Which of the following is not included in an introduction paragraph?

Bridging statement
Thesis statement


Answer 1




Answer 2

Rebuttal is not included in an introduction paragraph.

What is an introduction paragraph?

An introduction paragraph typically includes a hook to grab the reader's attention, a bridging statement to provide context, and a thesis statement that presents the main argument or purpose of the essay.

However, a rebuttal is not usually included in the introduction paragraph. A rebuttal is a counter-argument or response to an opposing view and is typically presented later in the essay, often in a separate paragraph or section.

Learn more about introduction paragraph, here:



Related Questions

2. What does the author of the Counterpoint essay
believe about the importance of social interaction
in sports? Why does the author believe this?
Explain, citing text evidence.


The author believes that the importance of social interaction in sports is to cooperate, and be kind to others.

The author illustrated different sports celebrities that are united and how it's important for growth in a country.

Why is social cooperation important?

Social engagement through group work Sport teaches young people to form friendships, handle and avoid conflict, and interact more effectively with others at work. Participation in team sports can enhance socialization.

They learn to work together, to be less egotistical, and to pay attention to other kids. Additionally, it fosters a sense of community. They gain new friends and expand their social network outside of school thanks to it. Accepting discipline is a crucial component of team play.

The emergence of personality depends on socialization. Sports can have a significant impact on social interaction, including how we interact with others, how we process information, and how we make decisions for ourselves.

Learn more about sports on:



easy plea help iready urgent please due now NOW!! tyysm


I think the answer is either B or C

4. How does Napoleon's "cunning" plan with the timber go awry? What happens as a result? Cite evidence from the text in your answer.

5. What is the real explanation for Napoleon's "near-death experience," and the incident in the yard with Squealer? Why do you think Orwell doesn't say it outright? Support your inferences with evidence from the text.

Discuss and Write (6-8 sentences): Prompt: Boxer places all his faith in Napoleon, refusing to question his leadership. This tendency to defer to figures of power is common throughout history. Do you feel citizens get the leaders they deserve when they fail to challenge authority? Or is blaming the victims unfair


The following prompt is culled from "The Animal Farm" by George Orwell.

4) Napoleon's "cunning" plan with the timber goes wrong when he sells a pile of lumber to Frederick, who defrauds the animals. The timer was meant to be given to one farmer and then passed down, but the money became counterfeit.

5) The real explanation for Napolean's "Near-Death experience" is that Napoleon and Squealer  got inebriated with the whiskey they found in the farmhouse. Orwell didn't say the above outrightly because he was audience-sensitive.

6) It is difficult to say whether or not citizens get the leaders they deserve when they fail to challenge authority. On the one hand, it can be argued that when citizens defer to figures of power and fail to hold them accountable, they are partially responsible for the actions of those leaders.

In this sense, it could be said that they "deserve" the leaders they get. On the other hand, it is also essential to consider the broader societal and historical factors that may influence a person's willingness to challenge authority.

In some cases, people may be afraid to speak out or may not have the means to do so. In these situations, blaming the victims for their lack of action may be unfair.

What is the summary of Animal Farm?

It relates the narrative of a group of farm animals that rebel against their human farmer in the hopes of establishing a society in which the animals may be equal, free, and joyful. Ultimately, the revolt is crushed, and the farm returns to its previous status under the rule of a sow named Napoleon.

The central topic of Animal Farm is the ability of regular people to keep believing in a revolution that has been completely deceived. Orwell tries to show how those in power—Napoleon and his fellow sows—subvert the revolution's democratic ideal.

Learn more about Animal Farm:

What strategies have you used to set goals?


Have a positive mindset through it all, having a negative mindset will only stop you from what you want to achieve. Do good things for yourself, and do what makes you happy.

One theme in The Hobbit is that ordinary characters can make extraordinary differences. Explain how this theme is illustrated in the episode in which Bilbo rescues the dwarves from the spiders. What traits help him achieve success? Describe another episode that illustrates this theme. Use evidence from the novel as support. Remember to use three of your module vocabulary words.
Vocabulary words: grim, blunder, provisions, dire, ominous, hinder, avenge, redeem, menace, desolation, stereotype, subplot, episode, symbol, and genre.


During the daring excursion, dwarves alongside Bilbo confronted such countless hardships and one of them was Spider's assault. When the dwarves were assaulted by the bugs, Bilbo slipped his enchanted ring on his finger and became imperceptible.

He was diverting the bugs from the dwarves by tossing the stones and killing not many of them. He likewise was singing a tune which made them affront words, for example, old fat insect , Attercop , old tomnoddy, and o get them inqapathetic hurl tuisitive, invigorated, and furious at the same time.  

The Hobbit is set inside Tolkien's anecdotal universe and follows the mission of home-cherishing Bilbo Baggins, the nominal hobbit, to win a portion of the fortune protected by a mythical serpent named Smaug.

Bilbo's excursion takes him from his carefree, provincial environmental elements into more evil region. Set in an anecdotal world, this story follows the mission of a hobbit by the name Bilbo Higgins and a journey to recover extraordinary plunder watched by Smaug, a horrible mythical serpent on a mountain.

Bilbo Baggins is resting at his home. Gandalf, who is a known wizard, shows up and surprises him. Bilbo welcomes him for tea. The bugs were extremely irate, and they began to pursue him. While the bug was all the while diverting, Bilbo went to save his sidekicks.

Read the statement below.

"Pardon," he said, "I'm a bit rattled tonight. You see, I happen at this moment to be dead."

Which phrase from the passage best supports this statement?


The phrase that best supports this statement is "Is the door locked?" he asked feverishly, and he fastened the chain with his own hand. The correct option is C.

What is a phrase?

A phrase in English grammar is a group of two or more words that function as a meaningful unit within a sentence or clause. A phrase is commonly defined as a grammatical unit intermediate between a word and a clause.

Look for both a subject and a verb to determine whether a group of words is a phrase or a clause.

This statement is best supported by the phrase "Is the door locked?" he asked feverishly, fastening the chain with his own hand.

Thus, the correct option is C.

For more details regarding a phrase, visit:



Your question seems incomplete, the missing options are:

"I need help worse than any man ever needed it, and I want to know if I can count you in."

He drank it off in three gulps, and cracked the cup as he set it down.

"Is the door locked?" he asked feverishly, and he fastened the chain with his own hand.

"I've had you in my mind all this week when things got troublesome."

He was a slim man, with a short brown beard and small, blue eyes.

What do you think about this poem?

Bored and aimless, I sit and ponder
Why I've come to this place, Brainly
Where questions and answers thrive and flourish
But my mind is empty, no inspiration to nourish

I decide to make a poem, a challenge to overcome
To prove to myself that I am not numb
I tap my fingers on the keyboard,
Trying to find the words, a spark to ignite my desire

The words come slowly, but surely they form
A poem of boredom, a tale of woe
I post it here, hoping for a response
And offer 50 points, a small reward for those

Who take the time to read and critique
My humble attempt at art, my plea for help
Do you think it's good, or just a waste of time
Tell me, dear fellow Brainly user, what do you think of my rhyme?


Answer: As much as I love this poem I do believe revising your word usage a bit to give it a more poetic theme if that makes much sense.

Explanation: You could start by replacing words such as but” or “challenge” to a more term.

The noun greed is a back-formation from the adjective greedy. Write four pairs L
of words that constitute an analogy for the creation of greed.


Four pairs of words are: gamble - gambler, choreograph - choreography, biograph - biography, abduct - abduction

What is back-formation?

An English back-formation can either be the removal of real or imagined affixes to produce a new lexis (more exactly, a new "word"), or it can be the neologism that results from such a process. Back-formations are words that have been condensed from longer ones. An English back-formation can either be the removal of real or imagined affixes to produce a new lexis (more exactly, a new "word"), or it can be the neologism that results from such a process. Back-formations are words that have been condensed from longer ones. Back-formation is either the removal of real or imagined affixes to create new lexis (more exactly, a new "word"), or it is a neologism created by this procedure. Back-formations can be thought of as a sub-type of clipping since they are generated by shortening longer words. The original term from which each pull in this list was derived is listed after each back-formation.

Four pairs of words are: gamble - gambler, choreograph - choreography, biograph - biography, abduct - abduction

To know more about back-formation, visit:



Child Growth & Development
Consider how each of the five perspectives on intelligence presented in the text addresses the issue of nature versus nurture. Which theory or theories emphasize nurture more than nature? Which theory or theories most strongly emphasize a role for nature?


The theories that has been emphasize the importance of the nurture over nature are the Socio cultural theories.The biological as well as psychodynamic theories has the stress nature.

What does the socio cultural theories told about the whole fact?

Sociocultural theories has been recognize that the people as well as the  relationships, and the environment that has been surrounding the children that affect their worlds.

Just including the development of the children which are active knowledge builders and they will develop as well as adapt their understandings as the result of their experiences and social interactions.

Therefore, The biological as well as psychodynamic theories has the stress nature.

Learn more about Sociocultural theories on:



What was Hitler's purpose in confining Jews to ghettos, often before relocating them?

to make sure that they could govern themselves for a time

to isolate them from others before relocation

to encourage their religious practices without having them interfere with others

to get counts and make sure there was enough food in the camps


It can be inferred that Hitler's purpose in confining Jews to ghettos, often before relocating them was "to isolate them from others before relocation". (Option B)

What did Hitler do to the Jews?

Hitler did not originate anti-Semitism. Since the Middle Ages, Jews in Europe have faced prejudice and persecution, frequently for religious reasons.

Christians considered the Jewish faith as an outlier that needed to be eradicated. Jews were often compelled to convert or were forbidden from practicing certain professions. Religion was less significant in the nineteenth century.

It was supplanted by beliefs on racial and ethnic differences. The notion that Jews belonged to a distinct people than Germans, for example, spread. Even Jews who converted to Christianity were 'different' because of their ancestors.

In one form or the other, it is obvious that Hitler was exposed to antisemitic beliefs at a young age. It's unclear how much he shared with them at the time. If he was biased against Jews when residing in Vienna, it had not yet crystallized into a distinct worldview. After all, one of his most devoted customers in Vienna was a Jew named Samuel Morgenstern.

Learn more about Hitler:


What is the best example of a topic that is too broad


Learning about history is the greatest example of a subject that's also overly broad.

What does learning  and why is it important?

Gaining new abilities, information, perspectives, and values is indeed the process of learning. Helping an individual or a group of people study is something that people can accomplish on their own, however it's usually made easier with knowledge. With assistance from educators, education can proceed more quickly.

What is the learning process?

The learning process includes six active parts: higher order thinking, attention, memory, language, process, and organizing. These not only methods are associated with one another, but also with feelings, the context of the classroom, conduct, social skills, educators, and family.

To know more about learning visit:



Can someone make and acrostic poem related to winter for me please?



Winter winds blow cold and crisp

Icy air makes noses drip

Nights are long and dark and deep

Time for snow and time to sleep

Every flake falls gently down

Ready for a wintery crown

Snowmen stand with carrot noses

Trees are bare, but still composed



Falling snow from the sky as we smell chimneys burn

Rolling down hills of snow children running and laughing for their turn  

Our friends and our family talk by the fire

Smiling and laughing at their stories that inspire

The children still playing while laughing and slipping

Yet they laugh and still play until icicles start dripping

Explanation: ( i did the other just replied to this in case you did not see )

Good topic sentences on why kids should have homework


it helps keep the brain active and keeps their brain from forgetting what they are learning about so they can progress further with subjects

A good topic sentence on why children should have homework is because

On http://blog.eskool.ca/parenting/why-homework-is-important/ its says in its first column that having homework can improve a child´s thinking and memory skills. To go along with that, it also allows parents to see what their kids are doing in school and if they need help they can help them. Parents bonding with their kids is important because if a kid feels left out, then their parents should be able to talk to them and help them if they need help with anything. Allowing kids to show their parents what they are doing in school is very important also because what if that child is struggling in math and they need help. uif there is no homework how is the parent going to be able to help the child with what they need help with. To elaborate on that having parents, their when their child needs help will most likely make your child happy and make them feel happy and loved. This is important to homework because if the child feels sad or depressed, they might not do as good as they are capable of on their homework. This is another reason why homework should be…show more content…

But, it’s not! It’s really just a review of what the kids do in class. This allows them to understand what is going on in class. This is important because if kids don 't get what 's going on in class they won 't try their best on tests, homework, and really any school activity. To go along with this, if kids don 't try their best they might start to not go to school or ditch more frequently. They might also think theyŕe not as smart as they really are. All of these are reasons why kids should be assigned homework.

I got it wrong so you don't have to ;)​


I got it wrong too but thank you! :)

How can businesses easily avoid any conflict or confusion in situations involving gift-giving within the business context?



Include a bribe/gift section in the business policy or code of conduct


Read the following sentence from the passage.

You're not alone, as thousands of others have taken the approach of big publishers and scaled it down to their own hometown in the form of do-it-yourself magazines, also known as "zines."

In what two ways does this sentence contribute to the development of the ideas in this passage?

It emphasizes the importance of zines to the publishing field in small towns.
It implies that it can be difficult to reach readers with similar interests.
It shows that publishing a zine is possible for the average person.
It establishes zines as an important creative outlet for writers.
It introduces zines as a way to share ideas a person cares about.


It highlights how crucial zines are to the small-town publishing scene. It signifies that it could be challenging to connect with readers who share your interests.

What differentiates a zine from a magazine?

A zine is typically a non-commercial, unprofessional periodical that resembles a magazine but differs in several ways. The fundamental distinction between a zine and a magazine is that zines exist more for the purpose of introducing new, frequently unheard voices into the conversation than for financial gain.

How do I decide on a topic for a zines?

Choose topics and subjects that are close to your heart, whether it be class politics or your favorite musician.

To know more about Zines, visit:

HELP ASAP If Jesse is looking for someone to review the content of an art critique before she submits it to publishing, whom should she ask?

A random person online who volunteered to help her
Her art teacher who regularly writes for that publisher
Her mom who is an accountant and isn't interested in art
Her soccer coach has a hobby of building furniture



the art teacher

because she really writes for the publisher

Formal language should avoid using which element? (1 point)
O varied sentences
O slang
O strong word choice
O facts


Answer: Slang


Formal basically means respectful, if you started talking like a hipster at a business meeting you would get the idea.

the answer is in fact slang

Read the quotation.

"As usual, Abby thought, let's all do whatever Livvie wants. I'll bet there's nothing wrong with his stomach at all, and that story is just a cover so that she doesn't have to say she's too afraid to ride a scary ride."

Which best describes Abby's tone in this quotation?


I would say that the answer is (D) Disappointed.

A man walking along a beach........... sees a girl moving back and forth. of starfish on sand ........... picking them up one by one and throwing into sea asks her to stop the work as she can't make a difference to many of them.......... She throws one more saying "It surely made a difference to that one." .moral.​



The moral of this story is that every individual effort, no matter how small, can make a difference. The girl in the story may not have been able to save all of the starfish on the beach, but her actions still made a positive impact on the life of at least one starfish. This story encourages us to take action and do our part, even if we may not see the full results of our efforts. It reminds us that every individual has the power to make a difference, and that our actions, no matter how small, can have a meaningful impact.


Which sentences have dangling or misplaced modifiers that should be
fixed? Select all that apply.
Select one or more:
a. While on the internet, the computer crashed.
b. After we entered the room, everyone sat down.
c. The team created a presentation for the company that they called
"Getting Ahead."
d. To deliver the presentation, a projector and screen are needed.
e. The computer crashed while I was on the internet.
f. Managers have found that team morale is high, when happy.


When the sentence's subject for a modifier is absent, the modifier is said to be dangling. A clause that doesn't identify the intended topic is frequently followed by an introduction phrase in dangling modifiers.

She searched her purse but couldn't find the keys. The verbal adjective or phrase has nothing to modify or is too far from the word it modifies when your composition instructor notes it as dangling or misplaced. Because of this, sentences with dangling or improperly positioned modifiers typically sound strange or humorous.

One should put single-word adjectives before the word they modify and adjective phrases or clauses exactly after the word they modify to solve the problem of the misplaced modifier.

To learn more about dangling or misplaced from given link



How do Gandhi's and Mandela's claims differ from one another?

A. Gandhi claims that a nation falls further due to war while Mandela understands that sometimes violence is necessary to bring about change

B. Gandhi claims that oppression only strengthens one's character while
Mandela argues that oppression weakens a nation.

C. Gandhi claims that only leaders of a nation can make an impact while
Mandela thinks that the common man has to make the biggest change.

D. Gandhi claims that war can be an effective choice to combat injustice while
Mandela promotes peaceful protests only.


Answer:  A. Gandhi claims that a nation falls further due to war while Mandela understands that sometimes violence is necessary to bring about change.

(01.07 MC)
Which of the following sentences includes a non-restrictive clause?
O Alan discovered that chickens are able to recognize the faces and voices they see and hear often.
O Giana, who collects anything relating chickens, found the perfect life-sized chicken hat to add to her collection.
O Roosters have an internal clock that causes them to crow at daybreak.
O The chicken gained quite the social media following after being featured in a video weari a tutu while dancing.


Based on the given answer choices, the answer choice that includes a non-restrictive clause is B. Giana, who collects anything relating to chickens, found the perfect life-sized chicken hat to add to her collection.

What is a non-restrictive clause?

This refers to the term that is used to describe and define the type of clause that is used in English grammar in order to add extra information about a given sentence and usually contains a proper noun that refers to a person and makes use of commas.

Hence, it can be seen that when we look at the list of answer choices, option B contains the nonrestrictive clause as it uses the proper noun "Giana" which refers to a particular person and gives extra information about what she loves doing.

Read more about non-restrictive clause here:



Read the excerpt from Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.

They were rather handsome, had been educated in one of the first private seminaries in town, had a fortune of twenty thousand pounds, were in the habit of spending more than they ought, and of associating with people of rank; and were therefore in every respect entitled to think well of themselves, and meanly of others. They were of a respectable family in the north of England; a circumstance more deeply impressed on their memories than that their brother’s fortune and their own had been acquired by trade.

How does point of view affect the tone of the excerpt?

The narrator’s knowledge of how the characters view other people creates a sad tone.
The narrator’s knowledge of how the characters see themselves creates a critical tone.
The narrator’s understanding of the characters’ family history creates an objective tone.
The narrator’s understanding of the characters’ accomplishments creates an admiring tone.


Note that the point of view affects the tone of the excerpt in that "The narrator’s knowledge of how the characters see themselves creates a critical tone." (Option C)

What is point of view?

The point of view is a crucial literary device for delving into a tale. The author's point of view influences how the reader understands and participates in the tale. The expression "point of view" can be used to represent the feelings, ideas, motives, and experiences of one or more people.

It defines the point of view from which a tale is told. When writing fiction, the author must select a narrator who will best illustrate the storyline of the novel. Point of view is classified into three categories: first-person, second-person, and third-person.

Tone is a literary phrase that relates to the mood conveyed by an author's word choice and how the text might make a reader feel. The tone used by an author in a piece of literature may elicit a wide range of feelings and opinions.

In this scenario, the author makes a point of emphasizing the undesirable aspects of the characters, so instilling a critical tone in the audience or reader.

Learn more about Tone:

Why do the animals hear "the heart of the mountain beating" when the speaker cannot?



It is likely that the animals can hear the heart of the mountain beating because they have better hearing than the speaker. Different animals have different levels of hearing sensitivity, and it is possible that the animals in this situation are more sensitive to the sounds coming from the mountain. Additionally, the animals may be more attuned to the sounds of their environment and better able to pick up on subtle noises that a human may not be able to hear.

Select the statement that best reflects the theme in this fairy tale.

Everyone loves to be flattered.
People are sneaky to get what they want.
Through flattery we are ever deceiving others.
Don't be fooled by flattery.

The Owl always takes her sleep during the day. Then after sundown, when the rosy light fades from the sky and the shadows rise slowly through the wood, out she comes ruffling and blinking from the old hollow tree. Now her weird "hoo-hoo-hoo-oo-oo" echoes through the quiet wood, and she begins her hunt for the bugs and beetles, frogs and mice she likes so well to eat.

Now there was a certain old Owl who had become very cross and hard to please as she grew older, especially if anything disturbed her daily slumbers. One warm summer afternoon as she dozed away in her den in the old oak tree, a Grasshopper nearby began a joyous but very raspy song. Out popped the old Owl's head from the opening in the tree that served her both for door and for window.

"Get away from here, sir," she said to the Grasshopper. "Have you no manners? You should at least respect my age and leave me to sleep in quiet!"

But the Grasshopper answered saucily that he had as much right to his place in the sun as the Owl had to her place in the old oak. Then he struck up a louder and still more rasping tune.

The wise old Owl knew quite well that it would do no good to argue with the Grasshopper, nor with anybody else for that matter. Besides, her eyes were not sharp enough by day to permit her to punish the Grasshopper as he deserved. So she laid aside all hard words and spoke very kindly to him.

"Well sir," she said, "if I must stay awake, I am going to settle right down to enjoy your singing. Now that I think of it, I have a wonderful wine here, sent me from Olympus, of which I am told Apollo drinks before he sings to the high gods. Please come up and taste this delicious drink with me. I know it will make you sing like Apollo himself."

The foolish Grasshopper was taken in by the Owl's flattering words. Up he jumped to the Owl's den, but as soon as he was near enough so the old Owl could see him clearly, she pounced upon him and ate him up.


The statement that best reflects the theme in this fairy tale is D. Don't be fooled by flattery.

What exactly is a theme in writing?

A theme is a key, overarching concept. As the characters work toward their objectives, the bigger problem becomes apparent. It has more to do with the deeper issues of identity, philosophy, or morality that emerge during their endeavors and less to do with whether they will succeed in winning the race, getting the date, or discovering the treasure.

When flattery is used for power or control, it is dishonest. Everyone has insecurities and loves to hear positive things about themselves, so it works. In this situation, the grasshopper was taken in by the Owl's flattering words. Up he jumped to the Owl's den, but as soon as he was near enough so the old Owl could see him clearly, she pounced upon him and ate him up.

Learn more about theme on:



Answer: It is D because i just took the test


How does the poem's structure contribute to its purpose?
OA. Each stanza narrates a new stage of the plot. The final stanza gives the
resolution of the story.
OB. Each stanza reflects on a different month of the year. The final stanza
describes November.
OC. Each stanza narrates a different event on the speaker's walk. The final stanza
tells of his return home.
OD. Each stanza reveals a different aspect of the setting. The final stanza gives
the speaker's concluding insight.


Each one will have been deliberately chosen by the poem's writer to add meaning to the work. Poetry is an extremely diverse literary genre that can comprise a wide range of works.

What is the short definition of poetry?

Poetry is writing that uses language structured and chosen for its significance, sound, and rhythm to elicit a focused mental understanding of reality or a particular emotional response.

Why is poetry important? What is poetry?

Poetry, the best literary form, affects us because it captures humans in all their intricacy. One of the earliest artistic mediums, poetry was developed by the human mind. It expresses many different human emotions, such as compassion, love, death, and many others.

To know more about poetry visit:



n “The Alphabet,” recall what Bauby’s lifeline is to the outside world.


Bauby finally understands that Claude is his only connection to the outside world after initially being hostile and later refractory.

What does The Diving Bell and the Butterfly mean? The Diving Bell and the Butterfly”is a movie that offers a solution to both of these queries.A true story about a man who suffers a terrible stroke and is left entirely paralyzed, it is visually spectacular and achingly beautiful. It is a testament to how we can endure suffering when we draw on the strength of our minds and hearts.We first meet Bauby when he wakes up in the hospital, and we see a lot of the film via his one eye that is able to function.(Doctors sewed one eye closed to prevent infection.) We see him as he imagines himself floating weightless in dark murky water, encased in a diving bell, isolated and alone. He yells inaudibly, "This can't be true," as his neurologist describes his illness as we watch and listen to him.We experience his agony as he learns to cope with his new reality as we see him view the world through a single lens.

To learn more about Julian Schnabel refer



from "The Candle"

Read the lines.

"The room grew big, oh, bigger far than a church.
The wardrobe, quite by itself, as big as a house."

What do these lines suggest?
A. Being in a strange place can cause anxiety.
B. One's imagination can cause familiar things to seem strange.
C. Children outgrow their possessions as they grow older.
D. Fears can be revealed in dreams.



These lines suggest that one's imagination can cause familiar things to seem strange. The room and wardrobe are described as growing larger than they actually are, which suggests that the person who is experiencing this has a heightened sense of perception and may be seeing things differently than they actually are. This could be due to a dream, or it could be due to the person's imagination.

Option B, one's imagination can cause familiar things to seem strange, is the correct answer.


Write a flash fiction story about any topic you like. Your story should be under 1,000 words in length and be easy to follow. It should also include narrative elements you've learned about: characters, point of view, plot, setting, and dialogue.
(will give brainliest) 80 points


Answer: i think you should write about a good time in your life like an adventure


Answer: Write A Short Fictional Story

Explanation: EXAMPLE: One midsummer morning I was taking a stroll through the forest near my house, It was a humid day for certain which made it seem rather odd to me that there was a fog settling down. A fog so thick you could cut it with a knife, I didn't really even notice the fog though because I had a lurking feeling that I was being followed. I tried winding down the path and going past large trees and deep thicket but I could not shake the feeling, eventually I decided to turn and see what or if something was actually stalking me. As I turned my head I saw a flash of claws and fur, I felt pain strike my head before everything faded to black.

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