Which of these is not a major climate zone located in South America?

A) Arid
B) Humid Subtropical
C) Subarctic
D) Tropical Wet


Answer 1
The answer is arid Becuase there are tropical climates in South America.

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Which scale factor will take a point further away from the center of dilation?
(Select all that apply)



need an photo


What do you understand by school mapping how it is helpful in educational planning?


School mapping (SM) is a standard method for microplanning school locations. It is a critical planning tool for overcoming the possibility of regional disparities in educational facility provision.

School mapping is a set of methods and processes for estimating future education needs at the local level and determining what needs to be done to meet them. Unlike a static map, school mapping provides a dynamic and prospective view of how the education should look in the future, displaying buildings, educators, and facilities to enable the execution of education policies.

Learn more on map -



look at the strike and dip symbol in the lower right corner of the map. if north is at the top of the map, what is the strike direction of the lime green rock type at this location?


Geologists represent inclined beds on maps with a strike and dip symbol. The top line and short trunk of the strike and dip map symbols resemble a capital T. The strike is symbolized by the top line, while the short trunk depicts the dip. The strike direction of the lime green rock type at this location is south if north is at the top of the map.

With the long horizontal bar denoting the strike direction and the small tick mark denoting the dip direction, the strike and dip symbol is a T. Next to the tick mark is written the dip angle. The horizontal direction of the break is known as the strike. The break's dip is its slope, as measured perpendicular to the strike. The upper wall of the fault is known as the hanging wall. The footwall is the fault's lowest wall. Strike. The azimuth (compass direction) of a horizontal line in the plane of interest is known as the strike. Dip. The highest angle, measured perpendicular to strike, between the horizontal and the plane of interest is known as the dip. Since almost all faults contain some amount of both dip-slip (normal or reverse) and strike-slip, a fault must have both quantifiable and significant dip and strike components in order to be classified as oblique. The right-lateral, oblique-slip faulting on this fault shows that both thrust faulting and strike-slip faulting may have occurred.

Learn more about strike and dip symbol here



on average how often does the puget sound region experience moderate to large earthquakes? this is called the recurrence interval (t) for moderate to large earthquakes.


On average - 20 years the Puget sound region experience moderate to large earthquakes. this is called the recurrence interval (t) for moderate to large earthquakes.

A sound in the Pacific Northwest, Puget Sound is also an inlet to the Pacific Ocean and a portion of the Salish Sea. It is situated along the Washington state's northwest coast in the United States. There are three links to the open Pacific Ocean via the Strait of Juan de Fuca, one major and two small. The major connections are Admiralty Inlet and Deception Pass, and the lesser connections are Swinomish Channel and Deception Pass. Approximately 2% of the entire tidal exchange between Puget Sound and the Strait of Juan de Fuca passes through Deception Pass. The Puget Sound stretches from Deception Pass in the north to Olympia in the south for about 100 miles (160 km). Its highest depth, off Jefferson Point between Indianola and Kingston, is 930 feet, with an average depth of 450 feet (140 meters) (280 m). Between Whidbey Island's southernmost point and Tacoma, the major basin is around 600 feet deep (180 m). The United States Board on Geographic Names designated the area around Puget Sound, the Strait of Juan de Fuca, and the Strait of Georgia as the Salish Sea in 2009. In addition to Puget Sound itself, words like "Puget Sound" and "Puget Sound and surrounding waters" are occasionally used to refer to waters to the north, including Bellingham Bay and the San Juan Islands region.

Learn more about Puget sound here



Question 1
Places on Earth receiving more sunlight experience:
O Warmer climate
O Cooler climate



Warmer climate.


Since sunlight makes you hot, places on Earth receiving more sunlight experience Warmer Climates.

Has anyone been killed by orcas?


Not actually, as stats shows that orcas don't kill any human.

Four people have died as a result of contact with captive orcas as of 2022, despite the fact that orca attacks on humans in the wild are uncommon and no fatal assaults have been documented.

Three of those deaths included Tilikum in some way. Well, orcas are giant animals with more strength but they don't affect the animals.

According to recent stats on wildlife, there are no fatal attacks on humans. Whilst, we have a few attacks which are the result of self-defense by the Orcus. But usually, they don't harm humans.

For more questions like Orcas Attack visit the link below:



Globalization is about culture change. Discuss popular culture and indigenization, where some idea, behavior, or object from western European or American culture moved to non-western or indigenous societies and culture. Provide one example you learned from your textbook or class lecture of how this phenomenon operates in the world.


Indigenization involves weaving or braiding two knowledge systems so learners may grasp and appreciate both. Thus, Indigenization should not be used when Indigenous material is introduced to a course or when Western content is substituted with Indigenous information. It means deliberately combining these two ways of knowing.

What is Globalization?

Generally, The process of "indigenization" involves making Indigenous knowledge systems visible and naturalizing them in order to change attitudes, environments, and even hearts. This entails fusing Indigenous knowledge and methodologies with Western knowledge systems in the context of post-secondary education.

All kids, instructors, and community members who are engaged in or affected by indigenization would benefit from this, not only indigenous pupils. Indigenous knowledge systems are intertwined with a particular community, culture, and land. Each post-secondary institution's process of indigenization will be different due to how varied and complicated they are.

It's crucial to understand that indigenization does not entail turning anything Western become indigenous. The objective is not to combine Indigenous and Western knowledge into a single body of knowledge. Indigenization is more accurately described as the blending or weaving of two different knowledge systems such that learners may learn to comprehend and value them both.

Therefore, we advise against using the term "indigenization" when Indigenous material is just added to a course or when something Western is swapped out for something Indigenous. Instead, it alludes to a purposeful blending of these two modes of knowing.

Read more about Globalization



in order to carve out valleys, glaciers have to be strong enough to drag rocks and boulders down the mountainside, but what else has to happen for glaciers to create glacial valleys?


The Earth's surface is carved by rocks and boulders that are dragged by moving glaciers, which must be pliable enough to move.

A glacier is a long-lasting mass of heavy ice that is perpetually moving. When the ablation of snow is greater than the accumulation over a long period of time, frequently centuries, a glacier forms. As it slowly flows and deforms under forces brought on by its weight, it gains distinctive features like crevasses and seracs. Cirques, moraines, and fjords are the result of the erosion of rock and debris from its substrate as it travels. The considerably thinner sea ice and lake ice that form on the surface of bodies of water are not the same as glaciers, which form only on land and may flow into water bodies. On Earth, huge ice sheets (sometimes referred to as "continental glaciers") in the polar regions are home to 99% of all glacial ice; nevertheless, glaciers can be found in mountain ranges on every continent except from Australia's mainland, including high-latitude oceanic island nations like New Zealand. Glaciers are only found in the Himalayas, Andes, a few high mountains in East Africa, Mexico, New Guinea, and on Zard-Kuh in Iran between latitudes 35°N and 35°S. Pakistan has more glacial ice than any other nation outside of the polar regions, with more than 7,000 recognized glaciers. About 10% of the area on Earth is covered by glaciers. With an average thickness of 2,100 meters, continental glaciers span roughly 13 million km2 (5 million sq mi), or almost 98% of Antarctica (7,000 ft). Huge stretches of continental glaciers are also present in Greenland and Patagonia. It has been calculated that there are 170,000 km3 worth of glaciers, excluding the ice sheets in Antarctica and Greenland.

Learn more about glaciers here



when mt. st. helen erupted in 1980, all living organisms within the immediate blast zone were killed by the explosion and debris. what type of succession occurred in this area following this catastrophic disturbance?


Initial Succession

An exploding volcano, for instance, devastated all adjacent living things in Mount Saint Helens, Washington.

What consequences resulted from Mount St. Helens' 1980 eruption?

Numerous homes, buildings, and other structures were destroyed, resulting in the deaths of 57 individuals. Following the eruption, the Mount St. Helens summit was gone, forests were destroyed, and rivers took on new paths. More than 150 new lakes and ponds were created, while the sediment from already-existing lakes filled the banks of the former, drowning them.

How did the volcanic eruption of Mount St. Helen in 1980 affect biodiversity?

The 1980 explosion at Mount St. Helens resulted in the loss of around 90 square miles of forest habitat, but boosted habitat for lakes and ponds by a factor of five. A wide variety of aquatic species, including amphibians, insects, plankton, and plants, swiftly occupied these new environments..

To Know more about Washington.



What is the main cause of death in orcas?


Diseases, parasites, & predators are the three primary causes of mortality in orcas.

The killer whale seems to be an apex predator and is not known to have any natural predators when it pertains to prey and predator relationships. Except for people, parasites, and illnesses, which can seriously harm a killer whale's health.

It is possible that stress & boredom, two emotionally associated effects of captivity, cause the immune systems of cetaceans to be suppressed, resulting in infections, pneumonia, as well as other illnesses that cause orcas as well as other whales and dolphins to pass away.

According to new studies, humans may be a significant factor in killer whale deaths.

Learn more about orcas at



Why is specialized equipment and transportation needed to further your study of interplanetary space.



Specialized equipment and transportation are necessary for studying interplanetary space because the conditions in space are very different from those on Earth.

For example, the temperature in space can range from extremely hot to extremely cold, and there is no atmosphere to protect against radiation from the sun.

In addition, the vacuum of space means that there is no air to breathe, so any equipment or transportation used in space must be able to provide a suitable environment for human survival.


saltation and traction, which occur when rocks carried along the streambed of the river, is considered which type of sediment load?


Saltation and traction, occur when rocks carried along the streambed of the river, is considered as the suspended load.

Patches within a stream are transported in different ways depending on their size. Large patches which rest on the stream bed are known as the bedload. The bedload may only be transported when the flux rate is speedy and under flood tide conditions. They are transported by saltation( bouncing along, and colliding with other patches) and by traction( being pushed on by the force of the flux).

Minor particles may rest on the bottom occasionally, where they can be transported by saltation and traction, but they can also be held in suspense in the fluent water( the suspended load), especially at advanced flux speed.

To know more about the suspended load, click on the link below:



which city in florida was named after the cigar manufacturer who opened a factory there?


Ybor City, presently a neighborhood inside Tampa, was gotten comfortable in 1886 by Cuban stogie makers under the initiative of Vicente Martínez de Ybor. The stogie organizations moved from Key West to keep away from the unionization of their laborers.

It was referred to first as "Mr. Ybor's City," for Wear Vincent Martinez Ybor, a Cuban stogie processing plant proprietor who laid out his stogie domain in Tampa in 1886 and never thought back.

This region, known as Ybor City, turned out to be important for Tampa in 1887. Essentially all Cuban tobacco utilized for stogies was transported from the port of Havana, Cuba. The Tampa region turned into a significant stogie fabricating area after railroad lines associated it with the major cross-country rail lines and the port was developed.

Learn more about florida:



true/false ? a wave propagates at a well defined velocity that depends on the properties of the medium that carries the wave.


A wave propagates at a well defined velocity that depends on the properties of the medium that carries the wave. TRUE .

Waves tour through a medium, which acts as an strength carrier. those mediums can be solids, drinks, or gases. however, no longer all waves need a medium to propagate or travel. Mechanical waves are vibrations or disturbances that require a medium to propagate.

Waves transmit electricity, not water, throughout the sea and if no longer obstructed by using anything, they have the capability to journey across an entire ocean basin. Waves are maximum typically due to wind. Wind-driven waves, or floor waves, are created via the friction between wind and surface water.

Converting electric powered fields produce magnetic fields and changing magnetic fields produce electric fields. This interaction between brought on electric and magnetic fields leads to propagating electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic waves can propagate through loose area.

Learn more about wave propagates  here



which air mass would show the most dramatic change in both temperature and moisture content as it moves over a large body of very warm water?


Continental Polar (cP) in winter would show the most dramatic change in both temperature and moisture content as it moves over a large body of very warm water.

Air masses are large air masses with properties that are reasonably uniformly distributed horizontally and area dividing two diverse air masses is known as a front ; they have rather constant temperature and moisture content. While coastal air masses are moist, continental air masses are distinguished by dry air near the surface.

Polar air masses are characterized by chilly air near the surface while tropical air masses are warm or hot. Extreme cold permeates the Arctic air masses. Cold, dry, and stable air masses are prevalent in the continental polar (cP) or continental arctic (cA) regions.

Radiative cooling causes these air masses to form over northern Canada and Alaska. They travel south, then east via the Plains and the Rockies.

To know more about 'Continental Polar' related questions

visit- https://brainly.com/question/7423218


What happens to rocks that are pushed under Earth's surface and become hotter and experience more pressure?


If a lot of temperature or pressure, the rock melts and turns into magma. This causes the formation of an igneous rock rather than a metamorphic rock.

Consider the way granite changes shape. Granite is an igneous rock formed when magma cools slowly underground. Massive forces push, tilt, fold, and break rocks. These processes have the ability to heat as well as squeeze any kind of rock sufficiently to change its structure. Such changes are referred to as metamorphoses, and the resulting rocks are referred to as metamorphic rocks. Marble is a metamorphic rock made of smothered and hot limestone.

Learn more on rock



Why are orcas dying out?


The fact that the population of the endangered Southern Resident killer orcas has not recovered is probably attributable in large part to the losses in Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) populations brought on by human overfishing and habitat degradation.

According to the study, which was recently published in PLOS One, orcas in the Pacific Northwest have endured fatal encounters with ships and other vessels, malnutrition, disease, and accidental stranding because of sudden tide shifts. They are known as "killer whales" because of their capacity to prey on larger whales.

Reduced prey availability and other challenges, such as chemical pollution or auditory and physical disruption from vessels and other noise sources, are connected to recent decreases in Southern Resident Killer Whale populations. The decline in the number of Chinook salmon, the principal prey of southern resident orcas, is the main cause of their demise. Further obstacles to their capacity to catch fish include increased shipping noise, toxic ocean conditions, and small boat activity that disturbs their feeding and sleeping.

Learn more about orcas visit: brainly.com/question/27988282


which mountains form a natural boundary between european russia and siberian russia?


The mountains that form a natural boundary between European Russia and Siberian Russia are the Urals.

The Urals rise like a a lengthy and narrow spine across western Russia, comprising a natural divide between Europe and Asia. The mountain range traverses 2,500 kilometers enacting through the Arctic tundra to the north and through forested and semi-desert terrains to the south. Continental collisions gave rise to the Urals between 250 and 300 million years ago, putting them among the oldest mountains on Earth. For such an an age-old range, it reaches some moderately high elevations. The Nether-Polar Urals are an alpine environment.

Learn more about the Urals mountain here:



a thunderstorm is a storm containing lightning and thunder. a thunderstorm is a storm containing lightning and thunder. false true


It is true, Thunder and lightning are two characteristics of a thunderstorm. Thunder and lightning are two characteristics of a thunderstorm.

Thunderstorms are ferocious, brief meteorological disturbances that nearly usually include lightning, thunder, thick clouds, heavy rain or hail, and thunderstorm strong gusty winds. Layers of warm, moist air travel quickly to cooler areas of the atmosphere in a massive updraft, which is how thunderstorms form. Tall cumulonimbus clouds and subsequently precipitation are created there as a result of the moisture in the updraft  Thunder and lightning are two characteristics of a thunderstorm.

Thunder and lightning are two characteristics of a thunderstorm. condensing. Columns of cooled air then descend to the ground, producing powerful downdrafts and horizontal winds that strike the surface. Electrical charges build up on cloud particles concurrently (water droplets and ice).

Learn more about thunderstorm here



Suppose a new volcano suddenly formed in the middle of the united states. How might you explain what caused this volcano?.


Answer:natural hazzards


eg techtonic plates moving which leads to the making of volcanoes

what is the answer to



x < -1 or x > 1


x2 - x - 1 > 0

AC method:

x2 + x - x - 1 > 0

x(x + 1) -1 (x + 1) > 0

(x - 1)(x + 1) > 0

The roots of the equation are x = 1 and x = -1

Draw the graph of y = x2 - x - 1


y > 0 (meaning you want the part where the curve ig above the x-axis)

The range of values for x above the x-axis is x < -1 or x > 1

most deserts occur at approximately 30° latitudes. which of the statements best reflects this finding?


Option D, Cool dry air descends at 30° latitude which reflect that most deserts occur at approximately 30° latitudes.

Near 30 degrees north latitude and 30 degrees south latitude, when the warm equatorial air starts to descend, are where the majority of the world's deserts are found. Large amounts of water from the surface of the land are vaporised by the dense, warming, descending air. The environment that results is quite dry. Circulation patterns and precipitation patterns are both influenced by the motion of the air currents. At roughly 30° north latitude, air builds up because of the earth's rotation. At this latitude, a belt of high pressure is created when some of the air sinks. As it reaches the surface, the sinking air moves north and south.

Due to the lack of water, the areas at 30 degrees north and south latitude are usually deserts with more drier air. The atmosphere's chilly, dry air will descend back to the earth's surface at this location.

Know more about the Cool dry air at: https://brainly.com/question/16893086


Most deserts occur at approximately 30° latitudes. Which of the following statements BEST reflects this finding?

A. Westerlies pull all moisture away from land and to the ocean at 30° latitude

B. Trade winds pull all moisture away from land and to the ocean at 30° latitude

C. Warm dry air descends at 30° latitude

D. Cool dry air descends at 30° latitude.

g how do mountain glaciers and continental glaciers differ in dimension, thickness, and movement? (6 points)


Valleys are smaller than ice sheets, have longer lengths than widths, and only cover a small area. They are also known as Alpine or Mountain Glaciers. Large-scale ice sheets, commonly referred to as Continental Glaciers, encompass 10% of the territory on Earth.

More substantial than Alpine or valley glaciers are continental glaciers, also referred to as ice sheet glaciers. With the exception of the peak tops, they cover the entire continent. During the previous Ice Age, the majority of Canada and the northern portion of the United States were covered by ice sheets. Currently, Antarctica and Greenland are the only extreme polar locations with continental glaciers. Large portions of Canada, Europe, and Asia were once covered by continental glaciers, and these glaciers are to blame for many of the regions' distinctive geographical features. On land, glaciers develop. They are composed of snow that has fallen and has been compacted over many centuries into ice. Due to the influence of gravity, they progressively descend. The polar regions, including Greenland, the Canadian Arctic, and Antarctica, are home to the majority of the world's glaciers. Ice sheets, ice caps, and outlet glaciers are the three different forms of continental glaciers. An area greater than 50,000 square kilometer's is covered by an ice sheet. An ice sheet is another name for a continental glacier. The reason why these ice sheets are called glaciers is because they cover continental land masses. Presently, enormous ice sheets cover Greenland and Antarctica.

Learn more about Continental Glaciers here



which of the following is true regarding the greenhouse effect? question 20 options: a) the greenhouse effect did not exist before humans. b) greenhouse gases work by trapping incoming solar radiation in earth's atmosphere, just like a greenhouse. c) increased levels of human-produced carbon dioxide have enhanced the greenhouse effect. d) a and b e) b and c


(e) b and c

{ b- greenhouse gases work by trapping incoming solar radiation in earth's atmosphere, just like a greenhouse.

c- increased levels of human-produced carbon dioxide have enhanced the greenhouse effect.}

What is greenhouse effect?

The greenhouse effect is the way heat is trapped by "greenhouse gases" near the surface of the earth. These warming gases can be thought of as a blanket around the earth, keeping it warmer than it would be without it.

Causes of greenhouse effect:

DeforestationBurning fossil fuels like coal, crude oil etc.Heat TransportationEmission of carbon, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone, chlorofluorocarbons.Industrialization

Consequences of greenhouse effect:

Desertification of fertile landMelting of glacial massesFlooding of coastal areasWeather changesMigration of speciesImpact on agricultural sector

To learn more about greenhouse effect visit the link given below



what is a possible - although currently still quite uncertain - implication that the vents have for the story of life on earth?


A possible, albeit now extremely uncertain, implication of hydrothermal vents for the genesis of life on Earth is that they may have provided the resources and energy for life to begin.

A hydrothermal vent is a crack on the seafloor where water that has been geothermally heated escapes. Tectonic plate boundaries at mid-ocean ridges, ocean basins, and hotspots are where they are frequently discovered. Hydrothermal deposits are rocks and mineral ore deposits created by the activity of hydrothermal vents.

Because the earth is geologically active and has a lot of water on its surface and in its crust, hydrothermal vents are present. They may develop features known as black smokers or white smokers under the water. The region around hydrothermal vents is biologically more productive than the remainder of the deep sea, frequently supporting intricate organisms that are fed by the chemicals dissolved in the vent fluids.

Learn more about hydrothermal vents here



Why do orcas like cold water?


Orcas prefer cold water because it allows them to travel more swiftly than their ectothermic prey, which can slow down in colder water.

Although they may be located in warmer seas near the equator as opposed to arctic waters, these species appear to favor colder temperatures. Along with living in waters deep in the open ocean, orcas may also venture into semi-enclosed oceans, river mouths, and ice-covered regions.

Marine animals with warm blood, such as whales, can withstand frigid water temperatures. When whales descend to chilly depths and travel to frigid waters, such as those in Alaska, fat serves as an insulating layer to help them preserve energy and warmth.

Learn more about orcas at



Do orcas need water to survive?


Orcas need water to survive because they need cool temperature as excess of fat in their body generate heat and their body needs water to hold their weight.

Because of the blubber Orcas need to stay wet is in order to keep their body temperature low. Orcas also need water in order to support their organs and also to carry their own body weight. Orcas are weightless underwater. On the other hand, If the Orcas are not wet or not in the water, the organs  can be crushed and that may cause their death. Usually they only stay under for about 20 minutes, but different whales do different things. Whales can only survive a few hours on land. They breathe the air just fine. The problem is that their fat holds in too much heat.

To learn more about Orcas please visit :



What Are the Differences Between the North and South?


The Civil War  had fought between the North and south states from 1861-1865. The american civil war was fought versus the United States of America and the Confederate States of America there were so many differences we saw between them.

It is the collection of eleven southern states that left the Union the Civil War was fought over the moral issue of slavery. It was the economics of slavery and political control of that system that was central to the conflict.

while during the civil war so many differences we can saw between the north & south the North was anti- slavery. It was more densely populated. had more resources in terms of money, men and supplies. It was republician predominant by political parties

the South was pro-slavery during civil war it was not densely populated not having resources like oney, men, supplies. It also not having a poilitical support and  the south was democrated.

Learn more about North & South war click the link here:



How do people depend on the environment and either harm or protect it?



We depend completely on nature for essential, life-sustaining services – clean air and water, a stable climate, and food – yet our activities are having an increasingly dramatic and detrimental effect on wildlife and ecosystems, putting not just wild species but also our own survival at risk.

What are an example of geological structures?


Structures that result from deformation are of interest to structural geologists. These include cracks, faults, folds, fissures, and dips in a coastal landscape.

The architecture of the earth's crust is composed of geologic features like faults and folds. Geologic structures affect the way the landscape looks, decide how dangerous landslides are, bring old rocks to the surface, bury young rocks, trap oil and gas, shift during earthquakes, and channel fluids that produce valuable deposits of metals like gold and silver.

Geologic structures like folds and faults can withstand both powerful forces like the stress of tectonic plates jostling against one another and weaker forces like gravity pulling on a steep mountainside. You can determine when and where the earth's crust underwent pushing or pulling, terrane accretion, or crustal rifting by having a basic understanding of the structures that form the crust.

Patterns in the positioning of rock inside the Earth's crust are known as geologic structures. Parallel layering, which can be found in some volcanic deposits and sedimentary strata, is one of the most frequent patterns.

learn more about geologic structures. to visit this link



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