which types of natural processes have assisted in the geological evolution of earth?


Answer 1
Bdjsbdidmoemsoanabsis e s

Related Questions

One of the MOST important motives for the European imperialism in Africa in the late 1800s
was what?
Africa provided a source of religious conversion of Africans to Islam.
Africa provided a source of new technology to gain from Africans.
Africa provided a source of slaves for the American colonies.
Africa provided a source of raw materials used in industry,





The colonies had already become the USA in the 1800s, so that's not it. Africa did not have new technology to offer, and conversion to Islam was not a factor in imperialism. Africa provided diamond, salt, sugar, gold, iron, etc......

Virginia agreed to give up their claims on the Northwest Territory in exchange for
A. Money
B. A portion of Ohio being set aside for Virginian troops
C. Not allowing Connecticut to claim any of the land.
D. Votes for their candidate in the next election.​




Virginia's legislature relinquished its land claims on January 2, 1781. It imposed conditions that required the Congress to: reimburse the state for the costs of the expedition led by George Rogers Clark to capture the British forts west of the Ohio River.

Which of the following was one goal of propaganda during WW1


Answer: Just chose one

to mobilize hatred against the enemy; to convince the population of the justness of the cause; to enlist the active support and cooperation of neutral countries; and to strengthen the support of allies.:


To get the people of either Germany or the U.S to support the soliders at war.  


WW1 was a total war, which means that all the people of both America and Germany  were involved. The goal of the propoganda was to get the women and childern at home to help the soliders at war by donating money, working in the factories while they were away, and taking care of the children.

2. What does Romeo compare Juliet to when he sees her?

O A. The sun

O B. The moon

O c. Arose

O D. The night sky​


Romeo compares Juliet's eyes to the stars because her beauteous eyes glisten in the moonlight like stars.

10,500 B.C. was how many years ago?






The Universal Declaration of Human Rights includes which basic rights? Check all that apply.
-freedom of religion
-right to a fair trial
-right to live in a democracy
-right to punish violators
-freedom from slavery
-right to government participation



freedom of religion

right to a fair trial

freedom from slavery

right to government participation


The Universal Declaration of Human Rights includes which basic rights has thirty rights for humans regardless of which country or continent they found themselves in.

Considering the available options, it contains freedom of religion, the right to a fair trial, freedom from slavery, right to government participation.

Some other rights include " a free and fair word" "right to education" "right to copyrights" etc.


A,B,E,F on edge 2020


got it right

How did Askia Muhammad improve the Songhai Kingdom?



He conquered more land for the Songhai Kingdom.


1) The statement above was most likely prompted by which of the
following world events?
A Cuban revolt against Spanish control.
B Austria-Hungary's declaration of war against Siberia.
C Mussolini's invasion of Ethiopia.
D Adolph Hitler's invasion of Poland.

2) Which of the following statements is most accurate?
A. American involvement in World War I was an extension of a
long tradition of involvement overseas.
B. American intervention in World War I was a direct result of
“dollar diplomacy."
C. After World War I, debates intensified over American
involvement overseas
D. After World War I, Americans generally favored the new era of
American involvement overseas.


Answer: the first part is b


If you know about this and know the answer than answer plz if not don't answer :)
how does the trail of Death change Equa-Ke-Sec's life?



It probably changed that person's life because it impacted them on a personal level/ emotional level. It affected that person in a way that only that person might understand. Hope this helped?


All of the following were reasons why the U.S. entered the Vietnam War, EXCEPT.

Question 2 options:

Domino Theory

Containment Policy

Gulf of Tonkin Incident

Indochina War


Indochina War is the answer

Which diagram most accurately explains changes in media over time?



The development of the web led to A change in who controlled which stories and opinions were published



The diagram D most accurately explains changes in media over time, that is, The development of the web led to A change in who controlled which stories and opinions were published.

What is mean by Media?

The word "medium" is pluralized to "media," which (generally speaking) refers to any method of communication. This covers everything from printed paper to digital data and covers information in the forms of art, news, education, and a wide range of other things. It comprises print and digital newspapers, magazines, billboards, radio, television, the Internet, fax machines, and telephone.

what is web

A web, often known as a website, is a collection of web pages and related material that is published on at least one web server and given a shared domain name. Websites.  Web provide information, You can locate information rapidly online, speak with people worldwide, manage your finances, shop from home, stream music and films, and do a tonne of other things. it change the pervious scenario to control everything which should published or which is not.

hence option D is correct.

to learn more about web here;



Which American policy encouraged Americans to invest in Latin America?

A. The Fourteen Points

B. The Roosevelt Corollary

C. The Open Door Policy

D. Dollar Diplomacy



Dollar Diplomacy


Dollar diplomacy, known as "[a] policy aimed at furthering the interests of the United States abroad by encouraging the investment of U.S. capital in foreign countries", was initiated by President William Taft.



Dollar diplomacy,  A policy aimed at furthering the interests of the United States abroad by encouraging the investment of U.S. capital in foreign countries", was initiated by President William Taft.

What acts of bravery did Harriet Tubman do to help others for



Harriet Tubman risked her life on multiple occasions to save the lives of other slaves. She freed and helped many slaves escape their cruel captures. She was also a “conductor" of the Underground Railroad. Tubman also served as a scout, spy, guerrilla soldier, and nurse for the Union Army during the Civil War.

List at least THREE reasons some of the African American representatives were determined to be unable to serve​


Hello. Your question is incomplete, which makes it difficult for it to be answered correctly. However, I will try to help you in the best possible way.

If you are referring to African-Americans who were considered unable to serve at the national congress. This happened due to prejudice, the belief that blacks did not have full political knowledge and the attempt by white politicians not to allow the black population to have political representation, as a way to keep the white population superior and dominant.

After analyzing the excerpt from The Great German Pilgrimage of 1064 - 1065, respond to the question below.
• Do you think the response from local Arab forces was justified upon seeing a large number of unknown
travelers heading their way?

• Why or why not?
• Use evidence from the reading to support your argument



No, i don't think that.


Answer- No I don't think that.

. Who captured the strategic city of Byzantium in Turkey and renamed it Constantinople?​



Mehmed II


Mehmed II. An Ottoman sultan who, at the age of 21, conquered Constantinople and brought an end to the Eastern Roman Empire.

In 324, the ancient city of Byzantium was renamed “New Rome” and declared the new capital of the Roman Empire by Emperor Constantine the Great, after whom it was renamed, and dedicated on 11 May 330.

Why was food processing (such as canned foods) a great innovation for food technology in the 1920s?​



Food processing allowed food to be preserved for a longer period.


Food processing turns out to be a great innovation for food technology in 1920 because it allowed food to be preserved for a longer period without getting rotten. Food with preservative was put in a can so they could last longer and eaten in off-seasons. Canned food was also used during war times.

Who were the people of the Middle Ages afraid of?



Bubonic plague


Most Chinese governments after the Han dynasty used civil service exams to select people for positions within the government. How did these exams contribute to the success and stability of China throughout the Middle Ages?
The people who wanted government jobs took the exams as a formality-to make it seem that they were qualified for the job.
The people who could pass the tests generally had the knowledge and skills to fulfill their duties as goverment officials.
The people from wealthy, powerful families attended the best schools and therefore maintained their power in society.
The people who finished the test in the allotted time could be expected to work quickly to accomplish tasks.



The people who could pass the tests generally had the knowledge and skills to fulfill their duties as goverment officials.


The other answer was incorrect, and I got it incorrect the second try; this was the correct answer revealed

The people who could pass the civil service generally had the knowledge and skills to fulfill their duties as government officials. Thus, option B is correct.

What is the Han dynasty?

The second-greatest royal dynasty in Chinese history was the Han Dynasty which resulted in a boom in Chinese history. It was as a time of rapid advancement in science, culture, and the economy that helped shape the development of the Chinese civilization.

Chinese governments after the Han dynasty used civil service exams where the people of China from every class and section either rich or poor can give the exam and based on that result they were given posts in the Chinese empire.

The people qualified will be given posts and would help in governing the country, which resulted in constancy and success in the chines empire. Therefore, option B is the correct option.

Learn more about Han dynasty, here:



List four contributions of the ancient Greeks to future civilization .


1. Math

2. Science

3. Literature

4. Philosophy

To phrase this in a sentence, you could say that the Ancient Greeks made important contributions to future civilization by their contributions to math, science, literature and philosophy.


Where did the bloodiest race riots in U.S. history occur?






Answer: Detroit

Explanation: Technically the answer is Chicago, but because that is not an answer, Detroit is the next best one.


ummm in the North the worst race riots erupted in Chicago and in Omaha, Nebraska.

25 points. What impact did the pre-Socratic philosophers have on Western civilization? What are some specific examples?



As the first philosophers, they emphasized the rational unity of things and rejected supernatural explanations, instead seeking natural principles at work in the world and human society. The pre-Socratics saw the world as a kosmos, an ordered arrangement that could be understood via rational inquiry.


Help me please I really need this
What European ideas led to colonial resistance?


Answer: Taxes??? Sorry if im wrong

Charlie’s nose looks just like his grandfather’s nose. This is an example of



Which of the following was a cause of the War of 1812 according to James Madison?

Check all that apply.

High taxes

Killed Americans with our border

Impressment of American sailors


Supplying Natives with weapons


What did u get on this ? I need this

Which of the following was not a provision of the 1899 Open Door policy?
A) The policy was only extended to the United States, Great Britain, France, and Germany.
B) The Chinese government alone was permitted to collect taxes on trade.
C) Every nation had permission to use a treaty port for free unless it was controlled by another country.
D) No nation with specific control over a port was excused from paying railroad or harbor fees.



The policy was only extended to the United States, Great Britain, France, and Germany.

Explanation: A

took the test, this was the right answer

You deposit $4000 in an account that pays 2.88% annual interest. Find the balance after 2 years when the interest is compounded





A = $ 4,236.87

A = P + I where

P (principal) = $ 4,000.00

I (interest) = $ 236.87

This is the formula:

A = P(1 + r/n)nt

A = 4,000.00(1 + 0.0024/12)(12)(2)

A = $ 4,236.87




the answer is (C) 분류: 오흐브히그드 주분류흐브히그드 주

Which women’s rights leader was arrested for voting in a presidential election?
A. Lucretia Mott
B. Susan b. Anthony
C. Elizabeth cady Stanton
D. Sojourner truth


I believe Susan B Anthony
it’s Susan B anthony

What did the Missouri Territory ask Congress for?
It's due tomorrow!!! Plz help, otherwise i'll fail this assignment!!!



Missouri's bid to become the first state west of the Mississippi River, and to allow slavery within its borders, set off a bitter debate in a Congress that was like the nation itself already divided into pro- and anti-slavery factions. During the debate.


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