Which transition best fits the blank in the passage?
A. Nevertheless
B. In time
C. One afternoon
D. On the one hand

Which Transition Best Fits The Blank In The Passage?A. NeverthelessB. In TimeC. One AfternoonD. On The


Answer 1
The transition that best fits should be: In time
Answer 2

Answer: Nevertheless


Which Transition Best Fits The Blank In The Passage?A. NeverthelessB. In TimeC. One AfternoonD. On The

Related Questions

At the end of scene 4, Amanda pleads with Tom to

join the Merchant Marines to help better support the family.

find a suitable co-worker to become Laura's "gentleman caller."

stop reading D.H. Lawrence's novels.

write a letter to his father explaining their predicament.

Amanda believes that Tom's craze for adventure can be found

in Tom's books

at the movies

in his career

through travel

In scene 4, when Laura leaves to go get butter

she stumbles on the fire escape, her fall symbolizing her inability to cope with the world outside the tiny apartment

she is accosted by a mugger, the attack symbolizing her vulnerability to predatory men

she forgets the way home, indicating that she is experiencing the first symptoms of insanity

she has a horrible nervous breakdown, showing how incapable she is of coping with other people

The motif of Reality vs. Illusion/Escape can attach itself to all of the following events except:

Tom's incessant need to go to the movies.

Laura's reoccurring nightmares about her typing instructor.

The memories Amanda shares about her seventeen "gentleman callers."

Laura's focus on her collection of glass animals and worn out records.


yes it was at the movies hope this helps

At the end of scene 4, Amanda pleads with Tom to join the Merchant Marines to help better support the family. This is because Amanda believes that Tom's restlessness and desire for adventure can be channeled into a career at sea.

What Amanda believes?

Amanda believes that Tom's craze for adventure can be found in Tom's books. She sees his love for literature, particularly the works of D.H. Lawrence, as a reflection of his longing for excitement and a different way of life. She encourages him to find a balance between his literary pursuits and his responsibilities to the family.

In scene 4, when Laura leaves to go get butter, she stumbles on the fire escape, her fall symbolizing her inability to cope with the world outside the tiny apartment. This moment highlights Laura's fragile and delicate nature, as well as her difficulty in navigating the challenges of the outside world. It underscores her anxiety and fear of venturing beyond the safety of her home.

The motif of Reality vs. Illusion/Escape can attach itself to all of the following events except Tom's incessant need to go to the movies. Tom's frequent visits to the movies serve as a form of escape from the harsh reality of his life. They provide him with a temporary refuge and a means of avoiding his responsibilities.

Learn more about Merchant Marines at:



Which mode(s) of novel emphasize(s) the terrifying and the sublime? romanticism realism naturalism romanticism and realism romanticism and naturalism realism and naturalism



It's romanticism.


The mode of novel that emphasizes the terrifying and the sublime is Romanticism, a literary movement that focused on feelings rather than reason.

Characteristics of Romanticism

The literary movement known as Romanticism developed as a reaction to the previous movement, Enlightenment. Whereas the latter was all about reason, the former focused on feelings.

The following are characteristics of Romantic novels:

Emphasis on both the terrifying and the sublime.Use of symbolism.Focus on individuality.The use of a somber or a cheerful tone.Focus on nature.

With the information above in mind, we can choose Romanticism as the correct answer for this question.

Learn more about Romanticism here:



please help me

change the following sentences from direct to indirect.
"I'm hungry," said tom
A: Tom said he was hungry.

1. "I'm working in a hospital," he said.


2. "We had a great dinner last night," he said.


3. "I'm from Australia," Patricia said.


4. "I'm happy," he said.


5. "I slept on the couch," he said.




Tommy is working in the hospital

Tome said they had a great dinner last night

Patricia is from Australia

Josh said he is happy

Nathan slept on the couch last night~ sucks to be him~



1. He said that he was working in a hospital

2. He said that they had had a great dinner the night before.

3.Patricia said that she was from Australia.

4. He said that he was happy.

5.He said that he had slept on the couch.

Please help me I ask you I am very stressed



1. i wouldn't be here for you.

2. i could be just like you

3. i would fly to you

4. i would understand you

5. you felt like the way i do


But im not sure what second conditional means. IM SO SORRY IF ITS WRONG! Im just putting examples u can use im not sure if it would help but it works! i think but hope ur not stressed anymore!

riddle: I turn everything but I don't move. what am I? ​





This poem is an example of which of the following?

The beach was great.
Swimming in the deep water,
sunshine and fun

A. Sonnet
B. Cinquain
C. Haiku
D. Limerick


I believe the answer is haiku^^




Can someone please help me with questions 3 & 4?:/



3: if your calling a human any one of those animal names you are insulting them. these animal names have a negative connotation when they are compared to human beings. For instance if u call a person a rat, it means they are untrustworthy. A pig a derogatory term for an unclean person.

4: dog goes "bark" rooster goes "kaka doodle doo" bird goes "chirp" frog goes "glump" these sounds are the onomatopoeia. hope this helps!

death penalty essay



yea so just argue if you are for or against it...

and then find evidence to back ur claims up

The Death Penalty should not be abolished. The death penalty has been successful for thousands of years. It is effective because it deters criminals from committing serious crimes, it is quick, painless and cost effective, it also appeases the victims’ families.

A jail term will not be a deterrent for those who have committed serious crimes. Mu*derers, kidn*ppers, ra*ists, or dr*g lords should know that if found guilty, they would be given the death penalty. This should make them think twice before committing brutal acts of crime. Some countries and states that have abolished the death penalty were forced to revert back to the lethal punishment when they couldn’t keep the rising crime rates under control. States like Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, Arizona, California, Utah and Washington still send hardcore criminals to die, by gas inhalation, lethal injection or hanging. Criminals know that committing serious crimes can lead to the death penalty. If they still dare commit such crimes, then they should be held responsible and made to face the law. When the innocent become victims of horrendous crimes, it’s only fair that the criminals are not let off the hook.

Furthermore, It is true that even with the threat of the death penalty, violent crimes are committed with exemption. Dr*g traffickers and pushers operate freely; and the threat of gang fights, r*pe, m*rder, armed robbery and kidn*pping under the influence of drugs as well as dr*g-related disputes are ever present. But what more of the country abolishes the death penalty?

H*ll will break loose, and more criminals will dare to commit serious crimes. There will also be a free flow of dr*gs that will destroy social order. The opinion that even the death penalty has not deterred criminals from committing serious crimes cannot be an excuse to get rid of said law.

Next, the thought to abolish the death penalty has to be carefully studied. The death penalty is still needed when a country is littered with crimes that can create fear in criminals, as well as hope in citizens. Humanitarians, practicing lawyers, and others who push for abolishing capital punishment should not be so concerned about about the lives of m*rderers, r*pists, kiddn*ppers, and dr*g traffickers, and ignore the countless numbers of violent deaths of victims who were innocent caused by these criminals. Without the death penalty it could give criminals the wrong idea, such as disgusting and disturbing crimes not being taken seriously with punishment. The repeal of the death penalty treats all murders as the same. Once a person commits a single act of murder, each additional murder is a freebie.

On the other hand, some would say the death penalty is r*cist, inhumane, and outright wrong. But, crime has nothing to do with race, gender, sexulaity, etc. If you’re a bad person commiting crimes, that's just who they are. The death Penalty stops criminals from committing serious crimes. In no way should a person take or torture an innocent life, and not have any repercussion for what they did.

In conclusion, abolishing the death penalty will only send the wrong signal to those who have the tendency to commit horrible crimes. Sparing the lives of hardcore criminals for humanitarian reasons will only cause more misery for others. It will see a rise of serious crimes in our society, further impairing the nation.


you will have to go thru and get rid of the *, it wouldnt let me publish without the words blocked  

"There are wrongs which even the grave does nat bury. "

what does that qoute tell us ?​



I think this means that the Wrongs can be fixed before they die



To not hate on people


I hope this helps.

read any book and describe the main character or write something intresting you read abt the book write 5 sentences. ​​



The Reason I Jump by Naoki Higashida


This book is an autobiography written by a 13-year-old boy from Japan about what it is like to live with autism. The way autistic people view the world is very different than the way we may perceive them to view the world. This disconnect between how we view and treat people with autism and how they actually view the world makes living with autism even more difficult.

Supporters of rent control say that it ___ the price of renting an apartment.
does not change


I believe the answer is raises ><

what is the meaning of subtly


Answer: Subtly means soft, or acting softly, or gracefully


why does Montag keep repeating "Lillies"



they will people too,but they can keep the reality

thank me later

keep safe and keep healty

Q : rewrite the following sentences,changing the tense if the underlined verbs from the present to perfect ?
1. Tony _______ home from school . (Walks )
2. Sara ________ potatoes for dinner.(bakes)
3.Taha_________ beautiful pictures.(paints)
4. Afia ________ all the time in class .( Talks )
5.The baby________ in its pram.( Cries)



1. Tony has walked from home to school.

2. Sara has baked potatoes for dinner.

3. Taha has painted beautiful pictures.

4. Afia has talked all the time in class.

5. The baby has cried in its pram.


Changing a tense from the present to the perfect requires the use of the present perfect tense structure "has/have+ third form of the verb." This means that depending on the subject, we have to insert has/have along with the past participle form of the verb.

The sentences with a changed verb tense are as below-

1. Tony has walked from home to school.

2. Sara has baked potatoes for dinner.

3. Taha has painted beautiful pictures.

4. Afia has talked all the time in class.

5. The baby has cried in its pram.

What is this sonnet by William Shakespeare about?
O Life
O A beautiful woman
The summer



‘Sonnet 121’ by William Shakespeare is a poem about being true to one’s self, admiring mistakes, and corruption. Throughout this poem, the speaker makes his position in regard to hypocrisy and honesty quite clear.


All of the following are general reasons for producing media texts except
A. entertaining an audience
B. informing people
C. promoting media literacy
D. persuading consumers​



uhm i'd say C.

Explanation: because they wouldn't want to tell ppl ab other things they would just want promo's?

what is the theme of the book just a drop of water.
Please give me an answer or i will die



JUST A DROP OF WATER is powerful and timely and it should be on all middle school lists. Jake and Sam are two best friends whose lives and friendship are turned upside down as a direct result of the horrific events of 9/11. It's the story about friendship, doing what's right, and not giving in to anger and fear.


We continue to struggle with differences between people in this world.

Which of these statements is ironic?
1. Always remember that you are absolutely unique--just like everyone else.
2.Everyone wants to be unique, but really we are all just the same.
3.Being unique is not as important as many people think--it's better to be well-liked.
4.Every person is unique in some way that is individual to them.


Statement #1 should be the correct answer

Among the given statements, the statement that is ironic is always remember that you are absolutely unique--just like everyone else. The correct answer is option 1.

Statements are declarative sentences that express a fact, opinion, or idea. They can be either true or false, and they are used to communicate information or convey a message.

Statement 1 is ironic because it presents a contradiction. It suggests that while everyone is unique, they are also the same as everyone else. This is an example of situational irony, where the outcome is different from what is expected.

In conclusion, statement 1 is ironic because it presents a contradiction, while the other statements do not.

Learn more about Statements here:



If the text that introduces a quote is not a complete sentence, which punctuation mark should you use between that text and your quotation?

- colon
- a semicolon
- a dash
- a comma



a comma


A comma is the punctuation mark that can be used between the text and your quotation. So, it's D.

What do you mean by Punctuation marks?

Punctuation marks may be defined as those symbolic representations that are utilized in writing distinct sentences and their components to clarify meaning. It includes comma, semicolon, dash, colon, etc.

A comma is used to give a small break during the sentence which makes the meaning clear and sensational.

Therefore, a comma is the punctuation mark that can be used between the text and your quotation. So, it's D.

To learn more about Punctuation marks, refer to the link:



2. PART B: Which detail from the text best supports the answer to
Part A?
Commonlit : Can television be considered literature and taught in English classes

A "The idea of television as a form of literature that should be
taught in classrooms remains controversial." ( Paragraph 4)
B “Together, these three changes ushered in the golden era of
television, allowing TV shows to tell more complex stories." (
Paragraph 5)
C "When novels deal with similar themes, they are not visual.
TV shows place those themes directly before the viewer." (
Paragraph 8)
D "Using these written materials, television can be taught in
schools without sacrificing reading and writing skills or
exposing students to graphic images." ( Paragraph 18)


Answer: B “Together, these three changes ushered in the golden era of

television, allowing TV shows to tell more complex stories


8. We know Romeo and Juliet got married, but many other characters do not.
a. Dramatic Irony
b. Situational Irony
c. Verbal Irony
d. Figurative Irony
NO LINK please



A. Dramatic Irony



b. Situational Irony


Situational irony is a literary technique in which an expected outcome does not happen, or its opposite happens instead. Situational irony requires one's expectations to be thwarted and is also sometimes called an irony of events. The outcome can be tragic or humorous, but it is always unexpected.

write a set of rules and regulations for a department store.​


Answer: Generate an idea and business plan

Choose a name for your retail store

Cover your legal basics

Find the right location

Create a personalized experience

Build vendor relationships

Explore marketing opportunities

Plan for a grand opening


a set of rules and regulations are Receipt of incoming packets after inspection, Identification, short-term holding, and transporting items when necessary.

What are the rules and regulations?

Rules are recommendations and directions for performing a task correctly. It was developed to control behavior inside a community or nation. They resemble principles in writing. In contrast, guidelines are instructions issued in addition to a nation's laws.

The  set of rules and regulations for a department store are as follows:

Finally, records control and material accounting.

shipping and packaging

Create a company strategy and an idea.

Pick a name for your retail business.

Refresh your legal knowledge

Locate the proper place

Make the experience individualized

build relationships with suppliers

Investigate marketing possibilities

Create a big opening plan.

Learn more about rules and regulations, Here:



What do the details in this excerpt from "The Leap" most clearly
Sometimes, as I sit sewing in the room of the rebuilt house in which I slept as a child, I hear the crackle, catch a whiff of smoke from the stove downstairs, and suddenly the room goes dark, the stitches burn beneath my fingers, and I am sewing with a needle of hot silver, a thread of fire.

A the narrator's returning to live with her elderly mother
the memory of the fire that the narrator escaped
the revelation of the mother's blindness in later life
the story of the mother's time in the hospital

help asap!!



it's B.


there's fire :/

I hope this helps

She has never disturbed an item or as much as brushed a magazine onto the floor. The inquiries beneath allude to the determination The Leap. The line in the story most obviously foretells the fire is that She has never vexed an item or as much as brushed a magazine onto the floor.

What is summary of The Leap?

Loom and Spindle, or Life Among the Early Mill Girls is a book composed by Harriet Hanson Robinson. It tells about her encounters as a plant laborer and the open doors for ladies presented by the factories.

Her mom ensured that she didn't actually acknowledge they were poor and liked it to remain as such, and when somebody focused on her girl's their destitution, she chose to dispose of that impact from her life. That's what the storyteller values.

The storyteller doesn't discuss her work at school. She makes reference to it, yet it isn't the central matter. She doesn't show shame or hatred, by the same token.

For more information about The Leap, refer the following link:



What are Atticus Finches weaknesses?​



Atticus Finches weaknesses is he failed to see,at least initially, that it was important to protect Boo Radley from Maycomb


The obvious example is his defense of Tom Robinson not only at court, but also in the face of a mob. As for weaknesses, there is only one that I can think of. At the end of the novel, he failed to see, at least initially, that it was important to protect Boo Radley from Maycomb



Read this excerpt from Levitt and Dubner’s Freakonomics.

The incentive scheme that rules sumo is intricate and extraordinarily powerful. Each wrestler maintains a ranking that affects every slice of life; how much money he makes, how large an entourage he carries, how much he gets to eat, sleep, and otherwise take advantage of his success. The sixty-six highest-ranked wrestlers in Japan, comprising the makuuchi and juryo divisions, make up the sumo elite. A wrestler near the top of this elite pyramid may earn millions and is treated like royalty. Any wrestler in the top forty earns at least $170,000 a year. The seventieth-ranked wrestler in Japan, meanwhile, earns only $15,000 a year. Life isn’t very sweet outside the elite. Low-ranked wrestlers must tend to their superiors, preparing their meals and cleaning their quarters and even soaping up their hardest-to-reach body parts. So ranking is everything.

A wrestler’s ranking is based on his performance in the elite tournaments that are held six times a year. Each wrestler has fifteen bouts per tournament, one per day over fifteen consecutive days. If he finishes the tournament with a winning record (eight victories or better), his ranking will rise. If he has a losing record, his ranking falls. If it falls far enough, he is booted from the elite rank entirely. The eighth victory in any tournament is therefore critical, the difference between promotion and demotion; it is roughly four times as valuable in the rankings as the typical victory.

Based on the excerpt, which of the following statements best summarizes the incentive system that ranks sumo wrestlers?
The incentive system penalizes elite sumo wrestlers.
The incentive system rewards elite sumo wrestlers.
The incentive system treats all sumo wrestlers equally.
The incentive system treats all sumo wrestlers like royalty.



the answer is D.) The incentive system treats all sumo wrestlers like royalty.


Based on what you learned about Gothic conventions, elements, and themes, explain what interests you and other readers who are drawn to this popular literary genre. Some examples of questions that you might consider as you formulate your response are: Is it the terror that makes Gothic fiction popular? Do you think reading about "liminal states" is more interesting than reading about a person's normal state? You can give examples of some favorite Gothic stories to support your point about why Gothic works are so popular among readers. ​





Submit the analysis questions after reading "The Boarded Window."
1. Describe the physical setting of the story. Which words or descriptions contribute to the emotional setting
or mood? What is the mood that results from the author's use of description?
2. What is the theme? How do the final lines of the story influence the meaning or theme of the story?
3. What techniques does the author use to create a surprise ending?
4. Were you surprised by the twist? If so, why? If not, what should the author have done to make the ending
more surprising and effective?
5. What was your experience in reading this story? Did it evoke fear or physically have an effect on you? Why
or why not?



wanting to learn more and to know more.

12. What does the metaphor in the following line from a pair of silk stockings mean? She counted the money out to the waiter and left an extra coin on his tray, whereupon he bowed before her as before a princess of royal blood.

A) the waiter is mocking her

B) he is appreciative of the extra coin on his tray

C) he believes that she is royalty since she left an extra coin

D) the waiter sees through Mrs. Sommers and knows that she doesn’t come from money.


sounds like the answer would be B

The setting in this excerpt helps make the folktale
Read the excerpt from "Why Alligator Hates Dog."
Dog loved a good chase, so he couldn't resist leaping
off the porch in hot pursuit. What he didn't know was
that this rabbit was crafty: he led Dog right, then left,
then straight to a deep hole. The rabbit jumped over
the hole, knowing full well that Dog wouldn't see the
hole and would tumble right into it. That hole just
happened to be an alligator den, and guess who had
made it his home?
O comical.
O mysterious.
O suspenseful.




Sorry if this is wrong






1. Pablo isn’t a teacher.

2. She’s isn’t a nurse.

3. Paola and Robert’s not sad.

4. Pepe are’t happy.

5. We aren’t happy. ayudaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa



only 1 is correct


Paola and Robert aren't sad

pepe isn't happy

she isn't a burse


1, 2, 5 are correct.


Other Questions
EXPLAIN 2 causes and 2 consequences of the gold rush in California 1849 why was the potsdam confrence important Fabric is on sale for these prices: orange, $3 per yard; blue, $4 per yard; yellow, $2.50 per yard; and white $1.50 per yard. Irma needs to buy 3 different colors of fabric with a total length of 2 yards. She has a budget of $6. What fabrics could she buy? Plz I need your help Samuel wants to buy cookies for his friend. The diameter of a cookie is 20 inches. What is the cookies area? Round to the nearest hundredth 4) Write the equation for the line of best fit shown in the graph below. Show all your work.(3 points) The root word "dermis" refers to the skin. Which term refers to the outside layer of skin?-epidermis-hypodermis-subdermis-tachydermis In BCD, the measure of D=90, the measure of B=26, and DB = 48 feet. Find the length of BC to the nearest tenth of a foot.The length of BC Is ___ ft. David saves money from his teaching job to buy a new boat when he retires in 20 years. The boat will cost $30,000. He has $12,000 in his simple interest savings account. To reach his goal by retirement, david should.A keep his money where it is and be patient B move his money to an IRA or Certificate of Deposit C move his money to a compound interest accountD move his money to a business checking account Please explain how - calc ab - see attached photo how many parts to a virus?1234 Can you help me please Python The Sieve of Eratosthnes PrgramA prime integer is any integer greater than 1 that is evenly divisible only by itself and 1. The Sieve of Eratosthenes is a method of finding prime numbers. It operates as follows:Create a list with all elements initialized to 1 (true). List elements with prime indexes will remain 1. All other elements will eventually be set to zero.Starting with list element 2, every time a list element is found whose value is 1, loop through the remainder of the list and set to zero every element whose index is a multiple of the index for the element with value 1. For list index 2, all elements beyond 2 in the list that are multiples of 2 will be set to zero (indexes 4, 6, 8, 10, etc.); for list index 3, all elements beyond 3 in the list that are multiples of 3 will be set to zero (indexes 6, 9, 12, 15, etc.); and so on.When this process is complete, the list elements that are still set to 1 indicate that the index is a prime number. These indexes can then be printed. Write a program that uses a list of 1000 elements to determine and print the prime numbers between 2 and 999. Ignore element 0 of the list. The prime numbers must be printed out 10 numbers per line.Sample Executions:Prime numbers between 2 and 999 as determined by the Sieve of Eratosthenes. 2 357 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97 101 103 107 109 113 127 131 137 139 149 151 157 163 167 173 179 181 191 193 197 199 211 223 227 229 233 239 241 251 257 263 269 271 277 281 283 293 307 311 313 317 331 337 347 349 353 359 367 373 379 383 389 397 401 409 419 421 431 433 439 443 449 457 461 463 467 479 487 491 499 503 509 521 523 541 547 557 563 569 571 577 587 593 599 601 607 613 617 619 631 641 643 647 653 659 661 673 677 683 691 701 709 719 727 733 739 743 751 757 761 769 773 787 797 809 811 821 823 827 829 839 853 857 859 863 877 881 883 887 907 911 919 929 937 941 947 953 967 971 977 983 991 997 THIS IS URGENT PLZ HELP!!! Find three consecutive EVEN numbers such that: The sum of one sixth of the first number, two sevenths of the second number and one half of the third number equals 54 Please help with french!! I need someone to translate this for me ! Timmy estimated he would spend $9 at the candy store. He went a little over-budget and spent $12. What was the percent error? What kinds of festivals are celebrated by the Kirantis? Each of two stocks, A and B, are expected to pay a dividend of $5 in the upcoming year. The expected growth rate of dividends is 10% for both stocks. You require a rate of return of 11% on stock A and a return of 20% on stock B. The intrinsic value of stock AA. will be greater than the intrinsic value of stock B. B. will be the same as the intrinsic value of stock B. C. will be less than the intrinsic value of stock B. D. cannot be calculated without knowing the market rate of return. How can sodium chloride can be obtained when it mixed with copper (ii) oxide. What kind of cases do each type of court hear?a. Federal Courts:b. State Courts:C. Military Courts:d. Tribal Courts: