which product of photosynthesis stores the most energy


Answer 1


Through photosynthesis, certain organisms convert solar energy (sunlight) into chemical energy, which is then used to build carbohydrate molecules. The energy used to hold these molecules together is released when an organism breaks down food. Cells then use this energy to perform work, such as cellular respiration.


Answer 2

The product of photosynthesis that stores the most energy is glucose.

What is glucose?

Sugars include glucose, which is the main source of energy for all living things.

The primary sugar in your blood is called blood sugar, or glucose. Your body uses it as its primary source of energy, and it originates from the food you eat. All of the cells in your body receive glucose from your blood to be used as fuel.

Glucose, which is the chemical that generates energy to power the functions of the cell, is the primary byproduct of photosynthesis.

The primary byproduct of photosynthesis is oxygen. One glucose molecule is created from six carbon dioxide molecules and six water molecules.

Thus, glucose is the product of photosynthesis stores the most energy.

For more details regarding glucose, visit:



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Separating DNA from proteins and other cellular debris.
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how are petrified remians formed​



Petrified fossils form when minerals replace the structure of an organism. This process, called permineralization, occurs when groundwater solutions saturate the remains of buried plants or animals. As the water evaporates the minerals remain, eventually filling in the spaces left as the organism slowly decays.

Need Help ASAP will give brainliest if answer is CORRECT

The Diagram below shows four layers of Earth

In which of these layers does hot material move upwards and cool material sink downwards?

Layer B (Outer Core)

Layer D (Crust)

Layer C (Mantle)

Layer A (Inner Core)



Layer C (Mantle)

Hope this helps!!

Answer: Hope this helps



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2. Plants follow a reproduction pattern called alternate generations. Explain the two processes in alternate generations.

3. Describe the difference between sexual and asexual reproduction. Give at least one example organism for each type.

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But cells in our immune system can remember old foes just fine, and we've never really been sure exactly how they manage it. A new study has filled in missing details on the steps our body takes to remember pathogens, finally revealing the steps our immune cells take to preserve a reference library of past battles.

What are the three parts of modern cell theory. Choose all that apply.

A.) The cell is the smallest living unit in organisms

B.) All cells come from other pre-existing cells

C.) All living things are made of cells

D.) All organisms are multicellular


Answer:C.) All living things are made of cellsExplanation:

Why do Americans create so much more waste than people in less-developed countries? Explain your answer.


More developed countries are likely richer and more populated. This population creates much more waste than smaller, less-developed countries.

Neurons are categorized by the
direction in which they carry impulses.

amount of metabolic activity that takes place.

number of dendrites that branch out.

number of impulses that they carry.


A) Direction in which they carry impulses.

Afferent neurons carry impulses from the tissue/organs to the brain. Efferent neurons carry impulses from the train out to efferent cells in the tissues.

which is best describes a predator animal?


the hunter. the one who stalks and kills the prey. ex: wolf is predator to rabbits (prey)

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moisture. Climate change can contribute to desertification of land across the globe. Each of these is an example of climate change
leading to desertification EXCEPT
Higher temperatures on a global scale lead to higher levels of evaporation
and less moisture in soils.
Higher evaporation can lead to soil salinity levels increasing in certain
areas of the globe.
More frequent droughts in Southern Europe and other areas will reduce the
soil content
Increased temperatures will decrease the growth of plants on a global



jj is good


[tex]regalo \: puntos[/tex]




jaja gracias


Convection in the troposphere causes
•wind •ocean currents •both wind and ocean currents •neither wind nor ocean


Explanation : The uneven heating of the regions of the troposphere by the sun ( the sun warms the air at the equator more than the air at the poles ) causes convection currents, large-scale patterns of winds that move heat and moisture around the globe. As air rises, expands, and cools, water vapor condenses and clouds develop.

Which of the following is not true about salt lakes?
A) The water that flows in contains salt or minerals.
B) They have only outflows to other water bodies but in most cases no inflows.
C) There is no outflow to other bodies.
D) Salt is left behind after evaporation.


i think it issssssss b

Fill in the gap to complete the sentence below. A mineral is an essential nutrient that is needed in ____ amounts.





You cant have to many minerals and you cant have to little

In the statement, "A mineral is an essential nutrient that is needed in." the given blank can be filled with "small amount."

A mineral is an inorganic solid that forms in nature and has a distinct chemical makeup and crystalline structure.

The body requires trace amounts of minerals in order to function effectively. They play a role in several body processes, such as blood clotting, nerve health, and bone health.

Calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and zinc are a few of the essential minerals for human health. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy products, and other foods that contain these minerals.

Therefore, "Small amount" can be entered in the given blank.

Learn more about nutrient here;



What were the first forms of life to exist on earth?
A. Plants
B. Fish
C. Humans
D. Bacteria
Reset Selection



D. Bacteria


Bacteria, bacteria pretty much created everything

what particle travels in an electromagnetic wave?



Electrons and protons.


I believe it's photon.


The wave-particle theory.

I hope it's right! If not, I tried, so so sorry.

How much of Earth's water is located in the oceans?
O A. 70%
OB. 80%
C. 55%
D. 95%



D. 95%





boilogy ;factors that affect enzymetic activites​


Several factors affect the rate at which enzymatic concentration, substrate concentration, and the presence of any inhibitors or activators




Describe the relationship between electromagnetic waves and energy



Electric fields and attractive fields collaborate to make more electric fields and more attractive fields. This is the manner by which a dropping run after up and a radio wire beats out a wave front is all headings.


Which RNA sequence is complementary to the sequence: TCTA



option B is the correct answer






RNA sequences don't have T as apart of there code.

Global economic development has led to an increase in the use of fossil fuels
worldwide. Which of the following would be the best solution to this global
economic problem?
A. Encouraging developing countries to participate in global trade
B. Establishing international agreements to prevent overfishing
C. Forming strict regulations on greenhouse gas emissions
D. Creating an international seed bank to protect biodiversity


Answer: C

Explanation: I think it’s C because there were like strict regulations on greenhpuse gas emissions.

Receptors: A) Specialized chemicals that receive information B) Specialized heart cells that receive information C) Specialized hormones that receive information D) specialized nerve cells that receive information


Answer: Option D.

specialized nerve cells that receive information


Receptors is a protein that is found in target cells and it also bind to a molecule called ligands which can be inorganic substance and the kitchen hand also can bind to leave hand binding sites. These receives chemical signals or information.

hii! i’ll give brainliest pls help


The answer is most likely A: not building towns on the edge of a tectonic plate because tectonic plates are the part where it moves.


I believe the answer is A. not building towns near the edge of a tectonic plate

The cell cycle is important to the growth of organisms. This is because the cell cycle allows an organism to
A. increase its number of cells

B. change its genetic material

C. stop unnecessary functions

D. protect itself from certain cancers



A. increase its number of cells


The cell cycle allows multicellular organisms to grow and divide and single-celled organisms to reproduce.


A is correct


12. The respiratory system includes the lungs, what level of body organization are the lungs
a. Tissue
b. Organ
c. Organ System
d. Cells


The answer is b. Organ
I would say the answer is B

put the following in order from longest wavelength to the shortest wavelength: ultraviolet, microwaves, x-rays, infrared


Answer: x-ray< Ultraviolet < infrared<Microwaves


Why do some plants in the rainforest have bright flowers and grow close to the ground? O to repel any extra rainfall O to get as much sunlight on their leaves as possible O to keep animals and people away from them O to attract birds and insects for pollination​


To attract birds and insects for pollination

Can someone define gradualism ? ( No big paragraphs just one sentence)


Answer: a policy of gradual reform rather than sudden change or revolution.

Ocean warming is caused by the increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Which of these are effects of ocean warming? Choose all that apply.
coral bleaching
increasing marine phytoplankton
oxygen depletion
increases to ocean pH
decreasing sea level
increased ocean acidity





list four different cells found in man and give one function of each.​



Epithelial Cells. These cells are tightly attached to one another.

Nerve Cells. These cells are specialized for communication.

Muscle Cells. These cells are specialized for contraction.

Connective Tissue Cells.


I only could do the important 4 sorry but I hope this helps you sorry if it doesn’t help you

reproduction produces offspring with a mixture of the parent's traits.
a. Sexual
b. Asexual
C. Mixture
d. Budding



a. Sexual


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