Which one of these statements is usually true about waves?

A.All kinds of waves are the same size.

B.All waves move at the same speed.

C.Waves don't move matter, just energy.

D.Some waves do not move in a pattern.


Answer 1
B, all waves move at the same speed.
Answer 2

Answer: C.  Waves don't move matter, just energy.


Related Questions

can i have help with this please


An acid-base reaction occurs when a fatty acid interacts with NaOH, and the fatty acid transfers a proton to the base to produce sodium carboxylate salt and water.

What is saponification ?

Triglycerides are converted into glycerol and "soap" when they are saponified, or reacted with sodium or potassium hydroxide (lye). The triglycerides are often made of vegetable or animal fats. A hard soap is created when sodium hydroxide is used.

Fats, oils, or lipids (the acid) are turned into soap by the process of saponification by mixing them with sodium hydroxide (the base). Friction and heat from the chemical reaction are essential. The neutralization of the acid and base occurs during saponification.

Thus, any type of fat and sodium hydroxide react chemically in a process known as saponification.

To learn more about saponification follow the link;



a 25g sample of an unknown gas has a volume of 3.9 l at 25 celsius and 2 atm pressure. it is found to be 7.7% hydrogen and 92.3% carbon. what is its molecular formula


The molecular formula of the given sample is obtained by the ideal gas equation that is PV=nRT.

here volume given is 3.9L and pressure give n is 2 atm and temperature given is 25 C, amount of the sample given is 25 g. here we put the expression of ,  PV= nRT .then it is found to be 7.7% hydrogen and 92.3% carbon. first we should convert the percentage in to mass. so,7.7% becomes 7.7g and 92.3% become 92.3 gram. Then transform the mass into moles. so H becomes 7.7/1.01= 7.62 mole. and C becomes, 92.3/12.01= 7.69 moles. Then put all these in the relation of empirical formula and molecular formula. Then the molecular formula of the unknown gas can be obtained.


To learn more about Ideal gas equation please visit:



1. what is the minimum number of moles of pb(no3)2 that must be added to 0.10 l of a solution that is 1.0 m in mgcl2 and 1.0 m in kcl in order to precipitate


0.4 moles Pb(NO3)2  must be added to 0.10 l of a solution in order to precipitate.

Molar concentration of the solution is the amount of the solute present in one unit of a solution. .it is expressed as mol/l.

 Molar concentration = Moles of solute / volume of the solution

In a 1.0 M MgCl2. there is 2 moles of Cl-

In 0.1 L of solution there is: ( 0.1/1.0. x 2 moles of Cl- ions ) = 0.2 moles Cl- .In 0.1 L of solution there is: ( 0.1/1.0. x 2 moles of Cl- ions). =. 0.2 moles Cl-.

Total moles of Cl- ions are =0.4 moles Cl- .

molecular mass of pb(NO3)2 = 331.2g

Molecular mass of 1 chloride ion = 35.45g

1 mole of Cl- ions = 35.45g

0.4 moles of Cl- =. [0.4/1.0 x35.45g) =14.18g Cl-

0.4 moles of pb (NO3)2 = [ 0.4/1.0 ] x 331.2 g = 132.48g pb(NO3)2

Moles of pb(NO3)2 =  132.48g /331.2 g moles =. 0.4 moles of pb(NO3)2

To learn more about Molar concentration please visit:



When the following equation is balanced with the smallest possible integer coefficients, what is the coefficient of H+?



D. 6


Given that:

[tex]Cr+H^+\rightarrow Cr^{3+}+H_2[/tex]

What to find:

The coefficient of H⁺ when the given equation is balanced with the smallest possible integer coefficients.


The given equation is an example of an oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction

The first step is to identify the half equations:

[tex]\begin{gathered} Oxidation:Cr\rightarrow Cr^{3+} \\ \\ Reduction:H^+\rightarrow H_2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The next step is to balance the half equations molecularly follow by balancing the charge:

[tex]\begin{gathered} Oxidation:Cr\rightarrow Cr^{3+}+3e^-\times2 \\ \\ Reduction:2H^++2e^-\rightarrow H_2\times3 \\ \\ Multiply\text{ }oxidation\text{ }half\text{ }equation\text{ }by\text{ }2\text{ }and\text{ }reduction\text{ }halfe\text{ }quation\text{ }by\text{ }3 \\ \\ Ox\imaginaryI dat\imaginaryI on:2Cr\rightarrow2Cr^{3+}+6e^- \\ \\ Reduction:6H^++6e^-\rightarrow3H_2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The final step is to combine the half equations and simplified:


Therefore, the coefficient of H⁺ in the balanced equation above is 6.

The correct answer is D. 6

True or False: One reason for multiple atomic models over the
years is that atoms and their parts, subatomic particles, are
invisible. Atomic models changed as more technologies
became available to scientists.
A. True
B. False



The answer is A. True


hope i helped

A. True

Atom in simple terms is the basic singular unit into which matter can be divided without any use or discharge of energy.

One of the major reasons for having multiple atomic models over the years is that atom and their parts, subatomic particles, are invisible.

This is where the atomic models came into play. Atomic models were theories about the structure and working of atoms based on the information that was available at that time.

The first atomic model was proposed by J.J Thomson, which is also called the plum pudding model. It proposed that within the atom there were negatively charged particles (electrons) that were floating in a positively charged liquid

The atomic model used today is Schrodinger's atomic model.

learn more about atoms at:


What Celsius temp, T2, is required to change the volume of the gas sample in part A (T1=43 degrees Celsius, V1 = 1.65x 10^3 L) to a volume of 3.30x10^3L? Assume no change in pressure or amount of gas in the balloon.


The temperature, T2, is 359°C.

1st) We need to identify the volume and the temperature of the gas in the point A (initial state of gas) and point B (final state of gas):

- Point A:

V1= 1.65x10^3 L

T1= 43°C (316K)

-Point B:

V2= 3.30x10^3 L

T2= unknown

2nd) With the Ideal Gas Law and assuming there is no change in pressure or amount of gas in the balloon, we calculate the temperature in point B with the formula that relates temperature and volume:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{V_1}{T_1}=\frac{V_2}{T_2} \\ \frac{1.65x10^3L_{}}{316K}=\frac{3.30x10^3L}{T_2} \\ T_2\cdot1.65x10^3L=3.30x10^3L\cdot316K \\ T_2=\frac{3.30x10^3L\cdot316K}{1.65x10^3L} \\ T_2=632K \end{gathered}[/tex]

It is important to use the units of the ideal gas constant, so the units must be in Kelvin (K) and liters (L). That's why the temperature (T2) it is 316 K.

3rd) Finally, it is necessary convert the Kelvin unit into Celsiud degrees:

[tex]\begin{gathered} T_2=632K-273 \\ T_2=359^oC \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, the temperature, T2, is 359°C.

if you have 50.0 ml of a 6.00 m hcl(aq) solution, how much additional solvent, in ml, must you add to obtain a 1.00 m hcl(aq) solution?


The approximate amount of heat produced by the reaction is 2884 J

We'll begin by calculating the mass of the solution.

Volume of HCl = 50 mL

Volume of NaOH = 50 mL

Total volume = 50 + 50 = 100 mL

Density of solution = 1 g/mL

Mass of solution =?

Mass = Density × Volume

Mass = 1 × 100

Mass of solution = 100 g

Next, we shall determine the change in the temperature.

Initial temperature (T₁) = 22 °C

Final temperature (T₂) = 28.9 °C

Change in temperature (ΔT) = ?

ΔT = T₂ – T₁

ΔT = 28.9 – 22

ΔT = 6.9 °C

Finally, we shall determine the heat produced by the reaction. This can be obtained as follow:

Mass of solution = 100 g

Change in temperature (ΔT) = 6.9 °C

Specific heat capacity (C) = 4.18 J/g°C

Heat (Q) = ?


Q = 100 × 4.18 × 6.9

Q ≈ 2884 J

Thus, the approximate amount of heat produced by the reaction is 2884 J

Learn more about solvent at,



A chemistry teacher mixes two clear substances together and notices a solid forming at the bottom of the beaker. Is the teacher demonstrating a physical or chemical change?.


The change that occured when the chemistry teacher mixed two clear substances and a solid forms is a chemical change.

What are chemical changes?

A chemical change is a process in which reactants are changed into products by the breaking or creation of chemical bonds.

On the other hand, a physical change is a change affecting the form of a chemical substance, but not its chemical composition.

The characteristics of a chemical change are as follows;

Temperature changesLight given offUnexpected color changesBubbles are formedDifferent smell or tasteA solid (precipitate) forms if two clear liquids are mixed

Therefore, the formation of a precipitate when the teacher mixed two clear substances is an example of chemical change.

Learn more about chemical change at: https://brainly.com/question/23693316


in a metallic bond, the electrons are free to move easily from one atom to the next throughout the metal and are not attached to a particular atom, and are said to be


Electrons are said to be delocalized electrons

Delocalized electrons are electrons in a molecule, ion, or solid metal that are not associated with a single atom or covalent connection. Electrons that have been delocalized are trapped within an orbital that spans many neighboring atoms.

Because electrons can freely roam within these molecular orbitals, each electron becomes separated from its parent atom. Delocalization refers to electrons. The strong forces of attraction between the positive nuclei and the delocalized electrons hold the metal together.

As a result, in a metallic link, electrons are free to flow freely from one atom to the next across the metal and are not bound to a specific atom; these electrons are referred to as delocalized electrons.

To learn more about delocalized electrons visit



If 250 ml of methane, ch4, effuses through a small hole in 28 s, the time required for the same volume of helium to pass through the hole under the same conditions will be.


The time required for the same volume of helium to pass through the hole under the same conditions will be 14 seconds.

what is graham's law of diffusion?

Thomas Graham developed Graham's Law, also referred to as the "Graham's Law of Effusion," in 1848. Thomas Graham conducted experiments with the effusion process and identified a crucial characteristic: lighter gas molecules move more quickly than heavy ones.

Graham's Law states that at constant pressure and temperature, molecules or atoms having a lower molecular mass will effuse more quickly than those with a larger molecular mass. Thomas even discovered the speed at which they diffuse away. It means that the square root of a gas's molecular mass is inversely proportional to the rate of effusion of that gas.

How to find the time required for helium from graham's law of diffusion?

Graham's law of diffusion is given by

[tex]\frac{Rate 1}{Rate 2}[/tex] = [tex]\sqrt{\frac{M1}{M2} }[/tex], where Rate 1 is rate of diffusion for 1 ( volume per time) and Rate 2 is rate of diffusion for 2 ( volume per time).

M1, M2 are molecular weight of 1 & 2

In our  case 1 → Methane, 2→ Helium

Molecular weight of methane([tex]CH_{4}[/tex]) → 16

Molecular weight of Helium ( He) → 4

Substituting in equation 1, [tex]\frac{Rate of Methane}{Rate of Helium}[/tex] =[tex]\sqrt{\frac{4}{16} }[/tex] = [tex]\sqrt{\frac{1}{4} }[/tex]=  [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex]

[tex]\frac{Rate of Methane}{Rate of Helium}[/tex]  = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex]

Now, Rate of methane = [tex]\frac{Volume}{Time}[/tex]=[tex]V_{methane}[/tex] / 28

It is given that

[tex]V_{methane}[/tex] = [tex]V_{Helium}[/tex] = V

Let, time taken by helium  be t

∴Rate of methane  = [tex]\frac{V}{28}[/tex]

Rate of Helium = [tex]\frac{V}{t}[/tex]

Substituting above values in equation (2),

[tex]\frac{\frac{V}{28} }{\frac{V}{t} }[/tex] = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex]

[tex]\frac{t}{28}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex]

t = 14 seconds.

Therefore time required by helium = 14 seconds.

To know more about graham's law of diffusion, click on the link below



A gaseous compound is subjected to increased pressure. What is happening to the temperature at the same time?-increased temperature, increased volume-increased temperature, decreased volume-decreased temperature, increased volume-decreased temperature, decreased volume


A gaseous compound is subjected to increased pressure. What is happening to the temperature at the same time?

We assume the gas is in a container.

If we increase the pressure, is a direct relationship with temperature, so the temperature increases, but if the volume is not constant, it will decrease.

Answer: increased temperature, decreased volume.

In everyday language, macroscopic algae is called


Macroscopic algae are called Seaweed.

The largest and most complex marine algae are called seaweeds while the most complex freshwater forms are the Charophyta a division of green algae which includes, for example, Spirogyra and stoneworts. Algae are almost ubiquitous throughout the world and can be categorized ecologically by their habitats.

Planktonic algae are microscopic and grow suspended in the water, whereas neustonic algae grow on the water's surface and can be micro- or macroscopic. Phytoplankton refers to a group of plankton that is photosynthetic. Most of them are microscopic algal species or microalgae. The algae of this paraphyletic group Charophyta were previously included in Chlorophyta so green algae and Chlorophyta in this definition were synonyms.

Learn more about Macroscopic algae here:-https://brainly.com/question/1508811


Consider a galvanic cell with a beaker of sulfuric acid and a beaker of nitric acid. The sulfuric acid beaker contains a strip of tin, and the nitric acid cell contains a strip of platinum. A wire runs between the strips. The reaction that occurs is as follows: 3Sn(s) + 2NO_3^–(aq) + 8H^+(aq) → 3Sn_2+(aq) + 2NO(g) + 4H_2O(l). Which element in the cell undergoes oxidation? (1 pt)
1 point


Consider a galvanic cell with a beaker of sulfuric acid and a beaker of nitric acid the sulfuric acid beaker contains a strip of tin, and the nitric acid cell contains a strip of platinum a wire runs between the strips then Sn in the cell undergoes oxidation

Galvanic cell is the electrochemical cell that convert the chemical energy into electrical energy

Here given data is

beaker of sulfuric acid and a beaker of nitric acid the sulfuric acid beaker contains a strip of tin, and the nitric acid cell contains a strip of platinum. a wire runs between the strips then the reaction is

Sn(s) + 2NO₃⁻(aq) + 8H⁺(aq) → 3Sn²⁺(aq) + 2NO(g) + 4H₂O(l)

So in this reaction the Sn oxidizes to Sn²⁺ and the number of oxidation increases from 0 to +2 by removing the 2 electron that's is called oxidation process

Sn → Sn²⁺ + 2e

Oxidation is the process removal of electron

Know more about oxidation



name the type of chemical reaction that occurs when magnesium chloride solution (MgCI2) to react with sodium carbonate solution (NaCO3) explain why aluminum (AI) would react with copper chloride (CuCI2) but not with magnesium chloride (MgCI2)




Here, we want to give a reason for why one of the reactions might not occur

Generally, a metal that is above another in the electrochemical series will displace it from its salt

Now, Aluminum is higher than copper, thus, it would displace it (from CuCl2, a reaction will occur). However, Aluminum is lower than magnesium. Thus, it will not displace it from its salt (MgCl2 and no reaction will occur)

Scientist discovered a species that doesn’t have any organelles. what organism could it be?
A. Grass
B. Yeast
C. Slime mold
D. Bacteria


Scientist discovered a species that doesn’t have any organelles. organism could it be Bacteria.

Organelles are the tiny organs of the cell. organelles have one or more than one jobs to perform. The most important cell organelles is nuclei. Bacteria is single cell organism having cellular DNA  and no organelles.  Bacteria belongs to prokaryotic cells. Prokaryotic cells are smaller than the eukaryotic cells. Prokaryotic cell do not have nucleus and do not have organelles. You can find bacteria in almost everywhere in earth. some bacteria can survive in extreme temperature and pressure.

Thus, Scientist discovered a species that doesn’t have any organelles. organism could it be Bacteria.

To learn more about Bacteria here



At stp which sample contains the same number of molecules as 3. 0 liters of h2(g).


Answer:At STP, the sample contains the same amount of molecules as 3.0 liters of H2 (g) is 3.0 L of CH4 (g)


Crystallization is a process of _________


Crystallization is a process of separation of the solid substances in an object located in the solution as crystal particles.

What is the chemical process of Crystallization?

The chemical process of Crystallization refers to a procedure in which we apply different methods in a solution in order to separate crystals, which are solids compounds that may be considered solutes in such media.

Therefore, with this data, we can see that the chemical process of crystallization separates the solutes in a given solution as solid crystal particles that can be used in other applications.

Learn more about the chemical process of crystallization here:



What type of ion will sodium, Na, form?


Answer:alkali metal cation


Why do water and methane behave  so differently CER



Water is polar and can form intermolecular hydrogen bonds due to high electronegativity of oxygen atom. Methane is non-polar and can only form weak dispersion forces between its molecules carbon has a lower electronegativity.


based on the models of bonding in ethylene and acetylene, which molecule should have the greater carbon-carbon bond energy?


The compound that would have the stronger carbon carbon bond is acetylene.

What is the bond energy?

The term bond energy has to do with the energy that is required to form a bond. It can also be seen as the energy that has to be supplied in order to break the bonds that are in the compound.

Now we know that the strength of a bond also has a lot to do with the length of the bond. We know that shorter bonds that have a greater s character are the ones that are always the stronger bonds. We have to factor in the fact that acetylene has a triple bond and ethylene has a double bond.

Learn more about bond energy:https://brainly.com/question/26141360


Think of the four seasons in nature. describe one physical change that happens in nature when seasons change. how do you know it is a physical change and not a chemical change?


Answer: Winter


When winter comes along everything freezes- rivers,lakes there is snow on the mountain top. That is a physical change; because the chemical makeup the water in those lakes in rivers is still the same.  



The most logical conclusion is A new crust is being formed in the middle of the Atlantic ocean.

Atlantic ocean crust is the oldest ocean crust in the middle of the Atlantic Ridge .The formation of crust in the Mid - ridge increases the Atlantic ocean

Thus, if a ship takes a set of rock samples from the floor of the Atlantic ocean. The sample show that rocks in the crust near the middle of the ocean are young , while rocks near the east and west sides of the ocean are older. A new crust is being formed in the middle of the Atlantic ocean.

To learn more about Atlantic ocean here



which is the correct order for the hydrolysis of sucrose reaction? (sucrase-sucrose-h2o) (sucrase) (sucrose) (h2o) (sucrase) (glucose) (fructose)


The correct order for the hydrolysis of sucrose reaction is sucrose(H2O)>sucrase>glucose>fructose.

Hydrolysis of sucrose:When sucrose is hydrolyzed, glucose and fructose are mixed in a 1:1 ratio. The primary component of honey is this concoction. It is known as invert sugar because the presence of the optical isomers of the mixture of glucose and fructose sugars causes the angle of the specific rotation of plain polarized light to change from a positive to a negative value.A water molecule aids in breaking the acetal bond during the hydrolysis of any di- or poly saccharide, as shown in the red diagram. The acetal bond is broken, and the oxygen on the glucose is combined with the H from the water. The carbon on the fructose is then given the -OH.

For more information on sucrose kindly visit to



Consider the reaction8H₂S(g) + 402(g) →8H₂O(g) + S8 (g)AH₂S/At = -0.021 M/s


[tex]8H₂S_{(g)}+4O_{2(g)\text{ }}→\text{ }8H₂O_{(g)}+S_{8(g)}[/tex][tex]v=\frac{-1}{8}\frac{\Delta\lbrack H_2S\rbrack}{\Delta t}=\frac{-1}{4}\frac{\Delta\lbrack O_2\rbrack}{\Delta t}=\frac{1}{8}\frac{\Delta\lbrack H_2O\rbrack}{\Delta t}=\frac{1}{1}\frac{\Delta\lbrack S_8\rbrack}{\Delta t}[/tex][tex]\frac{-1}{8}\frac{\Delta\lbrack H_2S\rbrack}{\Delta t}=\frac{1}{1}\frac{\Delta\lbrack S_8\rbrack}{\Delta t}[/tex][tex]\frac{\Delta\lbrack S_8\rbrack}{\Delta t}=\text{ }\frac{-1}{8}\frac{\Delta\lbrack H_2S\rbrack}{\Delta t}=\frac{-1}{8}(-0.021\text{ M/s\rparen = 0.0026 M/s}[/tex][tex]v=\frac{\Delta\lbrack S_8\rbrack}{\Delta t}=\text{ 0.0026 M/s}[/tex]

Part C the answer is Δ[S8]/Δt = 0.0026 M/s

Parte D the answer is v = 0.0026 M/s

1. if the barometer reading is recorded to be higher than the actual value. what effect does this error have on the reported value of the molar mass of the compound? briefly explain (too high, too low, unchanged)


If the barometer reading is too high, the molar mass of the compound will be too low. If the barometer reading is too low, the molar mass of the compound will be too high.

The molar mass of the compound will be reported as higher than the actual value. This is because the barometer is used to calculate the pressure of the gas, and the pressure is used to calculate the molar mass. If the pressure is too high, the molar mass will be too low.

A barometer is an instrument that is used to measure the pressure of a gas. The pressure of a gas is the force that the gas exerts on a surface. The pressure of a gas is usually expressed in units of atmospheres.The molar mass of a substance is the mass of one mole of the substance. The molar mass of a substance is usually expressed in grams per mole. Hence if the barometer reading is recorded to be higher than the actual value, the reported value of the molar mass of the compound will be too low.

Learn more about pressure at : https://brainly.com/question/12971272


Somebody help please


Answer: your Answer is D. Increases


I need homework help Which compound has the bigger Lattice energy?a) CaI2 CaCl2


Which compound has the bigger Lattice energy?

a) CaI₂ CaCl₂

To find the Lattice Energy we have to pay attention to the ions that form each compound.

In our case, both Cations are the same: Ca2+

So we have to find the difference between the anions: I- and Cl-

What is the process in which atoms rearrange to form new substances?


Considering the definition of chemical reaction, the process in which atoms rearrange to form new substances is chemical reaction.

Definition of chemical reaction

A chemical reaction is the way in which one substance reacts with another. So, chemical reactions are thermodynamic processes of transformation of matter in which reactants or reactants intervene, which change significantly in the process, and can consume or release energy to generate two or more substances called products.

In a chemical reaction, chemical bonds between atoms are broken and new bonds are formed. In other words, for a specific product to be formed from a reactant, it is necessary to break bonds that hold them together and reorganize structures, forming new bonds and forming other substances.

Learn more about chemical reaction:




balance the reaction between sno32- and s2- to form s and sno22- in basic solution. when you have balanced the equation using the smallest integers possible, enter the coefficients of the species shown. sno32- s2- s sno22- water appears in the balanced equation as a fill in the blank 5 (reactant, product, neither) with a coefficient of . (enter 0 for neither.) how many electrons are transferred in this


Balance the reaction between sno32- and s2- to form s and sno22- in basic solution. when you have balanced the equation using the smallest integers possible, enter the coefficients of the species shown. sno32- s2- s sno22- water appears in the balanced equation as a fill in the blank 5 (reactant, product, neither) with a coefficient of . (enter 0 for neither.) how many electrons are transferred in this.

2 electrons are transferred in this reaction

Water will appear as a reactant with a coefficient of 1, here as can be seen from above equation.

Electrons are the smallest of the particles that make up an atom, and they convey a poor rate. The wide variety of protons and electrons is equal in a neutral atom. The hydrogen atom, as an example, has simply one electron and one proton. The uranium atom, alternatively, has ninety two protons, and therefore, 92 electrons

Learn more about electrons here:-



In the process of oxidizing i− to i2 , so42− is reduced to so2. How many moles of so2 are produced in the formation of one mole of i2 ?.


1 mole of So2 is produced in the formation of 1 mole of I2.

Oxidation and reduction is based on the addition or removal of oxygen or hydrogen atoms.so in the terms of oxygen and hydrogen the oxidation and reduction can be defined. The addition of oxygen to substances is called oxidation or the removal of hydrogen from a substance is also called oxidation. similarly, addition of hydrogen to a substance is called reduction or the removal of oxygen from a substance is called reduction.

Here in the process of oxidizing i- to i2,so42- is reduced to so2.so the required reaction becomes,

      2I-(aq) +So42- (aq) +4H+ --> I2(s) +So2(g) +2H2O

From the reaction it can be seen that 1 mole of So2 is produced in the formation of 1 mole of I2 .

To learn more about Oxidation and Reduction please visit:



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