Which of the following legal actions most directly impacted the social phenomenon this photograph illustrates?


Answer 1

Answer:brown vs board


Took test

Answer 2


Brown v board



Related Questions

Study the chart below. Then answer the question.
After serving as a U.S. Senator, Laura decided to run for governor of Florida. Liz, Laura's opponent,
claims that Laura is not qualified and goes to court to stop her from running. A judge rules in Liz's
What was the basis for the lawsuit?
O Laura does not own land in Florida.
O Laura has not held any elected office in Florida.
O Laura is not registered to vote in Florida.
O Laura is not a resident of Florida.


I believe the answer is "Laura is not a resident of florida" ^^

Laura is not registered to vote in Florida

Living under colonial rule was mostly oppressive. However, there were a few positive aspects. What were they?



Advanced education and new technology.



Advanced education and new technology.


Under white, minority rule, some African nations benefited from advanced education systems, new technology, and new production facilities. These aspects would give the countries of Africa the necessary edge they would need when they won independence in the 20th century.

the space race competition between the united states and the soviet union led to which of these? select all that apply.

a) V-2 rockets

b) the first artificial satellite in orbit

c) the first humans landing on the moon

d) the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty

e) the Cuban middle crisis

f) spy satellites


i think it should be B hope this helps

give your own position on xenophobia issue in South Africa​



Xenophobia issue in South Africa​


Xenophobia is a phobia that is related to the fear of strangers. It is applied to the people who are afraid of immigrants with different cultures like customs and dress. Xenophobia issue in South Africa​ led to hostility towards outsiders that often turn into fear. In modern society, there shouldn't be any fear of foreigners in society. There should be the participation of foreigners in the community or civil society. Xenophobia is not a positive sign in a country like South Africa where many of the companies try to invest that assist in flourishing the economy. Xenophobia also affects the tourism of a country.

1) How did Cornelius Vanderbilt gain his wealth as a businessman?
2) What industry did Vanderbilt transition to and gain even greater wealth?
3) What happened to Vanderbilt's older son whom he thought would work closely with him in the business?


In the 1860s, he shifted his focus to the railroad industry, where he built another empire and helped make railroad transportation more efficient. When Vanderbilt died, he was worth more than $100 million.Apr 16, 2010
Family: Vanderbilt family
Spouse: Sophia Johnson, Frank Armstrong Crawford Vanderbilt
Died: January 4, 1877, Manhattan
Born: May 27, 1794, Staten Island

Which of the following groups would be most likely to support the perspective of the cartoon?

A.Northern opponents of the war

B.Southern politicians

C.Veterans of the Confederate Army

D.Radical Republicans


I disagree. I believe it is:
D. Radical Republicans

Radical Republicans during and after the civil war were staunch progressives, supporting abolition and the rights of African Americans. In this political cartoon, the former confederates who gained pardon through legal policy are contrasted with the African American veteran who stands stoically despite his injuries from combat. The cartoon questions if you would “pardon” these undeserving southern men, why not “franchise” the loyal and noble black citizen?

What was the argument of the abolitionists before the court? in the 1997 movie Amistad



In a lengthy argument beginning on February 24, Adams accused Van Buren of abusing his executive powers, and defended the Africans' right to fight for their freedom aboard the Amistad. At the heart of the case, Adams argued, was the willingness of the United States to stand up for the ideals upon which it was founded.


The Amistad Case is one of the most important to ever come before US courts

Can someone please answer quick and correct



Don't get mad at me if I am  wrong but I think its the second one


it is the second one. the other person is also correct

Por qué es tan importante el Espíritu Santo en la Iglesia y en la vida de cada cristiano? Necesito ayuda con mi tarea


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que no anexas opciones o incisos para responder a la pregunta, podemos comentar lo siguiente.

La razón por la cual es importante el Espíritu Santo en la Iglesia y en la vida de cada cristiano es porque representa un aparte muy importante de la Santísima Trinidad de la religión Católica conformada por el Padre, el Hijo, y el Espíritu Santo.

El Espíritu Santo es esa "llamad de luz y de vida" que llena a todos los seguidores de la fe católica y les permite vivir con fe las enseñanzas del maestro Jesús de Nazareth, que para los católicos es el hijo único de Dios.

A través del Espíritu Santo, los católicos viven en total plenitud con la bendición del Padre y del Hijo, y también se siente protegidos y amparados.

What did Muhammad do when he finally returned to Mecca in 630?



In January, 630, they marched on Mecca and were joined by tribe after tribe along the way. ... In March, 632, he returned to Mecca one last time to perform a pilgrimage, and tens of thousands of Muslims joined him. After the pilgrimage, he returned to Medina.

hope i helped have a good day



In January, 630, they marched on Mecca and were joined by tribe after tribe along the way. They entered Mecca without bloodshed and the Meccans, seeing the tide had turned, joined them. Muhammad returned to live in Medina. In the next three years, he consolidated most of the Arabian Peninsula under Islam.


corruption-free governments, applyimg scientific management principles, safe work environments, and regulated foods are objectives of which progressive platform?

A. Fair treatment of citizens.
B. regulation of wealth
C. efficiency and sanitation
D. state rights​


I think it’s B I’m sorry if it’s wrong

why is Barack Obama important and inspiration for African american plzzzzzzzzzzz help


Not a good president

EXPLAIN 2 causes and 2 consequences of the gold rush in California 1849​


Two consequences :
- The California Gold Rush had an severe environmental impact.
- The rivers were clogged with sediment.

why was the potsdam confrence important



Its the first one !!


The Potsdam Conference is perhaps best known for President Truman's July 24, 1945 conversation with Stalin, during which time the President informed the Soviet leader that the United States had successfully detonated the first atomic bomb on July 16, 1945.

What specific groups of people were targeted by the Nazis during the Holocaust?


Answer: Jews


The Nazi regime persecuted different groups on ideological grounds. Jews were the primary targets for systematic persecution and mass murder by the Nazis and their collaborators. Nazi policies also led to the brutalization and persecution of millions of others. Nazi policies towards all the victim groups were brutal, but not identical.

These people were targeted:

European Jews

European Roma (gypsies)


People with disabilities

The Massachusetts 54th Regiment


The 54th Regiment was based in the Northern United States, specifically in Massachusetts. The Massachusetts 54th Regiment was important because African-Americans were allowed to fight in a war as free men, not as slaves who were forced to fight.


The 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment was one of the first Union military units made up of black soldiers under white officers. Its recruitment had been a high-profile event, and its commander, Colonel Robert Gould Shaw, hailed from a prominent Boston abolitionist family. The regiment’s assignment to lead the assault on Fort Wagner was thus seen as a crucial chance to prove that African Americans could fight for their own freedom.

Forbes, as seen at the Fort Wagner Briefing. ... Cabot begins to be soft on the men, so Robert hires Sergeant Major Mulcahy to train them. He notices that Robert is hard on the men and confronts him about how he has turned into a different person. In the end, he dies alongside the 54th regiment.

Union Colonel Robert Gould Shaw and 272 of his troops are killed in an assault on Fort Wagner, near Charleston, South Carolina. ... Union artillery battered Fort Wagner all day on July 18, but the barrage did little damage to the fort and its garrison.

The performance of the 54th Regiment at Fort Wagner convinced many Northern leaders that African Americans could be good soldiers, which paved the way for further enlistment of African Americans in the war effort. By the end of the Civil War, more than 178,000 African Americans had served in the Union army, playing a crucial part in the Northern victory. The experiment in allowing African Americans in the military had been a resounding success.

Unfortunately, battlefield hardships were not the only difficulties that the 54th Regiment had to endure. The federal government reneged on its initial guarantee that it would pay black soldiers the same as white soldiers. In response, the regiment led other African American units in refusing to accept money from the federal government for nearly one year. Under the threat of mutiny by African American units and faced with increasing pressure from antislavery congressmen and a large letter-writing campaign waged by the soldiers and their supporters, the federal government finally granted equal pay in June 1864. The regiment was mustered out of the army after the war, in August 1865.While the Battle of Fort Wagner was a Confederate victory, this battle showed the fierce determinations of African Americans in the Union army with the brave assault led by the 54th Massachusetts Infantry.

The Robert Gould Shaw and Massachusetts 54th Regiment Memorial by Augustus Saint-Gaudens. Bronze Relief, 1897, with architectural elements by Charles Follen Mckim. ... This beautiful bas-relief has been vandalized before – once with paint in 2012, and the sword was broken off in both 2015 and 2017

too long question bro.


Match each landmark Supreme Court case to the correct description.

Roe. v Wade
Tinker v. Des Moines School District
Regents of University of Californla v Bakke
Mapp v Ohio

Ruled racial quotas in colleges are unconstitutional
Ruled a woman's right to privacy is protected under the Fourteenth Amendment
Ruled evidence obtained illegally could not be used in court
Ruled student protest is protected under the First Amendment​


Regents of University of California v Bakke- ruled racial quotas in collages are unconstitutional.

Roe. V Wade- ruled a woman's right to privacy is protected under the Fourteenth Amendment.

Mapp v Ohio- ruled evidence obtained illegally could not be used in court.

Tinker v. Des Moines School District- ruled student protest is protected under the First Amendment.

The correct landmarks of Supreme Court case to the correct description are as follows,

1.  Roe. V Wade  -  B.  Ruled a woman's right to privacy is protected under  the Fourteenth Amendment.

2. Tinker v. Des Moines School District - D. Ruled student protest is protected under the First Amendment.

3. Regents of University of California v Bakke -  A. Ruled racial quotas in collages are unconstitutional.

4. Mapp v Ohio  -  C. Ruled evidence obtained illegally could not be used in court.

What is a supreme court?

The Supreme Court is the highest judicial court in Singapore. The Supreme Court consists of the Court of Appeal and the High Court.

The Supreme Court may hear an appeal on any question of law provided it has jurisdiction, it usually does not hold trials. Instead, the Court's task is to interpret the meaning of a law, to decide whether a law is relevant to a particular set of facts, or to rule on how a law should be applied.

Learn more about the supreme court here,



The Great Depression affected African Americans hard and Roosevelt's New Deal did little to help African Americans. Give at least 3 specific examples describing how African Americans were discriminated against during the Great Depression and New Deal era


discrimination in minorities joining certain unions eg samuel gompers

housing discrimination against people joining neighborhoods

discrimination in minorities trying to enter certain i

public schools

David saves money from his teaching job to buy a new boat when he retires in 20 years. The boat will cost $30,000. He has $12,000 in his simple interest savings account. To reach his goal by retirement, david should.
A keep his money where it is and be patient
B move his money to an IRA or Certificate of Deposit
C move his money to a compound interest account
D move his money to a business checking account


C move his money to a compound interest account

Question 8 of 10
What is one effect of a price ceiling?
A. A recession
B. A shortage of supply
C. Increased production
D. Rising inflation


B A shortage of supply

If I’m right can I please have Brainliest

One effect of a price ceiling is a shortage of supply. A price ceiling is a governmental restriction on the maximum price that can be charged for a certain commodity or service. The correct option is B.

It is possible for the legally permissible price to be less than the market equilibrium price, which is the price established by supply and demand when the price ceiling is set below that value.

There is a discrepancy between the quantity that consumers want and the quantity that producers can supply since suppliers are unable to charge the market equilibrium price due to the price ceiling.

Due to this imbalance, there is a shortage of supply, which occurs when there is a surplus of demand relative to supply at the set price.

Therefore, due to potential unprofitability or sustainability issues, suppliers may decide against producing and supplying goods and services at the lower price set by the price ceiling. This results in supply scarcity.

Thus, the ideal selection is option B.

Learn more about  price ceiling here:



Cual era la situacion politica, economica y social de cuba a fines del siglo XIX



La economía de Cuba es una economía planificada dominada por empresas estatales. El gobierno de Cuba posee y opera la mayoría de las industrias y la mayor parte de la fuerza laboral es empleada por el estado.


thank you

Please help!! about the effect of what Robert lee did.


it’s A. the union encourages former slaves

Which country controlled Jerusalem at the end of the Six-Day War?



In the Six Day War of June 1967, Israel defeated the combined armies of Egypt, Syria and Jordan, capturing the West Bank, East Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip, the Golan Heights and the Sinai Peninsula. For Israel, it was a stunning triumph; for Arabs, a humiliating defeat


Which of the 4 Pillars is the most important to you? Why?
(Bilingualism, Community Action, Global Perspectives and Social Justice


last 4


zmk - edix - tuv

any one join metting

How did the Ursulines revitalize the Catholic Church?
by training priests and bishops
by educating women and girls
by preventing simony
by making simple clothing for monks



The answer is B



Its B.


They where nuns that where christian. They wanted to teach people about christianity, They opened a church and taught kids about it.

Hope this helps! Have a great day!!

how did kennedy and guevara view the cuban revolution



Guevara soon rose to prominence among the insurgents, was promoted to second-in-command, and played a pivotal role in the two-year guerrilla campaign that deposed the Batista regime. Following the Cuban Revolution, Guevara performed a number of key roles in the new government.

Best anwser gets the Brainlest



Reduced all political freedom and rights



I believe its A.


Sorry if wrong!

I need help with this political cartoon, I don’t understand it.


Answer: the meaning of the picture is that Franklin "brought real peace to the world" so his work must go on.


Real peace was brought to the world

What does it mean that we should not expect a "smoothly ironed" Aztec history?


We should not expect a “smoothly ironed history” means that every civilization is complicatedand that there are going to be us and downs, some wins some loses, some beauty and some ugliness.

Explain why the Japanese treated their prisoners of war so badly​



This is because of Japanese military culture at the time. This culture was far from displaying mercy to anyone. Their are even similarities between the Japanese army and the Nazi's SS, who saw the ideal as a cult and that everyone who is weak must perish. The Japanese did not only limit their "no mercy" culture on enemy forces, but on civilians as well. They never understood the concept that there needs to be a balance between well treatment and what they did, because this will ultimately get more out of the prisoners.


Japanese treated prisoners of war so badly​ because they were at a time a fascist nation.

What is meant by the term Prisoner of war?

Also known as POWs, they are individuals captured during active war by an opposing nation.

Fascism on the other are nations are authoritarian and brutal in their approach.

Learn more about POWs here:



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