whih empire Indus River systemis associated with the


Answer 1

Harappan civilization is the empire associated with the Indus river.

Indus river was far-famed to the traditional Indians in Indo-Aryan as Sindhu and also the Persians as Hindu that was regarded by each of them as "the border river". The Harappan civilization was situated within the Indus River . Its 2 giant cities, Harappa and Mohenjo-daro, were situated in current Pakistan's geographical area and Sindh provinces, severally.

The Indus River Valley Civilization, conjointly referred to as Harappan civilization, developed the primary correct system of standardized weights and measures, some as correct on one.6 mm. Harappans created sculpture, seals, pottery, and jewellery from materials, like terracotta, metal, and stone.

To learn more about Harappan civilization  here



Related Questions

Japan planned a large-scale attack against the U.S. naval fleet at Pearl Harbor because it wanted to


Take the island of Hawaii because they wanted to take all the islands in the Pacific Ocean


A. prevent the United States Pacific Fleet from interfering with its planned military actions in Southeast Asia against overseas territories of the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and those of the United States.


Japan intended the attack as a preventive action. Its aim was to prevent the United States Pacific Fleet from interfering with its planned military actions in Southeast Asia against overseas territories of the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and those of the United States.

I have four legs but never walk. I may be covered in flowers but have no soil. I hold food each day but
never eat a meal. What am I?



A table


Fun riddle!

!!!!!Please help asap I beg no boys pls!!!!!

Putting Art in Order
Directions: Use your knowledge of medieval and Renaissance art to put the paintings in
chronological order based on when they were painted. Justify your order based on the
techniques you see in each painting. For paintings you believe are from the Renaissance,
discuss how they connect to humanism along with other Renaissance ideas.

1. Title+Artist:
Justification: What techniques do you see? Where in the painting?

The paintings are
1. The Pentecost
2. The School of Athens - Raphael
3. The Girl With the Pearl Earring - Johannes VanEyck
4. Madonna and Child - Duccio di Buoninsegna
5. The Sistine Chapel - Michaelangelo



what you got against boys


How did the Renaissance and Reformation beliefs shape society and culture?


The most prevalent societal change during the Renaissance was the fall of feudalism and the rise of a capitalist market economy, said Abernethy. Increased trade and the labor shortage caused by the Black Death gave rise to something of a middle class.

Answer:The Renaissance, roughly spanning the 14th to 17th centuries, marked a time of cultural, intellectual and scientific advances. From European discoveries of continents and shipping routes to new views of mathematics and astronomy to the advent of the printing press, the period of "rebirth" following the Middle Ages was marked by changing ideas, enduring masterpieces of architecture, art and literature (it was the time of Shakespeare, Galileo, da Vinciand Machiavelli)—and a movement toward political and religious freedoms. The shift toward political and religious freedom in turn, helped spawn the Reformation movement, which caused a divide within the powerful Catholic Church, leading many Europeans to turn to then-new Protestant faith.


In terms of production, what best describes the difference between capitalism and socialism?

Capitalism is a system in which goods are made by private businesses, but socialism stresses government control over production.
Capitalism is a system in which the government controls production, but socialism stresses production by private businesses.
Capitalism is a system in which people pursue their own self-interests, but socialism stresses an equal distribution of wealth.
Capitalism is a system in which government should “plan” the economy, but socialism stresses that free market dictates production.


The answer to the question is that in terms of production,  Capitalism is a system in which private businesses make goods, but socialism stresses government control over production.

The production tools are utilized in the capitalist economy to produce profits for the owners or shareholders. Additionally, there is a focus on personal earnings rather than the advantages for employees or society.

On the other hand, in the socialist system, the State modifies production to meet human and economic needs. It implies that nothing but what is required and users will be produced.

When private individuals decide for themselves what to produce for whom, how to produce it, and when and where to sell it, that is capitalism. However, prices are what enable the free market system to function. Prices provide data. The reason why the price of a new rubber eraser increased is irrelevant to the buyer.

Control is consolidated under socialism. Even having the best computer in the world at their disposal, there is no way for any individual or group of individuals to have the knowledge required to utilize the available resources effectively.

Learn more about capitalism here:


A restaurant that faces increasing taxes and passes most or all of its tax burden to their consumers is an
example of


A restaurant that faces increasing taxes and passes most or all of its tax burden to its consumers is an example of Indirect tax.

What are the disadvantages of indirect tax?

Even after the implementation of the Goods and Services Tax, this tax remains regressive to some extent. The tax on a commodity or service is the same for everyone, affluent or poor. This raises the cost of goods for the poor and reduces their net operating income.

In the case of indirect tax, the taxpayer might shift the cost of taxation to someone else. Indirect taxes raise the prices of the things on which they are levied. Indirect taxes include customs duty, central excise, service tax, and value-added tax.

Learn more about indirect tax here:



how did ww1 affect the four-minute men?



Four-Minute Men gained their nickname because of their four-minute speeches concerning the importance of backing the nation's participation in World War I. In 1917, after a German submarine sank the Lusitania, the federal government created the National Four Minute Men's Association to inspire support for the war effort.






The Ottomans and the Qing of China Respond to the Industrial Revolution and supported its spread. Thus the correct option is A.

What is Industrial Revolution?

The changes in the process of the economy from agricultural-based practices to machine-based practices by utilizing equipment through industries is referred to as the industrial revolution.

The Ottoman Empire and Qing China strove to modernize and reform their economies and militaries in reaction to the growth of industrializing states.

The opposition from the Qing Dynasty's traditional elites, including landlords, the program did not advance quickly.

Therefore, option A is appropriate.

learn more about Industrial Revolution, here:



who can answer these 3 questions regarding that movie ?


Economic troubles and the trouble to keep and take care of the family were the issue that he faced in the movie.

People today face the issues of not been able to take care of the basic needs that they have in the society.

The great depression made the people that were already poor to be poorer, It made the middle income earners to be poor and some of the rich people either got to be richer or they lost some percentages of their wealth.

What is this movie's depiction of the Great depression?

The movie tells us the effect of the great depression through the eyes of the character that is called James Broddock. We are told of all that he faced economically.

He was unable to take care of himself and his family. They had little and there was no means of taking care of their family needs since he had no job.

This was just an example of the issues that the typical families faced as they progressed from the roaring 20s to the great depression.

Read more on the great depression here: https://brainly.com/question/441267


Conduct research on the Electoral College and write a paragraph on this system. Do not copy/paste from the internet but paraphrase the information.



The Electoral College is a group of people assigned by the Constitution to select the president and vice president of the United States.

How was the Electoral College established?

The Constitutional Convention in 1787 sorted out on the Electoral College as an agreement between delegates who thought that it is Congress who should select the president and others who favored a direct nationwide popular vote. As an alternative, state legislatures were endow with appointing electors.

Each of 50 states is assigned presidential electors identical to the number of its characteristics and senators.

The Electoral College consists of 538 members. A presidential candidate should win a majority of their votes, so as to win the election.

Are Electoral College votes distributed equally between states?

Each state is assigned a number of electoral votes form on the total size of its congressional delegation. Found on population trends, those discrepancy will likely increase as the most populous states are look forward to account for an even greater share of the U.S. population in the decades leading.

Learn more about Electoral college here:



As a result of the Battle of Trafalgar:

the United States was forced to choose sides and fought the War of 1812 with the British.

France could not invade Britain.

Napoleon imposed the Continental System.

All of the choices are correct.


The result of the Battle of Trafalgar was that France could not invade Britain.

What happened in the Battle of Trafalgar?

In the Battle of Trafalgar, a combined French and Spanish fleet attempted to invade England by leaving from Spain. Enroute to England, they were intercepted by the English Royal Navy under the command of Admiral Horatio Nelson.

In what has been described as one of the most decisive naval battles in history, the Royal Navy dealt such a heavy blow to the French and Spain that France could not invade Britain and sailed back to Spain.

Find out more on the Battle of Trafalgar at https://brainly.com/question/11958492


What was the purpose of the Triple Alliance formed by the Aztec?

To gain more prisoners of war for human sacrifices
To end the periodic wars that had hurt the Mesoamerican people
To oppose the Spanish invaders
To reduce trade tariffs and promote commerce



C. To oppose the Spanish Invaders.


According to the web, it states: "The Aztecs, Texcoco and Tlacopan joined forces in 1428 to create the Triple Alliance. Together they fought against the Tepanec and challenged them for superiority in the Valley of Mexico. Over time the three were able to overpower all other societies in the Valley of Mexico."

So, in conclusion the answer would be C. To oppose the Spanish Invaders.

May I have Brainliest please? I am so close to getting my next ranking! I just need 2 more for it! I would really appreciate it, and it would make my day! Thank you so much, and have a wonderful rest of your day!




17. Having separate train cars for black and white riders is an example of a ________________________.
a. Slave Code
b. Black Code
c. Reconstruction Law
d. Jim Crow Law


The Jim Crow laws were the state and local laws enforcing racial segregation in the Southern US
The Jim Crow laws were the state and local laws enforcing racial segregation in south US

5.1.3 Journal: Write Your Own Big-Picture Narrative
In this journal activity, you will write your own version of history for the period between 1450 and 1750 by answering the questions below.

Write a journal entry that is at least three paragraphs long. Each paragraph should be at least four sentences long. Make sure to use the terms listed above at least once in your writing. Your journal entry should address each of the following:
-Summarize the major turning points or "game changers" of this period; what were the biggest changes in how people lived, what people were able to do, or what people valued and believed?

-Identify the major regions of the world in which these changes occurred.

-Predict the major effects of these changes on human history. What effects might we see in the eras that followed this time period? What effects can we still see or feel today?


We are discussing the Middle Ages, also known as the Medieval Times, which is a significant era in human history. a period when the kingdoms of Europe were strong and sought to acquire as many lands as they could in order to increase their wealth and power.

The European monarchies sent their explorers and ships to sail and find new routes to Africa and India during this period of exploration. On October 12, 1492, during one of those voyages, Christopher Columbus made the discovery of the Americas.

Then, various European countries, including the British and French, began to settle in North America, while Spain ruled Mesoamerica.

Following this time, the Renaissance era transformed European thought, and subsequently, the concepts of the Enlightenment encouraged Revolutions and Independent movements throughout much of the world. For instance, the French Revolution or the American Revolution.

To learn more about eras



Write a conclusion about the techniques used in World War II propaganda.



Conclusion During World War II, America produced some of the most successful propaganda campaigns in history. The pushes for increased production, labor, and conservation may well have.

Which of the following factors contributed to american consumer spending during the 1920s?


Credit served as the main engine for American consumerism in the 1920s. Many Americans used credit to purchase both essential and non-essential items.

The majority of transactions were made with cash before this time. As a result, there was a significant debt buildup.  "Middle-class employees were being paid fair salaries" is the factor that contributed to American consumer spending throughout the 1920s. Due to rising incomes and more disposable income, middle-class Americans enjoyed prosperity in the 1920s. In the 1920s, consumption spread throughout American culture, enabling people to purchase previously unaffordable items like radios, vehicles, and apparel.

In conclusion, rising American wages contributed to a rise in consumption in the 1920s.

Learn more about consumerism here: https://brainly.com/question/11670298


was the reasoning behind the US boycott of the 1980 summer olympic games justified essay


In 1980, the United States led a boycott of the Summer Olympic Games in Moscow to protest the late 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan



The US boycotted the 1980 Summer Olympics because of theSoviet invasion of Afghanistan. The US and the USSR were adversaries in the worldwide Cold War at this time. The US was concerned about the invasion and wanted to express its disapproval in a way that would hurt the prestige of the Soviet Union.

What was one outcome of the Battle of Trenton?
A. The Patriots lost control of the Hudson River Valley.
B. Patriot morale increased throughout the colonies.
C. Germany and Prussia agreed to join the Patriot cause.
D. The Patriot supply chain was disabled.?


The Battle of Trenton greatly improved the morale and unity of the colonial army and militias. Thus, the correct option is D). The American victory boosted morale among the colonists.

The Battle of Trenton was a minor but significant battle during the American Revolutionary War. It took place on December 26, 1776, early in the morning, in the city of Trenton in New Jersey.The purpose of the battle was to extend the Revolution and strengthen Washington's army.

General George Washington's army crossed the Delaware River in a dangerous storm and fought a garrison of Hessian mercenaries at the Battle of Trenton. They prevailed in Trenton. In essence, the Americans won the Battle of Trenton, gaining control of New Jersey and significantly boosting the morale and cohesiveness of the colonial army and militias.

Learn more about the Battle of Trenton here:-







True or False: The practice of deference involved an intense disrespect for accomplished individuals and the nation's elite



I would have to say that the answer is true.


What happens to the price of oil when OPEC countries decide to limit production? (SS7E3d)
A. oil prices drop
B. oil prices rise
C. oil prices remain the same
D. oil stops being sold


When OPEC countries decide to limit production, oil prices rise. (Option B).

What is OPEC?

13 nations form the cartel known as the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries. The founding five members of OPEC founded the organization on September 14th, 1960 in Baghdad. Its headquarters have been in Vienna, Austria, since 1965, despite Austria not being an OPEC member.

As a result, OPEC's goal is to coordinate and harmonize petroleum policies among its Member States in order to provide fair and stable prices for producers, an effective, economical, and consistent supply of petroleum to consumers, and a just return on investment for those who invest in the sector.

Learn more about OPEC here: https://brainly.com/question/14636432


What effect did opium have on the Chinese government?
Created friction between Britain and China resulting in a disastrous war for
Numerous government officials became addicted to opium resulting in a British
sphere of influence
Opium proved to be a valuable trade good for China when trading for British
industrial goods
Caused China to open up its borders to other Asian countries for the purposes of



The Chinese became addicted to opium after the British smuggled and traded opium into China illegally. Subsequently, the first Opium war took place when the Chinese demanded they stopped.

How does childbirth affect the career trajectory of women?
O Childbirth increases the productivity of working mothers in professional occupations.
Most countries are not supportive of time off work for childbirth.
O Taking time off for hildbirth negatively impacts women's careers in many occupations.
O Taking time off for childbirth has no effect on career trajectories.


C because it makes science

What is propaganda? How is it used in america ag this time to shape the public opinion about the war in europe


In an enormous and diverse country, propaganda posters aimed to unite the country behind the war effort, generate money for war bonds, and foster a sense of community.

What is propaganda?

Propaganda is communication that is primarily used to persuade or influence an audience to support an agenda. This communication may not be objective and may choose to present facts selectively to encourage a particular synthesis or perception, or it may use loaded language to elicit an emotional rather than a logical response to the information being presented.

During World War I, propaganda became a widely used phrase in America when adversaries were used to mobilize recruits and shape public opinion through the use of propaganda posters and films. As a modern political instrument for fostering goodwill among a diverse range of demographics and obtaining support for the nation, propaganda.

Animated films, posters, and cartoons were some other types of propaganda. Posters acted as a source of inspiration for Americans to go to war since they were readily available, affordable, and frequently visible in shops, workplaces, and classrooms. "Stop this Monster that Stops at Nothing," was the call to action for Americans. according to a poster that serves as an example.

Learn more about Propaganda:



Which describes the significance of yellow journalism?
Yellow journalism ignored the violence and devastation occurring in Cuba.
O Yellow journalism published confidential legislation such as the De Lôme letter.
O Yellow journalism exaggerated events such as the explosion of the U.S.S8. Maine.
Yellow journalism wrote articles about the hardships Americans were facing at hom


Yellow journalism was one of the reason that led helped push the United States and Spain into war in Cuba and the Philippines.

What is Yellow Journalism ?

Yellow journalism often refers to sensationalistic or biased news reports that newspapers promote as the unvarnished truth. The phrase was created in the late 19th century by seasoned journalists to disparage the unusual strategies used by their competitors.

Yellow journalism refers to news reports that are more concerned with drawing readers' attention than with presenting accurately reported news.

what is the significance of yelow journalism ?

While the Spanish-American War dominated the media, it also sparked the first media battles in the United States during the golden age of yellow journalism. Indignation erupted at the moment, with headlines like "Who Destroyed the Maine? "Spanish Treason," "$50,000 Reward," and "Invasion!"

But despite the fact that many newspapers in the late 19th century adopted a more tabloid-style, W. Joseph Campbell, a professor of communication at American University in Washington, D.C., believes that the idea that their headlines were a key factor in sparking the war is frequently exaggerated.

To know more about Yellow Journalism, visit link



The American Colonist became more and more unhappy with British rule in the years leading up to the American Revolution


The American colonists became more and more unhappy with British rule in the years leading up to the American Revolution. The statement that best explains colonist dislike the increasing control by British

What happened between Great Britain and the American?

American colonists were tired of the influence of the British crown and the excessive taxation imposed by the English government. American had to obey in everything that England said but American people had no representation or voice in the British Parliament. That was not fair. Terrible acts such as the Stamp Act of 1765 or the Tea Act of 1763 angered Americans so much and were important causes to prompt the demanding of independence of Britain and the beginning of the Revolutionary War

The Revolutionary War (1775-83), also known as the American Revolution, arose from growing tensions between residents of Great Britain's 13 North American colonies and the colonial government, which represented the British crown

Learn more about America Revolution here; brainly.com/question/11954278


Check all that apply to the first 10 Amendments of the United States Constitution:
The first 10 Amendments to the U.S. Constitution are known as the Bill of Rights
The 1st Amendment lists freedoms of religion, press, assembly, and the protest
and petitioning of the government
The 2nd Amendment has to do with the right to keep and bear arms
The 3rd Amendment says that soldiers cannot be quartered in houses without
Amendments 4 thru 8 deal with fair accusations, trials and prosecutions
The 9th and 10th Amendments say that power and right ultimately belong to the
American people



They are all correct


The first 10 Amendments are called the Bill of Rights

1st Amendment freedom of speech, religion,press,assembly, and protest.

2nd Amendment Keep and bear arms

3rd Amendment Government cannot force citizens to shelter soldiers

4th Amendment Cannot be searched unreasonably

5th Amendment Cannot be forced to testify against yourself

6th Amendment Fair and speedy trial

7th Amendment Trial by jury

8th Amendment Protected from cruel and unusual punishment

9th Amendment May have additional rights not specifically listed

10th Amendment Powers not given to the federal government by the Constitution belong to the states or people

What effect did the Scopes trial have?



Thanks to the endorsement of the federal government, increased interest in public education, and legal precedents limiting religious influences in public schools (i.e., the same forces that helped overturn Tennessee's Butler Law in 1967; see Grabiner and Miller 1974), the BSCS books became remarkably popular:

What was the importance of gaining new seaports for Russia?

A) Allowed them to ship and trade things during the winter months when Archangel was frozen.

B) It wasn't because Russia had the longest coastline in the world, it had access to many ports year-round.

C) Russia wanted to start a cruise line and have tourists visit the country

D) Peter believed that Russia had enough ports.


The importance of gaining new seaports for  Russia was that it A) Allowed them to ship and trade things during the winter months when Archangel was frozen.

Why did Russia need new ports?

In the late 1800s and the early 1900s, the Russians expanded into Korea and Manchuria in China. The goal of this was to have access to new ports that would allow them to engage in shipping and trading in winter months and therefore around the year.

This had not been possible for them because at that time, the Russians only had ports that would freeze in the winter and therefore make it difficult for Russia to trade and even fight.

Find out more on Russia at https://brainly.com/question/2950200


What is one way the lives of African Americans were changed by the passage
of the Reconstruction Amendments?
A. African Americans could no longer travel freely across the country.
B. African American men could vote and run for government office.
C. African Americans were given a yearly income by the government.
D. African American women could vote and participate in


The Answer is most likely
B. African American men could vote and run for government office.
Answer Explanation:
The Reconstruction Amendments was the 13th amendment abolish slavery. The 14th amendment citizenship to all people born in the u.s. And the 15th amendment give black Americans the right to vote.

Which of these events ultimately led to World War I? Choose three answers.
O The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand angered Austria.
O Serbia declared war on Austria, which caused Austria's allies to
go to war.
O Nationalism increased tensions in the Balkan peninsula.
Russia's mobilization plan called for an invasion of France through Belgium.
O Alliances caused a chain of events that pulled each country into war.



The first one


I remember from 7th grade my history teacher told us about main causes of WWI and that one had the biggest impact on the war.

The events ultimately that led to World War 1 are the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand angered Austria, Nationalism increased tensions in the Balkan peninsula and Alliances caused a chain of events that pulled each country into war. The correct options are a, c and e.

Who is Archduke Franz Ferdinand?

Archduke Franz Ferdinand was the heir presumptive to the throne of Austria-Hungary. His assassination in Sarajevo was the most immediate cause of World War I.

Franz Ferdinand was the eldest son of Archduke Karl Ludwig of Austria and the younger brother of Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria. Following the death of Crown Prince Rudolf in 1889 and the death of Karl Ludwig in 1896, Franz Ferdinand became the heir presumptive to the Austro-Hungarian throne. His courtship of Sophie Chotek, a lady-in-waiting, caused conflict within the imperial household, and their morganatic marriage in 1900 was only allowed after he renounced his descendants' rights to the throne.

Franz Ferdinand held significant influence over the military, and in 1913 he was appointed inspector general of the Austro-Hungarian armed forces.

Learn more about Ferdinand, here:



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A. regulate the value of money B. coin money C. both a and b D. none of the aboveQUESTION 3Which of the following powers, or lack there of, was a big reason for the failure of the Articles of Confederation? A. The power to regulate currency B. The ability to tax C. The ability to regulate interstate and foreign trade D. both b and cQUESTION 4Which of the following is an expressed power of Congress? A. To punish those who do not pay taxes B. To create courts inferior to the Supreme Court C. To coin money and regulate its value D. Both b and cQUESTION 5Which of the following implied powers below stemmed from the expressed power to raise armies? A. To restrict the mailing of certain items through the post office B. To draft citizens into the army C. To develop the minimum wage D. None of the aboveQUESTION 6Which of the following is a war time expressed power of Congress? A. To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining the Militia B. 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