which statement best describes ocean floors and land surfaces?
A. Both results from plates colliding or sliding past each other.
B. Ocean floors are the bottom of thick plates, while land surfaces are the tops of thin, dense plates.
C. Ocean floors are the tops of thin. Dense plates, while land surfaces are the tops of thick, less dense plates.
D. Both result from plates spreading outward or sliding past each other.

I need the answer ASAP!


Answer 1

A and D can’t be true because these create valleys and volcanos and we are not talking about those and C makes no sense because ocean floors are thicker thus making B the answer. hope this helped!

Related Questions

PA3NC 113836
sigging wells
what will cause an increase in runoff and infiltration in an area



The answer is below


The cause for an increase in runoff can be many, some of which are:

1. Increase in the level of saturation of the ground

2. Decrease in the level of the porosity of the ground.

3. Decrease in the permeability of the ground.

4. When rainfall surpasses a soil's infiltration capacity

The cause for an increase in infiltration can be many, some of which are:

1. Reduction in the level of saturation of the ground

2. Rise in the level of the porosity of the ground.

3. Rise in the permeability of the ground.

4. Rise in the level of aggregation and soil structure caused by the presence of a high quantity of organic content.

As a student how are you going to (a) define climate change in your own words (b) What are the effects of climate change on humans, animals, and plants (c) as a student what are your ways in mitigating or reducing the effects of climate change.



a)Climate change is a long-term change in the average weather patterns that have come to define Earth's local, regional and global climates

b)Climate change also alters the life cycles of plants and animals. For example, as temperatures get warmer, many plants are starting to grow and bloom earlier in the spring and survive longer into the fall. Some animals are waking from hibernation sooner or migrating at different times, too.

c)1. Conserve energy in your everyday life.

Turn off the lights.

Close doors immediately so heat does not escape.

Take short showers.

Walk or bike if you can (instead of having your parents drive you).

In Thailand, plays known as
feature singing, dancing, and vibrantly colored costumes.



Dance in Thailand, pronounced is the main dramatic art form of Thailand.


Thai dance, like many forms of traditional Asian dance, can be divided into two major categories that correspond roughly to the high art (classical dance) and low art (folk dance) distinction.

Based on the passage, which industry makes up 27% of Singapore's economy?
agricultural B
Manufacturing C





manufacturing retail

What is natural increase?


The natural increase rate tells us how the population of a region is growing. It is calculated by subtracting the death rate from the birth rate.

Natural Increase Rate = Birth Rate - Death Rate

If the natural increase rate is positive, it tells us that the death rate is lower than the birth rate and the population is growing. If the natural increase rate is negative, it tells us that the death rate is higher than the birth rate and the population is declining. However, understand that this statistic does not take immigration into consideration.

I hope this helps!

The area shaded in orange on the map would be most at risk for which of the following ?



it has to be desertification


In agriculture, terraces like the ones shown in this photograph are used to grow crops in areas with high elevations such as-

A) Japan
B) Kenya
C) Somalia.





Japan has many teraces like the ones shown, which they use to grow crops such as rice.

Which number on the map is pointing to the city of Jerusalem, Israel?

A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4


3? I’m not sure if that’s the correct answer but from my knowledge it should be
I think it’s c for that

2. How did islam affect the culture of its new converts and the already existing religions?




a variety of counties, cultures, and religions settled in the colony of New York.

Define a 'rural settlement'. Why might rural settlements be more vulnerable to natural disasters such as drought, floods, etc.?


As distribution to rural areas is a challenge, especially after a disaster, we propose the ... Earthquakes, landslides, flood, drought, fires, and hailstorms are some of the natural ..

1 What is a crack or break in the lithosphere that can shift and create an earthquake?
A epicenter B. eruption C fault D. focus​


The answer would be:
C. Fault
The answer is c, fault

what 4 climate regions are in the eastern mediterranean



Can't really give you the answer, but here is the link about the Mediterranean climate if you want:


Hope it helps <33

Mediterranean-type ecosystems (MTEs), with their characteristic and unique climatic regimes of mild wet winters and warm and dry summers, occur in just five regions of the world: California; Central Chile; the Mediterranean Basin; the Cape Region of South Africa; and Southwestern and South Australia.

in what forms do we find water in the atmosphere?​



Water is present in oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, ice caps, as groundwater and in the atmosphere. Water exists in different forms. On the earth's surface, there are three different forms of water namely solid, liquid and gaseous.


they are present in oceans, lakes, rivers, clouds, and many more other ways

The diagram provided is a phylogenetic tree. It shows how groups of organisms are related through a shared evolutionary history.

The fossils remains of a creature that is the common ancestor of amphibians, primates, rodents, crocodiles, and birds is discovered. This fossil represents an organism represented by which labeled location on the diagram?


Answer: I think that it’s c

Sorry if not, comment if is not the correct answer

The fossil that has been belonging to the common ancestor of amphibians, primates, rodents, crocodiles, and birds should be labeled A.

What is a phylogenetic tree?

A phylogenetic tree can be given as the evolutionary tree that has been representing the phylogenetic relationship between the varying type of biological species. The relationship has been derived based on the similarities and differences derived in an individual's phenotype and genotype.

The study of the phylogenetic tree has been performed with the determination of the lines that links the different species. The branch point in the given phylogenetic tree has the presence of amphibians, primates, rodents, crocodiles, and birds as label A which differentiates into labels B, C, D, and others.

Thus, the fossil with the common ancestor of amphibians, primates, rodents, crocodiles, and birds should be labeled A.

Learn more about the phylogenetic tree, here:



50 POINTS!!!!!
Question 1 (1 point)
Which desert is found in SUB-Saharan Africa

Question 1 options:





Question 2 (1 point)
Many of the countries in Sub-Saharan are ___________________which limits their trade

Question 2 options:

Culturally divided

Mineral strong



Question 3 (1 point)
Which river can NOT be found in Sub-Saharan Africa?

Question 3 options:





Question 4 (1 point)
Most of Sub-Saharan Africa is composed of —

Question 4 options:




Huge plateaus and escarpments

Question 5 (1 point)
Which of the following is NOT a city of culture and trade in Sub-Saharan Africa?

Question 5 options:





Question 6 (1 point)
Famous falls found in Sub-Saharan Africa

Question 6 options:

Angel Falls

Victoria Falls

Niagara Falls

Lake Tanganyika

Question 7 (1 point)
Area where two tectonic plates are moving away from one another

Question 7 options:

Mt. Kilimanjaro

Great Rift Valley

Ring of Fire

Victoria Falls

Question 8 (1 point)
Line of Latitude that bisects the continent of Africa causing the climates north and south of the line to be similar

Question 8 options:

Tropic of Capricorn

Tropic of Cancer

Prime Meridian


Question 9 (1 point)
Environmental problem caused by over-grazing in Sub-Saharan Africa

Question 9 options:





Question 10 (1 point)
____________________or tropical wet/dry climates where you can find nature preserves or parks

Question 10 options:







1. Namib

2. Landlocked

3. Platte

4. Huge plateaus and escarpments

5. Gaza

6. Victoria Falls

7. Great Rift Valley

8. Equator

9. Desertification

10. Savana

Explanation: me big brain

The Namib desert is found in SUB-Saharan Africa.

What is SUB-Saharan Africa?

South of the Sahara is the region of the African continent that is referred to by this name. It includes all African nations and possessions that are either entirely or partly south of both the Sahara, as stated by the United Nations.

1. Namib desert is found in SUB-Saharan Africa.

2. Many of the countries in Sub-Saharan are  Landlocked which limits their trade.

3. Platte river can NOT be found in Sub-Saharan Africa

4. Most of Sub-Saharan Africa is composed of Huge plateaus and escarpments

5. Gaza is NOT a city of culture and trade in Sub-Saharan Africa

6. Famous falls found in Sub-Saharan Africa is Victoria Falls

7. Two tectonic plates are moving away from one another in Great Rift Valley

8. Line of Latitude that bisects the continent of Africa causing the climates north and south of the line to be similar to Equator

9. Environmental problem caused by over-grazing in the area of  Sub-Saharan Africa

is termed Desertification

10. Savana or tropical wet/dry climates where you can find nature preserves or parks

Learn more about SUB-Saharan Africa, here:



Name ONE gas that retains heat and increases the temperature of
the atmosphere.
of the atmosphere?



Greenhouse gases, including water vapor, carbon dioxide, and methane, form a small percentage of the overall atmosphere, yet they play an important role, trapping the heat required for life on Earth.

Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide as it blocks the sun rays so heat is reflected back to the earth.

In what direction did sendong move?​



I am not really sure if that’s the answer but yh

Explain how the increasing use of fossils fuels and changes in agriculture may have contributed to global changes in temperature



The manufacture and use of these releases another greenhouse gas to the atmosphere, nitrous oxide. Therefore, increased use of fossil fuels and changes in agriculture have both contributed to the increase in global temperatures because they have both caused the release of more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.


Mark this as brainiest please ;)

Between 50 and 60% of greenhouse gas emissions come from the burning of fossil fuels. This is because burning coal, oil and natural gas release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Fossil fuels are burnt in power stations to produce electricity, they are made into fuels for transport and also used in building, heating, and manufacturing. The use of them has increased because of population growth and increased economic development, meaning there are more people able to afford vehicles, flights, home heating, and manufactured goods.

• Restrictions on the press
• Rigged elections
• Rule by violence and brutality
The above characteristics relate most to which government type below?





Compare/Contrast a cold front and warm front- what kind of weather
would you expect at each? *


A cold weather front is defined as the changeover region where a cold air mass is replacing a warmer air mass. Cold weather fronts usually move from northwest to southeast. A warm weather front is defined as the changeover region where a warm air mass is replacing a cold air mass.

Select the three circled areas that typically should have moderate temperatures. ​



Iowa , sacramento , and kansas


If I recall the friends that I have around these places , never rally complain about the weather. also if u where to look up the weather online u can see how the temperatures stay moderate.


Iowa , sacramento , and kansas


which two countries had the largest colonial African empires and why do you think those two countries gained larger parts of Africa than other?


Between 700 and 1600 there were three great empires in the centre of West Africa: Ancient Ghana, Mali and Songhai. They all grew immensely rich by trading in gold.

Ghana dominated the region between about 750 and 1078. Smaller states in the region at this time included Takrur to the west, the Malinke kingdom of Mali to the south, and the Songhai Empire centred on Gao to the east.

Please please this is my final I'm trying to score good



The correct answer is Fascism




fasism is “a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.”

Describe how the physical geography of Latin America has
affected transportation and communication. What advances
have been made in these areas in recent years?



The far-reaching Andes Mountains and the massive Amazon River system dominate South America's physical geography.

South America can be divided into three physical regions: mountains and highlands, river basins, and coastal plains. Mountains and coastal plains generally run in a north-south direction, while highlands and river basins generally run in an

Find the volume of a pyramid with a square base, where the side length of the base is
12 ft and the height of the pyramid is 7.1 ft. Round your answer to the nearest tenth
of a cubic foot.



The volume of the given pyramid is 340.8 cubic feet.


The volume of an object is a consideration of the dimensions of the object with respect to 3 dimensions.

volume of a pyramid = [tex]\frac{1}{3}[/tex] x base area x height


base area = length x width

                 = 12 x 12

                 = 144 square feet

So that,

volume of the pyramid = [tex]\frac{1}{3}[/tex] x 144 x 7.1

                            = [tex]\frac{1}{3}[/tex] x 1022.4

                            = 340.8

The volume of the given pyramid is 340.8 cubic feet.




The volume of an object is a consideration of the dimensions of the object with respect to 3 dimensions.

volume of a pyramid =  x base area x height


base area = length x width

                = 12 x 12

                = 144 square feet

So that,

volume of the pyramid =  x 144 x 7.1

                           =  x 1022.4

                           = 340.8

The volume of the given pyramid is 340.8 cubic feet.

OK, everyone! Enough being stressed about work! Time for a dance party!!!!!!!!!


My grades can’t dance rn


I want these points lol and also ty

What is a baby shark?
A) A pain to the ears.
B)A clown that lives in an aquarium.
C)A fish that needs to be fried.


A if I hear it one more time I’ll lose it

Over the evolutionary history of a certain kind of fish, the trend is an increasing number of teeth. The data tables provides information for several examples.

A fossil of a new species of this type of fish (W. amateguorum) is discovered. The complete fossil skeleton is found, and it has 34 teeth. The most reasonable estimation for the age of this fossil would be which of the following?

About 20 million years old
About 30 million years old
About 70 millions years old
About 100 millions years old


Answer: The answer is C

Explanation: I did it

Define an 'urban settlement'. What negative impact does urbanization have on so-called developed nations?


Urbanisation affects the physical environment through the impacts of the number of people, their activities and the increased demands on resources. Urbanisation has negative consequences on health due mainly to pollution and overcrowded living conditions. It can also put added pressure on food supply systems.

What are the tensions between Muslim and Jews in the Middle East?



The main reason why tensions are so high between the Jews and the Muslims is because when WW2 ended the Jews were sent back to their homeland or they moved to the U.S. The newly formed United Nations Created Israel and carved up the previous Palestinian land and divided it up between the two countries. The Muslims didn't like this because they had just lost land that they had been on for generations before the Jews even showed up. The other reason why they don't like each other is because both of their religions, Judaism and Islam had religious ties to the city of Jerusalem.          


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