Which of the following was a weakness of the Articles of Confederation?

The central government was given less power than state governments.
The president was given the same amount of power as a king or queen.
Congress was able to collect taxes from people to pay for different things.
Congress could declare war and conduct foreign affairs on behalf of the states.


Answer 1
the answer is your first option, “the central government was given less power than state governments.” :)) hope this helps !!! :D
Answer 2


I think it is A (The central government was given less power than state governments)


I don't know if it correct but I hope it is! (:

Related Questions


Choose the best sentence that best summarizes the authors claim.
A)Most people are able to take care of their pets.
B)People should be allowed to own exotic pets.
C)The media skews people's perceptions of exotic animals.
D)The government should be better regulate exotic pet ownership.
E)An exotic pet is not the right pet for everyone.




it is B

it is just saying they should have the right to own exotic pets

The answer is B) people should be allowed to own exotic pets!

What do the humans feel toward Animal Farm now that it is prospering in Chapter 6 of Orwell's Animal



Nothing at all. We use the animals to eat them to get fed by them. that isn't bad. That's the world'S logic


Which of the following would work as a hook? (Select all that apply)
a call to action

data about your topic

supporting evidence

a statistic about your topic

a quote about your topic



a quote about your topic



a quote about your topic

ill give brainly!Which transitional word or phrase is most appropriate for an essay that is organized chronologically?


All in all,


On the other hand,





Next is the best answer. this is because chronological means 'In order of time'

When telling about an event related to time you'd say "After going to the park, next we went to the party."

your answer will be A.) Next :)

J 22
Define the following terms:



Debt is something borrowed by someone from another person or corporation, usually in the form of money. Debt allows corporations and individuals to buy things they wouldn´t be able to afford without getting a loan. A debt establishes a certain amount of money to be borrowed, a specific time for the debt to be paid back, and usually an interest rate to be paid as well.


The characteristics of debt are:

1. lenders and creditors don´t have ownership rights

2. lenders and creditors can force actions or restrict activities under some circumstances

3. the debt must be established by a negotiated legal document

4. missing payments can place the company or person in default and legal action can be taken.

Which text detail best supports the author's point that being able to vote is an important American right?

it is much easier to get information about different things here

the people we choose will fight for the laws we believe in

we like it we have the freedom to live how we want to live

like to volunteer and help others feel safe to ​



hi james hru u r looking so cute whats ur age

Which of the following would best support a claim that most people feel hopeful about the future of the economy? (5 points) a A table showing results of the survey, along with details of the questions asked b A summary of the findings and an interview with the group collecting the responses c An interview with one or two subjects from the survey group d An excerpt of questions from the survey, with an explanation of the process


Answer: a. A table showing results of the survey, along with details of the questions asked.


To support such a claim, evidence needs to be seen of a survey or research that focused on asking people if they thought they were hopeful for the economy because this shows that the evidence is actually based on the actual population affected.

This evidence is the results of the survey presented in the table. A person looking at this table as well as the questions that were asked in relation to the subject, will see that indeed, people are hopeful of the economy growing.

Read the sentence from paragraph 4.
Other people discovered uses for
charcoal in chemistry and medicine,
and artists used it as pigment in
colorful paints.

Why does the author choose to end the passage
with this sentence?

A. to highlight the various uses for charcoal
B. to emphasize the use of charcoal in art work
C. to promote the career fields charcoal is used
D. to encourage more practical uses of charcoal





it gave more than two more ways its used  

Question 16 of 22 Read the following passage from an online blog. For years, you all know I've been displeased with the conditions at the Cinema Town MoviePlex. They always get the best films - that's not the issue - but you never know what sort of experience youll have it's either too hot or too cold in the theater, half the speakers are blown out, and the food is not consistently good. And I don't know who they have manning the projector, but half the time the film is projected so far off center, I feel I might have to move to the next theater to see it My experience this past Saturday night, though, makes every other visit seem like a minor nuisance I got my terrible food and sat down in my usual seat to see the premiere of the much-anticipated sequel, Apes in Space il. The movie started 20 minutes late, and I was so cold I was shivering. When the movie finally started with the sound scratching through the speakers, it was not Apes in Space II. Instead, poorly centered on the screen. Was icons Delight Needless to say, I was fuming. I stood, shivering, some out and scold the manager, but, lo and behold, a huge wad of gum was binding me to the filthy floor. In that moment I gave up. I soobed through the terrible Unicorn's Delight and vowed never to return to that theater again. which event would be important enough for the author to update the post? A. The MoviePlex was closed by the Department of Health due to excessive violations CB. A friend of the author also had a bad experience at the MoviePlex C. The author finally got to see Apes in Space land enjoyed it. D. The author tried another loca theater and had a slightly better experience​



A. The moviePlex was closed by the Department of Health due to excessive violations.


Just took the quiz got the answer right I hope this will help anyone.

the main purpose of present
day media is to....information ​



The purpose of a media is to give information about current news, gossips, Fashion, and the latest gadgets in the marketplace of the people.


hope this helps you


influence or deceive


The media wants to do what is beneficial for their propose so it can be positive or negative like an influence/ decisive or helpful

Question 11 of 23
Which option is a clear example of a non sequitur?
A. Three mimes walked past me just now. Is everyone in this city a
B. The inferiority of ketchup to mustard can be found in its obvious
C. My dice showed sixes twice in a row, proving that they will show
sixes again.
D. Liberals should avoid southern food because the South is very


It would be D for this question as it said to avoid southern foods, and yet in the next part, it contradicts itself by stating southerners are conservative. A negative leading into a positive. That’s not logical.

Who is doing more damage to the planet: people or climate change?





well, see people are doing a lot like ocean pollution, etc....., but what causes climate change is also people like air pollution, etc... if i were to say it would be people.

Select S if the sentence fragment is a subject (noun phrase) or P if it is a predicate (verb phrase).

was feeling unwell


Answer: Predicate


It contains the verb was, which is found in the predicate or verb phrase.

Why should you modify your approach to evaluating literature, based on the form of the literary work?
A.Different forms of literature hold different levels of value with readers.
B. Different forms of literature require different key elements to succeed.
C. Different forms of literature tend to be written in different languages.
D. Different forms of literature use different narrators with different points of view.


the correct answer is B

Pls help ASAP I’ll brainlest



it is the first one


first one

it is the first option (pretty as a picture)

What are the parts of a Noah's Ark Paragraph? And in which order?

A. Main idea, Introduction to Author, Analysis, Quotation, Explanation

B. Main Idea, Topic, Introduction to Author, Quotation, Explanation, Analysis, Transition

C. Main Idea, Introduction to Author and Source, Quotation, Explanation, Analysis, Transition

D. Introduction to Author and Source, Analysis, Main Idea, Quotation, Explanation, Analysis


Answer:D: D. Introduction to Author and Source, Analysis, Main Idea, Quotation, Explanation, Analysis


A statement of opinion that needs to be proven in order to show that it is true
Select one:








A statement of opinion that needs to be proven in order to show that it is true


hope it is helpful to you

3. What does the word wavered mean in the quotation below?*
'Those arms, that had seemed to uphold him, relaxed. His wings wavered, drooped."
O Undecided
O Wishy-washy
O Shook
O Stopped working



it means shook


3rd answer, shook. Hope it helps!

5. A tv game show
Pood to
and determine theauthorie nur



C. Entertain


You could argue to inform because some TV game shows are educational, but they are mainly to entertain a wide range of audiences.

How does hyperbole create its effect?
by minimizing or understating
by reminding readers of the past
by making unreal things seem real
by exaggerating or overstating


By exaggerating or overstating.
(Hyperbole is defined as the deliberate use of exaggeration.)

Read Gwendolyn Brooks's poem, "The Bean Eaters" and answer the question.
They eat beans mostly, this old yellow pair.
Dinner is a casual affair.
Plain chipware on a plain and creaking wood,
Tin flatware.
Two who are mostly Good.
Two who have lived their day,
But keep on putting on their clothes
And putting things away.
And remembering...
Remembering, with twinklings and twinges,
As they lean over the beans in their rented back room that
is full of beads and receipts and dolls and cloths.
tobacco crumbs, vases and fringes.
Why does Brooks choose this dramatic situation instead of one that might be more exciting"?
Part of what Brooks wants to communicate in the everyday nature of their very minimal existence.
She wants to emphasize how exciting their lives are
Part of what Brooks wants to communkate is how special this day is.
She wants to communicate the symbolic importance of the dining table



your business is correctly

It's easy please help!!5. .....brass is a useful metal.

3) the


Answer: 4)nothing


how to write an essay about a day when everything went wrong​


Answer: Think about something that has gone wrong, and write it out.

Explanation: Everyone has had a day like that before. Talk about it.

What is an infinitive?
A. The form of a verb that appears with the word to and acts as a
noun, adjective, or adverb
B. The form of a verb that acts only as an adverb
C. The form of a verb that acts only as an adjective
D. The form of a verb that acts only as a noun



The answer is A.


i hope it help.

How does a writer know how to organize the ideas in their research report?


they organize their report in chronological order because that’s how they want you to intake the info they’re giving their readers


*complete ALL of the quick write prompts.

1 complete paragraph in 8-12 sentences for Each prompt

label, it based on the question you are answering.



1.Think about a time you felt embarrassed at school (or outside of school).
Who were you with? What was said? What made you feel this way?

2. think about a time when you said something you regretted saying to someone else.
Was it gossip? A lie? Something insensitive? Why did you do it?
Begin an entry with dialogue, inner thoughts, and sensory detail

3. think of an argument you had with a family member or friend.
What was it about? How did it start?
Begin an entry using dialogue & thoughts

4. Think of insecurity you have.
Does it have to do with how you look, how you do in school, sports, activities outside of school
How do you deal with this insecurity? How can you possibly overcome this insecurity?



1. One day I was going to the cafeteria and slipped on the floor and then realized that everyone was looking at me and laughing. I ran away and hid in the bathroom until lunch was over. The whole school made me feel that way. I was really embarrassed and didn’t talk to anyone for a week after that incident.

2. I lied to my friend once, I didn’t want to hang out with them so I lied and said I was busy. Later on he saw me at the mall where I was clearly having fun with my other friends and not busy. I lost a friend that day and I really regret it.

3. I had an argument with my mom because I wanted these new shoes. My mom said we didn’t have the money but I didn’t understand at the time so I yelled at her. I really regret talking to her that way.

4. I feel insecure sometimes about my looks. I feel as if no one will like me for my personality and only look on the outside.


Why did the author choose to have the landlady speak using only positive connotation words?



which story are you talking about i can't answer it without know the story

lighting theif chapter 15. How did percy personailty change through the begnning and end of the chapter



The events of The Lightning Thief turn overturn Percy's preconceptions of himself. He learns he is the son of Poseidon, the god of the sea, and that his dyslexia symptoms are a result of his brain being hardwired to read ancient Greek rather than English.

Hurry up I’m tryna answer my question


Answer: 3


Explain how the number devil helps the author convince
readers that mathematics is fun.



The author helps persuade readers that math is fun by showing the number devil doing math in clever ways. The author also shows how Robert becomes less afraid of math. Readers can relate to this message and might be convinced to like math more themselves.


hope this helps you

Explanation: sample answer : The author helps persuade readers that math is fun by showing the number devil doing math in clever ways. The author also shows how Robert becomes less afraid of math. Readers can relate to this message and might be convinced to like math more themselves.

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