Why did the Republicans nominate Frémont for president in 1856?

pls help due 2day- no mfkn links n answers from gOoLe be giving out brainliest-


Answer 1


The 1856 Republican National Convention nominated a ticket led by Frémont, an explorer and military officer who had served in the Mexican–American War. Frémont opposed the expansion of slavery.


Related Questions

Study Guide: Civics EOC Exam


John Locke: What ideas is he known for?




What is the social contract?


Montesquieu: How did he influence the “Founding Fathers?”



What are four concepts found in the Magna Carta that influenced the Founding Fathers?




List three rights that are found in the English Bill of Rights that are found in the US Bill of Rights:




Name three concepts in the Mayflower Compact that influenced the Founding Fathers:






for number 1, John Locke is known for the individual rights that each person has... the right to life, property, and the pursuit of happiness.

the effects of the Civil War (at least 5)



The Civil War confirmed the single political entity of the United States, led to freedom for more than four million enslaved Americans, established a more powerful and centralized federal government, and laid the foundation for America's emergence as a world power in the 20th century.


It had many important repercussions which went on to have a deep and long lasting impact on the nation. Among these were the Emancipation Proclamation; the Assassination of President Lincoln; the Reconstruction of Southern America; and the Jim Crow Laws.

List at least 3 features of a democratic government and why they would be important.


Answer: According to American political scientist Larry Diamond, democracy consists of four key elements: a political system for choosing and replacing the government through free and fair elections; the active participation of the people, as citizens, in politics and civic life; protection of the human rights of all citizens;


According to American political scientist Larry Diamond, democracy consists of four key elements: a political system for choosing and replacing the government through free and fair elections; the active participation of the people, as citizens, in politics and civic life; protection of the human rights of all citizens; ..

I got 2 warnings becuase i answered 2 peoples questions- is branly broken or something i didn't do anything wrong ;-;



Same! dude ಥ_ಥ It literally happened with me too


brainly just mad they cant contain certain people like that really annoying person who keeps putting those useless pdf links up


1. The conspirators killed Julius Caesar for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:
1. They feared he would gain too much power.
2. They feared Rome would no longer be a republic.
3. They thought he wasn’t smart enough to lead.
4. They were jealous and wanted power themselves.

2. Which of the following events happened FIRST in the play (play is called julius Caesar)
1. Cassius tried to convince Brutus that Caesar should be killed.
2. Caesar victoriously returned from battle.
3. Marc Antony made a speech to the people of Rome.
4. Calpurnia told Caesar about her dream.

3. Why did Marc Antony ask to speak at Caesar’s funeral?
1. He wished to share his memories of Caesar.
2. He wanted to turn the public against the conspirators who killed Caesar.
3. He believed Brutus should be honored for killing Caesar.
4. Caesar had requested in his will that Marc Antony speak at his funeral.

4. How were Brutus and Cassius different from each other?
1. Cassius believed in the republic and Brutus did not.
2. Brutus was more superstitious than Cassius.
3. Cassius was wealthy and Brutus was poor.
4. Brutus cared about Rome, while Cassius cared about his own power.

5. What main event occurred as a result of Caesar’s death and the speeches delivered at his funeral?
1. There was a war over the control of Rome.
2. Antony crowned Brutus king.
3. Brutus convinced the public that Antony was too ambitious.
4. Cassius plotted against Brutus.

5. Which of the following is one of the main ideas of the play?
1. Belief in superstition is harmful.
2. Weak leaders should be killed.
3. Envy, betrayal, and the struggle for control of Rome caused many unnecessary deaths.
4. Rome was doomed from the start.



The first one is (3)

The second one is (2)

The third one is (2)

The fourth one is (4)

The fifth one is (1)

The sixth one is (3)

I hope this helps and I'm pretty sure they are correct but you can double check if you want.

1 =3
2= 2
6= 3
I think they’re right, I’m pretty sure

Why did feudalism develop in medieval Europe?

Strong kings forced the nobles into this system.
The emperor made the system a part of the government.
Nobles needed a way to protect themselves and their land.
The people in the lower classes needed it as a way to grow.


Answer: edge 2022.


Nobles needed a way to protect themselves and their land is feudalism develop in medieval Europe. Thus, option (c) is correct.

In order to defend themselves and their property against invasion by invading barbarians and adjacent kingdoms, people in medieval Europe created feudalism. The issues of the day gave rise to the social, political, and economic structure historians refer to as feudalism.

People in the feudal system swore allegiance to a lord, a king or wealthy landowner. They gave that lord their protection in exchange. Peasants cultivated the soil while warriors fought for their lords. In medieval Europe, feudalism was a system of political and armed practises that peaked between the 9th and 15th centuries.

Therefore, option (c) is correct.

Learn more about on feudalism, here:



What you already know about this cliffs goods or services?



Park business


How can people show the government what they want?


They can start protesting, creating petitions and even start sending letters to their local government officials.

pls help!!!!!!!?!?!?!



A, C, and E are correct.


You would add n+m and then multiply it by 6. You can also multiply them directly. 6n+6m is also correct. (n+m)6 is the same as A just backwards. May I have a brainliest?

A c e I think I not sure

Lucy Stone stated, “Women suffer taxation, yet have no representation.” What do you think she meant by this?



This means that women are required to pay taxes to a government authority without having any say in that government's policies.


Women dont get the same respect as the m n back then so they had to do the same thing but not get the same attention nor title

Which region produced more Firearms (weapons) during the Civil War?
A. North
B. South


A) North
concluding my research I have found out that the north had better weapons then the south.
Def North, they had more soldiers so they required more equipment for each and one

Which statement best describes Julius Caesar?
Group of answer choices

popular with the Senate but hated by the people

popular with the people but hated by his soldiers

hated by the Roman Republic

popular with the people but hated by the Senate



popular with the people but hated by the Senate.

The second one


Why did some enslaved Africans pretend not to understand what they were told to do?



was a way to resist without getting severely punished


So that they wouldn’t be punished for refusing it was a better thing to pretend than to refuse

You receive a message in a bottle from a tropical island. It’s a page torn from a ship’s log. The document is a little water stained here and there, but you can read most of it. It's a log entry about people trading peacefully. At first glance, nothing seems to be wrong.

But along with the page, there’s another note from people who live on the island. They want to know more about this so-called admiral who visited their island. They have several questions about this log entry.

Now, read this passage from Christopher Columbus’s account for more information about the admiral’s visit:

At two o'clock in the morning the land was discovered . . . [We] saw trees very green, many streams of water, and diverse sorts of fruits. The Admiral called upon the two Captains, and the rest of the crew who landed to bear witness that he before all others took possession (as in fact he did) of that island for the King and Queen his sovereigns . . . Numbers of the people of the island straightway collected together. Here follow the precise words of the Admiral: "As I saw that they were very friendly to us, and perceived that they could be much more easily converted to our holy faith by gentle means than by force, I presented them with some red caps, and strings of beads to wear upon the neck, and many other trifles of small value, where with they were much delighted . . . Afterwards they came swimming to the boats, bringing parrots, balls of cotton thread, javelins, and many other things which they exchanged for articles we gave them, such as glass beads, and hawk's bells; which trade was carried on with the utmost good will.”

[Source: The Log of Christopher Columbus]

Now, think about the event as you read these secondary sources about exploration in the New World:

Age of Discovery

Age of Exploration

You will write a letter to the people of the island explaining who visited them and why. To prepare for that task, think about cause and effect. What was the main cause for Columbus’s journey? What were two short-term effects? Two long-term effects? You can use the outline format below to help organize your thoughts.


Short-Term Effects



Long-Term Effects





Cause: Columbus needed to track down another course to India, China, Japan and the Spice Islands. Assuming he could arrive at these grounds, he would have the option to bring back rich cargoes of silks and flavors.

Short-Term Effects 

In the short term, the journeys prompted the annihilation of the locals of the terrains that Columbus found. Some of them were killed by and large. Others were oppressed.Numerous passed on from illnesses brought by the Europeans. This was the fundamental effect of these journeys in the exceptionally present moment.

Long-Term Effects

Later in the long term, Columbus' journeys prompted the control of the area from Mexico south to Peru by the Spanish.This brought about the annihilation of the significant local human advancements like the Incas and the Aztecs. It likewise brought about the enhancement and strengthening of Spain.


I just finished my unit activity this is what I have put down for mine but a tool called parapharsing tool may help you so you just copy this and put it in there and it will reword it for you I hope I helped!

Which of the following was not developed by the Olmec civilization as an urban center?
A. Oro Zapatos
B. Tres Zapotes
C. La Venta
D. San Lorenzo


The answer is B.tres zapotes
The answer is B. Tres Zapotes

PLS HELP ME WITH THIS! ITS URGENT! You don't have to give me a full paragraph but some small details pls cause I'm clueless! Ill give brainliest if the answers right!

Write a paragraph by adding supporting details to this main idea: The Phoenician alphabet had an impact on many civilizations.



In addition to sailing expertly, the Phoenicians also traded with some of the oldest civilizations. They recorded trade affairs in cuneiform, but would have liked a more efficient and accurate system of record keeping. Or like The Phoenicians also developed the Phoenician Alphabet, which enabled them to keep accurate business records when trading with other colonies.

hopefully that's helpful

What did reformers think education would help children do?


Reformers believed the education would help these children escape poverty and become good citizens

Answer: Reformers believed that education would help these children escape poverty and become good citizens.

Explanation: In Massachusetts, Horace Mann became the state's supervisor of education. The citizens voted to pay taxes to build better schools, to pay teachers higher salaries and to establish special training schools for teachers.

PLEASE ANSWER ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


Answer: A B And maybe more?


A B and D should be the answer

explain why some jobs are recession proof


an example would be the law i for cement as without it, the country that lacked of it would soon come corrupt. therefore it is there to keep the country safe and stable.

another example would be of course, emergency services. because we can’t always prevent illnesses, nurses and doctors will always be needed. same with the fire service.

Please help:) not that good w/ government
In one or two paragraphs, describe your ideal form of government. In your response, be sure to explain who has power, how much power they have, where the power is located, and how power is distributed among branches of government. Then provide at least two reasons why you think this form of government would work well.


a triumvirate

combination of a king and elected presidents

and there should be 2 presidents 1 for domestic things and 1 for foreign issues

they all three would vote on issues and majority would decide

In my ideal form of government I feel like it would be similar to how it is now but not too different because I do think that certain aspects of the government now are OK but I feel like I definitely would be more honest with our citizens especially about what we’re doing with their money and about the military because I feel like there is this big idea about hell right now people are fighting in different countries for a lives but in reality they’re really bombing children in Middle Eastern countries for oil and things of that sort but I will definitely have the same branches we have now. I also feel like we should get rid of the political parties due to the fact that it seems to create quite a division in our country based off of how people think that a lot of Republicans are racist and other stereo types about but I feel like that would be our ideal government. ( I really hope this is good enough)

How did WWI affect women’s fight for rights in the early 1900s? (I kinda know the answer to this, just need to see someone else's prescriptive)


it changed the way women and men live in a lot of ways. Also, after WWI ended women starting proving that they can do a male work and they could do it just as good.
it slowed their movement but then they did stuff to support Americans during the war which later convinced woodrow wilson and other americans that they should have the right to vote

The Inca adapted to their land by making terraces for farming. How would this technique make farming easier and increase production in the highlands of the Andes?



They built cisterns and irrigation canals that snaked and angled down and around the mountains. And they cut terraces into the hillsides, progressively steeper, from the valleys up the slopes.

Please answer down below, thanks :) marking brainliest


??? I’m not sure but I think that’s it
Cdcdb I’m pretty sure this is correct

Describe why slaves were utilized as forced labor in the Southern colonies.




Slaves were used for many different things, the most common being that they were used to work on farms and for nobility.


The Origins of American Slavery

Most of those enslaved in the North did not live in large communities, as they did in the mid-Atlantic colonies and the South. Those Southern economies depended upon people enslaved at plantations to provide labor and keep the massive tobacco and rice farms running


Throughout history, many individuals have greatly influenced world history. Their accomplishments, ideas, and inventions have transformed the lives of millions of people.

For this assignment, you will choose one person who has influenced world history. You should do outside research and write an informative essay in which you identify your subject’s significance and influence.

Your subject must be from outside the United States. You may choose a woman from anywhere else in the world, or someone of either gender from a non-European country.


Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was an Indian lawyer, anti-colonial nationalist, and political ethicist, who employed nonviolent resistance to lead the successful campaign for India's independence from British rule, and in turn inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi is widely recognized as one of the twentieth century's greatest political and spiritual leaders. Honored in India as the father of the nation, he pioneered and practiced the principle of Satyagraha—resistance to tyranny through mass nonviolent civil disobedience.


Instructions: Throughout history, many individuals have greatly influenced world history. Their accomplishments, ideas, and inventions have transformed the lives of millions of people. For this assignment, you will choose one person who has influenced world history. You should do outside research and write an informative essay in which you identify your subject’s significance and influence. Your subject must be from outside the United States. You may choose a woman from anywhere else in the world, or someone of either gender from a non-European country.

informative essay:

The Inventor Of The First Oral Contraceptive.

Luis Ernesto Miramontes Cárdenas was born on March 16th, 1925 in Tepic, in the state of Nayarit, Mexico. When he became a teenager, he was enrolled at the Preparatory National School of Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). He remained at UNAM for his undergraduate work in chemistry and chemical engineering from 1945 to 1949. Later on, in 1948 he began graduate courses and he was required to complete an undergraduate thesis project. In 1950 he began his thesis project not knowing that this would be the start of a worldwide important invention.  

In Mexico City, a chemical company called Syntex, which focused on synthesizing hormones, recruited Miramontes to do his thesis projects in one of their official labs and despite being a young student, the 25 year old Miramontes, demonstrated impressive talent and great chemical laboratory techniques and of course Syntex recognized this. Not only did they offer to recruit him to do his thesis in their company but they also offered him a job. He accepted and began working with two seasoned chemists: Carl Djerassi and George Rosenkranz.  

Miramontes began working with Djerassi and Rosenkranz on a project to develop a synthetic form of the female hormone progesterone. Although in this time, progesterone was already being used as a contraceptive, Djerassi and Rosenkranz wanted to make it work better so Miramontes began the project. Of course, this was known as an ambitious goal because it required numerous steps in chemical synthesis and the only way to make synthetic progesterone would be to alter natural progesterone through some kind of elaborate chemical process. A complex organic molecule would have to be altered in a certain way, then that chemical product itself had to be altered numerous times in order to make a new molecule with the desired chemical properties, but the struggles that would have to be faced, never stopped Miramontes and he began working under the direction of Djerassi and Rosenkranz.

Miramontes worked out the final step in the process to create a synthetic progestin On October 15, 1951, called norethindrone. The expected application was contraception to replace natural progesterone. Many experiments with laboratory animals and humans showed norethindrone to be eight times more potent than natural progesterone, and that was not the only advantage it had. Everyone knew that progesterone had to be injected but norethindrone was taken orally. This was so important and seen as more convenient and attractive to women.  

The thesis project was a success and it earned the student his undergraduate degree, and five years later a US patent. Miramontes was named along with the two senior chemists on US patent 2,744,122 for "oral contraceptives" on May 1st, 1956. Norethindrone was approved by government health agencies around the globe and later on became a prime component of the first oral contraceptive pills. Till this day, it is used in many contraceptive formulations and is an important factor in women's every day life.


please mark brainiest please

I'll give brainliest to whoever reads this carefully, gives 1 short paragraph 10 sentences or less, and gives me a good answer. Who do you think had a better plan for Reconstruction—President Johnson or the Republican Congress? Why? (Explain your reasoning and be sure to explain the 13th and 14th Amendments in your answer.)
ALSO, You guys better include the 13th and 14th Amendments in your answer.



there is no such thing as reconstruction. These States have not gone out of the Union, therefore reconstruction is unnecessary. I do not mean to treat them as inchoate States, but merely as existing under a temporary suspension of their government, provided always they elect loyal men. The doctrine of coercion to preserve a State in the Union has been vindicated by the people. It is the province of the Executive to see that the will of the people is carried out in the rehabilitation of the rebellious States, once more under the authority as well as the protection of the Union." Andrew Johnson


Following the Union victory in the Civil War, the nation faced the uncertainty of what would happen next. Two major questions arose. Were the Confederate states still part of the Union, or, by seceding, did they need to reapply for statehood with new standards for admission?

Andrew Johnson's view, as stated above, was that the war had been fought to preserve the Union. He formulated a lenient plan, based on Lincoln's earlier 10% plan, to allow the Southern states to begin holding elections and sending representatives back to Washington.

His amnesty proclamations, however, emboldened former Confederate leaders to regain their former seats of power in local and national governments, fueling tensions with freedmen in the South and Republican lawmakers in the North.

Study Guide: Civics EOC Exam


John Locke: What ideas is he known for?




What is the social contract?


Montesquieu: How did he influence the “Founding Fathers?”



What are four concepts found in the Magna Carta that influenced the Founding Fathers?




List three rights that are found in the English Bill of Rights that are found in the US Bill of Rights:




Name three concepts in the Mayflower Compact that influenced the Founding Fathers:






1: John Locke's most famous works are An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1689), in which he developed his theory of ideas and his account of the origins of human knowledge in experience, and Two Treatises of Government

2:A common description of the social contract is that people give up some of their rights in order to get the benefits of living in civil society

3:The single most important influence that shaped the founding of the United States comes from John Locke, a 17th century Englishman who redefined the nature of government.The duty of that government is to protect the natural rights of the people, which Locke believed to include life, liberty, and property.


Due process or rule of law.

Trial by a jury of peers.

The right to a speedy trial.

5:Freedom to bear arms for self-defense. Freedom from cruel and unusual punishment and excessive bail. Freedom from taxation by royal prerogative, without the agreement of Parliament. Freedom of fines and forfeitures without a trial.

6:The writers of the Bill of Rights and state constitutions were inspired by concepts born in the Magna Carta: that a government should be constitutional, that the law of the land should apply to everyone, and that certain rights and liberties were so fundamental that their violation was an abuse of governmental

Explanation: Hope this helps;)

Next time read it though carefully and slowly!

What some characteristics of the confederacy?


Member-State Citizenship and Expressly Delegated Powers

Answer: No Authority to Legislate for Individuals.

No Independent Revenue Sources.

Sovereignty Retained by the Member States.

Member-State Citizenship.

Written Document

Expressly Delegated Powers

Explanation: hope this helps :) pls feel free to mark me branliest if you want.



a. 0.009
c. 0.00007

i don’t know the answers to b and d. so sorry! hope the others help.


A = 0.009

B = 20,000

C = 0.00007

D = 0.09

In the federal and state levels of government, which branch is responsible for passing the budget before having it signed by an executive?
joint branch
judicial branch
official branch
legislative branch



D. Legislative branch


~Plz tap the crown~

~Thank you~

D would be your answer!
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