Which protein is a positive regulator that phosphorylates other proteins when activated?


Answer 1

Cyclin-dependent kinase protein is a positive regulator that phosphorylates other proteins when activated.

Proteins are massive, complex molecules that play many essential roles in the frame. They do most of the work in cells and are required for the shape, function, and regulation of the body's tissues and organs.

Each cell within the human body carries protein. The primary shape of a protein is a chain of amino acids. You need protein in your weight loss plan to help your body repair cells and make new ones. Protein is likewise essential for boom and development in children, young adults, and pregnant ladies.

Animal-primarily based foods (meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy meals) have a tendency to be proper resources of complete protein, while plant-based totally meals (fruits, veggies, grains, nuts, and seeds) frequently lack one or extra important amino acid.

Learn more about proteins here:-https://brainly.com/question/10058019


Related Questions

What type of inheritance pattern has the expression of two dominant alleles?


Codominance occurs when both alleles are dominant. The resultant trait is the result of both alleles being expressed equally.

The blood group AB is one example of this, since it results from the codominance of the A and B dominant alleles.

Codominant inheritance occurs when two separate variants (alleles) of a gene are expressed, each producing a slightly different protein. Both alleles have an effect on the genetic trait or determine the features of the genetic disease.

Codominant inheritance occurs when two separate variants (alleles) of a gene are expressed, each producing a slightly different protein. Both alleles have an effect on the genetic trait or determine the features of the genetic disease.

Learn more about to  inheritance pattern visit here;



Several general characteristics of metabolic reactions or reaction pathways are listed below. Sort them into the appropriate metabolic category Anabolism or Catabolism.a. convert small compounds to larger compoundsb. Geberally exergonic (spontaneous)c. Convert NADPH to NADP+d. convert large compounds to smaller compoundse. utilize ATPf. convert NAD+ to NADH


Overview of cellular energy flow, metabolic processes, and anabolism and These chemical processes frequently occur in chains or routes.

Which four primary metabolic processes exist?

Blue nodes: fat metabolism, the catabolic route (catabolism) hormonal route (anabolism) a morphological route.

Metabolic pathways: What are they?

The most crucial metabolic pathways in people are: Glycolysis is the oxidation of glucose to produce ATP. To produce GTP and useful intermediates, the Krebs' cycle (citric acid cycle) uses acetyl-CoA oxidation. Glycolysis and the citric acid cycle yield electrons, which are then used up in oxidative phosphorylation. In multi-step processes when metabolites are oxidized, metabolic reactions provide energy.

To know more about metabolic reactions visit :-



Compare and discuss how cells store energy and release energy using atp. Be specific! you may draw the cycle.


Hydrolysis of the phosphate bonds in the ATP is used by cells to release energy. In another hand, the conversion of ADP and phosphate to ATP is used to store energy.

ATP, short for Adenosine thiophosphate, can be roughly defined as the "energy coin" of the cell. There are various components in ATP, one of which is the phosphate bond.

The phosphate bond can undergo the process of hydrolysis. It's an exergonic reaction that released energy. The released energy is then used by cells to do metabolic functions, such as reproduction and growth. When one phosphate group of the ATP molecule is removed by hydrolysis, ATP is converted into ADP and phosphate.

During cellular respiration, cells catalyze the formation of the phosphate bonds when ADP and phosphate is are combined and forms ATP.

Learn more about ATP at https://brainly.com/question/11813492


multigene families include two or more nearly identical genes or genes sharing nearly identical sequences. a classical example is the set of genes for globin molecules, including genes on human chromosomes 11 and 16. how might identical and obviously duplicated gene sequences have gotten from one chromosome to another?


By chromosomal translocation , A chromosomal translocation is characterized by the breakage of a chromosome and its whole or partial reattachment to another chromosome.

A segment from one chromosome gets moved to a nonhomologous chromosome or to a different position on the same chromosome during a translocation.

Translocations create chromosomes without the typical pairing partners and insert genes in novel linkage connections.

One of the most frequent forms of genomic rearrangements, chromosomal translocations serve as molecular markers for a variety of malignancies. They are regarded as the main factors in the development of malignancies, particularly lymphoma and leukemia.

Learn more about to chromosomal translocation visit here;



Dichotomous keys consist of a series of paired choices, called couplets, that reflect physical characteristics of the organism.
a. True
b. False


Dichotomous keys is a device that enables to become aware of an unknown organism.

A dichotomous secret is a chain statements inclusive of 2 alternatives that describe traits of the unidentified organism. Conventional dichotomous keys include a chain of paired alternatives referred to as couplets. Each couplet gives the consumer with opportunity and extraordinary units of characters that distinguish one organization of organisms from the other.

Dichotomous keys include a chain of statements with alternatives in every step with a purpose to lead customers to the precise identification. This form of key isn't difficult to use, however makes greater experience whilst college students adopt the procedure of creating one earlier than using.

Read more about keys:



soon after amniotic vertebrates appeared, two different evolutionary lineages began to diverge. they are:


Amniotes dispersed across Earth's surface and eventually dominated the land vertebrate kingdom. They quickly split into the synapsids and sauropsids, two clades whose lineages are still extant today. Protoclepsydrops, a fossil synapsid from around 312 million years ago, is the oldest fossilized synapsid known. Hylonomus and Paleothyris, two sauropsids from the order Captorhinida, are most likely the oldest known sauropsids (c. 306–312 million years ago). Based on the outmoded notion of the evolutionary grand chain of being, earlier literature, particularly those written before the 20th century, may refer to amniotes as "upper vertebrates" and amniotes as "lower vertebrates."

learn more about  lineages here;





Answer: A. plant trees


The answer is D to leave the forest alone.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using viral vectors for gene therapy?



Advantages-Efficient and stable gene transfer Transduction rates of up to 40% of HSCs in non-human primates.

Disadvantages -Low expression rates One or fewer copies of provirus per cell Sensitive to chromosomal position effects Sensitive to DNA repeats, introns.


hope this helps

What are the 3 photosynthesis reactants?


Carbon dioxide, solar energy, and water are photosynthesis's reactants. Photosynthesis generates chemical energy in the form of glucose and oxygen.

When the process is finished, photosynthesis creates oxygen and carbohydrate molecules, most often glucose. These sugar molecules contain the energy required for living creatures to survive.

The majority of the oxygen in the air comes from photosynthesis. The majority of species would exterminate, there would soon be little food or other organic material on Earth, and finally, the atmosphere of the planet would be nearly devoid of gaseous oxygen.

Photosynthesis is the life-giving process. The synthesis of organic molecules enabled by the coupling of light to water splitting is perhaps the most significant collection of chemical processes on the planet.

To learn more about photosynthesis



Which color is the tube and stopper that is used to collect specimens for serum analysis?


The tube & stopper used to collect samples for serum analysis are red, signifying a serum tube either with or without a gel or clot activator.

Used mostly for serology and chemical tests, tube without gel separator. Antibody screening in blood banks uses 10mL Red top tubes.

It is utilized for the mentioned laboratory tests to collect serum. Use a red-top tube if a test calls for a specimen, not a gold top since the gel separator might impede the analysis.

Each evacuated blood product tube has a color-coded plastic and rubber cap on top of it. The type of chemicals in the tube is indicated by the tube's color. Chemicals like anticoagulants that keep the blood intact for laboratory processing are examples of additives.

Learn more about the specimens stopper at



What is a niche (in a simple definition)?
What niche would a monarch butterfly have and why?

(please explain in your own words)


A niche may be defined as a place or an area where the functional role is played by an organism in an ecosystem. It is known that every living organism has a particular feeding habit that is decided by nature.

What is an advantage of niche?

An advantage of a niche can be determined by the fact that it can be regarded as an area or set of environmental factors or the surrounding of an individual where it performs its functional role.

Monarch butterflies contribute to the health of our planet. While feeding on nectar, they pollinate many types of wildflowers. They have a type of niche known as a generalized niche.

To learn more about Niche, refer to the link:



Process by which four haploid cells are formed from one diploid cell is ?​


One diploid cell divides into four haploid cells during the meiotic process.

Starting with a single diploid cell and ending with four haploid cells, meiosis entails two nuclear and cell divisions without interphase in between. The four phases of each division meiosis I and meiosis II are prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase.

Meiosis is characterized by DNA replication, two rounds of cell division, and the production of four daughter cells, each of which has half as many chromosomes as the parent cell. Meiosis I and Meiosis II are the names of the two meiotic divisions.

Gametes or sex cells are created during meiosis. Four haploid daughter cells, each formed during meiosis, are created.

To learn more about meiotic



in studying the rates of evolution of regions across the genome, scientists identify several regions evolving more rapidly than neutral sites in humans but not in chimps. how should they interpret this result?


Selection for new mutations will result in higher than neutral rates of evolution. Such changes are especially clustered in human genes associated with resistance to diseases that likely plagued early human populations.

The total collection of DNA instructions present in a cell makes up the genome. The human genome is made up of 23 pairs of chromosomes that are found in the cell's nucleus and one tiny chromosome that is found in the mitochondria. Everything a person needs to grow and operate is encoded in their DNA.

What three sorts of genomes are there?

As we discovered in the above example, there are three genome types that exist since the mutation is A–G: AA, AG, and GG. The GG type of these three genome types has the most anti-alcohol action, whereas the AA type has the least activity and can hardly digest alcohol.

Learn more about   genomes to visit this link



when you see the prefixes tri- or quad- used, this describes how many ______ the muscle contains.


The prefix tri- or quad- is used. These represent the number of 3 & 4 contained in the muscle. It is the sole component of the posterior muscle

The group of the arm and extends almost the entire length of the humerus. The triceps is a large, thick muscle on the back of your upper arm. It often appears in the shape of a horseshoe on the back of the arm. The primary function of the triceps is to extend the elbow joint. Muscles are contractile tissues grouped into coordinated systems to increase efficiency. The human muscular system is classified according to the general appearance and location of cells. The three types of muscle are striated (or skeletal), cardiac, and smooth muscle. It is the sole component of the posterior muscle group of the arm and extends almost the entire length of the humerus .

To know more about muscle visit:



what structure allows the diaphysis of the bone to increase in length? group of answer choices epiphyseal plate osteon lacunae epiphyseal line


The epiphyseal plate, which is compatible with response option "C," is the structure that permits the diaphysis of the bone to lengthen until early childhood. This is frequently referred to as the growth plate. Mature bones have the epiphyseal line, which is the remaining portion of the epiphyseal plate.

The region of growth in a long bone is called the epiphyseal plate. Hyaline cartilage makes up the layer where ossification takes place in developing bones. Cartilage develops on the epiphyseal side of the epiphyseal plate. Ossification of the cartilage on the diaphyseal side permits the diaphysis to lengthen. The diaphysis of the bone can lengthen until early adulthood thanks to the epiphyseal plate. When growth slows, the cartilage of the epiphyseal plate is replaced by bone, which subsequently becomes the epiphyseal line. One of the two forms of osseous tissue that make up bones is the compact bone. The diaphysis might lengthen because to the hyaline cartilage found in the epiphyseal plate. when this expansion halts.

To learn more about epiphyseal plate click the link below:



According to the biological species concept, a species is a population whose members ______.


According to the biological species concept, a species is a group of populations whose members have the potential to interbreed in nature and produce viable, fertile offspring. The seperation between species is maintained by Reproductive isolation, which prevents gene flow between species. But in some cases, distinct species can occasionally interbreed producing Hybrid offspring.

The concept of biological species. The zoologist Mayr (1942), who defined species as "groups of actually or potentially interbreeding natural populations that are reproductively isolated from other such groups," was the first to produce the most quoted definition of what he called "biological species" in the nineteenth century.

Speciation is the process by which new species emerge. Speciation occurs when an ancestral species divides into two or more descendant species that are genetically distinct from one another and cannot interbreed. The biological species concept (BSC) was developed to aid understanding of biological diversity, specifically the widely observed fact that sexually reproducing organisms exist in more or less distinct phenotypic and genetic clusters rather than a continuum of forms.

To learn more about biological species concept, here



what structure allows the lymphatic system to absorb dietary fats from the small intestine?


The initial lymphatics in the villi of the small intestine referred to as lacteals, acquire fluids, electrolytes, and proteins from their surrounding interstitial area.

What are Lacteals?

Lacteals are the lymphatic capillaries that take in fat and fat-soluble nutrients in the villi of the small gut. Thanks to its large diameter than blood capillaries, fat molecules are absorbed by lacteals from the gut.

Villi that line the walls of the small gut soak up nutrients into the capillaries of the circulatory system and lacteals of the lymphatic device. Villi comprise capillary beds, in addition to lymphatic vessels known as lacteals.

Therefore, The initial lymphatics in the villi of the small intestine referred to as lacteals, acquire fluids, electrolytes, and proteins from their surrounding interstitial area.

Learn more about Lacteals here:



glycolysis, which provides energy by breaking down carbohydrates like glucose, relates to activities lasting __________.


Glycolysis, which provides energy by breaking down carbohydrates like glucose, relates to activities lasting less than 3 minutes.

Glycolysis is the universal process of breakdown of glucose as it occurs in aerobic as well as anaerobic organisms. The process occurs in the cytoplasm and does not require oxygen. The end product of glycolysis is the three carbon molecule called pyruvate.

Carbohydrates are the organic biomolecules required by the body for energy and body-building. Chemically carbohydrates are the polyhydroxy aldehydes and ketones. There are three types of carbohydrates: monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides. Carbohydrates help in providing the instant energy to the body.

To know more about glycolysis, here



Sort the molecules in the glycolysis pathway based on whether they are intermediates or products in the first half of the pathway that requires energy, or are intermediates in the second half of the pathway that produces energy. Drag the appropriate items to their respective bins. Help Reset glucose-6-phosphate fructose-6-phosphate fructose-1,6-bisphosphate glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dihydroxyacetone phosphate 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate 3-phosphoglycerate 2-phosphoglycerate phosphoenolpyruvate Intermediate in the first half of the pathway Intermediate in the second half of the pathway


Intermediates in the first half of glycolysis are: Glucose - 6-Phosphate, Fructose- 6- Phosphate, Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate, Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate, Dihydroxy acetone phosphate.

Intermediates in the second half of glycolysis are: 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate, 3-phosphoglycerate, 2-phosphoglycerate, phosphoenolpyruvate.

Glycolysis is the process of breakdown of glucose that occurs in all the organisms of the earth whether aerobic or anaerobic. It is a 10 step process that occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell.

Phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) is the last intermediate of the glycolysis process which converts into pyruvic acid by the action of the enzyme pyruvate kinase. This step results in the synthesis of 2 ATP. The compound's role can also be seen in photosynthesis in C4 plants.

To know more about glycolysis, here



Which mammals were found to have a vocal range of 7 octaves, nearly twice that of humans?


Answer: Bats

Explanation: I do believe it is bats. They make can span seven octaves. I hope this helps in someway

if an aerobic gram-negative rod causing bacteremia proves to be resistant to aminoglycosides, the mechanism of resistance is most likely due to:


The most prevalent form of resistance to aminoglycosides is enzymatic modification. There are more than 50 distinct enzymes known. High-level resistance is the product of enzymatic change.

Gram-negative bacteria have a membrane covering their outer surface that protects them from their surroundings. This membrane can be used by these bacteria to block the entry of specific antibiotics. Aminoglycosides are effective bactericidal antibiotics that work by rupturing the bacterial cell's outer membrane. They work together to combat some gram-positive organisms and are very effective against aerobic, gram-negative bacteria. The mechanism of action of aminoglycosides requires inhibition of polypeptide synthesis. In fact, some of them, such as streptomycin, cisomycin, and gentamicin, are thought to increase the incorporation of specific amino acids into the polypeptide of the ribosome-polyribonucleotide system, which is thought to lead to codon misreading.

To learn more about aminoglycosides click here https://brainly.com/question/9457478


genomic instability leads to the accumulation of many passenger mutations that do not directly impact tumor progression.genomic instability leads to the accumulation of many passenger mutations that do not directly impact tumor progression. a small percentage of the total number of mutations in a cancer cell are driver mutations.a small percentage of the total number of mutations in a cancer cell are driver mutations. driver mutations are those mutations that occur in every type of cancer.driver mutations are those mutations that occur in every type of cancer. lung cancer cells from two different patients could have different driver mutations.lung cancer cells from two different patients could have different driver mutations. a single driver mutation is sufficient for cancer development.a single driver mutation is sufficient for cancer development. a small percentage of the total number of mutations in a cancer cell are passenger mutations.


Genome, exome, and transcriptome sequencing analysis has been used more frequently in large-scale molecular characterization projects like the ICGC [5] and TCGA [15] as a result of its ability to detect genomic variations in cancer. This has aided in the identification of oncogenic drivers and potential drug targets. The genomic characterization of cancer, advancements in our understanding of cancer biology, and novel approaches to determining the cause of cancer, patient stratification, disease management, and response monitoring have all been particularly helpful.

inGenomicstability is regarded as the fundamental component of the molecular classification of cancer; the induction of genomic instability results in greater mutational rates, which accelerates the accumulation of "adaptive drivers" As a result, there are more passengers on the road, which can counteract the negative effects of these drivers and slow the growth of tumors [16]. The most prevalent kind of genomic instability is chromosomal instability, which is characterized by a high frequency of chromosome structural changes in tumor cells. Microsatellite instability is a special case of this kind of genomic instability and is defined by the expansion or contraction of the oligonucleotide repetitions contained in microsatellite sequences [17,18]. Another variant is characterized by an enhanced nucleotide mutation rate.

To know more about chromosomal instability, click the link below;



btx depolarizes the membrane and prevents repolarization. what effect would this have on electrical signaling by the nervous system? drag the terms on the left to the appropriate blanks on the right to complete the sentences.


BTX depolarizes the membrane and prevents repolarization. the effect would this have on electrical signaling by the nervous system is sodium channel.

By promoting activation and preventing deactivation of eukaryotic voltage-gated sodium (Nav) channels, which are responsible for action potentials in nerve, muscle, and the heart, batrachotoxin (BTX), an alkaloid from the skin secretions of dendrobatid frogs, causes paralysis and death.

The outer membranes of human muscle and nerve cells open up and let sodium ions pass through. This is accomplished by making certain that a sizable number of sodium ions circulate throughout the cell, avoiding these arteries within the muscle tissues from repeatedly terminating. When a tissue is exposed to batrachotoxin, it loses its sensitivity. Heart failure, fibrillation, arrhythmias, and depolarization of the muscles and nerves are all effects of this poison's entry into the human body. BTX contributes to these adverse consequences by interfering with the body's capacity to conduct electrical impulses through action potential medians.

To know more about BTX batrachotoxin:-



thyroxine can trigger growth, temperature tolerance, or osmoregulation depending on the organism in which it is produced. which is the most likely mechanism for such diverse responses in different organisms?


The primary hormone that the thyroid gland releases into the bloodstream is thyroxine. It is the inactive form, and organs like the liver and kidneys convert the majority of it into the active form triiodothyronine.

The body's metabolism, cardiac and digestive processes, muscle control, brain growth, and bone maintenance are all significantly regulated by thyroid hormones.

Hypothyroidism refers to the thyroid gland producing too little thyroxine. It could be brought on by autoimmune conditions, inadequate iodine consumption, or the use of specific medications. Sometimes there is no known cause. Untreated throxine before birth or during infancy can result in mental disability and stunted growth because thyroid hormones are crucial for both physical and mental development.

Adult hypothyroidism results in a slower metabolism. It may cause symptoms like weariness, a diminished ability to tolerate cold conditions, a low heart rate, weight gain, decreased appetite, impaired memory, sadness, muscle stiffness, and decreased fertility. For further details, read the article on hypothyroidism.

To learn more about thyroxine, refer: https://brainly.com/question/15557539


when a sperm cell enters a secondary oocyte, what event in the oocyte is immediately triggered? when a sperm cell enters a secondary oocyte, what event in the oocyte is immediately triggered? ovulation meiosis i meiosis ii cytokinesis mitosis


The meiosis II event is immediately triggered as soon as a sperm cell enters a secondary oocyte.

The oocyte is stopped in its tracks as the main oocyte during the first meiotic division. Each menstrual cycle, the gonadotropin hormone (also known as a luteinizing hormone) encourages the completion of meiosis 1 on the day before ovulation. Two haploid daughter cells are produced following meiosis: one develops into a secondary oocyte and the other becomes the first polar body. Meiosis 2 begins in the newly created secondary oocyte, stops during metaphase and continues after fertilization.

To learn more about meiosis please click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/22360591


organisms that live on land are fundamentally the same as organisms that live in aquatic environments. t or f


The given statement is false that the land organisms are fundamentally the same as organisms that live in aquatic environments.

Aquatic environment refers to the water habitats that can be either freshwater or marine. The organisms of aquatic environments usually take the dissolved oxygen of water. However some are the terrestrial ones that can come out of water to breathe. The examples are: fishes, frogs, seals, whales, etc.

Land organisms are the ones that live entirely on land and cannot exist in water. They breather through the oxygen in the air. The example of such organisms are: humans, cats, dogs, lions, etc.

To know more about land organisms, here



14.The graph above shows a predator vs. prey relationship in an ecosystem. Which of the following is MOST consistent with the evidence in the graph?


c or b. because most of those don’t have any correlation with the question, otherwise i’m not sure!

Select the correct location. Where would the enzyme topoisomerase attach during dna replication?.


During DNA replication, the topoisomerase enzyme attaches to the DNA in front of the replication fork.

DNA replication is the process of doubling the double-stranded DNA that occurs before cell division. The process of DNA replication involves various enzymes that assist the process, one of which is the topoisomerase enzyme.

The topoisomerase enzyme is an essential nuclear enzyme that regulates DNA replication in cells. This enzyme is able to modify DNA topology and plays an active role not only in the process of replication, but also plays a role in the process of transcription and chromosome segregation. In the replication process, the topoisomerase enzyme will prevent the DNA double helix in front of the replication fork from being too tightly coiled when the DNA is unfolded.

This is done to reduce the tension in the DNA strands.

Learn more about DNA replication at:



Part A-RNA interactions with MRNA and the ribosome th mHNA and the ribosome Ribosomes provide the scaffolding on which tRNAs interact with mRNA during translation of an mRNA sequence to a chain of amino acids. A ribosome has three binding sites, each of which has a distinct function in the tRNA-mRNA interactions. Drag the appropriate tRNAs to the binding sites on the ribosome to show the configuration immediately before a new peptide bond forms. Note that one of the binding sites should be left empty


Part A-RNA interactions with MRNA and the ribosome th mHNA and the ribosome Ribosomes provide the scaffolding on which tRNAs interact with mRNA during translation of an mRNA sequence to a chain of amino acids. Each type of tRNA has a sequence of three unpaired nucleotides called the anticodon.

That can bind to the corresponding triplet of nucleotides called the codon in a messenger RNA (mRNA) molecule by following the base pairing principles. The reading of codons in mRNA (5' -> 3') necessitates that the anticodons bind in the opposite direction, just as DNA replication and transcription need base pairing of nucleotides running in opposite directions. The translational unit is made up of the larger and smaller of the two ribosomal subunits. As the amino acid sequences are translated from the mRNA, proteins are created. For the expression of genes, all of these components cooperate. The amino acid linkages are formed as the anticodon reads the mRNA's sequence.

To know more about ribosome visit:

1. describe what happens at the e, p, a sites of ribosomes during translational initiation, elongation, and termination.


During elongation, tRNAs move through the A, P, and E sites of the ribosome, as shown above. This process repeats itself many times as new codons are read and new amino acids are added to the chain.

What are ribosomes?

These are small particles measuring from 20 nm to 30 nm, without membranes and made up of proteins and ribosomal RNA (rRNA). Some authors claim that ribosomes are non-membranous organelles, others, however, assume the idea that they, due to the absence of membranes, cannot be considered cellular organelles.

In eukaryotes, ribosomes are made up of four types of ribosomal RNA and approximately 80 different proteins. Most ribosomal RNA is produced in the nucleolus, while proteins are produced in the cytoplasm. The proteins that will form the ribosome migrate from the cytoplasm to the nucleus and associate with ribosomal RNA, forming subunits that migrate to the cytoplasm.

Learn more about ribosomes in brainly.com/question/241631


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