Which set of numbers cannot represent the lengths of the sides of a triangle?

6, 8, 11

7, 5, 6

5, 4, 11

9, 12, 19


Answer 1

9514 1404 393


  (c)  5, 4, 11

Step-by-step explanation:

The sum of the two short sides must exceed the long side. That is not the case for ...

  5 + 4 = 9 < 11

The lengths 5, 4, 11 cannot be a triangle.

Related Questions

A cylinder has a base area of 64π m2. Its height is equal to twice the radius. Identify the volume of the cylinder to the nearest tenth.

V = 6434.0 m3
V = 2804.2 m3
V = 1402.1 m3
V = 3217.0 m3



3215 .36 m³ is the required volume.

Step-by-step explanation:

Base area of Cylinder = 64π m²

Height of cylinder is equal to twice the radius .

As we know that ,

★Base Area of Cylinder = πr²


π is taken as 22/7 or 3.14

r is the radius of cylinder

Substitute the value we get

↝ 64 π = πr²

↝ 64 = r²

↝ √64 = r

↝ 8 = r

↝ r = 8 m

Now, it is given that height is equal to twice of radius

Therefore ,

height = 2r = 2×8 = 16 m

★Volume of Cylinder = πr²h

substitute the value we get

↝ volume of Cylinder = 3.14 × 8² × 16

↝volume of Cylinder = 3.14 × 64 × 16

↝volume of Cylinder = 3215 .36 m²

Hence, the required volume of cylinder is 3215 .36 m³.



Step-by-step explanation:

A new car is purchased for 17300 dollars. The value of the car depreciates at 9.25% per year. What will the value of the car be, to the nearest cent, after 15 years?



1137004: A new car is purchased for 17000 dollars. The value of the car depreciates at 13.5% per year. What will the value of the car be, to the nearest cent, after 12 years?

Step-by-step explanation:

4 16
1 12
1 3
3 3/2
Which table shows y as DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL tox?



what are you trying to do or say

Which is equivalent to 64 1/4?


3/12 is equivalent to 1/4 because 1 x 3 = 3 and 4 x 3 = 12. 4/16 is equivalent to 1/4 because 1 x 3 = 4 and 4 x 3 = 16. and so on ... Equivalent fractions may look different, but when you reduce then to the lowest terms you will get the same value.

can anyone help me with this?



x = 51

Step-by-step explanation:

The figure shown is a pentagon

The angles in a pentagon add up to equal 540

Which means that 77 + 107 + 156 + 149 + x = 540

                                    ^ ( note that we just created an equation that we can      

                                        use to solve for x )

We then solve for x using that equation

77 + 107 + 156 + 149 + x = 540  

step 1 combine like terms

77 + 107 + 156 + 149 = 489

we now have 489 + x = 540

step 2 subtract 489 from each side

489 - 489 cancels out

540 - 489 = 51

we're left with x = 51

Hey, can u help me with what to write




In mathematics, a linear equation is an equation that may be put in the form a₁x₁+⋯+aₙxₙ+b=0, where x₁,…,xₙ are the variables (or unknowns), and b,a₁,…,aₙ are the coefficients, which are often real numbers. The coefficients may be considered as parameters of the equation, and may be arbitrary expressions, provided they do not contain any of the variables. To yield a meaningful equation, the coefficients a₁,…,aₙ are required to not all be zeroby-step explanation:

Check the equation for varying terms and constant terms. Usually, equations won't come with varying terms and constant terms lined up on separate sides.

In order to do this, you may have to subtract or add the numbers you want to move from both sides. ...

Move the varying terms to one side of the equation

Specialized license plates have seven permissible characters: letters, numbers, a dash (-)

and the ampersand (&). How many custom plates are available?



[tex]Total = 38^7[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]Plate\ Number = 7\ characters[/tex]

[tex]Letters \to 26[/tex] [tex]\to [A- Z][/tex]

[tex]Numbers \to 10[/tex] [tex]\to [0 - 9][/tex]

[tex]Dash \to 1[/tex] [tex]\to [ - ][/tex]

[tex]Ampersand \to 1[/tex] [tex]\to [\&][/tex]


Number of possible characters

Since the order and ways of selecting each character is not selected, then it means that any of the permissible character can occupy any of the 7 available spaces, with repetition.

The total possible characters (n) is:

[tex]n = 26 +10 + 1 + 1[/tex]

[tex]n = 38[/tex]

Any of the 38 characters can occupy any of the 7 spaces.

Hence, the total number of character is:

[tex]Total = n^7[/tex]

[tex]Total = 38^7[/tex]

You have 10 shirts. How many ways can
you select 5 shirts to pack for a trip?



their is 50 ways.......

The possible combination, 252 ways you can pack shirts for a trip.

What is a permutation?

Mathematical calculations are used to determine the number of different configurations for a given set, and this procedure is referred to as permutation. A permutation is a phrase that, simply put, refers to the diversity of alternative configurations or ordering. When employing permutations, the sequence of the arrangement is crucial.

Formula for combination is

n!/(r! x (n-r)!),

where n is a number of shirts and r is the shirts selected.

In combination,

order doesn’t matter, as opposed to permutation.

According to the question,

n = 10 and r = 5

Then substituting the above values to the formula,

that means,

10! / ( 5! x 5!)

= 10x9x8x7x6 / ( 5x4x3x2x1)

= 252

Therefore, You can pack 5 shirts in 252 ways.

To learn more about the permutation;



Don't give me a link.



x = 3

Step-by-step explanation:

6(x+1) = 24

x+1 = 4

x = 3

If my answer is incorrect, pls correct me!

If you like my answer and explanation, mark me as brainliest!

-Chetan K


x = 3

Step-by-step explanation:

Math solution to equation

6(x + 1) = 24

Divide both sides by 6

x + 1 = 4

Subtract 1 from both sides

x = 3

You are going to estimate how long a person holds down a button on their calculator by randomly selecting people and asking them to do something on your calculator (which has a special timer to record how long the enter button is pressed). You practiced on the people at work and found a standard deviation of about 0.37 seconds. You want to get a 94% confidence interval that is only 0.06 in width. How many people do you need to have in your study



You need to have 538 people in your study.

Step-by-step explanation:

We have that to find our [tex]\alpha[/tex] level, that is the subtraction of 1 by the confidence interval divided by 2. So:

[tex]\alpha = \frac{1 - 0.94}{2} = 0.03[/tex]

Now, we have to find z in the Ztable as such z has a pvalue of [tex]1 - \alpha[/tex].

That is z with a pvalue of [tex]1 - 0.03 = 0.97[/tex], so Z = 1.88.

Now, find the margin of error M as such

[tex]M = z\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}[/tex]

In which [tex]\sigma[/tex] is the standard deviation of the population and n is the size of the sample.

You practiced on the people at work and found a standard deviation of about 0.37 seconds.

This means that [tex]\sigma = 0.37[/tex]

You want to get a 94% confidence interval that is only 0.06 in width.

This means that [tex]M = \frac{0.06}{2} = 0.03[/tex]

How many people do you need to have in your study?

This is n for which M = 0.03. So

[tex]M = z\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}[/tex]

[tex]0.03 = 1.88\frac{0.37}{\sqrt{n}}[/tex]

[tex]0.03\sqrt{n} = 1.88*0.37[/tex]

[tex]\sqrt{n} = \frac{1.88*0.37}{0.03}[/tex]

[tex](\sqrt{n})^2 = (\frac{1.88*0.37}{0.03})^2[/tex]

[tex]n = 537.6[/tex]

Rounding up:

You need to have 538 people in your study.

A list of numbers is shown; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
what is the median








Step-by-step explanation:

We have a list of 10 numbers (n = 10) ordered from lower to higher.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The median is the value separating the higher half from the lower half of a data sample. Since n is even, there is no middle value and the median is defined as the mean between the two middle values, in this case, 5 and 6. Then,

median = 5 + 6 / 2 = 5.5

Please If you plan to help me with any of these and respond to I would be grateful please show that this application is for good answers God bless you



Step-by-step explanation:

Whether you’re job searching, working on your professional development, or building your career, you’ve probably been in a situation that warranted showing appreciation and gratitude. Perhaps you received a job lead and a pep talk from a former colleague. Maybe you had an informational interview with someone who has now taken you under their wing and is serving as a mentor. It might even be a family member who’s your greatest fan. Whatever the situation, one way to show gratitude is to write a thank-you note that expresses your appreciation.

What are the zeros of the function y = 2x2 + 9x+4 ?

Help pls! ;-;



x = {-4, -1/2}

Step-by-step explanation:

2x² + 9x + 4 = 0


(2x + 1)(x + 4) = 0

2x + 1 = 0

x = -1/2

x + 4 = 0

x = -4

x = {-4, -1/2}

Hannah and Corrine are playing a game by rolling two cubes, each numbered 1 through 6. If the sum of the numbers on the cubes is 7, Hannah wins. If the sum is not 7, Corrine wins. Corrine says Hannah can win only if the following occurs:
1 on the first cube, 6 on the second cube
2 on the first cube, 5 on the second cube
3 on the first cube, 4 on the second cube

Which best explains if Corrine is correct?

Corrine is correct because there are only three ways to have a sum of 7 when the cubes are rolled.

Corrine is correct because there are no 7s on the cubes, so Hannah must roll a greater number on the second cube.

Corrine is not correct because Hannah can also roll doubles on the cubes, such as 3 on the first cube and 3 on the second cube or 4 on the first cube and 4 on the second cube.

Corrine is not correct because Hannah also wins if 6 is on the first cube and 1 is on the second, if 5 is on the first cube and 2 is on the second, and if 4 is on the first cube and 3 is on the second.


D. Corrine is not correct because Hannah also wins if 6 is on the first cube and 1 is on the second, if 5 is on the first cube and 2 is on the second, and if 4 is on the first cube and 3 is on the second.

Step-by-step explanation:

To get a sum of 7 by rolling two cubes, we need to get one of the combinations from the list below:

1 on the first cube, 6 on the second cube


6 on the first cube, 1 on the second cube

2 on the first cube, 5 on the second cube


5 on the first cube, 2 on the second cube

3 on the first cube, 4 on the second cube


4 on the first cube, 3 on the second cube

Therefore, the correct answer option is D. Corrine is not correct because Hannah also wins if 6 is on the first cube and 1 is on the second, if 5 is on the first cube and 2 is on the second, and if 4 is on the first cube and 3 is on the second.

Decimal of 0.516÷4 With process​


Answer: 0.129

determine the perimeter of quadrilateral CGHI



if the sides are 2, 3, 4.2, 2.6 then the perimeter is 11.8

Step-by-step explanation:

just add them together

Find m∠1. 40 35 30 55



m∠ = 90° - 40 = 50°

m∠ = 90° - 35 = 55°

m∠ = 90° - 30 = 60°

m∠ = 90° - 55 = 35°


35 Degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

Here is the third problem:)




Step-by-step explanation:

we are finidng the adjacent angle, they have given us the opposite and the missing adjacent side so we use tan


since x is at the bottom then switch

x= 7/tan25

x= 15. 012


x = 15.01

Step-by-step explanation:

Given degrees 25

Since x is between the right angle and 25, x is adjacent

7 being the other shortest side would be the opposite

Given adjacent and opposite, you can use tangent

Tangent = opposite/adjacent

Tan(25) = 7/x

0.4663076582 = 7/x

x = 7/0.4663076582 (use calculator)

Solution: x = 15.0115484421

A rectangular yard has dimensions 10 meters by 8 meters. In the middle of the yard is a rectangular pond of 8 square meters, leaving a uniform walkway around the pond. Write a quadratic equation in standard form to find the width of the walkway.


hahahaha i had this same question in my grade

3) Assume the point of tangency at the
diameter. Solve for the value of x (be
careful, there is a trick!)


If u did know 7 plus that 7.1 wins alway

Help please it important


corresponding angle because 1 is correspondence to 45 degree

If a fair coin is tossed 7 times, what is the probability, to the nearest thousandth, of getting exactly 5 heads?




Step-by-step explanation:

delta math said so but

n=7 ; r=5; p=1/2

q= 1- 1/2 = 1/2

7c5(1/2)^5 (1/2)^2 = 0.16406 which is 0.164

What is the volume of the cylinder below?



[tex]Volume=80\pi[/tex] [tex]units^{2}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Perpendicular height of the base of cylinder h = 5 units

Slant height I = 6 units

Radius of the cylinder r = 4 units

Volume of the lateral cylinder is

[tex]V = \pi r^{2} h[/tex]-----------(1)

Where r is radius of the cylinder

And h is perpendicular height of the base of cylinder.

Now, we substitute r and h value in equation 1.

[tex]V=\pi[/tex] × [tex]4^{2}[/tex] × [tex]5[/tex]

[tex]V=\pi[/tex] × [tex]16[/tex] x [tex]5[/tex]

[tex]V=\pi[/tex] × [tex]80[/tex]

[tex]V=80\pi[/tex] [tex]units^{2}[/tex]

Therefore, the volume of the given cylinder is [tex]80\pi[/tex] [tex]units^2[/tex].

You start driving east for 18 miles, turn right, and drive south for
another 5 miles. At the end of driving, what is your straight line
distance from your starting point? Round to the nearest tenth of a




Step-by-step explanation:

Use the Pythagorean Theorem.



Square root both sides

Simplify. Ignore negative root, as length must be positive.

Round to the nearest tenth.


Step-by-step explanation:

A cone has a height of 20 centimeters and a radius of 18 centimeters. What is its volume?

Use ​ ≈ 3.14 and round your answer to the nearest hundredth.




Step-by-step explanation:

find the area of the triangle. Round
your answer to the nearest tenth.



180 i think

Step-by-step explanation:

!!!!!!Please help ASAP!!!!!
AB and BC form a right angle at their point of intersection, B. If the coordinates of A and Bare (14, -1) and (2, 1), respectively, the y-intercept of AB is 4/3 and the equation of BC is y= 6 X + If the y-coordinate of point Cis 13, its x-coordinate is​



Step-by-step explanation:

Segments AB and BC intersect each other at 90° at B.

Let the equation of the segment AB → y = mx + b

Here, m = Slope of the line

b = y-intercept

Slope of the line AB passing through A(14, -1) and B(2, 1)

Slope = [tex]\frac{y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1}[/tex]

          = [tex]\frac{1+1}{2-14}[/tex]

          = [tex]-\frac{2}{12}[/tex]

          = [tex]-\frac{1}{6}[/tex]

Equation of the line will be,


Since, AB passes through (2, 1)




Therefore, y-intercept of AB = [tex]\frac{4}{3}[/tex]

Equation of AB → [tex]y=-\frac{1}{6}(x)+\frac{4}{3}[/tex]

Since, line BC is perpendicular to AB,

By the property of perpendicular lines,

[tex]m_1\times m_2=-1[/tex]

Here, [tex]m_1[/tex] and [tex]m_2[/tex] are the slopes of line AB and BC respectively.

By this property,

[tex]-\frac{1}{6}\times m_2=-1[/tex]


Equation of a line passing through a point (h, k) and slope 'm' is,

(y - k) = m(x - h)

Therefore, equation of line BC passing through B(2, 1) and slope = 6,

y - 1 = 6(x - 2)

y = 6x - 11

Since, line BC passes through C(x, 13),

13 = 6x - 11

6x = 24

x = 4

Therefore, x-coordinate of point C will be, x = 4

James wants to 3D-print 8 model car pieces per hour for 10 hours. He can produce 5 model car
pieces using 50 grams of plastic.
How many grams of plastic will he need?



80 grams of plastic

Step-by-step explanation:

5 model cars -- 50 grams

1 model car -- (50/5) = 10 grams

8 model cars -- (10 * 8) = 80 grams

Thenks and mark me brainliest :)))



I think that the answer is A.

PLEASE! Is this correct?


I believe it’s correct, but i’m not smart
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