fifteenth century. It was based on Latin and Greek literature. As opposed to the solitary life of ascetic monks and scholars, this curriculum, known as the studia humanitatis, or the humanities, was intended to impart to people the morals essential to conduct an active, virtuous life. Humanism was a system that was created for the citizen and was a byproduct of the Italian city-state republics.

Humanists rediscovered many lost texts, read them with a critical and secular eye, and through them created a new mentality that shaped Italian and European society from roughly the mid-14th to the mid-17th centuries, despite the fact that scholars in earlier centuries had embraced classical learning.

Know more about Humanism:



Which culture group spread across eurasia in the 13th century and became the world’s largest empire?



Mongol Empire  which was led at first  by Genghis Khan


What happened to Furman after Furman v. Georgia?


The homeowner in the Furman v. Georgia case awoke in the middle of the night to discover William Henry Furman breaking into his home. In an unsworn declaration permitted by Georgia criminal law.

Furman claimed during the trial that he fell while attempting to flee and the weapon he was carrying accidently fired, killing the victim. His earlier claim to the police that he had turned and fired a shot while running was refuted by this. In any case, Furman would have been guilty of murder and subject to the death penalty under then-existing state law, in accordance with the felony murder rule, because the shot took place while a criminal was being committed. Furman was convicted guilty of murder after going through a trial, partly because to his own testimony.

learn more about Furman here:



What was the main idea of World War 1?


The First World War, sometimes known as WWI or WW1, was an international conflict that raged in Europe from July 28, 1914, to November 11, 1918. The Great War or "the war to end all wars" was referred to as it.

One of the greatest conflicts in history World War this one involved more over 70 million military soldiers, 60 million of them were white Europeans. One of the deadliest wars in history, it resulted in the deaths of 13 million civilians and 90 million troops, while the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic killed between 17 and 100 million people globally. World War which saw an increase of 2.64 million in Europe and 6.75 million in the US. 1919 came to an end entirely. The July Crisis began on June 28, 1914, when Gavrilo Major, a Serb Yugoslav nationalist from Bosnia, killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo. On July 23, in response, Austria-Hungary gave Serbia a deadline. World War The Austrians were unable to activate north of Serbia, and the two nations entered a state of war. Much of Europe was troubled by a network of alliances that caused common problems in the Balkans. By July 1914, the major European countries had split into the Triple Entente, which included France, Russia, and Britain, and the Triple Alliance, which included Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. Italy was able to avoid involvement in the war until April 1915 .

learn more about World War here:



What qualities gave someone status and power in seventeenth-century Virginia? How had that changed by the 1670s?


The legislation compels an employer or other covered organization to make a reasonable effort to respect an employee's religious practices or beliefs unless doing so would significantly impair the company's ability to do business.

What are seventeenth-century Virg/inia?

Generally, Religion and the ownership of property in the community were the two characteristics that determined a person's position in a community.

As more time passed, this concept evolved, and as the rights of white Europeans rose in these colonies, people of color became the target of discrimination.

Read more about seventeenth-century Vir/ginia



Is cycling better for you than running?


Cycling and running both are equally beneficially enough to our body to get healthy. Aerobic activities help strengthen our heart so that it can pump more oxygen in our body. Running burns slightly more calories per hour than biking, so it may help us lose weight faster.

Because running works more muscles in the body than cycling. Our stomach muscles work much more to stabilize the body under load than cycling. Doing cardio exercise such as cycling and running teaches your heart to pump even more efficiently the rest of the time.

Running is a high impact activity and requires the entire body to be moving because running will burn more calories than cycling because it uses more muscle groups.

Cycling can help us build muscle in your lower half. Running will not lead to a lot of bulk, but it can help us develop stronger. Running slower but for longer stretches may help us to  achieve a toned look.

Learn more about cycling & running click the link here:



Why was the US response to the Korean War initially slow ?


Because the soviet Union and communist china were supporting north Korea indirectly the US was slow to intervene due to the fear of raising tensions with the soviet union.

Remember the soviet union revealed that they too had nuclear weapons in 1949 and the Korean war began in 1950.

Why is NYC named twice?


New York, New York. The first is the NYC city name, the second is the state name.

There are many cities in america with the similar names as their states such Ohio, Ohio or Nebraska, Nebraska

In order to avoid the confusion you add ‘city’ New York City (NYC), New York not quite as catchy as New York, New York. Despite being referred to as New York at the same time, the city's name dates back to before the state of New York was established.

According to Jon Hendricks, "New York, New York: a city so lovely that it required two names..."

Learn more about NYC here:



Which emotion is roosevelt most likely trying to create in this passage from his four freedoms speech.


Answer: The emotion that Roosevelt is most likely trying to create in this passage from his Four Freedoms speech is :A) Fear that the enemy is trying to take away our freedom.Four Freedoms speechThe emotion that Roosevelt is most likely trying to create in this passage from his Four Freedoms speech is the fear that the enemy is trying to take away our freedom.Roosevelt's 1941 State of the Union Address, commonly known as the “Four Freedoms” speech.In it he verbalized a capable vision for a world in which all individuals had opportunity of discourse and of religion, and opportunity from need and fear.Thus, the correct answer is A.Learn more about "Roosevelt": brainly.com/question/8949744?referrer=searchResults

about 200 people had to be rescued from a floating ice chunk in which northern us state?


In the northern U.S. state of Minnesota, 200 individuals needed to be rescued from a floating ice block.

After being abandoned on a massive chunk of ice that broke apart on a Minnesota lake, some 200 people were saved. According to the neighborhood sheriff's office, the people stuck on Upper Red Lake in northern Minnesota were fishing.

Around 11:30 a.m. CT, first responders received a call about a sizable block of ice totally breaking off from the shore and floating into the 120,000-square-acre lake. When first responders arrived, there were about 60 feet of open water between the ice block that had cracked and the beach.

Learn More about Minnesota here:



During the great schism of 1348-1417, rival popes fought for leadership of the church in what two modern-day countries?.


Answer: France and Italy

Explanation: hope you find this helpful :)

What is the Brooklyn Bridge mostly about?


The Brooklyn Bridge, which connects the boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn, towers majestically over New York City's East River.

Millions of commuters, tourists, trains, bicycles, pushcarts, and automobiles have been able to travel safely and admirably via its granite towers and steel cables since 1883. It took 14 years and $15 million (more than $320 million in today's currencies) to build the bridge. Its original designer was among the at least two dozen fatalities.

Even though it has been a part of the New York City skyline for more than 125 years, every day, it still carries about 150,000 cars and people. John Augustus Roebling, the architect of the Brooklyn Bridge, was a notable forerunner of steel suspension bridges.

To learn more about Brooklyn Bridge, visit the link below:


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