Who all is involved in the Legislative branch?


Answer 1


Representatives and the Senate


Related Questions

How did Roman Polytheism violate Commandment #1


Roman Polytheism violated the first commandment because it contradicted the idea that honor should go to God alone.

The first commandment of Roman Polytheism instructed not to false worship and not to give honor to any creature other than God. Because the worship of multiple gods and deities conflicted with giving God His due honor, it violated the first commandment of Roman Catholicism.

Agree or Disagree and Why: The Renaissance only changed people's lives in Europe a little bit.


I agree that the Renaissance only changed people's lives in Europe a little bit.

The Renaissance amount cultivated a replacement amendment in art, knowledge, and culture in Europe. It modified the method the citizens thought, with initial the discovery of classical philosophy, literature, and art, furthermore because the new discoveries in travel, invention, and style.

The most rife social amendment throughout the Renaissance was the autumn of structure and therefore the rise of a capitalist free enterprise, same Abernethy. Redoubled trade and therefore the labor shortage caused by the black plague gave rise to one thing of a social class of people.

To learn more about Renaissance here



Which approach to personality emphasizes a desire to achieve higher levels of functioning?.


The answer to the given question is Humanistic Personality. It is an approach to personality which emphasizes a desire to reach higher levels of functioning.

What is Humanistic Personality?

Humanistic Personality Theory accentuates individuals' motivation to constantly progress to the higher levels of interactive functioning and their current capacities for growth and switch future uncertainties and irrespective of past limitations. The Humanistic Personality Theory declares that people are fundamentally good, with an inborn drive to make themselves better. The Humanistic theory is developed on the assumption of a person's self-concept, containing of their real self and their ideal self.

One pioneer for humanistic theorist was Carl Rogers. He was a powerful humanistic psychologist who elaborated a personality theory that accentuates the importance of the self-actualizing tendency in acclimating human personalities.

Learn more about Humanistic Personality at: https://brainly.com/question/8004056


racial and ethnic diversity has increased in the population as a whole and inclusive content is more likely to attract these diverse audiences to sell to advertisers. in this way, increased diversity is a .


Racial and ethnic diversity has increased in the population as a whole and inclusive content is more likely to attract these diverse audiences to sell to advertisers. In this way, increased diversity is a money-making proposition.

This concept seems inside the relationships of messages/texts/media messages and the target audience deciphering those messages.

Encoding is the searching at the development of a message from a sender, and interpreting is calling at the receiver how they're decoding/expertise the given message.

The argument for the nearly infinite possibilities of resistance consists of faith.

Learn more about population here: https://brainly.com/question/25630111


15. your aunt is an outstanding attorney who has been very successful in the courtroom. she has been frustrated in not being made a partner in a law firm where only men are partners. her frustration is described by what concept?


The term "glass ceiling" refers to the situation in which a qualified individual who wishes to advance within the hierarchy of his or her organization is prevented from doing so at a lower level as a result of discrimination.

The majority of the time based on sexism or racism.The unreasonable impediment alludes in this way to vertical separation most often against ladies in organizations.

Is there a ceiling made of glass?

According to new research, the glass ceiling—that ominous barrier to advancement that women face at the highest levels of the workplace—continues to be insurmountable and is a drain on the economy.

Why does it go by the name "glass ceiling"?

The unattainable rank allegory has frequently been utilized to depict undetectable boundaries ("glass") through which ladies can see first class positions yet can't contact them ("roof").

Learn more about glass ceiling here:



yui is leaving japan to work and live in the united states and is very excited about the move. when yui arrives and starts work in the united states, she is likely to:


Yui is eager to move to the United States and will be working and living there after leaving Japan. Due to the acculturation process, Yui is likely to feel high levels of stress when she first comes and begins working in the United States.

What do you think the meaning of stress is?

Stress is a state of tension in the body or a mood. Anything that makes you angry, frustrated, or anxious in your experiences or thoughts can trigger it. When you are presented with a task or demand, your body experiences stress. In short bursts, stress can be useful if it keeps you safe or helps you meet a deadline.

To know more about stress level visit:



Write a newspaper editorial about Senator Kennedy's testimony. Your editorial should address these topics:
The role of voting in the U.S. political system
The relationship of the media to the changes described
The function of education as a social institution
The likely effect of such a change on public policy


Kennedy's called on the nation to combat "tyranny, poverty, disease, and war itself" and urged American citizens to participate in public service

The most common method used by Kennedy in US elections is the first post-the-post system, in which the candidate with the most votes wins the election. In this system, all a candidate needs to win is a large number of votes, not an absolute majority. His audience has reached people all over the world, far beyond those assembled before him. He wanted to prepare for this moment by sending a message to the outside world that would inspire the nation and convey the challenges of the Cold War and the hopes of peace in the nuclear age.

To know more about Kennedy's visit:



according to kant, it is morally permissible to treat a server in a restaurant as a means to the end of buying food. true false


The statement that according to Kant, it is morally permissible to treat a server in a restaurant as a means to the end of buying food is true

Who was Immanuel Kant?

One of the most important thinkers in Western philosophy history was Immanuel Kant (1724–1804).

Nearly every philosophical movement that came after him has benefited greatly from his contributions to metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, and aesthetics.

Kant's means - end principle

The meaning of the word "end" as used by Immanuel Kant in the phrase "means to an end." refers to the believe that people should be viewed as ends in themselves, rather than as a means to an end. Being human has significance in and of itself.

Immanuel Kant permits treating people as a means to an end not merely as a means

Learn more about means - end principle here:


differential association refers to the frequency and closeness of associations a person has with deviant and nondeviant individuals. please select the best answer from the choices provided t f


Differential associations are connections that frequently occur between a deviant and a nondeviant person. The right response in this case is option B.

The association is a hypothesis that examines how individuals come to develop environmental offenders. They pick up on the principles, motivations, and outlooks of illegal action.

the theory of differential association. Through murder and interactions with various individuals, people acquire criminal ideals, abilities, and motivations. those most likely to have an impact. Because you connect with them most deeply, friends, family, and peers are most likely to have an impact on criminal conduct.

Sutherland's differential social organization thesis makes use of social organisation macro-level ideas to explain differences in crime rates between groups.

Complete question:

The frequency and closeness of associations a person has with deviant and nondeviant individuals are called

a. a stigma

b. differential association

c. both a and b

d. neither a nor b

To learn more about differential association



Answer:  true


If the son with ald in the third generation survives to have children with a woman without any history of ald in her family, what is the chance that a newborn son of this couple will not develop ald?.


If the son with ALD in the third generation survives to have children with a woman without any history of ald in her family, then  the chance that a newborn son of this couple will not develop ald is 1.

What is ALD?

A hereditary disorder called adrenal leukodystrophy (ALD) affects the myelin sheath, which protects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. The myelin serves as insulation for the nerve cells. When this insulating barrier is compromised, nerve signals from the brain cannot adequately travel throughout the body, impairing physiological functions or even resulting in paralysis.

Very long chain fatty acids (VLCFAs), which are unable to be broken down by the body due to ALD, accumulate in the brain, neurological system, and adrenal gland. It is believed that the buildup irritates the body, destroying the myelin sheath.

So, the required answer is 1.

To learn more about ALD:



John calvin’s belief that god had long ago determined who was going to heaven is known as?.


John Calvin's notion that god had lengthy in the past decided who become going to heaven is understood as predestination.

The required details for Predestination in given paragraph

Predestination, in theology, is the doctrine that every one activities were willed by God, normally with regards to the eventual destiny of the individual soul. Explanations of predestination frequently are seeking for to deal with the paradox of unfastened will, wherein God's omniscience appears incompatible with human unfastened will. In this usage, predestination may be seemed as a shape of religious determinism; and normally predeterminism, additionally regarded as theological determinism. There is a few confrontation amongst students concerning the perspectives on predestination of first-century AD Judaism, out of which Christianity came. Josephus wrote throughout the primary century that the 3 important Jewish sects differed in this question.

He argued that the Essenes and Pharisees argued that God's windfall orders all human activities, however the Pharisees nevertheless maintained that human beings are capable of select among proper and wrong. He wrote that the Sadducees did now no longer have a doctrine of windfall.

To know about Predestination click here



What features should you present when demonstrating 2023 armada’s confident handling?.


The features should you present when demonstrating 2023 armada’s confident handling is 4-wheel independent suspension, and Variable-assist power rack-and-pinion steering.

You should emphasize a number of characteristics while showcasing the 2023 armada's assured handling. The first is the interior changes. It has five seats and a tonne of cargo space, so the crew also benefits. The second is the city-carving performance. Kicks offer fast combination and agile handling. You travel without incident thanks to responsive handling and great fuel economy.

The third is a safety technology that fosters confidence. This function will keep an eye on everything around you—in front of you, behind you, and on either side—and keep the user safe. The final aspect that can be demonstrated is linked technology. To listen to music, the user can connect to the headrest speaker.

To know more about Armada's Confident Handling here



as reported by the journal science, we can change some human responses to ethical dilemmas by using transcranial brain stimulation. how does this impact society?


It calls into question whether "ethics" is really something that matters. It impacts how we feel about whether or not we have free will.

Ethics is what courses us to inform the truth, keep our guarantees, or help someone in need. there is a framework of ethics underlying our lives on a daily basis, supporting us make selections that create superb effects and steering us away from unjust effects.

The middle ethical principles of beneficence (do exact), nonmaleficence (do not harm), autonomy (control via the character), and justice (equity) said by means of Beauchamp and Childress7 are vital to a code of ethics.

Learn more about ethics here https://brainly.com/question/5432308


Explain how a change in the atmosphere that results from el niño conditions represented in the model would affect australia.


El Nino reasons droughts inside the Western Pacific. these conditions purpose brush fires in Australia; The El Niño phase has considerable warming of the important and Japanese tropical Pacific Ocean, resulting in a main shift in climate styles across the Pacific Ocean.

The Pacific Ocean is the largest and deepest of Earth's 5 oceanic divisions. It extends from the Arctic Ocean in the north to the Southern Ocean within the south, and is bounded with the aid of the continents of Asia and Oceania in the west and the Americas inside the east.

After braving perilous seas and navigating thru what are now referred to as the Straits of Magellan, his small fleet entered an unfamiliar ocean in Nov. 1520. He known as this body of water pacific, due to the calmness of the water at the time ('pacific' method non violent).

Learn more about Pacific Ocean here:https://brainly.com/question/1824354

a friend collapses. as she regains consciousness she has difficulty speaking and one side of her face and body appear to be paralyzed. these signals lead you to believe your co-worker has -


A friend collapses,as she regains consciousness had a stroke.

Unresponsive people's muscles relax, and their tongues may close their airways, making it impossible for them to breathe. By moving the tongue forward, tilting their head back widens their airway. Their chest and stomach won't move if they aren't breathing, and you won't be able to hear or feel their breaths.

Give two indications of severe, potentially fatal external bleeding. Blood gushing or pouring from the wound; bleeding that continues despite application of pressure.

To learn more about strokes refer to:



despite concerns regarding the use of methadone maintenance programs, those in favor of such programs commonly argue that they:


Methadone maintenance programs have raised concerns, but those who support them frequently claim that they help stop the spread of HIV.

What is methadone maintenance programs?

The use of the drug methadone, given continuously, as a treatment for dependence for heroin or even other opioids is known as methadone maintenance therapy. As an opioid agonist, methadone binds to the same brain receptors as heroine or other opioids. It functions by easing withdrawal symptoms, however higher doses in some patients may result in respiratory depression and/or exhilaration. One of the medically aided approaches to addiction therapy that has received the most research. Methadone maintenance lowers the risk of fatal drug overdose and decreases the desire for or consumption of other opioids. Methadone maintenance, which involves taking a daily daily dosage of prescribed medication, has been referred to as "a first phase against social rehabilitation" since it helps patients stay in treatment longer, frees them from the necessity to find, purchase, and consume multiple regular doses of illicit opioids, and provides a safe, legal medical substitute.

How Does Methadone Work?

Methadone modifies how the brain and nervous system respond to pain. It decreases the unpleasant withdrawal symptoms and prevents opiate medicines like heroin, morphine, & codeine and also semi-synthetic opioids such oxycodone & hydrocodone from having euphoric effects.

To know more about Methadone Maintenance Programs visit:



7. CEOs of companies are often ambitious. What does ambition mean?

A. Expecting and planning for the worst possible outcome
B. The desire to do or achieve something
C. Expecting all risks to have good outcomes
D. Being open to new ideas


The second answer (b)

The answer should be (B)

3. In what ways does an event like Hurricane Katrina demonstrate some of the issues
between the federal government and state and local governments?


Within 4 days of Katrina's landfall on Monday, Aug. 29, 2005, then-President George W. Bush signed a $10.four billion useful resource package deal and ordered 7,2 hundred National Guard troops to the region.

The required details for Hurricane Katrina in given paragraph

Hurricane Katrina changed into a destructive Category five Atlantic typhoon that induced over 1,800 fatalities and $one hundred twenty five billion in harm in past due August 2005, specially within side the town of New Orleans and the encircling areas. It changed into on the time the most costly tropical cyclone on file and is now tied with 2017's Hurricane Harvey. The hurricane changed into the twelfth tropical cyclone, the 5th typhoon, and the third foremost typhoon of the 2005 Atlantic typhoon season, in addition to the fourth-maximum intense Atlantic typhoon on file to make landfall within side the contiguous United States. Katrina originated on August 23, 2005, as a tropical melancholy from the merger of a tropical wave and the remnants of Tropical Depression Ten. Early the subsequent day, the melancholy intensified right into a tropical hurricane because it headed typically westward toward Florida, strengthening right into a typhoon hours earlier than making landfall at Hallandale Beach on August 25.

After in brief weakening to tropical hurricane power over southern Florida, Katrina emerged into the Gulf of Mexico on August 26 and commenced to hastily intensify.

To know about Hurricane Katrina click here



Knowingly billing for services that were never given or billing for a service that has a higher reimbursement than service provided is known as.


When a person or institute is billing for services that were never given or billing for a service that has a higher reimbursement than the service provided is known as Fraud as per the False Claims Act

¿What is this law?

Is a federal law that makes it a crime for any person or organization to knowingly make a false record or file a false claim regarding any federal health care program, which includes any plan or program that provides health benefits, whether directly, through insurance or otherwise, which is funded directly (in whole or in part) by the United States Government or any state healthcare system.

See more about laws at: https://brainly.com/question/820417


what was the ruling of the u.s. supreme court in oncale v. sundowner offshore services, inc., the case in the text addressing whether a plaintiff could prevail in a sexual harassment case when the harassers were of the same sex?


The District Court decided, based on precedent from the Fifth Circuit, that Oncale, a man, had no Title VII right to sue for harassment by male coworkers.

The Fifth Circuit upheld this.Held:Title VII permits legal action for sex discrimination, including same-sex sexual harassment.

When a plaintiff makes a prima facie case, which of the following takes place?

The defendant must demonstrate that an employee was terminated for reasons other than discrimination if the plaintiff is able to establish a prima facie case.

The highest court in the federal judiciary of the United States is the Supreme Court of the United States, or SCOTUS.It has ultimate appellate jurisdiction over all federal court cases in the United States as well as state court cases involving a federal law point.

Learn more about u.s. supreme court here:



Children are more __________ other people than are adults. In some ways, this helps buffer against negative events because they are protected and supported; in other ways, it leaves children vulnerable to abuse or neglect.


Negative attitudes and ignorance—Negative attitudes regarding children's conduct, whether it is good or poor, and ignorance of child development can all lead to physical abuse of children.

What Children helps buffer against negative events?

Explicit policies and the accompanying action plans are essential and effective tools for preventing child abuse through interventions that help parents raise their children, promote good parenting, and reduce the likelihood of maltreatment.

Therefore, Emotional abuse is defined as “any act by a person having the care of a kid that results in the youngster experiencing any type of serious emotional deprivation or trauma.”

Learn more about Children here:



In university of utah driving-simulation experiments, students conversing on cell phones were slower to detect and respond to traffic signals. This best illustrates.


In college of Utah driving-simulation experiments, college students speaking on mobile telephones have been slower to stumble on and reply to visitors signals. This first-rate illustrates. selective interest.

The required details for Selective attention in given paragraph

Selective interest refers to the procedures that permit an character to pick out and recognition on unique enter for in addition processing whilst concurrently suppressing inappropriate or distracting information. Selective interest lets in adults to recognition on task-applicable information, whilst ignoring task-inappropriate information. This in flip ends in advanced processing of task-applicable information.

Factors like spatial proximity, cues that control the spatial volume of attentional recognition, salience of goals in addition to the distractors, and perceptual grouping among the goal and the distractors must be taken into consideration whilst explaining the selective manage of interest.

To know about Selective attention click here



what was one thing corrie learned to fear above all else at scheveningen? how was this fear exhibited by corrie and her fellow prisoners? name at least four behaviors or activities that reflected this fear.


Corrie learned to fear prison boredom about all else at Sceveningen. Four behaviors or activities that reflected this fear are prisoners spend time wording about loved ones and pets, pacing back and forth all night, batting sicker from all the worry, try to distract herself playing card games.

Why was corrie scared ?

Corrie was sick, and also was very nervous about what would happen to her family. Betsie was healthy, and very loyal that God would command what happened. Corrie first felt grief, but then comfort, as her father was freed from the danger and was now with Christ. Corrie want a bible the most. We thought that the bible would create a double sentence because someone could convert a jew into being christian.

Learn more about the Corrie here: https://brainly.com/question/2947946


The Constitution was amended several times. What does it mean to make
amendments to the constitution?
(a) to pass a law
(b) to change or make better
(c) to elect new officers
(d) to rewrite the constitution




B. You are changing and/or improving the constitution.

Julia had to abandon her home because it was destroyed by a hurricane. Would you describe Julia as a refugee?





I don't think she would be considered as one. She might be mistaken for one but she is not. A refugee is forced to leave their country/home to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster. There is natural disaster there but I think the situation varies/depends

why does meaning best produce recall in a depth of processing experiment, but specificity encoding experiments see rhyme judgments producing the best recall?


Due to the fact that depth of processing experiments only ask participants to judge meaning, and specificity encoding experiments only need people to concentrate on rhyming. ( Option B )

- According to the encoding specificity principle, memories are linked to the environment in which they were created. It claims that when you are in the same environment where you memorized or studied the material, it is simpler to recall it.

- It offers a framework for comprehending how environmental factors that are present during information encoding affect memory and recall of that information.

To know more about specificity encoding, kindly click on the link below :



- The complete question is :

Why does meaning best produce recall in a depth of processing experiment, but specificity encoding experiments see rhyme judgments producing the best recall?

a) Researchers do not understand how different outcomes come out of specificity encoding and depth of processing experiments; their methods are the exact same and should result in the same memory recall

b) Because specificity encoding experiments only require participants to focus on rhyming; depth of processing experiments only require participants to make judgement on meaning

c) Because specificity experiments provide no cues; depth of processing experiments provide cues based on rhyming

d) Because depth of processing experiments provide no cues; specificity encoding experiments provide cues based on rhyming

Select the sentence from the section "U.S. targets terrorists in the Middle East" that BEST shows HOW the war on terror changed Americans' lives in the United States. Newsela The History of the War on Terror

The U.S. led major military attacks in Afghanistan and Iraq in the Middle East.
They started keeping the prisoners at Guantánamo Bay, which is an American prison in Cuba.
The National Security Agency, or NSA, began to gather more information about people.
The country was ruled by the Taliban, an Islamic group.


The U.S. led major military attacks in Afghanistan and Iraq in the Middle East best shows the war on terror changed Americans' lives in the United States.

Option A is correct.

In 2001, the US entered Afghanistan to fight a necessary war of self-defense. Al-Qaeda terrorists assaulted our nation on September 11, 2001. They were provided safe sanctuary in Afghanistan by their Taliban hosts, which allowed them to plot and carry out such a horrifying attack.

Many people believe that this is the case because America's military power and superpower status have greatly declined. Some claim that the lack of grit contributed to the defeat, while others place the blame on the legendary fighting skills of the almost unbeatable Afghans.

To know more about military attacks visit :



some members of the media often adopt strongly skeptical, even hostile, postures toward the government and elected officials. this is known as what type of journalism?


Some media professionals frequently take positions that are quite hostile toward the government and elected leaders. This kind of journalism is referred to as adversarial.

What does journalism in adversity entail?

A journalist is said to be engaging in hostile journalism when they adopt a combative and aggressive reporting and interviewing style. Aiming to uncover alleged wrongdoings of suspects, adversarial journalism does just that.

What goals do you want your journalism to work toward?

Aiming to expose actors, hostile journalism looks into their alleged wrongdoings. Journalists that are hostile take sides in what they believe to be the truth rather than remaining completely impartial. They purposefully jumble factual information with commentary or opinion in their writing.

To know more about adversarial journalism visit:



A post made to your favorite social media application 5 years ago can add information to your digital footprint. true false


A post made to your favorite social media application 5 years ago can add information to your digital footprint is a True statement.

What the term "digital footprint" means?

Data left behind after users have been online is known as a digital footprint. Passive and active digital footprints are the two different categories. When data is gathered from a user without the person being aware of it, a passive footprint is created.

Your digital footprint cannot be completely removed. There will always be some data that you cannot delete, such as that held by others and kept secret from you.

Therefore, Your digital footprint may contain information from a post you made on your preferred social networking platform five years ago.

Learn more about "digital footprint" from the given link.



Ladies and gentlemen, where one hears such pandemonium, one suspects that something has gone awry.



At a women's rights conference in Akron, Ohio, in 1851; Sojourner Truth begins by requesting permission before introducing the theme of her speech with the phrase "AIN'T I A WOMAN". She was speaking for gender equality.

When the main part of Truth's speech begins by making analogies to males, saying that she is as physically fit and muscular as any guy. In fact, she wonders, "Can any man do more than that?" after listing the several kinds of physical work she has done over her years as a slave. She claims that she can vouch for the truth of all the current rhetoric about gender equality. Woman insists that she can carry and consume just as much as any guy.

To learn more about "AIN'T I A WOMAN", refer



Other Questions
8. Jase earns $5.00 per lawn mowed and $5.00 per car washed. Let m be the number of lawns mowed and let c be the number of cars washed. Select all the expressions that could represent the total earned, in dollars, by Jase. A 5(m + c) (B) 5m + c C 5+mc D 5c + m E 5m+5c A student stops a titration BEFORE theequivalence point is reached. If NaOH isbeing added to an unknown acid, HA, whations are present in the clear solution in theflask?A. H+, A-, Na+, OH-B. A-, Na+, OH-C. A-, Na+ and H+ ILL GIVE A HUNDRED POINTS Some friends go to an amusement park in one car. They must pay a $6.00 parking fee plus $29.99 perperson for tickets.If n is the number of tickets purchased and c is the total cost, which is the independent variable andwhich is the dependent variable? Is the relationship between the variables a function? What are you being asked or told to do? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What information do you know? ____ Solve for x.x+3 = 2x-1 Sanya's car can drive 300 miles in 6 hours. How many miles can she drive in 14 hours? Between 10 P.M and 7:20 A.M., the water level in a swimming pool decreased by 7/12 in. Assuming that the water level decreased at a constant rate, how much did the water level drop each hour? PLEASE HELP I DONT GET THIS AT ALL! Which of the following trigonometric values are negative? 1. sin(-292) II. tan (2pi/3) III. cos (153) IV. cot (222)a. 2, 3, and 4b. 2 and 3c. 3 onlyd. 1 and 3 A ball is dropped from the top of a cliff. By the time it reaches the ground, all the energy in its gravitational potential energy store has been transferred into its kinetic energy store. If the ball is travelling at 20 m/s when it hits the ground, what height was it dropped from? (Assume that the gravitational field strength is 10 N/kg A block of al with a density of 2.7/ml has a mass of 549 g. what's the volume. ( show steps) Jan makes four claims about the twopolynomials Any 6x + 1 and 2x. The claims arelisted belowClaim 1 states that when 2x is added to 4xy + 5x +1 the sum is a polynomial.Claim 2 states that when 2x is subtractedfrom xy + 6x + 1 the difference is a polynomial.Claim 3 states that when 4xy + 5x + 1 is multipliedby 2x the product is a polynomial.Claim 4 states that when xy + 6x + 1 is divided by2x the quotient is a polynomialSelect all claims by Jan that are correct. Find the value of the expression. 07-2 . (131 alw The value is I I the primary purpose of the author is to Write a variation equation for the following situation. Use k as the constant of variation.R varies inversely as the square of h.The variation equation is ______ At a cost of s stickers for c cents, how many stickers can be bought for d dollars Find the equation of the line that is parallel to Y = x -3 and contains the point (3,-2) In an experiment, hydrochloric acid reacted with different volumes of sodium thiosulfate in water. A yellow precipitate was formed during the reaction. A cross drawn at the base of each flask became gradually invisible due the formation of this yellow precipitate. The time taken for the cross to become invisible was recorded. A partial record of the experiment is shown.Experimental RecordFlaskVolume ofHClVolume ofSodium ThiosulfateVolume ofWaterTime110 mL10 mL40 mL14 seconds210 mL20 mL30 mL310 mL30 mL20 mL410 mL40 mL10 mLBased on your knowledge of factors that affect the rates of chemical reactions, predict the trend in the last column of the experimental record. Use complete sentences to explain the trend you predicted. You do not have to determine exact values for time; just describe the trend you would expect (increase or decrease) and why it occurs. 14 Read the excerpt and answer the question that followsIn the opinion of the Government of the United States thecoming of Chinese laborers to this country endangers theopgood order of certain localities... Therefore, Be it enacted...That... the be... suspended...Chinese Exclusion Act, 1882Which factor prompted the passage of this legislation?A Denial of labor union membership for unskilled workersB Increased nativism and anti-immigrant attitudesC Wage increases for workers in manufacturing positionsD Increased U.S. involvement in foreign wars and conflicts One more question please ? Given the equation 6x + 18 = 72:Part A: Write a short word problem about a purchase made to illustrate the equation. (6 points)Part B: Solve the equation showing all work. (4 points) The distance around a circle is called theOA. volumeOB. areaOC. circumferenceMarinaTAPORHeaOD. diameter