Which statement correctly classifies this group of animals?


Answer 1


The answer is A, All of the animals are vertebrates, and all are adapted to hot climate.

Step-by-step explanation:

Because i know for sure the owl has a backbone, and so does a puma and all live in hope weather so it has to be a

Related Questions

Maria just inherited $10,000. Her bank has a savings account that pays 4.1% interest per year. Some of her friends recommended a new mutual fund, which has been in business for three years. During its first year, the fund went up in value by 10%; during the second year, it went down by 22%; and during its third year, it went up by 12%. Maria is attracted by the mutual fund's potential for relatively high earnings but concerned by the possibility of actually losing some of her inheritance. The bank's rate is low, but it is insured by the federal government. Use decision theory to find the best investment. (Assume that the fund's past behavior predicts its future behavior).



Step-by-step explanation:

From the given information, it is evident that there is no assurance that the value of the mutual funds will give, and perhaps by looking at the trend, there is a net expected value of (10% - 22% + 12%) = 0% which literally doesn't differ from the what is given by the bank is a guaranteed one. From the perspective of decision theory, the best option is to use a bank because we would likely need to go for a guaranteed interest as opposed to going for an unexpected share.

You cannot use critical numbers and test intervals to solve quadratic and
rational inequalities.




Step-by-step explanation:

You can use test intervals and critical numbers to solve quadratic and rational inequalities.

For each of the following four statements, indicate whether it is possible or not according to probability theory. Explain your answer. (1) The probability that a customer will buy 5 items in a single purchase is 30% ___________________________ (2) The probability that a customer will buy 3 items in a single purchase is 101% ___________________________ (3) The probability that a customer will buy 3 items in a single purchase is 99% ___________________________ (4) The probability that a customer will buy 8 item



a) According to probability theory, the following are possible:

(1) The probability that a customer will buy 5 items in a single purchase is 30%.  This represents a 0.30 chance of the customer buying 5 items.

(3) The probability that a customer will buy 3 items in a single purchase is 99%  This means that there a 0.99 chance that the customer will buy 3 items.

b) According to probability theory, the following are not possible:

2) The probability that a customer will buy 3 items in a single purchase is 101%.  Probability is always equal to 1 or 100%.  It cannot exceed 100%.

(4) The probability that a customer will buy 8 item.  This part lacks the necessary information to solve the problem.

Step-by-step explanation:

Probability describes the likelihood or chance of an event happening out of the many possible events that can take place.  The sum of all probabilities for a particular event is always equal to 1.  This shows that probability does not exceed 100%.

What is the difference between the two slopes? Chris (4, -3) and (6, 9) Amelia (-1, 6) and (1, 4) this is slope


The difference between these two slopes is that (4,-3) and (6,9) have a slope of 6 while (-1,6) and (1,4) have a slope of -1. Hope this helps! :)

1.Subtract q from p
2.Multiply p by q
3.Divide 20 by p
4.8 times p
5.The sum of p and q
6.Add 15 to p
7.Subtract 25 from q
(pls help me am just new to this lesson)


Step-by-step explanation:

1. p-q

2. q×p


4.8*p (8p)




The number of polar bears in a region is decreasing by 5% per year There are 3000 polar bears in the region in 2017 What year will be the first year with less than 1000 polar bears in the region




Step-by-step explanation:


2017+14=2031 w

In 2031 years, the first year with less than 1000 polar bears in the region.

What is an expression?

Mathematical expression is defined as the collection of the numbers variables and functions by using operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Given that;

The number of polar bears in a region is decreasing by 5% per year.

And, There are 3000 polar bears in the region in 2017.

Let after x years there are less than 1000 polar bears in the region.

Hence, We can formulate;

⇒ 3000 - 5% of 3000 × x < 1000

⇒ 3000 - 5/100 × 3000 × x < 1000

⇒ 3000 - 150x < 1000

⇒ 3000 - 1000 < 150x

⇒ 2000 < 150x

⇒ 2000/150 < x

⇒ 13.33 < x

So, The first  year with less than 1000 polar bears in the region is getting after 14 years.

So, The value of years = 2017 + 14

                                   = 2031

Learn more about the mathematical expression visit:



Please help me! II'll give you brainliest!




Step-by-step explanation:




1.5x= 3 help me I don't know what this means



x = 2

Step-by-step explanation:


just divide 3 by 1.5 to get x

3 / 1.5 = 2


x = 2

Hope this helped! Have a nice day! Plz mark as brainliest!!! :D


write an exponential function y=ab^x for a graph that includes (2,4) and (3,16)



Using the equation y = abx , substitute both of your given points into that equation.

 2 = ab2 and 4 = ab3   Solve each equation for a.

 2⁄b2    and 4⁄b3 = a    

Therefore, 2⁄b2 = 4⁄b3

Cross multiply: 2b3 = 4b2    

Divide both sides by b2

 2b = 4      

a = 2/4 = 1/2

b = 2

 y = 1 (2)x


Hope it helps

Please mark me as the brainliest

Thank you

9514 1404 393


  y = (1/4)4^x

Step-by-step explanation:

In general, you can use a 2-point form to write the exponential function for points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) as ...

  y = y1·(y2/y1)^((x -x1)/(x2 -x1))

Using the given points, this becomes ...

  y = 4·(16/4)^((x -2)/(3 -2)) = 4·4^(x-2)

We can eliminate the exponent arithmetic by making use of a couple of rules of exponents.

  y = 4·(4^x)(4^-2) = (4^-1)(4^x)

  y = (1/4)(4^x)

The owner of a local nightclub has recently surveyed a random sample of 300 customers of the club. She would now like to determine whether or not the mean age of her customers is over 35. If so, she plans to alter the entertainment to appeal to an older crowd. If not, no entertainment changes will be made. Suppose she found that the sample mean was 35.5 years and population standard deviation was 5 years. What is the p-value associated with the test statistic




Step-by-step explanation:

Given :

Sample size, n = 300

Sample mean, x = 35.5

Population mean, m = 35

Standard deviation, s = 5

The test statistic :

Zstatistic = (x - m) / s/sqrt(n)

Zstatistic = (35.5 - 35) / 5/sqrt(300)

Zstatistic = 0.5 / 0.2886751

Zstatistic = 1.732

Using the p value calculator from Zstatistic :

One tailed P value at 95% confidence interval is : 0.0416

Please help!!
I need to factor P(x)=x^4+50x^2+625
I thought the answer was P(x)=(x^2+25)^2
But it isn’t could someone please help with the answer?























Check the middle term by multiplying  




and compare this result with the middle term in the original expression.















Factor using the perfect square trinomial rule  

















, where  















Replace all occurrences of  













Douglas works for a racing car team.
The team is practising at a racing circuit
The length of the racing circuit is 4.8 kilometres.
The team car takes 2 minutes to go once round the racing circuit.
(a) Work out the average speed of the team car.
Give your answer in kilometres per hour.
Write your answer in the box below.
kilometres per hour
Show your working clearly in the
The working box can be moved
Working Box
(b) Use estimation to show a check of your answer.
Write your check in the box below.


Answer: the answer is c

Step-by-step explanation:

Attempt if smart please help

How many ways are there to form a 4-digit odd number using the digits
3, 4, 5 and 8 without repeating the digits in each number?




Step-by-step explanation:

There are 2 ways to choose the last digit (3 or 5), because the number has to be odd.

We're left with 3 digits that we need to arange anyhow. First digit we can choose any of the 3, then any of the 2 left. At the end, there's only one digit to choose.

Answer is 2 * 3 * 2 = 12

Prove that the recurring decimal 0.43333... has the value 13/30



0.43ᵣ = 0.1 + 0.33ᵣ = 1/10 + 1/3 = 3/30 + 10/30 = 13/30

The expression 0.43333... is equivalent to the fraction number 13/30. And it is proved below.

What is Algebra?

Algebra is the study of abstract symbols, while logic is the manipulation of all those ideas.

The acronym PEMDAS stands for Parenthesis, Exponent, Multiplication, Division, Addition, and Subtraction. This approach is used to answer the problem correctly and completely.

x = 0.43333......

Multiply the equation by 10 on both sides, then we have

10x = 10 × 0.43333......

10x = 4.33333......                        ...1

Multiply the equation by 100 on both sides, then we have

100x = 100 × 0.43333......

100x = 43.33333......                     ...2

Subtract equation 1 from equation 2, then we have

100x - 10x = 43.3333.... - 4.3333.....

90x = 39

x = 39 / 90

x = 13 / 30

The expression 0.43333... is equivalent to the fraction number 13/30. And it is proved below.

More about the Algebra link is given below.



What is the answer to 7x-2=5x+16




Step by step explanation:

Add 2 to both sides, simplify, subtract 5x from both sides


x = 9

General Formulas and Concepts:


Order of Operations: BPEMDAS

BracketsParenthesisExponentsMultiplicationDivisionAdditionSubtractionLeft to Right

Equality Properties

Multiplication Property of EqualityDivision Property of EqualityAddition Property of EqualitySubtraction Property of Equality

Algebra I


Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1: Define

7x - 2 = 5x + 16

Step 2: Solve for x

[Subtraction Property of Equality] Subtract 5x on both sides:                    2x - 2 = 16[Addition Property of Equality] Add 2 on both sides:                                    2x = 18[Division Property of Equality] Divide 2 on both sides:                                 x = 9

Help does someone know the answer? I NEED IT NOW PLEASE

Point X is on a number line halfway between –5 and 11. Point Y

represents an integer that has the same absolute value as point X.

What integers could be represented by point Y?

please help asap



[tex]y = 3[/tex] or [tex]y =-3[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


x = midpoint of -5 and 11

y = absolute value of x


Determine the value of y

First, calculate x.

[tex]x = \frac{1}{2}(-5 + 11)[/tex]

[tex]x = \frac{1}{2}(6)[/tex]

[tex]x = 3[/tex]

y can then be represented as:

[tex]|y| = x[/tex]

[tex]|y| = 3[/tex]


[tex]y = 3[/tex] or [tex]-y = 3[/tex]

[tex]y = 3[/tex] or [tex]y =-3[/tex]

A manufacturer produces two models of toy airplanes. It takes the manufacturer 20 minutes to assemble model A and 10 minutes to package it. It takes the manufacturer 25 minutes to assemble model B and 5 minutes to package it. In a given week, the total available time for assembling is 3000 minutes, and the total available time for packaging is 1200 minutes. Model A earns a profit of $10 for each unit sold and model B earns a profit of $8 for each unit sold. Assuming the manufacturer is able to sell as many models as it makes, how many units of each model should be produced to maximize the profit for the given week?




Step-by-step explanation:

Let [tex]x[/tex] be the number of units of A

[tex]y[/tex] be the number of units of B

For assembling we have

[tex]20x+25y\leq 3000[/tex]

For packaging we have

[tex]10x+5y\leq 1200[/tex]

Let profits earned be [tex]Z[/tex] so


We have the maximize the function.

Plotting the equations we can see that the intersection points are [tex](0,120),(100,40),(120,0)[/tex]

In the question it is mentioned we have to sell both the products so [tex]x[/tex] or [tex]y[/tex] cannot be [tex]0[/tex].

So, the point of maximiztion for the function would be [tex](100,40)[/tex]

The maximum profit would be

[tex]Z=10\times 100+8\times 40\\\Rightarrow Z=1320[/tex]

calculate the variance and standard deviation for the following samples set of data. 83.6,92.3,56.5,43.8,77.1,66.7. (Do not round intermediate calculation. Round your final answers and the nearest tenth.)​



Variance: 322.4479999999996

Standard Deviation: 17.956837137981722

x+3= -10 what is x in the equation


X=-13 hope this helps

Chloe scored 24 points over the first 12 games of the basketball season. She scored 112 points over the last 16 games of the season. How many more points per game did Chloe score in the last 16 games of the season?



5 points

Step-by-step explanation:

First, find how many points per game she scored over the first 12 games:


= 2 points per game

Now, find how many she scored in the last 16 games:


= 7 points per game

Find the difference:

7 - 2

= 5

So, she scored 5 more points per game in the last 16 games


first 12 games- 24/12= 2ppg

Last 16 games- 112/16= 7ppg

7-2= 5 points per game more

When the polynomial 4x4–13x2–2x + 1 is divided by the polynomial x –2, what is the remainder?
A) -23
B) 1
C) 9
D) 17


Step-by-step explanation:

answer is C

the process is shown in picture

The answer is either A or D

irections: Find the area of each figure round to the nearest tenth where necessary.



21 x 33 = 693

16 x 7 divided by 2 = 216

17.6 x 17.6 divided by 2 = 154.9

19 x 7.8 = 148.2

7 + 2 x 5.5 divided by 2 = 24.8

10 x 12 = 120

Please wait for more responses if needed!

Ms. Howard is companing the cost to attend two different preschools.
0 Clear
Preschool A charges a $40.00 registration fee plus $5.00 per day of attendance.
Preschool B does not charge a registration fee but charges $7.50 per day of attendance.
At what number of days will the cost of attendance be the same for both preschools?
3 days
6 days
16 days
None above



6 days

Step-by-step explanation:

its 6 days

Is 9 a solution of the equation 9x+8=7x?



Download ka po ng PHOTO MATH app . with solution na yan:) lahat ng problema mo sa solving sagot agad

214 out of 450 students went to a concert, what percent did not go?



.75% .0075 of the people that went to the concert said they would go if they could not see the band again. To find this you simply divide 9 by 1200, which equals .0075

Step-by-step explanation:


% 236 did not go

% Decimal 2.36

Step-by-step explanation:

% 450 - 214

Select the correct answer.
What is the range of the function graphed below?
- 2
OA - < y < -2




Step-by-step explanation:

The range of the function is - ∞ < y < 2

How to determine the range?

The range of the function are the set of output values of the function.

From the given graph, the values of the graph increases from negative infinity and ends at 2

So, the range of the function is - ∞ < y < 2

Read more about range at:


HELP with this question if it’s possible can u show work and not just a answer pls



Answer: 1-14' 1" is prob. your width

Step-by-step explanation:

i can’t find out length Sorry.

Step-by-step explanation:

Scale : 4 in = 5ft.

1 in. = 5/4 = 1.25 ft

Actual length = 25 x 1.25 = 31.25 ft.

Actual width = 16 x 1.25 = 20 ft

Actual area = actual length x actual width

= 31.25 x 20

= 625 ft²

Sam has $35 in his wallet. He spent 2/5 on his wallet. How many dollars does he have left?




Step-by-step explanation:


2/5×$35 = 2/1×$7 = 2×7 = $14

Please help me. Will mark you brainliest


Step-by-step explanation:

dont type the link he is spamming it. I dont know the answer because I cant see the small type but if you download bartleby you can get the answer by professions (10 free) no credit card in 34 minutes and this is not a advertisement btw

Advertising expenses are a significant component of the cost of goods sold. Listed below is a frequency distribution showing the advertising expenditures for 60 manufacturing companies located in the Southwest. Estimate the mean and the standard deviation of advertising expenses. (Round squared deviations to nearest whole number and final answers to 2 decimal places.) Advertising Expenditure ($ millions) Number of Companies 25 up to 35 5 35 up to 45 10 45 up to 55 21 55 up to 65 16 65 up to 75 8 Total 60
Standard deviation


The estimated mean of advertising expenses is $52 million, and the estimated standard deviation is $11.23 million.

To estimate the mean and standard deviation of advertising expenses, we need to calculate the midpoint of each class interval, the product of the midpoint and the frequency, and the squared deviation from the mean.

Here's a table to organize the calculations:

Class Interval (x)     Frequency (f)     Midpoint (x)       fx

25 up to 35                   5                       30                 150

35 up to 45                   10                      40                 400

45 up to 55                   21                      50                1,050

55 up to 65                   16                      60                 960

65 up to 75                   8                        70                  560

To calculate the mean, we need to find the sum of the products of the midpoint and the frequency, divided by the total frequency.

Mean = (fx) / Total Frequency

Mean = (150 + 400 + 1,050 + 960 + 560) / 60

Mean = 3,120 / 60

Mean = 52

Calculate the squared deviation from the mean for each class interval.

(x - mean)² × f

(30 - 52)² × 5 = 484 × 5 = 2,420

(40 - 52)² × 10 = 144 × 10 = 1,440

(50 - 52)² × 21 = 4 × 21 = 84

(60 - 52)² ×  16 = 64 × 16 = 1,024

(70 - 52)² ×  8 = 324 × 8 = 2,592

Calculate the sum of the squared deviations.

Sum of (x - mean)× f = 2,420 + 1,440 + 84 + 1,024 + 2,592

= 7,560

Standard Deviation =√(Sum of (x - mean)² × f / Total Frequency)

Standard Deviation = √(7,560 / 60)

Standard Deviation = √(126)

Standard Deviation = 11.23

Hence, the estimated mean of advertising expenses is approximately $52 million, and the estimated standard deviation is approximately $11.23 million.

To learn more on Statistics click:



Complete question

Advertising expenses are a significant component of the cost of goods sold. Listed below is a frequency distribution showing the advertising expenditures for 60 manufacturing companies located in the Southwest. Estimate the mean and the standard deviation of advertising expenses. (Round squared deviations to nearest whole number and final answers to 2 decimal places.)

Advertising Expenditure ($ millions)        Number of Companies

25 up to 35                                                                      5

35 up to 45                                                                    10

45 up to 55                                                                    21

55 up to 65                                                                   16

65 up to 75                                                                   8

Total                                                                               60

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