Why are zebrafish an ideal model organism to use for biotechnology studies? The findings are representative of all species of fish in the environment. There are few ethical issues involved with their usage. They show similar results to human subjects because they are also vertebrates. They are able to produce immunity to all diseases that can be transferred to other animals.


Answer 1

Zebrafish are considered as vertebrate possessing similar main organs like human beings. They have a peculiar characteristics for reconstruction of the muscle of the heart. Having this similarities of genetic structures with human, they are an ideal model organism to use for biotechnology studies such as early development studies.

Answer - They show similar results to human subjects because they are also vertebrates.

Related Questions

_____ are essential in the conversion of nitrogen-containing compounds to nitrogen forms that are accessible and usable by plants.Group of answer choicesChemotrophsBacteriaHeterotrophsAutotrophs


The organism that are essential in the conversion of nitrogen-containing compounds to nitrogen forms that are accessible and usable by plants are referred to as nitrogen-fixing bacteria. These bacteria are responsible for converting ammonia to nitrates through fixation.

Chemotrophs get their energy by way of oxidizing inorganic molecules. Heterotrophs consume other plants or animals in order to get energy.

Autotrophs has the ability to make their own food and therefore considered as producers.

Answer - Option 2 - Bacteria

In humans, the allele for a widow's peak is dominant to the allele for a straight hairline. In a family with three children, two of the children have a straight hairline and one child has a widow's peak. Which of the following is possible? (please i will give brainliest)

Both parents are heterozygous.
Both parents are homozygous for a widow's peak.
Both parents are homozygous for a straight hairline.
One parent is homozygous for a straight hairline, and the other is heterozygous.


The correct answer is that one of the parents is homozygous while the other one is heterozygous.

Widow's peak is a dominant trait which is observed even when a single dominant allele responsible for this characteristic is present in an individual. A widow's peak is used to refer to the hairline of a person which is shaped like the letter 'V' progressing downwards towards the central portion of the forehead.

However, the allele for straight hairline is recessive which means that in  the given case one parent must be homozygous, i.e. contain similar alleles (recessive), while the other one with a widow's peak is heterozygous.

To learn more about heterozygous here



what is the use of gel electrophoresis buffer?



Remember that Electrophoresis separates macromolecules by size, charge, and other properties.

Buffers in gel electrophoresis are used to generate ions and thus carry a current flow (transmit a charge through the gel) Also, let's remember that a buffer is a substance that keeps pH levels stable. Therefore, buffers in gel electrophoresis are used to maintain the pH at a relatively constant value.

Read the statement and determine the type of evolution:Male bumblebees go to flowers, such as orchids, to pick up chemicals that allow themto create attractive scents to put off for female bumblebees. Flowers have waxy pollento stick to the bumblebee's heads and abdomens in order to spread their pollen to otherflowers. These two traits – sticky pollen and chemicals for attractive scents – haveevolved together, forming a mutualistic relationship between flowers and bumblebees.


Answer and Explanation


How come the vertebrae protects the spinal but the PNS has no bone protection?


The Central Nervous System (CNS) is of vital importance, meaning that any small trauma that it may suffer can represent a death risk for the individual. This lead natural selection to cause the organisms to develop a strong protection against those traumas. The Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) is of monumental importance, but the traumas suffered has local impact only. The PNS is also spreaded through the entire body, getting to the tip of our toes and fingers. Therefore, its evolutionary development didn't involve the need of having such a strong protection, and that would have been really difficult as the PNS is so widely spreaded throughout the body.

The sequencing of the human genome was an important step in understanding human genetic disorders like colorblindness. Through sescientists have been able to pinpoint the specific genes involved and which chromosomes they are located on. Order the steps of humansequencing below, with the first step at the top and the last step at the bottom.



1. Extract DNA from cells

2. Cut DNA using restriction enzymes to create smaller fragments.

3. Sequence each fragment.

4. Separate DNA fragments by size so fragments can be isolated.

5. Analyze fragment sequence for overlaps to create a complete genome.

in the neck region , name the structure that plays a role in the immune system?a. thymusb. thyroid c. spleend. soft palate


Answer: B


Thyroid hormones can exert responses in various immune cells, e.g., monocytes, macrophages, natural killer cells, and lymphocytes. Thyroid Hormones have an important role in Inflammation, Autoimmunity and Pathogen Clearance.

What causes water to maintain
its temperature whether it is
hot or cold?
A. Water is a very large molecule.
B. Water has a high heat capacity. This
C. Water has very strong covalent bonds.
D. Water is a non-polar molecule.


Answer: A



C is the answer.


Would not be D

Describe the structure of the endoplasmic reticulum.


Endoplasmic reticulum is a membrane system forming a series of sacs in eukaryotic cells. It has many functions, including the synthesis and transport of proteins. There are two types of endoplasmic reticulum with different structures, as follows:

1) Rough endoplasmic reticulum - its sacs are convoluted but flat, contiguous with the nuclear membrane. Its outer surface is studded with ribosomes, which gives it the rough appearance.

2) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum - its sacs are tube-like structures and they are located near the cell periphery. Sometimes these tubules branch, forming a reticular network wit.

short segments of newly synthesized dna are joined into a continuous strand by _____.


Short segments of newly synthesized DNA are joined into a continuous strand by DNA Ligase.

What is DNA ligase?

DNA ligase is a group of enzymes that catalyze the binding of two molecules, which are DNA; synthetase.

During DNA replication, DNA molecules are synthesized on the leading strand continuously, whereas on the lagging strand, DNA is synthesized in short stretches.

These short stretches of DNA are called okazaki fragments and are later joined together by an enzyme called DNA ligase.

Therefore, DNA ligase is responsible for joining newly synthesized DNA molecules.

Learn more about DNA ligase at: https://brainly.com/question/28334130


which refers to all living things that live together in a stable community? a. biosphereb. ecosystemc. habitatd. population


The term that refers to all living things that live together in a stable community is population. Populations of two or more species that live in the same place at the same time form a community.

So the correct answer is option d. population.

During plant cell replication the division of the cytoplasm is called?A. CyttohydolsisB. Cytokinesis Plasmosis D. Cytoplasmosis


After the cells perform all the previous processes of the cell cycle, at the end of them, it results in two daughter cells for mitosis and meiosis I, and four daughter cells for meiosis II. This is accomplished because the cell uses proteins such as actin and myosin to enclose the resulting nuclei and the different organelles of each cell. We can say then that the correct answer is the second one: cytokinesis, and this can be seen with a little more detail in the picture below at the right part of it.

I’m supposed to sort the terms into the groups, but I don’t know how to do that. Can you help me?




• basic unit: triglyceride


• Examples: ,fatty acids,, oils, phospholipid


• made up of 1 molecule of ,glycerol, and 3 molecules of fatty acids


• found in the plasma membrane of the cell


• When consumed, it generates higher energy output than carbohydrates but does not break down as fast as carbohydrates.


• molecules are composed of ,C, H, O and sometimes P


• basic unit: glucose/simple sugars


• Three kinds of carbohydrates: ,monosaccharides,, disaccharides, polysaccharides


• Easily break down to get the energy stored; ,fast fuel


• Starch- produced by ,photosynthesis, is made up of a polymer of glucose


• molecules are composed of ,C, H, O


• basic unit:, amino acids


• translated from mRNA


• Enzyme,- proteins that catalyze a chemical reaction


• linked together by a ,polypeptide bond


• molecules are composed of ,C, H, O, and N

7. The difference between the cell cycle and Meiosis:A. meiosis has 4 divisions, cell cycle has 2B. mitosis has condensed chromosomes, meiosis has homologous chromosomesC. meiosis has 4 gametes with haploid DNA and mitosis has 2 daughter cells with identical DNAD. meiosis has metaphase 1 and Mitosis has metaphase 2


Mitosis is a cellular division that produces two diploid cells from a parent cell. Meiosis is a cellular division that produces four haploid cells from a parent cell. Mitosis is observed in somatic cells while meiosis is observed in gametes/sex cells.


which position on an electrocardiogram is associated with the first sound of a heartbeat
A. P wave results from repolarization of the atria.
B. QRS complex results from ventricular depolarization.
C. P wave occurs after the QRS complex but before the T wave.
D. T wave represents depolarization of the atria.
E. repolarization of the atria is clearly visible.


The answer is C. P wave occurs after the QRS complex but before the T wave.

The trend for human population and the rate of climate change are both predicted to consistently increase significantly. Whatoutcome is likely to be the least critical for humans in the future?A) deforestationB) less available freshwaterC) displaced coastal communitiesD) increased competition over land useSelect the correct answer choice


The least critical outcome among those options is likely to be deforestation. (option A) which also is the least related to human population increase and climate change rate problematic.

What does the graph in figure 1 illustrate


We need a picture of the graph to be able to answer this.

Which step of Koch's postulates is incorrect? A. 1.The pathogen is first found in an infected, unhealthy person.B. 2.The pathogen is isolated from an unhealthy person and grown in a lab.C. 3.The pathogen grown in a lab will be given to a healthy organism that gets the same disease.D. 4.The pathogen should be isolated again and should have mutated when compared to the original.


Let's analyze each one of the postulates and compare to the options.

1. A pathogen must be found in the body of a sick person.

This one states the same as the option A, therefore option A is not the answer.

2. A pathogen must be isolated and grown in a lab culture.

This one states the same as the option B, therefore option B is not the answer.

3. The pathogens that were created in this lab culture, when introduced in a healthy person's body, must give the disease to this person.

This one states the same as the option C, therefore option C is not the answer.

4. The pathogen must be isolated again and must be the same as the original.

This one states that the last isolated pathogen must be equal to the original one, but option D states that it must be mutated, which means that it would be different than the original. Therefore, option D is incorrect.

The correct answer is D. 4.The pathogen should be isolated again and should have mutated when compared to the original.

Discuss assumptions about men and women, class status, religion, and race.


Social inequality is typically thought of as the absence of result equality, but it may also be thought of as the absence of opportunity equality. Race, gender, class, and religion are interrelated identity characteristics that have an impact on many facets of life in the United States.

These social institutions might become more important at any point in a person's life, and everyone is affected by them.

Gender, on the other hand, is an identity that is independent of a person's biological sex. Girls and women are frequently expected to behave nicely, dress in stereotypically feminine ways, and provide for others. Typically, men are expected to be strong, brave, and competitive.

In society, class refers to the division of people into groups based on their socioeconomic circumstances. Based on variables like wealth, occupation, or education, the grouping is stratified. Therefore, it stands to reason that the higher classes are more powerful and influential than the lower classes.

Religion supports and encourages social conflict and inequity. It causes animosity and violence caused by religious differences and aids in persuading the impoverished to accept their position in life.

The shared and hereditary physical characteristics of a group are typically used to identify a person's race, making the definition of race complex.

As a result, it is clear that race, gender, class, and religion are interconnected identity qualities that influence many aspects of American life.




Making concepts personally relevant to an individual helps to learn them. Below are several concepts from your reading. For each concept, give one example from your daily life and explain why your example fits the concept listed. Each concept should be a minimum of 50 words with citations to support your examples. List all references at the end of the list in Example:Sensation – I like listening to my music before going to sleep, but if my parents hear my music after 10 pm, I get in trouble. If my music is below their absolute threshold, then I won’t get in trouble, because they won’t hear it. It is really hard to keep it below their absolute thresholds because it seems that even the faintest amount of sound coming from my room is detectable. In this example, the absolute threshold is the lowest amount of volume that they can detect up to 50% of the time (Grison, Absolute Threshold Can ya make a long sentence of absolute threshold?


An absolute threshold is the smallest level of stimulus that can be detected, usually defined as at least half the time. The term is often used in neuroscience and experimental research and can be applied to any stimulus that can be detected by the human senses including sound, touch, taste, sight, and smell.

For example, in an experiment on sound detention, researchers may present a sound with varying levels of volume. The smallest level that a participant is able to hear is the absolute threshold.

However, it is important to note that at such low levels, participants may only detect the stimulus part of the time. Because of this, the absolute threshold is usually defined as the smallest level of a stimulus that a person is able to detect 50% of the time.

For hearing, the absolute threshold refers to the smallest level of a tone that can be detected by normal hearing when there are no other interfering sounds present. An example of this might be measured at what levels participants can detect the ticking sound of a clock.

Young children generally have a lower absolute threshold for sounds since the ability to detect sounds at the lowest and highest ranges tends to decrease with age.

For vision, the absolute threshold refers to the smallest level of light that a participant can detect. Determining the absolute threshold for vision might involve measuring the distance at which a participant can detect the presence of a candle flame in the dark.

For odors, the absolute threshold involves the smallest concentration that a participant is able to smell. An example of this would be to measure the smallest amount of perfume that a subject is able to smell in a large room.

The amount of force required for you to detect the feeling of a feather lightly brushing your arm is an example of the absolute threshold for touch. When it comes to touch, the level of stimulation required to detect the stimulus can vary dramatically depending upon the part of the body that is being touched.

Which evidence suggests that flowering plants and pollinators have complimentary adaptations?A. Butterfly wings are made of many ovelapping scales, not stretched skin.B. Plants with long-tube flowers attract hummingbirds with long, neddle-like beaks.C. Hummingbirds must feed frequently on plant nectar to have enough energy.D. Bees tend to avoid red flowers.


Complimentary adaptations refer to traits that appear to be designed to specifically interact with another trait of a different species. In this case, option B describes this scenario, plants with long tube flowers attract hummingbirds with long, neddle-like beaks. The long beak of the bird is ideal to get the nectar from the long tube flowers.

The study of the interaction among living things with their non-living environment isO ChemistryO GeologyO AnthropologyO Ecology


The study of the interaction among living things with their non-living environment is Ecology.

The correct answer is the last one. Ecology.

What is the purpose ofthis type of division in mitosis and meiosis



Purpose of mitosis:

Mitosis plays a significant role in cell repair.

Purpose of meiosis:

The main purpose of meiosis is the production of gametes during sexual reproduction.

Meiosis tends to increase genetic variability in the population.


Hopefully it helps!

creates egg and sperm cells

49. Wastes and large molecules of substance are expelled from cells during aprocess calledA. osmosis.B. endocytosis.C. exocytosis.


The correct answer is the letter C. exocytosis.

Exocytosis is a process in whcih substances are being enveloped in a membrane and fuses with the interior part of the plasma membra

What is the dependent variable in the following scenario: A professor wonders if her students will improve their test scores if they study in the same room where they will test. She divides her class in half and asks them to all study for one hour the night before the test. Half of the class studies for one hour in the classroom where the test will take place. The other half of the class studies wherever they want. She compares their grades on the test to see which group did better.


In any experiment, you can define the independent variable (or variables) as any factor that is considered to affect directly the object of study, and the dependent variable is the effect observed.

In this scenario, the professor thinks that the place where the students study affects the result of their exams.

Out of these two variables "the result in the exam" is the observed effect, and thus, the dependent variable and the "location where the student studies" is the factor that affects it, therefore it is the independent variable.

A membrane lines tubes and cavities that open to the outside of the body.


Mucous membranes are epithelial membranes that consist of epithelial tissue that is attached to an underlying loose connective tissue. These membranes, sometimes called mucosae, line the body cavities that open to the outside.

Answer: Mucous membrane

The diagram below shows a cross section of a bean seed. The function of part X in the bean seed is to:A) provide protection for the embryoB) provide nutrients for the embryoC) prevent mutations in the plantD) fight off infections in the plant


The part maked with an "X" is the cotyledon. It is the food for the embryo, it's main function is to provide the embryo with nutrients. Therefore, the correct answer is B) provide nutrients for the embryo.

What is the reproduction structure on the flower that is the male part?A) SepalsB) PetalsC) StamensD) Pistils


Reproduction structure in a flower

The flower in angiosperms is where the reproductive structures of the plant are located.

In the stamens is where the pollen (male gamete) is produced that will fertilize another plant. The stamen consists of two main parts: anther and filament.

Therefore, we can say that the male reproductive structure in the flower is the stamen.

Answer: C) Stamens



What is the function of NADPH and ATP?

a) They absorb light

b) They power the light-dependent reactions

c) They are light-reflecting pigments

d) They act as short-term energy storage


Answer: D

Explanation:  They Provide energy, electrons, and hydrogen to the Calvin cycle. Hope this helps!

What theory is the most likely explanation for the development of eukaryotic organisms from prokaryotic organisms?Horizontal gene transfer theoryEndosymbiotic theoryOparin-Haldane hypothesisMiller-Urey theory


The correct option is the second one, Endosymbiotic theory. This theory, posits that a bigger prokaryote ate a smaller one, which eventually lost its independence an become an organelle, giving rise to the first eukaryote.

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