Why do mixed economies have advantages over command and market systems?


Answer 1

Mixed economies have advantages over command and market systems.Even in nations with communist political system, with China serving a prime example, An economy and free-market principles have been used to promote.

Growth and improve quality of life standards.majority of nations have a market economy.A market system is the network of buyers, sellers and other actors that come together to trade in a given product or service.A market system can be specific to a product (coffee, mangoes, dairy) or a cross-cutting sector (finance, labor, business development services). A market system’s strength depends on how well the participants obtain financing, launch businesses and adopt new technologies and best practices.Suppliers of supporting goods and services such as finance, equipment and business consulting.

To know more about Market system visit:



Related Questions

which are more economically​ efficient, perfectly competitive markets or​ monopolies? compared to​ monopolies, perfectly competitive markets are


Monopolies are less productive than perfectly competitive marketplaces. Companies in a competitive market have more need to improve their production efficiency so as to avoid the wasteful overproduction that results in losses or shortages and the subsequent foregone profits that result from these situations.

When the supply of products and services exactly equals the demand for them, we say that the market is operating efficiently. The inefficiency of the market results in glutes and troughs of supply and demand.

A monopolistic market is one in which one company controls both the supply and the price of all of the product or service options available to consumers. Many different companies operate in a market where none of them exerts dominance over the others. No market operates in a monopolistic or totally competitive manner in the real world.

To know the difference between Monopoly and a Perfectly Competitive Market:



when an agent breaches the agency agreement or agency duties under a contract, the principal has a right to avoid any contract entered into with the agent. This right of avoidance is at the election of the principle.


When an agent breaches the agency agreement or agency duties under a contract, the principal has a right to avoid any contract entered into with the agent. This right of avoidance is at the election of the principle of an Avoidance .

If an agent doesn't fulfill their obligations, they could be held accountable for contract breaches. Because there is no contract, a gratuitous agent cannot be held accountable for breach of it; instead, they are only held liable for torts.

According to section 219, an agent has a right to be paid the agreed-upon fee or, in the absence of an agreement, a reasonable fee for providing services to the principal that aren't free or uncompensated. As soon as the work he conducted is over, he is qualified to get the compensation.

To know more about Contract visit:



The term​ ________ is described as a​ "formal means of analyzing longminus−range investment​ alternatives."

a. capital budgeting
b. time value of money
c. payback period
d. annuity


The term​ capital budgeting is described as a​ "formal means of analyzing longminus−range investment​ alternatives."

The average yearly accrual accounting income as well as average investment are taken into account by the accounting percentage of returns technique.

The procedure a company uses to assess potential big projects or investments is called capital budgeting. Before a project is accepted or denied, capital budgeting is necessary. Examples of such projects include the construction of a new facility or a significant investment in a third party enterprise.

Therefore, the correct answer will be option (a).

To know more about investment​



what role is money playing when comparing a $5 price for a gallon of milk to a $4 price for a gallon of gasoline?


Money's role is as a store of value, when comparing a $5 price for a gallon of milk to a $4 price for a gallon of gasoline. Therefore, fourth option is the correct answer.

Money is a centralised, widely used, acknowledged form of exchange that makes it easier to exchange goods and services.

To address the shortcomings of the barter system, money was created. In the past, people engaged in business by exchanging products and services. The double coincidence of wants was one of the many drawbacks that frequently resulted from this. Money was first created as a common medium of transaction to address this issue.

To calculate the worth of all the goods and services exchanged in an economy, money can be employed as the unit of account. Prices in a market-based economy can be expressed using just one unit of value, which simplifies transactions and clarifies for consumers the value of an item or service. Therefore, the fourth option is the required answer.

Learn more about Money here: https://brainly.com/question/25959268


Complete question:

What role is money playing when comparing a $5 price for a gallon of milk to a $4 price for a gallon of gasoline?

Money's role as a standard of deferred payment.Money's role as a unit of accounting.Money's role as a medium of exchange.Money's role as a store of value.

the current market price of a share of disney stock is $60. if a call option on this stock has a strike price of $65, the call a. is out of the money. b. is in the money.


A share of Disney stock is currently valued at $60 on the market. If the strike price of a call option on this stock is $65 then the call is out of the money.

Financial contracts known as call options provide the option buyer the right, but not the duty, to purchase a stock, bond, commodity, or other asset or instrument at a certain price within a predetermined window of time. The underlying asset is a stock, bond, or other thing. When the value of the underlying asset rises, the call buyer profits.

When compared to a call option, a put option entitles the holder to sell the underlying asset at a fixed price on or before the expiration date.

To know more about stock click here,



our project team reads a guideline that makes recommendations and provides references for the recommendations but provides no information about how the recommendations were produced. which statement best describes the degree of confidence your team should have in the recommendations?


The statement best describing is that guidelines should be judged as having questionable credibility unless the producer provides access to another document or resource regarding the production process

A project recommendation is a suggestion or proposal for a specific course of action or decision related to a project. It is typically made by an individual or group who has analyzed the project and identified potential solutions or recommendations that could improve the project's chances of success.

In the described situation, the project team reads a manual that offers suggestions and citations for those suggestions, but it gives no details about how those suggestions were developed. Therefore, unless the producer offers access to another document or resource outlining the production process, the recommendations should be viewed as having dubious authenticity.

Complete question

Your project team reads a guideline that makes recommendations and provides references for the recommendations but provides no information about how the recommendations were produced. Which statement best describes the degree of confidence your team should have in the recommendations?

a. If the recommendations are clear, specific, and citations are provided, your project team should have confidence in them.

b. If the recommendations resonate with the views of those in your agency, your project team should have confidence in them.

c. The guidelines should be judged as having questionable credibility unless the producer provides access to another document or resource regarding the production process

d. If the authors indicate that a consensus conference was held to produce the guideline, your project team should have confidence in them.

c. The guidelines should be judged as having questionable credibility unless the producer provides access to another document or resource regarding the production process

Read more about project on:



debits to operating expenses totaled $100,000. what amount did ina pay for operating expenses during the current year?


The operating expenses for the current year would be $93,000

What do you mean by operating expense?

An continuing cost for maintaining a system, a business, or a product is known as an operating expense, operating expenditure, operational expenditure, operational expenditure, or opex. The cost of developing or providing non-consumable pieces for the product or system is its counterpart, a capital expenditure.

Operating Expenses $100,000Prepaid Expenses $5,000Accrued liabilities ($12,000)Cash $93,000

To know more about Expenses here



Consider the following premerger information about firm a and firm b: firm a firm b total earnings $ 4,350 $ 1,300 shares outstanding 1,600 400 price per share $ 43 $ 47 assume that firm a acquires firm b via an exchange of stock at a price of $49 for each share of b's stock. Both firm a and firm b have no debt outstanding. A. What will the earnings per share (eps) of firm a be after the merger? (do not round intermediate calculations and round your answer to 2 decimal places, e. G. , 32. 16)


Price Earnings Ratio=share price /price per share=1,600 +400/$ 43 +$ 47 =[tex]1.34[/tex] of firm will  be after the merger.

Shares = 1,600 ,400

Price per share=$ 43 $ 47

Price Earnings Ratio=share price /price per share=1,600 +400/$ 43 +$ 47 =[tex]1.34[/tex]

The relationship between the market value of a company's shares and its earnings per share is known as the price-earnings ratio. P/E ratio is another name for price-earnings ratio. P/E ratio is calculated by dividing the company's share price by its earnings per share. The price-earnings ratio, sometimes referred to as the P/E ratio, P/E, or PER, measures the relationship between a company's share price and its earnings per share. The ratio is employed to evaluate businesses and determine if they are over or undervalued. Price Earnings Ratio=share price /price per share.

Learn more about Price Earnings Ratio from



annabelle deposits $120 into a savings account at the end of each month to save for a car. after 7 months, annabelle has a total of $4150. which of the equations correctly expresses the amount,image, annabelle has in her savings account afterimage months?


A=12 m + 3310 expresses the amount, and image, Annabelle has in her savings account afterimage months.

she deposits $ 120 each month .

A=120 m + c

after 7 months, there are $4150

So. at m = 7 , A = 4150

4150 = 120(7) + c 4/50 = 840 + c c = 4150 - 840

c = 3310


A=12 m + 3310

A savings account is a bank account at a retail bank. common capabilities include a restrained variety of withdrawals, a loss of cheque and connected debit card centers, constrained switch alternatives and the lack of ability to be overdrawn.

A savings account is a deposit account designed to hold money you don't plan to spend straight away. that is one-of-a-kind from a checking account, a transactional account meant for everyday spending, allowing you to write checks or make purchases and ATM withdrawals the usage of a debit card.

Learn more about savings account here:https://brainly.com/question/25787382

which, among the undernoted inter-market demand correlations, would make pooling work most effectively in order to reduce demand uncertainty ? a correlation of (-)0.50 among demand in two markets a correlation of 1.00 among demand in two markets a correlation of (-)0.83 among demand in two markets a correlation of 0.00 among demand in two markets


Answer: A correlation of 1.00 among demand in two


goods that all people may use free of charge but that are of limited supply, such as fish in the sea or clean drinking water. these goods are called


Goods that everyone can use for free but are in short supply, such as fish in the sea or clean drinking water. These items are referred to as common goods.

What is common goods?“Common good” in political science refers to anything that benefits and is naturally shared by all members of a given community, compared to things that benefit the private good of individuals or sectors of society. In some cases, securing things serving the common good requires collective action and participation in the political process.Examples of elements making up the common good include basic rights and freedoms, police and fire departments, national defense, courts of law, highways, public schools, safe food and water, and natural resources.

To learn more about common goods refer to:



Does each of the following government activities promote competition or limit monopoly power by regulating markets?
a. Limiting content on public airwaves
b. Directing local cable companies to reduce Internet fees for rural consumers
c. Forcing a municipal water company to limit rate increases
d. Preventing the merger of two pharmaceutical companies
e. Breaking up Standard Oil into smaller companies


Government initiatives that encourage competition or restrict monopoly power by regulating markets include requiring a municipal water corporation to control rates.

Which day market is down?

This stock market typically experiences a recurrently poor or negative average return from Fridays through Monday. According to some ideas, the Monday impact is greatly influenced by firms' propensity to announce unfavorable news on a Friday after markets close, which lowers stock values on the following Monday.

Why market is suddenly falling?

This quick and unexpected drop in stock prices is referred to as a stock market crash. Any significant calamity, a financial crisis, or the deflation of a long-term speculative bubble can all lead to a stock market decline.

To know more about market visit:



Of the following influence tactics, which would be most effective for Malcolm to get his team members to work on the task?A. asking them to participate in planning how the project can be completedB. asking them to complete the tasks due to their loyalty to the projectC. offering them time off after the project is completedD. telling them that if they don’t participate, they will be reprimandedE. bringing a member of the board to a meeting to agree with him


It will show them that Malcolm is prepared to work with them in order to finish the task successfully.

Part A. Inviting them to take part in the project's planning process.

Part B of the justification is as follows: People are more likely to feel invested in and willing to work on a project when they are invited to participate in its development.

This is because people feel that they have a voice in how the project is carried out and that their contributions are valued. Additionally, people are more likely to be committed to seeing a project through to completion when they believe they have a stake in it.

Malcolm can employ this tactic by first asking his team members for their opinions on the best method to complete the project, and then incorporating their suggestions into the action plan. They'll feel like they're an important part of the process and that their opinions are being taken into account if you do this.

To learn more about the project



Rats colonize an archipelago in the Pacific Ocean where no rats previously existed. The rats can have white fur, grey fur, or black fur. Predict what type of selection is likely to occur when each of the following phenotypes have the greatest fitness. Place each phenotype in the category describing the type of selection that will occur. Directional selection Diversifying selection Stabilizing selection Grey fur Dark fur on one island and light fur on another island Light fur Dark fur in forests and light fur in fields Dark fur Dark fur on one island and light fur on another island Dark fur in forests and light fur in fields


Directional selection occurs when folks with qualities on one aspect of the imply in their population live to tell the tale better or reproduce more than those on the other.

It has been verified many instances in herbal populations, the usage of both observational and experimental approaches.

What is an instance of directional selection?

Examples. An example of directional determination is fossil archives that show that the dimension of the black bears in Europe diminished throughout interglacial periods of the ice ages, but expanded in the course of each glacial period. Another example is the beak size in a populace of finches.

Why is it called directional selection?

Directional resolution entails heritable traits and is referred to as directional due to the fact the mean phenotype or genotype moves towards one, and only one, extreme in contrast to the authentic mean

Learn more about directional selection here:


Deep Earth Extraction, Inc., operates a facility near Estuary Bay. Discharging waste from the facility into the bay can result in
a. penalties and damages.
b. penalties only.
c. damages only.
d. none of the choices.


A facility run by Deep Earth Extraction, Inc. is located close to Estuary Bay. Penalties and fines may be incurred for disposing of rubbish in the bay. The right response in this case is option A.

When one of these is polluted with hazardous compounds due to poor waste disposal, it can lead to contamination of the soil, water, or air. This not only has a negative impact on marine life and animals but also helps to create greenhouse gas consequences.

The Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000, often known as the legislation, establishes standards for solid waste management and imposes fines of P300 to P1,000 on litterers and garbage dumpers. A different punishment option is performing community service for 1 to 15 days.

To learn more about waste disposal



8. the arguments for restricting trade suppose there is a policy debate regarding the united states imposing trade restrictions on imported ball bearings: the president of the united states explains that it is necessary to impose trade restrictions, such as a tariff, on the ball-bearing industry to protect workers in the domestic ball-bearing industry. the president claims that without trade protection, there will be layoffs, causing many u.s. workers in the ball-bearing industry to be unemployed. which of the following justifications is the president using to argue for the trade restriction on ball bearings? national defense argument saving domestic jobs argument foreign export subsidies argument low foreign wages argument infant industry argument continue without saving


The justifications which the president is using to argue for the trade restriction on ball bearing industry is known as jobs argument. The Option C is correct.

What is jobs argument in economics?

The opponents of free trade argues that trade with other countries destroys domestic jobs. In our example, a free trade in steel would cause the price of steel to fall, they reducing the quantity of steel produced and thus reducing employment in the steel industry.

Some steelworkers would lose their jobs, yet, the free trade creates jobs at the same time that it destroys them. When people buy steel from other countries, those countries obtain the resources to buy other goods from country.

Its workers would move from steel industry to those industries in which the country has a comparative advantage. Even though the transition may impose hardship on ‘some workers in the short run, it will allows the people as a whole to enjoy a higher standard of living.

Read more about jobs argument



Marketing activities amount to about one-half of every dollar that consumers spend.
a. True
b. False


The notion is untrue because marketing activities only account for around half of every dollar customers spend.

How would you define marketing?

The process of developing, communicating, delivering, and trading offerings that are useful to customers, clients, partnerships, and society at large collectively is known as marketing.

Why is marketing so crucial?

The advantages of advertising for your company is that it engages consumers and helps them decide whether to purchase your goods or services. A marketing strategy, which should be included in your business plan, also aids in creating and keeping demand, applicability, reputation, and competition. Growing a brand requires marketing at its core. It explains the advantages, costs, and USP of your brand, as well as why consumers should choose it.

To know more about marketing visit:



aquifers are underground sources of clean water that stretch over thousands of square miles. people who own land over the aquifer are free to take as much as they want. because there is no private cost associated with using the water, the water supply in the aquifer is likely to______, which is _____ outcome A. remain fairly constant; an efficient
B. fall from overuse; an efficient
C. increase due to underuse; an efficient
D. remain fairly constant; not an efficient
E. fall from overuse; not an efficient
F. increass due to underuse; not an efficient


Aquifers are underground sources of clean water that stretch over thousands of square miles. people who own land over the aquifer are free to take as much as they want. Because there is no private cost associated with using the water, the water supply in the aquifer is likely to fall from overuse, which is an efficient outcome. The correct answer is B.

Aquifers are the sizable underground spaces found beneath the earth's surface layer of rocks or silt particles. The deposited ground water is present in these areas. Because the water filters as it moves through the sediments, it is thought to be clean and safe for use.

Water is a chemical compound that is inorganic and colorless. It is regarded as one of the necessities for life. Water covers more than 70% of the surface of the globe. Only 0.5% of the available fresh water is suitable for drinking.

To know more about aquifers, here



The magnitude of operating leverage for Perkins Corporation is 4.5 when sales are $100,000. If sales increase to $110,000, profits would be expected to increase by what percent? a. 4.5% b. 14.5% c. 45% d. 10%


The profit should rise by 45% in the event that sales reach $110,000.

Define operating leverage.

How well sales growth translates into increased operational profits is determined by operating leverage. It acts as a barometer for leverage and the volatility or riskiness of an organization's operating income.

Operational leverage is a financial statistic that measures the relationship between contribution margin and operating income. It demonstrated the rate at which operating income will change in reaction to a change in sales revenue, assuming fixed expenses and variable cost per unit stay constant.

Magnitude of operating leverage= 4.5


Old= $100000

New= $110000

Percentage increase in sales:

(New-old)/old  =[tex]\frac{110000-100000}{100000}[/tex]

= 10%

Consequently, a percentage rise in profit might be anticipated:

Sales percentage growth times the degree of operating leverage

= 10% X 4.5

= 45%

Learn more about Operational leverage: https://brainly.com/question/29743788


at an output level of 18,200 units, you have calculated that the degree of operating leverage is 2.90. the operating cash flow is $59,500 in this case. ignore the effect of taxes. what will be the new degree of operating leverage for output levels of 19,000 units and 17,000 units? (do not round intermediate calculations and round your answers to 2 decimal places, e.g., 32.16.)


For 19000 units operating leverage would be $94807.

For 17000 units operating leverage would be $50,039.

What is operating leverage?

Operating leverage or degree of operating leverage refers to the percentage change in earnings or operating cash flow related to the percentage change in a company's sales.


Degree of Operating leverage will remain same 2.90 at all output levels.

Operating leverage of 2.00 means, if sales change by 1% then operating cash flow would change in the same direction by 2.9%


If 1000 units are increased or decreased,

% Change in sales = (1000/18200) x 100 = 5.49%


Operating cash flow would change by = 5.49 x 2.90 = 15.9%


New operating leverage would be,

At 19000 units = 59,500 x 1.59 = $94,807

At 17000 units = 59,500 x (1 - 0.159) = 59500 x 0.841 = $50,039

To learn more about operating leverage visit the link given below



true or false: the board of directors is responsible for establishing corporate policies.true false question.truefalse


The board of directors is responsible for establishing corporate policies.

The above statement is True.

What do you mean by Board of directors?

In the case of publicly traded corporations, the board of directors (B of D) is the group responsible for setting strategy and supervising management. The board normally convenes on a regular basis. A board of directors is required for every publicly traded firm.In fact, directors are obligated by law to prioritize the interests of shareholders before their own. The board performs a supervisory function by monitoring business operations and rating performance.

To know more about Board of directors here



an information systems specialist reported that his performance on a project in northern sweden declined due to sleep deprivation during the summer months, when they had 20 hours of daylight per day. this productivity issue is caused by which environmental factor?


An information systems specialist reported that his performance on a project in northern Sweden declined due to sleep deprivation during the summer months, when they had 20 hours of daylight per day. This productivity issue is caused by geographic environmental factor.

When referring to environmental influences that affect genetics, we mean things like being exposed to pollutants where we live or work, such as pesticides or industrial waste, engaging in unhealthy habits like smoking or eating poorly, or experiencing stressful circumstances (such as racism).

Living conditions, health, and well-being of people are substantially influenced by environmental variables. Environmentally modifiable variables account for around 25% of the burden of disease globally and 25% of all fatalities.

To know more about Environmental Factor here



you would like to combine a risky stock with a beta of 1.48 and u.s. treasury bills in such a way that the risk level of the portfolio will be equivalent to the risk level of the overall market. what percentage of the portfolio should you invest in the risky stock? 67.57% 63.32% 65.79% 56.8% 52.0%


The portfolio percentage should you invest in the risky stock is 67.57%.

Hazard parity (or risk premia parity) is an approach to investment management that specializes in the allocation of danger, commonly defined as volatility, in preference to the allocation of capital. The chance parity technique asserts that once asset allocations are adjusted (leveraged or deleveraged) to the same threat level, the threat parity portfolio can achieve a higher Sharpe ratio and may be more proof against marketplace downturns than the traditional portfolio. risk parity is at risk of considerable shifts in correlation regimes, which includes located in Q1 2020, which brought about the considerable underperformance of the chance-parity price range within the Covid-19 sell-off.[citation needed]

Roughly talking, the approach of constructing a threat parity portfolio is similar to growing a minimal-variance portfolio challenge to the constraint that every asset (or asset class, which includes bonds, shares, actual estate, and many others.) contributes similarly to the portfolio common volatility.

To learn more about risky parties visit here:



To reduce the size of a country's national debt, a government could potentially take all of the following actions EXCEPT
A. Decrease the supply of government bonds
B. Decrease borrowing of private loanable funds
C. Increase taxes
D. Decrease expenditures
E. Finance spending by borrowing


To reduce the size of a country's national debt, a government could potentially take all of the following actions EXCEPT (E) Finance spending by borrowing.

The total of a country's yearly budget deficits, less any surpluses, is its national debt. When the government spends more than it brings in, there is a deficit. The government borrows money by offering debt obligations to investors in order to cover its budget deficit.

Increasing tax rates and decreasing government spending are the two apparent ways to minimize a budget deficit. The challenge, though, is that this fiscal tightening may result in slower economic development, which could lead to a greater cyclical deficit (government gets less tax revenue in a recession). The condition a country is in determines the best course of action to minimize fiscal imbalances.

To know more about National Debt, refer to this link:



in concept, the estimating of warranty expense when products are sold under warranty is similar to the estimating of bad debt expense based on credit sales. group of answer choices true false


When products are sold with a warranty, the cost of the warranty is estimated similarly to how bad debt costs are calculated using credit sales. It is the set of true answers.

A sale that is made on credit will result in a bad debt. A warranty is a promise made by a manufacturer or seller to guarantee the product's quality or performance for a predetermined amount of time.

Bad debt and warranties are two unforeseen fees that come along as a result of making purchases. When the products are sold, the businesses must estimate the warranty and bad debt expenditures and record these projected costs (matching principle). There is a corresponding responsibility made.

To know more about bad debt costs, click the below link



a movie theater is a price-discriminating monopolist and charges a higher ticket price for late-evening showings. from this we know that:


The demand schedules of late-night moviegoers are completely inelastic. Because of this, monopolists raise the price of tickets.

When a monopolist becomes the sole supplier of a specific good or service, a monopoly has formed. This is distinct from a monopsony, which is when only one entity has the authority to make purchases of goods or services. It also differs from an oligopoly, which is characterized by a small number of vendors controlling a market.

Lack of viable substitute products, a lack of economic rivalry to create the good or service, and the potential for a high monopoly price considerably above the seller's marginal cost that results in excessive profit are the hallmarks of a monopoly.

To know more about monopolist click here,



an email marketer sending emails about new product lines or recommended products based on past purchases is an example of which type of content? online retail


An email marketer sending emails about new product lines or recommended products based on past purchases is an example of Online retail

Online retail is the small-scale sale of goods to the general public using the internet.

Even if online retailing is a component of e-commerce, not all e-commerce is it.

Online retail is different from ecommerce in that ecommerce also includes other online transactions that are not categorised as retailing.

The operational structure of traditional brick and mortar commerce and online selling are very different from one another. Everything from the product display to payment processing, ensuring the delivery of purchased goods, and handling returns.

Online retailing is economical, quick to establish, has a rapid market penetration rate, and has relatively low overhead and operating costs. more accessible to customers and a wider sales reach.

To know more about Online Retail here



why might large production quantities be necessary to justify metal deformation as a means of manufacture


When only a small yield is produced, it is too expensive to manufacture something since there are less expensive alternatives that are better suited to modest quantities of production. That's how it is justifiable that metal deformation is a means of manufacture.

Because they take place at lower temperatures than casting operations, deformation procedures consume less energy, and the deformation energy needed to change a shape is far less than the thermal energy needed to attain the molten state.

Generally speaking, nothing unusual is needed to create something that will be machined from a metal block. Without needing to purchase anything additional, a company can just place that block into their CNC machine and cut it to the required shape. They can also create something different immediately before and following that segment. Even though it could take some time and you might waste some metal, it's simple to start with little money.

Although there are many other ways that metal might deform, let's assume that you require forging. To complete the task, numerous specifically created tools may be needed. These instruments must all be individually machined because they are sometimes composed of pricey metals.

To learn more about Metal deformation, click here:



abc inc. borrows money at 9%, sells bonds at 7%, and the purchasers of common stock require 15% rate of return. if the company has borrowed $40 million, sold $60 million in bonds, and sold $100 million worth of common stocks, what is the weighted average cost of capital (wacc)?


The weighted average cost of capital of ABC inc. is 11.4% as per the given bonds and common stock

A firm's weighted average cost of capital is the average of the firm's cost of capital raised from different sources, weighted by the firm's target capital structure. The weighted average cost of capital is often used as a benchmark discount rate in project evaluation.

The WACC is the average of the cost of capital from each source, weighted by the market value of the capital raised from each source, i.e.,

WACC = (40 * 9% + 60 * 7% + 100 * 15%) / (40 + 60 + 100)

WACC = 11.4%

Learn more about cost of capital:



chester's balance sheet has $95,551,000 in equity. if next year, assets decrease by $4,000,000 and liabilities increase by $2,000,000, what will be chester's book value?


Chester's balance sheet has $95,551,000 in equity. If next year, assets decrease by $4,000,000 and liabilities increase by $2,000,000, 97,551,000 will be Chester's book value.

Book value = total assets - intangible assets - liabilities

Book value= 95,551,000 + 4,000,000 - 2,000,000=

What is Book value?

All claims senior to common equity (such as the company's liabilities) are deducted from the accounting value of the company's assets to determine book value. The accounting practise of documenting asset value at the original historical cost in the books is where the phrase "book value" originates.

The term "book value" refers to a company's value as it appears on its financial statements and is taken from its books or accounts. Theoretically, this is what investors would receive if they liquidated all of the company's assets in order to settle all of its liabilities.

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can anyone help please ! The competing visions of reconstruction between president johnson and the radical republicans brought forth the nations first impeachment charges. place the following events in chronological order. note that not all options must be used.a. Congress authorized the Tenure of Office Act in March 1867.b. Johnson removed Secretary of War Edwin Stanton.c. The House of Representatives initiated impeachment charges. A plant grown from a [round, yellow] seed is crossed with a plant grown from a [wrinkled, yellow] seed. This cross produces four progeny types in the F1:[round, yellow], [wrinkled, yellow], [round, green], and [wrinkled, green].Use this information to deduce the genotypes of the parent plants.Here is what the question looks like if that helps: All it is asking for is the 2 parent genotypes but I'm not sure of the answer... if someone can explain and help me out I would appreciate it! I don't understand this tbh and I have been stuck on it foreverr bert is a manager for a small firm that was recently acquired by a larger company. in recent performance evaluations, employees from his previous firm were given higher ratings than employees from the new firm. which leadership theory best explains why this occurred? mary has been at high altitude for seven hours and is experiencing nausea, rapid breathing, and headaches. what common issue is she likely experiencing? 2. the carbohydrate recommendation for people who have diabetes is the same as for people without diabetes: 45 to 65 percent of total kcalories should come from carbohydrates. approximately what percent of kcalories in this menu come from carbohydrate? according to humanistic therapist carl rogers, which quality of effective therapy requires the therapist to share with the client how they are feeling instead of distorting or concealing their own feelings? I need this answer asap Mr. Swanson's science class used a thermometer to measure the outside temperature each day throughout the school year. They used their results to make the graph below. Which month had an average daily temperature of around 41 degrees? A. May B. March C. April D. December the potential money multiplier is equal to a. m1 divided by m2. b. the reserve ratio multiplied by the actual money multiplier. c. 1 divided by the reserve ratio. d. required reserves divided by excess reserves. The monster tells Victor that he will know if Victor is doing as he was asked in chapters 17-20 of Frankenstein. How will he know?A. The monster plans on living with Victor until Victor finishes.B. The monster will have someone check on Victor every day.C. Victor must keep a log the monster will read.D. The monster will be watching and monitoring Victor's progress. 2)Earings (in dollars)SALESPERSON'S EARNINGS500400300200100y0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Sales (Thousands of dollars)2a) Explain what x represents. Sales2 b) Explain what y represents earnings2 c) Find the slope of the line. Make sure to include units2 d) Explain what the slope represents for this example.Use the numbers in your explanation. In contrast to the congressional reconstruction plan, what was the focus of president andrew johnsons plan? The chemical equation above represents the combustion of glucose, and the table provides the approximate standard absolute entropies, S, for some substances. Based on the information given, which of these equations can be used to calculate an approximation of S for H2O(g) ? Cassie is at a company event out of town, where she doesn't know anyone very well. She looks around for an available person to network with, but everyone seems engaged in conversation and no one notices her. What would be an appropriate action for her to take next: a. Approach a group and say, "Hi, I'm Cassie from the Seattle office. May I get your name?" b. Go to the buffet and make herself a plate, while waiting for people to approach her. c. Walk around the room appearing to be engaged by the art, and hope someone comes and talks to her. The carrying value of bonds issued at a discount or at a premium will be different from their face amount at maturity.a. trueb. false Xolotl explains a lot of things to carol and Johnny on page 104 why did he not tell them all of this information before find the binding energy of carbon-12 per nucleon. the mass of a proton is 1.007276 u, of a neutron 1.008665 u, and of carbon 11.996706 u. When chief justice Earl Warren stated A sense of inferiority affects the motivation of a child to learn Brainly?