Which statement best explains the author's bias?

Which Statement Best Explains The Author's Bias?


Answer 1
2. The author believes that robots should be used to lessen some dangers for humans

Related Questions

In Act II of The Tempest, who does Sebastian blame for his being shipwrecked?
O A. Antonio
B. Alonso
C. Himself
D. The gods


He blames Alonso for being shipwrecked

The following question references the novel The House of Seven Gables by Nathaniel Hawthorne.
Why has Hepzibah opened a penny store in one of the gables of the house and why is this significant?


Why has Hepzibah opened a penny store in one of the gables of the house and why is this significant? She had to open the store to make money to support her brother, herself and the house. It is significant because it reinforces the theme of appearance 

I got the answer from quizlet dot com

Fill in the blanks to show how
astronauts can maintain their good
habits in space.
Astronauts must maintain their good
habits in space. They do this by eating
healthy foods and exercising
They also
to help their microbiomes



two hour, for the first and the second probiotics and poop pills



two hours each day and probiotics "poop pills"

Explanation: just did it

Question 4 of 10
Which gives a common example of metonymy?
O A. The pen is mightier than the sword.
B. United we stand, divided we fall.
C. Do not cry over spilled milk.
OD. The best things in life are free



A. The pen is mightier than the sword.


A figurative language also known as figures of speech can be defined as a deliberate and specific construction or use of language by authors, writers or speakers to create a special effect in their speech or write-up.

The main purpose of a figurative language is to convey more information and enable the readers or listeners have a deeper understanding of the piece.

Some examples of figurative language used in a literary work are simile, paradox, metaphor, apostrophe, hyperbole, personification, metonymy, etc.

Metonymy was derived from the Greek word "metōnymía" which simply means change of name. It can be defined as a figurative language in which an object, thing, concept, or idea is referred to by the name of another that is closely related or associated with it. Thus, it involves substituting an object, thing, concept, or idea with a linked term having a close association.

A common example of metonymy is the pen is mightier than the sword.


A. the pen is mightier than the sword, took the test :)


Answer FAST *15 pts*

Read the Passage:

His kite went into electrical wires. A spark of electricity lit the kite. Pieces of burning kite drifted into nearby trees, starting a forest fire.

Which revision is needed for this passage?

A. Use the verbs "flew" and "ignited" instead of "went" and "lit."
B. Clarify the main idea in the third sentence.
C. Eliminate the third sentence.
D. Put the second sentence at the end.



A because it clarifies how the kite moved to get to the eletrical wires and ignited is commonly used to refer the cause of a fire

Answer: A


Why is Jessica going there



she came here to take his pen

who’s jessica and where is she going????

Squeaky is most proud of her A intelligence B speed C common sense D appearance in Raymond's run​



B: Speed


It is a race, or a run, so you cannot be proud of yourself for other reasons than speed.

Is that you up there, laughing like a loon?"

Lizzie. Lizzie Bright.

He put his head out the window. "What are you doing here?" he called down.

"Well, I've missed you, too. I'm stealing chickens."

"We don't have any chickens."

"Your dog, then."

"We don't have a dog."

"I figured you didn't have a dog—or he was deaf as a post. What does a minister have to steal?"

"Books. Preaching books."

She paused. "I guess you can keep those. I'll try somewhere else."

In this excerpt, a reader can conclude that Lizzie is playful based primarily on her






Look above.




1. Please watch this video.

What was created in this myth?


It’s a cultural, religious or traditional myth which describes the earliest beginnings of the presents world.

How long did mother tell Bruno the family would be staying at their new



3 weeks I think


Have a Nice Day

4. How does reading an online article differ from watching an online video? *
A) An online article often takes time to watch and listen to.
B) An online article is usually easier to understand than an online video,
C) An online video provides visual and auditory interactions for the viewer.
D) An online video is often much more boring than an online article about the same subject.



C: An online video provides visual and auditory interactions for the viewer.


This one make the most sense to me, sorry if its wrong

what are kinds of aid




Type I Intended to be stationary or mounted For general indoor use, office settings, ...

Type II Portable and should have a carrying hand ... For indoor use such as office settings o ...

Type III Portable with a mounting option For mobile, indoor, and sheltered outdoo ...

Type IV Portable but must have a mounting option For mobile industries, indoor, and outdo ...

Brainiest please



like aids as in decises if so there is hiv theres cdc

Do similes ever start with the word I?



Yes, similes can begin with the word I.


A figurative language also known as figures of speech can be defined as a deliberate and specific construction or use of language by authors, writers or speakers to create a special effect in their speech or write-up.

The main purpose of a figurative language is to convey more information and enable the readers or listeners have a deeper understanding of the piece.

Some examples of figurative language used in a literary work are oxymoron, paradox, metaphor, apostrophe, hyperbole, personification, simile, etc.

Simile has to do with comparison of two things by using the word, as or like.

Consider the following examples;

1. I am as hungry as a bear.

2. I am as tall as an iroko tree.

3. I like to sing like a hummingbird.

4. I am as anxious as a bridegroom.

Which statement best evaluates whether the narrative has a clearly defined
One of the uniformed soldiers stood up and began barking orders.
Although Timothy couldn't understand the unfamiliar language, he
could tell that this man must be the leader. His crisp uniform held
more shiny metal pins than anyone else's. He seemed to be making
decisions and giving directions, which the other soldiers all jumped to
obey. The stern look on his face was warning enough not to displease
A. The narrative has a clearly defined focus on the description of the
head soldier
B. The narrative has a clearly defined focus on solving the problem
that faced the army.
C. The narrative does not have a clearly defined focus.
OD. The narrative has a clearly defined focus on Timothy's first day on
an army base



OD. The narrative has a clearly defined focus on Timothy's first day on an army base


A narration that has a clearly defined focus talks about a particular thing and how it affects the characters surrounding it.

Therefore, from the given narration, the statement that best evaluates whether the narrative has a clearly defined focus is that the narrative has a clearly defined focus on Timothy's first day on an army base.

Answer: B. The narrative had a clearly defined focus on the description of the head soldier.

Explanation: Got it right on my test.

How still it is; the signal light At set of sun shines palely green; A thrush sings; other sound there's none, Nor traveller to be seen

line explanation


I believe they are talking about seeing the northern lights ><

"how still it is" refers to how life seems to be still around the observer

"the signal light at set of sun" when the sun sets you are only able to see them then

"shines palely green" the color of the northern lights

"a thrush sings" a thrush is a song bird

"other sound there's none" there is no sound around except for that of the bird

"nor traveller to be seen" no one is around aside from the observer, themselves

this is my interpretation of it at least ><

(2) Then, in the second half of the 19th century, a flood of immigrants began to arrive in America. Most of these newcomers came through the Ellis Island Immigration Station located in New York Harbor. Lacking the means or desire to move any farther, many of these immigrants settled where they landed—in New York City. Their large numbers overwhelmed an already crowded city. The streets became clogged with people and various types of streetcars vying for space on the roads. ​

Part A
In paragraph 2, why does the author include the fact that most immigrants coming to America came through the Ellis Island Immigration Station?​

A. to support a claim about how popular New York was at the time

B. to support a claim about how quickly New York's population increased

C. to support a claim about how superior New York's transportation system was at the time

D. to support a claim about how important it was for New York to have quick transportation out of the city



B. To support a claim about how quickly New York's population increased.


In the given passage about the surge of immigrants in America, the author includes how most of the immigrants came through the Ellis Island Immigration Station. This New York harbor would be the main point of entry for most of the "newcomers".

By including this information about the station, the author is providing support to the claim that New York City is "overwhelmed" by the surge in the immigrants who settled on the place they landed- New York. So, the city became more crowded, although it was already crowded, with "various types of streetcars vying for space on the roads." This added to the increased population of the city.

Thus, the correct answer is option B.


B. To support a claim about how quickly New York's population increased.


Hope this helps

In general, do you think it’s OK for news stories to have a ‘slant’ or bias? Why or why not?





due to the fact they are to report the truth and only the truth. Having a strong opinion will alter the path of the message that is being spread

No I don't think it is ok for news stories to have a slant or bias because in my opinion bias isn't necessarily a bad thing, because everyone is biased. It is part of our human nature to have perspectives, preferences, prejudices, and our own beliefs. Also or our own opinions. We are all biased toward information or people or things that show us that they are good or great or right or true or trustworthy. We are biased toward the people or information that supports us, makes us look good, And agrees with or confirms our existing judgements and virtues. And we are biased toward the more moral choices of actions at least, That which seems moral to us. But hidden media bias misleads, manipulates and divides us all. Also even though bias may be beneficial in helping form an informed public as it enables facts and information to be seen through different lenses, And opinions to be openly expressed and compared. So that no so called "bad or wrong" ideas, Are identified and dismissed or ridiculed. But this is not the media's primary duty or job their primary duty or job is to present us with important facts and information when they occur not include or involve or put facts and information that aren't true or fake or made up or not real. Because this information the media gives us affects the way we think and the actions we make or take in response to it. Also the news media plays an essential role in society, Because media coverage has major impact on the public when it says or tells them the whole event and provide reliable facts and information about numerous issues such as environment, technology and risk. Additionally the media is considered as a important source of information and opinion for readers through newspapers, magazines, television, radio and the internet. Various studies have exposed that the public increases their knowledge base about science from the mass media. And the media can also place pressure on the government to act by signaling a need for intervention or showing that citizens want to see a change about or for something. Also news media networks already affect the public's interest in politics by presenting the people with what they want them to see. Even if there are many issues going on, The media will focus on the one they consider to be the most important. And other actually really important issues are often overlooked. For these reasons, the quality of the media's coverage matters so they shouldn't have a slant or bias.

what is a major supporting detail



A major supporting detail provides essential information to help the reader understand the main idea.


A clause which cannot represent a complete thought by itself is called a(n)_______



A clause which cannot represent a complete thought by itself is called a dependent clause.




11 is the 3rd choice and 12 is the 2nd choice


11: Keep/retain

12: Lore/wisdom

Pls help I’ll brainlest ASAP



spirit of person or group

The answer to this question is (spirit of person or group)

Theme of “To Kill A Mockingbird”



appearance vs reality


the whole story is about this.

What slide lists your research material?
O A. Key point
B. Works cited
OC. Title slide
OD. Introduction
Reset Selection



it would be your key point or A


because your material is the subject of focus

2. Does a topic sentence need to be
related to the information that will be
discussed in the paragraph?
O yes





what is medusa's advice to Percy? do you think he should follow this advice? why or why not


Answer: Medusa's  advice is to wish good luck to Percy

Explanation: Hope that helps....

Which metaphor compares something concrete to something abstract?
A. His fear was a lush clinging vine around his spine.
B. Her feet were wide shovels in her shoes.
C. The flour was snow falling on a chocolate city.
O D. Your hat was a snug sock on your head.





His fear was a lush clinging vine around his spine.

The  metaphor compares something concrete to something abstract is A. His fear was a lush clinging vine around his spine.

What do you understand by Metaphor?

A metaphor is a saying that, for expository impact, straightforwardly alludes to one thing by referencing another. It might give clearness or recognize stowed away likenesses between two distinct thoughts.

A metaphor is an interesting expression where there is a correlation of one thing with something else without the words 'like or as'. The likeness is inferred. Ex: The camel is the boat of the desert. Her eyes are pearls.

For more information about metaphor, refer the following link:



explaination of metabolic response to exercise influence of duration and intensity​



With a growing length of workout, glucose uptake by using muscle starts off evolved to say no, and there's an increased dependency on free fatty acids for strength metabolism. Unfastened fatty acid uptake turns into regularly more, so that when 3–4 h of moderate workout, loose fatty acids are the main fuel being utilized.


To maintain a formal tone and style in an argumentative essay, a writer should replace

precise wording.
rhetorical devices.
long, flowing sentences.
overly charged language.



D). Overly charged language.


In an argumentative essay, the author adopts a formal style and language tone in order to establish his/her sincere depiction of the topic. It is clearly reflected through the precise use of vocabulary to communicate his/her idea that allows the readers to form an uninfluenced opinion or conclusion about the topic.

When an author wishes to maintain a formal style, he/she must replace the 'overly charged language' with a 'clear and specific language.' The charged language reflects the author's personal opinion or emotions associated with the topic which degrades the author's respect and unbiasedness as it tries to persuade them. Thus, option D is the correct answer.

Answer: overly charged language

did they both reach the same temperature at the end​



Not entirely sure :O


The rate of heat transfer from one body to another depends on the difference in temperature between the two bodies and many other factors. Higher the temperature difference, faster is the rate of heat flow.

It depends on many things, but if on the same conditions, it was probably equal, however a small change can make the speed at which they reach the same temperature different.

Read the last stanza of Robert Frost's poem "The Road Not Taken." Why is it significant that the two roads diverged?
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
from "The Road Not Taken"
by Robert Frost
ОА. The speaker is recalling, "with a sigh," how difficult it had been for him to choose the more traveled or the less tra
the two roads. The forked road is a metaphor for the inherent duality in the natural world.
OB. One of the forks in the road represents the speaker in his youth when he chose a road; the other stands for the sp-
"ages and ages hence." The forked road is a metaphor for the many contradictions found in nature.
OC. The speaker is relieved that he chose the road of moral living over one of temptation and ruin, which would have co
the other path.
The speaker is imagining what it might be like to describe his choice of a life path after he has taken that path to co



A. The speaker is recalling, "with a sigh," how difficult it had been for him to choose the more traveled or the less traveled of the two roads. The forked road is a metaphor for the inherent duality in the natural world.


In this poem, the author talks about life through a metaphor. He describes life as a walk through the forest, in which a person has to decide what path he or she wants to take. The author reflects on the difficulty of making that choice. He also realizes that his life turned out to be a certain way because he chose a certain path. The two paths represent the possible choices people can make in life, and the impact that these have in determining their future.

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