which of the following statements about stock options is true? multiple choice question. companies save money by offering stock options, but employees always lose money with stock options. the recipient has the right to set the price of the stock. the recipient is given the right to purchase stock at a predetermined price sometime in the future. if the recipient agrees to stock options as part of a compensation package, the recipient is obligated to buy stock in the future.


Answer 1

It is true that stock grants the recipient the right to buy shares at a specified price in the future.

Which of the following sums up a choice the best?

It is the paid-for right—but not the duty—to purchase or sell a particular number of shares of stock at a particular price and for a particular amount of time.

How do options impact the price of stocks?

It is more likely for the price of a call option to increase and the price of a put option to decrease as the price of a stock increases. The price of calls and puts will generally decrease if the stock price decreases, and vice versa.

To know more about shares of stock visit:-



Related Questions

gloria's decorating produces and sells a mantel clock for $100 per unit. in 2015, 42,125 clocks were produced and 37,958 were sold. other information for the year includes: direct materials $40.00 per unit direct manufacturing labor $ 5.00 per unit variable manufacturing costs $ 7.50 per unit sales commissions $12.50 per part fixed manufacturing costs $62.50 per unit administrative expenses, all fixed $37.50 per unit what is the inventoriable cost per unit using variable costing?


The inventoriable cost per unit using variable costing is $52.50 (40.00+5.00+7.50).

What you mean by Inventoriable unit cost?

Inventoriable costs, also called product costs, refer to the direct costs associated with producing a product and preparing it for sale. Inventory costs often include direct labor, direct materials, factory overhead, and receiving freight.

What examples of inventory costs?

In accounting, inventoriable cost refers to all costs incurred to procure or manufacture the final product. Apply this cost to the products that your company manufactures and sells. Examples include raw material costs, direct labor costs, and some indirect costs.

To know more about Inventoriable cost visit here:



What is the Phillips curve? The traditional short-run Phillips curve implies a powerful role for monetary policy. According to the theory, place the events in order based on what happens when the central bank unexpectedly expands the money supply. The economy is in equilibrium at full employment (u=u) The central bankinjects new money into the money supply Aggregate demand increases


The Phillips curve is an financial idea describing the relationship among inflation — that is, how a good deal fees are growing on a year-over-year basis — and nationwide unemployment.

The Phillips Curve describes the connection among inflation and unemployment: Inflation is better whilst unemployment is low and decrease whilst Economists have concluded that  elements motive the Phillips curve to shift. the first is supply shocks, just like the Oil crisis of the mid-1970s, which first brought stagflation into our vocabulary. the second is modifications in human  expectancies approximately inflation.

In those macroeconomic models with sticky expenses, there is a high-quality relation between the charge of inflation and the level of call for, and therefore a bad relation among the price of inflation and the price of unemployment. This relationship is often known as the "New Keynesian Phillips curve.

Learn more about Phillips curve here:



Why might a hiring manager want to know about your career goals or enthusiasm for the role?


Hiring managers can tell if you have a good fit with their organization based on the answer to this question about your career ambitions. Additionally, it aids employers in confirming that you really have objectives.

Your response to the question about your career objectives also provides the interviewer with information about your general job aspirations. A warning sign that you're probably not interested in developing professionally is if you've never given your career objectives a single thought.

Employers lose time and money by hiring people who plan to leave for another company within the next year. The interviewer can tell if your long-term objectives match the job and the organization you're looking for by asking you about your professional aspirations.

Learn more about recruitment processes by hiring managers and interviews here:



What type of goal can help you be prepared for unexpected costs, such as car repairs?


An emergency fund is a goal can help you be prepared for unexpected costs, such as car repairs.

The term "emergency fund" refers to a cash reserve set up expressly for unforeseen costs or financial emergencies. Examples that are frequently cited are lost wages, medical expenses, house repairs, and auto repairs. Having money on hand for unforeseen needs is easy with an emergency fund.

The easiest way to prepare for unforeseen expenses is to create an emergency fund where you may save for times when you might need to make a purchase for which you are not financially prepared.

The greatest place for emergency money would be in an account that can both yield interest and be easily accessed. This is a way to increase your income while saving for emergencies and being prepared to pay for unforeseen expenses.

To know more about Emergency Fund here



which step in the personal selling process occurs prior to meeting the customer for the first time and continues the qualification of leads research?


Pre approach step in the personal selling process occurs prior to meeting the customer for the first time and continues the qualification of leads research.

What is Pre approach?Pre-approach boosts a salesperson's confidence and enthusiasm as they meet with prospects and present their sales pitch. The thorough background knowledge about the prospects gathered during the pre-approach process is what ultimately leads to confidence and enthusiasm.One of the first steps in the selling process is pre-approach, where a salesperson gathers information on potential customers before approaching them. It incorporates customer analysis, customer capabilities, needs, and wants so that the sales process is more pertinent to all parties involved.Whether you are meeting with a new customer a target account or an existing customer one of your key accounts the pre-approach is an important stage that helps you earn your customer's confidence and sell adaptably. The goals of the meeting should be known before you make your sales call.

To learn more about pre approach refer to:



while shopping at food lion, sam noticed the granola bars he usually purchases were on sale for four boxes for $10.00. sam thought that was a great deal and purchased eight boxes to stock up. what type of pricing strategy is food lion using?


While shopping at food lion, sam noticed the granola bars he usually purchases were on sale for four boxes for $10.00. sam thought that was a great deal and purchased eight boxes to stock up he was using multiple unit pricing strategy.

A pricing strategy called "Multiple Unit Pricing" allows customers to purchase multiple units of the same product for a lower total price. It basically refers to the strategy of lowering prices in proportion to a customer's desired number of units. It is frequently utilized as a marketing tactic.

When a company wants to increase sales of a particular product, it frequently employs multiple unit pricing. In addition, it can be used to sell off products that were not sold the previous time. By offering a novel product at an appealing price, Multiple Unit Pricing also aids in expanding into new markets. Lastly, the strategy can be utilized when a company offers deals to customers and bulk orders.

The other kind of Multiple Unit Pricing occurs when a business has too much stock sitting around without being used. In such a scenario, the products may become obsolete, or their quality may decline. In light of this, the primary objective of the pricing strategy is to make use of the stock rather than storing it in warehouses. Similarly, the likelihood of the business incurring losses increases the longer the products are unavailable for

To know more about Multiple Unit Pricing visit



An organization must identify what it wants to do and how it is going to do it. what does the how part of this question focus on?


An organization needs to decide what it intends to accomplish and how it will do it. It concentrates on risk assessments for projects.

What is an organization?

An organization is a group of individuals engaged in the pursuit of specific goals. All formal human ties make up its social structure, which can be understood. Workload allocation among employees and task alignment with regard to the organization's main objective is both aspects of the organization.

It can also be considered the second-most significant managerial task because it involves coordinating employee efforts, acquiring resources, and combining the two in order to achieve the objectives of the organization.

Learn more about organizations, from:



what did you learn from your group leaders? the teams are struggling because of the change. give them a little time and they'll work it out. the group leaders aren't doing their jobs and don't seem to care. both teams blame the other and are putting their own goals and interests above the company's goals. personality conflicts between a few employees are causing the problems.


The thing learn from the group leaders is C. both teams blame the other and are putting their own goals and interests above the company's goals.

Who is a group leader?

A team leader is someone who gives advice, direction, direction-setting, and leadership to a group of people (the team) in order to achieve a key result or set of related results.

A working group is given direction and instruction by a team leader regarding a project or portfolio of projects. They are in charge of assigning tasks, monitoring goal-related progress, and providing team members with the necessary coaching. Team leaders frequently act as the team's informal mentors.

It involves giving a particular group of people direction and focus. This kind of leadership frequently entails accepting accountability for the results of the group's efforts while also facilitating and directing the actions of the participants. In this case, the leaders sometimes put their goals first and this can affect the company.

Learn more about leaders on:



is a type of analytics used to answer general and specific business questions and involves data cube slicing, dicing, rolling up, drilling down. question 5 options: a) recency, frequency, monetary (rfm) analysis b) market basket analysis c) cluster analysis d) online analytical processing (olap) analysis


Online analytical processing, or OLAP, is a type of analytical processing that uses data slicing, drilling down, and rolling up to attempt to solve certain business problems. The right answer in this case is D.

Many Business Intelligence (BI) solutions use OLAP technology. With its capacity for endless report viewing, intricate analytical computations, and predictive "what if" scenario planning, OLAP is a potent technology for data discovery.

Data mining is a branch of computer science that deals with the extraction of information from massive data collections, including data, trends, and patterns. OLAP is a technology that uses multidimensional structures to provide instant access to data. It deals with the summary of the data.

To learn more about OLAP



Cervantes recently offered 60,000 new shares of stock for sale. The underwriters sold a total of 73,400 shares to the public at a price of$18.20per share. The additional 13,400 shares were purchased in accordance with which one of the following? Mutipie Choice Red herring provision Post issue agreement Green shoe provision Quiet provision Lockup ogreement


if the public purchased 73,400 shares from the underwriters at a cost of $18.20 each. According to: the following, an extra 13,400 shares were acquired: c). provision of green shoes.

Is the app public legitimate?

The Public App: Is It Real? According to TechCrunch, Public is a popular and well-liked investment app with far more than 100,000 users and a corporate value of more over $1 billion since around February 2021. The business belongs to SIPC, which provides up to $500,000 in investment insurance.

Which is preferable, public or Robinhood?

Although Public's app doesn't provide options trading and Robinhood's does, Public's trading platform stands out because of its emphasis on community. Public might be a better option if you're looking for a social investing app.

To know more about public visit:



dean used to view marketing as manipulation. now he sees it as a conversation. dean used to view marketing as manipulation. now he sees it as a conversation. true false


True, dean used to view marketing as manipulation.

What does Marketing mean?

Advertising, market research, product development, sales, and distribution are all part of the marketing process. It is the process of determining consumer needs and then developing a product or service to meet those needs. Marketing also entails determining the most effective way to communicate the worth of a product or service to customers.

What does Advertising mean?

Advertising is a type of communication that is used to persuade a target audience (viewers, readers, or listeners) to take a specific action in relation to products, services, or ideas. It includes the name of a product or service as well as how that product or service can benefit the consumer in order to persuade a target market to buy or consume that specific brand.

To know more about Advertising,



If a principal's instructions are not clearly stated, an agent can fulfill the duty of obedience by acting in good faith and in a reasonable manner. True or false?


In an Agency relationship, if a Principal's instructions are not clearly stated, an agent can fulfill the duty of obedience by acting in good faith and a reasonable manner. This is true.

The Principal is a person with the highest authority or position in an organization. An agent is a person who acts on behalf of another person and follows their instruction to the result.

It is a relationship where the principal allows an agent to act on his or her behalf. The agency relationship is an arrangement where the principal elects an agent to represent them, to act in their interest eventually the entire process is controlled by the agent.

The principal can give the agent authority to perform several duties or the agent can be curtailed to do particular tasks.

To know more about the Agency,




the 1999 end-of-year holiday season was considered a milestone in b2c e-business in the u.s. because online sales approached what percentage of total holiday sales?


The 1999 New Year holidays were a momentous occasion for B2C e-business in the United States. Because online sales approached 1% of total Christmas sales.

A holiday is a day established by custom or law when normal activities, especially work, including business or school, are suspended or restricted. Generally, holidays are intended to allow individuals to celebrate or commemorate an event or tradition of cultural or religious significance.

Holiday traditions are an important part of building strong bonds between families and our communities. They give us a sense of belonging and give us a way to express what is important to us. increase. They connect us to our history and help us celebrate generations of family.

Learn more about Holiday here



southwest airlines sponsors a number of public service activities at both the national and local levels. for instance, at the national level, employees support the ronald mcdonald house. in doing so, southwest is attempting to achieve what long-term promotion objective?


The ultimate idea is to sponsor a number of public service activities at both the national and local levels at the national level southwest is attempting to achieve public service promotion.

Public service promotions inform the public about non controversial issues that are in the public's best interests. For example, how internet companies promote improved health changes through changes in dietary plans and exercise routines and habits.

By following this routine Southwest airlines get to advertise through itself and also get a good spotlight on its own public image.

The more a brand puts itself out there and tries to improve its own value through goodwill the better it is for the business of the company.

Learn more about public service promotions here brainly.com/question/15776514


wilson's clothing has a loan payable to a bank which is due 18 months from now. how is this loan classified on the firm's financial statements? group of answer choices


The correct answer to the given question of loan is option 4) long-term debt

Debt that matures in more than a year is referred to as long-term debt. There are two ways to look at it: through the issuer's financial statement reporting and through financial investment. Companies are required to show long-term debt issuance and any associated payment commitments in their financial statements. In contrast, investing in long-term debt entails putting cash into debt securities having maturities longer than a year. There are a few benefits to issuing long-term debt as opposed to short-term. Both short-term and long-term interest on commitments is seen as a legitimate business expense that can be written off before taxes.

Question :

Wilson's Clothing has a loan payable to a bank which is due 18 months from now. How is this loan classified on the firm's financial statements?

equitycurrent liabilityexpenselong-term debtfixed asset

To learn more about Debt click here



you are a leader. xavier is also a leader in the same organization. you and xavier confront issues directly and discuss alternative courses of action. this is an example of which conflict-handling style?


Frank confrontation with problems and discussion of potential solutions in this case. Integrating may be seen in this instance.

What does incorporating conflict style entail?

In contrast to a distributive zero-sum approach, the integrative approach to conflict management places a strong emphasis on consideration for the other party. Therefore, having an interpersonal worldview system as compared to an individualism one should aid people in resolving conflicts in a positive way.

What are the five approaches to handling conflicts?

There are five main conflict resolution styles, according to the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI), which is used by human resource (HR) professionals worldwide: cooperating, fighting, denying, appeasing, and conceding.

The most striking characteristic of negotiating for handling conflict and creating fruitful long-term partnerships is typically a collaborative method.

To know more about collaborative method click here



the statement this dell laptop costs $1,200 illustrates which function of money?


The statement this dell laptop costs $1,200 illustrates unit of account function of money.

Explain the functions of money.

Money performs various functions: it is a medium of commerce, a unit of account, a store of value, and a deferred payment standard. Money can be employed as a unit of account due to its function as a means of exchange for buying and selling as well as a value indicator for all types of commodities and services. This means that money can track changes in the value of items over time and across multiple transactions. Money is a common medium of exchange or unit of account. Because different commodities and services are measured in different units such as meter, litres, and gram, it is difficult to compare them using a single unit. Money has offered a standard yardstick for measuring all of these many quantities in a common denomination known as price.

To know more about function of money visit:



What does the term credit means in business?


The ability of a person or corporation to repay debts or their credit history are both examples of credit. A balance sheet change affects a company's assets, liabilities, and equity.

Although this term has multiple financial meanings, most people understand it to refer to a situation in which a borrower borrows money from a lender and then returns it to them along with interest.

The majority of people continue to view credit as an arrangement to obtain goods or services with the promise of later payment. This is what is meant when something is bought with credit.

Currently, the most popular method of purchasing on credit is through credit cards. By doing this, the credit arrangement gains a middleman. The bank that issued the buyer's credit card pays the merchant in full and extends credit so that the buyer can repay the bank with interest over time.

To know more about credit here



the purchase of treasury stock would be recorded with a debit to what account? cash common stock paid in capital in excess of par treasury stock


The purchase of treasury stock would be recorded with a debit to what account is a treasury stock that would be recorded with a debit to Treasury Stock.

What is treasury stock?

Treasury stock is stock that has been issued by a company but then bought back by the same company. This stock is not canceled, but rather held in the company's treasury and is not counted as part of the company's outstanding shares. Treasury stock does not pay dividends, does not grant voting rights, and does not represent any ownership interest in the company. Companies may choose to buy back their stock for a variety of reasons, including increasing the value of the remaining shares.

Treasury stock is a contra-equity account that represents the corporation’s shares that it has repurchased from its shareholders. When treasury stock is purchased, the cash used to purchase the stock is debited to Treasury Stock and a contra-equity account is credited.

It can be concluded that the purchase of treasury stock would be recorded with a debit to what account is a treasury stock that would be recorded with a debit to Treasury Stock.

To know more about treasury stock, click this link:



over short periods of time, group of answer choices there is a nearly perfect positive, linear relationship between money growth and inflation. there is a nearly perfect negative, linear relationship between money growth and inflation. there is no predictable relationship between money growth and inflation.


Over short periods of time, there is a nearly perfect positive, linear relationship between money growth and inflation.

The quantity equation shows a strong relationship between the growth rates of money and inflation. Inflation is a monetary phenomenon that occurs worldwide, according to renowned economist Milton Friedman.

Always, "excessive" money expansion could be linked to inflation. Remember that we are discussing the long term in this conversation. Shorter-term changes in the money supply have a greater impact on the amount of actual economic activity and less of an impact on the inflation rate. In the short term of the US economy, the relationship between money growth and inflation is significantly closer. Money growth and inflation are correlated over a long period of time, not just temporarily.

As a result, the short-term impact of money expansion on national inflation is minimal. Less of an effect is positive, though. So, money growth and inflation have a nearly perfect positive linear relationship.

Learn more about Inflation, here



companies often use more than one capital budgeting method to determine which capital investment to make.a) trueb) false


The statement "companies often use more than one capital budgeting method to determine which capital investment to make" is true.

Thus, the correct answer is A.

What is capital budgeting?

Cаpitаl budgeting is the process а business undertаkes to evаluаte potentiаl mаjor projects or investments. Companies used cаpitаl budgeting to evаluаte mаjor projects аnd investments, such аs new plаnts or equipment.

The process involves аnаlyzing а project’s cаsh inflows аnd outflows to determine whether the expected return meets а set benchmаrk. The mаjor methods of cаpitаl budgeting include discounted cаsh flow, pаybаck, аnd throughput аnаlyses.

For more information about capital budgeting methods refer to the link:



because companies realize consumers will be visiting stores more frequently during the holiday season, several toy manufacturers are paying direct cash to retailers in exchange for placing their brand in the most visible locations. these cash payments are known as


Because companies realize consumers will be visiting stores more frequently during the holiday season, several toy manufacturers are paying direct cash to retailers in exchange for placing their brand in the most visible locations. These cash payments are known as slotting fees.

Cash payments are made to the provider of goods or services in the form of banknotes or coins. It may also entail paying employees within a company for the hours they worked or compensating them for tiny expenses that are too little to be processed through the accounts payable system.

The steps in the cash payment process are creating a reference or code, making the payment at a physical location, and verifying that the money has been received.

Coins, bills, money in a bank account, cheques, and money orders are all examples of cash. Cash is not defined as things like postdated cheques, certificates of deposit, IOUs, stamps, and travel advances.

To know more about Cash payments here



paolo wants to open a new business in his own country, chile. he has decided on a form of licensing that will provide him with a standard package of products, systems, and management services in order to sell fast food to local residents. what is the form of business paolo has chosen?


Products, capital, research, and the company's long- and short-term goals are the subjects of strategic planning, which is conducted at the highest levels of management.

The planning process is a primary medium of organizational learning when planning for global markets.

The simplest and cheapest way to enter a new market is through exporting. Contrasted with different method for entering new business sectors, trading requires less starting capital.

The first step in conducting international marketing research is conducting a business needs assessment. It's a way to learn everything you need to know about your business and how to grow it. It's a method for figuring out what your company needs to succeed.

To learn more about strategic planning here



the best leaders display both transactional and transformational leadership styles. group startstrue or falsetrue, unselectedfalse, unselected


The best leaders display both transactional and transformational leadership styles: TRUE

Leadership, both as a research location and as a realistic ability, encompasses the ability of a person, institution, or corporation to "lead", impact, or manually other individuals, teams, or complete corporations. The phrase "management" frequently receives regarded as a contested time period.

“The action of main a group of humans or an enterprise.” that's how the Oxford Dictionary defines leadership. In simple words, leadership is ready to take dangers and challenge the status quo. Leaders inspire others to achieve something new and better.

Learn more about Leadership here:



maya company currently buys a component part for $5 per unit. maya estimates that making the part would require $1.25 per unit of direct materials and $1.10 per unit of direct labor. maya normally applies overhead using a predetermined overhead rate of 230% of direct labor cost. maya estimates incremental overhead of $0.65 per unit to make the part. (a) prepare a make or buy analysis of costs for this part. (b) should maya make or buy the part?


a) The preparation of a make-or-buy analysis of costs for this part for Maya Company is as follows:

Make-or-Buy Analysis:

                                              Make     Buy      Differential Cost

Direct materials                    $1.25

Direct labor                           $1.10

Incremental overhead         $0.65

Total incremental costs      $3.00   $5.00          $2.00 ($5 - $3)

b) Maya Company should continue making the part instead of buying from outside vendors because of the incremental savings of $2 per unit.

What is a make-or-buy analysis?

One of the factors considered in a make-or-buy decision is the incremental cost.

The incremental cost refers to each alternative's differential or additional cost.

In a make-or-buy decision, the alternative with the least incremental cost is preferred.

Note that predetermined overhead cost is not a relevant cost for differential decisions.

Predetermined overhead rate = 230% of direct labor cost.

Learn more about the make-or-buy decision at https://brainly.com/question/15304126


shoe companies can use influencer marketing to build brand recognition to gain credibility and familiarity. t or f


"Shoe companies can use influencer marketing to build brand recognition to gain credibility and familiarity." Option A True

What is marketing?

Generally, Marketing creates, communicates, delivers, and exchanges products and services that benefit consumers, clients, partners, and society.

Marketing informs consumers, engages them, and helps them decide to purchase. Your company plan's marketing strategy helps create and sustain demand, relevance, reputation, competitiveness, etc.

Read more about marketing

at https://brainly.com/question/13414268


as a manager for a company that is looking to expand to india, what should your company focus on? check all that apply.


If a company is looking to expand to India, it should focus on several key areas.

What should your business prioritise?A corporation should concentrate on a few crucial areas if it wants to grow in India. The corporation should first take into account the political, economic, and cultural landscape of India. This entails being aware of the geographical variations that could influence operations as well as the demography of the nation. The business should also take into account the local taxes system and labour rules and regulations.Second, the business has to conduct market and sector research to find prospective possibilities and threats. This entails being aware of the market's competitors as well as the tastes and preferences of local consumers.Third, the business must create a thorough plan for entering the Indian market. This include figuring out the most effective approach to contact clients, establishing a regional distribution system, and assessing the likelihood of joint ventures and partnerships.Finally, the corporation needs to concentrate on establishing and maintaining connections with local players, including representatives of the government, vendors, distributors, and clients. This will make it more likely that the business will be successful in the long run.

To learn more about as a manager for a company refer to:



What are the 12 responsibilities of the dental office manager?


ensuring office productivity by creating and overseeing all internal office processes. maintaining the billing system, general ledger, personnel schedules, and cash control for the dental clinic.

All administrative tasks in a dental office are supported and overseen by a dental office manager. The management of staff meetings, employee scheduling, office budgets, and monthly payroll falls within their purview. also referred to as a dental office administrator or office manager. Directly leading both individuals and teams to guarantee that all office staff provide exceptional client service. arranging for the daily implementation of office procedures that boost productivity and efficiency. delivering prompt, expert responses to operational and clinical problems. establishing and carrying out a successful office budget. recruiting, managing, and training new office personnel.

learn more about dental clinic here



a free trade area is a group of two or more sovereign countries in which import duties and other trade barriers are reduced or eliminated. group of answer choices true false


A free trade area is a set of or extra sovereign nations wherein import obligations and different alternate boundaries are decreased or eliminated. True.

The required details about free trade area is mentioned in below paragraph.

A free trade area is a grouping of nations inside which price lists and non-tariff alternate boundaries among the individuals are commonly abolished however and not using a not unusualplace alternate coverage towards non-individualsA free trade area is the location encompassing a alternate bloc whose member nations have signed a loose alternate agreement. Such agreements contain cooperation among at the least nations to lessen alternate boundaries, import quotas and price lists, and to boom alternate of products and offerings with every different.

To learn about free trade area visit here.



organizations are increasingly adjusting their processes and positioning their products as environment friendly and sustainable in order to increase their appeal to consumers. this is a response to changes in ________.


in order to increase their appeal to consumers. this is a response to changes in Social trends.

Knowing consumer trends makes it simpler to understand how to change customer behavior. The behaviors and priorities of customers change along with businesses. Consumer preferences have changed over the past 10 years, and they will continue to do so.

Keep in mind that customer behavior patterns vary as you develop and improve your marketing plan. The need for openness in the companies that consumers support has grown over the past several years.

Nowadays, customers boycott and discard businesses with dubious practices or led by CEOs they don't agree with ideologically. Customers are more inclined to support businesses that share their own personal values and views. To earn the trust of their customers, businesses must be honest about their backgrounds and business operations.

learn more about consumer trends at https://brainly.com/question/26843820


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