Which sentence would provide the BEST transition
between the two paragraphs?
Whether the purpose is to limit
distractions or to encourage self-
respect, the new policy is a good
Some workplaces are also starting
to enact stricter expectations for
what is considered a professional
I know that the administration has
faced some opposition for this
policy, but I think it will die down
once students get used to the
I can assure you that I, for one, am
distracted by some of the things
people wear now.


Answer 1




It is the least personal and most "professional" sounding option, and also it offers the smoothest transition of topics.

Related Questions

What is mindfulness?
Challenging your negative self-beliefs
Attempting to improve your self-esteem
OC. Giving your full awareness to a task
Becoming a Buddhist


I feel like a because other answer are not strong enough as a in my opinion

Anna’s mother has offered to listen to Anna’s oral report before Anna presents it to her class. How should Anna respond?
That would be great; it’s important to test a report before presenting it.
No thanks. A report should be 100 percent my own work, so I can’t accept help.
No thanks. I followed all the rules, so I know the report will be great.
You’re welcome to listen, but I probably won’t make any changes.



1st one


I think criticism is important and could change a perspective or even a few details.

Anna should respond by saying, "That would be great; it's important to test a report before presenting it," which is the first option, as accepting constructive criticism and feedback is an essential part of improving one's work, and having someone listen to the report beforehand can help identify any areas that need improvement.

What is a report?

Receiving feedback and testing a report before presenting it can be very beneficial, as it can help identify areas for improvement and strengthen the overall presentation. It is important to be open to constructive criticism and to use it to improve one's work. Rejecting help from others solely to maintain the idea of "100 percent my own work" can be limiting and may result in a missed opportunity to improve and excel in a given task.

Hence, Anna should respond by saying, "That would be great; it's important to test a report before presenting it," which is the first option, as accepting constructive criticism and feedback is an essential part of improving one's work, and having someone listen to the report beforehand can help identify any areas that need improvement.

Learn more about the report here.



DONT GUESS. IF YOU DONT KNOW THE ANSWER, LEAVE me alone. Extra points if you provide evidence.

What is the culture of Cinderella like? How does that culture affect the story?



Depending on what story of cinderella your reading but it's multicultural

it affects the events that happen and how they happen


How to overcome public speaking and speaking to anyone and interviews ? How to be confidence within yourself when public speaking and speaking to anyone and interviews? How to find your confidence?



Try saying one long word to yourself, such as Mississippi, or a short phrase.


It can help, as it allows the brain to engage with what you want to say. Plus, it can, in a way, help you with speaking as, in a nutshell, you've basically spoken to yourself, which links to speaking to others. If all else fails, then just read through your script to yourself (that is, of course, if you have one)!

Which verb best completes the sentence?

Select the word from the drop-down menu.

Each of the contestants who signs in
a spot.

A, earn
b, earning
c, earns


It is (b) each of the contestants who sign in earns

The verb which best completes the sentence as given in the task content is; Choice C; earns.

Agreement of subject and verb of a sentence

From concord, it follows that singular subjects attract singular verbs and plural subjects attract plural verbs.

On this note, the subject of the sentence given is; Each which connotes a singular meaning. Hence, the appropriate verb for the sentence is the singular verb; earns.

Read more on subjects and verbs;


Question: Which character’s traits are most responsible for the relationship progressing: Romeo’s or Juliet’s? Explain in a fully developed analytical paragraph. You should include at least two quotes to support your answer, and they must be introduced with context and cited correctly. Ex: As Romeo gazes up at Juliet on her balcony, he comments on her beauty, saying, "See how she leans her hand upon her cheek?/ O that I were a glove upon that hand,/ That I might touch that cheek" (2.2.3-4). (Hint: Don’t forget to have a clear topic sentence, specific, detailed elaboration, and a conclusion that reviews your main points and answers your “So What?”). Your evidence should only come from Act 2, scene 2.


when you see the light you usually don’t say anything about it because it does

Based on the excerpts, which of the following sentences correctly uses the word aversion?
His aversion for food has caused a drastic weight gain.
He drove down the street with such aversion.
Her tone of voice was full of aversion.
She has always had an aversion to flying.


Answer: She has always had an aversion to flying.


When someone is said to have an aversion to something, it means that they generally do not like or want to do a certain thing and this can be as a result of a general dislike or fear of said thing.

When using the word in a sentence it should precede the action or thing that the subject is averse to. In other words, a person should have an aversion to something which is why D is the best option.

Can someone help me I need this rnnn please


4. Because in both of the passages it gives the stuff to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich

Do you think enhancing reading, writing and speaking skills are helpful in your desire course? Why is it helpful or not?​


Answer: It’s helpful because you need to seek clearly for people to understand what you were trying to get out then or to tell them. You need writing because you can’t only be able to speak clearly also I’d be able to write in so what do you know.


• 2.3.6 Analyze Gothic Elements in Literature
Read this sentence from the opening paragraph of "The Black Cat":
But to-morrow I die, and to-day I would unburthen my soul.
Why does Poe place this line near the beginning of the story?
A. To provide an unusual setting that prepares the reader for frightening
XO B. To set a quick pace so that readers know the story will have a lot of
C. To make the reader aware that this story is an example of Gothic
D. To foreshadow events to come and make the reader wonder what the
narrator has done



Hmmm....I think it means C or D...since I haven't ready the whole story

Identifying Words That Show Tone
Use the connotations of Romeo's words to determine which of them show tone. Sort the tiles to show which show
tone and which do not.
"would through the
Show Tone
Do Not Show Tone
"she speaks"
two of the fairest stars
that birds would sing
"her eyes in heaven
"who is already
b) Intro
us Activity



in photo


Which word a synonym is for mystified?
A. dazed
B. staggered
C. perplexed
D. seemed



C. perplexed


Perplexed is a word that you can use in place of confused, mystified...etc

They are all synonyms of each other.

50 POINTS !!



just comment “ill help.”



I guess I can help??? Depends on the poem but sure I’m decent ig

Miller used the play as a criticism of
-witch hunts


Miller used the play as a criticism of McCarthyism. The Crucible is about the witch-hunt, plus trials that took place in Salem in 1692. In this play people cared about other people's business and being accused of witchcraft was the most dangerous sin. To avoid being hanged people accused others... so yeah

NO LINKS OR ELSE YOU'LL BE REPORTED!Only answer if you're very good at English.

What is the correct meaning of the word dictatorial?

The country had always had a dictatorial government.

A: Confrontational

B: Dominant

C: Constitutional

D: Authoritarian​


Authoritarian (D)





meaning of D:

favoring or enforcing strict obedience to authority, especially that of the government, at the expense of personal freedom

what is QR full form​



QR stands for "Quick Response.


The full form of QR is quick response

why is it important to treat all viewpoints fairly​



considering all sides of an issue shows that one is reasonable.

The first one I think is correct. Have nice day :)

Pls help I’ll brainlest


i’m pretty sure the answers is a!

Which sentence shows that Mrs.Castalano has run out of patients? HELP PLEASEEEE!!!


"I'm here to see my granddaughter," she said to the woman standing next to her in line. The woman turned away.

What is a theme in "The Snow-Queen”?

Love conquers all.
If something comes easily, it may go easily too.
There is no “I” in “team.”
The journey is better than the destination.



A. - Love conquers all.





Read the passage, and highlight the words spoken by Mrs. Flowers.

"I don't need to see the inside, Mrs. Henderson, I can tell . . ." But the dress was over my head and my arms were stuck in the sleeves. Momma said, "That'll do. See here, Sister Flowers, I French-seams around the armholes." Through the cloth film, I saw the shadow approach. "That makes it last longer. Children these days would bust out of sheet-metal clothes. They so rough."

"That is a very good job, Mrs. Henderson. You should be proud. You can put your dress back on, Marguerite."

—I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings,
Maya Angelou

What inference can be made about Mrs. Flowers based on what she says to Mrs. Henderson?

Mrs. Flowers is aware of how other people feel.
Mrs. Flowers is not impressed by Mrs. Henderson’s work.
Mrs. Flowers is interested in learning how to sew.
Mrs. Flowers is jealous when other people are proud.



"I don't need to see the inside, Mrs. Henderson, I can tell . . ." But the dress was over my head and my arms were stuck in the sleeves. Momma said, "That'll do. See here, Sister Flowers, I French-seams around the armholes." Through the cloth film, I saw the shadow approach. "That makes it last longer. Children these days would bust out of sheet-metal clothes. They so rough."


Mrs. Flowers and Mrs. Henderson are having a conversation between each other. From the information you gave, this would make the most sense :)


its A


i just did it

What activities do you do every day to protect the



Stop littering. Stop burning.


They all cause harmful impurities

Why do you think people started the ritual of spring cleaning



For your house can be pretty for a new year and you ”can’t get bad luck” I got told that.



so that there is no bad luck

Why is Alice's
Adventures in Wonderland
considered a parody?


Because it is not the original and is a parody remake of the original alice in wonderland.


Because it is not the original and is a parody remake of the original Alice in wonderland.


The story of the bad little boy by mark Twain



The Story Of The Bad Little Boy. Once there was a bad little boy whose name was Jim - though, if you will notice.

The theme of this story is the bad luck of a pious boy, just like the previous short story. The narrator compares the good boy in Sunday-school books to Jacob.


I hope this helps you sorry if it doesn’t help you


The Story of a Good Little Boy tells the story of a boy named Jacob Blivens who always obeyed his parents no matter how absurd their demands.


Which story is most clearly an example of a frame narrative?
O A. A mother and father experience the same traumatic event, each
interpreting the event differently,
O B. Two siblings experience the same hurricane, the story shifting
between their different perspectives.
O C. The events of a heist gone wrong are told backward until the root
of the problem becomes clear.
D. An old woman tells the story of how she survived the Titanic,
where the action of the story occurs.​


The answer to this question is B

The correct answer is: D. An old woman tells the story of how she survived the Titanic, where the action of the story occurs.​

Why is it considered as an example of frame narrative?

The reason why it is considered as an frame narrative is due to the fact that the narrator is a women who narrates the story within the story the narrator shares her personal views on everything that happened including her own love story.

What is a frame narrative?

A story within a story, within sometimes yet another story, as in, for example, Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. As in Mary Shelley's work, the form echoes in structure the thematic search in the story for something deep, dark, and secret at the heart of the narrative.

For further information Frame narrative:



Which of the following causes Chemical Weathering? *



Acid Rain


Does Meursault value anything? What are Meursault’s values? Use details from the text to support your answer. Your answer should be at least one hundred words.



Meursault is a kind of person who give importance of physical belongings and the leisure and luxury of life.


Meursault is a kind of person who give importance of physical belongings and the leisure and luxury of life. He is least interested in any form of emotional, mental or physical attachment.  

Meursault believes that there is nothing good or bad. It differs from person to person and hence there is no clear cut distinction between the two.  

He is only concerned about himself and hence he dies happily. He did not believe in God neither the life after death. Some consider him as both the absurdist and an atheist.

He follows existentialism and does not differentiate between any form of social boundaries.

Which statement best explains the tone throughout the poem?

it is at first negative and becomes uncertain

because the poet wants to emphasize doubt.

It changes because the poet wants to demonstrate a different attitude.

It stays the same because the poet wants to convey a doubtful feeling.

It remains positive throughout because the poet wants to indicate the importance of confidence.






It is at first negative and becomes uncertain because the poet wants to emphasize doubt.

He is a real Romeo with the ladies an example of ?


i think its an example of a metaphor. ✌

This should be a metaphor due to Romeo being used as a metaphorical word since Romeo is known as a lover within Romeo and Juliet... Hope this helps
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A switch statement determines which item the user// has chosen. A do-while loop repeats until the user selects item E// from the menu.// PLACE YOUR NAME HERE#include #include using namespace std;int main(){ // Fill in the code to define an integer variable called number, // a floating point variable called cost, // and a character variable called beverage bool validBeverage; cout The graph shows the number of books Rahul read, y, compared with the number of books Maggie read, x, over the summer.Which equation represents the relationship between the number of books read by Rahul and Maggie?A. y=x+2B. y=x+1C. y=3xD. y=2x question one, true or false? How can trauma impact generations of people? Julio is ordering books from BestBooks for his reading club. The table shows Julio's total cost of the book order, Including the shipping fee for each order. Read and choose the correct option with the stem-changing verb in the preterite tense .He, after checking the bags, _________ (continue) to the security inspection. (2 points) toi followed bdid you follow cthey followed dfollowed plzzzzz helpppp meeeeeee 8Drag each label to the correct location on the imageDetermine which details should be included in a summary of the passage and which details should be omitted from the summaryAncient pottery and rockart have been found inthe mountainsThe people who lived in themountains were huntergatherersMany of the early residentslived in cavesSpaniards came to themountains in the midsbdeenth centuryEvidence shows that themountains were inhabitedover 10,000 years agoDetails to include in summaryDetails to omit from summaryThe Guadalupe MountainsNo one knows when the fut people came to the Guadalupe Mountains inforwest Texas, but archaeological evidence Gates back over 10.000 years ago. The earliestinhabitants were her gatherers who fotowed avtale game and ripeningvegetation. They lived in and among the many caves and coves common throughoutthe range. Scattered evidence of their ende, including projectile points basketspottery, and rock art has been found throughout the mountain rangeSince then myfferent groups have moved in and out of the area, Induding theSpanish who arrived by the mid 1500s. There is the evidence of any attempts on thepart to penetrate the Guadalupes. No large scale settlements have been located. Therinfluence was significant, though because they introduced horses into the wea for thebands of Apaches who roamed freely over much of the southwest, horses quicklybecame an asset to their nomadic style. The Mescalero Apaches followed game,much as the earlier peoples had done, and they so harvested the apare for mescafor food and fiber Mescalero is the name given to them by the Sparvh it meansmesc maker. Apoveroasting pits and other remains of escalier campsites arecommon in the mountainsPrior to the mid 1800s, the Guadalupes remained an unchallenged Sanctuary for theMescalero Apaches. But newly established transportation routes, and the end of theCivil War, encouraged droves of pioneers, homesteaders muners and numerous othersto head west. In the mid 1800s, explorers were commissioned to look for possibleemigrant routes to the west. The proposed transcontinental red expected to followone of these routes through these wurveying expedition would never lead to aroad through Guadalupe Pass they did provide the first extensive studies of theGuadalupe regionin 1858 a horse-changing station was constructed near Pine Springs for theButterfield Overland Mel To protect the investments, the stapeline and settlers in theare demanded protection from the moty Several Cavalry troops were ordered inand out of the area that Indian raids and secure settierents along the stage route inthe winter of troopstead by HB Cushing penetrated the Guadalupes anddestroyed two primary Apache camps. These aggressive actions were devastating tothe Mescaleros who were already taongfood shortages within the increasingly mitedand base. They were eventually driven out of the Guadalupes by the late 1800's nearlyof the surg Mescaliero Apaches in the United States were ingon reservationsPermanent series in the Guipes were not common though even after thefinal displacement of the Mescaleros The Butterfield stage route through theGuades was abandoned in less than a year for a more favorable course alongastring of army forts to the south Mosters found the range distinted watersources to run and hospicable. The first permanent ranch house wasconstruded in 1976 byte Rader brothers Now Caled Frole Ranch served asresidence for several as through the years. And, as the only major buildingcomplex in the repon for several decades. served as a community center andrepona post office from 1916-1942. Today, the role Ranch House has been restoredand operates as temReset100 points please help me. Pleaseeeee need this quickly 50 points! COLUMN A1. gametes2. gonads3. seminiferous tubules4. puberty in males5. testosterone6. corpus luteum7. puberty in females8. atresia9. human chorionic gonadotropin10. oxytocinCOLUMN B a. sperm productionb. endocrine structurec. produces secondary sex characteristicsd. follicular degeneratione, reproductive organsf. indicates pregnancy8. reproductive cellsh. milk ejectioni. menarchej. spermatogenesis begins i need some help please In April 1865 general Lees army of northern Virginia 41Fill in: poisonous, hand-held, breeding, signs,focus, police, cuts, fall into, fatal, borrow.1 Always obey the road.............2 You mustn't panic if you............a mud bog!Do you ever......... books from the library4 Some documentaries use video footage from.......... cameras.5 My dad hates it when another driver........him off.6 December to February is....... seasonfor elephant seals. They give birth to a single pup.7 Try to ............on what he is talking about.8 The ...............car was chasing thesuspect through the streets.9 Scorpion stings can be............., soyou should be very careful.10 There are lots of ................spiders andsnakes in a jungle. Their bites can be verydangerous How many more barrels of gasoline then diesel were produced last year clown , ! Horatio Alger has just become product manager for Brand X. Brand X is a consumer product with a retail price of $1.00. Retail margins on the product are 33%, while wholesalers take a 12% margin. Brand X and its direct competitors sell a total of 20 million units annually; Brand X has 24% of this market. Variable manufacturing costs for Brand X are $0.09 per unit. Fixed manufacturing costs are $900,000. The advertising budget for Brand X is $500,000. The Brand X product manager's salary and expenses total $35,000. Salespeople are paid entirely by a 10% commission. Shipping costs, breakage, insurance, and so forth are $0.02 per unit.1. What is the unit contribution for Brand X?2. What is Brand X's break-even point?3. What market share does Brand X need to break even?4. What is Brand X's profit impact? Industry demand is expected to increase to 23 million units next year. Mr. Alger is considering raising his advertising budget to $1 million.a. If the advertising budget is raised, how many units will Brand X have to sell to break even?b. How many units will Brand X have to sell in order for it to achieve the same profit impact that it did this year?c. What will Brand X's market share have to be next year for its profit impact to be the same as this year?d. What will Brand X's market share have to be for it to have a $1 million profit impact?5. Upon reflection, Mr. Alger decides not to increase Brand X's advertising budget. Instead, he thinks he might give retailers an incentive to promote Brand X by raising their margins from 33% to 40%. The margin increase would be accomplished by lowering the price of the product to retailers. Wholesaler margins would remain at 12%.a. If retailer margins are raised to 40% next year, how many units will Brand X have to sell to break even?b. How many units will Brand X have to sell to achieve the same profit impact next year as it did this year?c. What would Brand X's market share have to be for its profit impact to remain at this year's level?d. What would Brand X's market share have to be for it to generate a profit impact of $350,000?