Which of the following statements is true about Indian independence?
A) Violent acts in New Delhi ended the Raj or British rule in India.
B) When British rule ended, India was divided into two nations.
C) British rule ended in India in 1930.
D)Lord Louis Mountbatten advised the Indian people to disregard the orders from Britain.


Answer 1




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History Vocab it’s probably easy for y’all older kids so pls help me in image


1) Labor union
2)Dorothea Dix
3) Henry David Thoreau
4) Seneca Falls, NY
5) Sojourner Truth
6) Public Education
7) The Underground Rail Road
8) Ireland
9) Germany
10) Temperance

What is the nickname of the area between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers which encouraged the first human settlements?
A) Fertile Crescent
B) Horticulture's Hoop
C) Arable Angle
D) Zagros Mountains
E) Arabian Desert ​


A) Fertile Crescent

5) How do you feel about the attitude and
tone of Washington's speech?



attach the speech.


Why was blacks worried about the progress of the civil rights movement under the new leadership of presedent johnson


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

Blacks were worried about the progress of the civil rights movement under the new leadership of President Johnson because, after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, they believed that the Civil Rights Act could be delayed or forgotten. Some blacks thought that one of the motives of the assassination could have been President Kennedy's support of the Civil Rights Act. Furthermore, in US Congress, Republicans and Democrats had expressed criticism and opposition to the passing of that act.

Indeed, blacks were afraid of the strong opposition to the act by Southern Congressmen. It was a difficult and tense time, but finally, new US President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Act into law on July 2, 1964.

Did the colonists have the right to refuse and protest the taxes?



Many colonists felt that they should not pay these taxes, because they were passed in England by Parliament, not by their own colonial governments. They protested, saying that these taxes violated their rights as British citizens. The colonists started to resist by boycotting, or not buying, British goods.      so Yes


Good Luck!

PLEASE! Ive asked like 8 times!

Benjamin Wade and Henry Davis proposed a Reconstruction plan that
Congress viewed as less strict than Lincoln’s plan.
allowed only ten percent of southerners who had supported the Confederacy to vote.
President Johnson and the Radical Republicans supported.
Lincoln refused to sign into law.


Answer:The answer is B. Have a nice day.

Explanation: Plz make brainliest.




Explain how each of these 3 events changed Hawaii. (Write a few sentences for each event.)
1. Bayonet Constitution
2. Revolt of 1893
3. Annexation of Hawaii



Annexation- It extended US territory into the Pacific and helped with the rise of U.S power in the Pacific

Bayonet Constitution- A legal document prepared by anti-monarchists that took the power from much of Hawaiin authority initiating a transfer of power to American, European, and Native Hawaiin elites

Revolt of 1893- The Hawaiin Monarchy was overthrown, which later led to the annexation of Hawaii two years later, making it the 50th state.


I gotchu

prohibition in your own word?


no booooooooooooooooooooooooze

how long ago was 10,500 B.C?


it was 12,017 years ago.

____ were brought to latin america as slaves in the 17th 18th and 19th centuries A. Toltecs B. Mayas C. Incas D. Africans



I would say D Africans


Good Luck!




D is right answer

Athens was the first Greek city-state to develop a __________.
system of roads
slave trade



B roads


if I'm wrong sorry




What problems did Illinois face in its early years?


Because of the perception that Illinois would likely become a free state and tip the balance of power, Illinois faced an uphill battle to accede to the Union as the 21st state. Congress had ruled that territories' population must exceed 60,000 in order to apply for statehood.

How much money did Great Britain make from exports to South
Saharan Africa in 1900?
o Over 20 million pounds
30 pounds
15 million pounds
Almost 10 million pounds


Great Britain made 21 million pounds in export to south saharan Africa in 1900

What happened to the Ottoman Empire after World War I?
O Its territories were divided under the Treaty of Versailles.
O It became an independent nation.
O It became a modern industrial power.
• Its territories were absorbed by Italy under the Treaty of Versailles.




Explanation: It became the modern Turkey. The last sultan was Ottoman Sultan.

How did world events help lead to McCarthyism




How did its tactics help lead to McCarthyism? ... leaders developed new policies and alliances to actively contain the advance of communism around the world.

What was an important contribution of the Catholic Church during the Middle Ages?




The Catholic Church became very rich and powerful during the Middle Ages. People gave the church 1/10th of their earnings. They also paid the church for various things like baptism, marriage, and communion.

Which of these was an effect of the Supreme Court decision in McCulloch
v. Maryland?


Which of these was an effect of the Supreme Court decision in McCulloch v. Maryland? State laws that conflicted with federal laws became unconstitutional. ... The Supreme Court ruled that VMI had to admit women who could meet the physical and other requirements. Hope this works

Which of the following is a true statement about the population of the United States between 2000 and 2010?

The population of the state of North Dakota decreased by 25 percent.
The population of the state of North Dakota decreased by 5–15 percent.
The population of the state of North Dakota increased by 0–5 percent.
The population of the state of North Dakota increased by more than 25 percent.



option C) The population of the state of North Dakota increased by 0–5 percent.


According to the U.S. Census Bureau's 2010 redistricting data, the current population in North Dakota is 672,591. This is the second highest population in the state's history and a 5 percent increase from the 642,200 people counted in the 2000 census.

I hope this helps a little bit.



Describe the event that led to Britain taking direct control of India.



The Great Uprising of 1857. The Indian Rebellion of 1857, triggered by numerous grievances of both Indian soldiers (sepoys) and civilians against the East India Company, ended the Company's rule in India and established the formal imperial rule of the British Crown across the region.

Which Supreme Court case below challenged segregation in public schools and ended with the court declaring
racial segregation illegal? 91
Reynolds v. Sims
b. Plessy v. Ferguson
C. Delgado v. Bastrop ISD
d. Brown v. Board of Education



Brown versus Board Of Education


i just did this and im in the same class

Can u pls help me it’s easy
Question: give me five reasons why photoshop is bad?


1. when magazines use photoshop to perfect their models, it gives a unrealistic beauty standards to people
2. Sends out a poor message which can cause low self esteem and body image issues
3. Can create fake news
4. It can affect people’s mental health
5. It can also lie to the consumers or whoever sees it giving it the wrong impression

Why would the Nazi Party want to connect Germans’ hate of Jews to the Communist Soviet Union?


Answer:The victims of the Holocaust include handicaps, gypsies, homosexuals, Jews, anti-fascists, Jehovah's Witnesses, and any political enemies of Fascism, such as communists.  

The (KPD) was the Communist Party in Germany and an important electoral contender for Hitler and the NSDAP.

When the Nazis came to power, all political parties other than the NSDAP were banned, and the first 100 prisoners of the very first Nazi concentration camp opened at Dachau, were German Communists.


Read a quotation by New York Senator William Marcy.
To the victor belong the spoils of the enemy.
Based on this quotation, William Marcy could best be described as
O a Jackson historian.
O a Jackson rival:
a Jackson opponent.
O a Jackson supporter.



a Jackson supporter.


This statement shows that William Marcy was a supporter of Andrew Jackson's policies. Spoils in this context means earned benefits as Andrew Jackson rewarded his supporters with government jobs. Marcy was actually defending one of Jackson's appointments when he made this statement.

So marcy is obviously a supporter because he is obviously trying to say that those who supported Andrew Jackson should be the ones to benefit from his administration.


D. A Jackson Supporter


William marcy was a "jackson supporter"

have a good day <3

Prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor, how did
Japan know which ships they needed to
A. They had an inside man working at Pearl Harbor and sending
information back to Japan.
B. They had satellites up in space spying on Pearl Harbor.
C. They sent tourists over to Hawaii to take pictures and gain
information about Pearl Harbor.


A I’m guessing bc it makes the most logical sense


The answer is B!


Brainly deleted my previous answer because it contained links to helpful sources and websites where I gleaned the answer.

Need Help ASAP quickly please.

What does involvement and the location of the UN headquarters tell us about the U.S. role in world affairs


The United States is one of the United Nations' most important stakeholders. The UN was created at the initiative of the US after World War II. Washington provides the largest financial contribution to the UN's overall budget. The US hosts the UN's headquarters in New York.


The United States is one of the United Nations' most important stakeholders. The UN was created at the initiative of the US after World War II. Washington provides the largest financial contribution to the UN's overall budget. The US hosts the UN's headquarters in New York.


Congress may propose a constitutional amendment. Who then must ratify it?



Congress must call a convention for proposing amendments upon application of the legislatures of two-thirds of the states (i.e., 34 of 50 states). Amendments proposed by Congress or convention become valid only when ratified by the legislatures of, or conventions in, three-fourths of the states (i.e., 38 of 50 states)

Which of the following was a
factor that led to the Boston Tea
A. Taxation without representation by the
British Crown
B. The French would no longer trade tea with the
C. There were slave issues in the North


The answer is A. Taxation without representation by the British Crown


A. Taxation without representation by the British Crown.


What is the significance of the Holocaust?


it was period in history at the time of World War Two when millions of Jews were killed because of who they were.

Describe how new technologies and business practices led to the growth of business in the 1920s.



New technology played a huge role in shaping the economy in the 1920s. New inventions, like the radio, were common because it was new and did so many cool things, so think about it like this, every year a new iPhone comes out and advertising was:  COOL NEW FEATURES!! it has "blah blah blah" Making more people buy it and it being more popular! and other tech like the car completely changed the way Americans and the whole world traveled because of mass culture, And what you can realize is that companies use these business practices, study them and perfect them so that more people buy their products. this led to business practices used today



also plz give brainliest

How did the Open Door Policy contribute to the coming of the Boxer Rebellion?

A. It contributed to conflict between western nations

B. It led to bitterness among American workers

C. Chinese people resented Western imperialism

D. It resulted in US involvement in Latin American economies





Boxer rebellion was an excuse to carve china into individual colonies.

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