Which statement best summarizes the evolution of free speech in the United
States during the 20th century?


Answer 1


The government moved away from regulating inflammatory


Related Questions

Who were the Beothuk and why do they no longer exist?
NEED ASAP please.



Less than 350 years later, the Beothuk were extinct. They were a hunter-gatherer nation who lived and hunted in extended family groups. For most of the year they lived inland but in the summer and early fall, they would move to camps at the mouths of rivers to fish.


hope this helps

Anybody know these answers ???



False, True, False, True


The first one is false because the union has 105000 soldiers and lost 23000, not 60% of that which is 63000.

The second one is true because Stone Wall Jackson was shot by his own men while he was on his horse two months before the battle happened.

The third one wouldn't make sense at all. The battle happened because Lee wanted to get some leverage in the north by forcing Northern politicians to stop prosecuting the war.

The fourth one is true. The confederates lost almost 40% of their men on that side and had to stop the advance because the battle wasn't going towards their favour.

True,false, true
Hope this helps

Vasco da Gama fulfilled this man's dream when he reached India in 1497.
Prince Henry



prince henry

Vasco da Gama gained everlasting fame as the first European explorer to reach India. He lived in an exciting time of exploration and fulfilled the promise begun by several of his predecessors. He also realized the dream of the famed Prince Henry the Navigator

Which of the following most likely resulted from the transition from steam to coal during the Industrial Revolution? O A. Industrialization declined. B. More people moved to rural areas. O c. Productivity increased. O D. Less waste was produced.​


C, coal changed the game and increased production by increasing speed and efficiency.


C.            Productivity increased


Coal power is more strong than steam power

The information below identifies events from around the world that affected Americans.

What conclusion can be reached from these events?

Communist governments once helped to prevent the spread of terrorism.

Terrorism is now a major threat to U.S. national security.

Terrorists always make specific demands along with their acts of terror.

Terrorists are still not powerful enough to inflict damage on leading nations.


Unfortunately, you forgot to include the information below that identifies events from around the world that affected Americans. What are those events? We need them to help you answer your question.

However, trying to help you we did some deep research and can comment on the following.

Probably, the events that are missing in ypur question are the following.

Explosion in U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut.

Attacks on U.S. Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.

Attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon.

If that is the case, then the correct is B) "Terrorism is now a major threat to U.S. national security.

The conclusion that can be reached from these events is "Terrorism is now a major threat to U.S. national security."

That is why after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, in different areas of the United States, US President George W. Bush ordered the creation of the Homeland Security Department to protect the US citizens. This decision and its consequences such as the Patriotic Act had created many controversies regarding the suppression of liberties for US citizens.

Which of the following groups gained the most politically from the events
described in the excerpt from the U.S. Department of State?
A. The New Right
B. Christian evangelicals
C. Civil rights reformers
D. Environmentalists



The New Right

Explanation: a p e x

Describe the feeling of workers during the Great Depression. How did these emotions lead to the rise of fascism, socialism, and communism?


during the great depression, millions of us workers lost their jobs. more than 200,000 evictions took place, as renters could not pay their bills. those fortunate enough got their hours cut back. there were jobs available, but with so many people unemployed there was fierce competition. available jobs included servants, clerks, textile factories or railroad companies. fascism is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultra nationalism characterized by dictatorial power. the ideas of fascism rose because of the economic depression, the fear of communism and the rise of nazi germany. socialism is a political theory which advocates the means of production, distribution and exchange should be regulated by the community. the people wanted more power. communism is the idea that all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs. they wanted to produce better and cheaper products.

which congressional house has two members elected from each state




The U.S. Congress consists of two houses, the House of Representatives and the Senate. Each state elects two senators, while seats in the House of Representatives are apportioned by state according to population, with each state receiving a minimum of one representative.

What are 3 reasons for immigration after world war 2?


People immigrate for many reasons, some of which include economic or political reasons, family reunification, natural disasters, or the desire to change one's surroundings. Immigration can represent an expansion of the supply of labor in the host country.


1. Political Reasons

2.Family reunification

3.Natural disasters

4:The desire to change one's surroundings

5. Food/ water shortage

(Choose from the ones you think are best)


So in summary here it is:

People immigrate for many reasons, some of which include economic or political reasons, family reunification, food/ water shortage, natural disasters, or the desire to change one's surroundings. Immigration can represent an expansion of the supply of labor in the host country.

why did people fight in the80s



I don't know. That's like asking why people fight in general


Explain how the following economic systems are different from each other Traditional, Command
& Free Market economies.



An economic system is a means by which societies or governments organize and distribute available resources, services, and goods across a geographic region or country. Economic systems regulate the factors of production, including land, capital, labor, and physical resources. An economic system encompasses many institutions, agencies, entities, decision-making processes, and patterns of consumption that comprise the economic structure of a given communityTypes of Economic Systems

There are many types of economies around the world. Each has its own distinguishing characteristics, although they all share some basic features. Each economy functions based on a unique set of conditions and assumptions. Economic systems can be categorized into four main types: traditional economies, command economies, mixed economies, and market economies.


1. Traditional economic system

The traditional economic system is based on goods, services, and work, all of which follow certain established trends. It relies a lot on people, and there is very little division of labor or specialization. In essence, the traditional economy is very basic and the most ancient of the four types.

Some parts of the world still function with a traditional economic system. It is commonly found in rural settings in second and third world nations, where economic activities are predominantly farming or other traditional income-generating activities.

There are usually very few resources to share in communities with traditional economic systems. Either few resources occur naturally in the region or access to them is restricted in some way. Thus, the traditional system, unlike the other three, lacks the potential to generate a surplus. Nevertheless, precisely because of its primitive nature, the traditional economic system is highly sustainable. In addition, due to its small output, there is very little wastage compared to the other three systems.



2. Command economic system

In a command system, there is a dominant centralized authority – usually the government – that controls a significant portion of the economic structure. Also known as a planned system, the command economic system is common in communist societies since production decisions are the preserve of the government.

pls go to https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/knowledge/economics/economic-system/

because I'm not able to answer its balance answer

Traditional market economies are often based on customs and history,  possibly following the beliefs of a family, clan, or tribe. Command economies are often controlled by the government, and free-market economies are based on supply and demand with little to no government control.


Communist Russia = Command Economy

Present-day America = Free-Market Economy

Uncolonized Africa = Traditional Market Economy

Read the sentences.
Centerville's Fourth of July parade was a point of civic pride for almost everyone in the town.
Although not every person was in the parade itself, most people helped plan and prepare for it.
The root word civ means "citizen." Two words that use this root are civil and civilized. What is
the meaning of civic in the sentences?
almost like a citizen
boastful of citizens
planned for citizens
relating to a citizen
Done >


Answer: relating to a citizen


The correct answer is option D. Relating to a citizen is the meaning of the word civic in the sentence.

What is the meaning of civic in the sentence?In the sentence mentioned above, the word 'civic' emerges as a central point. The word civic can be etymologically broken down. Here, the root word 'civ' means citizen. Examples of words that use this particular root word include civilization, civility, civil, and civilized. The meaning of civic is of or relating to a citizen. The particular passage also refers to Centerville's Fourth of July Parade which is primarily held for and by American citizens.

Therefore, the meaning of the word civic in the context of the sentence refers to relating to a citizen.

Learn more about the broader meaning of the word civic here: https://brainly.com/question/1594159


Which of the following words BEST defines the word “assimilation



the process of taking in and fully understanding information or ideas.



Trench warfare was fought mainly on the eastern front between Germany and Belgium. True False




Explanation: The Western Front used trench warfare while the Eastern Front stayed more fluid and never used trenches

10 POINTS MARKING BRAINLIEST TOO Which steps did Franklin D. Roosevelt take to handle the banking crisis of the Great Depression?

He pushed for the creation of the Federal Reserve system and the first truly central bank of the United States, which prevented individual banks from granting risky loans and printing their own currency.

He signed an executive order that compelled the Treasury department to give enough money to struggling banks that they would be able to remain open and meet their financial obligations until the nation’s economy recovered.

He closed all banks for four days in order to check their health and restore consumer confidence, and he worked with Congress to pass legislation that protected deposits and gave the Fed greater regulatory power.

He encouraged citizens to buy government bonds and treasury bills rather than store their money in commercial banks, which gave the banks time to recover their losses and restore customer confidence.


Answer:He closed all banks for four days in order to check their health and restore consumer confidence, and he worked with Congress to pass legislation that protected deposits and gave the Fed greater regulatory power.


The steps Franklin D. Roosevelt took to handle the banking crisis of the Great Depression were to close all banks for four days in order to check their health and restore consumer confidence, and to work with Congress to pass legislation that protected deposits and gave the Fed greater regulatory power. Therefore, the correct answer is C.

What was the banking crisis of the Great Depression?

The banking crisis of the Great Depression was a period of severe financial instability in the United States from 1929 to 1933. The stock market crash of 1929 and the subsequent economic downturn caused many banks to fail, and millions of people lost their savings. This loss of confidence in the banking system led to widespread bank runs, where people rushed to withdraw their money from banks before they could collapse.

Roosevelt ordered to close all banks for four days in order to check their health and restore consumer confidence. During this time, the government worked with healthy banks to reopen as many branches as possible and make sure they had enough cash on hand to meet customer demand.

Therefore, the steps Franklin D. Roosevelt took to handle the banking crisis of the Great Depression were to close all banks for four days in order to check their health and restore consumer confidence, and to work with Congress to pass legislation that protected deposits and gave the Fed greater regulatory power. Therefore, the correct answer is C.

Learn more about the Great Depression, here:



John Scopes challenged a Tennessee law by teaching what in a biology class?
A. Creationism
B. Nativism
C. Evolution
D. Relativity



He taught human evolution and was charged for it.

24. What is NOT true of the D-Day invasion?
A. Allies surprised Germans on the beaches of Normandy in France
B. Allies secured the beaches by day's end
C. largest seaborne invasion in history
D. the Germans kept their coastal stronghold


The answer is D. The didn’t keep their costal stronghold.

Race, social position, and gender play large roles in shaping our identities





Individuals' racial/ethnic identity is an important basis for self-identity because it instills a sense of identification with a given group's cultural values, kinship, and beliefs

I got the above information online, so don't copy, please. The name of the website is The role of racial/ethnic identity in the association between racial discrimination and psychiatric disorders: A buffer or exacerbator?

I'm sorry if this is wrong, but I hope the above information gives you some insight. Thanks, and BRAINLIEST PLEASE!

How are the lives of Texans changing because of an expanded use of alternative sources of energy? F Many Texans have increased the amount of electricity their homes require. G Oil prices are decreasing as Texans buy automobiles that use alternative sources of energy. H Dam-building is leading to increased pollution and declining fish populations. J Growing numbers of Texans are using sun and wind energy to power homes and businesses​






What were 3 main reasons for immigration to the UNITED STATES after world war 2?



Post-1945 immigration to the United States differed fairly dramatically from America’s earlier 20th- and 19th-century immigration patterns, most notably in the dramatic rise in numbers of immigrants from Asia. Beginning in the late 19th century, the U.S. government took steps to bar immigration from Asia. The establishment of the national origins quota system in the 1924 Immigration Act narrowed the entryway for eastern and central Europeans, making western Europe the dominant source of immigrants. These policies shaped the racial and ethnic profile of the American population before 1945. Signs of change began to occur during and after World War II. The recruitment of temporary agricultural workers from Mexico led to an influx of Mexicans, and the repeal of Asian exclusion laws opened the door for Asian immigrants. Responding to complex international politics during the Cold War, the United States also formulated a series of refugee policies, admitting refugees from Europe, the western hemisphere, and later Southeast Asia. The movement of people to the United States increased drastically after 1965, when immigration reform ended the national origins quota system. The intricate and intriguing history of U.S. immigration after 1945 thus demonstrates how the United States related to a fast-changing world, its less restrictive immigration policies increasing the fluidity of the American population, with a substantial impact on American identity and domestic policy.


1. Many towns and cities were destroyed due to World War ll.
2. There was the fear of communism spreading throughout Europe.
3. The U.S. was one of the only countries that became richer and stronger after WWll, so many people saw the U.S. as a land of freedom and opportunity. Hope this helps!!

The dominant religion in Southwest Asia is _____​








I've got like 20ish friends there and they've taught me that religion numerous times and why it's so dominant over any other religion

If you were an SNCC recruiter in 1963, which group would you reach out to?

Select the best answer from the choices provided.
Vietnam War protestors


The answer to that is B.

The continent of Antarctica is mostly owned by the country of China









Antarctica doesn't belong to anyone. There is no single country that owns Antarctica.

What might be the effect of the U.S. dollar becoming the primary currency for international trade?​


Bee Second answer Second answer Second answer Second answer Second answer Second answer Second answer

What historical event would you like to make a film about? Why? How can history be used in the film.​



- Holocaust

- Great Depression

- World War II

- Civil War


Holocaust is a good idea because it helps people remember the past it tells a story that has a big lesson to it, and lots of events Happened in the Holocaust

Civil War is as well because it tells a story on how the Union fought against Slavery while the Confederates support it.

By the way this is your idea. These are only suggestions.

I hope it helps!

PART A: Which of the following phrases best expresses the central idea of the article?
Egypt would have developed civilization sooner if they built canals that forced
the Nile River to flood less often.
B. The natural environment protected Egyptians from invaders and also played a
critical role in their development of agriculture and calendars.
C. Egyptians would not have been able to predict the Nile's flooding without the
invention of papyrus paper.
D. The desert was an important resource because it not only provided protection
from invaders, but also rocks for building and salt for trading.



B. The natural environment protected Egyptians from invaders and also played a  critical role in their development of agriculture and calendars.


The natural environment around Egypt was crucial for the development of the Egyptian civilization, due to two main reasons.

One reason is the Nile River, which was the central artery of Egypt, and crosses the territory from North to South, with a huge Delta in the extreme north. The Nile flooded the banks seasonally, leaving the soil with rich sediments that had many nutrients and that made the land more fertile. This allowed the development of agriculture, the founding of cities along the banks, and the establishment of the Ancient Egyptian Civilization.

The other reason is that this central heartland along the Nile was surrounded by deserts or by the Mediterranean Sea. This made Egypt hard to invade, and although it was invaded a few times, no invasion could ever destroy the Egyptian Civilization until the Romans, when Egypt had already more than 3 thousand years of history.

(Economics) I’ll mark brainlest for anybody that answers this right!


For the first one i believe it is B. And Military Personnel are not considered apart of the Labor Force

The United States to change their strategy after the Vietnam War. They tried a new approach in Afghanistan and began working with the country's leaders of trying to westernize or change them. ATrue B) False



true im pretty sure





Brainliest! pls i need this now lol-

Which statements about the difference between capitalism and communism are true? Choose answer that is incorrect.

A) Capitalism allows people to work for themselves or a company; communism considers all workers to be government employees.

B) In capitalism, individuals can start their own business; in communism, the government owns all companies.

C) In capitalism, the government makes all economic decisions; in communism, business owners decide for themselves.

D) Capitalism encourages competition in the marketplace; communism does not allow it.


C because that’s the answer ha

Answer: C. In capitalism, the government DOES NOT make all economic decisions; in communism, the gov. makes all the economic decisions.

What was the end result of the United States’ decision to provide military aid to Central American countries in the 1980s?

Central American leaders grew tired of the interference and asked the United States to leave.
Most of the Central American countries ousted their dictatorships and became democratic.
The United States achieved its goal of containing communism within the Central American region.
The dictators became more powerful and enacted trade embargoes with the United States.



Answer: C) the United States achieved its goal of containing Communism within the Central American region

Answer: Central American leaders grew tired of the interference and asked the United States to leave.


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