Which of these describes the similar functions of capsids and nuclear membranes?


Answer 1

To provide protection describes the similar functions of capsids and nuclear membranes.

The nuclear envelope, conjointly called the nuclear membrane, is formed from 2 supermolecule bilayer membranes that in eukaryotic cells surround the nucleus, that encloses the genetic material. The nuclear envelope consists of 2 supermolecule bilayer membranes: an inner nuclear membrane and an outer nuclear membrane.

The nucleus is ellipsoid of revolution} in shape and separated from the living substance by a membrane known as the nuclear envelope. The nuclear envelope isolates and provides protection to a cell's DNA from numerous molecules that would accidentally harm its structure or interfere with its process.

To learn more about capsids here



Related Questions

Submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) plays a key role in supporting populations of fish and crabs in the shallow portions of the Chesapeake Bay and the rivers that flow into it. There are many species of underwater plants that make up SAV beds. Use what you know about photosynthesis and cellular respiration to explain why SAV beds are critical to the health of fish and crabs that live in the Chesapeake Bay. Use evidence and scientific reasoning to support your answer.


Submerged aquatic vegetation which is also called underwater aquatic plants play a key role in the survival of fish and crustaceans due to the products of photosynthesis, such as oxygen.

What is photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis is the process in which green plants use a green pigment called chlorophyll to make their food by using energy from sunlight.

The result of photosynthesis is oxygen, which in turn is used by aquatic animals such as fish and crabs for cellular respiration.

Underwater plants consist of aquatic plants that grow completely underwater. Aquatic animals produce oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis to survive.

Underwater plants can be found in both fresh and salt water.

Therefore, aquatic plants play a key role in the survival of fish and crustaceans due to the products of photosynthesis, such as oxygen.

Learn more about photosynthesis here;



Which strand
of mRNA would be made during transcription using
strand shown below?
the DNA




The answer is D. Where the complimentary strand made is CTA GGC



the first round of replication in the meselson and stahl experiment disproved which theory of replication?


The first round of replication in the meselson and stahl experiment disproved Conservative theory of replication

The intermediate band told Meselson and Stahl that the DNA molecules made in the first round of replication was a hybrid of light and heavy DNA. This result fit with the dispersive and semi-conservative models, but not with the conservative model.Meselson and Stahl Experiment was an experimental proof for semiconservative DNA replication. In 1958, Matthew Meselson and Franklin Stahl conducted an experiment on E. coli which divides in 20 minutes, to study the replication of DNA.Process used by Meselson and Stahl for studying semiconservative replication of DNA was CsCl density gradient centrifugation.

To know more about Meselson and Stahl experiment :



which medication directly inhibits osteoclasts, thereby reducing bone loss and increasing bone mass density (bmd)?


Calcitonin(Miacalcin) directly inhibits osteoclasts, thereby reducing bone loss and increasing bone mass density (BMD).

Osteoclasts are directly inhibited by calcitonin, which reduces bone loss and raises BMD. Raloxifene lowers the risk of osteoporosis by maintaining BMD without affecting the uterus estrogenically. The FDA recently gave teriparatide the go-ahead to treat osteoporosis. Calcium is more readily absorbed when vitamin D is present.

Calcitonin is a nasal spray and injection used to treat Paget's disease of the bones, excessive calcium, and osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. It's not a first-choice treatment option, despite being offered in a less expensive generic form.

For more information on calcitonin kindly visit to



How could an error during transcription affect the protein that is produced apex.


The error during transcription affects the protein that is produced by (B) The protein would be made of the wrong nucleic acids.

The process of producing mRNA out of a DNA molecule takes place in the cellular nucleus and is known as transcription. The RNA polymerase enzyme is used to mediate the process. The messenger RNA, or mRNA, transmits genetic data or genetic codes, which are later used in the translation process to produce proteins.

Codons, which are aligned with genetic information, forecast the amino acids and, in turn, the protein that will be created. Therefore, a transcription error denotes a change in base pairs, which further denotes a change in codons, and then different amino acids, which would ultimately result in the production of an erroneous protein.

The complete question is attached.

You can also learn about transcription from the following question:



Answer: The protein could be made of a wrong nucleic acid


The protein produced is altered by the transcriptional mistake. The incorrect nucleic acids would be used to make the protein.

Transcription, which takes place in the cellular nucleus, is the process of converting a DNA molecule into mRNA. The process is mediated by the RNA polymerase enzyme. In order to generate proteins, the messenger RNA, or mRNA, transmits genetic information or genetic codes. Codons predict the amino acids and, consequently, the protein that will be produced since they are in line with genetic information. As a result, a transcription error indicates a change in base pairs, which further indicates a change in codons, followed by different amino acids, which would finally produce an incorrect product.

q6.4 what problem would most likely occur if a haploid cell attempted to perform perform meiosis? a)the cell cannot replicate its dna prior to meiosis. b)the cell could not pair homologous chromosomes during meiosis i. c)the cell will produce diploid daughter cells.


The correct option is B ; The cell could not pair homologous chromosomes during meiosis. Haploid cells do not perform meiosis because in meiosis separation of sister chromatid occurs and in the haploid cell, sister chromatid is not present.

In the haploid cell, the number of chromosomes is already half. In metaphase I, the spindle protein is attached to the same chromatid during the time of congress ion. the division of chromosomes could not be done due to absence of sister chromatid.

In this condition, the cell cycle does not process and stops at the quiescent phase.

Learn more about to  haploid cell visit here;



Which cranial nerve pathway would be used to look cross-eyed at the tip of your nose?


The trochlear nerve is a member of one of the 12 sets of cranial nerves. It enables the eye's superior oblique muscle to move. It is feasible to look down because of this. The nerve also allows you to turn your eyes away from or toward your nose.

What are the cranial nerves that control the movement of the eyes?

The position of the eyeballs is controlled by cranial nerves III (CNIII), IV (trochlear), and VI (abducens), whereas CNIII also affects the position of the eyelids and the size of the pupils.

What is the function of cranial nerve 4?

The fourth group of cranial nerves includes this one (CN IV or cranial nerve 4). A motor neuron communicates commands from the brain to the muscles. To control eye movement, CN IV collaborates with the oculomotor nerve and other eye muscles.

To know more about cranial nerve visit



Put the enzymes of the first half of the citric acid cycle in order from left to right.
a. α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase
b. citrate synthase
c. isocitrate dehydrogenase
d. aconitase


citrate synthase, aconitase, isocitrate dehydrogenase, α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase is the correct order.

What are the steps of citric acid cycle?

Step 1:

The two-carbon acetyl group (from acetyl CoA) is combined with a four-carbon oxaloacetate molecule in the first step to create a six-carbon citrate molecule. The sulfhydryl group (-SH) that CoA is linked to diffuses away and finally joins with another acetyl group. Due to its strong exergonic nature, this action cannot be undone. The availability of ATP and negative feedback both affect how quickly this reaction proceeds. The pace of this process reduces as ATP levels rise. The rate increases when ATP is scarce.

Step 2:

As citrate is transformed into its isomer, isocitrate, it loses one water molecule and gets another.

Step 3 and 4:

Isocitrate is oxidized in step three, resulting in the formation of the five-carbon molecule -ketoglutarate, a molecule of CO2, and two electrons that decrease NAD+ to NADH. ADP's beneficial effect and the negative feedback from ATP and NADH both influence this process. By releasing electrons that convert NAD+ to NADH and carboxyl groups that release CO2 molecules, steps three and four are both oxidation and decarboxylation processes. The results of steps three and four are -ketoglutarate and a succinyl group, respectively. To create succinyl CoA, CoA binds to the succinyl group. ATP, succinyl CoA, and NADH all function as feedback inhibitors, which control the enzyme that catalyses step four.

Step 5:

Coenzyme A is replaced with a phosphate group, and a high-energy link is created. When the succinyl group is changed into succinate, this energy is utilized in substrate-level phosphorylation to create either guanine triphosphate (GTP) or ATP. Depending on the kind of animal tissue they are present in, there are two isoenzyme versions of the enzyme for this step. One type is present in organs like the heart and skeletal muscle that require a lot of ATP. This kind generates ATP. The liver is one of the tissues that contains a lot of anabolic pathways and hence contains the second version of the enzyme. This kind generates GTP. Energy-wise, GTP is equal to ATP, but its application is more constrained. GTP is particularly important for protein synthesis.

Step 6:

Dehydration is the sixth step, which changes succinate into fumarate. Transferring two hydrogen atoms to FAD results in FADH2. Although these atoms' electrons have enough energy to reduce FAD, they lack the necessary energy to reduce NAD+. This carrier, as opposed to NADH, stays affixed to the enzyme and directly delivers the electrons to the electron transport chain. The enzyme that catalyses this step is situated inside the inner membrane of the mitochondrion, which enables this process.

Step 7:

In step seven, fumarate is mixed with water to create malate. Oxidizing malate is the final stage in the citric acid cycle that regenerates oxaloacetate. Another NADH molecule is created.

To learn more about citric acid cycle visit:



Give the number of total electron groups, the number of bonding groups, and the number of lone pairs for the geometry depicted in (a).


The number of bonding groups and the number of lone pairs in geometry depicted in a, it can be 4 electron groups, 4 bonding groups, and 0 lone pairs.

How do you find the number of bonding electron groups?Lone pair of electron is nonbonded pair, nonbonded electron pair. A valence shell electron pair associated with one atom, and not part of a covalent bond.The difference between bond pair and lone pair is that a bond pair is composed of two electrons that are in a bond whereas a lone pair is composed of two electrons that are not in a bond

Here steps for counting bonding electron pairs in a Lewis Structure:

First step is, count each single line as one bonded pair of electrons.Second step, count each double line as two bonded pairs of electrons.Third step, count each triple line as three bonded pairs of electrons.And the last, add up the numbers from each step.

Learn more about electron groups here: brainly.com/question/29659721


a man with hemophilia (a recessive, sex-linked condition) has a normal daughter, who marries a normal man. what is the probability that a daughter will be a hemophiliac? a son? if the couple has four sons, that all will be affected?



read explanation


suppose the daughter has the reccesive gene and so does her husband the chances are aproximatly 25% in that case one of the 4 sons will be affected

During times of relaxation, the ______ division of the autonomic nervous system utilizes discrete and localized innervation, stimulating only one or a few structures at the same time.


The parasympathetic nervous system is used in times of relaxation.

The parasympathetic nervous system is a network of nerves that help the body to relax after exposure to stress or danger. It also helps sustain life-supporting processes such as digestion when you are safe and relaxed. Informal descriptions of this system include the rhymes "rest and digest" or "feed and breed."

The parasympathetic nervous system is part of the autonomic nervous system. It is often called the "automatic" nervous system because it is responsible for many functions that you don't have to think about controlling. The parasympathetic portion of the autonomic nervous system balances the sympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system controls the body's "fight or flight" response, while the parasympathetic nervous system helps  control the body's response during rest.

Read more about the nervous system at:



Which of the following statements most accurately describes the benefits of the proofreading function of DNA polymerase? O All DNA mutations are detected and repaired during DNA replication. DNA polymerase can repair most mutations as they occur during DNA replication. DNA polymerase is always present in the nucleus and can repair all mutations when they occur. O DNA polymerase can be recruited to recently mutated sites to repair mutations.


The benefits and functions of DNA polymerase proofreading are B. DNA polymerase can repair most of the mutations that occur during DNA replication.

DNA polymerase is an important enzyme in DNA replication and DNA respiration, namely by catalyzing reactions that form DNA. DNA polymerase plays a role in the process of elongation or chain elongation and proofreading.

Proofreading is a way of identifying copy errors and correcting them. DNA polymerase will repair most of the mutations that occur during DNA replication by correcting nucleotide errors. Incorrect nucleotides can be added to the growing chain, after which the DNA polymerase catalytic subunits separate.

Learn more about DNA polymerase at:



What are the 4 types of games?


The four categories of games include sports games, role-playing games, action games, and adventure games.

Action games mostly revolve around physical obstacles that call for quick reflexes and hand-eye coordination. The action genre includes first-person shooters, platformers, fighting games, "beat 'em ups," survival games, and rhythm games.

An adventure game is a type of computer or video game that emphasizes storytelling over reflex-based difficulties and features elements of investigation, exploration, puzzle-solving, and character interaction.

A role-playing game is a game in which each player plays the role of a character who may interact in the game's fictional universe and usually occurs in a fantasy or science fiction setting. In that, a game is an activity or competition that people participate in for fun and that has rules, sports, and games that are pretty similar to one another.

In that, a game is an activity or competition that people engage in for enjoyment and that has rules, sports, and games that are extremely similar to one another. A sport is a contest or game in which competitors do certain physical tasks while adhering to a set of rules.

To learn more about the game



What is the difference between active and passive transport across a membrane?
Both active and passive transport move substances down their concentration gradients.
Active transport is ATP dependent. Passive transport does not require energy.
Active transport requires cell to cell communication. Passive transport does not require cell communication.
Active transport can be performed without transport proteins while passive transport cannot.


Active transport is ATP dependent. Passive transport does not require energy.

Cells require some molecules to be transported across the membrane. Transported molecules can be a waste material or it can be a metabolic product. Membrane transport are of two types active and passive transport. Active transport uses energy from hydrolysis of ATP to transport molecules across membranes. Active transport moves molecules from regions of low concentration to regions of high concentration. Special membrane proteins perform active transport for example sodium potassium pumps. Passive transport does not require energy to transport molecules since it moves molecules from regions of high concentration to regions of low concentration. Passive transport is of two types: simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion.

To know more about active transport-



Why is using rna as a template for protein synthesis instead of translating proteins directly from the dna advantageous for cells?


Using RNA as a template for protein synthesis as opposed to translating proteins immediately from the DNA is wonderful for the cell.

RNA is an awful lot greater strong than DNA. b. RNA acts as an expendable replica of the genetic material, permitting the DNA to function a permanent, pristine repository of the genetic material. The foremost purpose why RNA is used for protein synthesis in place of DNA is that the RNA molecules could have a nitrogenous base Uracil.

Uracil replaces the nitrogenous base Thymine of DNA.short, analyzing DNA gives us with a static photograph of what a mobileular or organism would possibly do or become, while measuring RNA we could us see what a mobileular/organism is surely doing proper now.

Read more about protein;



how many dna molecules would there be after four rounds of pcr if the initial reaction mixture contained two molecules?


The number of DNA ( Deoxyribonucleic acid)  molecules that are produced after 'n' number of pcr ( polymerase chain reaction) can be given by the formula: N = d x 2ⁿ


'N' is the number of DNA molecules obtained after 'n' number of polymerase chain reactions.

'd' is the number of DNA molecules originally present before the start of pcr cycle.

In the given question,

d = 2;

n = 4;

Then, N = 2 x 2⁴

N = 2 x 16

N = 32;

Thus, the number of DNA molecules that are obtained after 4 rounds of pcr when 2 molecules are present before the start of the process are 32.

Learn more about DNA and PCR at:



What can one infer from a relatively linear survivorship curve, and what organism generally exhibits this kind of survivorship curve?


This organism's death rate is generally uniform throughout its lifecycle; birds. The survivor curves of type II are linear. Mortality is largely consistent throughout the lifespan in type II curves, and mortality is equally likely to occur at any point in the life span. The type II survival curve is found in many bird populations.

A survivorship curve is a graph that shows the number or proportion of individuals in a specific species or group who survive to each age (e.g. males or females). Based on a life table, survivorship curves can be created for a specific cohort (a group of people of roughly the same age).

Individuals with Type I survivability have a high rate of survival throughout their lives. Type II survivorship populations have a steady proportion of people dying throughout time. Type III survival populations have extremely high mortality rates at young ages.

To know more about survivorship curve visit



Genes that code for a specific protein can be inserted into bacterial plasmids, and then the plasmids are used to transform cells. Many useful human proteins are now synthesized by these transgenic bacteria.
Uses for the synthesized proteins include human insulin used to treat diabetes and human growth hormone used to treat dwarfism
2) Which tenet of cell theory BEST serves as a basis for this type of biotechnology?
A) All living things are made up of cells.
B) All cells come from pre-existing cells by division.
The cell is the structural and functional unit of all living things.
D) Cells contains hereditary information which is passed from cell to cell during cell division


I think the best tenet of cell theory that describe this molecular biotechnology is that cell contains hereditory information which is passed from cell to cell during cell division because plasmid is an extrachromosomal genetic material of bacteria which replicates,divide along with bacterial division and hence each bacteria then possess this new hereditory material and hence increase amount of useful products like insulin.

cawhich one of these is a polymer of glucose that we (animals) can convert back into glucose monomers if needed?


When necessary, animals like us may break down the glucose polymer known as glycogen back into its monomer form.

Both fungi and animals use the glucose polymer known as glycogen to store energy. The primary glucose storage type in the body is shown by the polysaccharide structure of glucose. The cells of the liver and muscles create and store glycogen while being hydrated with the four parts of water. It functions as a long-term energy storage reserve. Glycogen in muscles is quickly transformed into glucose by muscle cells, whereas liver glycogen does the same for the entire body, including the central nervous system.

Glycogen is a long polymer chain of glucose molecules joined by an alpha-acetal bond.

This acetal bond is created when the alcoholic and carbonyl groups combine. If the carbonyl group is an aldehyde group i.e(-CHO) and also termed as hemiacetal if there is a ketonic group. The acetal group is what results from the bonding of two alkoxy groups to the same carbon atom.

The complete question is:-

Which one of these is a polymer of glucose that we (animals) can convert back into glucose monomers if needed?





To learn more about glycogen, refer:-



What is translation in relation to proteins?


Translation is the process used for protein synthesis.

The translation is one of the processes in the central dogma of life by which information in the RNA is translated to produce protein. During this process, first, the mRNA, ribosomes, and tRNA form an initiation complex.

The codons in the mRNA will be read by tRNA. And tRNA will bring particular amino acid for that code. This continues till the tRNA reaches the stop codon of the mRNA. In this way, amino acids are added and joined with the help of peptide bonds to form proteins. So, translation is the process used to synthesize protein in the cell.

To know more about protein translation:



in a 3-point cross, crossovers that occur during the formation of which gametes can be scored using the phenotype of f2 progeny?


In gametes generated by F1 tri-hybrids and gametes produced by parents from true-breeding populations.

When non-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes exchange genetic material during meiosis, novel allelic combinations are created in the daughter cells. The locations of three genes in the genome of an organism are identified using a three-point cross. A homozygous recessive individual is crossed with a person who is heterozygous for three mutations, and the progeny's phenotypes are graded. When F1 progeny are self-pollinated, a 3:1 ratio of F2 progeny are created.

To konw more about homologous chromosomes please click on the link brainly.com/question/27258467


sprawl can impact the environment by causing fragmentation of open space and wildlife habitat. true false


It is true that sprawl can have an adverse effect on the environment by dividing up open space and wildlife habitat.

A defensive manoeuvre used in reaction to specific takedown attempts, usually double- or single-leg takedown attempts, is referred to as a sprawl in martial arts and wrestling. In order to land on the upper back of the opponent attempting the takedown, the sprawl is executed by scooting the legs backwards. Urban sprawl has been linked to rising energy consumption, pollution, and traffic congestion as well as a loss of community identity. Poor water quality has been linked to a number of detrimental health outcomes, such as cancer, kidney illness, and gastrointestinal disorders. Deforestation and the destruction of wildlife habitat are two more negative environmental effects of sprawl in addition to air and water pollution. Urban sprawl, a specific type of urban growth, is a major contributor to many of the problems that cities face today. These issues include the production of greenhouse gases, air pollution, traffic jams, and a lack of affordable housing.

To learn more about sprawl click here https://brainly.com/question/20361268


mutation in the fibroblast growth factor receptor (fgfr) gene results in achondroplasia (dwarfism), which is a dominant condition caused by a single base substitution (ggg>agg) that changes the amino acid glycine at position 480 to arginine (g480r) in the fgfr protein. normally, fgfr is active when fgf binds to it and inhibits excessive bone growth, but the mutant fgfr is constantly active even when fgf is not bound to it. how can you create a mouse model for achondroplasia?


The FGFR3 gene has genetic point mutations that cause achondroplasia, a condition marked by faulty cartilage growth-plate differentiation and insufficient bone development.

Which of the following conditions is brought on by a FGFR3 mutation?

Thanatophoric dysplasia, a severe skeletal condition characterized by incredibly small limbs and a narrow chest, has been linked to mutations in the FGFR3 gene.

What binds to and activates fibroblast growth factor (FGF)?

Heparin-binding polypeptides called fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) play key roles in numerous critical developmental processes, including tissue patterning. FGFs work by attaching to particular intracellular kinase-containing FGF receptors (FGFRs).

To know more about FGFR3 visit;



The characteristic that determines which generation in plants is dominant is the generation that:
a) is diploid
b) is haploid
c) carries out the majority of photosynthesis
d) produces the most gametes


The function that determines which era in flora is dominant is the technology option C. which includes the majority of photosynthesis.

The sporophyte is the dominant generation, however multicellular male and lady gametophytes are produced inside the flora of the sporophyte.

Dominant trends are the ones that are inherited unchanged in a hybridization. Recessive developments turn out to be latent or disappear, in the offspring of a hybridization. The recessive trait does, however, reappear within the progeny of the hybrid offspring. An instance of a dominant trait is the violet-flower trait.

Learn more about dominant  here



Though scientists previously believed that domestic dogs evolved from canis ______, the gray wolf, genetic analysis indicates they actually evolved from a now extinct species.


Though scientists previously believed that domestic dogs evolved from canis vertebrates the gray wolf, genetic analysis indicates they actually evolved from a now extinct species.

Which two chordate characteristics are only seen during embryological development in the majority of vertebrates?

Only few chordates exhibit these traits throughout embryonic development. The notochord supports the skeleton, giving the phylum its name, and invertebrates evolves into the vertebral column. The central nervous system, which includes the brain and spine, develops from the dorsal hollow nerve cord.

The placenta is a special and intricate endocrine organ that is essential for the quick movement of nutrients and wastes between the closely related maternal and foetal circulatory systems throughout foetal development.

learn more about chordates refer



An analogy is a similarity due to convergent evolution, resulting in similar adaptations.
a. True
b. False


The statement that An analogy is a similarity due to convergent evolution, resulting in similar adaptations is true.

Analogy is similarity due to convergent evolution. Convergent evolution occurs when certain environmental pressures and natural selection produce similar adaptations in organisms from different evolutionary lineages. All organisms have derived their traits from the ancestors. They can either be homologous or analogous. Homologous structures have a similar embryonic origin but on the other hand analogous organs have a similar function. Convergent evolution simply signifies the fact that organisms with different ancestral origin, over a period of time adapt to perform certain similar functions. For example, the wings of birds and butterflies are adapted to perform the function of flight, flippers of Penguins and Dolphins to swim etc.

Learn more about convergent evolution at:



what type of neuroglial cell serves as the gatekeeper of the blood-brain barrier by controlling what will get in and what will not get into neurons?


The myelinating cells of the central nervous system are called oligodendrocytes (CNS). They are the result of a cell lineage that must go through an intricate and carefully timed series of processes such as proliferation, migration, differentiation, and myelination in order to generate the insulating sheath of axons.

What distinguishes a Schwann cell from an oligodendrocyte?

Their geographic location is the main distinction. Schwann cells myelinate the peripheral nervous system, whereas oligodendrocytes myelinate the central nervous system. Multiple axons can be myelinated by oligodendrocytes, whereas only a single axon can be myelinated by Schwann cells.

What qualifies as an oligodendrocyte trait?

The central nervous system's oligodendrocytes are the cells that produce myelin. Their dark spherical, oval, and occasionally irregularly shaped nuclei are distinctive, and chromatin is clumped both within the nuclear envelope and throughout the nucleoplasm.

To know more about Oligodendrocyte visit;



compare and contrast the hip joint with the shoulder joint. how are these structures different from one another? what are the consequences of these differences?


The shoulder joint is made up of the head of the humerus, which rests on the glenoid fossa of the scapula (or shoulder blade). Whereas the hip joint is the head of the femur that fits into the acetabulum of the ilium (pelvic bones).

The head of the humerus, which sits on the glenoid fossa of the scapula, forms the shoulder joint (or shoulder blade). In contrast, the hip joint is made up of the acetabulum of the ilium and the head of the femur (pelvic bones). But compared to the hip, the shoulder can dislocate significantly more quickly. The shoulder socket is rather small. This increases its mobility. It is held in position by ligaments, tendons, and muscles. Similar to how a golf ball interacts with a tee, the joint surfaces move together. The joint is fundamentally less stable than one with a real ball and deep socket, like the hip joint, because the socket is very shallow and smaller than the ball. Because the articulating components of the hip are either closer together or farther away than those of the shoulder, the hip joint has less range of motion than the shoulder joint.

To learn more about the hip and shoulder joint differences please click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/28978413


We use the sense of _______ to sample our environment for information about the food we will eat, the presence of individuals in the room, or potential danger


Olfaction is the answer. We sample our environment using our sense of smell to learn about the food we will consume, the people in the room, or any potential risk.

Olfaction, or the sense of smell, is what happens when odorous chemicals are detected in the environment as aerosolized particles. Olfaction is one of the five unique senses, along with vision, taste, hearing, and balance. Through the use of the olfactory system's components, humans can sense odors.

Volatile chemicals that enter the nasal cavity in humans trigger receptors in the olfactory epithelium to initiate the process of olfaction (OE). The olfactory receptor (OR) proteins are found in projections of the olfactory sensory neurons that resemble hairs (OSNs).

So, we can say Olfaction provides the answer. In order to learn more about the food we will consume, the people in the room, or potential danger, we use the sense of smell.




unlike bacterial infections, populations of pathogenic viruses do not evolve resistance to antiviral drugs.


Unlike bacterial infections, populations of pathogenic viruses do not evolve resistance to antiviral drugs. The above statement is false.

Antiviral drug resistance is a growing concern in populations of immunocompromised patients because persistent viral replication and extended drug exposure select resistant types of viruses. By correlating distinctive viral mutations with resistance to different medications as identified by phenotypic testing, rapid diagnosis of resistance can be achieved. Optimizing host variables and medication delivery, choosing alternate treatments based on an understanding of the processes underlying resistance, and creating novel antivirals are all components of managing drug resistance.

This article talks about hepatitis B and herpesvirus drug resistance. Antiviral drug resistance is a growing concern in populations of immunocompromised patients because persistent viral replication and extended drug exposure select resistant types of viruses. Associating typical viral mutations with resistance to specific medications as revealed by phenotypic testing allows for the quick detection of resistance.

To know more about Pathogenic virus visit:



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