Which structure does the immune system target in type 1 diabetes?
a. beta cells of the pancreas
b. liver cells that release glucose
c. insulin receptors on fat cells
d. red blood cells in the bloodstream


Answer 1


The thymus plays an important role in deletion of potentially autoreactive T cells. However, the presence of islet-specific T cells in the circulation of type 1 diabetes patients and healthy subjects indicates that the thymus is not capable of efficiently deleting all autoreactive T cells (Mathis and Benoist 2009).


Answer 2


A: beta cells of the pancreas


Type 1 diabetes makes the pancreas produce little to no insulin.

Related Questions

11 A scientist transfers a fragment of genetic material from one organism to
another organism of a different species. What is this process called?
F artificial selection
H genetic engineering
I asexual reproduction
G selective breeding



H) Genteic Engineering

Hi i was wondering what a strong CER would be for the following scientific question:
‘How does gene expression differ between human fibroblasts and induced pluripotent stem cells (IPS cells)?’
I’ll attach an image of the table I used



hey im working on the same thing, i'm also very confused, but the genes preform different functions

it is a swollen structure at the end of a style​



Stigma is the swollen structure at the end of a style.

In other words, stigma is the entrance to the pollen grains or as the landing platform for the pollen grains.


Please give me brainlist


Stigma is the swollen structure at the end of a style.


please give brainliest ⭐

Name 4 examples of national government departments​



Ministry of climate change, Ministry of Commerce and Textile Industry, Ministry of Communications and Ministry of Defense


Ministry of climate change, Ministry of Commerce and Textile Industry, Ministry of Communications and Ministry of Defense are the four departments of national government. Every department has their own functions and responsibilities which is done by the officials of that departments. These departments has a great role in running of the government efficiently.

Fossils are often hardened remains of organisms that once lived, such as a bone or tooth. Which characteristic of sedimentary rock makes
it likely for fossils to be found in this type of rock?

A. An organism's remain become hardened when covered by melted rock.

B. Organisms are changed into rock by high temperature once they are no longer living.

C. The remains of organisms are buried under layers of sand, shells, and bits of rock.

D. The bones of an organism are pulled below Earth's surface during an earthquake.



C as most fossils are created in the ocean


If i'm wrong please tell me if i'm right please mark me brainliest

Question 6
Thermal is to heat as _____
is to water.
A. Absorb
B. Dilute
C. Waste
D. Drain





thermal is to hear as drain is to water


thermal is to heat as dilute is to water

Explain how spirogyra is also called green algae reproduces in water.


Answer: Spirogyras are filamentous green algae, named for their spiraling chloroplasts. Each cell of the filaments features a large central vacuole, within which the nucleus is suspended by fine strands of cytoplasm


1. How are the structures of DNA in prokaryotes and eukaryotes the same?
The DNA is packaged into several linear chromosomes.
They both have a singular circular chromosome.
They both have a sugar and a phosphate group backbone.
The DNA histones are present in the nucleosomes.

2. How are the structures of DNA in prokaryotes and eukaryotes different?
Prokaryotes have DNA in circular chromosomes, and eukaryotes have linear chromosomes.
Prokaryotes have DNA in linear chromosomes, and eukaryotes have circular chromosomes.
DNA in prokaryotes is circular and lacks sugar and phosphate backbones.
DNA in eukaryotes is circular and lacks sugar and phosphate backbones.



1. Option C, They both have a sugar and a phosphate group backbone

2. Option A, Prokaryotes have DNA in circular chromosomes, and eukaryotes have linear chromosomes.


1. Both the circular and linear DNAs in prokaryotes and eukaryotes respectively are made up of sugar-phosphate backbone. However, the arrangement is different due to which they have different shapes. Thus, option C is correct

2. Eukaryotes have multiple linear DNAs while prokaryotes have circular DNA having simplified structure.

Thus, option A is correct

The _____ is most closely linked with the destruction of worn out cells.
a. Lysosome
b. Centriole
c. Peroxisome
d. None of the above



A) Lysosome


A lysosome is a membrane-bound cell organelle that contains digestive enzymes. Lysosomes are involved with various cell processes. They break down excess or worn-out cell parts. They may be used to destroy invading viruses and bacteria.

Answer: It is A

Explanation: it is in Quizlet.

Why do deserts tend to form on land at latitudes of 20-30 degrees north and south?



Deserts can form even on tropical coasts beside cold ocean currents, such as the west coast of South America. The currents cool the air, which then rises and warms as it moves over land, drawing up moisture that is later precipitated as the air moves farther inland.

How do T-cells help with destroying viruses?


They secrete chemical messages known as cytokines to stimulate the non-specific immune response to continue, to strengthen and to boost appropriate specific responses.

Answer:T-cells are a type of white blood cell that work with macrophages. Unlike macrophages that can attack any invading cell or virus, each T-cell can fight only one type of virus. You might think this means macrophages are stronger than T-cells, but they aren’t. Instead, T-cells are like a special forces unit that fights only one kind of virus that might be attacking your body.The T-cell receptor fits with its antigen like a complex key. When the perfectly shaped virus antigen on an infected cell fits into the Killer T-cell receptor, the T-cell releases perforin and cytotoxins. ... Cytotoxins go directly inside the cell through this pore, destroying it and any viruses inside.


Hope this helps :) Can u plz mark me branliest :)

Help me please!!!!!!!


4,3  of two the between difference the to sent PaulRegards1,2,4Ode3,

Were you able to identify a cell undergoing cytokinesis in an onion cell? Explain.



Mitosis and meiosis are different types of cell division, and although they are first ... One could be forgiven for the assumption that the classic 'onion root tip squash' ... magnification using the eyepiece and objective lens, you will need to be able to ... about how the cells were being used, and had been given no explanation, ...


The cells of the ONION ROOT TIP undergo cytokinesis. This process is evidenced under the microscope by the formation of the CELL PLATE between two daughter cells.

Mitosis is a type of somatic cell division that has four main steps (prophase, metaphase, telophase and anaphase) followed by cytokinesis.

Moreover, cytokinesis is the division of the cytoplasm to form two daughter cells.

The cell plate is a transient compartment that grows between daughter cells. Once cytokinesis is completed, the cell plate gives rise to the cell wall.

In conclusion, the cells of the ONION ROOT TIP undergo cytokinesis. This process is evidenced under the microscope by the formation of the CELL PLATE between two daughter cells.

Learn more in:


The diagram below shows a cell placed in a solution.

A cell is shown placed inside a beaker. It is labeled Cell. The solution inside the beaker is labeled 40% salt solution and the solution inside the cell is labeled 20% salt solution.

Only water is allowed to move in and out of the cell. What will most likely happen to the cell?

It will expand as water moves out of it.
It will shrink as water moves out of it.
It will expand as water moves into it.
It will shrink as water moves into it.



it will expand as water moves hope this helps!


Question 16
How does the skeletal system interact with the nervous system?
A the nervous system supplies the blood and oxygen to developing bones
the nervous system supplies nutrients and minerals to developing bones
the skeletal system controls the messages sent to the brain and spinal cord
the skeletal system provides protection for the brain and spinal cord




the skeletal system provides protection for the brain and spinal cord

what are the reactants of the krebs cycle?



The only reactants of the Krebs cycle proper are acetyl CoA and the four-carbon molecule, oxaloacetate.

Humans burn fossil fuels and wood, releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. This carbon dioxide is then absorbed by trees for photosynthesis. These processes are contributory to which chemical cycle?


Carbon cycle. Because everything that is happening in the situation of this question is related to the carbon cycle. Fossil is being burnt which releasing carbon dioxide and the plant is taking it in to release oxygen!
It is a circle of life.

Carbon cycle controls the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. These processes are contributory to the carbon cycle in the       environment.

What is a carbon cycle ?

The carbon cycle is nature's method of recycling carbon atoms, which repeatedly go from the atmosphere into Earth's living things and back into it. The majority of carbon is preserved in rocks and sediments; the remainder is preserved in the ocean, the atmosphere, and living things.

Life on Earth is reliant on the carbon cycle. The quantity of carbon that is naturally released from reservoirs is equal to the amount that is naturally absorbed by reservoirs because nature tends to maintain carbon levels in balance. This carbon balance must be preserved for the earth to continue to support life.

Therefore, the carbon cycle is an important chemical cycle.

Learn more about carbon cycle, here:



If the organisms were put in a dichotomous key for dassification, what would makethe organisms in the diagram different
from organisms that fall under the taxonomic group Bacteria?
A The organisms in the diagram are autotrophs.
B. The organisms in the diagram are unicellular.
C The organisms in the diagram are mobile and move with flagella,
OD The organisms in the diagram contain membrane-bound organelles,
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98.9% sure it's B. as far as I know

What is the limiting factor for photosynthesis at night ?



Factors that affect photosynthesis:

Light Energy/ intensity


Carbon dioxide concentration

Therefore I believe the answer to be Light energy as we're talking about night here.

What happens when we know about other living beings ?
Please I need it soon



In order for something to be classified as living, it must grow and develop, use energy, reproduce, be made of cells, respond to its environment, and adapt. While many things meet one or more of these criteria, a living thing must meet all of the criteria.

Which cell organelle is used to move fluid across the outside of the cell







im going to say either c or d or both


sorry if im wrong


b)cytoplasm is the one that moves the fluid.

A population of birds is blown by a storm to an island off the mainland.
The island has very few trees, and the bird population on the island
develops new nesting behaviors. Mainland birds nest in trees, island birds
nest on the ground. After a long period of time, the island birds are
reunited with the mainland birds, it is observed that the two populations
can no longer interbreed. This is an example of: *
Behavioral isolation
Geographical isolation
Nonrandom mating
All of these


I say that it is because of nonrandom mating because the genes have been changed down the line.

which best describes how scientists found the human gene that makes insulin?
A. They worked backwards from mRNA to DNA.
B. They found insulin-producing genes in bacteria.
C. They used the base sequence to find the amino acid sequence.
D. They cloned insulin proteins using PCR



i got answer A


How did humans change the



Humans changed the environment by: overpopulation, pollution, burning fossil fuels, and deforestation.




Humans impact the physical environment in many ways: overpopulation, pollution, burning fossil fuels, and deforestation. Changes like these have triggered climate change, soil erosion, poor air quality, and undrinkable water.

2) If the foliation on a rock is running north-south what direction is the tectonic pressure coming from?



if the foliation on a rock is running north-south, the pressure might be vertical (for instance, up to down)


The pressure is the second most principal factor that influences metamorphic rocks. It originates from the weight of the own materials, their densities, and the deepness.  

Litostatic pressure originates from the weight of materials in the interior of the crust.

Pressure generates alignment of materials (foliation and schistosity) and mineral rotation.

There are different types of metamorphism.

Dynamic metamorphism is the one where pressure is the principal factor. It generates by tectonic conditions, and it presents mainly in failure or fracture areas. It provokes trituration and recrystallization of minerals.

Classification of the metamorphic rocks according to their structure:


Foliation refers to dynamic metamorphism, where pressures act and minerals orientate perpendicular to the pressure direction.

According to this concept, if the foliation on a rock is running north-south, the pressure might be vertical (for instance, up to down) while minerals' weight helping in the process of foliation.

If the foliation on a rock is running north-south, the tectonic pressure is coming from a vertical direction.

What is a foliation?

Foliation on a rock means continuous multi layering on a metamorphic rock.

These layers can be thin as a sheet of paper.

Foliation occurs when the plain or elongated minerals inside a rock are pressed together and aligned.

Thus, If the foliation on a rock is running north-south, the tectonic pressure is coming from a vertical direction.

Learn more about foliation, here:


Make a key out of this picture, in other words differentiate between each. ​



They are different due to their colour, number of petals, and shape of petals.


These flowers are different from one another because of their colour, number of petals, and shape of petals. Some flowers are pink in colour, some are white and others are yellow in colour. Some has five petals whereas some has four petals. Some petals of flowers has circular shape, some petals has pointed shape, while others are 'W' shape.

Is methemoglobinemia recessive or dominate? Provide examples to back up your answer





The inheritance pattern of the congenital enzyme deficiency form of the disease is autosomal recessive. Hb M is inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern. There is no association between sex and the frequency of congenital methemoglobinemia.

Methemoglobinemia is an autosomal recessive congenital disorder. It means that both copies of the gene are found to be recessive in order to express a phenotype.

What do you mean by the Dominant trait?

The Dominant trait may be defined as a form of trait which governs by the presence of at least one dominant copy of that gene.

Methemoglobinemia may be defined as a blood disorder in which very little amount of oxygen is delivered to your cells. Cells may feel the scarcity of oxygen.

If an individual is affected by this disorder, both the copies of its gene are found in a recessive form in order to mask the effect of a dominant copy.

Therefore, it is well described above.

To learn more about Methemoglobinemia, refer to the link:



what is the complementary dna strand for AGC CAT GTA TAC





The answer is the second one bc they mix together when there is incomplete dominance

If too many pandas are competing for bamboo (their food), what could happen?
there will always be enough for them to share
eventually there will no be enough bamboo for all
bamboo will keep growing back



Eventually, there will no be enough bamboo for all


Answer B. Eventually, there will not enough bamboo for all.


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