Who is Justin Bieber?


Answer 1

A famous singer, a good one

Answer 2
Justin Bieber is a forest creature. Hence the name Bieber... it sounds like beaver.

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How are opportunity costs and buying connected

A. People buy items to make the most money from a product.

B. People buy items that grow their wealth.

C. People buy items that give them the most happiness.

D. People buy items that they need.

Please answer this within the next 5 minutes and i'll mark brainlyest



it is definetly D. people buy items that they need


im say this cause i do business studies

what are all of the shang dynastys artifacts



It was during the Shang dynasty that bronze working became common. Thousands of artifacts from the ruins of Yin, the last capital of the Shang, were unearthed in the late 1920s and '30s. Bronze vessels for drinking were used in ritual ceremonies, while bronze chariots and axes were used in battle.


Artifacts from the Shang Dynasty

Tens of thousands of bronze, jade, stone, bone, and ceramic artifacts have been obtained. The workmanship on the bronze attests to a high level of civilization .In addition to bronze, examples of the early Chinese writing system can be found on oracle bones, another type of artifact characteristic to the Shang dynasty. Ancient Chinese priests commonly used tortoise shells and cattle bones to answer questions about the future.


what is the reason why the Europeans came to Gold coast for school​


They encountered a variety of African kingdoms, some of which controlled substantial deposits of gold in the soil. In 1483, the Portuguese came to the continent for increased trade. They built the Castle of Elmina, the first European settlement on the Gold Coast.

The Portuguese were the first to arrive. By 1471, under the patronage of Prince Henry the Navigator, they had reached the area that was to become known as the Gold Coast because Europeans knew the area as the source of gold that reached Muslim North Africa by way of trade routes across the Sahara.

please help this is very important i will give you brain thing if its correct and no links pwease <3





wave just makes more sense honestly so stick with that ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Please Help

1. Which was a result of the Compromise of 1850?
Group of answer choices

Importation of slaves from Africa was declared illegal.

Slavery was permitted in the new state of California

Runaway slaves had to be returned to southern owners.

Owning slaves was forbidden in Washington, D.C.

2. The Georgia Platform was a statement supporting

Group of answer choices

Popular sovereignty

Slavery throughout the US

The Compromise of 1850

States' Rights

3. After Lincoln’s election in 1860, which man from Georgia called for the state to remain in the Union?

Group of answer choices

Alexander Stephens

John Brown

Andrew Johnson

Joseph Brown

4.Atlanta’s military importance to the Confederacy was that it was the

Group of answer choices

Capital city of the Confederacy

Home to the largest number of slaves in the Confederacy

Most populated city in the Confederacy

Industrial and transportation center of the Confederacy

5. What did the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution do?

Group of answer choices

It gave African Americans the right to vote.

It gave African Americans citizenship.

It gave African Americans the right to own property.

It gave African Americans freedom from slavery.



1. Runaway slaves had to be returned to southern owners.

2. The compromise of 1850.

3. Alexander Stephens

4. Industrial and transportation center of


5. It gave African Americans citizenship






In 1916, who was the first woman to hold public office?

Sojourner Truth

Jeannette Rankin

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Susan B. Anthony


Susan b Anthony should be correct

What are the causes of gender-based violence?



self hatred or it's could be from trama from a young age


if you had a bad childhood , let's say because of mom, and you feel angrey towards her you will start to hate ALL women , maybe not but definitely in the direction of that

who was the Second President of the Republic of Texas​



Mirabeau B. Lamar


He was an attorney born in Georgia, who became a Texas politician, poet, diplomat, and soldier.

In custody, how many phone calls can a juvenile make?


The answer is one phone call, on EDGE.

In custody, Juvenile can make only two phone calls. Being a juvenile in Georgia means that a person's age is under 18.

What do you mean by Custody?

The legal right or obligation to care for someone or something, especially a kid after their parents have split up or passed away, is known as custody.

If found guilty as an adult, a juvenile might get a sentence as severe as life in prison. If a minor is older than 16 and commits a criminal offense that, if committed by an adult, would result in a presumed commitment to prison, they will be charged as an adult.

Theft, shoplifting, vandalism, drug and alcohol usage, disorderly conduct, and minor assaults are among the crimes perpetrated by juveniles.

Therefore, In custody, Juvenile can make two phone calls.

Learn more about Custody, here;



Why do people
believe in interactionism


Interactionists believe that these meanings are derived through social interaction and that these meanings are managed and transformed through an interpretive process that people use to make sense of, and handle, the objects that constitute their social worlds.


when the price of one compliment goes up what happens to the demand of the other compliment





it usually goes up, hope it helps

According to modernization theory, social change a. stems from technological change. b. is associated with decreased internal differentiation. c. requires the establishment of an upper class. d. can occur only when internal equality exists



The answer is "Option b".


The theory of modernization focuses on the internal influences and socio-economic sources, including formal education, market economy versus political and secular structures. Social transformations have become increasingly complex, segregated, or efficient. In cultural progress is associated with reduced inner distinction.

Checks and Balances is one of the “big ideas” of the US Constitution which is best described as…
A. A national system of banks which provide checking accounts and free balance transfers
B. The power of Congress over the “purse” as it writes checks and keeps a balanced account
C. A national system of weights and measures through which official weights are checked
D. One branch of the government preventing another branch from gaining too much power so each branch roughly stays equal



I think D


The answer D seems to make the most sense!

People who live in cities are less likely to want large families because of the higher __________.
crime rate
cost of living
standard of living
unemployment rate

PLEASE HURRY I'm timed and doing the exam


I believe the answer is B since it is more costly to live in the city !

Explain why C graded neighborhoods are graded better then D neighborhoods.


A Class C property is one that is older (typically 30+ years old), in fair to poor condition, while Class D properties are old, run-down, and often in need of significant repairs. They are located in declining communities that are dangerous with high crime and poor schools.

no links please help I'll give you brain thing if its correct <3





Egypt:Friends and relatives tend to kiss on both cheeks while shaking hands. Greetings between men and women: A handshake may be acceptable in certain circumstances and the woman must extend her hand first. If she does not, a man should bow his head as a sign of acknowledgement.

Japan:In Japan, people greet each other by bowing. A bow can ranges from a small nod of the head to a deep bend at the waist. A deeper, longer bow indicates respect and conversely a small nod with the head is casual and informal.

why do potatoes grow arm i want to know because it would be nice to so my little sister can stop being scared of potatoes



The concentration of the hormones decreases over time in the tuber (potatoes or tubers are underground swollen stems), allowing the sprouting of tubers. This is a necessity in nature, if potatoes are to eventually reproduce by tubers to produce new plants.”



yes but they are not called arms there called eyes and look like arms


Pwease help i will give you brain thing if its correct ♡



true :)


True. There are 5 characteristics of culture

Which factor pulled, or attracted, African Americans to migrate to the North?

discrimination in the South

job opportunities in the North

lack of civil rights

Jim Crow laws


Job opportunities in the north

Which situation is the BEST example of specialization?
A farmer grows too much corn. She has to burn the corn that spoiled due
to not eating it in time.
A farmer grows corn, wheat, potatoes, squash, and beans. She stores these
away for the winter.
A farmer grows only corn. She sells her corn for the other things she
cannot grow or make.
A farmer grows corn and milks cows. She uses the corn she grew to feed
her cows.


I would say c because the farmer specializes in only corn

Question 17 of 20
What is one major reason governments create laws?
O A. To make changes to the Constitution
B. To keep citizens safe from harm
C. To settle disputes out of court
D. To reduce limits on citizens' behavior





I don't know if this is actually correct- but I hope it is and I hope it helps!






What role did geography have in Spartan militarism



Geography is the study of earths, land. In this case it is the study of the land of Athens and Sparta. ... It helped Greece because Sparta had good soil so they can grow crops and Athens had trading and each other ideas.


Ancient Sparta was located in the southern/center of Peloponnese. This location provided an advantage from both a defensive and agricultural standpoint. Being surrounded by mountains on three sides and able to control the mountain passes other armies could pass through made Sparta a practical fortress

The magnolia trees smell wonderful in this state​



There are more than 200 species of Magnolia native to temperate, subtropical and tropical areas of southeastern Asia, eastern North America, Central America, the Caribbean and parts of South America. Many are now grown worldwide because of their beautiful flowers, shape and form.


(Hope this helps luv)


This is correct give them the brainlest

Expansionary spending takes place when a government makes the decision to

put a freeze on the number of its employees.
raise taxes to balance its budget.
raise taxes to run a budget surplus.
raise spending to stimulate the economy..



The correct answer is D: raise spending to stimulate the economy.


I took the Test Review on Edge 2020.

Expansionary spending takes place when a government makes the decision to raise spending to stimulate the economy,

What is expansionary spending?

Expansionary spending is a type of expansionary fiscal policy. It is when the government increases its spending in order to increase the money supply in the economy.

Another types of expansionary fiscal policy is reducing taxes. Reducing taxes increases disposable income which increases the level of aggregate spending in the economy.

To learn more about expansionary policy, please check: https://brainly.com/question/25597942

Give 3 factors that influence what career we choose


Answer:theres no answer choices but I think it would be... how much money you could make,how much experience is required, and how much schooling you might need for a particular job. Or it could depend on if you would have to move to be able to work at that place.


22. What is the best title for this list? (Created a weak national government, provided no
or judicial branches, and congress had no power to tax)
A. Declaration of Independence
C. Magna Carta
B. Articles of Confederation
D. U.S. Constitution



may be A is the answer of the question

The answer is A. Declaration of Independence

3. Identify the elements of Boccaccio's writing that demonstrate each feature of humanism: +


Start typing here...

Growing Equality of Women:

Scientific Interest in Nature:

Use of the Vernacular:

Striving Against Fortune:

Expressing Personal Thoughts

and Feelings:



3. Identify the elements of Boccaccio's writing that demonstrate each feature of humanism: +


Start typing here...

Growing Equality of Women:

Scientific Interest in Nature:

Use of the Vernacular:

Striving Against Fortune:

Expressing Personal Thoughts

and Feelings:.


The elements of Boccaccio's writing which showed the features of humanism include:

Growing equality of women - Portrayed women as strong. Scientific interest in Nature - Talked about the plague and how it was solved when religion was not listened to.Use of vernacular - Used languages outside Latin.

How did Boccacio talk about humanism?

When it came to the movement for more equality to women, he spoke of how women are strong and resilient.

As for science and nature, he spoke on how the Plague kept ravaging the continent until more practical (instead of religious) solutions were applied.

While others used Latin which was the language of the Church, Boccacio used Tusan which was considered vernacular in writing.

Find out more on Boccaccio at https://brainly.com/question/27341400.


Which of the following explains one cause of the Cold War? (4 points)

The Soviet Union wanted to research atomic weapons.

The Soviet Union wanted other nations to be capitalist.

The United States wanted to research atomic weapons.

The United States wanted other nations to be communist.





the United nations wanted other nations to be communist

How has the right to assembly and petition changed over time?


Originally, the right to assemble was considered less important than the right to petition. Yet, over the years, the courts have interpreted the First Amendment and the right to peaceful assembly as significant in its importance to society today. The Supreme Court of the United States has held that the First Amendment protects the right to conduct a peaceful public assembly.  The right to assemble is not, however, absolute.  Government officials cannot simply prohibit a public assembly, but the government can impose restrictions on the time, place, and manner of peaceful assembly, provided that constitutional safeguards are met.  Time, place, and manner restrictions are permissible so long as they are “justified without reference to the content of the regulated speech, . . . are narrowly tailored to serve a significant governmental interest, and . . . leave open ample alternative channels for communication of the information”

Overall, the Right to Assemble is of significant importance to U.S. society as it gives all citizens the freedom to have a voice and freely associate with one another in public under a common cause or shared value.

The “right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances” protects two distinct rights: assembly and petition. ... Assembly is the only right in the First Amendment that requires more than a lone individual for its exercise. One can speak alone; one cannot assemble alone.
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