Which of the following is NOT afunction of an antibiotic?A. targeting the ribosome that inhibits protein synthesis,causing bacteria to function incorrectlyB. inhibiting the growth of virusesC. inhibiting the production of the cell wall in bacteria


Answer 1

The correct answer is the letter

B. inhibiting the growth of viruses

Antibiotic drugs are used for bacterial infections and not for viral infections.

Related Questions

The average weight of a human brain is approximately 1 kg at birth and 1.3 kg at 1 year of age. What is the main reason for the increase in the weight of the brain over this time?options:a) Apoptosis. Small neurons die, leaving only the larger ones behind.b) Proliferation. New neurons are being formed.c) Increased fluid in the extracellular space.d) Individual neurons grow larger.


Aerobic activities such as running, cycling, and swimming, are effective ways of boosting neurogenesis. The aim is getting the heart pumping for more than 20 minutes at a time, and on a regular basis. In this state levels of several growth hormones are elevated in the brain.

Answer: D

Explain how soil structure affects the physical properties of soil.


Answer: The properties of soil is giving the nutrients needed for the plant to survive, and help it stay in healthy shape, now the structure must be very important in order for the plant to receive its nutrients in the specific process needed.

Hope that helps.

The properties of soil is giving the nutrients needed for the plant to survive, and help it stay in healthy shape, now the structure must be very important in order for the plant to receive its nutrients.

What are the physical properties of soil?

Color, texture, structure, porosity, density, consistence, aggregate stability, and temperature are among the physical characteristics of soil. These characteristics have an impact on biological activity, nutrient cycling, infiltration, and erosion.

Soil structure is one of the most important soil's physical factors controlling or modulating the flow and retention of water, solutes, gases, and biota in agricultural and natural ecosystems.

The movement of air, water, solutes, and heat through the soil is governed by the physical characteristics of the soil. Depth, temperature, texture, structure, bulk density, and water-holding capacity are the primary physical characteristics of soil.

Learn more about soil physical properties:



In a group of Nile tilapia fish, some individuals have a greenish brown body and others havea pink body, in this group, the gene for the body color trait has two alleles. The allele for apink body (b) is recessive to the allele for a greenish brown body (B)A certain Nile tilapia fish from this group has the homozygous genotype bb for the body colorgeneBased on this information, what is this fish's phenotype for the body color trait?a pink bodya greenish brown bodySubmitWork it out


The Nile tilapia fish's phenotype (detectable attributes) for the body color trait is a pink body because the genotype of the fish is homozygous bb which is the recessive allele (pink color).

DNA is replicated before A. crossing -over B. cell division c. cell death D. transformation.​


DNA is replicated before cell division and therefore also before crossing -over, which occurs during cell division (Options A and B).

What is the DNA replication stage?

The DNA replication stage is a step before the cell division which occurs in the interphase of the cell cycle, more precisely in the synthesis S phase of the interphase.

Therefore, with this data, we can see that the DNA replication stage occurs in the synthesis S phase of the cell cycle, which occurs in the interphase before the division stage, and crossing over occurs during cell division.

Learn more about the DNA replication stage here:



Individual II-5 can be described as:a) male carrierb) male homozygous recessivec) female heterozygousd) female homozygous recessive


What we see in the image is a genealogy, where a disease or trait is highlighted. Each square and circle represents an individual, and its color represents whether they have the disease (completely black), are carriers (half and half), or are healthy (white).

In this case, both squares and circles can be carriers, so this is not a disease carried in the sex chromosomes, and this also means two copies are needed for the disease to express, so the individual with the disease (black) are homozygous recessive. This means that individual 5 from generation II is NOT homozygous recessive.

Usually, squares represent males and circles represent females, so that means that II-5 would be a female heterozygous.

Which of the following statements is a scientific claim?
The early solar system had large amounts of water; so, the oldest objects in the solar system should also be abundant in water.
Earth is shaped like a sphere even if not all of the scientific observations related to its shape support this idea.
The mass of the universe is much greater than current models predict; it is not possible to explain this inconsistency.
Planet Earth is abundant in water, but there is no way to scientifically determine from where Earth's water originated.


"The early solar system had large amounts of water; so, the oldest objects in the solar system should also be abundant in water" statement is a scientific claim.

A scientific claim is a statement that provides an answer to a set of scientific questions and is supported by relevant scientific evidence. There is a need for the claim to be justified.

Here's the scientific assertion: The evidence supporting the assertion that the early solar system contained significant amounts of water is the presence of water in all primitive bodies, including comets, asteroids, and numerous dwarf planets, including Ceres. There are numerous indications that water is abundant across our solar system.

To learn more about Scientific claims visit: https://brainly.com/question/11088441


What is a scientific explanation for a set of observations that canbe tested and is written with an "if/then" statement?A. a theoryB. a hypothesis


The answer is the letter B. a hypothesis

*A hypothesis is a possible explanation that corresponds to set of observations

In your own word define a gene how does a gene relate to DNA chromosomes


Gene is a segment of the DNA that are transcribed and translated to become a functioning protein. A DNA chromosome is a bunch of functional genes interspersed with non-coding genes.

Describe the two steps of the Calvin cycle.

* Will give brainliest to whoever answers


1: First carbon dioxide is ''fixed''.

2: Then ATP and NADPH from the light reactions provide energy to combine the fixed carbons to make sugar!

Which of the following is a
CORRECT combination of a
viral disease and the virus
that causes it?
A. Food Poisoning - E.coli
B. Athlete's Foot - Dermatophytes
C. Flu - influenza this
D. Strep throat - Streptococcus


Combination of the virus that induces a viral sickness and the disease itself influenza is the flu.

The right response is C.

Is food poisoning like a stomach bug?

Vomiting and nausea are common symptoms of both the stomach flu and food poisoning, but they are distinct illnesses. Food that has been tainted by germs, viruses, parasites, or poisons is what causes food poisoning. Norovirus typically causes the stomach flu.

How can I test myself for food poisoning?

After eating, if you develop any of the symptoms listed within a few of hours, you may have food poisoning: Constipation, stomach aches, vomiting, fever, diarrhoea, sporadic headaches, and other problems.

To know more about Food Poisoning visit:



Question 5 (1 point)In the pedigree below individual 4 in generation II (two) would have to have which ofthe following genotypes, if the shaded (black) shape indicates a recessive trait.


Individual 4 in generation II has a genotype of Aa.

This is an example of heterozygous pair. The presence of two different alleles at a particular gene locus. A heterozygous genotype may include one normal allele and one mutated allele or two different mutated alleles.

This is an example of heterozygous pair.

What is heterozygous pair?

The term “heterozygous” also refers to a pair of alleles. Unlike homozygous, being heterozygous means you have two different alleles. You inherited a different version from each parent. In a heterozygous genotype, the dominant allele overrules the recessive one. Therefore, the dominant trait will be expressed.

Moreover, the presence of two different alleles at a particular gene locus. A heterozygous genotype may include one normal allele and one mutated allele or two different mutated alleles.

Therefore, an organism that has the same two copies of a gene is considered homozygous for that trait, while an organism that has different copies of a gene for a particular trait is considered heterozygous for that trait.

Learn more about heterozygous:



Please help me label this diagram and that c question only. I am confused in it.


a: endosperm

b: cotyledon

c: coleoptile

d: epicotyl

e: hypocotyl

f: radicle

The photo shows parts of a monocot seed. The type of seed germination observed from monocot seed is hypogeal germination.

mutations are changes in the sequence of ____?choices: A. polypeptidesB. DNA nitrogenous baseC. mitochondrial ribosomesD. amino acids


The correct answer is B. DNA nitrogenous base

Mutation refers to the change in the sequence of bases in DNA. Some mutations can have neutral, beneficial, or harmful effects on an organism.

Review the structure of leaves and the chambers through which gasses move. Why is there air surrounding the mesophyll (spongy) cells inside the leaf?


The spongy mesophyll contains very few chloroplasts and it has a large surface area in order to increase the diffusion of carbon dioxide and oxygen. There is an intercellular air space within the spongy mesophyll layer which also allows the diffusion of carbon dioxide and oxygen. The air spaces are connected to the stomata. Stomata is a porelike opening in the underside of the leaf that allows carbon dioxide and oxygen to diffuse into and out of the leaf.

If the light-independent reaction can run without light, why does oxygen production (and presumably glucose production) stop?


Because sunlight is needed to break down h2o and co2 molecules in to c6h12o6

a plan to combat childhood obesity.



1) Education

2)Improvement of school nutrition

3)Regulation of food marketing and labeling

4)Promoting physical activity (for example at school)

If we choose 4:

Plan: implementation of one hour of daily exercise in schools.

-Experts recommend at least 60 minutes of daily physical activity for children.

-This will not only reduce the risk of obesity but also improve the academic performance at school.

-Sports or aerobic-type exercises are the most efficient; continuous running, team sports, swimming, dancing, cycling, tennis, etc.

-Muscle stretching exercises should also be performed at the end of each exercise session.

A pathogen is a(n):agent that causes disease.weaponized agentaerosol.epidemic.


As we know an agent that causes the disease is a pathogen, an aerosol can be a means of contagion, an epidemic is the result of an uncontrolled contagion and finally, a weaponized agent is part of biological warfare, so we can say that the correct answer is the first option an agent that causes disease.

If you’re a smart biologist you can help me with this


During his experiments, Mendel used the pea plant as an object of study. Some of the reasons were that these plants have genetic variability (different color, shape or size), crossing between varieties is easy, and self-pollination can be prevented by removing the anthers of the flowers.

Since Mendel's experiments did involve dominant and recessive alleles for a trait, and flowers can be easily protected from foreign or self-pollinated pollen, the answer is D (a plant that has only 2 alleles for a trait), since the traits that Mendel evaluated as color or shape had two alleles for each trait (color: yellow/green, shape: smooth/rough).

How can gene theropy improve humn society?


Gene therapy can improve the society by being able to treat a wide range of diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, etc.

What is Gene therapy?

A gene is referred to as the the basic physical and functional unit of heredity and is present in the DNA of living organisms. On the other hand gene therapy is the process in which there are changes made to the human  genome in other to treat a disease or illness.

This is usually done by introducing a normal gene into an individual's genome in order to repair different types of mutation and has been effectively proven to have such type of property.

Gene therapy generally ensures that different types of sicknesses are successfully treated by the healthcare professionals thereby decreasing the mortality rate.

Read more about Gene therapy here https://brainly.com/question/824754


the inferior mesenteric artery supplies blood to the?


Answer:  ....the distal one-third of the transverse colon, descending colon, and proximal two-thirds of the rectum.


which possible mutation of the DNA triplet GAC will affect the production of a protein by the gene that contains this triplet


To answer this question we need to look at the genetic code to see what amino acid GAC triplet codes.

As is in DNA we need to pass it to RNA

GAC = CUG = Leu

Now we have four possible options, so we need to obtain the RNA triplet and look at the genetic code so we can see what each code.

A.- ATC = UAG = Stop

B.- AAC = UUG = Leu

C.- GAT = CUA = Leu

D.- GAA = CUU = Leu

So options B to D all code for leucine, the same amino acid as the original triplet, meanwhile option A does not code for another triplet but is a Stop codon, meaning that protein production will stop there, so the correct answer is option A as a premature stop definitely will leave the protein unfinished and with no function or defective.

4. What would likely be the gender of a child if a sperm having X chromosome fertilize
an egg?
(a) A girl, as the unfertilized egg has one X chromosome.
(b) A girl, as the unfertilized egg has one Y chromosome.
(c) A boy, as the unfertilized egg has one X chromosome.
(d) A boy, as the unfertilized egg has one Y chromosome.


The answer to this is c

20. What will happen to a plant cell placed in a hypotonic solution?A. It will swell.B. It will shrink.C. It will stay the same


A hypotonic solution has a lower concentration of solutes than the other solution, in this case, the cytoplasm of the plant cell.

This means that the water will move towards the interior of the cell by osmosis. The plant cell can put the water in vacuoles, the cell will still gain that water, and they become turgid (swell), but they do not burst because of the cell wall.

This means A. It will swell, would be the right answer.

Hypotonic solution refers to the condition where the cell has less concentration compared to the outer environment, that is the cell has low concentration of solutes. Therefore, it will swell in hypotonic solution.

Concentration of a cell is controlled by the plasma membrane of the cell. There are three conditions of the concentration of cell such as - hypertonic, where the concentration of the cell is higher than the surrounding of the cell.

Hypotonic, when the concentration of the cell is lower than the surrounding of the cell.

Lastly, isotonic, where the concentration of the cell is as same as the surrounding.

The concentration of the cell depends on the flow of solute molecules from cell to outside and inside. Therefore, according to the condition in the question the cell will swell in a hypotonic solution.

Learn more about concentration in cell at,


1953, Stanley Miller and Harold Urey built a model of Earth's earlyatmosphere by mixing gases that were thought to have been there. Theyexposed the gases to an electric current to simulate lightning. The liquid thatcondensed during the experiment contained amino acids.What was the significance of their results?OA. Miller and Urey showed that biological molecules could haveformed from the atoms present in the early atmosphere.B. Miller and Urey showed that spontaneous generation waspossiblec. Miller and Urey showed that lightning was necessary for life to inform on Earth.OD. Miller and Urey showed that all life evolved from a single common


Let's take a closer look at the context of the problem:

We are given that Miller and Urey ran an experiment trying to determine whether Earth's early atmosphere could have created the building blocks of life as we know it.

We are given the results of the experiment: amino acids were condensed in a liquid. Recall what amino acids are. Amino acids are the building blocks of life that form proteins. Proteins are necessary for day-to-day functions in an organism.

If in the experiment we did find amino acids, then we can speculate that life could have been formed from biomolecules formed from Earth's early atmosphere.

Recall that the context said that Miller and Urey did find amino acids in their experiment.

Therefore, our best answer choice for the problem is A. Miller and Urey showed that biological molecules could have formed from the atoms present in the early atmosphere.

Suppose the amount of sand in front of a large beachfront hotel is slowly disappearing.explain the process that is likely causing this problem suggest a way to avoid further loss of sand write your response


The shift of sand and sediments around the beachfront hotel is due to a combination of waves, tides, and what is flourishing on the seafloor. The intensity of the moving water drag the sand away from the coast. Sand erosion is stimulated by high winds. Climate change could abolish part of the world's sandy coastlines.

To avoid loss of sand around the beachfront, sand dunes, vegetation, seawalls, sandbags, and sand fences are some of the methods of prevention. As a citizen, we can contribute in our way, ways to improve the beaches thereby preventing sand disappearance along its shoreline. We should watch our trash properly. Throwing garbage anywhere will contribute to pollution. We can join a clean-up drive to make this realistic.

This diagram if of a model of a mechanism of evolution.Which phrase best describes the diagram?A. how recombination affects a gene pool over a period of time.B. how genetic drift can affect allele frequency in a population.C. the effect of natural selection on gene frequencies.D. the impact of mutation on a variation in a population.


The diagram doesn't show any external interferences, such as mutations (the populations all have the same types of individuals) or recombination (there's no new types of indivudals or combination of those types). Therefore, D and A are incorrect.

There is a separation of the first population, so only natural selection wouldn't explain the outcome, therefore C is incorrect as well.

The genetic drift occurs when there are random fluctuations in a population. In smaller populations, such as this one, this random fluctuations can lead to an event called Founder event. In this case, an isolated founder population creates descendants that are selected and different due to random drift. Therefore, the correct answer is: B. how genetic drift can affect allele frequency in a population.

The answer to the question I don’t understand it



D. 4 The Intermemberane space

If someone says that taking vitamin C is correlated with fewer cold symptorns, you shouldSelect one:a. remember that correlation is not causation and look for more evidence regarding vitamin C and coldsb. assume that vitamin C is the cause of the lack of cold symptomsC.assume that colds are caused by not taking vitamin CD all of these


Correlation is a statistical method used to proof the relationship between two quantitave or categorical variables. It does not establish causality between the variables. All you can conclude from the statement is that "taking vitamin C" and "the decrease of cold symtoms" are somewhat related.

To determine the nature of the relationship you need to do further investigation.

The correct answer is a.

5. Explain why degraded habitats often have very low diversity (numbers of species) often with large
populations of the organisms that are present?
be the case.


Degraded habitats often have very low diversity often with large populations of organisms that are present because the carrying capacity for native plants, animals, and other species is diminished.

When a habitat is destroyed, the carrying capacity of native plants, animals, and other species is reduced, which causes populations to decrease and occasionally reach the point of extinction. Loss of habitat is arguably the biggest hazard to organisms and biodiversity.

The main cause of biodiversity loss is habitat loss brought on by resource extraction, agricultural conversion, and urbanization. As a result of habitat fragmentation, there are now isolated little areas of land that cannot support species populations in the long term.

While habitat restoration can boost local biodiversity and species populations, habitat loss can split ecosystems and result in the extinction of species.

To learn more about Habitats visit: https://brainly.com/question/5371182


Though many types of fungi grow from the ground, they are not considered plants. Fungi and plants do not require the same things to survive. Fungi are a special type of spore-producing organism that feeds on organic matter. Molds, yeast, mushrooms, and toadstools are examples of fungi.How do fungi respond to stimuli and factors of their environments? Select all the correct answers.A) Most fungi do not grow well in extremely cold areas, like inside household freezers.B) Most fungi need sufficient sunlight to produce their own food.C) Most fungi live in moist environments, where they reproduce best.D) Most fungi can grow in dark areas because they do not photosynthesize.E) Thick stems of fungi allow them to survive on little water.F) Oxygen is not needed by fungi because they do not undergo photosynthesis.


The correct options include C, D, E and F

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