Which statements describe the economic situation in Sub-Saharan Africa?
Sub-Saharan Africa can't attract foreign investment.
Subsistence farming is no longer used.
It is hindered by weak government systems.
Debt relief will improve the economic situation.


Answer 1

Answer:   Subsistence farming is no longer used.

It is hindered by weak government systems.

Debt relief will improve the economic situation.

Explanation: These are the best Statments

Related Questions




Hi, May I please get Brainliest.  Have a nice day!


Ong bet let me get that brainliest

“As I began my flight home, I realized that I was not feeling well. I felt heavy, but I did not know why. Would I be able to make it back to the hive? I started to grow more and more tired. Soon, I landed on a lavender plant. I knew that I was close to the end of my life.”
This short paragraph rewrites part of “The Bee” as a first-person, prose narrative instead of a poem.
What is the MOST important difference between how the reader might interpret the flight home in “The Bee” if it were written as a first-person narrative instead of a poem?
A. The reader may not feel the bee’s emotions as intensely.
B. The reader may not understand the bee’s point of view as well.
C. The reader may not understand what the bee is thinking as clearly.
D. The reader may not experience the beauty of the bee’s world as strongly.





basically i have an assignment that i have to make up a superhero/villan and all ab them basically:
What are you fighting for? G00d or evil?
What are your superpowers and how did you get them?


villain: they are fighting after a glorified “hero” killed their little sister in a casualty while fighting some other villain. Years of disgust and hatred for so called “hero’s” rotted their heart. there Super power is mind control / telekinesis and they were given it during the blast that killed their sister (hope this helps!! please Mark branliest :))

i need help again pweassssss!!!


Answer: A.


i think the answer is “c” because “a” mentions two different ideas (something j would expect to see in a argumentative essay), whereas “c” is the statement that is most direct about one idea.

What are some examples of benign food?


Answer:  answer down below is correct


Some examples of benign food are Alfalfa sprouts, tofu, coffee, blueberries, and quinoa.

Benign foods are considered safe to eat. Some of the benign foods are Turmeric, Green Tea, Cruciferous vegetables, Walnuts, Berries, Tomatoes, Fatty fish, and Folate-rich food.

Benign foods have a good amount of nutrients, and protein and have low amounts of saturated fats. They have good sources of calcium too such as dairy products. Foods such as almonds, and walnuts offer a wide range of health benefits which provide vitamins, minerals, etc.  

Hence it can be said that benign are healthy foods and examples of such are Alfalfa sprouts, tofu, coffee, blueberries, and quinoa.

Learn more about benign, here:



What should the title of these two poems be? The best one will get brainliest :)
Please be creative and don't answer if you're doing it for points, or I will report.
1) Sitting on a rock
I watch the tall grass blow slow
And birds faintly sing
2) The birds keep the tone
The wind keeps the steady beat
Nature is my song



The birds song


its about a bird and song

50 points and Brainliest!

Write a conclusion for this essay without using "to conclude" or any similar phrases.

Ahh, 1933. Native American children chasing chickens, the sweet smell of wheat on the air, and- a giant dam? The Grand Coulee dam left an enormous impact. Whether it was a negative or a positive impact, we're going to find out.
While dams are a great way to decrease the use of fossil fuels, construction leaves a massive negative impact. For example, the Grand Coulee Dam made salmon unable to migrate downriver to lay their eggs, thus forcing salmon to overpopulate or die out in that area. Another negative impact on the environment was getting materials to build the dam. I mean, those 12 million cubic yards of concrete had to come from somewhere.
Another notable impact was the death count. Seventy-seven workers died while building the Grand Coulee Dam, and it took eight years to construct it. Even though the 1930s were called the Great Depression, I'm sure these people still had a lot to live for, and these families must have been sorry to see them go.
While there were many negative impacts, the dam still helped society in many ways. For example, it still provides more than twenty-one billion kilowatts of electricity each year, and the energy is clean. Meaning, it doesn't pollute the air or the water.
The environment was also affected healthily. All that extra water helps trees and undergrowth, along with fish and land animals. Crops were also healthier and the economy grew. The dam also provided the power needed to make aluminum, which helped during World War II.


……………………………………………and finally the war of Europe came to an end

Write a essay analyzing each author’s purpose for writing the stories is our gain our loss and Screen time can mess with the body’s clock



I dont have time to write an essay but here this might be helpful.

An author's purpose is his reason for or intent in writing. An author's purpose may be to amuse the reader, to persuade the reader, to inform the reader, or to satirize a condition.

Exposure to the light of day and darkness of night keeps its timing set to a roughly 24-hour cycle. ... Scientists long have known that light at night can disrupt that internal clock. And it does so by suppressing melatonin. This prevents the body from getting the message that bedtime is near


decide what kind of essay to write.

brainstorm your topic.

research the topic.

choose a writing style.

develop a thesis.

outline your essay.

write your essay.

edit your writing to check spelling and grammar

I'm just going to say this, I never meant to hurt you.
I know you asked me to stay
and yet again, I turned away.
But every little string,
every little fray,
I'll remember the good and bad, big and small things,
from now, and every other day.
Some say the world will end in fire
Some say in ice
From what Ive tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire
But if I had to perish twice
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice



“We're no strangers to love

You know the rules and so do I

A full commitment's what I'm thinking of You wouldn't get this from any other guy I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling Gotta make you understand

Never gonna give you up

Never gonna let you down

Never gonna run around and desert you

Never gonna make you cry

Never gonna say goodbye

Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

We've known each other for so long

Your heart's been aching but you're too shy to say it Inside we both know what's been going on

We know the game and we're gonna play it

And if you ask me how I'm feeling

Don't tell me you're too blind to see

Never gonna give you up

Never gonna let you down

Never gonna run around and desert you

Never gonna make you cry

Never gonna say goodbye

Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

Never gonna give you up

Never gonna let you down

Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry

Never gonna say goodbye

Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you Never gonna give, never gonna give (Give you up)

(Ooh) Never gonna give, never gonna give

(Give you up)

We've known each other for so long

Your heart's been aching but you're too shy to say it Inside we both know what's been going on

We know the game and we're gonna play it I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling

Gotta make you understand

Never gonna give you up

Never gonna let you down

Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry

Never gonna say goodbye

Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you Never gonna give you up

Never gonna let you down

Never gonna run around and desert you

Never gonna make you cry

Never gonna say goodbye

Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you Never gonna give you up

Never gonna let you down

Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry” - Rick Astley

This should help you answer you question! :)





yes i have been doing that for lives


I would say no


No one actually lives a normal life because what is the actual definition of normal? No one has one and it is really just what society deems as normal. Everyone tells a lie at some point, mainly when they are children because they realize they might be able to get away with what they did or want to do.

hope that helps :)

In which of the following ways is oratory similar to an argumentative essay? pick more than 1

statement of position

use of supporting evidence

use of informal language

disproving counter-claims


use supporting evidence , disprove counter claims

Explain why authors use dialect when they write.



To Express themselves to the audience from their point of view

The use of dialect may be a potent technique for authors to help their characters come to life. A writer may utilize dialect in addition to accent to highlight a character's distinctive speech pattern.

What is dialect?

The terms "dialect" can be used to describe one of two clearly separate categories of linguistic phenomena. One usage alludes to a dialect of a language that is unique to a certain group of its speakers.

According to this concept, a language's dialects or varieties are closely linked and, despite their variations, are typically mutually understandable, especially if they are located close to one another on the dialect continuum.

The phrase is most frequently used to describe regional speech patterns, but other characteristics, such social status or ethnicity, may also be used to identify a dialect.

A dialect that is connected to a specific social class is known as a sociolect, while a dialect that is connected to a specific ethnic group is known as an ethnolect.

Learn more about dialect, here



How does Mark Kurlansky introduce his idea of fish depletion in the first few pages of World Without Fish?

Pls Pls I need help


He illustrates and elaborates on the idea

Part A

Which answer best describes similarities in the texts "Malala the Powerful" and "Statements by the President on Malala Yousafzai and Kailash Satyarthi Winning the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize"?

They both emphasize Malala's belief that everyone deserves an education.

Both texts describe the Taliban's attack on Malala's school bus.

Both texts criticize the Taliban's oppressive rules in Pakistan.

They both focus on the quality of Malala's writings.
Question 2
Part B

Which details from "Malala the Powerful" and "Statement by the President on Malala Yousafzai and Kailash Satyarthi Winning the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize" best support the answer to Part A?

Select two correct answers.

When the Taliban tried to silence her, Malala answered their brutality with strength and resolve.

Staying alive meant going to school had to be top secret.

“At just 17 years old, Malala Yousafzai has inspired people around the world with her passion and determination to make sure girls everywhere can get an education.”

"'Even if they come to kill me, I will tell them what they are trying to do is wrong, that education is our basic right.'"


Part A: The option that most adequately recounts the similarities in the two texts would be:

A). They both emphasize Malala's belief that everyone deserves an education.

Part B: The details that most adequately back the answer provided in part A would be:

C). "At just 17 years old, Malala Yousafzai has inspired people around the world with her passion and determination to make sure girls everywhere can get an education."

D). "Even if they come to kill me, I will tell them what they are trying to do is wrong, that education is our basic right.'"

Who is Malala?

Malala is renowned for her social work globally and especially in the field of demand for women's rights.

For her deeds, she had been awarded the Noble Prize as well as she spread the positive message across the globe.

She has spread the message that education is one's fundamental right irrespective of the gender they belong to.

Thus, option A for part A and options C and D for part B are the correct answers.

Learn more about "Nobel Peace" here:




Part A



(C) &

"Candlelight vigils were held across the globe. Protesters marched, many of them kids carrying signs that read 'I Am Malala.'"


Provide an example of a theme.
i need this today like right now



forgiveness in a theme

other themes:



rich vs. poor


book themes:

love vs. hate

never enough

i wish...



hoped this helped lmk if this helped    

Midsummer Night Dream: Act 2

1. The fairies speak very poetically. Which image or images presented by the fairies do you remember the best? What about it was significant?

2. Why does Oberon want Titania to wake and fall in love with some vile thing? What does this say about his character?

3. Explain Hermia’s dream and why it might be significant later in the play.

4. Describe the character of Puck. What was one thing you liked that he did? What was one thing you didn’t like? Does he take responsibility for his actions? Explain.



it would be 1


Help me please please help me





slept is past tense, which is what you need to do in this sentence




it sounds right to me

srry if im wrong

here is it is the book is called malala



1. A

2. C

3. D

4. C

5. C

15. C

16. B


I'm not sure if this is right

There you go even tho someone answered it

In the book Walk Two Moons Why did Gram and Gramps get pulled over in Philadelphia?
pleas help so i can mark you Brainliest



According to what I know:


They were pulled over because Gramps was driving irreponsibly

Original: “In today’s economy, a college education is a necessity. Yet the cost has more than doubled, making it extremely difficult for students to afford. Many are faced with years of paying off student loans, which stops them from meeting their life goals, like home or car ownership. Those purchases help the economy and create jobs.”

Which is the paraphrased version of the above text?

President Obama, in his speech on college affordability, discussed what he has done to make college more affordable because he claims that it is important to get a good education. Since college can be expensive, he claims that additional money has been made available for student aid, and student loan repayment has been made more lenient.
Given the competitive job market, President Obama points out that it is important to get a good education. However, he admits that the high cost of education can make this a challenge for many students. The knowledge that they will be paying off student loans for years to come causes many potential students concern. They are afraid that student loan debt may prevent them from being able to afford other items like cars or homes. If enough students are in debt that these types of purchases decrease, suggests Obama, the businesses that provide these products will need fewer workers and the job market will become even more difficult.



It's B


It's closest to the text above. Words taken out, and some changed.

Shakespeare's plays continue to be popular today
he told stories with new and exciting themes
that no one had ever explored.
he told stories that everyone could understand
and be interested in.
his writing style was descriptive and continues
to capture audiences,
his stories were uncomplicated and can easily
be adapted for modern times,



A. He told stories with new and exciting themese.


I hope this helps! :)

Please don't do it for the points I will give brainliest. :((



I would say B would be your option. It best matches up with the original.





There isn't really an explanation. The paragraph uses formal tone, grammatically correct and revises the paragraph in a great way.

What does the suffix -ism mean?

a. characteristic of

b. become


A is the answer to your English question
The answer would be A

I will give the person with the CORRECT ANSWER brainliest


The answer is B. Meteorologists name hurricanes to avoid confusion.

Answer: I think it's C


Help me please please help me






was = past tense


If this helped please like and rate :D have a wonderful day!

Which statement best explains the effectiveness of the conclusion paragraph?


It’s answer A for that^^
the answer is a

how do I start an essay about the affects of parents arguing around their kids



You should start it by making an introduction to the topic


i would start like this, “ it is no secret that parents sometimes fight. the question is posed, what are the affects of them fighting around their kids. parents fighting can cause mental health problems in children. these problems can have life long affects. toxic interactions in the home are a problem.”

call me a freak if you want to, but there's no way I'm deleting this.


i mean ok, im not gonna go to the link incase its something i want to bleach my eyes out after i see

if your reading this remember to drink water :)


What is it-


Can anyone write an essay for the attachment below it is worth 30 points




Evaluating Speakers

Please don't just type in an answer, if your in 8th grade in K12 or PEAK and got a good score (A or B) then please just copy and paste your answer in and I'll change it up a little (This is in lesson 2.07 in the first semester so anyone from K12 or PEAK should have turned this in a while ago)

You have now read and listened to three speeches. Choose any two of the speeches, and identify and evaluate the specific strategies used to persuade the audience. Be specific and use textual evidence from the speeches as support. Consider elements such as rhetorical devices, tone, emphasis, and pace.

Make sure to use three vocabulary words in your writing.

Your answer should be 2–3 paragraphs long.



I looked for 2.07 in English but I got something different and I'm in 8th and I'm in K12 but I don't remember this lesson


Other Questions
245,600,000,000 In scientific notation In order to increase the final momentum of a golf ball, we coulda) follow through when hitting the ballb) increase the force acting on itc) increase the time of contact with the balld) swing as hard as possiblef) All of the above Two lines Intersect at one polnt.TrueFalse The mythical Three Floyds Brewery in Munster, Indiana makes a beer called Zombie Dust, which it sells in large bottles to pubs and stores in the Midwest. The setup cost of brewing and bottling a batch of beer is $1,800 per setup. The holding cost of storing a bottle of beer is $2.50 per year. The annual demand for Zombie Dust is 20,000 bottles. Three Floyds Brewery can brew and bottle beer at the rate of 400 bottles per day. The brewery operates 250 days per year and currently produces Zombie Dust in batches of 10,000 bottles.a. What is the annual holding and setup cost of their current production schedule?b. What is the economic production quantity (EPQ)?c. What is the cost difference between the current production schedule and the EPQ? Please Help!!!How many ATP can be obtained from the complete beta-oxidation and metabolism of one 16-carbon fatty acid molecule? Can someone please help meeeee What is the volume of this container?20 cm2,125 cm35 cm5 cm2,000 cm35 cm20 cm15 cm125 cm31,875 cm3 SandbanGrade 8 Science Winter InterimQuestionQ ZoomSigned in as NOTREQ Review Finish TestQuestion>NormalABCQuestion 3Twoiron balls are dropped from a height of 100 meters One Dal Frame A) is not moving when it is dropped and the second ball is moving horizontally at a constant velocity of 10 m/s when it is dropped (Frame B). The balls follow thetrajectories indicated by the arrows and fall for 4,52 s before hitting the ground. (Ignore air resistance)Frame AFrame B1kg-10%10kg PLEASE LOOK AT EXAMPLE AND THEN ANSWER QUESTION ONE I DON'T REALLY KNOW NUMERICAL EXPRESSION STUFF PLEASE HELP!! I WILL GIVE BRAINLIST! A currently popular diet is the Keto Diet in which followers attempt to eat a diet high in protein and fats (lipids), and low in carbohydrates. 1. Identify 3 foods on the list that do not contain any carbohydrates. 2. Explain how you know these foods do not contain any carbohydrates. what test would u use? HELPP MEE A jet airliner, flying initially 300 mi/hr dueeast, suddenly enters a region where thewind is blowing 100 mi/hr, pushing theaircraft in the direction 30 north of east.What is the resultant speed of the aircraft? Can Intrusive and Extrusive Igneous rocks form from the same mineral composition? What occurs during glycolysis? what type of government was the us after the industrial revolution What is the difference in length between the longest meteor and the shortest meteor? (4 points)A line plot with the title, length of meteors. The data is measurement in inches. The line plot goes from two eighths to one and seven eighths, with fourteen tick marks in all. The first tick mark is two eighths and has one data point. The second tick mark is three eighths and has three data points. The third tick mark is four eighths and has two data points. The fourth tick mark is five eighths and has no data points. The fifth tick mark is six eighths and has two data points. The sixth tick mark is seven eighths and has no data points. The seventh tick mark is one and has no data points. The eighth tick mark is one and one eighth and has no data points. The ninth tick mark is one and two eighths and has one data point. The tenth tick mark is one and three eighths and has two data points. The eleventh tick mark is one and four eighths and has no data points. The twelfth tick mark is one and five eighths and has no data points. The thirteenth tick mark is one and six eighths and has two data points. The fourteenth tick mark is one and seven eighths and has one data point. aone and five eighths inches btwo and one eighth inches cfive and one eighth inches dfive and five eighths inches Carlos needs 2/3 cups of raisins to make one batch of oatmeal bars. How many cups of raisins does Carlos need to makes batches of oatmeal bars? Select the correct answer. pls be fr will mark brainliest Give the number of terms:cd + 3d2 2dGive the number of terms Three friends played a target game at a carnival.Elsie hit the target 5 out of every 8 times.Anjani hit the target 60% of time.Derek hit the target 5/6 of the time.Which list shows the friends in order from the person who hit the target the least percent of the time to the person who hit the target the greatest percent of the time? tense, from aThis excerpt from Fever 1793 is told in thepoint of view. *A. past; first-personB. past; third-personC. present; first-personD. present; third-person