Why did John smith most likely wrote  his account? about the Indian


Answer 1


John Smith wrote his account about the Indians to draw support from the monarchy and investors for the colony.


Captain John Smith was one of the sailors to sail to Virginia in the Virginia expedition of 1606. Captain John Smith was given the authority to lead the colony along with six other men by the Virginia Company.

John Smith began to write an account of their interactions with the Native Indians in his diary and sent them to the kings and investors. He wrote the account about the Indians to draw financial support from the monarchy and investors for the colony.

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Before 1154 AD, did England have a united set of laws and justice? How do you know?


Answer:I n the mid-1230s, the rulers of England were confronted with a problem concerning. Church law legitimized children born out of wedlock whose parents subsequently married. English lay law did not legitimize such children.


Describe how the forts along the Santa Fe Trail were used by travelers.



it gave them safety, protection, and supplies.


pls let me know if im incorrect, and im sorry if im late!


The forts along the Santa Fe Trail served as a meeting place for people to get supplies, hear news of the east and west; learn about trouble ahead, fix wagons, and wash clothes.


i got it right

Why is Russia is represented as a woman, rather than by a figure of the Russian tsar?



"because women outnumbered men due to russian war, famine, great terror and world war two. "


How Did Geography Affect Native Americans?



changed there way of life


Changed there life’s because the Great Plains had rivers, various Native American tribes would camp along these rivers while they were following the buffalo. So again, the geography of the area provided this availability of food and places to stay and feed and water their horses.

What do the flags in this poster represent?

A. Countries belonging to the Warsaw pact behind the Iron Curtain

B. Countries receiving economic assistance from the US

C. Countries forming the European coal and steel community

D. Countries created after World War II



B. Countries receiving economic assistance from the US.


The Marshall Plan was a US government plan with the objective of providing aid to the countries affected by the Second World War. This plan was also known as the European Recovery Program, enacted in 1948.

The given poster is from one of the entries from the Intra-European Cooperation for a Better Standard of Living Poster Contest held all over Europe in 1950. This poster contains the flags of countries that receive aid under the plan namely, Portugal, Norway, Belgium, Iceland, West Germany, the Free Territory of Trieste, Italy, Denmark, Austria, the Netherlands, Ireland, Sweden, Turkey, Greece, France, and the United Kingdom.

Thus, the correct answer is option B.

1 Which statement best describes the geography of Korea?

Korea's fertile land is in the coastal plains and river valleys.

Korea is a peninsula jutting out from the coast of Russia.

Korea is a large, mountainous island in the Yellow Sea.

The peninsula of Korea is flat, fertile, and widely cultivated.



the the third one the one that says Korea is large mountainous island in the yellow Sea

This type of control used by European nations during imperialistic colonization was a type of limited self-rule for local governments and Europeans relied on existing political rulers to accept the outside country’s control and to train local leaders in the British or European method of government.
Group of answer choices


indirect control





The minutes of the Wannsee Conference said that is any jew survived the harsh conditions, they would be "treated accordingly." What did "treated accordingly" imply?
A. appeasement of the jews
B. extermination of the jews
C. emancipation of the jews
D. deportation of the jews

ANSWER: B. extermination of the jews



the answer is b, extermination of the jews

Help Meeeeee PLSSSSSSS


it’s answer b ur welcome


Answer Is B


Believed In Many Different Gods

Please somebody answer this question fast

A. Exports of U.S agriculture goods to postwar Europe

B. Resistance to the soviet blockade of west Berlin

C. Economic aid to Europe under the Marshall plan

D. U.S air power over Germany during the World War II



i believe it's b. but i could be wrong :p

Which is true of FDR? A. By regulating the stock market and insuring banks, FDR was able to make the economy more stable. B. By creating the Civilian Conservation Corps, FDR made the United States a socialist country. C. By creating the Tennessee Valley Authority, FDR made the South poorer than before D. By taking the United States off the gold standard, FDR caused another stock- market crash,​





Roosevelt encouraged the Federal Reserve to provide de facto 100% deposit insurance in the reopened banks by utilizing the Act's emergency currency provisions. Hence option A is correct.

What is FDR ?

Roosevelt moved quickly to stabilize the economy, offer jobs to people in need, and provide assistance after taking office in 1933. The government implemented other experimental New Deal projects and programs throughout the course of the following eight years, including the CCC, the WPA, the TVA, the SEC, and others.

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) was established by the Act as one of its key provisions, and it started providing free protection for bank accounts up to $2,500. Additionally, during financial crises, the presidency was given the authority to make executive decisions without consulting the Federal Reserve.

The Fresh deal was in charge of some significant and significant accomplishments. It returned people to their jobs. It kept capitalism alive. It rekindled hope among the American people while also restoring faith in the American economic system.

Learn more about FDR here


# SPJ 2

Who was the first President of the uS



George Washington


Washington was the first president of the United States.


George Washington


Was Jefferson right in the Louisiana Purchase? Should he have manipulated the Constitution to buy the land? Why or why not



he was a good man and endicated for the preparation in that way

Which of the following best explains the importance of the English Bill of
A. It declared the independence of British citizens from Parliament
and from the monarchy.
B. It established a way for the British monarchy to evade the wishes
of Parliament
c. It separated the powers of the British government and was used
as a model for the United States Constitution.
D. It guaranteed that England's monarchs had no control over certain
aspects of citizens' lives.



The correct answer is D. It guaranteed that England's monarchs had no control over certain aspects of citizens' lives.


The English Bill of Rights was an act signed into law in 1689 by William III and Mary II, who became co-rulers in England after the overthrow of King James II. The bill outlined specific constitutional and civil rights and ultimately gave Parliament power over the monarchy.

Joe is now going to trial. He is entitled to a trial by jury.

Considering what you know about juror selection, which of these citizens are potential impartial jurors for Joe’s case? Check all that apply.

a retired owner of a small business
the mother of a young man who is Joe’s age
one of Joe’s coworkers
a young man four years older than Joe
a business owner who is a friend of Joe’s boss


- a retired owner of a small business
- a young man four years older than joe
- the mother of a young man who is joes age




what are the rock chambers in ancient india used for



It is there history of there creativity of making the design of the Rock for Kings and other richer people so that their place can look better then any other


Indian rock-cut architecture has more examples than any other form of rock-cut architecture in the world.

[1] Rock-cut architecture defines the practice of creating a structure by carving it out of solid natural rock. The craftsman removes rock not part of the structure until the architectural elements of the excavated interior constitute the only rock left. Indian rock-cut architecture, for the most part, is religious in nature.

[2] In India, caves have long been regarded as places of sanctity. Enlarged or entirely man-made caves hold the same sanctity as natural caves. The sanctuary in all Indian religious structures, even free standing ones, retain the same cave-like feeling of sacredness, being small and dark without natural light.

Curiously, Buddhist monks created their cave hermitages near trade routes that crossed northern India during the time of Christ. As wealthy traders became aware of the Buddhist caves, they became benefactors of expansion of the caves, the building of monolithic rock-cut temples, and of free-standing temples. Emperors and rulers also supported the devotional work and participated in the spiritual devotional services. Very likely, traders would use the hermitages for worship on their routes. As Buddhism weakened in the face of a renewed Hinduism during the eighth century C.E., the rock structure maintenance, expansion, and upgrading fell to the Hindus and Jains. Hindu holy men continued building structures out of rock, dedicating temples to Hindu gods like Shiva, until mysteriously they abandoned the temples around the twelfth century C.E. They abandoned the structures so completely that even local peoples lost knowledge of the awesome structures in their midst. Only in the nineteenth century, when British adventurers and explorers found them, did India rediscover the awesome architecture that comprises world treasures.

What caused the global depression? Who is at fault?



While the October 1929 stock market crash triggered the Great Depression, multiple factors turned it into a decade-long economic catastrophe. Overproduction, executive inaction, ill-timed tariffs, and an inexperienced Federal Reserve all contributed to the Great Depression.


Hope this helps you.

Who was involved in battle of Jutland



the only major encounter between the main British and German battle fleets in World War I, fought near the Skagerrak, an arm of the North Sea, about 60 miles (97 km) off the west coast of Jutland (Denmark).


Hope this helps sorry if incorrect

Can ordinary people be heroes? Have you ever done something heroic? Write your response in complete sentences and use examples.


Anyone can be a hero, but it depends on the situation. There could be a burning building, and a firefighter will be there to rescue the people in need. Or, you could need help with your homework or assignments. Your teacher or parent will be there to help. Imagine you got hurt, you would need to go to the hospital. A doctor would be there to help. Heroes are all around us, and not all of them wear capes. Even minor jobs can do a big part in the world.


Ever heard the saying All Heroes Don't Wear Capes? This quote was first said by Dean Cain, This means that you don't have to be portrayed as a Superhero in movies that wear capes in order to be one, It means that even ordinary people that do anything Heroic are heroes regardless of having a cape. Something heroic I've did in my lifetime is help one of my cousins crawl from under a bookshelf that fell on them. I lifted the bookshelf up and I ordered them to crawl under while I laid it back down. Moral of the story is Yes, ordinary people can be heroes and a cape doesn't determine you being a hero, your actions do.


pleaseeeeeee helppppp meeeeeee





Examine the supply and demand schedules for headphones. How much
would a seller charge if he or she wanted to sell headphones for their
equilibrium price?
Price of headphones
Quantity supplied
Price of headphones
Quantity demanded


Answer: $50

Explanation: just took the quiz

After World War II, members of NATO, including the United States, were most concerned about
the spread of terrorism
O an attack by the Soviet Union
O the possibility of a flu epidemic
Ofree trade among member nations



the spread of terrosiom



an attack by the soviet union


just took the test

3a) Who did Jews believe the Messiah was?


Jesus , have a blessed day

Do you think Ulysses is a good leader? Explain why or why not.


Answer: umm im confused


Ulysses is a good leader because he thinks about a lot of things before doing anything like making sure what is right and what is not

How did the Black Death help to end manorialism?



After the Black Death, Western Europeans were less tied to a stable social and spiritual community. As social tensions increased, serfs defined manorial lords, and many became criticizing medieval traditions. Many people died of starvation and of disease.


type of government in which power is shared between the national govern-
ment and the state governments.




Explanation: :)

Federalism describes the system of shared governance between national and state governments. The states and the federal government have both exclusive and concurrent powers, which help to explain the negotiation over the balance of power between them.

True or False. Settlers who did not have a clear land title were in danger of losing their
land to Haden Edwards








Which TWO phrases from the text best support the reader understanding the central idea of the text?

“Throughout history, however, many American citizens have not been allowed to vote in local and national elections… Cultural and political barriers prevented racial minorities from heading to the voting booth…” (Paragraph 5)
“Throughout history, however, many American citizens have not been allowed to vote in local and national elections… Cultural and political barriers prevented racial minorities from heading to the voting booth…” (Paragraph 5)

“Wallace refused, so Johnson took charge of Alabama’s National Guard and sent one thousand military policemen and two thousand army troops to escort protesters on a march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama.” (Paragraph 6)
“Wallace refused, so Johnson took charge of Alabama’s National Guard and sent one thousand military policemen and two thousand army troops to escort protesters on a march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama.” (Paragraph 6)

“Proponents of the Voting Rights Act wanted everyone to be able to vote, and wanted everyone’s vote to matter equally.” (Paragraph 7)
“Proponents of the Voting Rights Act wanted everyone to be able to vote, and wanted everyone’s vote to matter equally.” (Paragraph 7)

“The Voting Rights Act of 1965 had immediate positive effects for minority voters. Nearly 250,000 black citizens registered to vote in 1965 alone.” (Paragraph 8)
“The Voting Rights Act of 1965 had immediate positive effects for minority voters. Nearly 250,000 black citizens registered to vote in 1965 alone.” (Paragraph 8)

“A majority of the justices believed it was wrong to require certain states to check with the federal government every time they changed their voting laws.” (Paragraph 9)
“A majority of the justices believed it was wrong to require certain states to check with the federal government every time they changed their voting laws.” (Paragraph 9)

“Technically, Congress can still override individual changes as they arise, but critics are skeptical that Congress will actually do this.” (Paragraph 11)​



i just gonna say 3 for short term answer


i took the test

which term works best as a title for the list?


Answer: B. Labor


People who buy stock in a company are known as



When you own stock in a company, you are called a shareholder because you share in the company's profits.



a stockholder or shareholder


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Cada reproduccin representaba un movimiento de indole filosfica, poltica y cultural. Elartista no pudo realizar su coleccin entera de estampas satricas en contra el ambiente poltico. Hoy en da, esta coleccin es conocida por ser ladesviacin de sus obras tradicionales y marca su entrada al modernismo. No hay otra coleccin de la litografa de comentario social que sea tanPNfica.Segn la lectura. Los caprichos son parte de una coleccin de raras de Goya. (1 point)O esculturasO pinturasO muralesO impresiones Can someone please answer a-d I have 5 mins!!!!6 points and Brainly:) Using the number 2,405,008.097 what is the place value of all numbers 15 POINTS Gavin drank 3/4 of a liter of orange juice from the container, which was 3/8 of the orange juice that was originally in the container. How much orange juice was originally in the container? 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Welhave petitioned: we have remonstrated; we have supplicated; we have prostrated ourselves before the throne, and have implored itsInterposition to arrest the tyrannical hands of the ministry, and Parliament. jOur petitions have been slighted; our remonstrances have producedadditional violence and insult; our supplications have been displmarded: and we have been spurned, with contempt, from the foot of theEVREEEZAthronet in vain, after these things, may we indulge the fond hope of peace and reconciliation. There i no longer any room for hope. If we wishto be free- we mean to preserve inviolate those inestimable privileges for which we have been so long contendingif we mean not basely toabandon the noble struggle in which we have been so long engaged, and which we have pledged ourselves never to abandon until the gloriousobject of our contest shall be obtained-we must fight! I repeat it, sir, we must fight! An appeal to arms and to the God of hosts is all that is leftustResetNext