Which picture should I use for supporting that my hypothesis was not supported? And please make a good explanation of the picture you have chosen

Which Picture Should I Use For Supporting That My Hypothesis Was Not Supported? And Please Make A Good


Answer 1


You should probably use the third picture to support that your hypothesis was incorrect.


I do not know what your project was, but it seems as though you were able to gather that the state of matter is liquid throughout the experiemnt using the last picture. If your hypothesis was that the state of matter would change, then the third picture would show that this is wrong, as it remains in a liquid state.

Related Questions

A group of scientists studied the effects of exercise on insulin sensitivity in elderly women. The scientists measured the amount of insulin secreted in the saliva when given glucose. Measurements were taken at 0, 20, 40, and 70 minutes after the glucose was administered. The graph shows the data collected before and after a four-month exercise program was put into place
Which statement BEST analyzes the data shown in the graph?

A. Elderly women secrete more insulin the more they exercise.
B. Exercise decreases insulin sensitivity in elderly women.
C. Insulin sensitivity is at its highest after 50 minutes.
D. Insulin sensitivity increases as exercise decreases.


B is the answer let me know if otherwise

The diploid cells of a polar bear contain 74 chromosomes.

How many chromosomes are there


The diploid cells have 74 chromosomes, or 37 homologous pairs.

Haploid cells only have one copy of each chromosome. So we can find the number of chromosomes in a haploid cell by dividing the number of chromosomes in the diploid cell by 2.

76/2 = 37

So the haploid cell contains 37 chromosomes.

The genetic material that is passed from a parent to a child is called a chromosome. With a diploidy of 74 chromosomes, the haploid cell of the polar bear will have 37.

What is the difference between haploid and diploid cells?

The number or ploidy of chromosomes in the somatic or germinal cells determines whether a cell is diploid or haploid. A twofold set of chromosomes is referred to as diploidy and is symbolized by the number 2n.

Haploidy, which is denoted by the number n, refers to the single or partial set of chromosomes found in germinal or reproductive cells. They describe the gametes that participate in fertilization.

If a polar bear's diploid cells (2n) have 74 chromosomes, its haploid cells (n) will have the following chromosome makeup:

2n = 74

n = 37

Therefore, option C is correct.

Learn more about cells, here:



according to the nebular theory which planet is most likely to be a gaseous rather than Rocky

a. mercury





i think its neptune

Glutamine is an _____
so is phenylalanine.



Amino Acid


Glutamine and Phenylalanine are both Amino Acids

Manish is growing crop of Bengal gram and he did not add any nitrogen fertilizers to the soil. Would he get a better yield? How would the plants cope up with their nitrogen requirements?


Answer: Bengal gram is a leguminous plant.


Legumes are the plants that can fix nitrogen by symbiotic mutualistic association with the soil bacteria. The bacteria converts atmospheric nitrogen into plant usable for like ammonia and derives nutrition from the plant in return. This association results in the formation of root nodule for uptake of nitrogen derivatives from the soil and return of nutrients to bacteria. Bengal gram is a leguminous plant so it can avail nitrogen with symbiotic association with the bacteria in the soil. Although nitrogen is not given in the fertilizer but the gram crops can sustain themselves by obtaining nitrogen from the soil in association with nitrogen fixing bacteria.

how much higher might sea level rise by 2100


30 and 130 cm :) have a good day

All animals share the following characteristic a. being a consumer, b having cell walls, c not having cell nuclei, d budding, Please include an explanation I just completed a test but I don't understand and when I looked for the question on brainly it had 2 answers disagreeing



a. Being a consumer


All animals are comsumers because they do not have the ability to photosynthesise like plants do. In order for amimals to gain energy, they must consume plants or other animals.

What is it called when certain species have evolved such intimate symbiotic
relationships that individuals of either species cannot survive without one another?

a. obligate

b. parasitic

c. mutualistic

d. facultative



A. Obligate


An obligate relationship is one where both organisms are interdependent with one another in a way that one cannot survive without the other.

A parasitic relationship is where one organism benefits, and the other is harmed.

A mutualistic relationship is one where both organisms "work together," therefore benefiting one another.

A facultative relationship is where both species benefit off of one another, but are not fully dependent on one another to the point they cannot survive without their symbotic partner.

Answer A................

1Which waste needs to be sorted and which can be disposed of in the general bin? 2How do you know which wastes can be recycled and sorted? 3Provide arguments to show that we save energy by making items from recycled materials.​



Waste which needs to be sorted are: Plastic, paper, and alminium. And the ones can be disposed can be any other items such as food, sweet wrappers, plastic wrapping, and broken glass.

The waste bags are opened and the waste is put onto a conveyor belt and moved into a processing area. First, the waste will go into a pre-sort area, where any items that can't be recycled are removed, and then the materials move into an area where they can be sorted automatically by machines, or manually by workers.

As most people know, recycling can reduce pollution, animal harm, and energy because we won't need as much material to be making the same thing over and over again so in general, recycling is the best way to save energy and for the sake of the planets environment.


Which of the following statements is correct? (choose one)

A.) All cells have the same genes, but different genes are active in different cells. All cells have the same genes, but different genes are active in different cells.

B.) All cells have the same genes, and all of a cell's genes are active at the same time.


Answer: I'm pretty sure B is correct.



Who is my dad? Please help


I am am your dad I went to get milk
Your step bro i swearrrrrr

7 POINTS FOR EACH ANSWER and brainliest good at science? then step right up to this mind-boggling question!!
The power of imagination helps a scientist to
A. propose valid scientific explanations about the solar system
B. use biased methods to answer questions about the solar system
C. pose questions about the solar system which are not reasonable
D. create theories about the solar system which are not acceptable



'A' is the answer. Imagination helped the scientists get their info. Without imagination, there would be no science.




The weight of an object is measured by an equal arm balance. True False





The weight of an object is measured by an equal arm balance. The mass of an object is measured by a scale. The mass of an object changes with elevation. The weight of an object will change with elevation on the Earth.

Hypothermia _____. results from excess sun exposure causes a high, infectious fever results from high body temperature results from low body temperature


Answer: it comes from the results from low body temperature


1. Which animal has the highest body temperature when the environmental temperature is 15 degrees Celsius?
A) Rabbit
B) Snake
C) Cat
D) Alligator

2. At 86 degrees Fahrenheit, what is the body temperature of the pigeon?
A) 30 degrees C
B) 40 degrees C
C) 41 degrees C
D) 47 degrees C

3. According to the graph, which ectotherm can live in the coldest environments?
A) Snake
B) Cat
C) Lizard
D) Rabbit



1. C) Cat

2. D) 47 degrees C

3. B) Cat

please help!!!!!!!!!!!!


The answer is C an increased cardiac output helps deliver more nutrients and oxygen to the working muscles.

Which measurement unit represents volume?



Liter is a measurement unit that represents vume.

thoughts about climate change ???


100% real and we need to use more environmental friendly things

PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!



The first historical use of biomaterials dates to antiquity, when ancient Egyptians used sutures made from animal sinew. The modern field of biomaterials combines medicine, biology, physics, and chemistry, and more recent influences from tissue engineering and materials science.


For more info...visit


If a large seed that was once prominent on an island became scarce and there were more small seeds available, how would this affect the relative fitness and what type of selection would this lead to?


Individuals at both the upper and lower ends of the curve will have higher fitness than individuals near the middle.


Individuals near the center of the curve will have higher fitness than individuals at either end.


Individuals at one end of the curve will have a higher fitness than individuals elsewhere in the curve.


The individuals in the curve would remain unchanged.



D kbxbjxkxlxjjxkxjxjxhbxbxbcjckfk

D. The individuals in the curve would remain unchanged

She forms a hypothesis that the color reaches the flower through the stream.what should maria do to confirm the hypothesis



Which pollutant reduces the ability of the circulatory system to transport oxygen?
particulate matter
nitrogen oxide
carbon monoxide
sulfur dioxide



C carbon monoxide


it combines with haemoglobin more faster than CO2 and O2 hence reduces O2 level in blood

I NEED THIS NOW!! No links

What does it mean when a substance sinks in water?

It is malleable.

It is not soluble.

Its density is less than water's density.

Its density is greater than water's density.


1.) The density of an object determines whether it will float or sink in another substance.
An object will float if it is less dense than the liquid it is placed in.
An object will sink if it is more dense than the liquid it is placed in.

Change up the words dk about the rest

Is DNA replicated during Interphase II?
A. Yes

B. No


the answer would be a:

Which of the following distinguishes the outer limits of a standard growing season?

necessary GDD total

average upper temperature

first and last frost dates

locations by latitude and longitude



frost dates


edge 2021

are these correct? or no?





1. looks correct!

2. i think that is the third choice because I learned that during interphase, the cell grows and makes a copy of its DNA. I learned this a while ago so I'm not 100% sure its correct. :)

Which scenario describes the damage caused by a tornado? a flooded city on the coast with trees damaged by high winds a section of forest with trees that are burned or split in half a beach that has been severely damaged because of storm surge a path of destruction up to 50 miles long with destroyed trees and homes


Answer: a path of destruction up to 50 miles long with destroyed trees and homes (answer is d)

Explanation: 2021 edu.


The scenario that describes the damage caused by a tornado is a path of destruction up to 50 miles long with destroyed trees and homes.


A tornado refers to a violent windstorm characterized by a moving, twisting and funnel-shaped cloud.

A tornado can also be referred to as a violent storm that emanates from the earth to the atmosphere.

Tornado has devastating effects on the environment and this can include path of destruction up to 50 miles long with destroyed trees and homes.

Learn more about tornadoes at: https://brainly.com/question/1146984

if the southern latitudes get more sun exposure for longer hours per day than Northern latitudes predict the effects on the animals living in the two locations​



Date and latitude interact to determine photoperiod, the daily period of daylight. This interaction has important implications for latitudinal migrants for whom daylight may be a resource or for whom photoperiod regulates annual transitions in life‐history stages (i.e. birds).

Using an established formula, we developed user‐interactive, animated models that enable the visualization of how latitude and date determine photoperiod for latitudinal migrants. We also calculated the photoperiodic schedules for a broad range of hypothetical migratory programmes and real migratory programmes newly available through the proliferation of citizen‐science data. This enabled us to infer the limitations some migratory programmes place on mechanisms for photoperiodic regulation of annual breeding.

In the vast majority of cases, the act of migrating elevates annual daylight exposure. This raises the hypothesis that daylight availability selects for latitudinal migration, potentially contributing to its evolution in animals such as diurnal birds with limited time during the spring and summer to feed young. However, photoperiodic mechanisms regulating annual cycles could constrain the evolution of such migrations, depending on how they affect photoperiodic schedules. Most migratory programmes are consistent with known mechanisms of avian photoperiodism, but the range of feasible mechanisms declines for transequatorial migrants, which experience semi‐annual, 180°‐phase‐shifts in their photoperiodic cycles.

Understanding photoperiodic constraints on migration are particularly important in this age of changing latitudinal distributions and phenologies driven by climate change.

Hope this helps and have a great day!!! :D

Which of the following is a natural process that can quickly put large amounts of gas and solid materials directly into the stratosphere?

A. an earthquake

B. a volcanic eruption

C. a landslide

D. a flood


b because i think the answers b
B) a volcanic eruption

In a food chain, consumers gather energy by _______. Can someone plz help


consuming organisms at a lower trophic level


consuming organisms at a higher trophic level


decomposing dead organic matter


absorbing sunlight directly





l guess cos if u consider carnivores they feed on herbivores who are on a lower tropical level


The correct answer is A Consuming organisms at a lower tropic level



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