Which of the following lines from Romeo and Juliet is an example of repetition? Select all that apply.
"Don't waste your love on someone, who doesn't value it."
"Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow..."
"For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo."
"O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?"


Answer 1


"O Romeo, Romeo!Wherefore art thou Romeo?"

Related Questions

What reasons did Mr. Jinnah give in his speech of 23rd March 1940 to support the demand for



Ill treatment and harsh behaviour.


Ill treatment faced by Muslims in Hindu majority states, harsh and unfaithful behaviour of Hindus towards Muslims were the reasons due to which Mr. Jinnah give in his speech of 23rd March 1940 to support the demand for  Pakistan.  Mr. Jinnah knew that the difference between Muslim and Hindu ideology will cause problem in the future so it best for the Muslims to have separate state where they live according to their religion and believes.






Explain a possible connection between the two words in the anagram COOL = LOCO


there is no connection.......

What does Bobby Martin do while he waits for the lottery to begin?



He collects stones.


please help me find a metaphor to describe the joy of having a pet .
also help me find a simile for ' The blood is like......'
and a short personal anecdote about adopting an animal (include emotional language).
Pls reply within an hour



A dog is just a small part of your world, but to them you are their entire world.

Blood seeped out of the would like weeping red tears



The blood was like thick, red water running down my hands as I screamed in agony.


My gosh, this was not how it was gonna go... oops?


I just realized what you were asking for, I am so sorry.

Which word is a SYNONYM of the word certain ?

Lisa always chose a certain seat when she ate lunch in the cafeteria.


which answer would be best?



Exzact is a good word



D particular


Particular is a synonym for the word certain

If you want to check replace the word certain with the word particular or look up the definition

Hope this helped :]

Use "uniform tax" in a sentence, using the correct definition, just one sentence.



A uniform transfer tax merges federal gift and estate taxes into a single tax. The uniform tax credit can be used by taxpayers to reduce their estate taxes and probate costs by forgoing gift tax deductions during their lifetime.

Scentance: I filed my taxes using Uniform tax this year

100 POINTS Write a speech on the topic of an unjust situation you are passionate about. This may be an issue on the community level, or a current national issue.

Remember to use the following elements:

a claim
supporting facts, statistics, and reasons
possible objections to your claim (counterclaims)
a summary and call to action
three transitional words or phrases and one instance of effective keyword repetition
proper documentation of sources using MLA citation style
Your speech should be a minimum of 200 words.





Which of the following statements about using semicolons is correct?
A) A semicolon is interchangeable with a comma.

B) A semicolon is used to join two independent clauses that are closely related

C) A semicolon should be placed before a conjunction in a compound sentence.

D) A semicolon often replaces a colon in a complex sentence.


Answer: B

A semicolon is used to join two independent clauses that are closely related.

I hope you got it right :))

The answer to this is b! :)

direct quotations comprise much of the content of lines 1-20. is the use of direct quotations effective in supporting the author’s purpose in this text ?


yes, because it provides concrete evidence to the author’s claim.

Is this the childrens' bus?

Is this sentence punctuated correctly?



What are the central ideas of this soliloquy? Select three options. Antony wants Caesar to forgive him for being nice to his conspirators. Antony is pleased by Caesar's death because he too saw Caesar growing strong with greed. Antony predicts that soon the land will be bloodied by men fighting men. Antony expects Caesar's ghost will eventually praise the conspirators for their bravery. Antony compares Caesar's wounds to mouths wishing to speak.


Read the excerpt from act 3, scene 1, of Julius Caesar.

What are the central ideas of this soliloquy? Select three options.

Antony wants Caesar to forgive him for being nice to his conspirators.

Antony is so upset about Caesar’s death that he can barely speak.

Antony predicts that the land will be bloodied by men fighting men.

Antony foresees mothers begging that their children be slain to spare them.

Antony expects Caesar's ghost to seek retribution for the wrongs done.


Antony wants Caesar to forgive him for being nice to his conspirators.

Antony predicts that the land will be bloodied by men fighting men

Antony expects Caesar's ghost to seek retribution for the wrongs done.


According to the excerpt from act 3, scene 1, of Julius Caesar,Anthony is soliloquizing and he wants Caesar to forgive him for being nice to his conspirators, expects the ghost of Caesar to get revenge, and predicts that the land will be filled with the blood of fighting men

*I couldn't include the excerpt because Brainly flagged it.

Anthony is soliloquizing and he believes Caesar should pardon him for being great to his schemers, anticipates that the apparition of Caesar should seek retribution.

What is central idea?

The central idea is the central, bringing together component of the story, which integrates each of different components of fiction utilized by the creator to recount the story.

The central idea can be best portrayed as the predominant impression or the widespread, nonexclusive truth found in the story.

The central idea is the enormous point or the main idea that the essayist is imparting to the peruser. Frequently the peruser can find the central idea just by checking the title out.

For more information about central idea, refer the following link:


how does discipline get out of hand​



If you start whooping your child for the smallest reasons or for no reason at all.

a meeting started at 10.35am and ended at 3.15pm the same day how long was the meeting​



2 hours 40 minutes or 160 minutes


add 120 minutes and 40 more to 10:35 will get you to 3:15 P.M.

What happens after Brian screams out that he's hungry?



They feed him


Someone please help me I’ll give out brainliest please dont answer if you don’t know





In which sentence do the subject and verb agree?


E is the correct answer

Which of the following gives a stumbling feeling to the poem? the use of rhyme the imagery the rhythm of the line breaks the use of alliteration



the rhythm of the line breaks


hope this helps


by Alice Walker

They were women then

My mama’s generation

Husky of voice—stout of


With fists as well as


How they battered down


And ironed

Starched white


How they led


Headragged generals

Across mined




To discover books


A place for us

How they knew what we

Must know

Without knowing a page

Of it


Which of the following gives a stumbling feeling to the poem?


The rhythm of the line breaks

What is your favorite thing about this distance learning school year? At least 2 reasons please :)



nothing and nothing

I spent a year and six months pent up in my house. It was torture


i need help on ixl ixl ixl ixl



i think it maybe B


I hope this helped ;)




good luck

i dont like them either but they help in the long run...

1) How often do I genuinely express gratitude to those in my life?
2) Do I only share what they mean to me when they do something for me, or do I express my
gratitude more often?



1. your opinon, how often do you say thank you?

2. still your opinion. When you go out somewere do you tell them thanks, or do  you just not say anything?


Lol, I had to do this stuff XD

I have a question what makes you s.p.e.c.i.a.l​



Nothing honestly :/



im far away from  beign smart


Can someone pls give me 5 problem and solution sentences?!





1. Mia is making cupcakes, the cupcakes need 1 cup of water but Mia accidently lost her 1 cup measuring spoon. She found her 1/2 cup measuring spoon spoon by accident while looking for her 1 cup measuring spoon. What could Mia do to get the exact amount of water needed for the cupcakes?

Solution: Mia could use her 1/2 measuring spoon two times to create a whole 1 cup.

2. (Part A) John went to a local farmer's market near by. He bought 5 apples, each apple cost 0.75. How much did John need to pay for the apples?

Solution: $3.75

(Part B) John only had a $5 dollar bill, how much money will John get back after his transaction?

Solution: $1.25

3. If a cylinder has a diameter of 12 in, what is the radius of that cylinder?

Solution: 6 in

4. 456,078- What is the place value of the number 5 in 456,078?

Solution: 50,000

5. You and your four friends are having a sleep over, you decide to order a large pizza (10 full slices). How many slices could everybody eat to finish the pizza?

Solution: There is a total of 5 people (including yourself). If you eat 2 pieces each that will amount up 10 slices even (5 × 2 = 10).

Read the sentence.

Rob chased the playful kitten through the house.

What is the function of the phrase through the house?

It is an adverb phrase modifying playful.

It is an adjective phrase modifying Rob.

It is an adjective phrase modifying kitten.

It is an adverb phrase modifying chased.


Answer:it is an adverb phrase modifying chased


Just finished test


The awnser is chased, i did the test


Prometheus means "the one who____." *
Thinks ahead
Thinks afterward
Thinks too much
Doesn't think


Ur answer is A thinks ahead

How does the narrator affect the reader’s understanding of details in Gentleman of Río en Medio?

Details in the story are limited to the narrator’s first-person point of view.
Details in the story are presented by a narrator who knows everything.
Details in the story are provided by a narrator who is outside the story.
Details in the story are given from the point of view of multiple characters.



details in the story are limited to the narrators first person point of view




A . Details in the story are limited to the narrator’s first-person point of view.


hope this helps

(17) The walls of Valhalla were hung with shields; its ceiling.glittered due to polished spearheads.
Read the passage. Look at the underlined sections marked number (17). There may be a mistake in the way the sentence is w
you find a mistake, choose the answer that corrects the mistake. If there is no mistake, choose "Correct as is.



The answer is B

trust me i’m taking the test rn !

Which does the following sentence contain?

Walking by the river is our favorite pastime.

gerund as subject
infinitive as subject
prepositional phrase as adjective



gerund as subject


The answer choice which represents what the sentence contains is; gerund as subject.

What is a Gerund?

A gerund put simply is the continuous tense form of a verb usually playing the role of a noun or pronoun in a sentence as it plays the subject of the sentence.

Evidently, the word walking plays the role of a subject in the given sentence.

Read more on gerund;



what is noun and example


person place or thing. dog, human, hammer


like a store, a cat, dog, a spoon


A noun is person, place, or thing

How did Pi's father help the rhino at the zoo who was suffering from isolation?



Is there supposed to be a story or something? If not the least I can say is he spent time with the rhino, or got him a new friend


Pi's father was able to determine what animals needed to help them feel comfortable and safe.


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