Which statement describes how the U.S. tried to contain the influence of communism in Europe after World War II?

The United States and the Soviet Union created an alliance.

The United States gave economic assistance through the Marshall Plan.

U.S. leaders encouraged attendance at the Paris Peace Conference.

The Soviet Union established the "Iron Curtain".


Answer 1


The United States gave economic assistance through the Marshall Plan


Related Questions

By what means did Stalin's Communist Party ensure obedience



they used fear to ensure obedience


They told people what they have to do and if they did not do it they would die

They used fear like the KGB

The emergence of the automobile led to all of the following developments except __________.
a demand for road construction
the creation of more job opportunities
a decrease in the price of food and goods
the emergence of new industries



the answer is c





Edge 2022

Please help! how were native American rights violated?



US government violated the Indian Removal Act by not peacefully negotiating treaties with Native Americans. Racist people made them go out west and they were mad and they couldn't do anything bout it. Native Americans were repeatedly having to sign treaties with the US that we later broke for our own personal gain. Thousands of Native Americans were forced out without trial and without question even though both are promised in the constitution.

Explanation: It just happened

Fundamentalists supported Charles Darwin's theory of evolution. True or false



Noooooooo they didn't


Fundamentalists believe that God created humans and all of the animals the way that they intended which clashed with evolution which all animals come from a common ancestor.  

What is most closely a theme of the poem?
Answer choices for the above question

A. A victory is meaningless if the person most responsible for it isn’t there to receive credit.

B. Someone aboard the ship has murdered the Captain as it moves into harbor.

C. The narrator pays tribute to the Captain for saving the ship, and wishes he were alive to enjoy the victory.

D. That the narrator of the poem can’t figure out how to continue living without the captain.


I think the answer is a because one of the things you need in a poem is rhythm and I feel like a has the most rhythm. Each different form of poetry has its own requirements—rhyme scheme, number of lines, meter, subject matter, and more but for this one in particular it is rhythm so my choice would be A .

The closest theme of the poem is A. A victory is meaningless if the person most responsible for it isn’t there to receive credit.

What is the theme?

The theme is the central idea, lesson, subject, or message of a passage.

The theme captures the essence or purpose of a write-up or speech, which the writer or speaker wants the audience to understand.

Thus, the closest theme of the poem is A. A victory is meaningless if the person most responsible for it isn’t there to receive credit.

Learn more about the theme at https://brainly.com/question/25336781


• The economic effects of World War I were still being felt.
Demand and prices for agricultural goods fell.
• Many countries established high tariffs to protect domestic industries.
European countries went heavily into debt to buy foreign goods.
• People in the United States engaged in risky investments in the stock market.
• The stock market crashed in 1929.

What is the best title for this list?

OA. Causes of the Great Depression

OB. Causes of the Consumer Culture

OC. Effects of Socialism

OD. Effects of Militarism



A. Causes of the Great Depression


Considering the above statements presented in the question, the best title for the list is "Causes of the Great Depression."

The above statement is accurate because the Great Depression that occurred between the year 1929 to 1933 were caused by many things, among which are the following:

1. The stock market crash in 1929.

2. Reduction in international lending,

3. Banking anxieties and monetary construction

4. Rise in debt of European countries

5. Gold standard issue.

Montgomery Bus Boycott, 1955
Freedom Rides, 1961
March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, 1963
Civil Rights Act, 1964
Selma Voting Rights March, 1965
Voting Rights Act, 1965
What conclusion can be drawn from this chronological list?



no ablo su lingua

eu não falo a sua língua


What is the positive and negative impacts/effects of computer in industry?


All manner of technology surrounds us. From our personal laptops, tablets, and phones to behind-the-scenes technology that furthers medicine, science, and education.

Technology is here to stay, but it’s always morphing and expanding. As each new technology enters the scene, it has the potential to improve lives. But, in some cases, it also has the potential to negatively affect physical and emotional health.

Assyrian power in Mesopotamia was based on:
1. tolerance for diversity.
2. enforcing a written code of laws.
3. military strength.
4. the participation of the citizens.​


3) military strength.

hope it is helpful to you


3.mililitary strength

Which statement(s) correctly describes the North prior to the Civil War? i. The North depended on a large immigrant labor force. ii. The North depended on a large slave labor force. iii. The North depended on agriculture to support its economy. iv. The North depended on manufacturing to support its economy. A. i only B. ii only C. i and iv only D. ii and iii only Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D



C. i and iv only


The North was a lot more industrialized than the South prior to the civil war. They didn't use slave labor either, so they had a large immigrant labor force.

The South was the one that used slaves to power their more agricultural economy.


D.  ii and iii only


other guys answer was wrong when i tried it :(

What is one reason that the Bill of Rights was adopted?
to calm the fears of Federalists in the United States
to protect national government from the state governments
to guarantee that the national government could protect the states
to protect the rights and liberties of the states from the national





Which expansion created the final border between the us and Mexico
A) Texas annexation
B) Oregon county
C)Mexican cession
D)Gadsden purchase


The answer is Gadsden Purchase

Many diseases in Africa (malaria, TB, cholera, and HIV/AIDS) are more widespread compared to more developed regions around the world for all of the following reasons except:

A. lack of education.
B. widespread poverty.
C. unstable governments.
D) U. N. intervention and help.


B probably, I’m sure that’s the most weak one.

How could you prevent the French/Indian War


Being more peaceful and agreeing more with each them

What was the result of the Korean War and what is the 38th parallel?



The Korean war began on June 25, 1950, when some 75,000 soldiers from the North Korean People's Army poured across the 38th parallel, the boundary between the Soviet-backed Democratic People's Republic of Korea to the north and the pro-Western Republic of Korea to the south. ... The Korean peninsula is still divided today.

Who knows how to do this please help me out



You need to watch the TED TALK video, then decide what the main point of the speech was about, and which part really spoke out to you.


I hope this helps, and thanks! BRAINLIEST PLEASE!

In a paragraph, describe how the Underground Railroad worked. Also explain the role Harriet Tubman played in helping people escape slavery.
(No Plagiarism)



The underground Railroad was one of the best things in life and Harriet Tubman was one of the greatest people to help out the slaves the underground Railroad had secret places and unsafe places but it led them to freedom


The underground railroad were safehouses that were used by African American slaves. These safehouses allowed them to escape into free states, for example Canada. In Canada, African Americans were allowed to do many things like live where they want and run for positions. Some of the people who were part of the operation, Underground Railroad would settle in Canada to help these African Americans settle in and be safe. The role of Harriet Tubman was that she was born into slavery, she was able to escape a plantation in Maryland with her brothers. A few weeks later she returned to this plantation to help other slaves escape, some of who she considered family members. There was an occasion in which she went back to help her husband escape but he refused to leave because he got remarried. She joined the underground railroad operation and help guide escaped slaves. On the daily she would take these refugees to Canada since she believed that the united states treated them poorly.


I was in an AP History class, I remember this chapter.

Which are indicators that economists use to measure how an economy grows? Select all that apply.

monitoring election results
measuring how much the economy produces
monitoring the popularity of different music groups
studying the economy of another country
tracking the unemployment rate


measuring how much the economy produces

studying the economy of another country

tracking the unemployment rate


hope this helps

Economists use to measure how an economy grows by measuring how much the economy produces, studying the economy of another country, and tracking the unemployment rate.

What do you mean by the unemployment rate?

The unemployment rate is the proportion of persons in the labour force who are out of work. Therefore, determining who is in the labour force is necessary for calculating the unemployment rate. People in the labour force are either employed or jobless.

Numerous factors, including those from the supply side—the worker—and the demand side—the employer—contribute to unemployment. High-interest rates, a worldwide recession, and a financial crisis might all have an impact on demand.

To gauge the economy's growth rate, economists employ a variety of techniques. Real gross domestic product, or real GDP, is the most often used economic metric. GDP is the total worth of everything generated in our economy (goods and services).

Therefore, the correct option is B, D & E.

To know more about the unemployment rate, visit:



what was an outcome of the wars for independence in latin america?


D) the region’s economy was badly hurt

religion in ancient Egypt



your correct religion and political authority were separated

What was the effect of moving from hunting and gathering to a more agraran based society ?



it saved and helped species from going endangered as often as before.


NEED HELP short answer plz

What were the three effects of the end of world war || on American society ?





World War II was the deadliest military conflict in history in terms of total dead, with some 75 million people casualties including military and civilians, or around 3% of the world's population at the time. Many civilians died because of deliberate genocide, massacres, mass-bombings, disease, and starvation.

Where did the great migration occur?



The Great Migration was the mass movement of about five million southern blacks to the north and west between 1915 and 1960. During the initial wave the majority of migrants moved to major northern cities such as Chicago, Illiniois, Detroit, Michigan, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and New York, New York

to northern major cities such as
Chicago, Illinois, Detroit, Michigan, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, and New York.

The Great Migration was the mass movement of about five million southerners to the north and west. During the initial wave the majority of migrants moved to major northern cities such as Chicago, Illinois, Detroit, Michigan, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, and New York.

What event was reported in newspapers around the country as an "act of hostility on part of the Georgia legislators."? A The removal of Black Legislators from the Georgia General Assembly. B The removal of Radical Republicans from the Georgia General Assembly с The passing of the Ku Klux Klan Act D The addition of Black legislators to the Georgia General Assembly.​


Answer: A The removal of Black Legislators from the Georgia General Assembly


Which is an example of a property tax?



Heyaa!! My Name Is Pinky!! Im Here To Inform You That You're Answer is...


!!! Example: 20 percent charged on the value of a home !!!

Have An Amazingly Good Day Or Night!!


Which Arizona ethnic group has the oldest inhabited village in the United States, called Oraibi?
A. Navajo
B. Hopi
C. Iroquois
D. Creek



i believe the answer is hopi. hope that helps!


the answer is B hopi

5. How can
you use this document to argue that imperialism (colonization) was one underlying cause
of World War I?


Answer: A major cause of WWI is Imperialism. If the British gobbles up the world's resources, Germany will be left with the scraps and become a second-class nation. ... Great Britain had more land, which equaled more power and resources than Germany. Imperialism was the driving force leading to war. The expansion of European nations as empires (also known as imperialism) can be seen as a key cause of World War I, because as countries like Britain and France expanded their empires, it resulted in increased tensions among European countries.


Why was Machu Picchu built?


Because it was built in the same style that pachacuti had popularized as marking of the Inca estate

The end of the Roman Republic and the beginning of the Roman Empire is thought to have occurred in about 44 B.C. after the death of which of these rulers?
Marc Antony
Marcus Antonius
Julius Caesar
Caesar Augustus



c. Julius Caesar.


I hope this helps.

The correct answer is C

What protections do you believe you have as a student in your schools?



-The right to a free education.

-An immigrant child's right to a free education.

-The right not to be discriminated against.

-Right to learn English and other language rights.

-Right to be safe in school.

-Right to freedom of speech and religion.

-Right to privacy

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