Which of the following statements is NOT true about Saudi Arabia?

A.One can be executed for converting from Islam to another religion
B. Female circumcision is required. C. Distributing non-Muslims religious materials (like the Bible, the Bhagavad Gita, etc.) is illegal.
D. The country's constitution is the Qur'an


Answer 1


A. One can be executed for converting from Islam to another religion

Related Questions

When did the United States authorize the development of the atomic bomb?
A. 1945
B. 1940
C. 1939
D. 1944
E. 1961





C is the correct answer

How was the Greensboro sit-in protest different from the approach of the NAACP?


The Greensboro sit-in, and those that followed, sparked a decade of civil rights demonstrations in the United States. That was a departure from the N.A.A.C.P.'s (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), the leading civil rights organization at the time, which focused on ending segregation.

What do historians believe the mounds were created/used for? A.Church for God B.protection C.religious ceremonies to natural things D.storage for food






The Vatican helped some war criminals escape.




A. true

Hope this helps





Write in 1 paragraph what u have learned in civics



Civic education can be understood as education aimed at understanding the values of society, the duties of individuals as citizens, understanding social institutions, regulations, human rights, etc. The importance of learning civics in a person's professional life and career is the preparation of the individual to establish professional relationships based on their rights and duties, knowledge of the means of production and social movements so essential in the labor area. The individual who recognizes himself and acts as a citizen who contributes to the development of a more just and equal society for all, will be more likely to succeed in all areas of his life.


how should the Holocaust be remembered?


As a very tragic event in history no one should ever want to repeat

Which are characteristics of the law of supply? Check all that apply.

The more money a producer can earn for an item, the more they will keep making.
Consumers are only willing to spend so much on a particular item.
If an item is not turning a profit, the producer will not keep much around.
The higher the price of an item the higher the quantity supplied.
The higher the price of an item the lower the quantity supplied.



1,3,4 are the correct options


Analyze the map below and answer the question that follows.

A political map of southeastern Australia. Areas labeled from top to bottom are Queensland, New South Wales, and Victoria. The Murray River splits along the border of Victoria and New South Wales. An arrow points to the southern river split along the border of Victoria and New South Wales.
Image by Bidgee

Which body of water is the arrow on the map above pointing to?
the Murray River
the Darling River
the Waikato River
Sunderland Falls




The Darling River



B. The Darling River


Do you think the Bill of Rights does enough to protect civil liberties? In your opinion, are there any ways in which the Bill of Rights goes too far?



The United States Constitution's Bill of Rights safeguards people' fundamental liberties. The Bill of Amendments guarantees freedom of expression, religion, the ability to maintain and bear weapons, the right to assemble and the rights to maintain and carry arms.

In my opinion, The Bill of Rights appeared to be drafted in broad terms that included everyone, yet this was not designed to cover everyone; whole communities were left off.

Item 2
Which statement about the differing economic ideologies of the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War is true?

The economic system was based on collectivism in the United States, while the economy was based on the individual in the Soviet Union.

The free enterprise system was the basis of the United States economy, while a command economy was the basis of the Soviet system.

The government controlled industry and business in the United States, while private ownership was key in the Soviet Union.

Karl Marx’s economic philosophy was the basis of the United States system, while John Maynard Keynes’s ideas formed the basis for the Soviet system.



The free enterprise system was the basis of the United States economy, while a command economy was the basis of the Soviet system.

I called for an "Africa for the Africans, at home and abroad." I wanted people
to take pride in their African heritage. Who am I?
A. W. E. B. Du Bois
B. A. Philip Randolph
C. Marcus Garvey
D. Paul Robeson





Who did Hitler use as a scapegoat for the cause of the war?





Throughout history, Jews have been discriminated against, viewed as inferior to other

races, and blamed for hardships no matter how little evidence there may have been to support

these ideas. Whether it be blame for plagues, disappearances of children, financial hardships, or violence, Germans and other Europeans had no qualms about turning against their Jewish

neighbors. For example, after the destruction of Jewish homes and a synagogue in

Leutershausen, Germany, the NSDAP chapter of the neighboring town of Windsbach published a

flyer which claimed that “in the past few weeks the Jew has been determined to bait some of the peoples of the world into engaging in an awful war. The German nation was to be wrestled to its knees and destroyed. Millions of people were to be slaughtered and murdered” (Probing the Depths of German Anti-Semitism 196). However unfounded these statements may have been, they and similar accusations were common claims among Germans who refused to take

responsibility for their own problems, and who adamantly denied their anti-Semitism.

Anti-Semitism has caused Jews to be used as scapegoats throughout history. A scapegoat

is a person or group who is “blamed for the wrongdoings, mistakes, or faults of others, especially for reasons of expediency” (Oxford Dictionaries) despite having nothing to do with whatever the problem may be. Ironically, the term itself originated from ancient Jewish religious practices:

Jewish religious leaders would ceremoniously place their sins upon the animal and then banish it into the wilderness as a way of purging themselves from their own wrongdoing. Jews themselves have been used as scapegoats by other groups of people so often and to such an extent that even the statements quoted above are unsurprising.

However common such accusations against Jews are, the statement made in the NSDAP’s flyer in particular makes ridiculous and completely unjustifiable accusations. The

author of the flyer blames the Jews for an attack on their own people, claiming that it was

somehow a Jewish attack on the German people instead. The attack in question was committed

in 1938, when Germans in Leutershausen broke the windows of a Jewish home and those of a

nearby synagogue, and then piled cow dung just outside of the temple. Two days later, German

anti-Semites broke into the synagogue again and destroyed all of its contents as well as those of

multiple other Jewish residences. Especially after such an incident, no part of the accusations

made by Windsbach’s reactionary flyer had any supporting evidence: the idea that the Jews were planning an uprising had no factual basis, and the claim that Jews had committed the attacks in Leutershausen was simply an act of turning the blame on the victims.

The mere concept that Jews in Leutershausen could have been plotting an uprising is

simply impractical: only about twenty Jews lived in the whole town (Probing the Depths of Anti-

Semitism 196). Such a number of people could not possibly have hoped to have any success in a fight against German Christians, who made up the vast majority of the population, which had

reached 2000 in 1920 (Ingall 190). However, this sort of logic had no effect on how other

Germans responded to the Leutershausen attacks or on how Jews were viewed in Germany and throughout the world. No amount of evidence or lack thereof seemed sufficient enough to convince the Anti-Semites of their cruelty and misplaced blame.

Who led California grape pickers in a strike to create safer working

conditions, increase pay, and make healthcare more affordable?



Cesar Chavez


Chavez became the driving force in a five-year California grape pickers strike.

Hope this helped! :)

19) In what year did the Equal Pay Act create a large increase in women's




Hello There!!


I believe the answer is 1990.

hope thus helps,have a great day!!


Which of the following best describes what
the Holocaust was?
A. the name for the mass murder of Jews during World War II
B. the name for the hatred of Jews
C. an experiment to find out what the cause for the influenza
after World War I was


The Holocaust was a mass murder of Jews but it was during WW1 I believe…

Answer: A.

Explanation: The Holocaust, also known as the Shoah, was the genocide of European Jews during World War II. Between 1941 and 1945, Nazi Germany and its collaborators systematically murdered some six million Jews across German-occupied Europe, around two-thirds of Europe's Jewish population.

Who served as the head of the PLO from 1969 to 2004?

Yitzhak Rabin
Yasir Arafat
Anwar Sadat
Mahmoud Abbas



Yasir Arafat


Hope it helps.


Yasir Arafat


19. Why was the Missouri Compromise necessary?
O A. Maine wanted to join the union as a free state.
O B. Maine wanted to join the union as a slave state.
O C. Missouri wanted to join the union as a slave state.
O D. Missouri wanted to join the union as a free state.





the answer is c. they wanted to join as a slave state

2 While in jail, Hitler wrote a book outlining his goals & beliefs.







Hitler began writing Mein Kampf in 1924 in Landsberg prison, following his conviction for high treason for attempting to overthrow the German republic in November 1923 in the so-called Beer Hall Putsch.




According to his introduction, Hitler's purpose in writing Mein Kampf was to present his goals and philosophy.

Germany, Japan and Italy formed an alliance known as the Central Powers






Answer: False


they were however the Axis powers or Axis allience btw

In 3-5 sentences, summarize what was the outcome of the Partition of India.



The partition was outlined in the Indian Independence Act 1947 and resulted in the dissolution of the British Raj, or Crown rule in India. The two self-governing countries of India and Pakistan legally came into existence at midnight on 15 August 1947. The partition displaced between 10 and 20 million people along religious lines, creating overwhelming refugee crises in the newly constituted dominions.There was large-scale violence, with estimates of the loss of life accompanying or preceding the partition disputed and varying between several hundred thousand and two million. The violent nature of the partition created an atmosphere of hostility and suspicion between India and Pakistan that affects their relationship to this day.

Which of the following is not true about the Korean War?
A. It was the first war America didn't win.
B. It was the first war of the Cold War.
C.It was the first time the United Nations had to use troops.
D. It was the only war fought to contain communism.



The Korean War was caused because North Korea, China, and the Soviet Union all wanted the Korean Peninsula to be a communist area. Then North Korean troops marched into South Korea which set off the war. ... General Douglas MacArthur was the leading general for American troops in the Korean War. Why did Truman fire Gen.The Korean War was the first “hot” war of the Cold War. Over 55,000 American troops were killed in the conflict. Korea was the first “limited war,” one in which the U.S. aim was not the complete and total defeat of the enemy, but rather the “limited” goal of protecting South Korea.

hope i helped


Which of the following was not apart of the South's strategy to win the Civil War?

Send soldiers deep into the North to increase their morale.
Send soldiers deep into the North to increase their morale.

Have soldiers who were expert shooters
Have soldiers who were expert shooters

Defend their home soil.
Defend their home soil.

Depend on England and France for military and economic support.
Depend on England and France for military and economic support.



it's going to be A.


A is the incorrect one because there were no soldiers sent up north. The fighting took place on southern soil.

B is just correct

C is the same reason as A. it's correct because the fighting took place on southern soil

D is correct because France and Britain were dependant on the south for the textile trade and they didn't want to cause tensions

Why did the Crusades begin with an
order from the Pope?
A. The Pope wanted to take over the world.
B. The Pope was the only figure who could wage war
in the Holy Land.
C. The Pope wanted Jerusalem to be taken back from
D. The Pope lived in Jerusalem and needed rescuing.





The christian world wanted control over the holy land and thus the pope who held an extream ammount of power during this period declared a "holy war" to take it over.

What role did terrorism have in India achieving independence?
Please write at least two sentences.


Since 2010, about 25 civilians have died in militants-related violence (about 1 per 100,000 people), dropping further to 21 civilian deaths in 2013 (or 0.8 per 100,000 people). Most of these deaths have been from inter-factional violence. Elections have been held regularly over recent decades.

President Ronald Reagan

provided aid to Afghan rebels.

called the Soviets a “colonial empire.”

reduced the U.S. standing military.

promoted the Brezhnev Doctrine.


The answer to that question is A

The NWSA and AWSA. merged in 1890 to form the NAWSA, whoch pushed for:

A. Moderate education of the populace a constitutional amendment for the rights to vote.

B. the reduction of corruption by targeting political machines.

C. economic reforms toward bimetallism, graduated income tax, and banking regulations

D. Aggresive reform measure, including womens right to vote​


i believe that it is A , i remember hearing it i. history class

Plz help! Due tonight!
Describe the lasting legacy of the Vietnam War. How was the United States different after the war?



The Vietnam War was a long, costly and divisive conflict that pitted the communist government of North Vietnam against South Vietnam and its principal ally, the United States. The conflict was intensified by the ongoing Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union. More than 3 million people (including over 58,000 Americans) were killed in the Vietnam War, and more than half of the dead were Vietnamese civilians. Opposition to the war in the United States bitterly divided Americans, even after President Richard Nixon ordered the withdrawal of U.S. forces in 1973. Communist forces ended the war by seizing control of South Vietnam in 1975, and the country was unified as the Socialist Republic of Vietnam the following year.


I really hope this helps

TRUE or FALSE: The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) mandates that public transportation and public accommodations be made accessible to those with disabilities.


I think true




Describe the advertising of the 1950’s? What methods were used? Who did advertising cater to? Why? *



In the 1950s, advertising executive, Rosser Reeves, invented the Unique Selling Point (USP). With this tactic, advertisers would create a phrase that summed up their product and then repeat it across all media. Thus, solidifying their product in the minds of consumers.


I couldn’t answer your other question on who did the advertising.

The 1950s could be called the advertiser's dream decade. World War II was over. The postwar economy had rebounded. Prosperity seemed like a sure thing. Americans were ready to buy homes, cars, clothes and products to validate their leisurely lifestyles. And advertisers were eager to sell goods. This time they had a more powerful tool than print ads: television. Advertising boomed in the 1950s because of America's culture at the time and TV's massive reach. Consumer consumption peaked at a historically high level. The end of World War II signaled the end of a thrift-based consciousness that Americans had held since the Great Depression. Goods, no longer as scarce as they were during the war, flowed into the marketplace. Credit was easy. Purchases could be made on "time." And advertisers were relentlessly urging consumers to "buy, buy, buy," writes Young. Consumers felt closer to the American Dream than in the previous decades.

Advertisers saw a potential gold mine when TV debuted in 1941. Television had sound and movement. Print ads, by contrast, were two-dimensional and static. Advertisers began a slow trek to TV by the early 1950s. A major drawback was the advertising cost; sponsors were spending between $10,000 to $20,000 for 1-minute spots – 10 times more than for radio ads, according to William H. Young in his book "The 1950s"

On what point do the authors of “the high price of free trade and NAFTA: a decade of success appear to agree

A. Wages have decreased as production has increased due to NAFTA
B. NFTA has encouraged job creation amount treaty nations
C. International trade has generally increased as a result of NAFTA
D. NAFTA produced gains for the middle class at the expense of the working class



C. International trade has generally increased as a result of NAFTA.


Took the quiz.


C. International trade has generally increased as a result of NAFTA


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