who was George Greshwin


Answer 1

Answer: George Gershwin dropped out of school and began playing piano professionally at age 15. Within a few years, he was one of the most sought after musicians in the United States. A composer of jazz, opera, and popular songs for stage and screen, many of his works are now standards. Gershwin died immediately following brain surgery on July 11, 1937, at the age of 38.

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The author i not afraid to ue the pejorative language aociated with racim in America to illutrate the bitterne of both the beauty and contempt of the black experience in America


The author expresses no fear to illustrate the bitterness of life for black people in America as a result of racism. The bitterness is captured both in its beauty and in its contempt with pejorative language. This sentence contains only a statement and is not accompanied by a question to be answered.

What is "pejorative language"?

Pejorative language refers to phrases and words that are intended to insult, humiliate, or disparage others. Pejorative language is often called a derogatory term, a slur, or an abusive term. A pejorative language would be one that expresses a bad or disrespectful connotation, a poor opinion, or a lack of respect over something/someone. 

Learn more about pejorative language here: brainly.com/question/29221822


Which spanish-derived rhythmic feature is prominent in chilean folkloric genres such as tonada and cueca?.


The non-syncopation Spanish-derived rhythmic feature is prominent in Chilean folkloric genres such as Canada and cueca.

She has a sharp chin and nose. New books are displayed prominently on tables at the front of the store. Something that is in a prominent position is something that is easily seen or noticed. In general, the term "rhythm" refers to a movement that is "marked by the controlled succession of strong and weak elements, or of opposite or different conditions." Music's timing pattern is known as rhythm. No matter what other components a piece of music may contain (such as variations in pitch or timbre), rhythm is the only essential component. While melody cannot exist without rhythm, rhythm can, as in the drumbeats of so-called primitive music.

Learn more about rhythmic here :


Luminosity is the amount of energy emitted by a star each second. stars radiate light over a broad range of frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum, from the low energy radio waves to high energy gamma rays. the luminosity of a star depends on two factors ?



I don't know if i understood this correctly but,


The two factors that effect the luminosity of a star is first the size, and second the temperature.

Hope that helps :)

What is the subject of modern art?
A. Mythical Subject
B. Scenes of life
C. Posed portrait
D. All of them




D, modern art is about many different subjects.

The answer should be D

What the artist depends on what he/she wants to communicate


The most typical goal of composition in art is to accentuate.

Why is art a means of expression and communication?

People would seek out alternative methods of communication, especially when words are ineffective. Ideas are represented by symbols in art. Art also allows the imagination to run wild, allowing you to perceive the world around you in a variety of ways and then express your feelings about it without using words.

What messages does art convey to us?

Art has historically been employed to further a variety of objectives, including social, political, and religious ones. More intensely than could be conceivable through words, artists can express their thoughts and feelings through their works of art. Every individual thinks and interprets things differently, as has been demonstrated by science.

To know more about expression and communication visit:-



Talmai has just received his first paycheck. He earned $450 for the hours that he worked. However, $51.75 was taken out in state and federal taxes. His employer also deducted $43.85 for the cost of his health insurance. What is his net pay?

a. $346.50

b. $354.40

c. $398.25

d. $450.00



The answer is B



Answer:The answer is $354.40

Look at christ giving the keys of the kingdom to sf.peter by Perugino. What type of balance does this painting represent? Provide 3 specific examples to support your answer .



Pietro Perugino’s Christ Giving the Keys of the Kingdom to St. Peter is an exemplar of Italian Renaissance painting. The work was part of a large decorative program commissioned by Pope Sixtus IV in 1481 for the walls of the Sistine Chapel (the name “Sistine” being derived from Sixtus’ own name), which was then, as it is today, the pope’s private chapel in the Vatican, in Rome. This large scale fresco, measuring 10’10” x 18’, is part of the New Testament narrative cycle depicting events from the life of Christ on the north wall of the chapel (the south wall illustrates the Old Testament life of Moses).

and traveling musicians?
OA. Kithara
B. Lute
O C. Harp
OD. Lyre



You have to provide more information for people to be able to answer your question.


Which andean popular music genre featuring a high-pitched vocal delivery and historical roots in social couples dances is generally considered to be one of the closest to indigenous andean traditional genres?.


Samba enredo is Andean popular music genre featuring a high-pitched vocal delivery and historical roots in social couples dances is generally considered to be one of the closest to indigenous Andean traditional genres.

A tradition is a way of thinking or acting that has been passed down within a group or society and has special significance or symbolic meaning that has historical roots. In a broad sense, traditional culture refers to all aspects of human activity that have been long-term preserved, learned, and passed down within a given community or group, including religion, philosophy, moral principles, laws, politics, economics, society, history, literature, and the arts. Historical is used to describe history generally, as in "the historical record," whereas historic is now more often used to refer to significant and well-known historical events, as in "a historic battle." The analysis of historical knowledge is supported by historical theory, a coherent but adaptable framework.

Learn more about tradition here :


How did you use the shapes in your mural to express something personal? How do the shapes help express (show) personal ideas, beliefs, or characteristics about you?
dont be long give a short awsore pls!!!!


Using the lines in the shapes can show personality like using a square can show straightforwardness as using a circle can show a bubbly personality.

Add one of the suffixes to the word root to create a new word. Use the definition to help.

A person who holds extreme beliefs: extreme +(AWNSER)




↣ Extremist


By combining the suffix -ist and extreme, you will get the following word: Extremist. An extremist is an individual who holds a strong, dedicated belief over something.

. . • ☆ . ° . • °: . * ₊ ° . ☆

I hope this helps!

peachtea ^-^


forms of art depend on?


Answer:The form of art depends on the message the artist wants to convey and the relevant and related culture to the art and that reflects on to the art form and the representation made via the art form.



How does the Gothic relief sculpture, Adoration of the Magi, reflect another culture's influence? Be sure to identify the culture that is reflected in the Gothic relief sculpture and how the sculpture represents the influence



The composition of the Adoration of the Magi draws heavily on the earlier works of Northern artist Rogier van der Weyden. There are many similarities between Leonardo's work and van der Weyden's Entombment of Christ such as the somewhat elevated viewpoint, space retreating into the distance, high horizon and positioning of the central group

What are two most important concerns when designing for a client



Target goals, Target audience


Budget, target audience

Discuss at least one example from Ariely's TED Talk that illustrates a
cognitive illusion or decision-making obstacle and how it ties in with material
covered in your text and other resources on how decisions are made and
barriers to decision-making and problem-solving.


meow meow

meowmeow meow

break down all the factors that are communicating to you in the artwork. What has the artist done to make the work have complexity?


All the factors that are communicated via the attached artwork are:

the choice of color: Doom, destructionThe theme of the art: Escape from destruction.

What is communication through Artwork?

The capacity to communicate via the arts is referred to as expression. Art communicates something about a Childs self,' their preferences, interests, feelings, experiences, and choices. Provide art supplies as soon as feasible.

Visual communication is the act of conveying information using images, paintings, drawings, sketches, charts, and graphs. Visuals are frequently used as assistance during presentations to offer context in addition to textual and/or vocal information.

Communication through visual artwork is essential because humans have utilized art to communicate without using words throughout history. Art may transmit deeply personal sentiments, promote political beliefs, or support religion.

Learn more about Art Communication:

what characteristics are associated with this image? colored shadowscolored shadows fluid brushworkfluid brushwork traditional chiaroscurotraditional chiaroscuro pointillismpointillism sense of movementsense of movement light palette


Characteristics that associated with the image 'Nini in the Garden' (see the attachment) are as follows:

Colored shadowsFluid brushworkSense of movement

The image related to this question is a painting called 'Nini in the Garden'. Pierre-Auguste Renoir produced 'Nini in the Garden' in the Impressionism style in 1876. Renoir's technique in 'Nini in the Garden' is varied brushstrokes of color blended with white, with an emphasis on dappled sunlight and violet shadows. The sense of movement is also found in this painting. In art, movement is the principle of creating pictures that appear to move. It may also mean to the path the eye takes while seeing an artwork. An artwork with movement adds drama, excitement, and overall compositional appeal. By arranging an image's elements in a specific way, an artist may direct how a viewer's eye moves across it. Rhythm, line, color, balance, and space all contribute to the illusion of movement.

Learn more about painting here: brainly.com/question/17996239


should i do a finish the track?


Uhm is this a answer or not because I’m just saying things to get the longs

Lawrence wants to paint a field of dandelions moving in a fierce wind with rolling storm clouds in the background. He wants to convey a sense that an intense storm approaches. What type of line would you expect to see in this scene?

A. Curved
B. Diagonal
C. Horizontal
D. Vertical


A or b since it’s fierce winds the dandelions and clouds would be moving and being pushed harshly.
Answer: A- Curved : I would expect Lawrence to paint curved dandelions since it is storming and the wind is blowing.
I hope this helps

PLS HELP!! (Nutrition and Wellness)

Technology has changed and continues to change the way we live our lives, directly affecting our health and wellness. List three ways that modern technology has enhanced people’s health and three ways that it has diminished their health. Address personal, family, and community health. Do you believe that the good outweighs the bad? Why or why not?


Answer The 7 Main Ways Technology Impacts Your Daily Life

Improved Communication.

Decreased Privacy.

Accessible Shopping.

Better Information Access.

Virtual Social Lives.

Flexible Working.

Smarter Health Tracking.


Technology leads to a good life as it is responsible for advancement in all sectors of the economy. It is because it provides us a means to achieve something faster and in an easier manner. Modern technology has led to the evolution of several devices such as the smartphone, computers, etc . Also, Some of them are increasing satisfaction, better communication channels, eliminating geographical boundaries and some negatives are obesity, health issues, sleep problems, etc.

HELP ASAP this is not arts but hospitality and I need help!!! Quick!!!!


1. Greet

2. Understand

3. Treat

4. Make

5. Communicate

6. Thank

7. Promise

8. Listen

9. Write

10. Remain

11. Improve

12. Solve

I hope this helps!


1) Greet
2) understand
3) Treat
4) Make
6) Thank
9) Write
10) remain
11) improve

Gina wants to capture the effort of a bird taking flight from the ground. What type of wine while her drawing most likely consist of?
A. Analytic
B. Contour
C. Expressive
D. Implied


Answer: analytic  i hope this helps you out


A. Analytic


so contour means that your drawing an outline of an object and expressive means to draw what you are feeling or sculpt, and implied means to ad texture to your art, in this case Gina wants

draw a bird taking flight it would be analytic .

Luminosity is the amount of energy emitted by a star each second. stars radiate light over a broad range of frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum, from the low energy radio waves to high energy gamma rays. the luminosity of a star depends on two factors: responses a distance from earth and temperature.distance from earth and temperature. b surface area and temperature.surface area and temperature. c gravity and distance from earth.gravity and distance from earth. d age and surface area.


The energy emitted from stars is the result of fusion.

Fusion is a process where two or further tittles are combined together to form a new patch.

As in the question it's stated that refulgence is the quantum of energy emitted by a star each second is true, because of the emulsion of hydrogen titles to helium snippet and high quantum of energy is released in the form of light. And Stars radiate light over a broad range of frequentness in the electromagnetic diapason, from low-energy radio swells to high-energy gamma shafts.

Hence, emulsion energy is emitted from stars in the luminous.

Learn more about fusion here: brainly.com/question/890176


what are the commercial advantages of photography in advertising and fashion?



The advantage of custom commercial photography is that it places your brand front and centre. It features your staff and gives your customers a more realistic vision of who and what they can expect. Custom photography allows you to showcase your brand's creativity and key differences with razor sharp focus.


Custom commercial photography has the benefit of putting your brand front and center. It highlights your employees and provides customers with a more accurate picture of who and what to anticipate. You may demonstrate your brand's originality and essential distinctions with the use of custom photos.

What is the customer?

A customer is a person who purchases goods, services, or ideas from a seller, vendor, or supplier in exchange for money or another useful consideration. This definition applies to sales, commerce, and economics.

Commercial photography is a type of commercial photography in which companies produce stunning photos of their goods or services for marketing, advertising, and sales purposes. Commercial photography is one of the most important aspects of a business because it is so directly tied to sales and business management.

Because they can convey a narrative, photos are crucial in marketing and advertising. the customer today is incredibly visual, thus only visuals that stand out will truly grab their attention.

Therefore, Customers with a more accurate picture of who and what to anticipate

Learn more about customers here:



What is
the time signature?


In Western musical notation, the time signature is a notational convention used to indicate how many beats are present in each measure and which note value corresponds to a beat.

What is a time signature in music?

The time signature, also referred to as the meter signature, establishes the number of beats in each measure of a piece of music as well as the note value that constitutes a beat. At the beginning of the staff (a group of five lines used to specify each note's pitch), time signatures appear after the clef and key signature.

A time signature, often known as meter, is a written indication of the beats per measure and the kind of note that the beat is carried by in a piece of music. Depending on how the beat is divided, the time signature can also convey the mood of a song.

To learn more about time signature ,visit:



Fill in the table using this function rule. y= -2x-4


The values of the variable "y" that must be present are as follows: y = -12 when x = -4, y = -8 when x = -2, y = -4 when x = 0 and y = 0 when x = 2.

The function rule is what?

A mathematical signal that specifies a link between one variable and another variable is known as a function rule.

The following function rule has been provided to us:

y = 2x - 4

The values of variable "y" in the provided table must be determined.

Put x = -4 in place of y = 2x - 4 in the above equation.

y = 2(-4) - 4

y = -8 -4

y = -12

Replace x = -2 with the value indicated in the accompanying equation, y = 2x – 4.

y = 2(-2) - 4

y = -4 -4

y = -8

Fill in the value of x = 0 to make y = 2x - 4 work.

y = 2(0) - 4

y = 0 -4

y = -4

In the preceding equation, y = 2x - 4, replace the value of x = 2 with 2.

y = 2(2) - 4

y = 4 -4

y = 0

Therefore, the necessary values for the variable "y" are as follows: y = -12 when x = -4, y = -8 when x = -2, y = -4 when x = 0, and y = 0 when x = 2.

Here is more information on the function rule:



the gum bichromate process was particularly appealing to photographers who sought recognition for photography as a medium capable of making art because:


The photographers who sought recognition for photography as a medium capable of making art because  each pair was different.

What is photography?

The word photography literally means "to draw with light" and comes from the Greek words "picture" meaning "light" and "graph" meaning "to draw". Photography is the recording of images (pictures) on light-sensitive film or, in the case of digital photography, on digital electronic or magnetic storage devices. Photos are important because you can record something and keep it forever. Photos show us something we might otherwise not have noticed. Photography is a way of expressing your thoughts to others. There is no way to deny that life passes.

Learn more about bichromate process: https://brainly.com/question/7984866


Is violet and purple the same thing? Or is violet just a shade of purple?



a shade of purple



That's right: no purple. You might be surprised to learn that while violet is a true color and is part of the spectrum of light, purple is non-spectral, and can be used to describe any shade of color occurring between red and blue.


Do you get soooo mad when you realize you might never ever meet Tom Holland? :(


Answer: ok


No, no I do not why would anyone

What are the key features of a typical mosque ?


Answer: The simplest mosque would be a prayer room with a wall marked with a “mihrab” – a niche indicating the direction of Mecca, which Muslims should face when praying. A typical mosque also includes a minaret, a dome and a place to wash before prayers. Each feature has its own significance.


A typical mosque also includes a minaret, a dome and a place to wash before prayers. What is a distinctive feature of the exterior architecture of a typical mosque? The four main:


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