Which of these leadership qualities is MOST commonly associated with George Washington?
A) his devotion to aboltion
B) his ability to re-unify the country
C) his commitment to telling the truth
D) his dedication to nonviolent protest


Answer 1

I think it's A. Sorry if I'm wrong.

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What inspired many Americans to support the United States' involvement in the Spanish-American War?



On April 21, 1898, the United States declared war against Spain. ... The reasons for war were many, but there were two immediate ones: America's support the ongoing struggle by Cubans and Filipinos against Spanish rule, and the mysterious explosion of the battleship U.S.S. Maine in Havana Harbor.

Hope this helps you

Help plzzzz help this is confusing


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What was the Worcester v. Georgia Supreme Court ruling and what was the president Jackson's response?


The ruling was because the Cherokee Nation was a separate political entity that could not be regulated by the state, Georgia’s license law was unconstitutional and Worcester’s conviction should be overturned

Pls helllp!!

Which was not an impact that television had on society in the 1950s?

A. It provided fames with inexpensive news and entertainment

B. It promoted the development of a common culture.

C. It became an educational tool in classrooms

D. It Communicates the notion that affluence was widespread






the answer is c, because it was not used in classrooms.

What was wayne coyne beliefs


Answer: can i answer in like 2 mins or do i need to answer it now? if you want i can go look for the answer and come back when i find it\


Can culture effect successful group work?



Cultural values can deeply affect organizational and team structure, rewards and motivation, interpersonal interactions, decision making, and effectiveness.

Which statements about Vladimir Lenin are true? Select all correct answers.
1/ He wrote The Communist Manifesto.
2/ He was head of the Bolsheviks.
3/He worked toward turning Russia into a communist nation.
4/ He was the last Tsar of Russia.


2 and 3 are the true statements

what precedent did washington establish by acting decisively to stop the whiskey rebellion


Answer: Use of state militia to quell insurrection.


In acting quickly to supress an insurrection that threatened the unity of the United States by the use of state militia, President Washington set a precedent that would eventually become law with the Insurrection Act.

By this precedent, Presidents are empowered to raise state militias to quell rebellion if normal civilian judicial procedure fails and after they have ordered the people involved to disperse.

This precedent has been used by quite a number of presidents including Ulysses Grant, John Kennedy and Dwight Eisenhower as they attempted to enforce laws calling for equality.

Reforms in mental health institutions, temperance, poverty, tenement living, equal
rights, and education stem from what historical happening in the 1800's?
A. The Third Great Revival
B. Manifest Destiny
C. The Annexation of Texas
D. The Second Great Awakening



the 3rd option


it was a huge problem for the people

President Obama has indicated that the auto industry is responsible for the great recession.



pretty sure it’s true.

Why were the Native American children sent to boarding schools?
A To explore a different part of the United State
B. To gain a better understanding of their heritage
C. To learn how to be civilized





I'd recommend reading the book called Code Talkers. It gives an in depth look at this.

Which countries/regions did Japan conquer between 1894 and 1940?



Taiwan (1902)

Korea (1910)

German islands located in the pacific region of Manchuria

Parts/regions of China

Frenchindo (China)


Based on the source and your knowledge of history,provide two reasons why Roman officials treated Christianity differently than other religions?



The Romans felt threatened, and the early Christians were destroyers of culture and art in the name of their god.


The Romans felt extremely threatened by the defiance of the early Christians because they did not follow the customs of their time and place. They refused to pay taxes to their emperor, and they disobeyed a curfew that was supposed to keep the streets safe at night.

Early Christians were overall incredibly intolerant to other religions (including branches of themselves) that did not worship exactly the way the wanted. They burned the Library of Alexandria which held knowledge from all over the known world, and the destruction of was a cultural catastrophe that triggered the Dark Ages. They smashed statues and temples of other religions. It was laughable that they still wanted respect and tolerance after all monstrosities they had committed against Pagans, Jews, Arabs, and other religious and ethnic groups.


which 3 Amendments r most important to u and why?

pls help asap omg I beg uuuu!!!


1st Amendment: Gives everyone the right to free speech, right to assemble, and right to religion.
14th Amendment: Gave black men the right to vote. This amendment started making the preamble to the Constitution a reality.
19th Amendment: Gave women the right o vote. Makes the preamble to the Constitution real.




Everybody's first pick ought to be the first amendment. It guarantees the right to belong to any religion or none at all. It guarantees the freedom of speach as long as it does not incite hatred. It guarantees the right of assembly as long as property damage is not done, nor other people hurt.


This one prevents self incrimination. It became the standard defense during the witch hunt in the MacArthy hearings. Quite rightly too. MacAruth was an animal.

All of the first 10 are important. You can add the 14th (African Americans were given the vote. But it took the civil rights movement in the 1960s to make it happen

I only have 1 left. I'm going to choose 19. It seems shameful to me that it took into the early part of the 20th century to give women the vote. I need not point out what an injustice that was -- especially if you are a woman. Today the right for women to vote is taken for granted, but it was hard fought for up until Wilson granted it and then not very willingly. I'm a guy by the way.

If you're begging, you out to make a point of coming back and rewarding who answers this. Exercise your right to vote.

How did The avenue of the dead get its name


The main road down the center of the city is called the Avenue of the Dead by the Aztecs because the mounds on the sides looked like tombs. The Avenue was large at 131 feet (40 meters) wide and 3 miles (5 km) in length and ran north and south in direction.

Answer: I think it's because it represents the tombs of the dead people


In a mixed market economy, who is primarily
responsible for making economic decisions
about consumption, savings, and production?



In a mixed economy both market forces and government decisions determine which goods and services are produced and how they are distributed. Welfare refers to government efforts to provide for people's basic needs. ... In command economies, the people (in the form of the state) own the means of production.

Hope it helps.

How do the priests in Rome treat the people who come to buy indulgences?


Answer: indulgences were part of the sacrament of penance, which was for exceptionally pious deeds.


Crowley's Ridge What types of landforms can be found here? Name 5 cities and towns can be found in this region. History of the region: Where is this region located? What is the main industry in this region?​




Crowley’s Ridge is a small yet distinctive natural region. It ranges in width from one to twelve miles and extends from southern Missouri across eastern Arkansas to Helena-West Helena (Phillips County).It is made up of a continuous series of rolling hills except for a slight break at Marianna (Lee County); this break or gap was created by the L’Anguille River as it flowed across the ridge.

How did the arrival of the British hasten the decline of the Mogul Empire​



by disagreeing


if u get this 2 right I’ll give brainliest!!


National bank of US for the first one and the second one is it only granted loans of rich men


Federal Bureau of investigation


explain ONE historical situation in the period 1750–1900 in which
individuals freely chose to migrate.


The potato blight in the country called Ireland was a situation that caused people to freely migrate.

What was the Great migration?

This was the event that caused the Irish people to leave their country in droves.

The reason the people were migrating was in order to flee from hunger and also poverty from 1845 to 1852.

The consequence of the blight was a permanent change in the demography of Ireland.

Read more on the  Great migration here: https://brainly.com/question/21201

What did Major Sibley do while he was posted at Fort Union? A. sibley helped to retake new mexican posts lost in war. B. sibley charted paths to points further west. C. sibley was dismissed for his harsh methods. D. sibley helped with construction of the fort and supplies at other forts.


Answer: B. Sibley charted paths to points further west.


During the Civil War, Major Sibley planned to conduct a New Mexico campaign in which he hoped to capture the cities of Albuquerque and Santa Fe as well as Fort Union.

From Fort Union, Major Sibley hoped to push further west to California and establish naval bases from which they could get supplies and escape the Union blockade of Southern ports.

Answer: D

Explanation: It says in the comments its D so why not post it lol have a great day(;

What were the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation led to the writing of the Constitution?



The Articles created a loose confederation of sovereign states and a weak central government, leaving most of the power with the state governments. The need for a stronger Federal government soon became apparent and eventually led to the Constitutional Convention in 1787.

A King or Queen who would consult with members of a legislative body and/or abide by a set of
laws is called:



A Constitutional Monarchy


Example: England.

In England, Queen Elizabeth II is technically still Queen, but the British Parliament makes a lot of the decisions.

Which statement describes the Nile River in ancient Egypt?
A:The Nile River had a constant, unchanging flow.
B:The Nile River was entirely unpredictable.
C:The Nile River was dry for most of the year.
D:The Nile River flooded at regular times during the year.



I think it would be B or D


I think so because it would flood a lot but you could never tell when

I need pointers on writing a 250 word essay on the milestone :1784-1800 Constitutional Convention and ratification, 1787-1789​





go on and use it! it will help! :)

How is WWI connected to the Holocaust?





Was John Quincy adams a favorite son of the northeast merchants



I'm pretty sure that yes he was.


John Quincy Adams - From Massachusetts, was the son of former president John Adams. He was popular with merchants of the Northeast.


What is Cuba's government classified as?

A. Democracy
B. Dictatorship
C. Federal Republic
D. Representative Democracy​



I think it's Democracy......

Question 1 (3 points) Saved
How was the Progressive movement's reform of labor laws in South Carolina
different from its reform of labor laws in the country as a whole?

A In South Carolina, the Progressive movement did not address the issue of child
labor; in other areas of the country, child labor laws were a main focus.

B Progressives worked for an eight-hour workday and better working conditions
throughout the nation, but reforms came at a much slower pace in South

C Progressive reforms in South Carolina took root and moved quickly; across the
nation, the Progressive movement faced opposition from many different sources.

D Across the country, Progressives focused on putting one reform in place at a
time; in South Carolina, Progressives tried to put many reforms in place at once,



the answer is a because the is what i think the answers is


Progressives worked for an eight-hour workday and better working conditions throughout the nation, but reforms came at a much slower pace in South Carolina were the Progressive movement's reform of labor laws in South Carolina different from its reform of labor laws in the country as a whole. Thus, option (b) is correct

What is Progressive movement's?

The Progressive movement was founded in 1897. In the United States, the early twentieth century was a period of commercial boom and progressive reform. The Progressive Era in the United States was characterized by broad social action and governmental reform aimed at combating injustice, monopoly, wastage, and inefficiency.

On the other side, labor law reforms have focused more on trade unions and restraining illegal immigrants, who have a lower employment rate. Progressives introduced minimum wage regulations for women employees, implemented industrial accident insurance, prohibited child labor, and strengthened factory regulation.

As a result, the conclusion of the Progressive movement's reform of labor laws in South Carolina different from its reform of labor laws in the country as a whole are the aforementioned. Therefore, option (b) is correct.

Learn more about on Progressive movement's, here:



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