Why did so many captive African people die on the trip along the Middle
A. Conditions were unsanitary, and food was scarce.
B. Many were women and pregnant and died during childbirth.
C. Many drowned at sea during the voyage.
D. Many took their own lives rather than live in permanent bondage.


Answer 1




because, Disease and starvation due to the length of the passage were the main contributors to the death toll with amoebic dysentery and scurvy causing the majority of deaths.

Answer 2

So many captive African people die on the trip along the Middle Passage because conditions were unsanitary, and food was scarce. The correct option is a.

Due to the harsh and inhumane conditions they endured, many captive African people perished during the voyage along the Middle Passage. The transatlantic voyage from Africa to the Americas during the height of the Atlantic slave trade is referred to as the "Middle Passage." Africans who were slaves were crammed closely into slave ships frequently in filthy and overcrowded conditions.

They endured harsh treatment had little access to food and water and contracted diseases quickly. Due to these difficult circumstances, the captive Africans had high mortality rates with many of them passing away from illnesses, malnutrition and physical abuse during the voyage.

learn more about Middle Passage here



Related Questions

What was a revolutionary moment during the English Civil War?
The first time a reigning king was put on trial and executed
Parliament gave into the demands of Charles I
Oliver Cromwell, a common peasant, was crowned king of England
The Catholic Church united behind Charles I to end the English Civil War



Honestly I'm not sure



the English stemmed from religious and political conflict (king Charles Il was catholic)


tbh idek if this is right

Who Ran as the Republican candidate for President in 1928?



Herbert Hoover


Why did europeans turn to africa as a source to enslaved people for labor in the americas?.



Africans were deemed suitable for work in the Americas because they were unfamiliar with the land and so less likely to escape, largely resistant to European diseases, accustomed to laboring in the tropics, and came from farming cultures.


the answer plsss I need it


The Deal of Versailles was the essential arrangement created by the Paris Harmony Gathering toward the finish of The Second Great War.

It was endorsed on June 28, 1919, by the Unified and related powers and by Germany in the Lobby of Mirrors in the Royal residence of Versailles and came full circle on January 10, 1920.

After World War I, what did the Versailles Treaty accomplish?

One of history's most contentious armistice agreements is the Treaty of Versailles. The so-called "war guilt" clause of the treaty required Germany and other Central Powers to accept full responsibility for World War I, resulting in the loss of territories, reduction of military strength, and payment of reparations to Allied powers.

To learn more about World War I here



Which statement best summarizes the viewpoints of Native Americans during the American Revolution?
They fought with the Patriots because the colonial militia paid better than the British army.
They supported the Patriots because they believed in the principles of self-government.
They sided with the Loyalists because the British promised to undo the injustices done by the colonists.

They fought with the Loyalists because they had a good trade relationship with backcountry farmers.


The statement that best summarizes the viewpoints of Native Americans during the American Revolution is that  They sided with the Loyalists because the British promised to undo the injustices done by the colonists.

What was the American Revolution ?

The American Revolution  can be dedcribed as the epic political as well as the military struggle waged between 1765 and 1783 when 13 of Britain's North American colonies rejected its imperial rule.

It should be noted that the protest  was as a result of the opposition to taxes levied without colonial representation by the British monarchy and Parliament however the Native Americans during the American Revolution sided with the Loyalists .

Therefore, option C is correct.

Learn more about American Revolution at:



hat is one reason the president is called the chief legislator?

The president signs bills into law.
The president hosts foreign leaders.
The president amends the Constitution.
The president overrides legislative vetoes.


One reason role of the president is called the chief legislator when he signs bills into law. Option A is correct.

What is role of president as chief legislator?

The President directs legislation and sets public policy. The President has the right to recommend, demand, and compel Congress to pass the laws he deems are necessary.

But Congress occasionally rejects legislation when they disagree with the President's position. The President spends the majority of his time working with Congress.

However the president's job is to have a say in what laws are made. The State of the Union Address, which the President is required by the Constitution to deliver every year, aids in establishing the nation's policy agenda.

Thus signing of law define the role of president being as a chief legislator.

To know more about role of president as chief legislator refer:



do yall love god there is like no questions about god



I like god


All Muslim who can afford to are supposed to go on a pilgrimage to


Mecca Saudi Arabia for the Muslim

What happens during Independence Day in Ghana?


The events honour Ghana's 1957 declaration of independence from the United Kingdom. the day is observed in government buildings. Individuals spend the holiday at home with food and music, and some may even raise the flag.

Ghana Independence Day is observed on March 6 each year. It is a public holiday for Ghanaians and is also extensively observed by Ghanaians who reside outside of Ghana. If March 6 falls on a Saturday, it will also be a holiday on the following Monday. Ghana National Day is another name for Ghana Independence Day. The events honour Ghana's 1957 declaration of independence from the United Kingdom. With carnivals, parades, and other activities, the day is observed in government buildings. Individuals spend the holiday at home with food and music, and some may even raise the flag.

learn more about ghana Independence here:



"a persons insight gives him patience, and his virtue to overlook an offense" proverbs 19:11


man insight gives him patience, and his virtue is to overlook an offense

A person's wisdom yields patience; it is to one's glory to overlook an offense

Wisdom, Patience, Forgiveness September 19, 2013. A man's wisdom gives him patience

How many total deaths did WW2 cause



70 million people.


World War II resulted in the deaths of an estimated 70 million people. This includes both military and civilian deaths, as well as deaths caused by the Holocaust and other genocides. It is considered the deadliest conflict in human history.


Around 40,000,000 to 50,000,000


Precise numbers can sometimes be difficult to determine. However, it is known that the USSR suffered the most casualties (almost 20 million). Additionally, only about 25 million of the total deaths are the deaths of soldiers, others are from bombings and other attacks on civilians.

what was the consequence of the georgia general assembly’s expulsion of its african american members during reconstruction?


The  consequence of the georgia general assembly’s expulsion of its african american members during reconstruction is The legislature began to restrict the rights of African Americans.

What was the georgia general assembly’s expulsion?

The georgia general assembly’s expulsioncan be seen as one that brought about how the legislature began to restrict the rights of African Americans.

It shopuld nbe noted that after the restriction,  rights of African Americans were seen to be at stake because some of the thingds they normally enjoy were no more ther again which actually affected them.

Learn more about expulsion at:



what measure did andrew jackson employ as a means to block legislative initiatives with which he did not agree?


Arbuthnot and Ambrister were both caught by Andrew Jackson, who executed them after their trials. Jackson headed for Fort Gadsden while leaving 200 soldiers to guard Fort Marks.

At the Battle of Horse Shoe Bend, which took place in present-day Alabama close to the Georgia border in 1814, Major General Andrew Jackson's force decisively defeated the Creek Indians and obliterated their military might. The seventh president, Andrew Jackson, made numerous political changes. Additionally, he altered politics by moving them from Tennessee's eastern edge to its western frontier. The House of Representatives declared John Quincy Adams the winner of the 1824 election when no candidate won a majority of the electoral votes.

To learn more about Andrew Jackson's please click on below link



What is the best way to burn calories?


The best way to burn our calories is the running excercise because it burns the most calories. The faster we run, the more calories we will burn per minute. Walking is also the best and simple way to burn calories at home.

Running is the winner for most calories burned per hour. Stationary bicycling, jogging, and swimming are excellent options as well. Running at even a slow pace burns a lot of calories for 30 minutes. A tried and true exercise that requires little more than our legs and the open road running burns just over 800 calories.

You can do exercises that burn lots of calories even if we don't have much time. The key is to focus on high intensity workouts that quickly increase your heart rate. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a popular way to do this. It involves short bursts of exercise at more than 70 percent of your aerobic capacity.

Running is the best calorieburning exercise. But if we don’t have enough time to go on a run, we can shorten your workout into high intensity sprints. Our body will rapidly burn calories to fuel your workout.

Learn more burn calories ways about click the link here:




Is Brooklyn a rare name?


The name Brooklyn is particularly well-liked in the US. Nicknames: Lynn, Brook, and Brookie. Brooklynne, Brooklin, and Brooklyn are other variations.

It's one of my favorite names since it's so alluringly lovely. I truly like everything about it, including the length, the tone, the connection to New York, and so forth. Additionally, it exudes a tough, tomboyish quality that I admire. Overall, I believe the name Brooklyn (and its variation, Brooklynn) to be fantastic.

Given its unimpeded views of the bridge and the skyline of Lower Manhattan, it is regarded as one of the most expensive districts in the entire borough. Brooklyn Bridge Park, a tranquil area on the waterfront just beneath the bridge, is also located there.

Read more about Brooklyn at



Which technological advancement was developed in installations near these cities during World War II?Long-range submarines.Radio navigation.Atomic bombs.Jet engines.


Atomic bombs  was developed in installations near these cities during World War II

Inside the Secret Cities Where the Atomic Bomb Was Developed. The Manhattan Project, a World War II initiative that created the first nuclear bombs, operated out of three specially constructed cities in Tennessee, New Mexico, and Washington state.Atom and atomic bombs are both nuclear weapons. The nuclei of their atoms undertake processes that give them energy. During World War II, the phrase "atomic bomb" was frequently used to describe a bomb that releases energy by fission, which is the splitting of massive atomic nuclei into more manageable pieces.

To learn more about Atomic Bomb click here:



why did sultan hasan have his mausoleum placed at the southern part of the madrasa complex he built in cairo?


Sultan hasan have his mausoleum placed at the southern part of the madrasa complex he built in cairo So, those praying to Mecca would face his tomb.

In Cairo, Egypt's historic area, Salah al-Din Square is home to the magnificent mosque and madrasa known as Sultan Hasan's Mosque-Madrasa. Sultan an-Nasir Hasan ordered its construction during the Bahri Mamluk era, between 1356 and 1363. The mosque was praised for its enormous size and novel architectural features, and it is still regarded as one of Cairo's most magnificent historical landmarks.

For more info about 'madrasa' click on below link - https://brainly.com/question/28322437


What did the Northwest Ordinance accomplish Apush ?


The Northwest Ordinance created a process for admitting new states into the Union from the territory and spelled out a bill of rights that was guaranteed in the region.

The procedure for admitting additional states from the Northwest Territory to the Union was outlined in the 1787 Northwest Ordinance. Slavery was outlawed in the territory, but once statehood was achieved, the residents were given the opportunity to vote on whether slavery should remain lawful.

The Northwest Ordinance also outlined a process for admitting new states to the Union and a strategy for the United States to expand its borders to the Pacific, resulting in the annexation of land from hundreds of Indian tribes.

To learn more about Northwest Ordinance



How did Kwame Nkrumah led Ghana to independence?


Kwame Nkrumah founded the Convention People's Party, which quickly became popular thanks to its exceptional appeal to the average voter. When Ghana proclaimed its independence from Britain in 1957, he was still serving as prime minister.

In addition to being nationalist, his administration was essentially socialist. It supported pan-Africanist culture, built a strong national education system, and provided funding for national energy and industrial initiatives. During the period of independence, Ghana's leadership in African foreign affairs was largely due to Kwame Nkrumah, who oversaw an authoritarian government in Ghana that suppressed political opposition and held rigged elections. A constitutional amendment made Ghana a one-party state in 1964, with Nkrumah serving as both the country's and the party's life president. Nkrumah was overthrown in 1966 by the National Liberation Council, under whose watchful eye many of the nation's state corporations were privatised by international financial institutions. The remainder of Nkrumah's life was spent in Guinea, where he was made an honorary co-president.

learn more about  Kwame Nkrumah here:



In late 1947, Nkrumah returned to his homeland. He spoke at gatherings all around the Gold Coast in his capacity as general secretary, starting to build up a large base for the new movement. Nkrumah and other UGCC leaders were briefly detained by the British during widespread disturbances that took place in February 1948.

Nkrumah established the new Convention Peoples' Party (CPP) in June 1949, a party with a broad following that was dedicated to a platform of immediate self-government. Nkrumah began a "positive action" campaign in January 1950 that included nonviolent demonstrations, strikes, and refusal to cooperate with the British colonial authorities.

The resulting upheaval caused service disruptions across the nation, and Nkrumah was again detained and given a one-year prison term. The first general election in the Gold Coast, however, was held on February 8, 1951, and Nkrumah's party won by huge margin.

To learn more about Kwame Nkrumah's contribution to Ghana's Independence, please click here:



in 1995, when umpqua bank opened in new markets, which type of marketing effort did it utilize?


Formulated marketing was the type of marketing utilized by Umpqua Bank, when it opened in the year 1995.

Formulated marketing can be referred to or considered as a type of marketing wherein a strategy of marketing is meticulously created and duly followed in order to lead to an achievement of the desired results. It is among the most effective marketing strategies used by organizations in order to bring a higher degree of effectiveness in its organizational operations. It is directly intended towards achievement of the research-backed results within an organization.

Learn more about formulated marketing here:



What was the result of the rivalry between Richard I and Saladin?

The only decisive victory of the West during the Crusades and the establishment of the Kingdom of Jerusalem
A truce that promised Christians safe passage for pilgrimages to the Holy Lands
The loss of the last state held by the Latin knights and the end of the period of the Crusades
A devastating blow to the Byzantines from which they never fully recovered


A truce that promised Christians safe passage for pilgrimages to the Holy Lands was the result of the rivalry between Richard I and Saladin. Thus option B is correct.

What is a rivalry?

The act of contending against every other individual for the exact same object is known as a rivalry. A rivalry seems to be a situation in which two individuals or groups are engaged in an ongoing rivalry.

With the signing of the Treaty of Jaffa, commonly referred as the Treaty of Ramlaor, a truce was made as during Crusades. It was drafted soon after the Battle of Jaffa it was confirmed by Saladin, the Muslim ruler, as well as King Richard the Lionheart of England.

The contract, negotiated with the aid of Balian of Ibelin, established a three-year ceasefire between of warring factions. Therefore, option B is the correct option.

Learn more about rivalry, Here:




A truce that promised Christians safe passage for pilgrimages to the Holy Lands


With fierce fighting and heavy casualties, the first bullfight awakens both sides of the civil war. called battle?


With fierce fighting and heavy casualties, the first bullfight awakens both sides of the civil war called  Battles of Belleau Woods

Bullfighting is a physical contest in which a bullfighter attempts to control, immobilize, or kill a bull, typically in accordance with a set of regulations, norms, or cultural expectations.In bullfights, some 250,000 bulls every year are killed. Numerous nations, including Argentina, Canada, Cuba, Denmark, Italy, and the United Kingdom have previously passed laws outlawing bullfighting.

To know more about Bullfight here



The Founding Fathers chose to establish a federal system in order to -
A. create a government with divided power
concentrate government power at the national level
experiment with a new system of government
model the government after the one in Britain


The Founding Fathers, who drafted the Constitution, wanted to design a structure that did not give one person excessive power or influence. The appropriate response is choice (A).

Define a federal system.

The legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the federal government are respectively vested with authority by the U.S. Constitution in Congress, the President, and the Federal courts.

George Washington, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton all backed the federal government. The desire to prevent tyranny and establish a balance between order and liberty was one of the reasons the Founders gave for creating a federalist government.

The country's founders wanted to make it hard for one person, party, or group to take control. To accomplish these goals, the Founding Fathers proposed a federal government with three separate branches: the Executive, the Legislative, and the Judicial.

To know more about the federal system, visit:



The songhai empire was like japan under the tokugawa shogunate because the songhai: _________


The songhai empire was like japan under the tokugawa shogunate because the songhai created a strong central government.

What was the songhai empire?

The Songhai Empire was a state which dominated the western Sudan in the 15th and 16th century. At its peak, it was considered as the largest states in African history.

The state had an ethnic group and ruling elite known as the Songhai. Sonni Ali established Gao as capital of the empire although a Songhai state had existed in and around Gao since the 11th century. Some other important cities in the empire were Timbuktu and Djenné, conquered in 1468 and 1475 respectively.

Read more about songhai empire



In 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected president on a Republican platform that advocated all of the following EXCEPTa. higher protective tariffsb. free western land for settlers who would live and work on itc. the exclusion of slavery from United States territorial possessionsd. the abolition of slavery throughout the United States Correcte. government subsidies for a transcontinental railroad


In 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected president on a Republican platform that advocated all of the following EXCEPT

the abolition of slavery throughout the United State

What was Lincoln's foundation proclamation while running for president in 1860?

The 1860 Conservative Public Show in Chicago named Lincoln, a moderate previous one-term Whig Delegate from Illinois. Its foundation vowed not to impede servitude in the South however gone against expansion of subjugation into the regions.

What was Lincoln's political decision stage?

A previous Whig, Lincoln ran on a political stage went against to the extension of subjection in the domains. His political race filled in as the prompt stimulus for the episode of the Nationwide conflict. Subsequent to being confirmed as president, Lincoln wouldn't acknowledge any goal that would bring about Southern withdrawal from the Association.

What were the primary thoughts the conservatives ran on in 1860?

Giddings got back to his seat, emergency settled. The 1860 conservative stage comprised of 17 announcements of standard, of which 10 managed the issues of "free soil", servitude, the Criminal Slave Act, and the protection of the Association, while the excess 7 managed different issues.

Learn more about Abraham Lincoln here:



why was saddam hussein in deep debt and looking for a solution to his financial crisis with the capture of kuwait?


I believed that Kuwait is part of the Iraqi sovereign land. He badly needed Kuwait's oil to pay off his war debts. Iraq was particularly harsh in blaming Kuwait, arguing that Kuwait.

Built military and oil installations on Iraqi soil while Iraq was concentrating on the Iran-Iraq war. Under this pretext, Iraq demanded that Kuwait cancel its debt obligations. Iraq's leader, Saddam Hussein, ordered the invasion and occupation of Kuwait in order to acquire the nation's vast oil reserves, cancel a large debt Iraq owed to Kuwait, and expand Iraqi power in the region. That day, the Central Bank of Iraq announced that it had made a $44 million payment to Kuwait, the last installment of $52.4 billion in war reparations Iraq owed for Saddam Hussein's invasion of the Arab monarchy in 1990.

To learn more about obligations please click on below link.



How did the Three-Fifths Compromise influence the outcomes of the Great



By including three-fifths of slaves (who had no voting rights) in the legislative apportionment, the Three-fifths Compromise provided additional representation in the House of Representatives of slave states compared to the free states.

What does the bridge symbolize in the story?


The story's primary emblem is the bridge. For the elderly guy, the bridge represents the boundary between life and death. The elderly man's sole family was the animals he had left behind, and if he crossed the bridge, he would be putting a stop to their existence.

Whether it connects heaven and earth or two other worlds, the bridge is fundamentally a symbol of communication and togetherness. It can be viewed as the link between God and Man because of this. It can be the doorway to reality or just a metaphor for moving forward and crossing.

The earliest and most potent representation of bridges is that of change. You travel between locations by use of the bridge. There is frequently a feeling that you are moving from one place to another when you cross a bridge.

To learn more about bridge



Form a hypothesis to explain why mason opposed the majority rule for commercial and navigation laws.


A hypothesis to explain why mason opposed.He believed that because there are only 5 southern states and 8 northern states, majority rule would harm.

Southern states because northern states generally do not understand how different southern countries are from their northern counterparts economically. He suggested that the two-thirds rule be used in place of the majority rule.The Virginia farmers were denied the revenues from direct sales to Spain and other European nations, despite.

The fact that it secured them a stranglehold on the English tobacco market.Because it was a substantial export good, "porcelain" was important to early Chinese civilization. It was a creative item that was mostly utilised as a decoration.During the Tang Dynasty, porcelain manufacture and exportation increased.The rise in tea consumption was the cause of this growth. the majority rule for commercial and navigation laws.

To know more about Navigation visit:



How was slavery different in Mesopotamia than it was here in the USA?


The difference between slavery in Mesopotamia and the the United States of America was that slavery in Mesopotamia was not based on race.

Why was American slavery perculiar ?

The concept of slavery was not new to the world when the United States practiced it. Indeed, as long as there has been civilization, there has probably been slavery.

The difference between the slavery in the United States and the slavery in other places such as Mesopotamia however, was that in the U.S., it was based on race. For places like Mesopotamia, any race could be enslaved provided they were captured and sold into slavery.

Find out more on slavery at https://brainly.com/question/28578197


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