which of the following is an example of gene therapy? a) an ear of corn contains genes that produce natural pesticides. b) a human has one allele for a normal gene and one allele for a mutated gene. c) a patient with hereditary anemia is given a normal version ofthe gene. d) protein from a healthy person is iniected into someone who cannot make that protein. e) a human protein is made in bacteria for future injection into someone who lacks it.


Answer 1

(Option C.) A patient with hereditary anemia is given a normal version of the gene.

In this example, a patient with hereditary anemia is given a normal version of the gene, which will help to restore the proper functioning of the patient's cells and provide relief from their anemia symptoms.

An example of gene therapy:(Option C.) A patient with hereditary anemia is given a normal version of the gene.

Gene therapy is an experimental technique whereby a patient's own genetic material is modified in order to treat a medical condition. In this example, a patient with hereditary anemia is given a normal version of the gene in order to restore the proper functioning of the patient's cells and provide relief from their anemia symptoms.

Gene therapy can be used to treat a variety of genetic illnesses and diseases, from inherited forms of blindness to inherited forms of cancer. While gene therapy is still in its early stages, much progress has been made in the last few decades in understanding how to manipulate genetic material in order to treat medical conditions.

Learn more about Gene Therapy: https://brainly.com/question/11620520


Related Questions

describe the construction of a recombinant plasmid containing the gene for luciferase and the insertion of the plasmid into a bacterial cell by placing the steps in order.


Amplify the luciferase gene using PCR. Perform restriction digestion on the plasmid and the luciferase gene. Combine the plasmid and the luciferase gene to create a recombinant plasmid. Employ electroporation to transform bacteria using the recombinant plasmid.

A plasmid that has had a foreign DNA fragment or gene put into it is referred to as a recombinant plasmid. Small circular DNA fragments known as plasmids are found naturally in bacterial cells and in some eukaryotes like yeast and plants. Recombinant plasmids increase apart from the chromosomal DNA of the host.

Basic actions include: Cutting the plasmid open, and then "pasting" the gene inside. DNA ligase and restriction enzymes, which cleave DNA, are necessary for this process (which joins DNA). Infect bacteria with the plasmid. Plasmid-carrying bacteria should be multiplied and used as "factories" to produce the protein.

Consequently, we may state that creating a recombinant plasmid Use PCR to amplify the luciferase gene. Restrictive digestion should be carried out on the plasmid and the luciferase gene. Generate a recombinant plasmid by fusing the luciferase gene with the plasmid. Utilize the recombinant plasmid to convert bacteria using electroporation.




a condition in which there is an excessive accumulation of fluid within the tissue surrounding the testicle, which causes a scrotal mass is known as .


A hydrocele is a condition in which there is an excessive accumulation of fluid within the tissue surrounding the testicle.

A form of scrotal enlargement known as a hydrocele (HI-droe-seel) happens when fluid builds up in the flimsy sheath that protects a testicle. Hydrocele is frequent in babies and typically goes away untreated by age 1. A hydrocele can form in older boys or adult males as a result of scrotal inflammation or damage.

A hydrocele typically causes no discomfort or harm and may not require any medical attention. But to rule out other causes, visit your doctor if your scrotum is swollen. The painless enlargement of one or both testicles is sometimes the only indication of a hydrocele. The weight of a large scrotum can be painful for adult guys with hydrocele. In general, discomfort grows along with an increase in inflammation. In certain cases, the swelled area changes throughout the day, getting bigger in the afternoon.

The complete question is:

A condition in which there is an excessive accumulation of fluid within the tissue surrounding the testicle is known as a _____.

a. hydrocele

b. priapism

c. inguinal canal

d. inguinal hernia

To learn more about hydrocele please click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/8834557


what are the advantages that crispr/cas9 provides for genome editing (making knockouts and knockins)? (check all statements that apply.)


CrISPR-Cas9 is more efficient than utilizing a plasmid or free flow DNA since it can take in a sequence, cut DNA wherever, and install the new genome editing of inducing an immune response due to virus DNA.

reliable services for DNA sequencing. CRISPR-Cas9 technology and sophisticated DNA synthesis and design. technology based on DNA for antibody services. Comprehensive recombinant protein expression genome editing and purification services, CRISPR/simplicity Cas9's and efficiency over other genome editing techniques are its most significant benefits. Compared to gene targeting methods based on the genome editing utilization of embryonic stem (ES) cells, CRISPR/Cas9 requires less time to change target genes since it may be administered directly in the embryo.

learn more about genome editing here:



biological magnification is a natural process when a persistence material is taken-up by primary producers because:


Biological magnification is a natural process when a persistence material is taken-up by primary producers because greater potential for biological magnification.

A concentration that is higher than what equilibrium would suggest and higher than what would have occurred with exposure to only water occurs when an organism accumulates a chemical as a result of exposure to both food and water. Biomagnification is the term for this procedure.

The process by which a specific chemical accumulates in the bodies of animals at various trophic levels of a food chain is known as biomagnification. The buildup of the chemical DDT in zooplanktons is an illustration of biomagnification in action. These zooplankton are consumed by tiny fish.

The process by which some chemicals build up in living things to concentrations that are higher than those found in the inorganic, non-living world is known as "biomagnification" or "biological magnification."

Learn more about Bio magnification at




What is the sequence of amino acids that will be translated from the mRNA


The process of mRNA translation is present in essentially all biological systems. Following the transcription of the genetic information from the DNA to the mRNA, the genetic codons are translated from mRNA to protein via ribosome translocation in this process.

What amino acids that will be translated from the mRNA?

The mRNA is then dragged into the ribosome, where it is translated into an amino acid sequence, utilizing the tRNAs as adaptors to add each amino acid. In the proper order to the end of the expanding polypeptide chain when its codons come into contact with the ribosome's active site.

Therefore, 3’ CGCTGATTTAAA 5’  is the sequence of amino acids that will be translated from the mRNA.

Learn more about mRNA here:



What does a molecular clock measure?



Instead of measuring seconds, minutes and hours, says Hedges, Penn State professor of biology, the molecular clock measures the number of changes, or mutations, which accumulate in the gene sequences of different species over time.


sometimes, distinguishing the type of interaction between species in not straightforward. remoras are fish that are often found attached to larger animals, such as sharks. the relationship between remoras and sharks is often described as a commensalism. although this suggests that sharks do not benefit from this relationship, remoras sometimes consume parasites on their skin. which of the statements below best supports the relationship being a commensalism? (3 points)


One species benefits while the other is unaffected, which is the best way to characterize a commensal symbiotic interaction between two species.

What does a commensalism relationship look like in practice?

Without suffering any serious effects from the bird, the tree offers the bird protection and refuge. The cattle egrets, which are birds, that eat the insects that the feeding cattle churn up are another classic example.

What adjective best captures the relationship between two species in a commensal symbiosis?

In commensalism, two species engage in a protracted relationship that is advantageous to one and neutral toward the other (+/0 interaction).

To know more about commensalism visit:-



Growth hormone and insulin are protein hormones that regulate carbohydrate metabolism by hepatocytes.


In addition to these two hormones, the hormones glucagon and adrenaline also play a role in carbohydrate metabolism.

What are carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates are nutrients that function as a source of energy for the body. This energy source is the main food for the brain. Carbohydrates are one of the macronutrients, namely nutrients that the body needs in large quantities and can produce energy because they contain calories. Besides carbohydrates, nutrients that are also classified as macronutrients are fat and protein.

Carbohydrates can be divided into two types, namely simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates. These two types of carbohydrates differ in their chemical structure.

Your question is incomplete, but most probably your full question was:

Growth hormone and insulin are protein hormones that regulate carbohydrate metabolism by hepatocytes. Apart from these two hormones, what other hormones affect carbohydrate metabolism?

Learn more about complex carbohydrates here :


how are carbohydrates usually produced in nature? how are carbohydrates usually produced in nature? they are made by decomposition of sugars. they are extracted from the ground by plant roots. they are made by the process of photosynthesis. they are generated in the decomposition of plants. none of the above


Answer: Answer below

Explanation: you are undergoing continuous chemical change witting your body from movement to movement.

what is the net gain of atp or atp equivalent molecules from a c12-saturated acyl-coa under aerobic condition?


The ATP equivalent molecules from a c12-saturated acyl-coa under aerobic condition are 12 molecules.

This generates a complete of eight acetyl-CoA molecules, 7 NADH molecules and seven FADH2 molecules. Since a unmarried acetyl-CoA molecule fed into the citric acid cycle generates three NADH molecules, 1 FADH2 and 1 GTP, we see that a complete of 24 NADH, eight FADH2 and 8 GTP are produced while all eight acetyl-CoA cross into the citric acid cycle. Each acetyl CoA enters into citric acid cycle and yields 3 NADH2 (nine ATP), 1 FADH2 (2 ATP) and 1 GTP (1 ATP).

Therefore, altogether 12 ATP molecules could be made out of every mole of acetyl-CoA. The fatty acid CH₃CH₂CH=CHCH₂CH=CH(CH₂)₄COOH has twelve carbon. Hence the range of acetyl-CoA molecules produced could be 6 after numerous rounds of beta-oxidation.

Read more about ATP:



if you inherit one dominant allele for dimples d and one recessive allele for no dimples what will be your genotype?


If you inherit one dominant allele for dimples d and one recessive allele for no dimples D , genotype will be Dd.

What is an allele?

The term "allele" was created to refer to a particular gene copy. Each copy (allele) of a gene, the DNA sequence that governs our features, is often found in two copies in eukaryotic genomes. A gene locus is a defined location on a chromosome that each allele resides in. The two alleles of the gene are shared by two homologous chromosomes, one received from each parent. Both dominant and recessive alleles are possible. Recessive allele effects are masked by the dominant allele (definition: the allele that is expressed) (definition: the allele that is not expressed).

Given, the presence of dimples is the dominant trait with genotype d. The recessive trait is absence of dimples with genotype D. Hence, the person who inherits both these alleles will be heterozygote will genotype dD and he will have dimples since it is the dominant trait and recessive trait will appear only is genotype is DD.

If you inherit one dominant allele for dimples d and one recessive allele for no dimples D , genotype will be Dd.

To know more about allele from the given link



in terms of evolution, what is the most important thing that an individual organism can do while alive?


Every living thing must be able to reproduce. All living things produce additional organisms that resemble them.

Life will produce more life, whether the creature is a bacteria, a tree, or a rabbit. A species will become extinct if it is unable to produce offspring.

Protoplasm is 80% water, making it the most vital component for all living things.

To survive, all living organisms require access to food, water, shelter, and air. Needs and wants are not the same thing. Students will be able to identify the four things that organisms need to survive.Like a tree, a plant absorbs nutrition through its leaves and roots. Nutrients are not ingested by nonliving things. Water and food are essential to life. They ingest nutrients, as we say in science.

Learn more about   " individual organism " to visit here;



this is a photograph of an iodine wet mount from a fecal specimen. the magnification is 400x and the ovum measures 70 x 40 um. what is the most correct identification of this parasite?


An iodine wet mount made from a fecal specimen. The ovum measures 70 x 40 um and is magnified 400 times. The best way to describe this parasite is as a hookworm.

When fixing ova and parasites to create permanently fecal specimen stained smears of stool samples, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) with the fixative mercuric chloride is regarded as the "gold standard." The fecal specimen term "fecal specimen" refers to a sample of a client's feces. The presence of blood, mucus, fat, microorganisms including bacteria and parasites, or other aberrant results can all be detected by analysis. The diagnosis of a variety of gastrointestinal disorders, including fecal specimen malignancies and ulcers, may benefit from the collection of a fecal specimen.

learn more about fecal specimen here:



the simple stretch reflex employs mechanoreceptors known as golgi tendon organs to detect the degree of stretch experienced by a muscle. t or f


The simple stretch reflex employs mechanoreceptors known as golgi tendon organs to detect the degree of stretch experienced by a muscle is true.

Tendon Golgi receptors, which are located inside a tendon close to its connection with a muscle, are the sensory receptors for this reflex. Tendon organs sense and react to changes in muscle tension brought on by muscular contraction, as opposed to passive stretching, which is detected and responded to by muscle spindles.The Golgi tendon reflex functions as a protective feedback system to regulate the tension of an active muscle by inducing relaxation before the tendon tension rises to a level that could harm it. The Golgi tendon organ's afferent neuron first fires into the central nervous system as a load is applied to the muscle. Second, muscle relaxes as a result of an IPSP inhibiting the motor neuron from the spinal cord.

To know more about tendon check the below link:



study of anatomical structures which can be seen by unaided vision, such as the structure of the major body systems


Gross Anatomy is the study of anatomical structures which can be seen by unaided vision, such as the structure of the major body systems.

What is Gross Anatomy?

The study of anatomy at the macroscopic or visible level is known as gross anatomy. Histology, which focuses on microscopic anatomy, is the field's equivalent to gross anatomy. In order to better understand how different parts of an organism interact with one another and with other parts of the organism, gross anatomy studies the human body as well as the bodies of other species. Gross anatomy can be studied on dead creatures through dissection or on live ones through medical imaging. For the majority of health practitioners, training includes instruction in human gross anatomy.

Click on the link to learn more about gross anatomy:



What process of mitosis is this?


Prophase is this process of mitosis
Prophase is the process

During transcription, dna is read by an enzyme called ____ and produces ____ ____, abbreviated mrna.


RNA polymerase, DNA, mRNA

genes that are found in different species and that evolved from the same gene in a common ancestor are called


Orthologs are genes that have maintained the same function over the duration of evolution in many species that diverged from a common ancestor gene through speciation.

The term "allele" is used to refer to a gene's alternate form or variants. For each autosomal gene, one allele is inherited from each parent, and we often group the alleles into categories. Usually, we refer to them as normal, wild-type, aberrant, or mutant alleles.

In a nutshell, orthologs are genes that are direct evolutionary equivalents of one another in many animals. Contrary to paralogs, which are genes within the same organism that evolved by gene duplication, orthologs were passed down through speciation [6, 3, 2].

Learn more about to gene visit here;



explain why the anterior oblique position id preferred over the posterior oblique position of certain projections? identify those projections


A central ray trajectory across a plane that is inclined to the transverse plane or coronal plane corresponds to an oblique projection.

Preoperative oblique-projection plain radiograph films are beneficial for evaluation of the pedicle size. The contralateral pedicle is shown as an oval projected onto the vertebral body in an oblique projection, revealing its outer and inner diameters. Axonometric projections are better for elliptical forms than oblique position, which is better for "mechanical" viewing but lacks perspective forshortening. Oblique position also facilitates size comparisons and shows some of the object's three-dimensional look.

To learn more about oblique position click here https://brainly.com/question/13086823


What would be the consequence of ectopically expressing Hoxd10 throughout the developing mouse limb bud?

A. converting the thumb into a middle finger.
B. converting the thumb into an index finger.
C. converting the index finger into a middle finger.
D. converting the index finger into a thumb.
E. converting the middle finger into an index finger.
F. converting the middle finger into a thumb.


The consequence of ectopically expressing HoxD10 throughout the developing mouse limb bud will be: (B) converting the thumb into an index finger.

HoxD10 is a protein that in encoded by the HoxD10 gene. The gene is located on the chromosome number 2. It is actively present in the developing limb buds where it helps in specification and differentiation. The protein is actually a sequence specific transcription factor.

Limb bud is a small projection formed during the early phase of limb development. It specifies the region from where the limb will develop. The bud is the result of interaction between the ectoderm and the mesoderm.

To know more about limb bud, here



hydrangeas are flowering plants with large, showy blooms. when the plant is grown in alkaline soil, the flowers are pink. when the plant is grown in acidic soil, the flowers turn blue. this change is phenotype is an example of


 This change is phenotype is an example of Environmental influence .

There is speculation that environmental factors can affect behavior both directly and indirectly. The indirect causal mechanism illustrates how cognitions that are particular to a behavior play a mediating role in the effect of the environment on behavior.

Chemical pollution, air pollution, climate change, pathogenic bacteria, lack of access to healthcare, inadequate infrastructure, and poor water quality are some of these problems.

Environmental factors include temperature, food, pollutants, population density, sound, light, and parasites.

What is a phenotype example?

Phenotype refers to an individual's observable traits, such as height, eye color and blood type. A person's phenotype is determined by both their genomic makeup (genotype) and environmental factors.

Learn more about Environmental influence to visit this link



Full Question: Hydrangeas are flowering plants with large, showy blooms. When the plant is grown in alkaline soil, the flowers are pink. When the plant is grown in acidic soil, the flowers turn blue. This change is phenotype is an example of

A) codominance.

B) incomplete dominance.

C) environmental influence.

D) polygenic inheritance.

E) epistatic interaction.

What membranes of the maculae sacculi and utriculi are important in sensing gravity and motion?


Vestibule is a place of the internal ear which includes the saccule and the utricle, every of which include a macula to locate linear acceleration.

Its feature is to locate vertical linear acceleration. The macula of saccule lies in a almost vertical position. The otolithic membrane is a fibrous shape positioned withinside the vestibular device of the internal ear. It performs a crucial function withinside the brain's interpretation of equilibrium.

The membrane serves to decide if the frame or the top is tilted, further to thelinear acceleration of the frame.utricle and saccule are the 2 otolith organs withinside the vertebrate internal ear. They are a part of the balancing device (membranous labyrinth) withinside the vestibule of the bony labyrinth (small oval chamber). They use small stones and a viscous fluid to stimulate hair cells to locate movement and orientation.

Read more about membranes;



as of 2000, according to the international committee on the taxonomy of viruses, how are viruses classified?


Viruses are categorized as having genetic information, a physical structure, and chemical makeup as of the year 2000, according to the international committee on the taxonomy of viruses.

The virus Is an infectious microorganism made up of a protein sheath surrounding a piece of nucleic acid (either DNA or RNA). A virus has to infect cells in order to use the components of the host cell to manufacture copies of itself because it is unable to reproduce on its own. The majority of the time, a virus damages the host organism by killing the host cell. AIDS, COVID-19, measles, and smallpox are well-known examples of viruses that cause human disease. A virus’ primary goal is to transmit its genome to the host cell so that the host cell can express it (via transcription and translation). A virion is an infectious virus that has been fully formed.

The right response Is, therefore, option D.

The complete question is:-

As of 2000, according to the International Committee on the Taxonomy of Viruses, how are viruses classified?

Genetic information only

Structure only

Chemical composition and structure

Genetic information, structure, and chemical composition

Genetic information, structure, host, and diseases caused

To learn more about the International committee on the taxonomy of viruses, refer:-



how to make a zombie virus​


study chronic wasting disease and do test on humans


It is not possible to create a real-life zombie virus. The concept of a "zombie virus" is a popular theme in fiction, but it has no basis in reality. Viruses are biological agents that can cause illness in living organisms, but they do not have the ability to reanimate dead tissue or create zombies. Furthermore, it is unethical and illegal to create or spread diseases with the intent of causing harm to others. I strongly advise against trying to create any kind of virus or other biological agent.

which part of the basilar membrane responds to high frequency sounds and why? choose the correct option.


The part of the basilar membrane responds to high frequency sounds is the base .

What is the basilar membrane?

The scala media and the scala tympani, two liquid-filled tubes that go through the coil of the cochlea, are divided by the basilar membrane, a stiff structural component inside the cochlea of the inner ear. When sound waves enter the basilar membrane, they become traveling waves on the membrane, which cause the basilar membrane to rise and fall in response.

Due to the fact that low frequencies induce maximum membrane displacement at the apical end and high frequencies generate maximal membrane displacement close to the base of the cochlea (near the stapes). The wave must travel more to reach the peak if the sound constantly goes from base to apex.

Therefore the part of the basilar membrane responds to high frequency sounds is the base .

To know more about basilar membrane from the given link



the generation time of escherichia coli in the human intestine is in laboratory culture. a. about the same as b. faster than c. slower than


In comparison to laboratory culture, Escherichia coli in the human intestine grows more slowly.

The Organism: A particular A Shiga toxin is produced by the aerobic bacteria Escherichia coli serotype O157:H7. At refrigerator temperatures, the bacteria proliferate gradually.

As a gut bacterium, E. coli thrives best at body temperature, or 37.4 oC. In the lab, this temperature is simple for researchers to operate with. One round of genome replication in E. coli takes about 40 min to complete, and it must be finished at least 20 min before cell division. In order to multiply so quickly, bacteria carry out several replication cycles concurrently. Therefore, if the division time is only 20 minutes , E

Learn more about " Escherichia coli " bto visit here;



An original section of dna has the base sequence agcgttaccgt. a mutation in this dna strand results in the base sequence aggcgttaccgt. what type of mutation does this change represent?


This change represents frameshift mutation.

An exchange inside the regular DNA collection at a specific gene locus. despite the fact that the time period often has a poor connotation, mutations (such as polymorphisms) may be harmful, beneficial, or neutral in their impact on mobile characteristics.

A mutation is an exchange that happens in our DNA collection, both because of mistakes when the DNA is copied or as the end result of environmental factors including UV mild and cigarette smoke.

Mutations can affect an organism by using changing its physical characteristics (or phenotype) or they may affect the manner DNA codes the genetic statistics (genotype).

Learn more about Mutation here:-https://brainly.com/question/17031191


how could dna extracted in these procedures be amplified for further analysis in a biomolecular laboratory. explain the polymerase chain reaction in your answer.


The copying process, known as polymerase chain reaction (PCR), uses an enzyme (polymerase) to replicate DNA regions in a test tube. By repeating the copying process, a small number of DNA molecules can be reliably increased up to billions within several hours.

When Dr. Kary Mullis found that DNA could be replicated in a lab much like it is in the natural world, DNA testing advanced substantially.

An enzyme (polymerase) is used in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), a copying procedure, to replicate DNA sections in a test tube. A modest amount of DNA molecules can be reliably multiplied by billions in a matter of hours by repeating the copying process. A biological sample the size of a quarter is needed for RFLP analysis, while millions of copies of the DNA found in a few skin cells can be produced using PCR. The laboratory may be able to evaluate DNA evidence that has been severely damaged because PCR analysis only needs a tiny amount of DNA. While identifying, gathering, and preserving DNA evidence, more consideration must be given to contamination issues because the sensitive PCR technology replicates all DNA present in an evidence sample. Heat is applied at the beginning of the procedure to separate the DNA strands from the initial double-stranded DNA molecule, creating templates for each stand.

The complementary strand is subsequently created by the Taq DNA polymerase using nucleotides after primers have been added to the template strand. Since Taq polymerase can endure high temperatures, it is specially used. An extension is a procedure by which additional nucleotides are added, whereas annealing is the procedure by which primers are joined to the DNA strands.

To learn more about polymerase chain reaction please click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/28502368


explain how edge effects, selective pressures, and overall fitness affect the survival of organisms living in fragmented habitats.


Edge effects are caused by a sudden change in the natural habitats of two nearby ecosystems that are quite different from one another.

Due to fragmentation that affects wellbeing, some traits have developed. Physical or behavioral characteristics that were beneficial earlier may no longer be so when a habitat is fragmented. The most important characteristic for most species to promote survival is the capacity of animals to disperse, or migrate to various habitat regions. Most of us reside in an environment that is continuously changing. Wildlife is not an exception. These modifications may take place suddenly, as in the case of a forest fire, or gradually, as in the case of global warming. Some modifications are made by humans while others are a result of natural evolution (anthropogenic).

To know more about ecosystems please click on the link brainly.com/question/1673533


What Is the Carbon Cycle? Photosynthesis, Decomposition, Respiration and Combustion


In the carbon cycle, carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere by plants through photosynthesis and added to the atmosphere by animals and plants during cellular respiration. Burning fossil fuels increases the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere, which causes global warming. Option (a) is correct.

Thus, carbon can be found in a variety of substances, including coal and the hydrocarbons glucose and carbon dioxide. But today, we'll focus on the short-term carbon cycle, in which carbon simply circulates through the environment over a few days, weeks, or years. Photosynthesis: Process of photosynthesis, using photosynthesis, plants remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Despite making up less than 1% of the atmosphere, carbon dioxide has a significant impact on life.

Nutrient Cycle: Decomposition of Plants can develop primarily by utilizing carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight. Animals then use food as fuel, exhaling CO2 and using oxygen. Alternately, they rot, deteriorate, and die again over the course of millions of years. In other words, through a process called respiration, plants use solar energy to break down the same carbon dioxide in the air. It converts that same carbon into plant material through photosynthesis, which then releases oxygen once more.  Combustion, is the energy produced by burning fossil fuels is used by our automobiles. Carbon, like carbon dioxide, is a pollutant. Fossil fuels are extracted, and then they are burned to release energy. But carbon dioxide is returned to the atmosphere as a byproduct of burning.

Learn more about Carbon Cycle visit: brainly.com/question/2272536


Correct Question:

What Is the main function of Carbon Cycle?

a. Photosynthesis

b. Decomposition

c. Respiration  

d. Combustion

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