who benefits most from interval training


Answer 1
All types of athletes benefit most from interval training.

Related Questions

Which of the following are ways that hormone levels can be controlled? (Choose all that apply)

The heart

Other hormones

Body fluid


The nervous system


the beauty and boldly fluid is righ.

my dad saw a darker person than him and started being racist the other day. He was asking me why i was hanging out with him and that I should not hang out with him even tho he is my friend.



thats is so disappointing


like my family, they keep their racism to a minimum but i know them, they hide the fake smiles and responses, like no stop and admit u are racist, everyone can see behind ur mask, drop ur act and man up and admit it, it deeply hurts me how people can disguise anything with a fake smile and reassurance


It has been said that the parent is almost always right, this is not one of those times.


Be better than him, you got this

How would you summarize the 6 core functions of the world health organization?



WHO's core functions were defined by Margaret Chan in 2007 as providing leadership on critical health issues, shaping research agendas, setting norms and standards and monitoring their implementation, presenting ethical and evidence-based policy options, providing technical support and building institutional capacity, and monitoring and assessing health trends. She said that focusing on these major areas is the best approach to coordinate with major partners in global health, and that the Medium Term Strategic Plan (2008–2013) provides a framework for these aims and financing.


Hope this helps!

Please mark me as Brainlinieast.

Each additional 3500 calories that a person eats beyond the average base of 2000 calories per day will result in..?



If continued over a long period of time, this could contribute to weight gain and the development of Diabeties (assuming you are eating a diet high in starches.)


The person would ultimately gain wait and be more susceptible to diseases

An active commitment to challenging prejudice, stereotyping and all forms of discrimination.
Anti Semitism
Anti Bias



A) Anti- bias




Drugs, diseases, and other harmful substances are most dangerous to the
developing organism during the_______





it where the fetus grow

the answer is Embryonic

What do the additional needs add to the hierarchy? In your opinion are these additions needed? Explain?



Additional needs are the secondary needs which are not needed for survival but are needed for the development and to provide ourself with happiness and comfort.The additional needs are love ,affection ,self actualization,freedom,self esteem etc .Besides ,basic needs it is must to have family,affection,belongingess,love,relationship,achievements,status,responsibility,knowledge,beauty,personal growth,self fulfillment and helping others to self actualise.These are the only qualities that helps us to be able to find meaning and purpose in our life and able to say that 'i trult lived'so ,yes in my opinion these additional needs are also needed along with basic needs



This is prob gonna be taken down but if you need some advice about anything comment and I'll see if I can help... I am trying to become a therapist, and I need some experience.



I have a feeling that my bf is cheating on me

how old is the oldest living human



118 years


The oldest person is a woman named Kane Tanaka, who was born January 2, 1903.

How long has Yolanda participated in a weight loss program?



The Mayo Clinic Diet is the official diet developed by Mayo Clinic, based on research and clinical experience. It focuses on eating healthy foods that taste great and increasing physical activity. It emphasizes that the best way to keep weight off for good is to change your lifestyle and adopt new health habits.

Record keeping should be:
Done on paper
O Done digitally
O Done digitally and on paper
O Digitally, on paper or a combination
O Record-keeping is not necessary


Answer: O Done digitally and on paper


Record keeping should be done digitally and on paper

Which condition does exercising regularly reduce the risk of developing?

Type 1 diabetes
Multiple sclerosis


The correct answer would be - Type 1 diabetes
Type one diabetes is the correct answer

Beta-blockers have what effect on heart rate and​ contractility?
Increased heart rate and decreased contractility
Increased heart rate and contractility
Decreased heart rate and increased contractility
Decreased heart rate and contractility



um i think its C but im not sure lol

Nutritional therapy is founded on the principle that although each person is biochemically different from another, the things that make up good health are the same for everyone. True False





Nutritional therapy can be defined as the treatment of a medical condition such as obesity, diabetes, kwashiorkor, etc., through the administration of special diet with respect to quality, quantity and nutrients.

Basically, nutritional therapy is a physiological and biochemical process that is largely based on the principle that although each individual is biochemically different from another, the things that make up good health are the same for everyone.

A good health can be defined as the state of well-being in which all of the components of an individual's health are in balance. These state of well-being comprises of six (6) important components and they are; physical, spiritual, emotional, environmental, social and mental or intellectual. In order to have a good health, physicians and medical professionals advise individuals to eat food with high nutritional values and engage in physical activity such as an aerobic exercise.

An aerobic exercise refers to all forms of physical activity that an individual engages in, in order to increase the heart rate (from low to high intensity) in response to the level of oxygen required by any activated or working muscle in the human body. Some examples of aerobic exercise (cardiofitness activity) includes cycling, swimming, jogging, walking, skiing etc.

In conclusion, fitness experts usually advises everyone to maintain a healthy lifestyle, eat well and judiciously engage in cardiofitness activities or exercises so as to improve well-being, body mass index (BMI), wellness or heart health.

Which of the following are ways to reduce advertising in your life.

A. Don't be a walking advertisement
B. Reduce junk mail
C. Keep your branded items hidden
D. All of the above


i believe the answer is D .

In humans, after a cell differentiates, or becomes specialized,
it can change to become a different type of cell whenever it needs to.
it can only function for a few hours before it must be replaced.
it usually can no longer change to become a different type of cell.
it is no longer functional in the body and must be destroyed.


I’m not sure let me ask my sister rlly quick

Orthostatic hypotension is…
A. raised heart rate due to chronic stress
B. Light-headedness caused by a lack of sodium
C. Lowered blood pressure caused by standing up
D. Poor circulation in the hands and feet


Answer: C


Orthostatic hypotension causes the blood in your body to drop to your legs and hands like Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTs).

Which of these is NOT a description of an eating disorder?
Eat very little on purpose because of an intense ear of weight gain.
Overeat (because of feeling out of control) and binge (get rid of those calories)
through laxatives, diuretics, bills, fasting, vomits or exercising a lot.
Overeat large amounts of food and feel out of control even when they're not
Strictly avoid specific foods
These are all descriptions of eating disorders



These are all descriptions of eating disorders.


If this is wrong then its strictly avoid specific foods, but if its really strict I don't think that's healthy. So last one is the best option.

Duringonlocker play
Children play next to one another, but don't interact
Children watch others play
Children play together
Children mirrúc adults
Children play alone



children play alone


because the do interact with one another that means they are alone in the room or where they are playing

help me please. i need help


I did this the other day I’ll try to remember

Sometimes you have to stop being scared and just go for it. Either it’ll work out or it won’t. That’s llife.



Very true :)


(Blank) is the study of how genetic variations can affect people's responses to drugs.

(Blank) uses genome technology to discover new drugs.





Pharmacogenetics - is the study of how genetic variations can affect people’s responses to drugs.

Pharmacogenomics - uses genome technology to discover new drugs.


Good luck

is it normal to be upset because of something i thought i did but i really didn't do anything



i mean it could be.. i wouldnt really know bc depressions a b*tch so i think everything is my fault and/or i did something wrong


it’s normal to feel guilty sometimes. it can be difficult to control these feelings, so of course it is normal. you really don’t need to focus too much on these feelings, though. if you know you didn’t do anything wrong, then don’t sweat it. if you ever need someone to talk to, lmk. :)

When it comes to exercise do you think people stop at their mental/emotional limit or their actual physical limit?



I think that most people stop at their mental/emotional limit as there is a chance of mental strain.


People who exercise regularly tend to do so because it gives them an enormous sense of well-being. They feel more energetic throughout the day, sleep better at night, have sharper memories, and feel more relaxed and positive about themselves and their lives. And it’s also a powerful medicine for many common mental health challenges.

Regular exercise can have a profoundly positive impact on depression, anxiety, and ADHD. It also relieves stress, improves memory, helps you sleep better, and boosts your overall mood. And you don’t have to be a fitness fanatic to reap the benefits. Research indicates that modest amounts of exercise can make a real difference. No matter your age or fitness level, you can learn to use exercise as a powerful tool to deal with mental health problems, improve your energy and outlook, and get more out of life.

If your urine is blue, what might that indicate? *
O you ate as asparagus or had food dyes
O you have blood in your urine
you had food dyes or a rare genetic condition
O you have UTI - urinary tract infection



Your urine can tell you a lot about your health and your habits. Urine is produced when blood passes through the kidneys, which filter out excess waste and water. This waste travels through tubes known as ureters and is stored in the bladder until you urinate.

Urine is roughly 95 percent water, and the rest is composed of thousands of compounds — both inorganic and organic — exiting the body.

Certain changes in your urine or urine habits, either during or after urination, may indicate that you have a medical condition. These signs often include:

Dark or discolored urine

Cloudy urine

Blood in urine

Frequency of urination

Pain during urination

The presence of abnormal amounts of certain chemicals, such as proteins, sugars, ketones, and others, can also help your healthcare provider diagnose and monitor various medical conditions.


Second option.


Food coloring can enter the blood stream and the kidneys' filter.

The "rare genetic condition" is most likely referring to Blue Diaper Syndrome, which is a rare, autosomal recessive metabolic disorder found in infants.

TAMA O MALI Lahat ng awitin na nasa anyong unitary ay may isang melodiya lamang.



I think it's true

A patient who was in a car accident has lost their sense of smell. Which part of the brain is likely injured?
A. brain stem
B. cerebrum
C. cerebellum
D. medulla



D. medulla


D. medullaD. medullaD. medullaD. medullaD. medullaD. medulla. medulla. medulla. medulla. medulla. medulla. medulla. medulla. medulla. medulla. medullaD. medullaD. medulla. medulla. medulla. medulla. medulla. medulla. medulla. medulla. medulla. medullaD. medullaD. medullaD. medullaD. medullaD. medullaD. medullaD. medulla

Which of the following statements about the causes of mental
illness is NOT true?
O It is not the consequence of poor parenting or bad behavior.
It is not the result of personal weakness or deficits in personality.
O Experiences a person has as a child play no role in causing mental
O It is not caused by poverty.


Answer: the first one is not true as it is the parents fault


i really hope this helps  ; ]

Which of these is most likely to lead someone to increase his or her level of
physical activity?
A. Internet video games with more features and better graphics
B. Advertisements for social events that feature a physical activity
C. Friends who only like to watch movies
D. Television ads that create interest for new shows


I believe the answer is b :3


the correct answer is option B

1. What position did you choose sitting up or lying down?
2. What did you focus on when breathing and meditating?
3. Focusing on the sensation of sitting on the chair, the rising and falling of your breath, the sounds of birds or any other specific focal point, you will, in effect, bring your mind to “the present moment” and experience the many stress & anxiety-reducing benefits that follow. What did you feel throughout your body during your meditation session? What did you sense in your surroundings?
4. Many believe meditation is about clearing the mind and avoiding our thoughts, when in fact, meditation is the best tool to improve our deep thinking & creative problem-solving ability. Pick out a problematic situation you may be dealing with right now and use it during your session. Were you able to think through this problem during your meditation session? Why or why not do you think you were successful?
5. How did you feel after your meditation session?
Were you able to focus and connect with your body and feel the sensations all around you while thinking deeply into a situation.



My answer


sitting up

trying to forget everything that is going on around me.

I felt peaceful

I forgot everyone there

Yes I think I was successful because i focused very hard.

I felt calmer and happier

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