Which of the following should be used to enter a word ?
(A) Expo.enterBoolean();
(B) Expo.enterChar();
(C) Expo.enterDouble();
(D) Expo.enterInt();
(E) Expo.enterString();


Answer 1

Expo.enterBoolean();An expression that may only be evaluated as true or false is called a boolean expression (after mathematician George Boole)

What is an example of a Boolean?An expression that may only be evaluated as true or false is called a boolean expression (after mathematician George Boole).Let's examine some examples in everyday language:Pink is one of my favorite colors.I'm apprehensive about programming computers.It's entertaining to read this book. A boolean value in computer science is one that can either be true or false.George Boole, an English mathematician, gave his name to In Boole's new branch of algebra, now referred to as Boolean Algebra, the value of true is 1, while the value of false is 0. The mathematician George Boole, who published An Investigation of the Laws of Thought in 1854, is the source of the term "Boolean."The branch of mathematics known as boolean algebra works with how to logically describe true and false using the integers 0 and 1.

To learn more about Boolean refer



Answer 2




NOTE: The program will crash with a Run-time Error if you enter something that is not an integer like a word or even a real number.

Related Questions

2.12.1: LAB: Name format

This is what I have so far:

name_input = input()

name_separator = name_input.split()

if len(name_separator) == 3:

first_name = name_separator[-3]

middle_name = name_separator[-2]

last_name = name_separator[-1]

first_initial = first_name[0]

middle_initial = middle_name[0]

last_initial = last_name[0]

print(last_name + ", " + first_initial + '.' + middle_initial +'.')

elif len(name_separator) == 2:

first_name = name_separator[-2]

last_name = name_separator [-1]

first_initial = first_name[0]

last_initial = last_name[0]

print(last_name + ", " + first_initial + ".")


A program that reads a person's name in the following format: first name, middle name, last name is given below:

The Program

import java.util.Scanner;

public class LabProgram {

public static void main(String[] args) {

 Scanner scnr = new Scanner(System.in);

 String firstName;

 String middleName;

 String lastName;

 String name;

 name = scnr.nextLine();

 int firstSpace = name.indexOf(" ");

 firstName = name.substring(0, firstSpace);

 int secondSpace = name.indexOf(" ", firstSpace + 1);

 if (secondSpace < 0) {

    lastName = name.substring(firstSpace + 1);

    System.out.println(lastName + ", " + firstName);


 else {

    middleName = name.substring(firstSpace, secondSpace);

    lastName = name.substring(secondSpace + 1);

    System.out.println(lastName + ", " + firstName + " " +     middleName.charAt(1) + ".");




Read more about programming here:



Write a program that determines which of a company’s four divisions (Northeast, Southeast, Northwest, and Southwest) had the greatest sales for a quarter. It should include the following two functions, which are called by the main function.

getSales() is passed the name of a division. It asks the user for a division’s quarterly sales figure, validates that the input is not less than 0, then returns it. It should be called once for each division.

void findHighest() is passed the four sales totals. It determines which is the largest and prints the name of the high grossing division, along with its sales figure.


C++ Program: #include using namespace std; string division Name[4] = {"Northeast", "Southeast", "Northwest", "Southwest"}; // Division names globally declared double get sales(string division) //ask each division for quarterly sales.

What is Sales?

A sale is an agreement between a buyer and a seller in which the seller exchanges money for the sale of tangible or intangible products, assets, or services. There are two or more parties involved in a sale. A sale, or a contract between two or more parties, such as the buyer and seller, can be thought of in larger terms.

Include using namespace std; string division Name[4] = {"Northeast", "Southeast", "Northwest", "Southwest"}; // Division names globally declared double get sales(string division) //ask each division for quarterly sales.

Learn more about Sales here:



Which answer below correctly identifies two parts
of a function?

1 arguments and executables
2 arguments and statements
3 statements and Python
4 executables and programs



2: arguments and statements


A function does need to be passed arguments, unless it does not take any. And executables are a special type of file that can be executed, eliminate 1.

Eliminate 3, we absolutely do not know that Python is being used here

Eliminate 4, as there are no executables, even though programs are a part of a function.

what are the detail of quality parameters, which are used in a software system


The detail of quality parameters that are used in software system are correctness, reliability, efficacy, integrity, transformable and accuracy.  

What are software system?

Software system are defined as a computer system that consists of a number of software-based cooperating parts. Applications that serves as a platform for other software is known as system software.

They serve as benchmarks for success in achieving a set of objectives related to production performance, effectiveness, efficiency, and user satisfaction.

Thus, the detail of quality parameters that are used in software system are correctness, reliability, efficacy, integrity, transformable and accuracy.  

To learn more about software system, refer to the link below:



Is a certificate's thumbprint used as a way to ensure secured browsing?



Is a certificate's thumbprint used as a way to ensure secured browsing?


Thumbprints are used as unique identifiers for certificates, in appli- ... properties required to ensure thumbprints are unique.

Security researchers have shown that SHA-1 can produce the same value for different files, which would allow someone to make a fraudulent certificate that appears real. So SHA-1 signatures are a big no-no. While signatures are used for security, thumbprints are not.

A certificate thumbprint is a hash of a certificate that is calculated using both the signature and all of the certificate's data.

What is certificate thumbprint?A certificate thumbprint is a hash of a certificate that uses both the signature and all of the certificate's data to create it. Thumbprints are used as unique identifiers for certificates, configuration files, deciding who to trust, and displaying information in interfaces.Click the certificate twice. Select the Details tab in the Certificate dialog box. After going through the list of fields, select Thumbprint. The box's hexadecimal characters should be copied.Arch fingerprints have ridged hills. Some arches have pointed ends that resemble tents. An arch is the least common type of fingerprint.

To learn more about certificate thumbprint, refer to:



Which of the following examples does not use descriptive analytics?
A business owner discovering that spring has been the season with the highest sales
over the last 4 years.
A retail store wants to know if it's worth creating a loyal customer discount by seeing
how many repeat customers they had last year.
A non-profit organization using last year's total donations to project next year's total
Human resources has developed a survey to determine how engaged employees are
currently feeling at the company.


A charity that predicts its total donations for the following year using the

totals from the previous year.

What is Descriptive analytics?

Using descriptive analytics, you can better understand how changes in a firm have changed by analyzing historical data. Decision-makers have a comprehensive understanding of performance and trends on which to base corporate strategy by using a variety of historical data and benchmarking.

Descriptive analytics may use metrics like year-over-year price fluctuations, month-over-month sales growth, user count, or total revenue per subscriber. Predictive and prescriptive analytics, two more recent types of analytics, are now employed in conjunction with descriptive analytics.

The most basic type of data analysis, descriptive analytics, involves summarizing the key elements and traits of a data set. Statistical measures of distribution, central tendency, and variability are used in descriptive analytics.

To learn more about Descriptive analytics refer to:



Detailed information about each use case is described with a


A use case is a thorough explanation of how online consumers will utilize it to carry out activities.

What is information?

"Information can be defined as the process or the moment of the data that is collected and is being either or taken by the person himself. It is news or that can be used for various things."

A use case is a detailed explanation of how visitors will employ the website to accomplish tasks. It describes how a computer behaves in response to a query from the viewpoint of a user. Every usage case is described as a series of easy actions that start with the user's objective and finish when that objective is achieved.

Learn more about information, here:



Which of the following are advantages of metadata? (Select all that apply)


There are several ways to explain metadata:informational data about other informational data.The basic information about data is condensed into metadata, which facilitates identifying and interacting with specific instances of data.

What are advantages of metadata? There are several ways to explain metadata:informational data about other informational data.The basic information about data is condensed into metadata, which facilitates identifying and interacting with specific instances of data.Metadata can be generated automatically with more basic information or manually for greater accuracyThe Advantages of Managing Metadata .Better data quality, quicker project completion, faster speed to insights, higher productivity, and lower expenses.Regulation adherence.Transformation due to technology.an experience with business data governance.Metadata can be classified as either descriptive, administrative, or structural.Resource discovery, identification, and selection are made possible by descriptive information.It may have components like the title, author, and subjects. Metadata is important for supporting data governance initiatives, regulatory compliance requirements, and data management processes because it reflects how data is utilized and aids in understanding the data that lies behind it.It is fundamental to data management since it offers crucial information on the data assets of an organization:What do those data mean.

To learn more about metadata refer



Why would someone chose to use lamp over iis



open source


LAMP technology is open source and extremely secure, and it runs on the LINUX operating system.

Why is LAMP technology a popular choice?It provides complete flexibility in building and deploying apps based on your specific business requirements. LAMP technology is safe and reliable. It has a strong security mechanism to prevent vulnerable assaults, and if an error arises, it can be repaired swiftly in a cost-effective manner.The LAMP stack is a versatile option for constructing web infrastructure. Developers can create online content, add dynamic application features, and administer the database.LAMP technology is open source and extremely secure, and it runs on the LINUX operating system. When compared to other software architectural bundles, the LAMP stack is quite inexpensive.

To learn more about LAMP technology refer,



Ahmar started a new website that is going viral and attracting tons of visitors. He can’t fit the server he needs in his apartment, so he is going to use a ______.

cloud server



Cloud Server


You cant Host / Port forward (using APACHE) using a Modem

Its way better to use Cloud Hosting bcuz its Easy to Setup and Cheap

Creating a company culture for security design document


Use strict access control methods: Limit access to cardholder data to those who "need to know." Identify and authenticate system access. Limit physical access to cardholder information.

Networks should be monitored and tested on a regular basis. Maintain a policy for information security.

What is a healthy security culture?

Security culture refers to a set of practises employed by activists, most notably contemporary anarchists, to avoid or mitigate the effects of police surveillance and harassment, as well as state control.

Your security policies, as well as how your security team communicates, enables, and enforces those policies, are frequently the most important drivers of your security culture. You will have a strong security culture if you have relatively simple, common sense policies communicated by an engaging and supportive security team.

What topics can be discussed, in what context, and with whom is governed by security culture. It forbids speaking with law enforcement, and certain media and locations are identified as security risks; the Internet, telephone and mail, people's homes and vehicles, and community meeting places are all assumed to have covert listening devices.

To learn more about security culture refer :



4) Name and describe three benefits that information systems can add to a
company's operations.


Operating effectiveness. cost savings. providing information to those who make decisions. improved clientele service.

What is information systems?An information system is a coordinated group of parts used to gather, store, and process data as well as to deliver knowledge, information, and digital goods.The purpose of strategic information systems planning is to create plans to make sure that the infrastructure and information technology function serve the business and are in line with its mission, objectives, and goals.Information systems store data in an advanced manner that greatly simplifies the process of retrieving the data. A business's decision-making process is aided by information systems. Making smarter judgments is made simpler with an information system that delivers all the crucial facts.

To learn more about information systems refer to:



a(n) ____________________________ is a health care provider who enters into a contract with a specific insurance company or program and agrees to accept the contracted fee schedule.




Master policy provider.

What is Master policy provider?

Master policy: A master policy is a single contract for group health insurance provided to the business.

To know more about Insurance policies, visit:


why the application layer is important for programmers?​



this Layer is Important because  it allows Users  to send Data Access Data  and use Networks


Hope this helps!

Why is necessary to have a w-2 or 1099 form when using tax preparation software?


The reason that it is necessary to have a w-2 or 1099 form when using tax preparation software is that Your employer must report your income tax information to you on a W-2 in accordance with IRS regulations. The form details your annual earnings from that employment, which you can use to determine your adjusted gross income, or AG.

Why is it necessary to use W 2 form?

To document payments made to independent contractors, utilize a 1099-MISC (who cover their own employment taxes). On the other hand, employees use a W-2 form (whose employer withholds payroll taxes from their earnings).

Hence, Important details regarding your income from your company, the amount of taxes deducted from your paycheck, perks offered, and other information are displayed on a W-2 tax form. You submit your federal and state taxes using this form.

Learn more about w-2  form from


The Middletown Wholesale Copper Wire Company sells spools of copper wiring for $100 each and ships them for $10 a piece. Write a program that displays the status of an order. It should use two functions.

getOrderInfo (order, stock, specialCharges)

displayStatus( numOrdered, inStock, unitShipChg)

The first function asks for the following data and stores the input values in reference parameters.

The number of spools ordered.
The number of spools in stock.
Any special shipping and handling charges (above the regular $10 rate).
The second function receives as arguments any values needed to compute and display the following information:
The number of ordered spools ready to ship from current stock.

The number of ordered spools on backorder (if the number ordered is greater than what is in stock).

The total selling price of the portion ready to ship (the number of spools ready to ship times $100).

Total shipping and handling charges on the portion ready to ship.

Total of the order ready to ship.

The shipping and handling parameter in the second function should have the default argument 10.00.


SOLUTION- I have solved the problem in python code with comments and a screenshot for easy understanding :) CODE- # function to get order information from the user and return it def get order info(): order = int(input("How many spools are being ordered.

What is information?

Information is a general term for everything with the capacity to inform. Information is most fundamentally concerned with the interpretation of what may be sensed. Any naturally occurring process that is not entirely random, as well as any discernible pattern in any medium, can be said to convey some level of information.

A program that displays the status of an order. It should use two functions. in python code with comments and a screenshot for easy understanding :) CODE- # function to get order information from the user and return it def get order info(): order = int(input("How many spools are being ordered.

Therefore, the information carried by your genes.

Learn more about the information here:



Implement the primary queue operations using an array of size 3


It is quite easy to implement the queue data structure using an array. Simply define a one-dimensional array of a certain size, then add or remove the values.

What is an array queue?A queue is a linear data structure where FIFO is used to determine the order of operations (first in first out). The array is a form of data structure that keeps elements of the same type in one continuous area in memory. The insertion and deletion operations in a queue are carried out at its opposing ends.Using the enqueue() function, fresh data can be added to the queue. Dequeue(): Removes the element from the queue with the highest priority. Using the peek()/top() function, you can retrieve the element in the queue with the highest priority without deleting anything else from the queue.It is quite easy to implement the queue data structure using an array. Simply define a one-dimensional array of a certain size, then add or remove the values.  

To learn more about Array queue refer to:



Spreadsheet software enables you to organize, calculate, and present numerical data. Numerical entries are called values, and the
instructions for calculating them are called.



It's called coding frame

Write a program that asks the user to enter a city name, and then prints Oh! CITY is a cool spot. Your program should repeat these steps until the user inputs Nope.

Sample Run
Please enter a city name: (Nope to end) San Antonio
Oh! San Antonio is a cool spot.
Please enter a city name: (Nope to end) Los Angeles
Oh! Los Angeles is a cool spot.
Please enter a city name: (Nope to end) Portland
Oh! Portland is a cool spot.
Please enter a city name: (Nope to end) Miami
Oh! Miami is a cool spot.
Please enter a city name: (Nope to end) Nope


A program is a noun that refers to a collection of instructions that process input, manipulate data, and produce a result. It is also referred to as an application or software.As an illustration, the word processing tool Microsoft Word enables users to generate and write documents.

What is write a program in a computer?

enter user name

If you want to stop the software, type Nope or input a name.

if user name!= "Nope," then

"Nice to meet you," user name, print

enter user name

If you want to stop the software, type Nope or input a name.

The user name variable contains the name that is obtained from the user as an input.Till user name does not match the value of Nope, continue the while loop.Display the user's name and keep asking the same question inside the while loop until the user responds with Nope.

To learn more about program refer



Olivia is writing a detailed report about nutrition in school lunches. She wants to assure that the text appears professional and that none of the information is lost in the margin. Which option can she adjust to assure that her information is not hidden by the margin?

A: Footer
B: Header
C: Edge
D: Gutter


She adjust to assure that her information is not hidden by the margin is Gutter.

What is Nutrition?

In terms of nutrition, a balanced diet should be consumed. You can get the nutrition and energy you need from food and drink. Making better food decisions may be made simpler for you if you understand these nutrition terms. Find out more definitions for vitamins, minerals, general health, fitness, and general wellness.

A gutter margin setting enlarges the top or side margins of a document you intend to bind. A gutter margin makes sure that the binding won't cover the text. Note: When using the Mirror margins, 2 pages per sheet, or Book fold options, the Gutter position box is not available.

Open the document or start with a template.

From the, menuFile -> OptionsThis opens the Option window.Select Advanced from the menu an scroll down to DisplayFind the line “Show measurements in units of:” and set it to Centimeters.

Learn more about Gutter click here:



currentScore = 7
highScore= currentScore
currentScore = 3
(Display highScore)

O 3



the current score is 3 because it says in the guidelines that the current score is 3

Create a Raptor program that asks the user for a numerical input. The program then multiplies that number by 10 and outputs the result.


Using javascript, explanation with javascript comment.

Using flowcharts, users of RAPTOR can create and run programs. Students can learn the fundamental concepts of computer programming using RAPTOR's simple language and graphical elements. 

What is the explanation of the program?

function guessNumber(){

var randomize= math.random()*10;

var roundrand= math.floor(randomize);

var getInput= prompt("guess number from 1 to 10");

var x= 3;



Console.log("your guess is too high");




Console.log("your guess is too high");




Console.log("you are correct pal!");






If the input passes the if condition and the guess is incorrect, the recursive function guessNumber is called one more inside the function definition. Once the user inputs a correct input, the function exits the do... while loop after checking for a correct number three times.

To learn more about programming refer to:



Joseline is trying out a new piece of photography equipment that she recently purchased that helps to steady a camera with one single leg instead of three. What type of equipment is Joseline trying out?

A. multi-pod

B. tripod

C. semi-pod

D. monopod


Joseline trying out tripod .A camera-supporting three-legged stand is known as a tripod. For stability, cameras are fixed on tripods, sometimes known as "sticks." In tripods, the fluid head is used. The camera may now tilt up and down in addition to pan left and right.

What tools are employed in photography?You will need a camera with manual settings and the ability to change lenses, a tripod, a camera case, and a good SD card if you're a newbie photographer who wants to control the visual impacts of photography. The affordable photography gear listed below will help you get started in 2021.A monopod, which is a one-legged camera support system for precise and stable shooting, is also known as a unipod.A camera-supporting three-legged stand is known as a tripod. For stability, cameras are fixed on tripods, sometimes known as "sticks." In tripods, the fluid head is used. The camera may now tilt up and down in addition to pan left and right.

To learn more about tripod refer to:






Q18. Evaluate the following Java expression ++z
A. 20
B. 23
C. 24
D. 25
y+z+x++, if x = 3, y = 5, and z = 10.


Answer: C. 25


Should be the answer

For some interest rate i and some number of interest periods n, the uniform series capital recovery factor is 0.1728 and the sinking fund factor is 0.0378. What is the interest rate?


The Interest Rate, where the Sinking Fund Factor (SFF) is 0.0378, and the Uniform Series Capital Recovery Factor (USCRF) is 21.74%.

What is Sinking Fund Factor?

The Sinking Fund Factor (SFF) is a ratio that is used to determine the future worth of a sequence of equal yearly cash flows.

A sinking fund is an account where money is saved to pay off a debt or bond. Sinking money may aid in the repayment of debt at maturity or in the purchase of bonds mostly on the open market. Callable bonds with sinking funds may be recalled back early, depriving the holder of future interest payments.

The interest rate can be calculated by dividing the sinking fund factor by the uniform series capital recovery factor.

The formula for calculating the interest rate is as follows: r = SFF / USCF

Where r = Interest rate;

SFF = 0.0378 (Given) and

USCF = 0.1728 (Given)


Interest rate (r) = 0.0378 / 0.1728

= 0.2174 or 21.74%

Therefore, the Interest Rate, where the Sinking Fund Factor (SFF) is 0.0378, and the Uniform Series Capital Recovery Factor (USCRF) amounts to 21.74%.

Learn more about Capital Recovery Factor:

Natalia needs to work on memorizing the keys. What technique will help her the MOST to focus on as she types?

Question 1 options:

focus and concentrate on each key as she presses it

sitting up straight when she starts to slouch

taking a break when her eyes get tired

looking down at the keyboard as she types


Number 1 should be the answer

This is the most important technique among all. The correct answer is (option B) because Even information stored in long-term memory becomes difficult to recall if we don’t use it regularly.

What is technique?

There often seems to be considerable confusion when the question of technique is raised; and when it is answered in several different ways, as so often happens, the confusion is further compounded.

Therefore, This is the most important technique among all. The correct answer is (option B) because Even information stored in long-term memory becomes difficult to recall if we don’t use it regularly.

Learn more about technique here:



John travels and writes about every place he visits. He would like to share his experiences with as many people as you can which mode of Internet communication can join use most officially to show and share his written work


It would probably be a blog.

Weblogs, often known as blogs, are frequently updated online pages used for personal or professional material.

Explain what a blog is.A blog, often known as a weblog, is a frequently updated online page that is used for commercial or personal comments. A area where readers can leave comments is usually included at the bottom of each blog article because blogs are frequently interactive.Blogs are informal pieces created with the intention of demonstrating thought leadership and subject matter expertise. They are an excellent approach to provide new material for websites and act as a spark for email marketing and social media promotion to increase search traffic.However, it wasn't regarded as a blog at the time; rather, it was just a personal webpage. Robot Wisdom blogger Jorn Barger first used the term "weblog" to describe his method of "logging the web" in 1997.

To learn more about Blog refer to:



In 2-5 paragraphs, explain the purpose of comparison operators and list the operators needed to complete this project.


Answer:Comparison operators allow you to narrow a query down to certain records. For this assignment, the operator > is needed in order to locate all records above the average price. The operator < is needed to locate all products less than $5.00. The operator = is needed to locate highest and lowest price records for a particular grocery store.


Help with Linux question--

1. Execute the command ( use symbolic permissions ) that sets the Message.txt permissions, as shown below. Then show the command to display the new file permissions.

Owner: Full control (but be security conscious.)

Group Members: Read-Only

Other: No permissions.

2. Execute the command that sets the Message.txt owner and group to root and A-Team, respectively. Then execute the command to display the new file owner and group.


The EXECUTE command allows you to run Windows and DOS commands from the Analytics command line or from an Analytics script.

This capability can be used to increase the automation of Analytics scripts by performing a variety of useful tasks that are not possible with ACLScript syntax alone.

How to Execute command in Linux ?

The command behaves more or less like a single-line command-line interface. In the Unix-like derivative interface, the run command can be used to run applications by terminal commands.

It can be authorised by pressing Alt+F2. The KDE environment includes the same functionality as KRunner. Similar key binds can be used to authorise it.

The RUN command is used in common programming languages to start programme execution in direct mode or to start an overlay programme via the loader programme.

Beginning with Windows 95, the run command is accessible via the Start menu and the shortcut key Win+R. The command, however, is still available in Windows Vista. It no longer appears directly over the start menu by default, in favour of the newer search box and the shortcut to a run command inside the Windows System sub-menu.

In Linux, create a new file called demo.sh with a text editor such as nano or vi.In Linux, create a new file called demo.sh with a text editor such as nano or vi.Execute a shell script in Linux.

To learn more about command refer :



How does the TDL industry help Aster in making this outsourcing venture economically viable?


Make a fresh file. In the file, enter TDL statements. A strong TDL workforce is required to transport goods from one location to another safely and on time given the sharp rise in eCommerce.

What is the TDL industry?Manufacturing companies and other businesses can reach consumers through the transportation, distribution, and logistics (TDL) sector, which is a growing market. A strong TDL workforce is required to transport goods from one location to another safely and on time given the sharp rise in eCommerce.TDL Business refers to a service offered to home builders and homeowners that automates communication and electronic systems for a house and the appliances inside of it.Make a fresh file. In the file, enter TDL statements. With respect to the editor, save the file with a name and extension that make sense. The file can be saved by the editor with the extension ".

To learn more about : TDL

Ref : https://brainly.com/question/26429915


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