Why did Hamilton feel it was necessary to have a strong financial plan for the nation


Answer 1

Answer: Madison thought that speculators did not deserve to make such profits. Hamilton replied that the United States must repay its debts in full. Otherwise, he said, it risked losing the trust of investors in the future. The support of investors, he argued, was crucial to building the new nation's economy.

Related Questions

Which of the following is NOT true of the Yalta conference in 1945?
Stalin agreed to allow free and unfettered elections in postwar Poland.
The Yalta agreement planted the seeds of conflict.
Roosevelt and Churchill did not ultimately object to Soviet postwar control of the Baltics.
Stalin agreed to leave southern and eastern Europe out of the Soviet sphere.
O Stalin refused to enter the war against Japan.


Answer: B. Yalta Agreement planted seeds for cold war.

"Stalin refused to enter the war against Japan" is NOT true of the Yalta conference in 1945.

Regarding the 1945 Yalta conference, it is untrue to say that Stalin refused to join the war against Japan. In actuality, Stalin committed at Yalta to entering the conflict three months after Germany's capitulation.

This pledge was made in return for Asian territorial concessions, specifically the return of areas that the Soviet Union had lost during the Russo-Japanese War of 1904–1905. A key result of the Yalta conference was Stalin's consent to join the war against Japan, which prepared the way for the Soviet Union's involvement in the Pacific theater near the end of World War II.

learn more about Yalta conference here



Read the passage from The Pillow Book.

"The Shigei Sha, who had moved back a little, was now facing in my direction. She had on several plum-red under-robes of different shades, an unlined costume of deep red damask, a long, flowing robe of darkish red, and an over-robe of richly embroidered light green silk which made her look very young. She held her fan steadily in front of her face. Altogether she was magnificent. . . .

I glanced again at the Shigei Sha, who was looking extraordinarily pretty. But, when I turned back to Her Majesty and saw her tranquil expression, her charming features which had recently taken on a more adult cast, and her complexion which went so beautifully with her scarlet clothes, I realized that no one in the world could equal her.”

Which evidence best supports the conclusion that the author admired the empress?

A. “She had on several plum-red under-robes of different shades, an unlined costume of deep red . . .”
B. “. . . and an over-robe of richly embroidered light green silk which made her look very young.”
C. “I glanced again at the Shigei Sha, who was looking extraordinarily pretty.”
D. “I realized that no one in the world could equal her.”


Answer: D

Explanation: I just took test

Answer:      D

Explanation: i took the test

after 5,100 years ago, the standardized impressions placed on clay tokens in ancient mesopotamia became


After 5,100 years ago, the standardized impressions placed on clay tokens in ancient mesopotamia became the world's finest writing system.

What is Mesopotamia?

The origins of human civilisation were first established in Mesopotamia, a region of southwest Asia in the Tigris and Euphrates river system. This is thanks to the region's climate and topography. The wheel, math, the concept of time, sailboats, maps, and writing are just a few of the major discoveries that have shaped its history.

The shifting sequence of governing bodies from various regions and cities that seized power over a period of thousands of years also defines Mesopotamia.

The Middle East, which covers parts of southwest Asia and territories bordering the eastern Mediterranean Sea, is where Mesopotamia is situated.

It is a component of the Fertile Crescent, which is frequently referred to as the "Cradle of Civilization" because of the numerous inventions that were developed by the early communities here, some of which are among the earliest known human civilizations on Earth.

To learn more on Mesopotamia from the link:



the fourteenth-century german sculptures of ekkehard and uta at naumburg are particularly significant because these sculptures convey which of the following?


The fourteenth-century German sculptures of Ekkehard and Uta at Naumburg are particularly significant because these sculptures convey specific individuals.

What is Ekkehard and Uta?

Ekkehard and Uta is a famous sculptures from Naumburg. It is a work with features and details that will remain in the viewer's memory, such as the way Uta's coat is held and the arrangement of two people with different markings. They were identified as count Eckehard II. The inclusion of Meißen's Uta and Ballenstedt's Uta gives a good chance of decoding the image set.

Learn more about Ekkehard and Uta https://brainly.com/question/28188990


*Questions should be equipped with options that can be chosen by students. The following are examples of options that students can choose from:

a. the Virtues

b. specific individuals

c. the S-shaped curve

d. the damp-fold style of drapery

With what statement would the artist most likely disagree?

John Brown took drastic action to achieve just ends.

John Brown’s violence undermined constitutional law.

John Brown demonstrated little respect for fellow Americans.

John Brown’s raid reflected deep divisions growing in the nation.


The artist would most certainly disagree with the allegation that his brutality violated constitutional law. Hence, the correct option is (B) John Brown’s violence undermined constitutional law.

Who is John Brown?

The last set of events that led to the American Civil War in the 1800s was John Brown's attack on Harpers Ferry.

In retribution for the storming of Lawrence by pro-slavery troops, John Brown and his boys massacred more than three slave sympathizers in the Pottawatomie massacre. However, he moved frequently between states, working as a tanner, sheep drover, wool dealer, farmer, and so on.

In conclusion, Option B will be correct because his violence does not undermine constitutional law.

To learn more about John Brown, click



How did religious factors drive imperialism


the desire to spread Christianity, to protect European missionaries in other lands, to spread European values and moral beliefs, to educate peoples of other cultures, and to end the slave trade in Africa. religious motives included the desire to spread Christianity, to protect European missionaries in other lands, to spread European values and moral beliefs, to educate peoples of other cultures, and to end the slave trade in Africa

What was one part of Henry Clay's American System?

OA. Moving Indigenous peoples to western lands

OB. Lowering tariffs to benefit southerners

OC. Investing in roads, canals, and railways

OD. Expanding slavery into new territories


One element of Henry Clay's American System was to make investments in railroads, canals, and roadways. As a result, choice (C) is the best way to respond.

What was Henry Clay’s American system?

In addition to rechartering the national bank and establishing a protective tariff, Henry Clay's American system supported the expansion of the country's transportation infrastructure. Because protective tariffs shielded US industry from British competition but did little to benefit the south, this system is better for the north.

One of the most historically important examples of a government-sponsored initiative to harmonize and balance the country's agriculture, trade, and industry is Henry Clay's "American System," which was developed in the flurry of nationalism that followed the War of 1812.

Hence, option (C) is accurate.

Learn more about Henry Clay, from:



1609-1650. he succeeded hardy as the principal dramatist for the hotel bourgogne and adapted spanish drama - introducing the love vs. honor theme into french drama. he failed to create characters of great depth


Jean de Rotrou succeeded hardy as the principal dramatist for the hotel bourgogne and adapted spanish drama

Hardy: A Meliorist or Not?

Hardy himself disputed being pessimistic, referring to himself as a "meliorist," or someone who thinks that human effort may improve the world. But neither of his most significant books nor his lyric poems exhibit much evidence of "meliorism." The most well-known works of Thomas Hardy are his novels, all of which were released around the middle to end of the 19th century. Tess of the d'Urbervilles and Jude the Obscure, two of his most recent books, are typically regarded as his best. The empathetic depictions of the struggles of the working class in these works question social norms.

To know more about hardy click on the link below:



ANSWER ASAPP DUE IN 30 MINSSS Was Oskar still guilty in your mind of committing war crimes, by profiteering off of Jewish work, and should he be punished for his actions?


Oskar was yet to be punished for his actions.

What were the controversies in Okar's punishment?Your advanced age.His peacefulness in the midst of the holocaust.The lack of evidence that he tortured or murdered Jews.

Oskar Groening was an elderly German who worked as an accountant in a Nazi concentration camp.

He was one of the last defendants to be tried for the crimes of the Jewish holocaust. At that time he was 94 years old and was sentenced to 4 years in prison, even though he did not kill or torture any Jews while working as an accountant.

In a way, Groening should be punished for participating in the Nazi system, but his advanced age and the peacefulness of his activity in the concentration camps could promote a milder sentence than imprisonment that would be more consistent with the seriousness of the acts he commented during the second war.

Learn more about the Jewish holocaust:



which of the following statements about the african national congresss (anc) party in south africa is accurate?


Nelson Mandela-led nonviolent black organization that battled racial  discrimination , Leaders of the ANC started the military because to repression.

Where does racial prejudice typically occur?

Racism can occur anywhere, at any time. According to research, communities, stores, and places of employment are where racism most frequently happens. It also happens at sporting events, in classrooms, and on mass transit. The media occasionally portrays racism.

What impact does racism have on society?

Individuals' employment, well-being, and feeling of agency are all impacted by discrimination. Regularly discriminated people may internalized the shame or discrimination that is held on them, which can have negative effects on their health, including low self-esteem, fear, tension, and embarrassment.

To know more about racial discrimination visit:



Imagine you are a Revolutionary War veteran and farmer in Western Massachusetts in 1786. You have just joined the Regulators to protest the government’s economic policies.
Write a diary entry explaining why you joined and what you hope to achieve. (2 sentence minimum: 1 sentence explaining why you joined, 1 sentence explaining your goal, or what you hope to achieve)



thanks a que se duerma bien en

I need help with this asap!! I have to classify the pictures as four galaxies, either peculiar, irregular, elliptical, or spiral!!


Answer:4,7,8,14 are peculiar galaxy's.6,3,5,11,12 are elliptical....1 15,13,and 9 are spiral.....2 and 10 are irregular.


The abolition movement, which included many women, argued that _____ a social injustice.

OA. child labor
OB. drinking alcohol
OC. industrialization
OD. slavery


The abolition movement, which included many women, argued that slavery a social injustice. therefore option D is correct

The movement started within the overdue 18th century and won momentum within the united states of america within the mid-19th century, with many ladies gambling a key function.

Abolitionists believed that slavery become morally wrong and violated the standards of liberty and equality upon which the us changed into based. They argued that slavery dehumanized enslaved humans & violated their basic human rights, along with their right to freedom and dignity.

Abolitionists labored tirelessly to end the practice of slavery, the use of a variety of tactics, including political motion, education, and direct movement, together with the Underground Railroad. The efforts of abolitionists helped to result in the eventual end of slavery within the america.

Learn more about  abolition movement:-



Solve the equation

3⁶⁻³ˣ = 1/27


The solution of the equation 3⁶⁻³ˣ = 1/27 will be 3.

What is the solution to the equation?

The allocation of weights to the important variables that produce the calculation's optimum is referred to as a direct consequence.

The equation is given below.

3⁶⁻³ˣ = 1/27

Simplify the equation,  then we have

3⁶⁻³ˣ = 1/27

3⁶⁻³ˣ = 1/3³

3⁶⁻³ˣ = 3⁻³

Compare the powers, then we have

6 - 3x = - 3

3x = 6 + 3

3x = 9

x = 9 / 3

x = 3

The solution of the equation 3⁶⁻³ˣ = 1/27 will be 3.

More about the solution of the equation link is given below.



according to the hardy-weinberg equilibrium model, for a two allele system, when the alleles in a population are equal in frequency (a


The Hardy-Weinberg theorem is the essential null model for population genetics because it describes genotype frequency distributions in populations that are not changing.

Basic Mendelian Genetics:

The hereditary material was seen as a fluid that combined the qualities from two individuals to produce phenotypically intermediate children under the now debunked notion of blending inheritance. Blending inheritance may appear intuitively acceptable given patterns of similarity between parents and children, as it did to many of Charles Darwin's contemporaries. However, because Darwin's theory of natural selection (1859) relies on the occurrence of heritable trait variation in populations of organisms, this mechanism of inheritance presented issues.

The Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium:

Mendelian genetics are discussed in the context of populations of diploid, sexually reproducing individuals in the Hardy-Weinberg Theorem.A population's allele frequencies won't fluctuate from generation to generation.

Evolutionary Implications of the Hardy-Weinberg Theorem:

In the absence of factors that alter allele frequencies, the Hardy-Weinberg Theorem shows that Mendelian loci segregating for multiple alleles in diploid populations will maintain predictable levels of genetic diversity. Plotting p2, 2pq, and q2 as a function of allele frequencies is a frequent method of illustrating these predictions .

Learn more about Hardy-Weinberg Theorem:



What socio-political contributions of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan made him a ‘saviour’ of the Muslims of Sub-continent amid British Raj? Explain your answer with five relevant points.


Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, one of the early pioneers of India, felt the need for education for the poor and backward Muslim community. With the foundation of the Madrasatul Uloom in Aligarh, he tried to make Western knowledge available to Indians in their own language.

The Aligarh Movement inspired Muslims to start many Muslim educational institutions in India. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan wanted to spread the Muslim Managed educational institutions throughout the country. His activities helped the Muslims to come forward with a socio-political sensibility into them. He was the first person to realize the need for a fresh orientation of Islam and worked for it.

Read more about Aligarh Movement :


In your own words, describe how the Federal Government was to work according to the
Virginia Plan. How did the smaller states react?



According to the Virginia Plan, the Federal Government was to be composed of three branches: a legislative branch, an executive branch, and a judicial branch. The legislative branch would be made up of two houses, with representation in each house based on the size of the state. The larger states would have more representatives in the legislature, giving them more power and influence over the government.

The smaller states reacted negatively to this proposal, arguing that it would give too much power to the larger states and leave the smaller states with little influence over the government. They believed that this would be unfair and would undermine the principles of democracy and equality. As a result, they proposed the New Jersey Plan, which would create a unicameral legislature with equal representation for all states, regardless of size. This proposal was ultimately rejected in favor of the Great Compromise, which created a bicameral legislature with representation in both houses based on the size of the state.


Which of these artifacts is a secondary source of information about the American colonies?
A. A record used to keep track of supplies on the Mayflower
B. An academic essay discussing the long-term effects of slavery in Georgia C. A military uniform worn by a soldier during the Seven Years' War
D. A textbook used by young students in the Jamestown Colony​


Answer: Which of these artifacts is a secondary source of information about the American colonies?

B. An academic essay discussing the long-term effects of slavery in Georgia

Explanation:  A secondary source is a document or artifact that analyzes or interprets primary sources, which are firsthand accounts or original documents from a specific time period. Primary sources provide direct evidence, while secondary sources offer analysis or commentary on primary sources.

Learn more about secondary sources here: https://brainly.com/question/26122429.

Why were around 150 Native
Americans massacred at Sand
A. Native Americans had raided a governmental
building two weeks earlier.
B. It was an act of revenge by U.S. Army Colonel
Robert Chivington for the death of his family.
C. Native Americans were defending the gold
they found in the Black Hills.
D. Native Americans would not relocate to Utah.


Native Americans fought against white settlement and reservations in order to preserve their right to use their territory.

What is the Sand Creek Massacre?

This string of assaults and conflicts between European settlers in the West and the native populations already there included the Sand Creek Massacre.

The American Army slaughtered Cheyenne and Arapaho people during the American Indian Wars in what is known as the Sand Creek Massacre, also known as the Chivington Massacre, the Battle of Sand Creek, or the Massacre of Cheyenne Indians. A 675-man detachment of the Third Colorado Cavalry under the command of U.S. Volunteers Colonel John Chivington assaulted and decimated a town of Cheyenne and Arapaho people in Colorado on November 29, 1864.

To know more about Sand Creek Massacre, visit:




Which event during John Adam's presidency was the main reason the Federalist party began to fall apart?

The Boston Tea Party
The Jay Treaty
The Alien and Sedition Acts
The "Anti-federalist" speech by Thomas Jefferson


The event during John Adam's presidency which could be said to have been the reason the Federalist Party began to fall apart was C. The Alien and Sedition Acts.

What was the Alien and Sedition Acts?

The Federalist Congress passed the Alien and Sedition Acts, a group of laws, in 1798, and President Adams signed them into force. These legislation gave the government unprecedented authority to deport foreign nationals and made voting more challenging for recent immigrants. Before becoming able to vote, a new immigrant had to live in the country for five years, but a new rule increased this to fourteen.

The Alien Act gave the President the only authority to remove foreign enemy captives who were not citizens. The right to criticize the government was assailed by the Sedition Act, which also targeted the free press. The 1790s had a particularly tense partisan political climate due to the rise of the

There was outrage against the Federalist Party, which led to it beginning to fall apart.

Find out more on the Federalist Party at https://brainly.com/question/3014343


Which of the following is an example of American influence in the world in 1968?

Other countries borrowed American language and strategy for protests against authority.

McDonald’s opened its first restaurants in Europe and Asia.

Other countries joined a U.S. coalition to win the war in Vietnam.

Automobiles in Japan got bigger.

The Soviet Union admitted that American consumer products were better.


Answer: Other countries borrowed American language and strategy for protests against authority.


How are presidents selected?
through a vote of members of Congress
through the votes of the Electoral College
through a direct vote by the American people
through a vote of the Supreme Court justices



The answer is C.


This is why we have election days. All Americans 18 and over avn vote.


A. Through the votes of the Electoral College.


Presidents are chosen from voters in the Electoral College. The individual voters are nominated at a state party convention (either for Republican, Democrat, or a 3rd party). The electors are then chosen based on the population votes. In turn, there are two methods that allow for the electorates to be chosen.

1) Electoral votes are proportionally allocated. This means that, if a state has 10 electoral voters, and, let's say, 70% of the popular vote in the state vote Republican, and 30% vote Democrat, then 7 of the electoral voters of said state would vote for the Republican candidate, while 3 will vote for the Democrat. [This method is only used by Nebraska and Maine, as of today).

2) Winner takes all method. This means that, whoever wins the most popular votes, that candidate will receive all of the electoral votes. For example, if the state has 20 electoral votes, and the Republican candidate receives 80% of the popular vote in the state, and the Democrat candidate receives 20% of the popular vote, the 20% of votes are essentially voided, and the Republican candidate receives all 20 electoral votes.

It is worthy to note again that only 2 states use proportionally allocation, and therefore districting of states are extremely important to either party to be able to win through the second method. Typically, after 10 years, each state's advisory committee will redistrict and draw district lines that goes to the state legislature to judge and pass/reject. If the plan is rejected, a backup plan would be chosen to redraw the district lines.

Learn more about how presidents are selected, here:


What did Charles V's struggles with Protestants in the Holy Empire have in common with French religious conflicts of the 16th century?



Both concluded with Protestants winning expanded rights in Catholic realms.

which of the following is true about the last two decades of the twentieth century? the poor and the middle class became worse off, while the rich became significantly richer.


During the last two decades of the twentieth century, there was a tendency for the rich to get significantly richer, while the poor and middle classes got worse off.

What do you call the 20th century?

The 20th century, a controversial term, is sometimes referred to in the United States and abroad as the "American Century."

Why is the 20th century called the age of extremes?

Historian Eric Hobsbawm called the 20th century an age of extremes. This is due to the nature of the events that have brought about enormous changes in the political and economic structure of the world.

What important changes occurred in the social dimension of society in the 19th century?

The 19th century was a revolutionary time in European history, a time of great change in all areas of life. Human and civil rights, democracy and nationalism, industrialization and the free market economy ushered in an era of change and opportunity.

Learn more about Twentieth century :



Bastille Day marks the beginning of the French Revolution. How was the Third Estate able to take control of their fate? Are there groups in our world today who are taking control of their own fate? Explain.


Bastille Day marks the beginning of the French Revolution.The Third Estate, the most represented, proclaimed a National Assembly and vowed to impose a new constitution on the King.

The Third Estate started taking matters into their own hands. They met themselves and invited other estate members.

What was the main purpose of the Third Estate?

Historians believe that one of his reasons for the French Revolution was to please the members of the Third Estate, who wanted a more equal distribution of wealth and power.

What impact did the third estate have?

Despite its immense size and economic importance, the Third Estate played little role in the government and decision-making of the ancient regimes. The frustration, dissatisfaction and anguish of the Third Estate were the central causes of the French Revolution.

Learn more about The Third Estate:



What caused the Allies to hesitate in declaring war on Hitler in the early stages when it was obvious what his next steps would be? Wasn’t it clear to them that if he achieved his goals then eventually they would have to fight him? So why didn’t they take action? We can call this the “denial syndrome” which is a psychological phenomenon and part of human nature. When there is a far-off danger which is getting closer and dealing with it requires great resources and sacrifice, people choose to use all their mental powers to ignore it or to find an alternative, “softer” and less threatening interpretation." The above quote is from an article written by Eliezer Shenvald, a writer for The Jerusalem Post in 2015. Do you agree with his opinion? Why or why not?


Yes, I agree with Eliezer Shenvald's point of view because this psychological phenomenon can be explained by means of this example.

What idea does the text raise?

The text states that before the start of World War II, the allied European powers, despite being aware of the damage and dire consequences that the imperialist and dictatorial movements of Germany led by Hitler could bring, did not act against him due to to the feeling of denial typical of human psychology.

What is our opinion on this idea?

Our opinion on this idea is that the leaders of the European powers before the start of World War II suffered from this denial syndrome because all the acts perpetrated by Germany and Adolf Hitler during this period were very evident about their expansionist purposes.

Additionally, the European powers had the means to intervene to prevent this situation from escalating into a more complex situation to manage. However, none of them acted in time to avoid negative consequences.

Learn more about denial syndrome in:https://brainly.com/question/15831574


Question 6 of 15
During the golden age of the Gupta Empire, which advancement was made?
A. Discovering the shape of Earth
OB. Using voting to select political leaders
OC. Developing a method for making silk
D. Creating advanced compasses for navigating





I did this

What contributed to Athens losing the pelonnesian war?


Answer: A plague

Explanation: Yes, Athens lost the Peloponnesian war because of a plague! It is believed that "the plague wiped out more than 30,000 citizens, sailors, soldiers, and others, including Pericles and his sons. The sad result of this plague was that (roughly) 1/3 to 2/3 of Athen's population dies just from the plague.

which historical figure led a movement in india that was based on resisisting colonialism with noviolence


Answer: Mahatma Gandhi


C. Explain the impact of Islam as a result of the Gold-Salt Trade using this excerpt:
In some capital cities, such as Ghana and Gao, the presence of Muslim merchants resulted in the
establishment of mosques. The Malian king Mansa Musa (r. 1312-37) brought back from a pilgrimage to
Mecca the architect al-Sahili, who is often credited with the creation of the Sudano-Sahelian building
style...Islam brought to Africa the art of writing and new techniques of weighting. The city of Timbuktu, for
instance, flourished as a commercial and intellectual center... Timbuktu... On the continent's eastern coast,
Arabic vocabulary was absorbed into the Bantu languages to form the Swahili language. On the other hand, in
many cases conversion for sub-Saharan Africans was probably a way to protect themselves against being sold
into slavery, a flourishing trade between Lake Chad and the Mediterranean. For their rulers, who were not
active proselytizers, conversion remained somewhat formal, a gesture perhaps aimed at gaining political
support from the Arabs and facilitating commercial relationships.


The impact of Islam as a result of the Gold-Salt Trade included :

New architectural styles Conversion of more people Introduction of a new language, Swahili Commercially successful cities

How did Islam change West Africa ?

Islam encouraged trade between the Mediterranean and West Africa. The trans-Saharan Caravan trade grew and expanded as a result of the religion. The Muslim and West African traders benefited financially from the trade. Muslims from North Africa flocked to the commercial hubs in large numbers.

The spread of Islam throughout Sub-Saharan Africa aided in the development of political edifices, promoted wealth and trade, and grew the slave trade. Islam was more alluring to kings in its purest form because the caliph blended political and religious authority.

This was why Islam was able to allow Africans to come up with new styles of building and architecture. More people also became Muslims for a variety of reasons and Swahili became a major language. All of this was thanks to the Gold - Salt Trade.

Find out more on the Gold - Salt trade at https://brainly.com/question/22223144


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