Why does a person feel cooler under a rotating fan?


Answer 1

What a fan does is create a wind chill effect. ... By blowing air around, the fan makes it easier for the air to evaporate sweat from your skin, which is how you eliminate body heat. The more evaporation, the cooler you feel.

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________ is described as the pulling force transmitted by the means of a
string, a cable, chain. (An example would be a pulley)

Please help I need to turn this today!



it should be tension for the space




I'm not sure if I'm right but if the example is a pulley a pulley applies tension to a belt or rope or chain to keep it tight

An open pipe is 1.42 m long
What fundamental frequency
does it produce?
(Speed of sound = 343 m/s)
(Unit = Hz)



the fundamental frequency produced by the open pipe is 120.78 Hz



length of the open pipe, L = 1.42 m

speed of sound in air, v = 343 m/s

The length of the open pipe for the fundamental frequency is equivalent to half of wavelength;

[tex]L = \frac{\lambda}{2} \\\\\lambda = 2L[/tex]

The fundamental frequency produced by the open pipe is calculated as;

[tex]f_o = \frac{v}{\lambda} \\\\f_o = \frac{v}{2L} \\\\f_o = \frac{343}{2 \times 1.42} \\\\f_o = 120.78 \ Hz[/tex]

Therefore, the fundamental frequency produced by the open pipe is 120.78 Hz

As dancers twirl faster and faster around their partners, they are demonstrating what type of energy?
A. Binding energy,
B. Nuclear energy,
C. Kinetic energy,


Your answer would be Kinetic energy

Missy Diwater, the former platform diver for the Ringling Brother's Circus had a kinetic energy of 15,000 J just prior to hitting the bucket of water. If Missy's mass is 50 kg, then what is her speed?



24.5 m/s







v=24.5 m/s!!

A 12.0 V storage battery is connected to three
resistors, 4.75, 14.0 and 21.0, respectively. The resistors are joined in series.

(a)Calculate the equivalent resistance.
(b)What is the current in the circuit?
Answer in units of A.


(a).  The equivalent resistance of a series circuit is the SUM of the individual resistances in the circuit.

(4.75Ω + 15Ω + 21Ω )  =  39.75Ω

(b). Current = (voltage) / (resistance)

Current = (12 v) / (39.75Ω)

Current = 0.302 Amperes (rounded to the nearest MilliAmpere))

Why might video games increase creativity while the use of cell phones, the internet, or computers do not?



Video games are developed around a structure that is unique from your usual media, where there is a sense purpose in mind when playing a game, as decided by the player, and it allows them to explore creative options in order to solve scenarios, depending on the genre. In the use of phones, internet, or computers, this structure is more rare and diverse from video games, which does not lean more toward a creative purpose to build from. That idea gives people the inspiration and discover skills they never knew they even had.




8. True

9. true

10. false






the galaxies are moving away from each other, not towards each other.

Name the principle which states that energy
cannot be created or destroyed, merely
transferred from one form to another:​


Law of Conservation of Energy


the Laws of Thermodynamics


these laws states that no form of energy can be created by anyone or anything, without a previous and equal input of energy being put in, that energy can only be transferred from object to object and through different forms

Example: the way a heater runs to warm up an area, that is the process of electrical energy, or energy stored in propane being converted into heat energy

this law is universally implied and has been proven on multiple accounts to be true, in no way can you create energy out of thin air, all you can do is transform and transfer it

hope this is what you was going for, very good point in science

this is one of two correct answers, the other answer to this question is also correct

Which of the following types of models could be used to represent a cell?
idea model
physical model
computer model
all of the above



d. all of the above

Plsss I want answer???



s=136.89/2g meter

s=6.98 meter (correct to 3 sig.fig. taking g=9.81ms^-2)


u= + 11.7 ms^-1

a= - g ms^-2

At highest point: v=0ms^-1



s=136.89/2g meters


Which pendulum would have the highest frequency?

1) 1 kg mass and 0.5-meter length

2) 0.5 kg mass and 0.75-meter length

3) 0.5 kg mass and 1-meter length

4) 1 kg mass and 0.75-meter length



B is the Answer

Follow me please

Mark brainliest


The answer is A


This is because f = 1/T,

or frequency equals 1 over period, T

Since the highest T would be the answer with the greatest length and mass does not matter the answer would be c IF they were asking for the highest period.

F is found by 1 over T so the greatest F would be the smallest number, Hence answer A

Please Mark me brainiest

3. What is the power of a derby race car that uses a 50 N force to travel 20 meters in 10 seconds?
A. 1000 W
B. 100 W
C. 80 W


I think it is B. 100 W




oh no i hope i dont fall and the  i agree with the other dude

Answer: Okay, thanks I really appreciate the generosity.

An 5kg object is released from rest near the surface of a planet. The vertical position of the object as a function of time is shown in the graph. All frictional forces are considered to be negligible. What is the closest approximation of the weight of the object.
a) 300N
b) 30N
c) 5N
d) 150N



The correct option is b: 30 N.


First, we need to find the acceleration due to gravity (a):

[tex] y_{f} - y_{0} = v_{o}t - \frac{1}{2}a(\Delta t)^{2} [/tex]   (1)


[tex]y_{f}[/tex]: is the final vertical position (obtained from the graph)

[tex]y_{0}[/tex]: is the initial vertical position (obtained from the graph)

v₀: is the initial speed = 0 (it is released from rest)

Δt: is the variation of time (from the graph)

From the graph, we can take the following values of height and time:

t₀ = 0 s → [tex]t_{f}[/tex] = 5 s

y₀ = 300 m → [tex]y_{f}[/tex] = 225 m

Now, by entering the above values into equation (1) and solving for "a" we have:

[tex] a = 2\frac{y_{0} - y_{f}}{(t_{f} - t_{0})^{2}} = 2\frac{300 m - 225 m}{(5 s - 0)^{2}} = 6 m/s^{2} [/tex]

Finally, the weight of the object is:

[tex] W = ma = 5 kg*6 m/s^{2} = 30 N [/tex]

Therefore, the correct option is b: 30 N.

I hope it helps you!                                                                                                            

How does the amplitude of the wave change as you get farther from the speaker?



The sound is perceived as louder if the amplitude increases, and softer if the amplitude decreases. ... As the amplitude of the sound wave increases, the intensity of the sound increases. Sounds with higher intensities are perceived to be louder.

When an object is raised vertically, work is done against __________. What one word completes the sentence?

please help quickly!!


Gravity Gravitational Force of Gravity

When an object is raised vertically, work is done against _gravitational force _________

What is gravitational force ?

The force of attraction between all masses in the universe; especially the attraction of the earth's mass for bodies near its surface is called gravitational force .

On every body there is a force acting named  gravitational force which attracts the body downward .

If a object / body is thrown up it always comes downward if only gravitational force is acting on it which act due to earth's gravity .

When an object is raised vertically, work is done against _gravitational force _________

learn more about  gravitational force :



A physics student sits in a chair. The chair pushes up on the student's body. Identify the other force of the interaction force pair.



The other force is the weight of the student.


With respect to Newton's third law of motion, for the student to sit and balance on the chair, there must be two equal and opposite forces involved. The student applies his/ her weight on the chair which acts downwards, while the chair applies an equal but opposite force to the weight of the student.

The force applied by the chair on the student's body is counter balanced by the student's weight. Note that, if the weight of the student is greater than the opposing force from the chair, the chair would collapse.

Why is fluorine more chemically reactive than nitrogen



Me encanta el pollo, de todos modos, un día que es hoy, por cierto, fui a la tierra de los pollos y caminé en México, ¿sabías que es mi sueño? ¿Olvidé que mi nombre es jemma y me gusta caminar? párrafo así que nos vemos



Fluorine needs to gain only 1 electron to have a full octet, while nitrogen needs to gain 3.

Given vector A with magnitude 2N and vector B magnitude 4N, what are the minimum and maximum magnitudes of A+B?​


-- If A and B are pointing in exactly opposite directions, then their sum A+B is the minimum possible value.  A+B = 2 N in the same direction as B.

-- If A and B are pointing in exactly the same direction, then their sum A+B is the maximum possible value.  A+B = 6 N in that same direction.  

What evidence do we have that the moon is receding from Earth?


For the last few billion years the Moon's gravity has been raising tides in Earth's oceanswhich the fast spinning Earth attempts to drag ahead of the sluggishly orbiting Moon. The result is that the Moon is being pushed away from Earth by 1.6 inches (4 centimeters) per year and our planet's rotation is slowing.

Find the momentum of a 15 kg object traveling at 7 m/s

What is the momentum?

What equation did you use to solve?



105 kg*m/s






You are an astronaut and NASA has asked you to determine how mass and weight change throughout the solar system they have provided you with a rover with a mass of 227 kg on earth what is the rovers mass on the moon if the moon's gravity is 1.60 ms²



The mass will be 227kg.


Mass is a measure of how much "stuff" is in an object. It's a measure of the number and type of atoms in something, and is fixed. If you and I went to the moon right now, our bodies wouldn't change what they were made of. I would still be made up of all the same "stuff," as would you! So my mass would be the same and so would yours.

Weight would change on the moon, because weight is a measure of the local pull of gravity on an object's mass. Earth's gravitational force is about 10m/s2 and the moon's is about 1.6m/s2. So on the moon, I would have a weight of about 1/6 my weight on Earth... but I'd still wear the same size jeans!

Two small, identical conducting spheres repel each other with a force of 0.020 N when they are 0.35 m apart. After a conducting wire is connected between the spheres and then removed, they repel each other with a force of 0.055 N. What is the original charge on each sphere



why does anyone need to know


1 plus one = 69

The potential energy of a 40-kg cannonball is 14000 J. How high was the cannon ball to have this much potential energy?



35.71 m


Potential energy is calculated using this formula:

PE = mghwhere m = mass (kg). g = gravitational acceleration on Earth (9.8 m/s²), h = height (m)

We are given 3 out of the 4 variables in this problem. We want to solve for h, the height of the cannon ball.

List out the known variables:

PE = 14,000 J m = 40 kg g = 9.8 m/s² h = ? m

Substitute these values into the potential energy formula.

14,000 = (40)(9.8)h 14,000 = -392h h = 35.7142857143

The cannonball was 35.71 m high to have a potential energy of 14,000 J.

What is the hottest planet in the milky way galaxy









I think it might be (e



Which of the following would require the greatest number of calories?
a. heating 1 g of water from 10°C to 80°C
b. heating 10 g of water from 10°C to 40°C
c. heating 100 g of water from 10°C to 20°C
d. heating 1000 g of water from 10°C to 12°C





You are boiling more grams for more time because the more water the longer it takes which requires more calories to burn it.

During which sequence of phases does the moon's visibility increase


During the "waxing" phases, the two weeks immediately following the New Moon.

New Moon ==> waxing crescent ==> First Quarter ==> waxing gibbous ==> Full Moon

The phase of the moon decides the moon's visibility. The sequence of phases does the moon's visibility increases is; the waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full Moon.

What is the moon phase?

The moon changes shape every day. This is due to the fact that the celestial body has no light of its own and can only reflect sunlight.

Only the side of the moon facing the sun can reflect this light and seem bright. The opposite side appears black. this is a full moon.

We can only see the black section when it lies between the sun and the earth when a new moon occurs. We witness intermediate phases like a half-moon and crescent in between these two extremes.

Following are the sequence of phases does the moon's visibility increase is;

1. Waxing crescent

2. First Quarter

3. Waxing gibbous

4. Full Moon

The phase of the moon decides the moon's visibility. Hence the visibility changes with the change in the phase of the moon.

To learn more about the moon's phase refer to the link;


What did Thomas Edison create that made him most famous today? I know it is something about light, but I do not believe he was first. May someone tell me his most famous accomplishment in easy words to understand? Thanks



Thomas Edison invented the incandescent light bulb which is kind of like the light bulbs we use today. but they have been improved throughout the years.

hope this is simple and understandable


One of the most famous and prolific inventors of all time, Thomas Alva Edison exerted a tremendous influence on modern life, contributing inventions such as the incandescent light bulb, the phonograph, and the motion picture camera, as well as improving the telegraph and telephone.


Your well-wisher

The potential energy of an apple is 6.0 joules. The apple is 3m high. What is the mass of the apple?



0.204 kg




9.8 represents gravity

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