Which substances are most likely acids? Check all that apply. CH4, HI, NH3, HNO3, NaCI


Answer 1
Answer is: CH4 and NaCI hope this helps you

Related Questions

5. What is characteristic of an opaque object.​


Not transparent, opaque objects don’t reflect light nor let light through

Sulfuric acid is an important chemical in industrial production of many products. In the “old” days, it was called oil of vitriol. It is commonly dyed brown now to alert people to its hazards because it is hugely corrosive. It is commonly found in car batteries. What is the molarity of 25.9 moles of sulfuric acid dissolved in 4.00 L of solution?



6.475 M


Number of moles = 25.9 moles

Volume = 4.00 L

Molarity = ?

The relationship between the quantities is given as;

Molarity = Number of moles / Volume

Molarity = 25.9 / 4

Molarity = 6.475 M

Balance the following equation: Fe2(SO4)3 + KOH --> K2SO4 + Fe(OH)3

Write the coefficients that you decide to balance the equation like this 3, 4, 3. If you do not add a coefficient in front of an element or compound, use a 1 in your answer. For instance the for this balanced equation: 2H2 + O2 --> 2H2O you would write your answer: 2, 1, 2





Fe2(SO4)3 + 6 KOH = 3 K2SO4 + 2 Fe(OH)3

How many moles of O are in 12.6 mol Fe(NO3)3?
The answer is 113.4, rounded is 113
Explanation: Just multiply 12.6 mol Fe(NO3)3 by 9 ( 9 is the number of O atoms in the equation)


Answer: There are 113 moles of O in 12.6 moles of [tex]Fe(NO_3)_3[/tex]


Given : moles of [tex]Fe(NO_3)_3[/tex] = 113.4

To find : moles of O = ?

1 mole of [tex]Fe(NO_3)_3[/tex] contains = 9 moles of O atoms

Thus 12.6 mole of [tex]Fe(NO_3)_3[/tex] contains = [tex]\frac{9}{1}\times 12.6=113.4[/tex] moles of O atoms

Thus there are 113 moles of O in 12.6 moles of [tex]Fe(NO_3)_3[/tex]

Which statement describes the differences between chemical reactions and nuclear decay rates? Chemical reaction rates vary, but nuclear decay rates are constant. Both chemical reaction rates and nuclear decay rates vary. Nuclear decay rates vary, but chemical reaction rates are constant.



Answer the last one Nuclear decay rates vary, but chemical reaction rates are constant


Correct me if im wrong


Chemical reaction rates vary, but nuclear decay rates are constant.



I have a chemistry writing promp but it’s asking questions here the prompt: What is the empirical formula if you have 36.84% nitrogen and 63.16% oxygen? State three potential molecular formulas from the empirical formula in A. If the molecular formula mass in A is 760 grams/mol, what is the molecular formula? WIll the molecular and empirical formulas in A and D have the same characteristics? Why or why not?



1. Find the empirical formula of a compound that has 36.84% of Nitrogen (N), 63.16% of Oxygen (O).

Secondly, Find molar mass of each component: N=14.0067, O=15.9994

Thirdly, convert to moles: N=2.6301698472874, O=3.9476480368014

Then find smallest mole value: 2.6301698472874

Divide all components my smallest value: N=1, O=1.5009099282591

Then divide by fractional component of each mole value: N=1.9963668986866, O=2.9963668986866

Round to closest whole numbers: N=2, O=3

Lastly, combine to get the empirical formula:N2O3

In a chemical reaction*
1 point
The atoms of the reactants unbond, rearrange, and then rebond to form the products
Some atoms disappear while others multiply to form the products
The atoms of the reactants always stay together to form the products
New atoms are formed which combine to make the products



1st one is correct

The atom of the reactants unbound , rearrange, and then rebond to form the product

hope it helps

In a chemical reaction, the atoms of the reactants unbond, rearrange, and then rebond to form the products. Therefore, option A is correct.

What is chemical reaction ?

Chemical reaction, the transformation of one or more chemicals the reactants into one or more distinct compounds, the products. Chemical elements or chemical compounds make up substances.

Combustion reaction, decomposition reaction, neutralization reaction, redox reaction, precipitation or double-displacement reaction, and synthesis reaction are some of the numerous types of reactions.

In a chemical reaction, bonds between molecules of the reactant are broken and new bonds between molecules of the product are established to create a new substance.

A chemical equation is nothing more than a mathematical statement that represents how reactants form products.

Thus, option A is correct.

To learn more about chemical reaction, follow the link;



Need help ASAP please and thank you


The answer is the second choice

I basically need a thesis statement on how DNA analysis relates to chemistry. The only problem is that I'm having trouble making it 'arguable'. My ideas were:
-DNA analysis relates to chemistry because it applies that knowledge when analyzing the DNA samples left at crime scenes in order to identify the suspect.
-DNA analysis relates to chemistry because it's a subcategory of chemistry, also known as forensic chemistry, where DNA left at crime scenes is analyzed to potentially link a suspect to a crime.
Do either of these sound good and are they arguable? If not can you reword it to be?


The second thesis statement is perfect. It supports the claim and presents main idea.

How many moles of I2 are in 8.23 moles of NaI ?


Answer: 4.12


we know that the given mol is 8.23 mol and they are 2NaI and I2 so we will write the equation like this.

8.23mol NaI x 1mol of I2 ÷ 2molNaI = 4.115≅ 4.12 mol of I2

we placed NaI at the bottom to cancel out with the 8.23 mol of NaI

1. What is WRONG with the setup used by the student to solve this
10 points
If 53.8 grams of Aluminum Carbide is treated with Sodium Oxide, how many moles of Aluminum Oxide is
AlqC3 +6 Na2O + 2 Al2O3 + 3 Nand
53.8 g ALC
1 mole ALC
2 mole Al2O3
101.96g Al2O3
143.92 g AL C3
1 mole ALC
1 mole Al2O3
The student used the wrong mole ratio.
O The student is solving for the wrong unit.
The student used incorrect steps.
The student's setup is correct.



Trump or biden or obama or soba or you or beach

Which of the following could not be an empirical formula? a CaO b CO2 c KCl d C6H12



D. C6H12


An empirical formula means that the chemical formula of a compound has to be in it's simplest whole number form. In this case, D is not an empirical formula because it is able to be simplified to C3H6. All the other answers are simplified to the simplest whole number ratio. Think of it as a fraction being in simplest form.


b CO2 is not an empirical formula.

In the future the universe will most likely



Explanation: The universe is always expanding at all times. It dosnt expand that much though, very little

A is the correct answer

2. How many carbon atoms would be in 2 MOLES of carbon?​



In one mole of carbon , there are 6.02 × 1023 atoms. so in two moles , there will be twice that = 1.204× 1024.

What happens to particles of a substance as its temperature increases?
A the average kinetic energy increases
B the average kinetic energy decreases
C the average kinetic energy stays the same
D nothing happens



A. the average kinetic energy increases


temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a sample of matter

Which of the following samples of baking soda wold react the fastest with
vinegar? *
1 point
they all react at the same rate
O small crystal
small cube


The answer is powder because if it was a small crystal it the molecules are tightly compact same with the small cube but there less compact, powder is loose and more spread out and easier to mix so it would react the fastest

if answered correctly i will give brainlest​


Answer: Earthquake location



Volcano chains and arcs, and earthquake locations

What is true of all mixtures?
Group of answer choices

All mixtures are made up of 2 or more elements or compounds.

All mixtures are made up of solutions

All mixtures are made up of compounds.

All mixtures are made up of elements.



Answer the first ine made up of 2 or more.....

All mixtures are made up of two or more elements or compounds.

What are compounds?

Compound is defined as a chemical substance made up of identical molecules containing atoms from more than one type of chemical element.

Molecule consisting atoms of only one element is not called compound.It is transformed into new substances during chemical reactions. There are four major types of compounds depending on chemical bonding present in them.They are:

1)Molecular compounds where in atoms are joined by covalent bonds.

2) ionic compounds where atoms are joined by ionic bond.

3)Inter-metallic compounds where atoms are held by metallic bonds

4) co-ordination complexes where atoms are held by co-ordinate bonds.

They have a unique chemical structure held together by chemical bonds Compounds have different properties as those of elements because when a compound is formed the properties of the substance are totally altered.

Learn more about compounds,here:



Does pure water conduct electricity? if not, what can we do to make it conducting?​



Pure water does not conduct electricity. This is because pure water do not contain any salts. Pure water can conduct electricity when common salt is added to it, as salt solution is conducting in nature.

do all energy transfers lead to a phase change


Answer: Fusion, vaporization, and sublimation are endothermic processes, whereas freezing, condensation, and deposition are exothermic processes. Changes of state are examples of phase changes, or phase transitions. All phase changes are accompanied by changes in the energy of a system



2. Which gas law is this experiment investigating? How does your graph represent the gas law under investigation?

3. Using your knowledge of the kinetic molecular theory of gases, describe the relationship between volume and temperature of an ideal gas. Explain how this is reflected in your lab data.

4. Pressure and number of moles remained constant during this experiment. If you wanted to test one of these variables in a future experiment, how would you use your knowledge of gas laws to set up the investigation?



2. for number two I asks what the experiment is showing, I need the picture of the experiment.

3.  As temperature increases, the particles will gain kinetic energy causing it to move more rapidly and randomly. However, this causes the gas to expand as the particles will have more energy to roam freely. as temperature increases, Volume increases.

4.  Im not sure D:

On the periodic table, what is a group? For the main groups, what characteristic
do the elements have in common?



The s-, p-, and d-block elements of the periodic table are arranged into 18 numbered columns, or groups. The elements in each group have the same number of valence electrons. As a result, elements in the same group often display similar properties and reactivity.


On the periodic table, a group refers to a vertical column of elements that share similar chemical properties.

For the main groups, the characteristic do the elements have in common is valence electron configuration and chemical reactivity.

On the periodic table, a group refers to a vertical column of elements that share similar chemical properties. These elements are arranged in such a way that they have the same number of valence electrons, which are the electrons in the outermost energy level (shell) of their atoms. The number of valence electrons is a critical factor in determining the chemical behavior and reactivity of elements, as it governs their ability to form chemical bonds with other elements.

Main group elements, also known as representative elements, are located in the s-block and p-block of the periodic table. These elements are found in Groups 1, 2, and 13 to 18. Each main group is labeled with a number from 1 to 18.

Here are the main characteristics that elements in the same main group (vertical column) have in common:

1. Valence Electron Configuration: Elements in the same main group have identical valence electron configurations. For example, elements in Group 1 (alkali metals) all have one valence electron in their outermost energy level (ns¹), while elements in Group 18 (noble gases) have a full outermost energy level.

2. Chemical Reactivity: Due to their identical valence electron configuration, elements in the same group show similar chemical reactivity. They tend to form similar types of chemical bonds and react similarly with other elements to achieve a more stable electron configuration.

3. Periodic Trends: Main group elements within a group exhibit predictable trends in their physical and chemical properties as you move from the top to the bottom of the group. For example, the atomic radius tends to increase, ionization energy tends to decrease, and metallic character tends to increase as you go down a group.

To know more about periodic table here



(Help would be greatly appreciated) What is the molarity of 3 moles of HCl in 3 L of water?
1. 3M
2. 1M
3. 6M
4. 9M



1 M


Molarity is moles per liter (mol/L).

You have 3 moles of HCl in 3 L of water.  Divide the two values.

(3 mol)/(3 L)

= 1 mol/L

= 1 M

Please help me on this.


True will end up being the answer

Answer: true


i hope this helps

Suppose you add water to 6 g of sugar to make a solution with a concentration of 3 g/l What is the total volume of the solution?





At standard pressure, a sample of oxygen occupies 31 ml. What volume does the gas occupy when the pressure is 2 atm?



I don't know


sorry I don't know

What are some potential traits that are needed to become a super athlete?​


Answer: Confidence, strength, potential


[tex] \huge \boxed{ \fcolorbox{black}{pink}{Answer}}[/tex]

20 Distinguishing Personality Traits of High-Performing Athletes

1. Self Confidence. “Self-Confidence” isn't just a phrase for cheesy motivational posters. ...

2. Strong Sense of Motivation. It takes more than a shiny medal or hefty check to motivate the world's best athletes. ...

3. Inner Desire to Succeed. ...

4. Natural Goal Setter. ...

5. Self-Discipline. ...

6. Optimism. ...

7. Sense of Belonging. ...

8. Natural Leader.

Which formula equation represents the burning of sulfur to produce sulfur dioxide?



The balanced reaction that describes the reaction between sulfur and oxygen to produce sulfur dioxide is expressed S(s) + O2 (g) = SO2 (g). In many manufacturing plants, sulfur dioxide is furhter reacted to oxygen to form sulfur trioxide then added with water to produce sulfuric acid.

Explanation: The balanced reaction that describes the reaction between sulfur and oxygen to produce sulfur dioxide is expressed S(s) + O2 (g) = SO2 (g).


The balanced reaction that describes the reaction between sulfur and oxygen to produce sulfur dioxide is expressed S(s) + O2 (g) = SO2 (g). In many manufacturing plants, sulfur dioxide is further reacted to oxygen to form sulfur trioxide then added with water to produce sulfuric acid.

Which of the following factors would affect the rate at which the stages of death happen

C.If the person was sick
D.All of the choice would affect the rate


All of the choices would affect the rate
D. all of the choices

what is computer hardware in short?​



computer hardware is a collection of a physical part of a computer system

examples = CPU , monitor , mouse etc

Other Questions
Which of these processes do not occur as a part of the cell cycle in the animal cells pls help pls i will make u a brainliest if its correct This is part two of the story, Feathers Away I would love to hear your opinion Mr. Taylor has 24 sports trophies. Of the trophies, 18 are wrestling trophies. How manywrestling trophies does Mr. Taylor have? As Huong learns to talk, her brain is also developing theability to hear sounds and to make fine mouthmovements, both of which are needed to understandand make speech. This is an example of how differentdimensions of development:A. are distinct.B. are the same.C. overlap. (correct answer) D. cancel each other out.THE ANSWER IS OVERLAP PLEASE HELP ME No one knows exactly when the first people came to the Guadalupe Mountains in far west Texas, but archaeological evidence dates back over 10,000 years ago. The earliest inhabitants were hunter-gatherers who followed available game and ripening vegetation. They lived in and among the many caves and alcoves common throughout the range. Scattered evidence of their existence, including projectile points, baskets, pottery, and rock art has been found throughout the mountain range. Since then, many different groups have moved in and out of the area, including the Spanish who arrived by the mid 1500s. There is little evidence of any attempts on their part to penetrate the Guadalupes. No large-scale settlements have been located. Their influence was significant, though, because they introduced horses into the area. For the bands of Apaches who roamed freely over much of the southwest, horses quickly became an asset to their nomadic lifestyle. The Mescalero Apaches followed game, much as the earlier peoples had done, and they also harvested the agave (or mescal) for food and fiber. Mescalero is the name given to them by the Spanish. It means mescal-maker. Agave roasting pits and other remains of Mescalero campsites are common in the mountains. Prior to the mid 1800's, the Guadalupes remained an unchallenged sanctuary for the Mescalero Apaches. But newly established transportation routes, and the end of the Civil War, encouraged droves of pioneers, homesteaders, miners, and numerous others to head west. In the mid 1800s, explorers were commissioned to look for possible emigrant routes to the west. The proposed transcontinental railroad expected to follow one of these routes. Although these surveying expeditions would never lead to a railroad through Guadalupe Pass, they did provide the first extensive studies of the Guadalupe region. In 1858, a horse-changing station was constructed near Pine Springs for the Butterfield Overland Mail. To protect their investments, the stage line and settlers in the area demanded protection from the military. Several cavalry troops were ordered in and out of the area to halt Indian raids and secure settlements along the stage route. In the winter of 1869, troops lead by Lt. H.B. Cushing penetrated the Guadalupes and destroyed two primary Apache camps. These aggressive actions were devastating to the Mescaleros who were already facing food shortages within their increasingly limited land base. They were eventually driven out of the Guadalupes. By the late 1800's, nearly all of the surviving Mescalero Apaches in the United States were living on reservations. Permanent settlements in the Guadalupes were not common though, even after the final displacement of the Mescaleros. The Butterfield stage route through the Guadalupes was abandoned in less than a year for a more favorable course along a string of army forts to the south. Most settlers found the range (and its limited water sources) too rugged and inhospitable. The first permanent ranch house was constructed in 1876 by the Rader brothers. Now called Frijole Ranch, it served as residence for several families through the years. And, as the only major building complex in the region (for several decades), it served as a community center and regional post office from 1916-1942. Today, the Frijole Ranch House has been restored and operates as a cultural museum.Drag each label to the correct location on the image.Determine which details should be included in a summary of the passage and which details should be omitted from the summary. Spaniards came to the mountains in the mid-sixteenth century.Ancient pottery and rock art have been found in the mountains. The people who lived in the mountains were hunter-gatherers.Many of the early residents lived in caves.Evidence shows that the mountains were inhabited over 10,000 years ago. PLS HELP ! URGENT will mark brainliest Can somebody also help with this? Sorry I just don't comprehend word problems Use "A Baseball School for Big-League Dreamers" to answer this question.Which sentence correctly describes the organizational pattern used by the authors of the selections?Please helppppp Does anyone know the answer?????? if x=4y then what percentage of 2x is 2y Actuators drive everything that moves on a competition robot. The mostcommon type of actuator in this application is a motor; in particular, VEXRobots utilize____Motors. *A)Direct SpeedB)Direct CurrentC)Free CurrentD)Direct Circulating read any book and describe the character or something interesting about the character5 sentences what kind of line is y =-x?key worddnt take school seriously Use trigonometry to find the value of x. Round your answer to the nearest whole degree what act by Germany ( to Mexico) forced U.S to declare war on Germany in 1917 2. The students have to study. 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