Which sentence best explains the relationship between a community and an ecosystem?

OA. A community includes both an ecosystem and the surrounding biotic factors.

OB. An ecosystem includes both a community and the surrounding abiotic factors.

OC. A community can contain multiple ecosystems.

D. An ecosystem can include communities from different regions. ​


Answer 1

Answer: B. An ecosystem includes both a community and the surrounding abiotic factors.

Explanation: An ecosystem includes both a community and the surrounding abiotic factors.  An ecosystem comprises living organisms that reside in a particular habitat alongside non-living components of that environment, such as air, water, and soil. A community is the population of diverse species that live in the same area and interact with one another. The relationship between an ecosystem and a community is that an ecosystem includes both a community and the surrounding abiotic factors.  The abiotic components of the ecosystem influence the survival and interactions of the biotic components, including species interactions and nutrient cycling. Therefore, an ecosystem's biotic components interact with the abiotic environment, and an ecosystem cannot be complete without the interaction of living and non-living things.

Related Questions

When conducting an experiment, which of the following may be useful when collecting and recording scientific data?I.drawingII.tape recorderIII.lab notebook or journalIV.data tableA. I, III, and IV only B. III only C. IV only D. I, II, III, and IV


All the choices may be useful when collecting and recording scientific data. Drawing was used by scientist to record and communicate their efforts in an experiment for centuries. A tape recorder is being used to record the data collected through interviews. Lab notebook is used by researchers to document their hypothesis, experiments, as well as their analysis. A data table are used for organization of all the data collected to be used for experimentation.

Answer - Option D - I,II, II, and IV

Plssssssss HELP! I don't get it!!! Will rate Brainliest if correct!!!


Please post your specific question.

Which of the following choices is NOT part of the chloroplast?ооооcristaestromathylakoidschlorophyll


The parts of a chloroplast are the inner membrane, outer membrane, intermembrane space, thylakoid membrane, stroma and lamella.

Chlorophyll is the green pigment found within the thylakoid membrane.

Cristae are found on the inner membraine of mitochondria in the cell cytoplasm.

Answer - Option 1 - cristae

What type of bonds give
water special
A. hydrogen bonds this
B. non-polar bonds
C. covalent bonds
D. adhesion bonds


Answer: c





A person with DMD had DNA that does not code for the proteindystrophymusclesduchenneO dystrophin


the answer is dystrophin

as dystrophin is protein found in cytoplasma

Explanation: In individuals with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), there is a mutation in the gene that codes for the protein dystrophin. Dystrophin is an essential protein involved in maintaining the structural integrity of muscle fibers. The mutation in the DMD gene results in the absence or severely reduced production of functional dystrophin protein.

As a result, without the production of dystrophin, the muscles in individuals with DMD gradually weaken and degenerate over time. This leads to progressive muscle weakness, difficulty in movement, and other associated symptoms of the disorder.

building polymers requires the process of ______.
-hydrolysis (adding water)
-cellular respiration
-dehydration synthesis (removing water)
-gluecolysis (adding glue)


The answer is hydrolysis

21.Myopia is connected withA. earsB.eyesC. lungsD.None of these



Myopia is a problem that affects vision because the image is not formed correctly.

Therefore, people with myopia have difficulty seeing distant objects/people.

Therefore, myopia is related to the eyes. The alternative "B" is correct.

since plants are immobile, they are not able to travel in order to select mates, exchange gametes, and disseminate their offspring. Summarize how each of the following adaptations helped plans overcome this limitation.

1) flower morphology

2) coevolution among flowers and their pollinators

3) fruit morphology


Plants have the capacity to adapt itself for survival. They develop these characteristics in order for them to survive.

1. flower morphology - Flowers have this feature that aid them to produce seeds and grow new plants. Their parts serves this purposes specifically their petals and nectar so that insects will be attracted to visit. Insects serves as a way to transport pollen to different flowers to produce seeds.

2. coevolution among flowers and their pollinators - Vascular plants make flower with these kind of nectar to attract insects to visit them. These insects will transport the pollen for pollination to make seeds. These is a reciprocal change in different plants that affect their interaction.

3. fruit morphology -

15. A pedigree chart is a visual representation of the frequency and appearance of phenotypes of a particular gene. The figure below shows a pedigree chart for red-green colorblindness in a human family. The disorder is sex-linked recessive (Xb). Since the genes for the and green color receptors are located on the X chromosome, males are more likely to be affected than females.Typically, each individual in a pedigree chart is assigned a number. The genotype for Individual 1 is XbY, and the genotype for Individual 4 is XBXb, the genotype for Individual 24 is XbXb.Suppose individuals 21 and 22 have only male biological children. Based on the pedigree chart, on average, what percent of children are colorblind?50%25%0%100%



Remember that colorblindness is an X-linked recessive disorder. Now, let us denote by "a" the recessive (affected) allele and by "A" the dominant (normal) allele.

Now, consider the following pedigree chart:

Suppose individuals 21 and 22 have only male biological children. First, notice that individual 21 is a normal female (no carrier). This means that her genotype:


On the other side, individual 22 presents the affected allele. Since individual 22 is a man, this means that his genotype for the colorblindness would be:


thus, the Punnett square of the crossing of these two individuals would be:

Now, according to the problem, individuals 21 and 22 have only male biological children. Then, according to the above Punnett square, we can infer that the percent of children (male biological children) that are colorblind is:


we can conclude that the correct answer is:


The percent of children (male biological children) that are colorblind is:


Which part of the body is responsible for all high-level functioning and which part of the brain does that structure belong to? I picked ‘A’ but I’m not sure if I’m correct



Cerebrum, forebrain


The cerebrum, the largest part of the human brain, is associated with higher order functioning. The structures in the forebrain include the cerebrum, thalamus, hypothalamus, pituitary gland, limbic system, and the olfactory bulb.

A man with type AB blood marries a woman with type A blood. Is it possible for them to have a child with type B blood? Use Punnett squares to support answer


No, it is impossible for them to have type B blood.

Just like vertebrate animals, plants possess excretory systems. One way that plants excrete waste products is by opening pores in the surfaces of their leaves. These pores, called stomata, help a plant maintain homeostasis by allowing the plant to

release substances, such as oxygen and water.

collect substances, such as ammonia and salt.

destroy substances, such as sap and uric acid.

make substances, such as chlorophyll and resin.


Stomata are pores on the leaves' surfaces that allows CO₂ entrance, while O₂ and water leave the plant. Option A is correct. Release substances, such as oxygen and water.

What are stomata?

Stomata are pores on the leaf's surfaces, surrounded by two kidney-like guard cells, which regulate their opening.

Guard cells can expand or contract according to the plants' needs, causing the stomata to open or close.

These pores allow gas interchange and water expelling. Stomata opening and closure depend on water and CO₂ concentration inside the plant.

If the plant is dehydrated, the stomata close. If it is not dehydrated, it opens.If CO₂ levels are too low, stomata open to gain it.

Stomata action is closely related to photosynthesis by controlling gas interchange -CO₂ and O₂-, and cell transpiration -water release-.

Gas interchange occurs when CO₂ moves into the leave cells through opened stomata. This gas is used during the light-independent reactions of photosynthesis (The Calvin cycle). Meanwhile, during the light-dependent reactions, O₂ is released and moves out of the plant through opened stomata.

Water balance occurs when stomata regulate water motion through transpiration. If the plant is dehydrated or climatic conditions are hot and dry, the plant limits water exit by closing its stomata. In this way, more water is available for the plant to photosynthesize under unfavorable situations.

Among the options, A is the correct one. Release substances, such as oxygen and water.

You can learn more about stomata at




Hello, Can I get help with question 52 , please ?


The correct option is d: sunlight is travelling through less air at noon than at sunset.

-The light from the Sun is really made up of all the colors of the rainbow.Blue light waves are shorter than light waves of any other color. Sunlight is scattered in all directions by the tiny molecules of air in Earth's atmosphere. Blue is scattered more than other colors because it travels as shorter, smaller waves.

-When the Sun is lower in the sky, sunlight goes through more of the atmosphere. The blue light is scattered so much that the reds and yellows pass through to your eyes.

A is not true; dust is present during the day and sunset too. Dust, pollution, and haze in the daytime can make the sky look grayish or even white, and sunsets look less colorful.

B is not true, sun´s heat does not "clean the air".

C is false, at sunset, sunlight goes through more of the air (or atomosphere) not at noon

"Dinosaurs first appeared and became the dominant terrestrial vertebrates. Birds first appeared, evolved from a branch of theropod dinosaurs. The first mammals also appeared but would remain small. Flowering plants appeared and would rapidly diversify throughout the period. "These are characteristics of which era?CenozoicPrecambrianMesozoicPaleozoic


The correct answer is MESOZOIC ERA

The Mesozoic era (middle life) is known as the age of dinosaurs in whcih they evolved from earlier reptiles in order to fill the niches on land, water, and in the air. This era was also where the mammals evolved but were in small size. Flowering plants also start to appear.

Cells are made of organelles, specialized structures that each perform specific functions that help the cell maintain homeostasis. This is much like the body systems work together to help the body maintain homeostasis. Consider each of the organelles and body systems paired below. Which pairs perform similar functions? Select ALL four that apply.
A integumentary system: cell membraneintegumentary system: cell membrane
B circulatory system: ribosomecirculatory system: ribosome
C digestive system: lysosomedigestive system: lysosome
D nervous system: nucleusnervous system: nucleus
E respiratory system: mitochondria


The body systems that match with the correct organelle are: (A) integumentary system: cell membrane; (C) digestive system: lysosome; (D) nervous system: nucleus; and (E) respiratory system: mitochondria.

Lysosome is the single membrane cell organelle that acts as the digestive system of the cell. It does so because it not only helps in the digestion of food particles, but also digests the foreign invaders so that the cell can protected from any kind of infections.

Nucleus is a cluster of neurons in the nervous system. Neurons are the cells that are basic unit of nervous system. Each neuron structure consists of cell body, with dendrites emerging from it. A long axon extends which has axon terminal at the end.

To know more about lysosome, here



Give kudzu classification and general description.


Kudzu is a leafy vine. Its scientific name is Pueraria montana. It was introduced in the U.S. from Japan and China in the decade of 1930 to prevent soil erosion. As it doesn't have predators, it grows and spreads easily in the country. It is woody and it has approximately 60 feet, growing in each season. Its leaves are large and has three broad leaflets, with hairy margins. The flowers are purple and the seed pots are flat and hairy. Kudzu has been studied to understand its many possible benefits to human health, as it is traditionaly used in its place of origin to treat menopausal symptoms, alcoholism, diabetes, fever, among other conditions. It became an invasive species due to the lack of predator, causing harm to many environments where it has spreaded.

Which one describes the two populations? (multiple answers may be chosen)a. the hare population is r-selected b. the lynx population is k-selected c. the relationship between the two is parasiticd. the lynx preying on the hares is a density dependent factor for both population


Correct options are:

b. The lynx population is k-selected.

d. The lynx preying on the hares is a density dependent factor for both population

Question 7 of 10
Which of these terms best describe an urban community? Select the two
correct responses.
A. Tall buildings
B. Well-connected to natural systems
C. Open country
D. High-density human population.
E. Very few shops and restaurants



A. Tall buildings and D. high-density population

Tall buildings and high density

Can someone help me label this I’ve been stuck overnight studying for finals and I can’t seem to figure this out.


To label the structures and functions of the immune response in the figure, we can start by identifying the cells:


a- Antigen;

b- immune cell - most cases naive B-cell;

c- immune cell - activated can be a B-cell or T-cell;

d- Epitopo of the antigen;

e- Antigen in direct contact with the immune cell

f- Immune cell in direct contact with the antigen;

g- Epitopo for antigen identification;

h- Immune cell - activated and that can determinated the antigen and kill it - T-cell (antibodies).


a - pathogen, the cell responsible to cause the disease;

b - immune cell that identify the antigen;

c - immune cell that can act and find the antigen in the body;

d and g - proteic structure that act like an ID or presentation card for the cells;

e and f - the cellular contact with the pathogen;

h - cells that are responsible to deal with the pathogen and protect the body.

At the complete end of cellular respiration, how many molecules of ATP are produced?Question 20 options:A) 34B) 15C) 38D) 26


To answer this question we needd to remember how meny ATP, NAD and FAD are produced on each step of cellular respiration, so the account is a follows:

Glycolisis, 2ATP, 2NADH = 6ATP

Aerobic phase (krebs cycle, Acetil CoA), 4ATP, 2FADH, 8NADH= 32 ATP

Now we must remember that in glycolysis we spent 2ATP so the net production of the whole process is 38 ATP minus 2 ATP, which gives us 36ATP.

Therefore we can say that the correct answer is option C as 38 ATP are produced in total.

Explain the interaction of flexors and extensors. Refer to the role of tendons, ligaments and bones. Give at least 5 examples of flexor-extensors pairs and the movements they control


The flexor muscles are muscles that bend joints while extensor muscles are muscles that straighten these joints. These muscles are connected to the bone by tendons. Ligaments do not connect muscles to the bone, instead, it connects bones to another bone. Flexor and extensor are what you call antagonistic muscle pairs that oppose the function of each other.

Examples of flexor-extensor pairs in the body are the biceps and triceps, quadriceps and hamstrings, pectorals and trapezius, gluteus maximus and hip flexors, and tibialis anterior and extensor hallicus longus.

Movement of each pair:

• biceps and triceps ,(located in the arms) - Biceps are muscles that contract bends the elbow towards the body, while triceps will relax the muscles or straighten them.


• quadriceps and hamstrings, (located in the knees area) - Quadriceps bends and hamstrings straightens. It helps you bend your knee.


• pectorals and trapezius, (located in the chest to shoulders area) - The pair will move the arms towards the body and away from the body. It gives us the ability to swim. The pectorals are major muscles of the chest area that can both extend and bend since it is joined in with two different heads. The trapezius is located at the upper back area to the shoulders of the body and aids the pectorals in the extension and bending of the arms.


• gluteus maximus and hip flexors, (located in the hip area) - It is important for standing, walking, and staying upright. Gluteus maximus is the major muscle in the thigh that straightens the lower limbs. Hip flexors are a collection of flexor muscles that bend the thigh forward.


• Tibialis anterior and extensor hallicus longus ,(located in the foot) - The tibialis anterior flexes the ankle away from the foot while the extensor hallicus longus bends the foot upward towards the body.

Which of the following strategies in plants help insure that flowers are cross pollinated?A. male and female flowers on different plantsB. Stamens and pistils mature at different times.C. The stigma rises above the stamens on the flower.D. All of these choices are correct


The correct answer is the letter D. All of these choices are correct

Which of these is a heterotroph?O plantO producerO consumerOphytoplankton


As we know an heterotroph is an organism that obtains it energetic input from an external source

How can high temperatures disrupt dna replication? Help I need it asap


DNA is being denature with high temperature application. DNA's hydrogen bonds are disrupted by heat. The DNA flexibility is being boosted by heat thereby resulting to a condense folding of DNA chain (double-stranded). Due to this effect of destabilizing the DNA, the DNA duplex is entirely detached. Although DNA replication also requires heating, high temperatures (melting point) will greatly impact its replication. DNA extracted will give increase yield at lower temperature than in high temperature. Enzymes involved in DNA replication are affected by temperature. It can be denatured at high temperature and its actions will slow down at low temperature.

01. A Study is Being Planned to Examine the Effects of Drug 911-918. The Goal of the Study is to Examine the Effects of Drug
911-918 on Human Blood Pressure Control,
Select the Best-Correct Statements as it Pertains to the Control Group and Experimental Group.
The Control Group Receives No Drug 911-918.
The Control Group Receives Drug 911-918.
The Experimental Group Receives No Drug 911-918.
The Experimental Group Receives Drug 911-918.


The Best-Correct Statements as it Pertains to the Control Group and Experimental Group are:

The Control Group Receives No Drug while The Experimental Group Receives No Drug 911-918.

What are the control and experimental group in a study?

The control group in a study is the group in which no changes are applied to the group.

In the control group, the variables are kept constant, hence, the control group is also known as the constant group.

The experimental group in a study is the group to which the treatment being studied is applied. The control group receives the treatment of the variable under study.

Hence, the group that receives the drug 911-918 is the experimental group.

Learn more about the control and experimental group at: https://brainly.com/question/26323529


Compare and contrast the structure and function of the three components of the cytoskeleton: microtubules, intermediate filaments, and microfilaments.



Structure: Hollow cylinders that are made up of repeating protein structure known as tubulin; thickest among the three

Functions: Provides rigidity, gives shape to many cells, major components of cilia and flagella, participates in the formation of a spindle during mitosis


Structure: thicker than microfilaments and thinner than microtubules (in between among the three types of the cytoskeleton); protein composition is lamin, vimentin, and keratin

Functions: Forms the true skeleton of the cell, anchors the nucleus, and position it within the cell, giving elasticity to withstand tension,


Structure: Protein composition of it is actin; thinnest among the three

Functions: Regulate cell shape, involve in some cell to cell or cell to matrix junctions, permits the movement of the specific cell through the formation of cytoplasmic extensions

Need to know which one is correct for cell bio


The motor proteins that move along the cytoskeleton's microtubules are called kinesins. Actin, on the other hand, dissociates from myosin II, the head group, following each power stroke. As a result, the first option is the one that is correct.

Motor proteins with the ability to actively move along actin filaments and microtubules, respectively, are myosin and kinesin.

One of the two main groups of motor proteins that travel along the cytoskeleton's microtubules is kinesins. The two head groups of the kinesin molecule cooperate to move down the microtubule. One head binds to actin as the other moves; the first head then releases actin while the second head binds.

Myosin II, on the other hand, has a head group that functions independently and actin that dissociates after each power stroke.

As a result, the first option is the one that is true.




Is Kudzu (the invasive species) an autotroph? Explain shortly Does it eat actual food?


Kudzu as an autotroph means that produces its own food (any inputo of energy is actueal food), in this case through photosynthesis, thanks to chlorophyll it captures light from the sun and along with CO₂produces the needed glucose to sustain energetic input in the cells. Another factor is the soil from which obtains nitrogen phosphorus and other minerals necessary to maintain cell function.

What is the difference between a repressible operon and an inducible operon? Give an example of each type.


Operons can be regulated by repressors or by activators.

A repressor binds to the operator to prevent the transcription of the genes in the operon, while activators bind to the operons to activate the transcription of the genes.

When an operon is expressed constitutively (this means, the default is that the operon expresses its genes), operons are repressible (can be stopped), and this can happen by adding a repressor (negative repression) or by removing the activator (positive repression).

An example of a repressible operon is the trp operon, which synthesizes tryptophan, an amino acid. It is usually transcribed until there is enough tryptophan and the repressor binds to the operon.

When an operon is expressed just under certain circumstances, is an inducible operon (can be activated), and this happens by removing the repressor (negative induction) or by adding an activator (positive induction)

An example of an inducible operon is the lac operon, involved in the metabolism of lactose, where the transcription occurs only when lactose is present, which removes the repressor and allows the transcription of the enzymes.

What is the difference between continuous and discontinuous theories of development? Is it possible that both are partially correct? How?


The continuous development theory sees our development as a cumulative process with gradual changes, for example: children become more skilfull in talking as they get taller, while discontinous development theory sees our development as taking place in stages, for example: the changes have a abrupt sucession, the children become more skilfull in a specific stage or age. Is possible to see they both a partially correct, bacause the development is a complex process that have various moments, they can happen in abrupt circumstances or in really gradual process. In a bird we see the gradual development for learning, we can see a more abrupt change in other animals that is ralated more to the age than the grown in time and force of the organism.

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